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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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to control it, and therefore, i'm sorry, i also respect the security service of ukraine, but i am convinced that they were obliged to control, first of all, they are obliged to control all procurements in the ministry of defense, related to weapons, as well as with other ammunition and so on, what umerov is doing today is basically right, he restored this internal audit-inspection, and it immediately showed him the abuses in recent months... for 10 billion, he restored a new structure , which will make purchases, i i understand him as, well, as a minister, yes , after this audit, he needs to cut himself off, so to speak, from his predecessors and start his life as a minister from a new letter, but i ask the politicians and the highest officials who should be responsible for the previous period, do we understand it’s so
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simple that you can’t blame it, someone appointed ministers, deputies, who are watching these curators, yes, it’s not possible for billions of abuses so that no one knows, so i’m sorry, there’s no need to fool around here, we’re not all naive people, it’s very it is unfortunate to state that there were such abuses in the ministry of defense, and today this is the mistrust that ukrainians have, including the ministry of defense, and it will be very bad. equally influence the passage and adoption of the law that we really need , this difficult law on mobilization, you understand that in order to push such laws through the verkhovna rada, so that everything is constructive, so to speak, to discuss those who are not satisfied and everything, you need to be trusted. this is what we see now in the military sphere, unfortunately, we also see it in the energy sector, when the government accepts resolution on cancellation. moratorium
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on penny fines and disconnection, i am not saying that this is a wrong norm, it is rather a correct norm, but there are always scandals in the energy sector, so corrupt, and as a result, people express righteous indignation and dissatisfaction, you want to collect certain fines from us , payments, but you cannot guarantee us fair, objective tariffs for energy, for energy and communal services, and agree, here i and... people can understand consumers, although i, as the profile deputy chairman of the committee, have to definitely take care of energy security, that is, distrust is very binding, it does not give an opportunity to make adequate, not very popular, but extremely vital decisions for the country. mr. oleksiy, you mentioned this bill on mobilization, there are already five versions of these bills, there is one governmental, four alternative. and it is clear
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that there will not be one position literally in one day or in one week or in two weeks or in a month, and it is not excluded that the government bill will be returned to the ministry of defense for revision again, well at least that's what some members of the committee on national security and defense say, i know that the motherland has its own vision of what the law on mobilization should be, what this mobilization should be, and yulia tymoshenko ... spoke about it publicly, if possible , please explain very briefly, look , first, well, first, who spoke out and simply not against the law, yes, the draft law, but against certain norms of the law was, well, it was tymoshenko, as an experienced politician, then all the others there are experienced people, for today i state if you haven't seen it, you can see the conclusion of the anti-corruption committee on my page. policy under the signature of the head of
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the radina committee on six pages, which identifies very serious corruption risks of the government's draft law. i read it carefully, there is no time now for everyone, i can say that i am ashamed that the government sent such a raw and unprofessional bill to the verkhovna rada, and how it undermined this process. it also talks about corruption risks, it also talks about anti... not constitutional norms, so, in my opinion, the government would it is definitely better to withdraw mine , i am convinced that then it would make it possible to draft a committee parliamentary bill that would summarize all comments, because i think we would still agree on principled positions, all patriotic forces, you understand, but here it seems to me that that these are ambitions, the government will withdraw anyway, and as a result we have a raw, unprofessional scandal. the government
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bill that does not allow moving in this process, god forbid that i be wrong, but we will see that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it will be in the relevant committee and in the hall of the verkhovna rada. and can it happen, sir. that this draft law will be returned for revision, the need for mobilized people will be and there will be a question from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and it is clear that this issue will be relevant, and the longer the resolution of this issue is delayed, the more questions there will be for the verkhovna rada, they will say, well, the verkhovna rada the rada doesn't want it, but tymoshenko doesn't want it, the motherland doesn't want it, i 'm sorry, but if the government gives a fuss, then the verkhovna rada is not obliged to it. to adopt unconstitutional laws, so this transfer of responsibility is not necessary here, i i'm trying to be constructive, but the government should be responsible for the preparation of this bill, and in general, i will tell you frankly that in my opinion, in order for society to support this bill,
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in my opinion it is better if it were developed in the office of the supreme commander-in-chief and approved by the decision of the national security council. let me remind you that the president is also the subject of a legislative initiative, therefore there will be no blackmail, this draft law must be corrected, and of course, the country needs it, and here is the key, in my opinion, there are special regulations there, about registers, about age , about disability, you know everything, but for me, as a former government official and civil servant of the first morning, the key claim to the government, like us... to submit such a bill, and in the accompanying note it is written that he does not need additional budget funding, well, think about it, we understand by this law that we are increasing the amount of our mobilization reserve, human,
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weapons and so on and the like, but tell me, tomorrow they started calling there are young guys and everything, but there are resources for them, and they need to be healed somewhere, they need to be paid for their salaries, they need to be trained, armed, clothed, and somehow this gap scares me very, very much, you know, this law must be mobilized unequivocally, but it is necessary to find out under which model of war and under which financial and economic resource, this is, in my opinion, one of the key tasks, because otherwise i do not understand anything at all then, one more important question, mr. oleksiy, for ukraine is the restoration of the military-industrial complex potential and the military-industrial complex, it is clear that it is not clear how long the war will be, but that such factories and such capacities should be, if possible briefly, tell me what can be done,
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it is obvious that ukraine, unfortunately , lost, it’s us, well, i don’t want to transfer it to our predecessors, to our predecessors, i state , yes, that, unfortunately, we have lost a very significant military-industrial potential, unfortunately, we are lagging behind in armaments today, we are lagging behind in personnel, i am convinced that there is a lack of professionals, both managers and people who i can, can do something with my hands, and it should have been started two years ago, well, at least two years, well, at least, yes , in fact, if we were preparing for war, and the fact that today everything is understood today and in ukraine, and the ukrainian top-pass. and politicians , and that, this is what our partners encourage us to do, look, they are already giving such hints very well transparent, yes, what guys, we will not be able to arm you all the time, build your military-industrial complex, get up, do what you knew how
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to do, we again state the problem with drones, we state the problem, well, with shells, and with all types of weapons, in fact, and missiles, the same ones, including, and we understand how much it... well , it hurts us, how much it worsens our military situation and the tactics and strategy of possible armed forces of ukraine , well, the war would have been completely different, agree, if there was a different model of weapons, a different model of our armed forces, and a lot of our people died . we work in live broadcast of the tv channel, also on our ... forms on youtube and facebook. throughout our program, we conduct surveys. we ask you whether ukraine needs a new holiday: thanksgiving day. let's see the results of the vote on tv: 60 for, 40 against. these are the interim results of the survey. we will continue our survey following
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the news release from our colleagues at the bbc. in the second part of the program, we will have victoria syumar, yevgenia kravchuk and andriy osadchuk, people's deputies of ukraine. so don't switch, see you in minutes there are discounts on bronkhi pred 20% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on pshik, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. do you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, on the sofa, no matter what, you can't find a comfortable position, you don't... need to improve your sleeping place, meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from mattress tv experts.
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program continues, my name is serhiy rudenko, in the second part of our program, you can see the prospects for strengthening the mobilization of the people. deputies discuss the government draft law and register alternative ones. the scandal with the hrynkevichs is gaining momentum. the ministry of defense terminated contracts with a dubious supplier. who robs the armed forces. the only news needs to change. ukrainian tv channels looking for new formats for the telethon. friends, we are working live on telekanaluso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are in favor of... this is a life for us, please vote in our survey, today we are asking
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whether ukraine needs a new holiday, a day of thanksgiving to god, yes, no, please vote, if so, 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382, these are the phones for those who are watching us on tv now, all calls to these numbers are free, call us, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting, for those who are currently watching us on youtube. choose the option either yes or no, or write your comment under this video, so that we understand your position regarding this holiday, the holiday of thanksgiving to god, which the committee on humanitarian and information policy of the verkhovna rada recommends to the parliament to establish at the end of september, in the last sunday of september. i would like to introduce the guests of today's program, they are people's deputy of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk, servant of the people faction. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. good
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evening. andriy osadchuk, voice faction. mr. andriy, good evening and... thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, serhiy, i congratulate the audience. victoria tyumar, european solidarity faction. mrs. victoria, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. let 's, since we are asking our viewers about this day of thanksgiving to god and about this holiday, which can be another holiday in ukraine, let's do it in the blitz format, i'll ask you too, what do you think, is such a holiday necessary for ukraine or not? ms. yevgenia, please. well, on the committee, because this is our profile committee, me i voted for, and you know, i will try to explain it in a slightly different way, when ukraine returned to the forefront of world newspapers and media, on december 25, when we actually celebrated christmas for the first time together with the civilized world, together with
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the western world, and if such an additional informational reason will help . to establish cooperation or to find some feedback in certain, let's say, conservative circles of american politics, then this can also be an additional argument, and in general, the committee supported the initiative of the authors, because it was not the initiative of our the committee, and the authors, among whom, by the way , is the head of the verkhovna rada, and thank god, it is always... it is necessary every day, not only on one day, thank god, ms. victoria, do you think that such a day is necessary or not ? we can't hear you, unfortunately, some, some, some communication problems, please redial victoria syumar, mr.
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andrew, well, you know, being... boko always with piety, as if treating the feelings of all believers, but i agree with you that if you believe, then you should thank god every day, and you are probably encouraged to do so holy writings, and if we are going to adopt national holidays in order to please some part of the politicians of some one country , because this is probably not the best strategy, both in building relations with this country and in developing the system of holidays in ukraine, because probably, first after all, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the ukrainian people, that is why i am personally very skeptical about this initiative, if it will be brought to the hall of the verkhovna
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rada of ukraine, i will not support this initiative. thank you, mr. andrii, we are waiting for you inclusion of victoria. syumar, unfortunately, unfortunately , she is not on the air, and well, since i hope that victoria will later answer this question that we ask our viewers, the main issue this week is the mobilization bill, we already know that that as of the morning of january 9 , five bills have already been registered, this is one government bill, four alternative bills, the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada... issues of national security, defense and intelligence oleksandr zavitnevich predicts significant changes to certain norms of the government bill, and possibly the government the draft law will be revised in terms of the anti-corruption part, because the committee on
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anti-corruption policy recognized such a government project as containing corruption risks. let's talk about this bill or about these bills or about the vision of the issue of mobilization, because your political forces definitely already have one vision: what mobilization should be, what this bill should be, what should be there, what should not be there, because two weeks, it seems, not only people's deputies, but society already had time to study the norms of this draft law, to discuss, and some people still had time to leave the border. well, just in case, ms. victoria, please, if the question was already asked, by the way, i apologize for the connection, because there were problems with wi-fi, and if the question... was about anti-corruption examination, then i am sure it is worth, as members of the committee on anti-corruption policy, to still focus on these aspects, because it is really not a very
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good conclusion, and it is probably also not good that the ministry of defense agreed with the comments and admitted that corruption risks it is in the draft law, and this means that it was written very quickly, although the draft law is very complex and has... high social significance, and it was probably necessary to work on it more carefully. among such risks, we are talking about the forms of legal uncertainty that exist there, because , you know, what is the value of the rule that the head of the tsc can himself enter or exclude someone from the register of debtors, and you know that the register will be expanded, by the way, this draft law will also... these days be considered in the verkhovna rada and in the electronic one the register will include all data on all conscripts, and there, for example, there may
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be information about the use of an e- car, so that if a person is deprived of this right, accordingly , the head of the cec himself, the head of the tsc himself will determine who he deprives such a right, and who from such and such registers does he remove these data. it is obvious that it can be opened quite simply. cash register again for the tcc in some other dimension, regarding the penalties for conscripts, as well, well, there are a lot of unfinished norms, such for example, as the fact that local self -government bodies are obliged to ensure the arrival of conscripts to the shopping center, in general, well, a strange norm, since local self-government bodies do not even have the right to check documents, they are not law enforcement agencies, in some village. .. it must happen, it’s the mayor personally, someone should be arrested there or who, who, who, strictly speaking, if the power functions are not inherent to them, therefore , strictly speaking, due to these shortcomings,
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questions were asked to the representatives of the ministry of defense, they were on committee, they recognized the existence of such things and said that it would be worked out by a working group, in principle, the committee discussed that it might be resubmitted, but as far as i understood, this draft law was still decided and... with the comments of the defense committee, i hope that the remarks of our committee will be included there, after all , send them to the hall with the obligation to accept these remarks for the second reading, well, this is the situation according to the remarks, thank you, mrs. yevgenia, is it clear now which of the bills will be voted on your faction because i know that the profile... the committee said that they have up to 72 pages of comments, 72 comments on this bill, the government's bill, obviously should not be taken as
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the bill that is the bill of the entire team, the contingent team of the servant of the people, which is in power, if i understand it correctly, the specialized committee is working now, it continues to work, because... today no decision was made and the meeting will continue tomorrow after lunch, but all the same, colleagues from the specialized committee, whom i actually agree with, that have to accumulate the comments of various committees, they worked out the basic bill item by article, the one that was submitted to the ministry of defense, the cabinet of ministers, and it was the committee that followed it, let's be open to others and not only for anti-corruption , and thank you for this work, but also there of social policy and the health of the nation, they also conveyed their comments, it is really important to accumulate them now, to bring
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them together so that when voting in the first reading we already understand what changes will obviously be in certain articles, and well, no one here, i i think now parliamentarians, including the chairman of the verkhovna rada, will not say what the final version will be, i mean the version. which will be signed by the president of ukraine, and here it is the verkhovna rada, it seems to me, a good platform with this consideration in detail, by various committees, first of all, of course , profiled on finalization, and they listened to the arguments of the ministry of defense, the general staff, why this or that the norm has appeared, again there is a remark of the commissioner for law. a person of the verkhovna rada, by the way, which one of them provided, there definitely cannot be any corruption norms in the final version of the draft law, very much, but you have to understand
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that... we are not even talking about strengthening, it is a continuation of mobilization and its, well, i would say, a certain modernization, and definitely mobilization must go along with recruiting and understanding so people that when they get into the armed forces, their best skills will be seen and the best application will be found . or other profession that a person possesses, and it must also be understood that without continuation of mobilization without new people being trained and joining the army will not be possible for those who are currently in the front, those who are currently in the trenches, there will be no one to replace them, so this is actually a question of the survival of ukraine, the survival of the nation, here there must be such political maturity and well...
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we are grateful to our colleagues from other factions for all the constructiveness, but you mentioned political maturity, and why is the leader of this political process not the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, well, why is the government introducing a draft law , not volodymyr zelensky? well, as far as i'm concerned, this is absolutely normal practice, the fact that the ministry of defense together with the general staff undertook to bring it all together, it seems to me that it would be better if this work with... the verkhovna rada began, well , a little earlier so that the deputies have not read the final result in the actually registered version of the website of the verkhovna rada, but here are the consultations, they could have actually been held earlier, but the ministry of defense can make these recommendations in this way, absolutely normally, because they constantly work with the military, who also have their say
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word, and by the way, as far as i understand, the draft law will and can be presented in the verkhovna rada not only by representatives of the ministry of defense, but also by the general staff. thank you, ms. evgenia, mr. andrii, i have a question for you as a lawyer. you have obviously already studied this bill and can say whether it complies with the constitution, first of all, whether it is. corresponds to the laws that already exist, will it be necessary to change any norms of the constitution in order for the new law on mobilization to come into force. let me try to explain a little bigger picture, i understand you want very clear answers to clear questions, but eh, we went, probably according to the worst scenario, because you know, in any fight you need to be not only strong, you also need to make decisions quickly, the fact that
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we have... there are problems with mobilization was clear at the end of the 22nd year, although those who are in touch with this whole history know that from the 14th, and in the 19th, and in the 20th, we always had problems with the assembly centers and all this mechanics, i remember when i worked for 8 years in a very large commercial organization, i remember those absolutely the terrible stories that we had in relations with the local military commander, not because someone did not want to do something, because everything was not settled in general, but unfortunately 20... the second year everyone decided that we were doing well with the mobilization, in fact just a bunch of volunteers went to the front and the assembly centers could easily collect some of their plans there, although at the end of the 22nd year it was already clear that we had problems, but only the media scandal in july of last year about the odesa military committee drew attention to the fact that that we have problems, and then there is nothing in the summer prevented the president of ukraine from convening
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the national security and defense council. and make a historic decision to dismiss all the military commissars, because they were probably all bribers. well, perhaps volodymyr oleksandrovich does not know that the word integrity and professionalism are not synonymous, and to expel everyone is certainly not a bad idea, it probably was, but it was from september that we began to have huge problems, because there was no one to work, and when in in november , it was already clearly clear that difficult, perhaps not... pleasant, decisions should be made decision, the supreme commander-in-chief, who has all the powers in accordance with the law on mobilization and mobilization preparation, where everything is spelled out, he can absolutely conduct everything through the national security and defense council and through the presidential decree to put it all into effect, and what details need to be added by laws, it would be possible to launch the verkhovna rada, but instead this entire huge block is directed, i understand, to the ministry.


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