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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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took part, and this is simply impossible, if people a star of this magnitude participated in general in the recording of the concert, she would obviously be on the general plans, he is not on the general plans, that is, there is some other game going on, so what, because people who the most public of this history, and again the same ksyusha sabchak, she was also completely unharmed, only nastya ivleva and some rapper were injured, as before on television there, well, in principle, in these and those concerts, well, they are not. to be, that is, a very strange story, they do it rather to to show, not even the inadmissibility of this culture of any kind that it demonstrates , in fact, well, it’s true, mardan said, well , kirkorov has been demonstrating it for 20 years, if not 30, and it has never concerned anyone in particular, and now, as it turned out, also especially does not apply, he just said something there, he said that he would transfer the money from the new year's broadcasts somewhere to the navy.
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russian, well, that's all, and what are suffering are completely different people, by whose example they most likely show what they have, well, somehow show their support for putin and russia, so what emerges from this story, i don't know, it seems to me that this is also a very misleading position, you know, very strange and very interesting to me. to what extent can she really play, or can it be, for example, a direct attack on alla pohachova's entourage, which they are afraid to touch her directly, but they touch the people around her, well, as we can see, they are not touched at all, following their example , demonstrate that everything is possible if you repent, and this is also actually a soviet tactic, it is us... we remember that
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these white eyes, because they are the vospetovs of all these in films and songs, how this white guard fled abroad, and then the soviet authorities were invited to return, forgiveness, we know how they played forgiveness with our fans, they cheated, you always have to show, you see, this is a naked party, these are such bad people , we are fighting with them here for morals, because pleps really... likes it when its king arranges an autodafe, come here, see how someone is beaten up on the back, this is the best entertainment, especially when there is nothing to eat, there is nothing, in they are just eggs, then chickens, then no heat enough, so in this case we thought it was entertainment, and now these repentant ones are being demonstrated, and this is such a strain, because the same russian oppositionists or those who are about... wars,
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this category, they left, but they calmly enter russia, the same alla borisivna comes to russia perfectly , we know that, and many of them, and many of those who speak, go to the west as a refugee, the regime, in fact, they are fine in moscow they keep their property and their connections and even visit it from time to time the city, fearing nothing, so in this case it is simple... it has several nuances, it seems to me that they explain to pugacheva herself and her entourage that come, repent, give the money, it will be fine, but they show the aplesas, so you see how father , the tsar is cracking down on immoral scoundrels , so in this case something must be shown, because we understand that the russians need some kind of victory, and the victory over universal homosexuality is exactly what what...
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what they will tell them about tomorrow, that the very thing they fought for, well, that's right, that, me i'll tell you, it's a true opinion, and most likely , we'll be the ones to watch, these public autodops, as you called them, they'll drag on, especially since i 've been there for two weeks already, and the suffering around that, that not all the myts have yet repented, it is already being heard on the airwaves, for example, there shakhnazarov told, they have a wonderful dialogue with solovyov about it. a large part of our creative intelligentsia, it must be said frankly, is in some antagonism with what is happening, and there is nothing you can do about it, in fact, the greater part is neutral-waiting position, how it will all end. of course, and it is noticeable in everything.
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we do not see a constellation of artists who would defend our national sovereignty. there are none, none. well, well, that is, the suffering continues , there is no, it turns out that there is a culture that can be said to support the government, but there is another one, let’s give a topic, this is actually putin’s new year’s greeting, but it
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is very different from last year , last year he spoke, and it was against the background of the military and everything there was a lot about i will just remind you that we have a war. show this footage as it was last year, no , this is this, this year, this is not that, show last year as it was, a piece, and here oh, here it is, and putin, this is how it was last year heroically, but this year he was so alone there and did not say anything about the aggression against ukraine, and most of putin's very short address this year was about that. that 2024 has been declared the year of the family, and a real big family is definitely one where children grow up - putin reminded, and actually, because the russian leader needs more meat for wars of aggression, and we are one country, one big family, that is the end of it, in principle
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, these motives in the address are not new for putin, if you look, for example, putin's congratulations on 2017, it will be a little verbatim about the same thing and exactly the same thing, but it's about the children who need... peaceful for our neighbors, and for all people, people in uniform. thank you for the peace. dear compatriots, the year 2024 is coming, the hour of quality. a good
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tradition will return to our life, to assign a badge of honor to the best to producers of goods and services. in the political field of the country, it will be revived in a new status. about the fact that it was a measured hour, only if you know that they all met with sidzenpin before the new year, if you know what sidzenpin said in his new year's speech, also, what is interesting, what was not in sidzenpin's speech, in he didn't say a single word about the new world order or changing
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the world system, which is what they like to talk about in the russian federation, but the leader of the dprk spoke more about the need to continue economic growth and how he understands the difficulties of business and ordinary people. that we need pensions, to teach children, how important it is for everyone to live in warmth, peace, harmony, the chinese leader mentioned taiwan, but in such, you know, optical words, the unification of the motherland is an unstoppable historical trend, chinese sons and daughters on both sides of the taiwan strait are obliged to fold for the sake of the glorious mission of the great revival of the nation, that 's what he said, take it as you will, and this is, in principle, more evidence that they are going to conduct hybrid actions than to open a war, and here's what he... said directly about some kind of military action, it's even worth a listen to fully understand why everyone else is suddenly making these statements.
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china is actively participating in the global process, as it responded. state, international events made it possible to receive friends from all over the world, during this year i also visited a number of countries, took part in international conferences, met with many old and new friends, if the international situation had not changed, the leitmotif of our time remains peace and development and mutually beneficial cooperation will make its way. unfortunately, right now in the flames of war are still raging in some parts of the world. the chinese people deeply value peace and are always ready to unite with the world community for the sake of the world's destiny. larissa literally 30 seconds, well, what do these stories show, interesting? that the war
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turned out to be much more expensive for them than they thought, and they are trying to demonstrate in their society that, as they say, we unite for the sake of the family, that is, that everything we do, we do for the sake of your children and their future, that is they appeal to the personal, that is, essentially. when you are not you can win the war, yes, let's talk now about peace, that is, it would have been successful, we would have talked about something else, well, thank you very much larisa voloshina, my colleague and psychologist, well, we will meet with you, see this week in the program. a living traitor, as the rashists protect the main seller of new
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tiles. details regarding the rescue of the deputy chairman of novaya kakhovka, vitaly gura. but who is responsible for propaganda among children in the occupied territories? today , she motivated our youth with a personal example. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. there are currently 1,877 ukrainian cities and villages occupied by russia, and the enemy is trying to increase this number. our military maintains defense at a high cost. unfortunately, in almost every occupied corner there are those who rejoice at the temporary invasion and hope that these territories will never return to ukraine. as, for example, a resident of novaya kakhovka, vitaliy volodymyrovych hura, born in 1978. for some reason, this traitor thought that russia will give him everything. instead , he is now under the crosshairs of the drg and fears for his life. until february 24, gura tried to hide
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his true views, impersonating a ukrainian politician, a civil servant who is very concerned about the well-being of novaya kakhovka. so, in 2015, he ran for the kherson regional council and the novokakhov city council from the socialists. at the time of running for office, he worked in the kp, novokakhovsk department of communal economy, as a gas engineer. from 2020 to 2021, he was the chief mechanic in the utility company the municipal water supply company, and from the summer of 2021 to february 2022, the head of the dnipro district of novaya kakhovka. but everything changed when the new tile was occupied by the russian army. guras welcomed the invaders as family and offered any possible help. the occupiers, in turn, made him the deputy head of the captured new kakhovka. and what... the russian media began to write about the traitor, how our ukrainian resistance movement took care of him. gura
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was wounded. the traitor was shot near his house. then they wrote to the media that he was a collaborator died but, as it turned out later, this venal pike staged his death in order not to die at the hands of our partisans. the fsb warned of a series of terrorist attacks against members of the government of crimea and employees of the administration of the kherson region, who were preparing in the security service of ukraine. our. special services disclosed the details of the rescue of the deputy head of novaya kakhovka, vitaly hura. the ukrainian media show about me that i died, i was killed, i was killed. as tight as gura turned out to be, she was very efficient and obedient in her position. so over time , the traitor was promoted. already done with the head novokokhov city district. here is a video where the former rashist ihor chagaev, the former vice-governor of the krasnodar region of the russian federation, wishes gura success in her new position. respected! volodymyrovych, we congratulate you on your official appointment as the head of the city district
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of nova kakhovka. the new chairman is sworn in and begins working on the main tasks of the kremlin. to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe the constitution of the russian federation. accompanied by representatives of the so-called power structures, gura carried out illegal alienation of property that was on the balance sheet of communal institutions of novokakhovska city. advice he also demanded from the head of the utility company to provide him with a work plan to prepare for the heating season. all of us are united in the main thing, in love for our city, for the region. to russia, the only country where we live and where our children and grandchildren will live. this seller has already been tried to be liquidated twice, and, unfortunately, he managed to survive. let's hope that the avengers will finish the case. at least, they will organize it comfortably transfer to the hands of ukrainian justice. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already
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informed guri of the suspicion of collaborationism. he faces up to 10 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hug. certain positions for up to 15 years and with confiscation of property. in past programs, i told you about the traitorous family of the kovalov brothers, politicians from the servant of the people party. polochy kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district, after the occupation of kherson he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. last year he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother yuriy kovalev was a deputy of the kherson regional council and after the full-scale invasion headed a state-owned enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers. when in october of last year putler posthumously awarded the liquidated kovalov with the order for courage, his brother yuriy kovalov came to the blood eaters together with his mother to receive the award. and while the younger brother holds the older one's place at kobzon's concert, yuriy kovalev works diligently on the image of a traitor. yes,
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on november 27, 2023, yuriy kovalev received suspicion from the sbu. our law enforcement agencies found out that he... reoriented more than 20 controlled companies in the region to the needs of the aggressor country, for this, in particular, he re-registered them under russian legislation, among the enterprises was a local agricultural holding, which this year shipped almost 35 tons of ukrainian grain for the total amount of uah 140 million. it was also established that, on the instructions of yuriy kovalev , the gas stations under his control carried out extraordinary fueling of the military equipment of the russian federation, in particular in enemy tanks and armored vehicles. in addition, the seller's companies have been actively supplying food rations for russian soldiers who are at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. yuriy kovalev's enterprises regularly finance the budget of the aggressor country in the form of paying taxes and fees for millions of rubles every month. now yuriy kovalev is in
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the temporarily occupied territories, but this will not protect him from our law enforcement agencies, the court and. he will definitely answer for all his actions. this is another 1978 sale by yevgeny ivanovna demyantiev born in the crimean city of armyansk. before the annexation of the peninsula, she worked in local authorities. when crimea was captured by the little green men, she supported the occupation and annexation of this territory to the russian federation. dementieva went to work for the occupation authorities. she became a deputy of the city council of armyansk and secretary for ideology of the crimean reggae. the official branch of the communist party of the russian federation, their motto is russia, labor, socialism and people's rule, but it should be russia, impoverishment, repression and tyranny. until february 24, she sat in the crimea and worked over the promotion of soviet ideas to the masses. when the full-scale war began, i think it is clear who she supported. on her
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facebook page, demtieva talked about the liberator of russia, and posted the following. picture: apparently, the worship of lenin, putin and the hammer and sickle, demntiyeva got angry, so she moved to the kherson region, where on october 16, 2023, she was made the acting minister of education of the kherson region. general educational institutions of the kherson region are currently fully equipped with educational and methodical facilities literature, this year more than 101,000 copies were purchased, this became possible thanks to the personal participation of the president of the russian federation , vladimir putin. now this person is responsible for the propaganda that russia integrates into the education process of our children. as part of the dialogue with high school students today , guidelines and priorities in choosing a profession were discussed. today, by personal example
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, she motivated our youth to choose a higher educational institution for themselves with a referral to a state one. that is, if you remove all the pathos from her words, it turns out that dymentiyeva talked about her way from a citizen of ukraine to a slave, and key aspects of how to profitably sell her homeland for positions and wooden rubles. this collaborator has been waiting for her suspicion since 2014, let's hope she will get it. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about krem progenitors. write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on spresso. there are discounts on zzilor
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10% in pharmacies psyllium you and uschad. big broadcast by vasyl zima. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world lives on, and now about , what has happened in the world , yuliy fizar will speak in more detail, yury, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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greetings, we need your help in searching for this guy, his name is dmytro mazanov. he is 17 years old, and he went missing in svitlodarsk, donetsk region. the guy was last contacted in june 2023, and since then nothing is known about him. so i ask you to look especially carefully into dmitry's face. if you recognize him or know where he might be, don't delay and immediately call the magnolia children's search hotline at 116 30.
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you can also write to the chatbot. child tracing services in telegram. we really hope that everything is fine with dmytro mazanov, and we will be able to find him. but unfortunately, no it is excluded that, like many children from the temporarily occupied territories, the boy could have been taken or deported to russia. however , even in such difficult situations, we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child. in particular, we use the method of searching for information. in short, osint investigation is a search. analysis of information available in open sources, for example, in zmi, on forums, sites, in messengers, and, of course, in social networks. yes, it was with the help of autumn specialists in the child tracing service that we managed to find out a lot important information about the missing sisters, sasha and nastya liponova. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and
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nastya would not be in ukraine anymore. on the territory of russia, and this version was confirmed during the autumn investigation. we managed to find out that the girls are really in russia. before the war , the sisters studied in one of the boarding schools in mariupol. after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, which actually shows sasha and nastya are really in temporarily occupied donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer... of the year they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, there is a matching photo on social media, and here the sisters are still together. however, after that, joint photos of sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa, moscow region, and on september 1, 2022 , she even entered a local technical school. and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma for
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an award in a poetry contest. and here is a girl reads poems in one of the city squares. there is also information that sasha lives in a foster family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the cherlyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted on may 30, 2023 on her page in the social network. and this photo was published earlier, on july 24, 2020 . of course, everything we learned about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until this data is officially confirmed, sasha and nastya are considered missing. but the most important thing is that the received information inspires hope that the girls are alive, healthy, and everything is fine with them. currently, we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunovy ended up in russia and whether they became direct victims of deportation? in general,
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the deportation of children. is a herd of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you personally know about any crime against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report to our site stopcrime ua. you can even do it anonymously. and finally, please go to the website of the child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing. so if you recognize any of them. please call us on the hotline at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and let us know, and we'll run everything possible mechanisms of criminal punishment. stopcrime ua.
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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians launched rocket attacks on kharkiv that night. a children's health center came under fire. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. fortunately , there were no people in the room, so no one was injured. dana yarova became an adviser to the deputy minister of defense. dmytro klimenkov himself announced this on facebook. according to him, such a step is
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fundamentally fundamental changes. in the system, after all, the experience of the spring nezale'.


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