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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EET

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of the last century, yes, and in ukraine, by the way, there are, well, for example, in dnipro there are enterprises that are four floors down, from the ground, yes, there are such defense, well, defense ones, before, in general, they were integrated into the military industry, the ussr, therefore, the experience and opportunities are there, and they must be used, in terms of technology, well, yes , it is clear that the axis with... and north korea is already helping with missiles, and maybe iran will help, and these shaheds are newer, they were already demonstrated to minister shaig in russian back in september, in september 23 , when he went there, so the question is it is not easy for ukraine, but look , everything is fine, on some issues ukraine is ahead of the curve, just a few days ago it was reported that in russia for the first time
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fpv drones with self-capture of the target began to be used, so it immediately turned out that ukraine has already uses such drones and already has them, and even showed how the military intelligence of ukraine destroyed two shells, these are such military, modern, anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft missile complexes, so somewhere... somewhere we will be in time, somewhere we will not be in time, we must insist on quality of military-technical cooperation, let me give an example so that it is clear where i am leaning, so to speak, and let's say motal enters ukraine and offers us to first produce old fuchs vehicles, and then move to a tank, and then possibly to of joint... production of modern
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air defense systems, such as skynext, yes we got one of, well recently one in the latest, latest version, and before that there were several, working in ukraine, and at the same time look, rain metal, we all let's boil the government orbán and hungary for such a destructive position, and rheinmetall concluded in the fall of 23rd year, two huge... with hungary for the joint production of the newest tank and the joint production of the newest anti-aircraft missile system of the kind we dream of and at the skynex base there and so on , so is our strategic partner the united states, well, frankens also supplies us with the project and everything is very good there, but look, in the 23rd year, it started to unfold in india. production of stryker combat vehicles and
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one of these projects is based on the stryker a super-powerful , state-of-the-art anti-aircraft missile complex, where there will be laser systems , reb means, and gun systems, of course, here and there, it is very important that we use all the available opportunities, and buy the best and ask to rent it or something like that . let me remind you that in september of last year, the united states and great britain simultaneously adopted laser anti-drone systems, and the united states has already equipped one battalion with such and such systems, so in this sense , we must work to ensure that the latest technologies can get so that we thank you, thank you, mr. valentine, it was valentine. badrak
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, military expert, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live now, please like our video and also write a comment under this video. and take part in our vote, today we ask you about whether ukraine needs a new holiday, a day of thanksgiving to god, yes, no, please vote on youtube, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands phone. and vote if you support the introduction of such a holiday, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these numbers are free. people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kucherenko is in contact with our studio. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. oleksiy, over the past two weeks we have been... witnesses
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and actually participants in what is happening in ukraine in massive shelling, participants, well, i mean targets for... russian federation, last year russia concentrated on critical infrastructure objects, they were on thermal power plants, they were on all energy generating companies, this year, thank god, so far we have managed without it, does this mean that we have changed the military-industrial complex. thank you, you know, this is definitely not all that we are talking about today, we , you and i have access to information, i am convinced that there is a significant part of special information that even the deputies do not know, it is only there that is highly classified ,
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but i still have the feeling that the russians pragmatically, the enemy, calculated the effectiveness of their strikes. you see, for the past few months i have been monitoring the statistics on the shooting down of drones, their missiles and so on, well, you must agree that the air defense forces of ukraine, well , have become an order of magnitude more effective than they were last year, i will remind you of last year, well, the year before last , november 23, this was the first blackout, and the shelling began on october 10 and continued throughout december, all... and so on. today, now on the calendar is 9 january, the frosts are not bad, and we should expect attacks, because of course, if we aim at objects, then at freezing temperatures the consequences could be more negative for you and me, but nevertheless, we see that these attacks do not
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reach it is absolutely practical that energy objects are the target, and mostly peaceful ones suffer. population, i would say that the real terror is being carried out in kharkiv, directly in the kharkiv region, clearly, we can see how they break through, what massive strikes and in kyiv, what the consequences were, but nevertheless, precisely for the energy industry there are no catastrophic consequences yet, thank god, the only thing is that during this time objective and subjective problems have accumulated in the energy industry of ukraine, of course, i will remind you, first of all it is... connected with the loss of generation at six units with of the most powerful nuclear power plant , energodar zaporizhzhia, these affected blocks of thermal generation, both in western, central, and eastern ukraine, and this and before this
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network, but they have been restored and today we see that even if there are some damage, they are repaired quickly enough, and that's it this the main problems for the energy industry in the last two or three days are gale force winds, this storm literally, there is a hurricane of water, well, half in the south, odesa region, and it is traditional for them there , the network company is doing everything to restore power, and there are problems, of course, unfortunately, with the fact that they have not accumulated enough coal, so far no one has felt it, but... but this is a specific problem that will emerge somewhere in a month, because there is not enough coal today on the state the centerenergo company, it is chronically unprofitable, it is chronic, sorry, unfortunately, corrupt , this is a separate conversation, i am ready to talk about it,
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why are the schemes at this state company crumbling, but nevertheless, it pulls the chain, not payments for coal with state mines, not the accumulation of coal, and in as a result... they are burning ukrainian gas today, and here we may have certain problems with gas, the traditional ones for the month of february, when all the volumes are already coming out of the undergrounds, and there may be restrictions, and i will finish today, thank god, our state company ukrenergo made it possible fairly powerful import of electricity, relatively speaking, somewhere around 12-15% of everything we need. we can import , we are using it now, and it is very seriously covering this generation deficit that has been observed in the last, or literally the last weeks, due to the sub-zero temperature, the winter is almost over, so we pray to god, to god, we pray to our
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armed forces, anti-aircraft defense forces, energy workers, utility workers, well , i also speak for myself. ukrenergo reports a record level for this heating season. consumption now, that is why it is especially important to consume electricity sparingly, ukrenergo is calling for this, household consumers are being asked to postpone home exercises with a power cut. stove and vacuum cleaner for evening hours after 19:00 and if possible on weekends, so our dear tv viewers, listen to what ukrenergo says, so that we do not have a power outage, so that you do not fall under this outage, yet one issue, mr. oleksiyu, which is unfolding literally these days, is corruption in at the ministry of defense, we see scandal after scandal, minister uerov says that in four months of work in... the internal audit of the ministry of defense managed to identify previously admitted
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violations of more than uah 10 billion, and well , logically, the question arises whether we could let's see if one person was taken into custody there, or two or three, or if this company of two or three people there could simply contribute to the fact that they would abuse tens of billions without hindrance. and control bodies did not see it, internal audit did not see it, internal security, i don't believe in it, i don't believe in it, and the last case was with this colonel, who organized such a private car and for almost uah 400 million, organized contracts with companies and firms registered there for his wife, for mother-in-law for her son, and immediately the investigating law enforcement officers tracked how much... margins were withdrawn through atms, you understand, yes, that is, the whole
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essence of corruption in the ministry of defense and in other state institutions, it is inflated by one and a half, two or three times, the prices for certain components, well, a vivid example, 17 eggs, you understand, yes, and here is this margin, it is taken out through all kinds of schemes, but i 'm sorry, i'm not a naive person, i'm convinced that it is shared among everyone who would have a counter. i love it and that's why, i'm sorry, i also respect the security service of ukraine, but i am convinced that they were obliged to control, first of all, they are obliged to control all purchases in the ministry of defense, related to both weapons and and with other ammunition and so on, what umerov is doing today is basically correct, he restored this internal inze-audit-inspection, and it immediately showed him the abuse of the last four. 10 billion a month, he restored a new structure that will carry
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out procurement, i understand him, as a minister, yes, after this audit, he needs to cut himself off, so to speak, from his predecessors and start his life as a minister from a new letter, but i am asking the politicians and officials at the highest level, who should be responsible for the previous period, we understand, right? it simply cannot be blamed, someone has already appointed ministers, deputies, who oversee these curators, yes, it is the same, well no it is possible for billions of abuses so that no one knows, so sorry, there is no need to fool around here , we are not all naive people, it is very unfortunate to state that there were such abuses in the ministry of defense, and today this is the mistrust that, accordingly, ukrainians have in including to the ministry of defense, it will be very negative. for the passage and adoption of the law that we really need, this difficult
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law on mobilization, you understand that in order to pass such laws through the verkhovna rada, so that everything is constructive, so to speak, the dissatisfied discuss everything, it is necessary to they trusted you we see this now in the military sphere, unfortunately, we also see it in the energy sector, when the government adopts a resolution on cancellation. there are fines for penalties and disconnections , i am not saying that this is a wrong norm, it is rather a correct norm, but there are scandals constantly in the energy sector, so corrupt, and as a result, people express righteous indignation and dissatisfaction, you want to charge us penalties, fines , payments, but you cannot guarantee us fair, objective tariffs for energy, for energy and utility services, and agree, here you can also understand people... understand consumers, although i , as the profile deputy head of the committee, must definitely take care of energy security,
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that is, distrust is very binding, it does not give an opportunity to make adequate, not very popular, but extremely vital decisions for the country. mr. oleksiy, you mentioned this bill on mobilization, there are already five versions of these bills, there is one governmental, four alternative and... and it is clear that there will not be one position literally in one day or in one week, or in two weeks or a month, and it is possible that the government bill for revision again... will be returned to the ministry of defense, well at least that's what some members of the committee on national security and defense say, i know that the motherland has its own vision of what the law on mobilization should be, what this mobilization should have to be, and yulia tymoshenko spoke about it publicly, if possible, please explain very briefly,
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look, first, well, she was the first who spoke and was simply not against the law, yes the draft law. and tymoshenko was against certain norms of the law, as an experienced one a politician, then all other experienced people there. as of today, i state, if you haven't seen it, you can see on my page, the conclusion of the anti-corruption policy committee signed by the head of the committee radina on six pages, which identifies very serious corruption risks of the government's draft law. i... read it carefully, there is no time now for everything, i can say that i am ashamed that the government sent such a raw, unprofessional bill to the verkhovna rada and undermined this process. it also talks about corruption risks, there it is also said when anti unconstitutional norms. therefore, in my opinion, it would definitely be
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better for the government to withdraw its own. i am convinced that then it would make it possible to draft a committee parliamentary bill. who would summarize all the comments, because i think that in terms of principled positions, we would still have all patriotic forces come together, you understand, but here it seems to me that these are ambitions already, how the government will withdraw, and as a result we have a raw, unprofessional, scandalous a government bill that keeps the process from moving, god forbid i'm wrong, but we will see that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it will be in the profile committee and in the hall of the verkhovna rada , and could it happen, mr. oleksiy, that this draft law will be returned for revision, the need for mobilized people will be and there will be a question from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and it is clear that this the issue will be relevant and the longer the resolution of this issue is delayed, the more questions there will be to the verkhovna rada, they will say, well, the verkhovna rada does not want it, but
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tymoshenko does not want it, i apologize, well, if the government gives a fuss, then her verkhovna rada does not obliged to accept not constitutional laws, so there is no need for this transfer of responsibility here, i am trying to be constructive, but the responsibility for the preparation of this draft law should be borne by the government, and in general, i will tell you frankly that in my opinion, in order for society to support this draft law, as i prefer it to be developed in the office of the supreme commander-in-chief and approved by the decision of the national security council on... i grant that the president is also the subject of a legislative initiative, so there will be no blackmail, it is necessary to correct this draft law , and of course the country needs it, but here is the key, in my opinion, there are special regulations, about registers, about age, about disability, you know everything, but for me, as a former
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government official and civil servant on the first morning, the key claim to the government is how it is possible to... provide such a bill, and in the accompanying note it is written that it does not require additional budget funding, well, think about it, with this law it is clear that we are increasing the amount of the mobilization reserve our, human, weapons and so on and so on, but tell me, tomorrow they started to call up young guys and that’s all, but there is a reserve, resources for them, yes, they need to heal somewhere, they need to to pay for wages, to train, to arm, to clothe, and somehow this gap scares me very , very much, well, you understand, this law must be mobilized unequivocally, but we need to find out under which model of war and under which financial and economic resource, this in
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my opinion, one of the key tasks, because otherwise i don't understand anything at all then, one more thing the question is important, mr. oleksiy, for... ukraine is the restoration of the military-industrial potential and the military-industrial complex, it is clear that it is not clear how long the war will be, but the fact that such factories and such capacities should be, if possible briefly, tell me , what is possible , it is obvious that ukraine, unfortunately, has lost, it is us, well, i do not want to transfer it to the predecessors, to the predecessors, i state, yes, that, unfortunately, we have lost very significantly our eye. industrial potential, unfortunately, we are lagging behind in weapons today, in personnel we are lagging behind, i am convinced that there is a shortage of both managers and people. who can do something with their hands, can do something, and it should have started already, yes, well, two years ago, well, at least two years, well, at least, yes , in fact, if we were preparing for war, and the fact
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that today everything is understood today and in ukraine, and ukrainian top officials and politicians, and that, this is what our partners encourage us to do, look, they are already giving such hints very, well, transparently, yes, what guys, we will not be able to you... constantly arm, make your military-industrial complex, raise it, make it what you were able to do, we again state the problem with drones, we state the problem, well, with shells, and with all types of weapons, in fact, and missiles, the same ones, including, and we understand how painful it is for us, to the extent that it worsens our military situation, and the tactics and strategy of actions of the possible armed forces of ukraine, well , the war would be completely different, agree, thank you. there was a different model of weapons, a different model of our armed forces, and we lost significantly less, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksiy, it was oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine
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from the batkivshchyna faction, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. in the course of our program, we conduct a survey, we ask you whether ukraine needs a new holiday, the day of thanksgiving. let's see the results of the 60 for telecast. 40 against, these are the interim results of the survey, we will continue our survey after the news release of our colleagues from the bbc, we will have victoria syumar in the second part of the program, evgenia kravchuk and andriy osachuk, people's deputies of ukraine, so don't switch, we'll meet in 15 minutes. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to... understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on
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sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel about... continues verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, in the second part of our program, see: prospects for increased mobilization: people's deputies discuss the government bill and register alternative ones. the scandal with the hrynkevichs is gaining momentum, the ministry of defense has terminated contracts with a dubious supplier who robs the armed forces. the only news needs to change. ukrainian tv channels are looking for new formats for the telethon. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and
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facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching there live us please vote in our poll. today we are asking whether ukraine needs a new holiday, a day of thanksgiving to god. yes, no, please vote. if yes, 0800 211-381, no, 0800-211. 382 , these are the numbers for those who are watching us on tv now, all calls to these numbers are free, call at the end of the program, we will tally up this vote, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please select either yes or no, or write your comment under this video so that we understand your position on on this holiday, the day of thanksgiving to god, which the humanitarian and information policy committee of the verkhovna rada recommends to the parliament to establish at the end of september, on the last sunday of september, i would like to introduce the guests of today's program, they are
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people's deputies of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk, the servant of the people faction. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. good evening. andriy osachuk, voice faction. mr. andriy, good evening and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, serhiy, i congratulate the audience. victoria syumar, european faction solidarity. mrs. victoria, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. come on, as we ask our viewers about this thanksgiving day and about this holiday, which can be another holiday in ukraine. let's go in blitz format, i'll ask you too: what do you think, is such a holiday necessary for ukraine or not? ms. yevgenia, please. well, on the committee, because it is our profile committee, i voted for it. and you know, i will try to explain it in a slightly different way, and when ukraine returned to the forefront of world newspapers and
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media on december 25. when we are actually the first time celebrated christmas together with the civilized world, together with the western world, and if such an additional informational reason will help us establish cooperation, or find some response in certain, let's say, conservative circles of american politics, then this can also be such an additional argument with. .. in general, the committee supported the initiative of the authors, because it was not an initiative of our committee, but of the authors, among whom, by the way, is the chairman of the verkhovna rada. well, and thank god, it is always necessary every day, not only on one day, thank god ms. victoria, do you think such a day is necessary or not? we can't hear you, unfortunately. some, some, some
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communication problems, please redial victoria syumar, mr. andrew, well , you know, being deeply always, with piety, as if treating the feelings of all believers, but i agree with you that if you believe, then we must thank god every day, and surely they call for it... the holy writings, and if we are going to adopt national holidays in order to please some part of politicians of any one country, then this is probably not the best strategy, both in building relations with this country and in building a system of holidays in ukraine, because surely, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the needs
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of the ukrainian people, therefore... i personally am very i am skeptical about this initiative, if it will be brought to the hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i will not support this initiative. thank you mr. andrii, we are waiting for the inclusion of victoria syumar, unfortunately, unfortunately, she is not on the air, and, well, since i hope victoria will answer this later the question we ask our viewers, the main issue this week is the mobilization bill. we already know that as of the morning of january 9 , five bills have already been registered, this is one government bill, four alternative bills, the head of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence oleksandr zavitnevich predicts significant changes to certain norms of the government bill, and it is possible the government bill will be revised in the
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anti-corruption section. there are parts, because the committee on issues of anti-corruption policy recognized such a government project as containing corruption risks. let's talk about this draft law or these draft laws , whether pardon or forgiveness, the question of mobilization, because your political forces definitely already have a certain vision of what mobilization should be, what this draft law should be, what should be there, what. it shouldn't be, because in two weeks, it seems, not only people's deputies, but society already had time to study the norms of this bill, discuss it, and some people even had time to leave the borders of ukraine, well, just in case. mrs. victoria, please, if the question was already asked, by the way, i apologize for contacting you, because there were problems with wi-fi, and if the question was about anti-corruption expertise, then i should probably, as a member of the committee, answer
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questions about anti-corruption politicians should still focus on these aspects, since this is really not a very good conclusion, and it is probably also not good that the ministry of defense agreed with the comments and admitted that there are corruption risks in the draft law, and this means that it was written very quickly though the draft law is very complex and has a high social significance, and it was probably necessary to work on it after all. more carefully, among such risks, we are talking about the forms of legal uncertainty that are there, because, you know, well, what is the value of the rule that the head of the tsc can himself...


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