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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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in the west of ukraine is building a repair center to restore a number of samples of german weapons and equipment, which are already used by the armed forces of ukraine. perhaps it should have been kept a secret, but a member of the german defense committee, markus fabber, has already reported it. according to him , he gave only one sample of weapons, these are leopard 1a5 tanks, this is a slightly newer version than what we see on our screen now, leopard 1 a5 tanks are already used by our military, and in particular it is worth mentioning that this german company ffg is interrupted, has somewhere in its arsenal has about 99 leopard tanks, and they are already partially... transferred to our
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armed forces of ukraine, but we understand that all this weaponry is badly needed on the front line, different models, we hope that the repair enterprises of foreign countries will do the same to be deployed on our land in order to have more opportunities to destroy our enemy, then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, and first of all i will mention again bahmud on ... which the enemy is now trying to outplay the situation in their favor, after our armed forces, in particular, liberated such settlements as klishchiivka and andriivka, now the enemy is attacking these areas of the front, the enemy is also trying to attack north of bakhmut in the direction of bohdanivka, ivanovsky, and after all this, well, a certain short pause, now the russian aviation and artillery became active there. but what
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is happening right now on this part of the front, we will talk with our guest, we have yuriy syrotyuk, a junior sergeant, on the phone now grenade launcher of the fifth separate kyiv assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. yury, i am glad to see and hear, i have not seen you for a hundred years, i congratulate the company, glory to ukraine , christ was born , let us praise him, i would like to talk to you first of all about certain things certain worldview things, but... let 's still start with what is happening in your area of ​​responsibility, because you know better than anyone else, your fifth, separate kyiv assault brigade, now, as i i understand, together with other brigades , he is responsible for the protection of klishchiivka there, and ivanivskyi, there were reports that a couple of days ago there was a certain kind of pause, now the enemy has intensified hostilities again, what exactly is happening now? in our
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direction, it is difficult to remember when there was a pause, until may of last year, the enemy was advancing, in may of last year, we seized the initiative , began to advance, pushed the enemy away from ivanivskyi, repelled the klishchiivka, together with the 80th airborne brigade, we, on the right flank , the third assault brigade retook andriivka, that is, we tried to develop success and bypass. from the south bakhmut tried to get to the settlement, it was successful, it was as if there was such a global war for landings, five landings took place, on the sixth landing, if the engagement began, which is still going on there, that is, the enemy is trying in our direction, the enemy succeeded partially, during that , when he had amassed considerable strength of his manpower, to partially dislodge the defense force from the gardens of bakhmut. the enemy
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tried to continue the success, to advance in the direction of ivanivskyi, failed, is trying to advance in the vicinity of klishchiivka on the exciting, exciting heights of klishchiivka, there is not even landings, and the remains of landings, but we also had a problem with the fact that it can be recaptured, it is impossible to gain a foothold there, and the enemy has the same problem, i believe that we have now made a rational decision to maintain a reasonable defense, that is, let the enemy do better.. . runs in open terrain, at a time when the front is saturated with drones, kamika drones, with reconnaissance drones, drops, because the situation has changed significantly, when a significant, significant part of the functions of the assault infantry is now played by fpv drones and drones with drops, this allows a significant part intelligence activities our intelligence allows to perform drones, drones. both night and day, the war
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is happening live, so it seems to me that now it is more rational and wiser to keep an active defense, especially since we have full heights and time behind us. is on a ridge on donetsk at a height, and behind ivanivsky are the new heights, and the pincers will be forged, for now we hold the dominant heights, unfortunately, due to the pause in the supply of weapons by our western allies , such a political pause in the united states and and in the european union, the enemy thought that will use this moment psychologically, in the psychological factor, because unfortunately, sometimes they happen. in connection with the long, long logistical knee, sometimes there are delays in the supply of combat ammunition, especially of foreign production, unfortunately, it has become less, gentler than i would like, than it was even in the summer, and therefore it seems to me that now it is rational to get defense, moreover,
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i will note that the units are now saturated with units of unmanned aircraft complexes, the guys have already learned how to use both night and day drones with drones, we are very... harassed by enemy drones, and skids, and kamikaze drones, so most of the day we have to stay in shelters, because if earlier during the day we had to stay in shelters and at night we could dig trenches there, raise bcs, now the enemy carried the line with night drops, with typical vision props, the enemy actively reacts to any typical traces, to which i lead that now if the enemy continues to offer this merciless manpower exchange tactic. they do not spare their infantry at all, they throw them on these thoughtless meat assaults, in ours case, it seems to me that now it is reasonable to do what we are doing, to occupy, occupy strategic defense and competently knock out the enemy, especially since all positions, all places are shot, we know well, all the routes
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of the enemy's advance, we can see them, the positions are shot through, eh, if only there were enough bullets, so in our area, we know that the enemy has concentrated a lot... offensive forces, but exactly where he is trying to attack us along the road from bakhmut to ivanovske, from bakhmut, along the fields on ivanovsky in the direction of ticks, well, serious ones success is the enemy, there are no enemies, moreover, i say , as it seems to me, that as long as we have well-placed fire equipment, as long as they are well protected, then this tactic will give us more advantages, because it seems that putin is burning for some political purposes for... his infantry and very soon it will turn out that he will also lack manpower, because they are not eternal, and it is obvious that putin will not conduct a large mobilization before the presidential elections in russia, so i hope that these mindless butchers with assaults, the enemy will simply exhaust himself and will not achieve any, not that strategic, but also tactical results,
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at least for one more time i will note that everything is calm on our part of the front, of course , psychological tension is felt, because the brigade has been without a way out, without a way out for the 17th month. on the first line, well, but on the other hand, we already know the terrain, approaches, wastes, ways of advancing the enemy so well that in fact it is not the fact that any landing, any bush or remnants, kicks from mr. yury, i would like to have those landings left around here to move on to a slightly different topic related to mobilization, today the committee, the parliamentary committee on defense, was supposed to discuss the bill, or the bills postponed it to... tomorrow, which i'm afraid, i'm afraid that this would happen, well, there was no delay in extremely urgent decisions , which are directly related to the formation of our reserves and replenishment of our brigades. as a parliamentarian, you have considerable experience in the past and the creation of various
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bills, you have 10 laws passed on the basis of your initiatives, as you now this whole story is perceived from the front line. with this bill , are there any things that should be announced on your part, let's say, in order to avoid such excessive, not so much politicization, but some things that for some reason do not create a quick decision-making about an urgent need that everyone understands , well, it is obvious that political logic is working, someone is probably afraid of losing political points, not getting flights... dividends, that is, some stupid political games have started, but you have to understand that if there is no ukraine, then there will be no politics, neither politicians nor parliaments, we , look, the war depends on two factors, not only on what we do, but on what the enemy does, whether the enemy is going to stop
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the war, is not going to, whether the enemy is increasing its mobilization potential, coming , conducts covert mobilization, youth training on... conscripts, increase in service in the contract conducts, accordingly we have no choice to do it or not to do it, we have a choice, a choice to fight or surrender, in case we stop. to fight, then the enemy surely, taking advantage of the successes in ukraine, he will go further, and no army in the world will be able to fight with russia like we do, and therefore the west must understand that now the question is about military supplies to ukraine, because they are leading all these pauses until witnessing the death of ukrainian soldiers, our mobilization potential is eternal, we cannot wage a linear war with russia, we cannot have the same number. to mobilize people, we cannot send the same number of people to embrace, i.e. we have to learn to fight asymmetrically,
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wish, preferably more high-tech, preferably having finally received the weapon , at least the one used by the enemy, because the enemy has been carrying out massive missile attacks on ukraine for two years with impunity, our allies are thinking whether to give us medium- range missiles or not, and here in ukraine it is very it's simple: either the men will join... the defense of the ukrainian army, or then the russian army, without asking, will forcefully mobilize them and drive them to slaughter. here, of course, the state has not completed its work in a certain way, because on the one hand, having created it, i think it is not bad the state propaganda system, through the so-called single news, when the ukrainian society was convinced that we are able to withstand and even win and very quickly bathe in the crimea, the state did not use that mobilization potential, when convincing that... everything is fine in terms of the military , and this is probably right, because it is better to be, it is better, it is better to fight as an optimist, than to be in
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a gloomy mood, but on the other hand, it was necessary to more actively apply measures to encourage the army to serve in the contract, in our country only the only successful case was, it seems to me, the offensive guard, when many of my acquaintances even called and said that they were giving the offensive guard because they would be taught, they would be equipped with modern weapons and so on and so forth, then the state failed. but once again, based on the situation that we did not choose this war and putin will not stop even if we do, and that putin is conducting mobilization measures, we should conduct mobilization measures at least in order to prepare that part of ukrainians who for one reason or another did not participate in the first phase war, for our own defense, believe me, now we are mobilized, all the more so we want to trust the ukrainian military and political leadership that now we will not fight with meat assaults, we will not... send our infantry to the slaughter, that we will protect the soldiers , especially there they promise a wide
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training course, the guys will be mobilized and arrive in combat brigades, where there is combat experience, where we treat recruits very sparingly, we teach them, we do not throw them to the front, that is, there is no need to be afraid, but there should be awareness, there are certain civic duties, and now ukraine needs additional involvement of people. supply of manpower to the defense forces of ukraine for various reasons, if a part of society shouts, let the guys rest, rest, that is, we who are at the front without a way out, then in order for us to rest, we need someone to replace us, for what, for this, people are needed, some are sick, some are knocked out by age, reach the critical age of 60, some are injured, there are cases of deaths, but i want to say that, for example, my unit, which is in... since june of last year, in all the hot spots, he was working in the malthouse, in the bahmut,
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he was performing an extremely important task and no, well, it is always the first line, always, we have had one dead person in all this time, maybe because we, if so, the system built, that we ourselves learned, that we ourselves took care of our own safety, maybe because of this it is related, but this war is an example of the fact that one should not be afraid that everyone will die, everyone will die, everyone there will become cripples, right now at the front of russia straining his strength as much as possible, it seems to me that they are exhaling , they think that we have all three of these on a tightrope, because they think that the ukrainians will be afraid that the west will stop helping, and russia is actively fighting despite its own losses, but i will repeat once again , very soon we will see that russia will also be exhausted, and when we have a window of opportunity to counterattack, if we have the necessary number and the necessary types of weapons, then we will even need a fresh force that can do it, so we need to stop playing political games, you are right there's nothing to delay here, it's a given
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, it must be done, it must be done calmly , it's just necessary, well, i have the impression that men are starting to scare people, that is, they are being scared, i don't know that they will die there immediately, that they will be thrown into battle right away, in fact, now there is no such thing as men being thrown from the wheels, we fired four horns, lay down under a tank, to goncharivsk near goncharivskyi and went on pickup trucks to the war campaign learning our american grenade launcher. now if everything was completely different, now is professionalization ukrainian army. has grown and every recruit gets a good tower, everyone is taught to survive, moreover, i once again noted that now a significant part of the functions of the assault infantry are taken over by kamikaze drones, automated robotic systems have appeared at the front, that is, machine gunners, part of the machine gunners have already does not work from a trench, but works
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from shelters through remote controls, controlling automated fire injection systems, that is, now if... the situation is psychologically possibly difficult, because it is winter, the third year of the war, it is not clear how everything will end, someone i was preparing to run a 100-meter dash, it turned out that i had to run 100 km, a supermarathon, but in fact there is no catastrophic situation, it is just necessary to readjust society, and every man should understand society in the same way, because i see sometimes i am disgusted to read on the internet that i will not go there , let the deputies go, why should i go there, the state didn't give me anything, it's like the civil duty of every citizen, regardless of what the government is, what it does, what it did, what it didn't do, to stand up for protection of his homeland, now it is it can be done and must be done in a proper , non-urgent, calm mode, we must remove that stupid tension, this is not february 22, when men in kyiv took a kalashnikov assault rifle from a car and four horns, and they
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did not know where they were going and thought, that the russian tanks would stop, they believed in it, now if everything... was much more planned and calmer, so we just need to return it all to a calm course, we need, i don’t know how to work with the population, so that they realize that if it were not a ticket to immediate death, and politicians need to stop to play in politics, but they returned the function of statesmen, that is, now it is about preserving the state, but russia thinks that it will press now and we will break, it simply does not take into account the factor that if the spring is... bent, it will expand, and when will the moment come when they will be exhausted, and we will be ready to disperse, we just need trained specialists, if only to save the existing brigades, well , believe me, we have learned to fight well, we are doing everything well, but psychologically it is even difficult to be without care, without any rotation the 18th month at the front, there must be an element
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of some kind of justice here, and here the state, in addition to, well, the only thing i will note is that it seems to me that it works very little with encouragement, that is, some kind of system of coercion, intimidation, that is, the whip system, has gone here we need gingerbread, even after the end of active hostilities, we need a large army, we need a lot of professional experience, so we need to work more actively with attracting and recruiting people with certain specialties, certain technical specialties, certain skills, not all of whom will climb into the trenches, because what the further the war moves, the less the soldier is at the front, he will move away from the lee. of the front , if only because i will point out once again that for that landing, for which we have been fighting for six months near klishchiivka, where there is not a single soldier left, no infantry can be there, neither ours nor russian, it can be captured, it is impossible to hold back, kemikaza drones, cluster munitions, knock out in a couple of minutes anyone who enters there, mr. yuri, thank you very much for your clear and important
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explanations, i think that our citizens and our politicians will hear them, thank you and yours countermeasures, which have been holding our positions for the 18th month near bakhmut, restraining the enemy. let me remind you that it was yuriy syrotyuk, a senior grenade launcher of the fifth separate kyiv assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. and further to another topic, to the technological topic, there were reports that it seems that the enemy has already started using these modernized or new unmanned drones, shaheds, there was information. tion from the air force, that there are no confirmations yet, but let's look at this topic in more detail, we are joined now by ivan kirichevsky, an expert of our information and consulting company defense express. mr. ivan, i am glad to see and hear from you. good evening, i am glad to be with you. unfortunately, we only have four minutes left,
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i would like you to tell our viewers what exactly this shaher can do. where is the missile, is it really already a serial model, what threats can it pose and how can we compensate for these threats? a concise description can be given as follows, this is, in principle, perhaps the first case of the use of this reactive shaheed 238 during its entire existence this aircraft, it was presented for the first time in the fall of this year by the iranians, there are not even certain unknown characteristics of this aircraft, it can only be estimated that it has a flight speed of up to 600. the stated dimensions are approximately like this propeller shahed, well , that is, approximately 3 m wingspan and up to 2 m length of the fuselage in combat equipment. it is not known, it is only known there that, say, a jet engine that can stand on this shahed, jet, it costs more than 50 thousand dollars, which in principle will create the first
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the problem that a reactive missile cannot be as massive as a propeller, why is the air force now making such a careful mistake that they cannot confirm, well, let's say, when there is some specific reference sample, well, the wreckage of the aircraft can be compared with new ones samples and say , yes, this is definitely wrong, and it turns out that we are the first who can deal with it... to shahed, therefore , even if it would seem that there are clear images in the public domain, they may not yet give it an official qualification . in my subjective opinion, hardly here the russians can set themselves the goal to make such a massive reactive means of air attack. perhaps this is one of their many numerous attempts to find something to try to exhaust our air defenses, because let's remember, they had cheap e95m jet drones, which they used during the siege of kyiv in march 2020. 22 , but there is a thing, let’s say, not bad, but the descent range is only 50 km, there were many times these x-55s without nuclear equipment with mock-ups, but they are 55
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they can’t shoot back to the end there, because these missiles are still included in the nuclear triad, so as not to spoil the prestige, they can’t shoot back a lot of x55s , there was a story with these so-called flying lawnmowers, well, that is, drones that they can distract air defense, drones there. of the lantern design, apparently, did not work, obviously, this may be one of the next variations on the theme of their attempts to exhaust our air defense, well, that is, to use jet missiles, well , but once it worked, well, it turns out yes, so an aircraft that has a flight speed of 600 km/h, it can certainly be shot down by anti-aircraft machine guns or automatic guns, like the 232 or those yugoslav outposts, but it is a jet aircraft, it gives a heat trace, it can be targeted by anything which manpads with an infrared warhead. not to mention more complex systems, like there , for example, these swedish or british air defense systems that we have with laser guidance, and maybe even a cheetah will be able to work on such a thing, accordingly, there will be such a certain,
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let's call it competition, or the russians something will invent something like this, or our anti-aircraft defenses will find a quick and effective way to shoot down jet mines, and the russians will have to urgently look for new wunderwaffes to introduce, well, to, let's say, wear out our anti-aircraft defenses and not achieve results in this. mr. van, thank you very much for the explanation, short, but very clear and succinct, i will remind our viewers that it was ivan krichevsky, a military expert of the information and consulting company defense express. so, we can talk about the fact that there is some sample of russian weapons, and ukrainian anti-aircraft forces are now finding effective countermeasures. these are the main results of this military era today, and more... international and economic news later on our big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel.
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thank you to serhiy zgurets, it was serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency, who talked about what is happening on the front lines, what our achievements are, and now it's time for news, and a word to the charming presenter iryna koval. iro, congratulations, you have a word. thank you yura, literally for in a moment i will tell you about the main events for today, so literally in a moment. so, let's start with the situation in kherson region, the residential quarters of kherson are under enemy fire from the occupiers, as a result of shelling , apartment buildings are damaged, windows are broken and walls are damaged. the hospital was also hit. this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. fortunately, no one was hurt. this is
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the laboratory doctor's workplace, and she just finished her work and left this room. they heard glass falling from the windows, went out into the corridor, and then. went into the room and saw that there was a window, a monitor and a wall. a special operation of the main directorate of intelligence and in cooperation with the number changes and the come back alive fund. the attack by drones on an oil depot and an energy enterprise in the oryol region is the work of our people, writes ukrainian pravda. with reference to own sources. three muscovites were injured. a fire broke out at the site of the impact, the local governor said. andriy klychkov, as well as the so-called ministry of defense of russia, writes about already five downed drones in the nadkur oblast, allegedly all they were flying to the area of ​​the international airport
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. and a woman was apparently injured by falling debris in one of the villages of the region. over 20 million hryvnias of losses were brought to the state by illegal coal mining. the kramatorsk district prosecutor's office of the donetsk region filed a lawsuit for compensation. in december 2022 , entrepreneurs gained access to plots of land for one of the area's mines. they started using the ventilation shaft. that was not used and in this way more than 2 thousand tons of fuel were brought to the surface, which caused significant damage to ukraine. you pay money, you go abroad. the security service exposed a corruption scheme in odesa. in the belgorod-dniester agrarian court, men of conscription age received fictitious certificates of care for minor children. this gave them the opportunity to evade
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mobilization and even go abroad. it was only necessary to pay $35 to the judge and his mediators. extras were looking for potential clients on social networks. the criminal scheme was active from april 2022. during this time, the judge issued more than a thousand certificates. they campaigned to support putin. law enforcement officers two female collaborators were exposed in kharkiv oblast. during the occupation of the region, female residents. the villagers of the izyum district were urged to cooperate with the occupation authorities because, in their opinion , life is better with russia. they also spread pro-russian narratives. the women have now been detained. amputation of the leg, multiple contusions, loss of vision and shrapnel wounds. our next article is about the infantryman andrii melnyk with the call sign.
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dron, from the first day of the full-scale invasion, the man stood up for the defense of his homeland, defended the land in the avdiiv region, and is currently undergoing rehabilitation and is waiting for the decision of the vlk, and remembers the story of his own salvation every day. leg amputation, torn, right arm, fingers hanging off, everything there is gutted, broken, uh, contusion, so far, almost a year already. soon it will be a year after the injury, i have never once caught myself thinking that i am not hissing, that the wolf will not blame me. andrii melnyk with the call sign drone, an infantryman of the 59th brigade. before the start of the full-scale invasion, the man repaired cars together with his brother, some of them were transferred to the front, and on february 24, the 37-year-old man, without waiting for a summons, left in the morning to the military commander. i went to fight
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for the independence of my country because... i want prosperity in this country, i want my family to be happy here, for my son to plan his life here and not set himself the goal of moving somewhere abroad. together with his brother, andriy defended ukraine in the east in avdiivka. and during the next departure on a combat mission in january of last year, the car of the man and his brothers was blown up by a mine. waiting for evacuation, the boys lay in the middle. fields, and the rashists continued to shell them and attack them with drones, v there were 15 of us, let's just say, i was the least lucky, because that mine literally exploded in my legs, it made such a big funnel, a hole in the floor of our bmp, i fell in there, the guys even pulled me out, they helped me my comrade, he wrapped me around
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and said, limits, we were all very badly burned , everything burned, clothes, hats, buffs, andrii recalls, it was a miracle that we were saved, because at first neither my comrades nor the doctors gave me a chance for life, i heard the roar of the engine , i realized that they were following us, they approached me two guys, one says, look at him , there's nothing to take here, and the other tells him, well, he's our brother, we 'll take him anyway. the military says that the russian army has great capabilities for a protracted war, so it is too early for the ukrainians to surrender. despite the difficulties, andriy has not lost his ability to dream even today. one of his goals is to climb to the top of the mountain together with his son and the ukrainian flag, and that will be after our victory. anastasia holoshivets, viktoriya vorushchak for the espresso tv channel from vinnytsia. and
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that was all the news on. this time, i am iryna blacksmith, i say goodbye, goodbye!


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