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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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well, they called my mother from the security service and said that he was in ukraine, eh, and my mother was not at home at the time, she went to the store, and here she calls me somewhere around six in the evening and says that my father is at home, well, i had some mixed emotions, because i was in shock, well, at first i cried a little, but it was from happiness, and then i didn't feel any such emotions until the moment he called us. i talked to my father already, right? tell me what they talked about, the first conversation, video or phone? well, at first he simply called the phone, well, we talked, it's just that, what did we do during this time, while he was gone, how are we doing there, is everyone healthy, and they said that they missed each other, did we manage to communicate by video? yes, he... he called
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us, then we showed him what we had new there, he also showed us, told us everything, it was yustyna reshitnyk, the daughter of ostap reshitnyk, who was released the day before from russian captivity, please tell me about her husband, who he was at the front, since he went to war and why for him was it important to go to war? well, in fact, he has been in the military since 2009, and when in the 14th year this began in... all such situations that continue to this day, he, well, every year until today, he went on rotations, they provided assistance to the military, they conducted, well , that is, all kinds of treatments, that is, they primarily ensured, let's say so, the safety of our people, they were engaged in the treatment of premises, that is, from rodents, from all kinds of things, well, all these are the types of work they do. service is also, then he was
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drivers, sanitary officers of all services, who also provided assistance to the military and directly to the medics themselves, because a medic cannot do anything without a driver, he performed all his duties that were entrusted to him, that were needed, helped , what could he do, how did he explain his decisions, why did he have to join the armed forces of ukraine? he always said: "who but me, how did the family accept his such an act? well, we did not object very much, because it was his vocation, he wanted to go there, he rushed there, he said, that is, that i i want to go to the guys, that is, i am also needed there , so we did not strongly object to it when it started." the war in 2014 this period until
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2022 before the full-scale war, in which operations did your husband take part, like this one about his life in this period of time, where was he ? they were regularly sent on rotations, usually to military hospitals, they were with military medics, with hospitals, they provided all the help that was needed, where, where was he at what points can you there were different points, it was... and mariupol, and there was, i can’t even remember, because it’s so much all kinds of information, and north-donetsk, well, that is, a lot of eastern regions, both above and below, well, that is, wherever they were needed, everywhere they were, you know, a lot of soldiers, those who have been fighting since 2014, they predicted somewhere that there would be such a full-scale invasion, there would be a big war, that russia would not leave ukraine, that's how it is, that's how simple it is. then
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tell me, did the man foresee this somewhere, or was he perhaps preparing some family for that actually we didn't talk about that with him and i think er, well i won't say because i really don't know that, but he was going on a rotation on the 18th of february without saying anything like that, he was just going on his usual the rotation on which he traveled before, on february 18, 2022, he went to... so he went to the rotation in mariupol, this is the 555 mariupol hospital. how long was the man in contact then, how long was the contact, was it possible to talk to him, how often did you keep in touch with him? in fact, there is no such possibility of communication it was, somehow it was on the 24th, it all started, on the 26th, i personally talked to him, it was literally a few minutes. and it was
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very short, then his daughter heard him on march 1, he asked how they were, what they were doing, and after such a full communication that we... his voice was lost, there were several messages throughout from the beginning of march to the third of april, and the last message was on april 3, alive and well, and after that we never heard anything, knew nothing, we walked, waited, hoped, we still have to wait a little, he he will call, that is, when one evening, i don't remember exactly whether it was april 30 or 31. one evening , before going to sleep, i was scrolling through the russian telegram channel, i saw his photo there, well , it was a photo with an inscription that they raised, they did the right thing, surrendered their weapons, raised their hands, and so i saw that he was in captivity, in first of all, it was a call
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from the military unit to the commander, that so-and-so information appeared, and from that moment the process was launched, that is, we began to look for various exits, volunteers, documents, everything special services, a million calls , a million messages, a lot of all kinds of information, encountered different moments, there were a lot of such moments of despair in which i wanted to leave it all, because our special services are very many, well, i understand that this is their job, there information they cannot divulge was everywhere we turned . the same answer: be patient, we are doing our best, well, but we are like relatives, it was difficult, this period of uncertainty, when we did not know anything, this period of waiting, well, finally we waited the long-awaited call, the very
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long-awaited message that he is finally in ukraine, the man was captured in mariupol from the ilich plant, so did you talk at all about the first, the first month, so when was there any contact with him? told something, what was the situation at the factory at that time , or when they were already at the factory, there was no contact with him, the last contact was complete, it was on march 1, when we heard from him, then in the middle of march, as as we all know, an aerial bomb was dropped on this hospital and after that full communication with he was lost, they were in bankers at zavodilych, so someone there somewhere got closer, then he wrote to his relatives, that is, that so and so. such and such a situation, i.e. you didn't even know what happened to your husband, we knew, we found out later that he was wounded, during captivity, it's been almost two years, so you found out in april that he was already in captivity , did you manage to maintain any contact with
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the husband, was there any correspondence, none, nothing, where did you get the information, information about him, unfortunately, none there was no information, i.e. all that was in telegram. some russian channels, right? and we didn't find him on any videos anymore, and how come the situations of relatives who recorded videos there, none, no information, except for this photo, which we saw in april, we didn't have until january, when hope appeared for exchange? there was always hope, we were always waiting, i'll tell you the truth, i didn't entertain myself with such thoughts. to avoid disappointment again, we just learned to live with the fact that we still have to wait a little longer, to suffer a little, so, i will say this, in fact , there was hope when this list of 300 people was posted on the network that these people went through
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all the procedures, but it was perceived as another injection of information, a type of disinformation, because to hope for some logic and some really adequate. well, unfortunately, no , it was not possible, because there was a lot of misinformation, but they were happy with this, that taking into account the entire number of prisoners that there is, and he was included in the list of these 300 people, so it is still not in vain , and hope appeared again more, finally, at least somewhere he appeared, that really, maybe soon something will become clear, and it turned out that we did not wait for a long time after that. how much time has passed since publication, it has been approximately two weeks. how is your husband resting now and when will you be able to see him? he is in a pretty good condition now, he is happy that he can finally hear the children, that he can hear
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their laughter, their voices, says: i am doing everything i can to get home as soon as possible, to be able to hug you all as soon as possible, says: i missed you very much. i knew you waiting for me, i knew personally before me that you would do anything for me to come back, so we are also happy to wait for him at home, you are already with... you know when you can see, some say to you, unfortunately, we still we don't know anything, because it all depends on his state of health, that's why it's nonsense, it can wait, we already know that he's here, that's why there's communication, there's communication, that's why those few days or weeks are already you can wait, we wish you to meet as soon as possible and be a whole family again, i will remind you that today we talked with the wife of osta pereschitnyk, who was released from russian captivity at the beginning. sichnya olga reshitnyk, we are waiting and hoping for each of our military men,
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who are now, unfortunately, in russian boot shops. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the place. action live kamikaze drone attacks political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. well, it's time on our air to talk about money during the war, so who? my friend oleksandr moshchevka knows this best. congratulations, alexander. greetings, thank you for your kind words. greetings
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to the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about the situation in the energy system, also on the ukrainian-polish border, and we are discussing an important resolution so that the ministry of mines cancels the moratorium on disconnecting communal services and charging fines to the population. what does it mean? the details will be told by an expert, wait for everything in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. therefore , the polish border will no longer be the largest transit crossing into the countries of the european union. this was announced by the vice-president of the association of international motor carriers , volodymyr balin. ukraine is currently looking for other routes, in particular through hungary, slovakia and romania. it is really necessary to do this, because we see that the situation on the ukrainian-polish border is... difficult, the problem remains, let's listen to the direct language an expert on the territory of romania
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, the existing road network is being expanded in order to increase the flow of trucks, in particular towards constanta, and i clearly understand that for the romanians this is a priority for the development of their economy. oh, and by the way, more than a thousand cars are now blocked at the polish border, we are talking about checkpoints. ravaruska grebennyk, rakivets korchova and yagodyn dorogusk. the chagini medica checkpoint is open, but there was also a traffic jam with half a thousand vans. this is the information from the association of international motor carriers. we let's keep an eye on it. and if we talk about transport routes, last year cargo traffic through the danube ports increased to 29 million tons, which is almost six times more than the pre-war indicators. this was announced by the head of the seaports administration yuriy lytvyn. also, together with business
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, it was possible to launch 23 transshipment points. it is planned to implement another 15 similar investment projects in the ports of izmail and reni. and to the news of the companies. the new post removes the word post from the names of the group of companies, leaving such a broad, barrier-free, single word - new this is such a brand. the main purpose of the enterprise. to ensure easy delivery of anything and everything for life and business, currently it includes parcels, money, technologies, vyacheslav klimov, co-owner of the now new group, said. the head of the ministry of statistics, mykhailo fedorov, announced the launch of a new e-entrepreneur service. this is a comprehensive such service for business, it combines eight services, for example, in one place, on one page, you can... also use the state registration of the fop, submit information about vacancies, register as a payer
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single tax, open a bank account, etc. to start a business, it will be enough to fill out an application on the portal, and it will take no more than 20 minutes of your time. in addition, you can use the e-entrepreneur service at any stage of starting your business or developing your own business. soon this service will appear in your smartphone. action in the application. well, the cabinet of ministers canceled the moratorium, i.e. the ban on disconnecting utility services and charging the population. well, the resolution is dated. at the end of last year, but widely publicized acquired precisely in the last few days, the expert environment discusses, we discuss this in the section about money, we discuss this topic. we are joined by oleg popenko, head of the union of utility consumers. good evening, good evening. mr. olezh, indeed, i missed this information, just yesterday, i saw
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it on your facebook page. let 's talk about what this means, that is, why... the cabinet decided to lift the ban and return to the standard norms that existed even before the war, what motivates it? well , they are primarily motivated by growing debts housing and communal services, indeed, every year before the beginning or at the beginning of the heating season, the debts grew catastrophically, and this was noticeable even before the war, because in october, november and december, debts could grow for housing and communal services services for 10 or 15 billion uah, i think this is primarily due to the inability of ukrainians to pay for housing and communal services, and the cabinet of ministers did not find another, let's say, option, how to oppress ukrainians and
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force them to pay in any way behind the house'. services by threatening to shut them down and everyone else, well, is it realistic during the war, will it not bring with it, in fact , such a wave of indignation, that is, there really are certain norms, here they promised not to raise tariffs, they are being raised, they promised not to cancel this ban on such fines , well, they are canceling, in your opinion, is it really possible for ukrainians to pay for storage on time? well, of course, it is unlikely that ukrainians will suddenly suddenly find the funds to pay for the debts for the utility company. we understand with you that we are talking about uah 10, 15, 20 billion that they owe find to pay for only on at the present stage to pay debts. according to my
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personal calculations, the total amount of debts as of january 1 may reach uah 130 billion. and pay off this debt. ukrainians are unlikely to be able even in the medium term, regarding social explosions, i also do not believe in them, i think the situation will unfold in the following way: ukrainians will pay for those communal services that they cannot, that can be disconnected, this is primarily electricity, here they will pay correctly and, by the way, they will pay for that as well ukrainians paid 95-90 for electricity there. 7%, then the second stage, this is the second, second, second, that they will pay, this is for gas, especially in the private sector, where it can be disconnected literally in a month or two, all other services will be paid to the limit of the ability to pay for housing - communal services, because, unfortunately, the economic situation
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of ukrainians is extremely difficult, salaries do not increase, payments do not... subsidy payments are reduced, it is not known how the situation will be with pensions with additional payments, that is, there will be a basic pension, some there are additional payments, it is also unknown , the minister of social policy zhalnovich personally spoke about this, so we are facing extremely difficult situations, and i do not think that the changes to the moratorium introduced by the cabinet of ministers will affect the payments of ukrainians, but cut off gas to ukrainians, energy will be much more frequent, and ukrainians should understand this, and the collection of debt for housing and communal services has also been resumed in court, that is , court proceedings will begin in this regard, thank you, oleg popenko, head of the union of utility consumers services, i was in touch, and i'll finish with the last release information, also about
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the service, scheduled power outages this winter have not yet been applied. but in the case of massive missile attacks and significant damage to critical infrastructure, they can be returned to, said andrii gerus, head of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal services. according to the updated forecast of the national bank, a shortage of power generation capacities in ukraine at the beginning of the current year is possible, this is a small percentage, about 5%. at the same time, taking into account the establishment of kilowatt supplies from international partners, the economy will practically not... suffer, as experts say, well, this is the latest information from the world of money for today, i will finish the issue, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us! well, on december 29 , a few days before the new year, an enemy rocket
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destroyed the lives of the residents of the grechkivka microdistrict in the city of smila in cherkasy oblast, leaving one dead out of a dozen injured and about a hundred damaged houses. as people are recovering from missile strikes, see the material of my colleagues. grechkivka microdistrict - private sector on the outskirts of smila. on december 29, the russians hit the houses of civilians with a kha-22 missile. a good day , sunny, beautiful. my brother brought fish, i just kept the fish on the street. the sun is shining. well, they were preparing for the new year. nothing in mind, nothing, nobody thought about anything, bad. it fell, just rattled and that was it. i 'm back, i'm already standing, standing already. i... remained whole from the side of the shards lying around, the window beat everything and you stand, just look, but in a second it has become. there are more than
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a hundred damaged houses like mr. vyacheslav's in grechkivka, eight of which cannot be restored. from the first minutes of the tragedy , an operational headquarters was created in the region to eliminate the consequences of the attack. the first task is to help people who have suffered. unfortunately, one woman - nadiya holub, died from her injuries. it was in the vicinity of the pigeons that the flight, which is reminiscent of the vomiting, came. in the place where the garage used to be, ironically the owner of the apartment worked for a long time in russia for an ambulance, saved the lives of those who destroyed it in the end , there is nothing left, the grandchildren have nowhere to go, nobody has anything, that's all it is, clean up, build a house, and they won't bring the grandmother back. that it will be very difficult for him in his old age, oleksandr golob's house is on the list of those that will be rebuilt from scratch.
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now we are actively completing the demolition of damaged buildings, those that cannot be extended completely, that is, we will build them from scratch, we have these eight buildings systematically and voluntarily distributed between we have each district as districts. to be responsible for two, the restoration of two houses individually, and we are convinced that with this distribution we will be able to quickly restore it all. several accounts have been opened in the region to help the victims, and the canadian red cross promises to provide substantial assistance. nowadays , volunteer organizations and religious communities are actively working here, and they deploy tents every day, where you can get hot food and warm clothes. everyone helps: educators, utility workers, repairmen from the village.
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cherkaschyna yes, well, and before that continue further, i have some information for you. by the way, there is a lot of information today that did not fit into our stories, the main thing is that before we start talking about the weather with natalka didenko, ukraine will start negotiations on security guarantees with one more nato country, and it will be romania, ukraine and romania have come to an agreement, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi announced this after a telephone conversation with his romanian colleague klaus iohannis, and guarantees. of the big seven and ukraine, which was adopted in july at the summit in vilnius. well and i must tell you that this news is
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extremely important for us, because another country is joining, which is ready to provide, notarize, that will help us fight for our freedom, and this country is our neighbor, as we see from the other side on the side of the western border, some neighbors somehow... if they don’t turn around , then somehow they are skeptical about helping us, then romania , thank you, and it continues to do that, for which we are very grateful, and by the way, not from one, and not only romania continues to help us, today i spoke about what estonia will continue to provide us with all the necessary financial and security support, generally allocating 0.25% of its gross domestic product, but today president volodymyr zelenskyi not only... held a telephone conversation with the president of romania, but also with the prime minister minister of the kingdom of belgium, alexandre decroo. this
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was reported in the press service. our leader, and during this conversation the prime minister of belgium once again emphasized to us that he will help us to join the european union as soon as possible. obviously we all are we understand that this process is extremely difficult and extremely long, and we will have to do a lot on this path, but we hope that we will be confident. step by step to achieve this goal, why i hope, well , because information from ukraine sometimes suggests to our western colleagues and partners that we need to somehow actively join this process, especially in the fight against corruption, well, and one more interesting the news that appeared in the information space today was that some unknown drones attacked an oil refinery. once
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the russians themselves reported about it in the eagle , they said that they shot down almost 15 out of 10 drones, but it is known that two of them could hit the fuel tanks, that was exactly what was written about, and the local governor of zagor, said , that there was a fire, but it was quickly contained, but they constantly talk about it, talk, talk, then we see that everything is completely different. well, it's time to talk about what the weather will be like, well , at least for the next day, and maybe we'll look further, and who is the best for us tell, of course, that our charming natalka didenko. ms. natalya, i congratulate you, well, what awaits us? greetings, greetings, dear yuri, greetings, our dear viewers, we will definitely talk about frost, about the weather in general and not only, as
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always, about the weather, literally in a moment. before we talk about the weather, what it will be like in the next day and whether the severe frosts will last, which, by the way, last night reached 20 degrees and below, we will start our meeting with delicious things, with porridge, when it is not cold, in the cold, eat karsch , which are not all of us love, especially in childhood. we know, but nevertheless, everyone talks about their usefulness, and doctors, and not only doctors , and the older a person gets, the more he likes porridge, recently, for example, we all made a cat and cooked wheat, wheat can also be eaten separately as wheat porridge , well, the most famous, the most popular is, of course , oat, wheat, corn, pearl barley, and it is recommended not to cook these porridges in order to preserve
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all the useful substances, pour boiling water at night, or just hot, even mineral water, i didn't hear about it, and with kefir, i heard about kefir, and by the morning it's ready, the porridge is already ready and all the useful substances have been preserved, and by the way, when it's brewed like this, they say, who, for example, wants to lose weight, to whom you need such a diet, so it is very useful, and the buckwheat diet allows you to lose up to four 5 kg per week, if you usually eat it there without salt, without seasonings, rice. cleans the intestines, wheat porridge regulates metabolism, lowers the level of bad cholesterol and removes toxins, corn porridge is also called the food of beauties, because it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and oatmeal helps to cleanse the body of toxins, has an antimicrobial effect, and there are many recipes for porridge, and it seems to me that any porridge can be made tasty, and do not forget that all
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specialists, doctors... advise, especially in such extreme cold and frost, not to go outside hungry under any circumstances, so especially in the morning eat all the delicious nutritious cereals, and of course i forgot about one cereal, well, in recent years, it is some such a queen of porridge, it's pumpkin, but then again, who cares the taste, who likes it, and now, from such prosaic and tasty things as porridge, we move on to the examination of the upper layers of the atmosphere, and now we will talk about magnetic ones. to your attention is the forecast chart, and from it we will now see that we will not see anything here, because the situation is stable, magnetic activity is minimal, no magnetic storms are expected, so we are calmly observing as always and we are going to the weather forecast itself, it is very interesting whether will be the next night, for example, such frosts as there were last night, so we start weather forecast from the western regions.


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