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tv   [untitled]    January 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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kravchuk and andriy osachuk, people's deputies of ukraine, so don't switch, we'll meet in 15 minutes. france has a new prime minister, what is known about him and will the change of the head of the government affect support for ukraine? let's analyze together in today's issue of bbc ukraine. i am olga palomaryuk. the youngest manager. in the history of modern france, after the resignation of elizabeth bourne, gabriel athal became the new prime minister. the western press is already predicting a rapid political future for him and even a possible position as the president of france. in recent weeks, rumors about a possible the resignation of the prime minister in france began to appear very often. society demanded a change in leadership. of elizabeth bourne's government. she
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was criticized for unsatisfactory work. this is also the unpopular pension reform that caused mass protests in ukraine and the scandalous bill on immigration. against the background of increasingly frequent conversations about the need for a new face, bourne resigned the day before, today emmanuel macron appointed a new prime minister. so, who is he and why the changes of the head of the government have already caused a stir in the world media, gabriel atal, the youngest prime minister in recent history. minister of france, he is only 34. last july, atal became the minister of education and immediately began to gain popularity among the french. before that, he worked in the ministry of economy, and even before that, for two years he was the spokesperson of the french government. atal is also an open homosexual. he has been in a relationship with french politician stephane sejournay for over six years. and here's what the new prime minister said about his appointment today. i
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think that the heart of our country - the creators of the greatness and strength of the french people, are women, men, families who get up every morning to go to work, who fund our public services and social model with their work. these are the french, who sometimes despair, but do not give up hope and deep down, are in love with their country. we know france will never rhyme with decline. to the challenges ahead. there are many new prime ministers, will atal be able to calm the discontent of the french? the paris correspondent of the bbc, hughes caufield, shared his thoughts on personnel changes in the french political system. one more week so it would come as a surprise, but every day it becomes more and more clear that it must be gabriel attal, as other candidates close to macron seem to have dropped out of the race one by one and...
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still, it's very interesting appointment, firstly , because atal is very young, and the fact that he is gay, although it makes no difference at all, is also interesting, and above all, i think it is interesting that his character type and experience are similar to macron himself . i mean, this is a very young man who, like himself macron wants to break the codes of french politics, to do things differently. he admired this vision of macron. that in 2016-17, and since then, atal has remained his loyal supporter in the parliament, where he became a newly elected deputy. he was said to be a loyal soldier who staunchly defended macron during his first and second terms. and even his opponents admit that he handled it brilliantly, but the question arises, is this enough? critics say, "well, great, but does it really matter?", except... that it's a very beautiful, bright
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personality, but what are his politics? and this question remains open and extremely important, especially at this time when french politics is gaining momentum. in connection with the european elections, which will take place in a few months and will probably lead to a great victory of the right-wing radical forces of marine le pen. in addition, the olympics will be held in paris, so these are challenges and it will not be enough to just have a charming and convincing manner of speaking. political action will be required. in france, there is a dual political system, where the executive power belongs to the president and government of course, there are disagreements between them from time to time, but it is the president who decides and orders the prime minister what to do. but it is not entirely clear what macron expects from attal. there have been many criticisms of macron's second term, who, they say, has lost his sense of purpose, his initial positivism, but you have to wait a little to find out
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what exactly macron wants from the new prime minister. in any case, they certainly want to move forward from last year's miscalculations. last year. there were ongoing problems for elizabeth bourne, the previous prime minister, who left her post. it has been very difficult for her to pass legislation in parliament, where the government does not have a majority, and this will also be a big problem for the new head of government as he tries to implement his policies. well, here's what about the new french prime minister, says sophie peder, head of the paris bureau of the economist magazine. if some three months ago someone said that the next. nobody would believe that gabriel atal will become the prime minister. one could speculate that this is an appointment with a potential eye on the presidency in the future, but he is only 34. however, this indicates the rejuvenation of french politics, because if you add the age of macron, who is now 46, and the age
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of atal, who is 34, the total will be 80, which is less than the age of biden. this shows how much french politics has changed over the past ten years. so yes, there's an element of surprise here, but on the other hand, it's well known. there is no one in france who does not know him, because as minister of education, he has somehow touched the life of everyone who has a child of school age or has recently been to school. therefore, this appointment is welcomed. a familiar face, he was elected to the parliament, he was in the government, he accomplished a lot in a very, very short career, and now many people are waiting to see... what he will do with the post of prime minister. he is very similar to emmanuel macron himself. joined the macron movement from the very beginning, created, if you remember, in 2016. as ansh forward. the idea was to find
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a balance between left and right political forces. and macron precisely represented these forces, because before that he was a minister in the government. socialists, just like attal. he was adviser to the socialist minister 10 years ago. he represented at that time a very moderate wing of the socialist party, but in the government he moved to more right-wing positions. let's say he has to ban muslim headscarves in educational institutions. this was well received by supporters of the right and those who believe that school should be separated from religion. so the new prime minister is a political macronist. heir to his patron, he will be loyal to president macron, because i don't think the president would have appointed him otherwise, and the fact that his sexual orientation was not even discussed in society, shows that france is now a much more tolerant modern society, and such things
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are not even discussed. well, what this appointment will mean for ukraine and kyiv's support from official paris, we are talking about this with our own correspondent. ukrainian week by alla lazareva, mrs. alla, good evening, here's what ukrainians should know about the new prime minister, here's what he said about russian aggression? good evening, well, since he was for some time the spokesman of the french government, he did not express his own position, but of the government that the responsibility for the aggression lies entirely with russia. that is, this whole discourse, which was also used by president macron. in principle, it is important to know that in the french republic, foreign policy is determined by the president, and therefore the change of the prime minister, by and large, will not
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determine much, but it will be important to immediately understand by whom, who will be elected, who will be appointed, more precisely , to the position of minister of foreign affairs. affairs, the minister of defense, these people may have more influence less on how actively france will help ukraine, well, if the same people remain, then i think that we can count on a friendly position, again on the supply of scalps, but by and large , again, foreign policy according to the constitution is determined by the president , and we know macron's position, he sometimes... sometimes hesitates, sometimes says very extravagant things about not insulting putin, but in general he supports ukraine and supports the need to provide armed support to ukraine. yes, ma'am
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hello, you rightly noted that france is a partner and ally of ukraine, and in your opinion, should we expect that with the new prime minister, yes, support for ukraine will change. well, i think, not so much with the new prime minister, but with the new context, because the increased shelling from russia, they are mobilizing the european union as one of ukraine's leading partners. and it is obvious that france expresses an opinion at the official level about the need to support ukraine more, about the need to speed up arms deliveries, that is, in this whether it was this prime minister or another, one way or another, i think france is obliged by the situation, in its own interests, in the interests of preserving security, peace, and peace on the european continent, to support kyiv as much as possible today. yes , well, you know, while preparing for today's program, i read such information that the western press is already
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predicting a great political future for atal, even the post of president, but it is interesting that in france itself they say this, they say that he is a possible successor to macron, at least in the eyes macron, he may well be his deputy, and this person is quite popular, he, by the way, on his mother's side, he has ancestors from... odessa, his mother is from the white emigration, dvoryanskaya, but it is known that he was brought up in the orthodox traditions , that he knows the canons of the orthodox faith, and he is not a practicing believer, but nevertheless, he is not a person who, for whom, let's say, eastern europe is something completely unknown, unfamiliar, of course, which is in connection with this certain apprehensions that... perhaps he must keep certain or have some
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certain people in the circle of acquaintances, some russian-centric persons, probably, but for now , at least, when i was preparing for this program, i watched, i did not see any of his statements where he somehow softened the position of the french government in relation to the russian one. armed intervention or somehow called for a more careful attitude there to russian ambitions there or some hypothetical images of russia on nato to the west, that is, no one heard such a thing from him, at least in public discourse. well, let's hope that these odessa roots somehow tell him, so that he would protect the hometown of his ancestors more. so my dears, and
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hello ladies, i still have time to ask you, what is being said in france these days about russia's war against ukraine, do you see signs of war fatigue? you know, tiredness, i wouldn't say tiredness, but it is clear that there are much less materials on television, in the print media about the war in ukraine, it is clear that... if there were more materials recently about what is necessary, somehow to speed up any possible negotiations there, i.e. this is such a discourse that ukraine may not win this war, and there are, let's say, experts who used to be silent, who have obvious pro-russian sympathies, but were not invited on the air, now they appear, that is, the content has changed ... these last ones several months, when there are no
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major changes on the front line, contributed to the fact that certain lobbyist pro-russian circles raised their heads and were heard much better, but if you look at sociological studies, then the support for ukraine at the level of the population of ordinary ordinary french people remains unchanged, it is about 68, it seems to be percent, the last time i saw it, well, somewhere at this level, that is, quite a lot. well, that's all for today, look for more stories on our website, as always on our social media pages, we 'll be back on the air tomorrow at 9 p.m., good luck and take care.
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greetings, friends, live on tv channel about. the verdict program continues, my name is serhii rudenko, in the second part of our program, see: prospects for strengthening popular mobilization. deputies discuss government bill and register alternative ones. the scandal with the hrynkevichs is gaining momentum. the ministry of defense terminated contracts with a dubious supplier. who robs the armed forces? the only news needs to change. ukrainian tv channels are looking for new formats for the telethon. friends, we work
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live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now. watch us there live , please vote in our poll, today we ask about this, does ukraine need a new holiday, a day of thanksgiving to god, yes, no please vote if yes 0800 211 381 no 0800-211-382 these are the phones for those who are watching us on tv now all calls to these numbers are free call us at the end of the program we will pick up the results of this vote, for those who are currently watching us on youtube. choose the option either yes or no, or write your comment below this video, so that we understand your position on this holiday, the holiday of thanksgiving to god, which the committee on humanitarian and information policy of the verkhovna rada recommends to the parliament to establish at the end september, on the last sunday of september, i want
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to introduce the guests of today's program, they are people's deputies of ukraine. andrii osatchuk faction voice. mr. andriy, good evening and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, serhiy, i congratulate the audience. victoria syumar, european solidarity faction. mrs. victoria, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. come on, as we ask our viewers about this thanksgiving. and about this holiday, which can be another holiday in ukraine, let's go in the blitz format, i'll ask you too: what do you think such a holiday is necessary for ukraine or not, mrs. evgenia, please, well , on the committee, because it is our profile committee, i voted for it, and you know, i will try to explain it in a slightly different way, when ukraine returned
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to the forefront of world newspapers , media, december 25. when we actually celebrated christmas for the first time together with the civilized world, together with the western world, and if such an additional informational reason will help us establish cooperation, or find some response in certain, let's say, conservative circles of american politics, then it can also to be such an additional argument with... in general, the committee supported the initiative of the authors, because it was not an initiative of our committee, but of the authors, among whom, by the way, is the chairman of the verkhovna rada. well, and thank god, it is always necessary every day, not just on one day, thank god. ms. victoria, do you think such a day is necessary or not? we
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can't hear you, unfortunately. some, some, some communication problems, please redial victoria syumar, mr. andrew, well , you know, being deeply always, with piety, if, regarding the feelings of all believers, but i agree with you that if you believe , then you should thank god every day, and surely this is called for... the holy writings, and if we are going to adopt national holidays to please some part of the politicians of some country, then this is probably not the best strategy both in building relations with this country and in developing the system of holidays in ukraine, because surely, first of
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all, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the ukrainian people, therefore... i personally very i am skeptical about this initiative, if it will be brought to the hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i will not support this initiative. thank you mr. andrii, we are waiting for the inclusion of victoria syumar, unfortunately, unfortunately, she is not on the air, and well, since i hope that victoria will later answer this question that we ask our viewers, the main issue this week is the bill about mobilization. we already know that as of the morning of january 9 , five bills have already been registered, this is one government bill, four alternative bills, the chairman committee of the verkhovna rada. issues of national security , defense and intelligence, oleksandr zavitnevich predicts significant changes to certain norms of the government bill, and it is possible that the government
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bill will be revised in honor of the anti-corruption part, because the committee on anti-corruption policy recognized such a government project as containing corruption risks. let's talk about this bill or about these bills or about the vision of the issue of mobilization, because your political forces definitely already have one vision: what mobilization should be, what it should be this draft law, what should be there , what should not be there, because in two weeks, it seems, not only the people's deputies, already the society had time to study the norms of this draft law, discuss them, and some people still had time to go beyond the limits. of ukraine, just in case. mrs. victoria, please. well, if the question has already been asked, by the way, i apologize for the connection, because there were problems with wi-fi. and
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if the question was about anti-corruption expertise, then, probably, as a member of the committee on anti-corruption policy, i should still focus on these aspects, since, well, this is not a very good conclusion, and it is probably also not good that the ministry of defense agreed. with comments and admitted that there are corruption risks in the bill, which means that it was written very quickly, although the bill is very complex and has high social significance, and it was probably necessary to work on it more carefully, among such risks we're talking about the forms of legal uncertainty that are out there because you know, for what it's worth? the rule that the head of the tsc can add or exclude someone there from the register of debtors himself, and you know that the register will be expanded, by the way, this bill
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will also be considered in the verkhovna rada these days, and all data on all conscripts will be entered into the electronic register, and there, for example, can be information about the use of a car, and so on, if a person gets rid of it. of this right, respectively , the head of the cec himself, the head of the tsc himself will determine who he deprives of such a right, who from such and such registers, he removes these data, it is obvious that this can simply open the cash register again for the tcc in some other dimension, in relation to the levies of conscripts, as well as, well, a lot of unfinished norms, such as, for example, what local self-government bodies are obliged to ensure arrival. conscripts to the shopping center, in general, well, it is a strange rule, since local self-government bodies do not even have the right to check documents, they are not
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law enforcement agencies, how should this be done, it is the mayor personally, who has to arrest someone there or who, who who, in fact, if force functions are uncharacteristic of them, therefore , strictly speaking, due to these shortcomings, questions were asked to the representatives of the ministry of defense, they were on the committee, they recognized the obviousness of such things and said that it would be worked out by a working group, in principle, the committee discussed about the fact that it will probably be resubmitted, but as far as i understand, a decision has been made, this draft law with the comments of the defense committee, i hope that the comments of our committee will be included there, will still be sent to the hall with an obligation to accept these remarks before the second reading, well , this is the situation according to the remarks, thank you. ms. yevgenia, is it clear now which of the bills your faction will vote for, because i know that the profile
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committee said that they have up to 72 pages of comments, 72 comments on this bill, the government bill should obviously not be taken as that a bill that is a bill. of this team, the conditional team of the servant of the people, which is in power, if i understand it correctly, now the profile committee is working, it continues to work, because today the decision was not made and the meeting will continue tomorrow after lunch, but still, my colleagues from the specialized committee, who i actually agree should accumulate the comments of various committees, they worked out the basic draft law item by item, the one that was for... the ministry of defense, the cabinet of ministers , and it was on this committee that, let 's be frank, others and not only anti-corruption for, well, thank you for this
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study, but also... social policy and the health of the nation, they also conveyed their comments, it's really important now their to accumulate, to reduce, so that when voting in the first reading, we already understand what changes will obviously be in certain articles, and well, no one, i think, now in the parliament, including the chairman of the verkhovna rada, will say what the final version will be . listened to the arguments of the ministry of defense and the general staff, and why this or that norm appeared, again there is a remark of the person authorized for issues of...
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the person of the verkhovna rada, by the way, who provided them, there definitely cannot be any corruption norms in the final version of the draft law, very much, but you have to understand, that we are not even talking about strengthening it, it is the continuation of mobilization and its, well, i would say, a certain modernization, and unequivocally, mobilization must go together with recruiting and understanding people so that when they fall. to the armed forces, their best skills will be theirs will see and the best application will be found for this or that profession that a person possesses, and this too must be understood that without the continuation of mobilization, without new people being trained and joining the army, those who are currently at the forefront will not be able to those
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who are behind... in the trenches, they, well, no, there will be no one to change them, so it is, well, actually a matter of the survival of ukraine, the survival of the nation, there must be such political maturity here, and well, for all constructiveness to colleagues from other factions, we are grateful, but what about political maturity? mentioned, why is the leader of this political process not the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, why is the government introducing the draft law, and not volodymyr? zelenskyi, well, as far as i'm concerned, this is absolutely normal practice, that the ministry of defense together with the general staff took it upon themselves to establish this. i think it would be better if this work with the verkhovna rada started, well, a little earlier, so that, no, no, the deputies did not already read, in fact, the registered version of the websites of the verkhovna rada, the final result, and here it is consultations, they could
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actually be carried out, but... earlier, but the ministry of defense can make these recommendations in this way, because they constantly work with the military, who also have to have their say, and by the way, as far as i understand, represent draft law in the verkhovna rada, there will and can be representatives not only of the ministry of defense, but also of the general staff. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. andriy, i have a question. to you, as a lawyer, you have obviously already studied this draft law and can say whether it is complies with the constitution, first of all, does it comply with the laws that already exist, or will it be necessary to change some norms of the constitution in order for the new law on mobilization to come into force? let's try to explain a little wider picture, i understand that you
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want very clear answers to the... question, but we went, probably in the worst case scenario, because you know, in any fight you have to be not only strong, you also have to make quick decisions decision, that we have problems with mobilization, it was clear at the end of the 22nd year, although those who are involved in all this history, know that from the 14th, and in the 19th, and in the 20th, we always had problems with the assembly centers and all this mechanics, i remember when i worked for eight years in a very... . large commercial organizations, i remember those absolutely terrible stories that we had in relations with the local military commander, not because someone did not want to do something, because in general everything was unsettled, but unfortunately, the 22nd year everyone decided that we were doing well with the mobilization, in fact, just a bunch of volunteers went to the front and centers complete sets could easily collect some of their plans there, although at the end of the 22nd year it was already clear that we have problems, but only
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a scandal... reliable in july of last year.


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