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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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don't forget that all specialists and doctors advise, especially in such extreme cold and frost, not to go outside hungry under any circumstances, so especially in the morning eat all the delicious nutritious cereals, and of course i forgot about one cereal, well, in recent years, it 's some kind of porridge queen, it's pumpkin, but again, well, to whose taste, who likes it, and now, from such prosaic and tasty things as porridge, we move on to the examination of the upper layers of the atmosphere. and now we will talk about magnetic storms, for your attention the forecast chart, and from it we now we will see that we will not see anything here , because the situation is stable, magnetic activity is minimal, no magnetic storms are expected, so calmly, as always , we observe, and we actually move on to the weather forecast, it is very interesting whether there will be , for example, such frosts, as there were last night, so we start the weather forecast from the western region. tomorrow in
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the western part of ukraine, the weather is expected to be still cold, the air temperature at night is low, somewhere below 10, below 15 degrees, but in the daytime, as you can see, how about winter quite normal, moderately -3 -7, in transcarpathia even close to zero, precipitation is not expected in the west of ukraine tomorrow, in the north of ukraine tomorrow is also expected, well , i won't say that it's warming, but obviously it will increase. air temperature, because as you can see, the maximum air temperature tomorrow will be 1-3° of frost, we will get a little breather from such a strong cold, the weather is expected to be frosty at night in the east of ukraine and in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast, but it will be much lighter during the day will breathe, so to speak, -1-4° and also weather without precipitation will prevail. in the central part of ukraine, no snow... well, none
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is expected, from vinnytsia, now we will wait for the map of the central regions of ukraine, please, here and there we see that from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region , the weather will also be warm during the day, well, relatively of course, but nevertheless -1-4°, well, at night, of course, the frosts will be stronger, in the southern part of ukraine, tomorrow there will be a general thaw, the air temperature in the south of ukraine. tomorrow it will fluctuate around zero, that is, somewhere from one frost to one heat, and also without precipitation, but in kyiv tomorrow , january 10, the weather is expected to also be without precipitation and also warming in the capital, at night it will still be quite cold somewhere up to -10°, but tomorrow afternoon the air temperature is expected to be within 0-2° of frost, literally one in two sentences, i want to say that on january 11
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the warming will intensify, so to speak, but on the 12th, 13th, 14th it will cool down again, and on january 15-16 it will warm up again, this is the unstable , but forecasted weather, expected in the near future in ukraine. well, thank you natalka dydenko for the weather forecast, i am on... to those people who first want frost, and when the frost comes, they want warming, we see, warming is coming, well, that's how i say goodbye to you, good evening, we are from ukraine, there are 10% discounts on hepar in psylshynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on lyzak, 10% at
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psyasnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere around. bakhmut, let's tell you the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big broadcast by vasyl zima. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now, yuriy fizar, yuriy good evening, will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to catch
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up on economic news, time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. leaders who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and those who care espresso in the evening.
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congratulations, the main russian propagandists of the holiday gave russians a break from them, in russian news, on russian television. the main topics were strikes on belgorod and festive meetings and greetings of putin in various interiors. well, i still hope about the greetings, it will come later, but about the blows, they tried to tell that it was something that had never happened before, and that it was something very new. in terms of informational value, get me right, it's a professional term. it routine, it does not stand out from the main information flow in any way. and with belgorod, the first shelling, i would like to remind you, took place in may 2022. and that event caused complete surprise. it was
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such an explosion of emotions, the audience swallowed every frame that flew in from the belgorod region. but it happened so, i don't know why, that for many people, now their personal biography will be divided into two parts: before the ukrainian attack on belgorod and after. well, what is so unusual. he said in routine literally blows, which for him are an informational routine for a propagandist. and the fact is that russian propaganda tried to use these specific strikes on belgorod to present the russian federation as a victim of the war. well, this trick didn't work out. what upset russian
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propagandists? america and europe in one voice cover ukrainian terrorists and justify the attacks. and what a pleasure it is for them to hit the crimea, just joy, and the west supports it. we are dealing with the complete acceptance in europe, in the west as a whole, of the possibility of destroying russian civilians residents, this is normal for them. well, that is, they called for the extermination of ukrainian civilians for two years, and now they are terribly surprised why the extermination of russian civilians suddenly became normal. well, actually, what we are talking about is on the day of december 30 in the center of belgorod. but vyacheslav llaskov, the governor of the belgorod region , announced the shelling and said that
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a total of 24 people were killed and more than 100 wounded among the civilian population. well, ukrainian sources with reference to special services wrote that the destruction of civilian objects and the death of these civilians were the result of the unprofessional division of russian snipers, debris fell there and this happened, and well... it is not the first time that russian bombs have fallen there, even when the russians simply went down the fab and fell and it was a miracle, it was last year , miraculously no one was hurt in that belgorod. well, in the end , the ukrainian military expert, oleksandr kovalenko, refuted the statements of the russians about the strikes on belgorod from the soviet union, which the russians declared, he said that it is simply impossible, because either there are too few, ammunition to deliver such blows, and... others simply do not reach there, but what is interesting is putin's reaction to this whole story,
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which shows that when the russian army, on putin's order, was attacking kharkiv, mykolaiv, kherson, still hits, with the same rszv, but in fact putin perfectly understands that this is a crime, look, he confirms it himself, under the cover of two missiles. under the cover of two vilkha missiles, it seems that they did, they hit the systems under the alpine fire of rszzo. what is rszzo? you, as military men, know this the weapon is indiscriminate, hitting the squares. with this weapon, they struck right in the center of the city, where people were walking before the new year, a targeted attack on the civilian population, of course this is a terrorist attack. well, let's talk a little
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about it with larisa voloshyna, journalist, psychologist, and actually let's talk about why suddenly this, as the propagandist mardan said, a routine story suddenly became so important that for 10 days russian propagandists continue to talk about it and insist and try something like that... with to take this, so i ask our guest to bring it on the air so that we can talk. congratulations, mrs. larisa. congratulations. well, actually, why, why, such a violent reaction, as they say, to a routine news story? well, the first thing to understand is this, this double discourse. routine history was as long as it was necessary. to pretend that nothing terrible is happening in order to reduce
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the public's indignation, but it was already a terrorist attack by putin, it became when the concept changed, i will remind you that vladimir putin's career, in general, is the very purpose himself as the president of russia, because we understand that he is seconded there from the fsb, and for... putin, his election as president for the first time was precisely against the background of terrorist attacks by the so-called chechen militants. the russians, most likely the russian propagandists, decided to unite the russian population around putin on a fictitious tragedy. here i agree with mr. kovalenko, this is most likely their work, because... the way they are changing their legend, and moreover, what they received from the united states of america at the meeting with the united nations,
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when western intelligence can clearly see who was shooting and where they were shooting from, so in this case we still have to talk about the fact that the russians, crooked hands, did not hold back their own weapons, directed them against their own people, and after that they decided to raise their ratings. well, it's interesting that when there are similar attacks in the crimea, do you remember the sinking of another ship of the feodosia. tried, it was at the end of last year, and then they tried to kill him with such a scandal, which, by the way, was also continued this year, and let's talk about it let's also talk, because at first it seemed like such a momentary distraction, we are talking about nastia ivleva's party with an almost naked dress code, which
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took place on the night of december 21, 2023 in a moscow club. tabarova , about two hundred guests were present at this party, it was a private party, it was not public, it was not some kind of demonstration, among them there were philip kirkorov, ksenia psobchak, diba bilan, singer glukoza, lalita milyavska, and so on they were so boldly dressed, and suddenly literally in the morning, but at night it was, on the morning of the same december 21, suddenly there appeared some... statements of slightly non-combatants that they were offended by this when they had time to see it, this is also a mystery, and by the way, at first i say, it looked like something very frivolous, and well, in principle, it would have looked even more frivolous if it hadn't dragged on for so long, and literally just a little while ago, the owner of this
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restaurant was forced to hand over some relics to the russian orthodox church there, it's quite comical. looks to wash off this party, come on let's see how he did it, the relics of the saint , these are the relics of st. nicholas, we want to present them accordingly, at the same time i want to say that the money has been received, we have several clubs, including mutabor, so well-known in connection with recent events , but we say that we are against obscurantism, devilry, we support the church in different ways, save the lord for us. well, it’s interesting to see how this same owner, here he was fighting against the same dark beast literally a week ago, he also posted photos of approximately the same plan in his were at a party, nothing of his, in principle, there
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was nothing special, well, at that moment it was not scary and... they were before and only now, well, for this i need to tell that i am exactly that owner and exactly with this party, well, all that of course it's funny, moreover, when it first happened, well, the same one, for example, marten , he was quite skeptical about the fact that there was this publicity, he was even a little surprised by it, well, like, well, yes, they are dressed there, well, he is like that reacted, and this is also in principle, well, it is clear why.
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for each appearance in the public space of the scene it is possible to automatically issue a fine for lgbt propaganda. the east appeared for lgbt propaganda. you know how things are arranged in russia. a patriotic deputy or, in principle , an influential person who can ruin life. consolidate your role of some big that's what all these things are used by some people. i do not like it.
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the topic is exhausted. everything was said on the topic yesterday. was mistaken, because it was not exhausted, all this, again, it has been going on for two weeks, the moscow court, where ili fortovsky called it propaganda non-traditional sexual relations, and the rapper there, who came with a shkaret, instead of , let's say, underpants, was imprisoned for 15 days, then fined, then imprisoned for another 10 days, then they brought him some kind of summons to the army, in... the participants of all these parties apologized, the organizer anastasia yevllieva was fined 100,000 at first , then in general it all turned into some kind of very strange story when... the organizers of the party were sued, at the same time ivllieva was sued, that's it another the actor was organized by oleksandr, this is inshakov
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, this actor and stuntman, who is known for the fact that he was sanctioned in the usa for the fact that he worked with organized russian crime in the same states, so he and 22 other people filed a lawsuit against 1 billion rubles in favor of the support fund for the participants of the vii'. as compensation for moral damage to them for these photos, which they were not supposed to see at all, this is a private party, i emphasize once again, and here he is, as he commented on it, this same actor, these lights got tired, these lights swelled new year's eve, the same faces , the same performers, who do not all evoke positive emotions in people, on the contrary, negative ones, the people are tired, and so am i, of what happens when young boys, girls, young actors are smeared, not they give
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them the opportunity to work, they don't give them the opportunity to speak, they dictate their terms, everything comes to an end, patience too, why a billion, we discussed like that and thought that this is the amount that will cheer people up, well... well , that is, it is very strange, here we are tired of the vagrants, with some of those people who are always there they are there, although, if you look after that, and i looked, of course, what they showed were the same people we knew from childhood, all kinds of basques, rioters, igor nikolaevs, so they are probably not the same people. well, this is such a strange story, and this story continues, which is not surprising, well, it drags on, drags on, and here is the question, why is it to the russian authorities, because it’s the way these
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photos are from a private, once again i repeat the party, which is not was public, which all of a sudden, the morning after the party, everyone saw and had time to react to, well, you know, that doesn't happen by chance, well, it's absolutely clear that they knew in advance that there would be such a party and our... arranged this deliberate harassment around it, that is, it was a deliberate decision by some specific group close to the kremlin, which stirred up all this and then supported all this, why , why did they need it, why did they do it, i uli , i agree that there is clearly an absolutely artificially hyped story going on here, and here i want to remind you that vladimir putin himself... functions as a person of such a champion of values, and more , as a champion of values, he is such a certain character for all
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the putin-frensteins in the world, this is how the same hamas militants look at him, they all say that putin is protecting traditional values, and in this case it was necessary to demonstrate this protection, so on... my the view was that this hype was arranged from the very beginning, from the first minutes it was necessary to show that, you see, some people are naked, but vladimir volodymyrovych and russian patriots in general are against it, that is, it was artificially arranged from the very beginning, then as usual it went well and they decided to mean it to squeeze everything possible, and here i want to remind you that, in fact, russian racism is very much, it is fascism, classical fascism , and with such nazi notes, because what they call russian peace is a nazi
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idea, it is the reich, this is the fourth reich, and i want to remind you that in hitler's ideology, the first people to be repressed were dancers, in fact, in the 34th year immediately after hitler came to power, one of the first laws was passed banning cabaret dancers from dancing and everything else, because germany was famous more than even france for these cabarets and these such fun theaters, so in this case a ban was imposed, then many dancers were sent to concentration camps later, we also know that there were these people who repented before the german... nation, because they, they say, so, how they are corrupting the young german generation, again , the beginning of the extermination of the jews was also, very much so.
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because they explained that, as the jews say, they spoil with their bad blood, which means that this is the beautiful aryan blood, and therefore they were condemned marriages with jews, therefore, in fact, the first thing they were accused of is that they are talkative, unspiritual, and marriage with them, and in general love for them, is a kind of perversion, that is, these dancers are perversions, jews are perversions. everything started from this, so in this case, when russian political technologists are trying to mold putin into a champion of values ​​in order to give at least some sense, why all of a sudden this is what we are fighting for, they still cannot invent it, and here they show you see, father tsar, heads are flying, so here are the pests in the rear, so here are the planters pests, this is all to put such a certain background
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that we are here for values, but in parallel they... as a result, it goes further and further, absolutely obviously, into this hitlerian ideology, and in principle they begin to not just use their stars as such, you know, artificial boys for beatings, but they are really persecuting them, that's why we are waiting for new laws on the ban on performing there, i don't know, he said there, lolita milyavska performs, but she performs there, probably in some kind of actor's leotard, but now it will be prohibited. to sing clean-shaven bellies on the stage, i don't know what they will achieve, but it must definitely be promoted further, because the people must have meaning, the nazi ideology must be supported. well, but it is interesting that, for example, the same solov'ov, yes , he except, well, practically, his rhetoric about this, it did not refer to the fact that they are undressed there, moreover, i will say that if you say, well yes, from my personal private knowledge of what is happening in
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russia, such parties for them... are more the norm than the exception, that is, nothing new, and these parties, i am sure, only this week there were dozens, if not hundreds, with similar clothes. moreover, let's listen to what solov'ov said, and then i 'll document it a little more. you are not talking about the country, about the people, do you want to atone for something? no, you want to go back to your military self. you want to return to that world, at the same time, you constantly keep the thought in yourself that you will still be accepted there, so you choose your words and steps very carefully, so that, god forbid, you are not suspected of something and are not cut off from the possibility of hanging out abroad , they behave differently
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only egg whites. who traveled and helped, and kirkorov, who spoke and traveled to crimea, also traveled to crimea. well, that is, it just suddenly turned out as a result that bilan was not taken off the air at all, although he was there, it was enough for him simply, he said that i went there by accident, and i do not support all this, and you are not at the address at all you are making claims, well, yes, i have been there, what am i? and kirkorov, although they seem to say that he was cut from some programs, but in fact on ntv, he was in the program, no one cut him out, on song of the year, apparently, he wasn't there in advance, he didn't participate in it for some reason, it was visible from the fact that he didn't participate in the collective song, and this is simply impossible, if a star of this magnitude took people participation in general in the recording
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of the concert, it would be obvious. was on the general plans, he is not on the general plans, that is, there is some other game going on, so what, because the people who are the most public in history and again ksyusha sabchak, she was also completely unharmed, only nastya was harmed ivleva and some rapper, who has been on tv before, well, in principle, in all these concerts, well, it shouldn’t have been, that is, a very strange story, they do it rather in order to show not even... the permissibility of this culture of some kind , which is demonstrated , in fact, well, the truth is, said mardan, well , kirkorov has been demonstrating this for 20 years, if not 30, and it has never concerned anyone in particular, and now, as it turned out , it does not particularly concern either, he just said something there, said that he will transfer the money from new year's broadcasts to somewhere there troops.


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