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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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melamach b6 will help. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. see this week in the collaborators program. a living traitor, as the rashists protect the main seller of new tiles. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today , she motivated our youth with a personal example. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on espresso tv channel on tuesday, january 9 at 5:45 p.m. big broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and
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sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpol. well, we inform you about an extremely interesting trend, in particular it is about the public opinion of our compatriots, somewhere... about a third of ukrainians believe that the single telethon is currently irrelevant. well, this is where we will start our conversation with victoria oliynyk, the parliamentary analyst of the chesno movement. glory to ukraine, mrs. victoria, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well? a third of ukrainians, this is so , at least, believe that the telethon, so to speak, does not provide them with the necessary information, or the narratives are not too warm, or maybe they are already in...
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tired of being in a certain information bubble and need some such maybe more honest or balanced or some other information, well, accordingly, let 's start our conversation with this, and the movement honestly decided to investigate the situation with the telethon, because we understand that there are many different issues, different topics, we decided to find out what this is what ukrainians think, and as we understand, ukrainians in their general population understand that the relevance of the telethon... has already been lost, and therefore it makes sense to look for new formats, well, on the other hand, it makes sense to review the amount of funds that the state allocates for financing this telethon. now we see regional differences in the topic of the telethon, whether it is needed, not needed, whether it is relevant. here we can see that there is no significant difference by region, that is, the opinion of ukrainians was the same throughout the territory of ukraine, taking into account the margin of error, which is two 2.3%. these indicators are not very
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significantly different. ok, ms. victoria, look, i also know that jointly, together, the democratic initiatives fund and the razumkov center , actually, at the request of the honest movement, conducted another poll, quite interesting, which concerns the work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. and more than 57% of citizens are in favor of resuming online broadcasts, meetings of parliamentarians on the tv channel of the council, which is now. is also included in the telethon, and 65% believe that journalists should be present at the meetings of the parliament, even though the country is under martial law. i would like your comment about such survey results and what do you think is the reason for such results? in general, ukrainians demonstrate a total demand for the renewal of the openness of the work of the authorities, because we see a huge pile of scandals behind closed doors, and of course ukrainians would like this whole... work of our government to become more open.
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first of all, this concerns the return of journalists to the sidelines, so that at least the most important, open stage of the work, namely the adoption of laws, could be seen immediately, and not, for example, to look for some videos on tiktok from these or other deputies, who currently broadcast such a broadcast anyway lead regarding the rada tv channel, there is also an interesting trend, because as we see, the telethon is losing relevance, but you can find out information online without any more than half of ukrainians, half of ukrainians in general, would like to have cutouts, that is, it was a representative study, and it reflects the opinion of the citizens of all of ukraine. therefore, we understand that the request for openness, the request for the preservation of democratic gains of ukraine before the start of a full-scale invasion is colossal, and people express it in polls, so it is important that the authorities take this into account and continue to work precisely in the direction of increasing openness, possibly reformatting the telethon unequivocal
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the return of journalists to the verkhovna rada and the resumption of broadcasting on the rada tv channel, so that all parties and factions have the same representation, and not selective representation. dear ms. victoria, dear. well, we understand , in fact, this is not even about telethons, not even about the admission or not of journalists to the verkhovna rada, but about changing the attitude towards information policy and in general, well, bringing it to some kind of, i don’t know, new principled state, i don’t know , whether it is only about openness, or whether it is about avoiding one or the other, i do not know the fake ones things that are regularly there, well, at one time, that's how ukrainians still remember them, and so on and so forth, that's what you see now. an action by those who can make decisions in information policy, yes, well, because two years ago we understand, yes, that they threw out, deprived of de facto terrestrial broadcasting, three channels that were not liked by those who made the relevant decisions, well, accordingly, a new situation is brewing, accordingly, what do you think, how
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will they react and in what way will they try to change what is called information agenda, there is definitely a need to reformat such a story. because we recently changed the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech, previously it was mr. shufrych, we had no communication with him at all, it is clear that there would be no way to communicate with him. at the moment, we are talking with the new chairman, and he notes that it is definitely necessary to revise the format and, in general, the approach to information policy, and we understand that it is not only about allowing these tv channels, which already in the telethon to speak separately. it is about the fact that it is necessary to review everything that was accepted from the beginning. a full-scale invasion, and also the return of journalists to the council, because this will allow giving more relevant and interesting information not only to those tv channels to whom such information is provided, but in general to those who have a need and desire to do more, to inform more and to be included in the process of working with the public
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is more, so we hope that this information is now prepared in the report and will be to be sent for review to representatives of interested parties and those who have... in the format of a telethon, and let's hope that this will help both you and us to be more open and to reform the information policy. what about the return of three channels? well, we understand that the format of the marathon needs to be changed, something needs to be done so that ukrainians can somehow take away the telegram of anonymous telegram channels and so on. and how, what about the channels that, for example, do not follow this policy implemented by the telethon, well and accordingly it is about the direct, fifth, well... esso , can the movement honestly somehow interact with the head of the committee
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? so to speak, it runs around its sites, well, because there are those three channels, including the espresso tv channel, well, we don't conduct any, i don't know, anti any policy, that is, everything is fine within the limits. reason and information transparency, well, even more so in we work live. we see the request of ukrainians to completely change the form and to work more openly in the future. what if we talk about the fact that a number of tv channels were taken off the air, this is also a kind of restriction that needs to be reviewed and generally understood, how appropriate they are and whether it should be continued and at what point such stories should be stopped? in a conversation with the head of the committee on issues. of freedom of speech by mr. yurchyshyn, he noted that any censorship is a defeat, so we understand that any censorship and in the context you are talking about is a certain informational defeat, because we are in favor of all this being open and a certain plurality of opinions, so we will definitely communicate, first of all, until the return
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to the format that in we were there before, and secondly, before these possible elements of censorship are abolished completely, because openness is a global concept, it does not apply only to one and... tv channel, rada, or public, or someone else , it is about the market being open, of course, with security controls, controls and restrictions, but we definitely say that openness should be total. thank you, victoria olinnyk, the parliamentary analyst of the chesno movement was in touch with us , and actually we talked about such a difficult situation in the information space of our country, taking into account the monopolization of the television space, taking into account the... marathon, which clearly needs changes, and ukrainians demand them, and it is important that there is a request from ukrainian society, accordingly, the authorities cannot ignore it, and let's hope that already in the near future, certain movements in this direction will begin. and now we will go for a short break, after that we will return to our
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espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians from disability but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome! friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real. friends together we support each other, share useful things information and learn new things. together, we
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grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me. another german defense company is building a service center in ukraine. this was reported by a member of the bundestag. earlier, another german defense company, guin metal, announced its intention to build its own industrial facilities in ukraine. well, that's very good, marcus faber reported. well, we inform about all the most important things. well, i also remember when, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the ukrainians watched with admiration, with... the reason for kyiv, the image that everyone was talking about, how he was trying to fight
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russian air targets, well, actually we are talking about one of those ace pilots who were among those pilots who created this image of the ghost of kyiv. he shot down more than 40 enemy planes and became legendary not only in ukraine, but throughout the world. privet kyiv pilot az, who at the beginning of the large-scale russian invasion christened the 29th annual major stepan tarabalka, but later it became known that the ghost of kyiv is a collective image and personifies all the pilots of the brigade in which mr. stepan tarabalka served. on march 13, 22, during an aerial battle with the overwhelming forces of the russian invaders, the aviator went to the sky, and today he could have turned 31 years old. let's take a look at the history of the legendary pilot. stepan tarabalka, originally from kolomytsky district, ivan... frankiv region. there was no military in his family, but stepan dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood.
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at the age of 13, he entered the carpathian military sports lyceum, and later the flight military college of the kharkiv ivan kozhidub national air force university, which he successfully graduated in 2014. rank by rank, post by post, participation in training, flight shifts, improvement of piloting skills, combat rotations. such was the life of an aviator. major tarabalka flew the mig-29. on the first day of the full-scale invasion, he was on a combat mission. according to the stories of his brothers, he knocked down a lot. enemy planes that bombed peaceful ukrainian cities. attacking the enemy in the air, he saved people's lives on the ground. he was a top-class pilot, he was very responsible for combat duty. he himself was sitting in a combat plane and waiting for departure. he skillfully controlled the plane in the air, he was very responsible for his work. he who rose once into the air will spend
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his whole life there. it's such an addiction, you want to fly all the time. when you fly for a long time, it hurts, drags you to the sky. only stepan was called the cause of kyiv. you have to be very brave man to go against two or three enemy planes. stepan tarabalka was posthumously awarded the title hero of ukraine with the order of the golden star. he is survived by his parents, wife and son. in memory of stepan, the family opened a center for medical and psychological care and rehabilitation, the warmth of a winged soul in the village of tsenyava, which... in the ivano-frankivsk region. thanks to colleagues for this story. thank you for the memory. well, we are now adding to our marathon a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, a teacher of the skovoroda khnpu, halyna kut. glory to ukraine. dear ms. galina, i am happy for you see. glory to heroes. well, our ministry of education is starting a major
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reorganization. well, sometimes there is information that they don't ask the representatives of those. of these or other higher educational institutions, well, in particular , we are talking about the merger of these or other universities, well , in kharkiv they are planning to merge two universities into ministries, to join skovoroda kharkiv national university to karazin kharkiv national university, and they wanted you immediately as a representative of the pedagogical corps of the skovorda national technical university and ask about the situation, so i am a professor at... at the department of political science , sociology, and cultural studies, i will say right away that this information shocked the entire skovorodeniv community, all students, teachers, because we have somehow adapted to operate in the conditions of the front area, our teachers have acquired new skills, new skills that are not present in teachers
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from other territories, we know how to work with students who are under occupation, we... calmly postpone the defense of diplomas to sunday evening, because we know that kharkiv will not be bombed at this time, because the rashists are either drinking or sleeping at this time. how adaptable we are and we do everything quickly, we have learned to live in a military territory, and we understand that in this territory education must change, we are changing, but to us, you know, they present templates of a supposedly peaceful territory, when it is simply supposed to strengthen the institution and to unite with another, i will tell you that all the universities in kharkiv are suffering now, all the universities are now over the abyss, and when a person is over the abyss, you need to help lend a hand, because some kind of subterfuge from above, it can drown everyone, and this moment seems strange, that impressive in person me, because i also manage the commission on issues of science, education and
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spirituality in the regional council, i am struck by the fact that this situation affects everyone at the same time. levels, it is also carried out in our region at the regional level, when education officials suddenly apply such simple decisions and, for example, decide to close kindergartens there, what was the situation before the new year, kindergartens for visually impaired children, for children with hearing impairments, with disabilities broadcasting, and let the communities deal with those children, and this situation is identical, there are no funds, let's unite, let's pour it, let's strengthen it, as it were. and where do people go, that is, when they pour, you understand, two glasses, you understand, into one layer, well, it is necessary that either the layer is so diverse, of equal scale, or something does not fit, well, and accordingly, as far as we understand, it is also about the possibility of reducing those people who, so to speak, will be
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attached to someone there, how will it all be, well, the fact is that we already have a sad experience when four universities. years ago they united and laid off a lot of people, but now teachers in such a situation of uncertainty , that you know, there was such a last last iceberg that has not yet melted, and someone was holding on to it, and now look at what the situation is, that is, it is on different levels of simple solutions, let's legally unite, but in reality there should be an approach to this territory, kharkiv is a very unique territory and it scares me personally that now for some reason... the goals of the rashists and the goals of education officials coincide, when educational institutions are destroyed, the rashists in our country are constantly bombing universities, schools, kindergartens, and the officials from... education somehow want to supposedly optimize, in reality it turns out that something has to be destroyed, and it turns out that kharkiv oblast is waiting for depopulation, because there are no children, there are no young people, there is no future, but even
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worse, what turns out is that no one counts on the future of funds, now they say, we will save, but now look what will happen next, the children will still remain, but in 10 years we will have to send large funds to build prisons, strengthen law enforcement officers, so that all military personnel will be caught. well, we know it's pretty popular, and there are two competing education systems and plus payment systems. as far as i understand, it is not much more expensive in poland than here in ukraine. that is, if there is a problem to enroll in ukraine, where will they enroll? abroad. mr. antin, not everyone will come out. the situation with the schools showed that kharkiv found a new way out of the situation of education in the military territory, the school metro station, there is a very big competition of children, and these are children who are already growing up in a military city, they
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know how to behave here, yes, we are a military city, but military people also have children, and they want families to be next to them, why not find a way out for universities for now, to create some joint hubs like a metro school, because this project has proven to be very successful, for example, science. a hub where students from different universities work in turn, a medical hub, there is an art hub for musicians, a hub, that is , you can go according to this principle for now, because this principle works, but if successful universities start merging now, then eventually the personnel potential will disappear, and see what else impresses, what turns out, what people, teachers... who were in the occupied territories, they are treated better than those who remained here, because the occupied territories were created for them by displaced universities, and their personnel potential
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survives, here let's take it easy for now, and then we'll see, but we have to wait, look closely at the territory, the territory is unique, first of all, it is the only one in ukraine, it has a border with the aggressor state, it has a front and it has occupied territories, such... in one, and here we somehow survive and have learned to live, and we have students , we have graduate students, and it is possible to work in the direction of military education in all areas, that is, there are such opportunities, that is, at the moment this area is not certain, we simply all the teachers of all universities do not understand why we should not wait a little and not show an individual genoese approach to our territory, but we asked in general in those universities , ms. galina, well, they held... some conversations, for example, with the leadership of two universities that are planned to be merged, not two, three, there are three, there is another university there, well
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, conversations were held, were you put in front of as a matter of fact, did they propose any model, before the new year, as far as i understand, it was held at the management level, then we had a meeting of the labor team at skovorodinovsky university, where everyone... unanimously decided that we are still a university with a powerful brand, skovorodinovsky university. we have our own traditions, our own history, and in fact, we have always had such complementary relations with the karasian university, i would say, there were permanent scientific schools, we exchanged experience, now we are merging two universities that and they are suffering like this, and karazinsky is suffering from shelling, and ours is suffering from shelling, and the third university that i want... to merge into the engineering and pedagogical one is also suffering, besides, four universities are being merged into the transport university, that is, into all this is happening to us at the same time, and
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again at different levels, i am leading to the fact that there should be an individual approach and for the time being leave this territory as it is, because all the same there will be other new technologies, educational and give them blossom, let those... initiatives manifest themselves for the time being, take your time with us, this moment is very important, and i will also tell you such an important moment that before skovorodyn university, this university was always distinguished in kharkiv by its ukrainian-centricity, well, that's how teachers were always trained quite powerful, and even i remember, once there was a vysyvanka march, the vysyvanka march is always organized in kharkiv by the public organization education, i remember... how a column headed by the rector, with teachers, and students passed only from skovorodiniv university , all in vyshyvankah, that is, such a public organization organized, and this university
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passed with... it was famous, well, it is good that teachers are trained in this way, that is, there is actually such a moment here, i want to remember the history of decentralization in spain, when they said that it would never happen a successful merger of territories, if one tracing paper is used for all, if a single coffee is used for all, if coffee is used for each of... the specifics of conditions, culture, traditions, then everyone will prosper, well , this point must be taken into account, ms. halyna, i have this is a question for you, well, we understand, what is it really about, well, you have already talked a lot about the fact that there should be an individual approach, and kharkiv region is special in that it is a militarized zone, and it has somehow gotten used to the fact that these years, almost two years of full-scale war to live and study in such conditions, and
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here i want to ask you, and how? in general , regarding the number of state orders, in particular at your university and the number of contract employees, because we understand that, well, it probably also matters, how much the state is generally interested in the university, as a matter of fact forges of personnel that are needed for our state, if we speak at least in proportions, then what are they? i can't tell you right now, i'm not a member of the admissions committee, i'm a university professor, but i'm a guarantor. post-graduate studies pag phd pag majoring in political science , then i can say according to the parish where i teach graduate students and what i do, we are admissions, well, i was the head of the admissions committee, we have more contract employees than budget employees, among students, masters somewhere half for half, i.e. here and there, i.e. it happens in different ways, it depends on the specialty, for example, in psychology
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, are there very high enrollments in our faculty, what i am leading this to, i want to understand whether in fact, well, we understand that universities in ukraine have a certain autonomy , and they cover their needs in many ways , in theory they have autonomy, here is the question, do they have automobs, which, relatively speaking, if there are a lot of people willing to study on a contract at the university, then why should this university somehow reformat its work, if it has the opportunity to provide some of its own financial resources expenses due to the fact that he has contractors in training. that's what i'm getting at, well, we have a high budget order for psychologists there, and the recruitment there is quite strong, so in principle there are now so-called vouchers and they are in very high demand for psychologists, because again, we arizona psychological rehabilitation is a very sought-after profession, and if i understand correctly, there are enough contract workers for the university to cover some key
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expenses. cover at own expense and be essentially autonomous not only in plan management, but also in terms of managing some financial expenses. well, look, in fact, in our country, first of all, iskander destroyed the biggest competition of the university last year, and this is a problem. but this is not the only university, all 23 universities in kharkiv were hit by shelling, that is, there are problems, of course. at the same time, we are not the worst university, we are one of the... stronger universities in kharkiv, and this must also be understood. we thank you. halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, teacher of the kharkiv national university skovoroda university. she was in touch with us and they actually talked about the unification of two universities of the three universities that galina kuts spoke about. and today , antin and i are already starting to go to the end a little bit, because we are already quickly going to the end, which is literally a couple of seconds with you, after that
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we will move on to something else. format, more precisely, not us , well, our information and analytical slot, and colleagues are already warming up, yes, well, tomorrow we will see each other in the same studio in the same format, so be with espresso and see you already tomorrow in ukraine, at 5 p.m., a news release on the espresso tv channel comes to your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. residential quarters of kherson under hostile fire of the occupiers. as a result of shelling , apartment buildings were damaged, windows were broken and walls were damaged. the russians also kissed the hospital. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin.


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