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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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of ukraine to convene the national security and defense council and make a historic decision to dismiss all military commissars, because they were probably all bribers. well, perhaps volodymyr oleksandrovich does not know that the word integrity and professionalism are not synonymous. and expelling everyone is certainly not a bad idea, it probably was, but it was from september that we started having huge problems, because there was no one to work. and when in november it was already clearly clear that it was necessary to... make difficult, possibly unpleasant decisions, the supreme commander-in-chief, who has all authority, in accordance with the law on mobilization and mobilization preparation, where everything is spelled out, he can absolutely carry out everything through the national security and defense council and through the presidential decree, this is all put into effect, and the details that need to be finalized by laws could be launched in the verkhovna rada i'm glad, but instead, this entire huge block is sent, i understand, to the minister.
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defense, it passes it through the cabinet of ministers and by christmas it is registered in the verkhovna rada, and now absolutely all departments from the ministry of defense to of the specialized committees of the verkhovna rada, recognizing that not only 72 pages need correction, but not every paragraph on those 72 pages needs correction, while four more alternative draft laws have been submitted, whether someone likes them or not, but they also need to be considered, and let me remind you, according to article 112 of the regulations, each deputy must receive the conclusions of the specialized committee in seven days regarding all draft laws that are put to the vote. we are talking to you now, i confirm this that the profile committee did not make any decision today, neither according to the government bill , nor according to the alternative ones, and tomorrow they will try not to improve the mobilization, sorry, to save the face of those who submitted the bill, because from the point of view of... the logic
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of the parliamentary mechanism, of course, it should be withdrawn, i mean the government , quickly introduce there, rewrite all the articles that were agreed with the specialized committee, discussed with other committees, what syumar says, they agreed with the corruption risks, all this must be integrated into the new draft law, because otherwise, we will continue to waste time, because we , as a parliament, will follow the procedure, but the procedure of the parliament regarding... draft laws is a peacetime procedure, for us it may take another month, i don't know, one and a half or two, but whether there is our military has a month or a month and a half or two in order to improve the mobilization process, which should have been improved, as i said, a year ago, no, it is not there, so the situation is actually absolutely critical and it is deliberately created that way, and let me make the last remark, lest i forget: in order to pass any difficult decision, you need to have all the information. and
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in order to make decisions on mobilization, you need to have access to a huge amount of secret military information, and believe me, maybe only the deputies of the national security , defense and intelligence committee have such knowledge, and most of the deputies do not know at all what level of equipment we have, what level we have losses, how much time is spent on preparation, what budget is needed for one, the second, the third, the deputies do not know this and under these conditions they were put in a situation where they are... bound to make decisions on which the country's defense capability depends. trust me, it won't end well. i am ready to support rational solutions, but it is absolutely impossible to vote for this bill now if we are going to be broken at the knee this week. the most sensible thing to do is for the supreme commander-in-chief to take the lead in this matter. i think that all this should be passed through the national security council, approved by presidential decree, and what details should be approved by the verkhovna rada. lower the already worked out
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details with a new draft law, and then it can we will be able to restart the mobilization, on which the survival of the country actually depends, in the shortest possible time. thank you, mr. andriy, ms. viktoria, i have a question for you, i see what you want to say, but i would like to ask you a question on the contrary: you worked in the national security and defense council, you were the deputy secretary of the national security council, and so on ... about what mr. andriy is saying, that whether or not it could be the case that the verkhovna rada of ukraine will follow the procedure, this procedure and this bill introduced by the government may be sent for finalization to the ministry of defense, because there are a lot of comments, in principle it cannot be adopted there in the first reading, could it be that this same law, or let’s say, the norms of this law could be part of the presidential decree, which will be signed by zelenskyi and which will be put into effect... the decision
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or, on the contrary, the decision of the national security service of ukraine was put into effect by a presidential decree? sergey, in fact, i will agree with my colleague here, the point is that the law is about mobilization. mobilization training, article four, it clearly states that both terms and volumes, and the order of mobilization, submitted to the verkhovna rada by the president of ukraine, is determined by the president of ukraine, it is obvious that the supreme commander-in-chief has all the information, andriy said absolutely correctly, the verkhovna rada does not have such information either about the number of casualties or about the needs of various types of troops today, yes about... who is directly in combat today, who is in the rear, what is actually happening with the security forces, do we really have a budget for the 500,000 mobilized people we are talking about, and in fact even the general staff does not have this information , it is a very complex thing, during the war, such
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things should be taken care of by the supreme commander-in-chief, and it is extremely important, because there is all the information about the problem and there is an opportunity to ... professionally put these things together, our faction voted for all the mobilizations, moreover, there in the 14th and 19th years we carried out, as a matter of fact, as the government , mobilization measures, there were eight waves of mobilization, we are ready to support the mobilization if it is introduced in accordance with the law, in particular by the supreme commander -in-chief, was considered at stake, that is, it could be a law of ukraine, but here... who should submit it, here i agree, here you really need to show leadership in this process, well , the question is about who is the leader of the process to be the supreme commander, not the prime minister of ukraine? well, obviously, you know, well, this, let's be frank, yes,
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this is an attempt to transfer unpopular measures today to the general staff, to the minister of defense, maybe even to the prime minister, regarding whom there is... there is various information about that , that it is possible that they will release a couple with some kind of resignation, i don't want to talk about it now, but in any case, you know, this issue is extremely sensitive for the country, it has become such a hot topic that they are trying to throw around, it is wrong, because here we really need to be frank to tell the truth about the situation as it is, and it is really necessary, here i already agree with ms. evgenia, it is necessary to look for encouragement, it is necessary to... motivate people, yes, and for this they need to be shown that the state is doing absolutely everything possible to , to protect their lives, because it is said about life and death in fact, yes, that is, about the lives of ukrainians, about a very large number of people, in fact, if we are now focusing, as a state, on the construction
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of fortifications, we are focusing on maximum contactless battles, on fpv drones, on slaves, well, on all these systems that allow us not to lose people. then people will understand it, and for sure, then recruiting will still take place on slightly different principles, and not on, you know, who is there in our country, the mayor has to go, grab a person and bring him somewhere to look for people, well, you look at what is being done in the villages , there are no more men there, i don't know where, the same in the cities, that is, the situation is very difficult, and it obviously needs to be resolved, because the military needs to be changed, and indeed we are suffering losses as a state, it is more part... wounded, people who simply cannot return to the front, it is necessary to replace those who are many, who have been at zero for a long time, these are indisputable things, but all this must be weighed, and really this method, you know, the whip, its it is necessary, a whip, it is necessary with the gingerbread method, with incentives, with
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incentives, also somehow, so that it was not only a batikh. thank you, ms. victoria, ms. yevgenia , your political force has a majority in... the parliament, could it be that without european solidarity, without a voice, you can vote for this government bill in the first reading, well, in principle, you have nothing does it bother you, do you already have a majority or not, well, it seems to me that precisely in this difficult issue it is precisely necessary to consolidate the parliament as much as possible and find some kind of variant of the norm, again we can talk it will take a long time, well, there are some regulatory ways, how can it be, how can it not be, but in the end, after the second reading, it will be a certain document, which should reflect the best proposals from different committees, from different factions, as far as i
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know, the factions now they are also submitting their proposals for the improvement of modernization of certain norms in order for this conclusion. profile committee, he took these proposals into account, and here exactly, well, no, you can't say that it's only there, the majority needs to vote like that, because it's right, colleagues pointed out, this is a question... of the existence of the country and the search for answers, the answers will never be simple to such complex questions, but it is clear that the people's deputies, who will make one or another decision, ultimately want and must explain this society , that here is this norm, it is here because, or this norm, i don't know, well, let's assume that it applies to people with disabilities there, it will be changed. in this way well, i understand that the main unification in this situation is
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a common position, because mobilization is that the future of our ukraine, our state, our common future, and this, of course, cannot be done without, i only meant that, if suddenly there are a lot of comments on this, the draft law, whether the decision of the faction there is the servant of the people, what we all vote for it or? is this a political decision, because it is a political decision, despite the fact that it is a military-political one, but in this case it is an exclusively political decision that must be adopted, because the state cannot live in any other way, well, clearly in the meeting of the faction is planned, it is planned after meeting of the committee in order to finally understand the final conclusion of the profile committee, but clearly our faction will be consolidated and... make decisions and it is obvious that we will be guided by the conclusion of the profile
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committee, because it is there and the head of our faction participates in it, and the chairman of the committee is a representative of the servant of the people, and i think we should trust the decision of the specialized committee, including because of what my colleagues said, because they have more complete information, by the way, these meetings took place in the regime, well in this closed mode. not for nothing, because there is some sensitive information of the dsk, and actually all members of the committee have these permissions and they could develop each and every issue in more detail, so i personally will be guided by the decision of the specialized committee. thank you, ms. yevgenia, ladies and gentlemen, after a short break on our tv channel, we will return to the studio, it will be a short break, please wait. hello, woman, what to do when
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watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. catastrophic lack of personnel, where to get half of the judges? there is a high probability that certain appellate courts will be suspended. but how did judicial reform progress in ukraine last year? we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. watch the program on thursday, january 11 at 5:45 p.m. court control with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analysts, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso.
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the war created many challenges for us ukrainians and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can only be together, united. stronger friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful
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information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family with the support of the national assembly of people from disability of ukraine enable me ukraine. friends, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching on these platforms us. please like this video, don't be stingy for that. the video was trending on youtube and facebook, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether ukraine needs a new holiday , thanksgiving day. if you're watching us on youtube, it's pretty simple, yes, no, choose an option or write your comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that
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there should be a new holiday, the day of thanksgiving to god, and there is such a proposal in the verkhovna rada of ukraine to. such a day was, then vote on the number 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we are visiting, let me remind you, the people's deputies of ukraine, yevhenia kravchuk, viktoriya syumar and andriy osadchuk. ladies and gentlemen, we will monitor how the voting and decision-making regarding the law on... mobilization will actually take place, but at the same time, well, obviously, when we talk about this law, we are talking about communication, about the communication failure that was 26 in december, when this draft law appeared on the website of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was not properly communicated, and various interpretations began, people began to panic, withdraw money from bank accounts, transfer
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property to wives, to mothers there , to someone else, well, that is ... absolutely incomprehensible was the situation. volodymyr zelenskyi believes that the key challenges of today for the world are the resistance to the aggression of the russian federation, the fight against russian disinformation, including the one actually faced by ukrainians during these two years and during the discussion, including this draft law. zelensky, during online communication with the participants of the annual national conference of sweden society and defense, spoke, in particular, about... the information space and how this information space should be treated, let's listen to what the president of ukraine said: today, unfortunately, russia controls a large percentage of the information space, and i 'm not talking about ukraine now, i'm talking about social networks everywhere, i'm talking about europe,
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about the civilized, civilized world, i'm talking about the united states, i... i'm talking about britain and about the african continent and about the countries of latin america, russia invests a lot of money, a lot, as i say, in various media, media within the respective countries, as well as in social networks, i believe that this is one one of of the most difficult challenges, this is the war on disinformation in russian in... and this cleaning, to follow this, well, you need to do professional people, from intelligence to independent journalists. mrs. victoria, how are we investing in the fight against disinformation, in general, the fight for the spread of true information from ukraine and abroad and
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within the state. ah, a difficult question , serhiy, because... i believe that there has been a war in ukraine for a very long time, there are things from the war, obviously, ah, first of all abroad, and also inside the country, obviously there are things that need, well, serious correction, i would say so, since it is a format of censorship, state censorship, it has obviously exhausted itself, i mean the single news marathon, since you know, here is the problem that we discussed with you today, that we ended up in such a state, well, this also happens to a large extent because of information policy, because... at first, society was massaged as much as possible with such victory-obsessed things that we are winning, but now
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chmobics, russians are weak enemies, that's why similar things, we saw all this on the air of the united marathon, and well, listen, if we all win, then why should everyone strain, why mobilize, why did it take two years to study, well , the volunteers left, they are responsible for all this ... they will pull it out, the truth is, in principle, such an information policy actually existed until the end of the year, then, you know, i have the impression from this warm bath that people were simply pushed under such an icy shower of reality, when they were told, yes, we are you on the street we will grab, we are generally doing here now electronic registers, we will look at what you are driving, stop you, take your car and take you to teck, well, just all that legislation, but now i'm literally thinking about it on my computer. new drafts of the law that we will consider tomorrow, in particular, it is called the law on ubd, but in fact it is about electronic registers of conscripts, that is, they allegedly started
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writing the law to simplify the reception of a participant in hostilities, in fact it turned out to be about completely different things, well unfortunately, this is becoming a very bad tradition in our country, so no you know, you can't just take a country from one pole and move it to another pole, you need time with a country. talk, finally come to this, well, with the world, it seems to me that our communication is more or less adequate at the level of messages, but very inadequate things are happening, for example, with the graduation, not graduation, of people's deputies from the country, yes, because if they are deputies loyal to us, if they are our deputies, then there is no problem at all, and if you are opposition deputies, it does not matter that you always say statist things, it does not matter, that you speak with one voice with the ministry of foreign affairs and you simply should not be there, because this is how we treat the opposition, democracy, freedom of speech, and european values, all of this is seen
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abroad, because communication is always based on real issues and on the real steps that are being taken in the country, and then there is a correlation between statements that democratic european ukraine is fighting for values ​​with authoritarian russia, or simply that ukraine also seeks to... establish authoritarianism here, you you know, a small authoritarian country will never win against a big authoritarian country, and even more so, it will never become a member of the eu and nato, and we would very much like that, this should actually be a ukrainian victory, therefore , probably, both communication policy and many domestic political issues we need to reformat if we want unity and unification of today's society around what has always really united us, around... our, ukrainian, european values. thank you, mrs. yevgenia, i will ask you, because well there are at least three journalists on the air, and
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we understand what we are talking about, and i understand that mr. andriy also knows the kitchen, obviously, how the media works, but at least we are people who have worked and work in the media, and we know what is information policy , how is it formed, where does it come from, i have quite a few questions... zelensky is simply talking about the fact that we need to fight in some way these russian disinformation resources that are all over the world, including in in ukraine, they work quite actively, and with what, with what resources do we approach in order to combat these disinformation, information resources, and what the state is ready to invest, how to invest in order to create some resources that could cover there... european countries or there african countries or asian countries countries, some kind of conditional foreign language is not freedom, but a foreign language that can tell about what is happening in
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ukraine, show everything, how it is happening, why we can't get involved in it, well, i will probably say something quite unpleasant, but it must be understood, we will never go after the russians for russia in the form of financial infusions into the country. such an informational struggle, because russia officially spends billions, and there are also billions of cash going unofficially, and these are billions in currency, yes, in dollars, in euros, indeed, they work all over the world, and if in europe, well, we we have sanctions from the european commission there, from the very beginning, in fact after february 24, on the activities of propaganda resources there, and it is very good that in the end these... sanctions were imposed and, by the way, we work in international organizations, now i am the head of the committee of the couple on issues of culture, science and media, and actually we
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are preparing a resolution about propaganda in europe, actually russian propaganda, and it is very important to call a spade a spade, that this is not freedom of speech, not freedom of expression, it is the kremlin's dirty game, and what's more, it's a game with minds and voters, by the way, in all of these, including western countries, let's talk about africa, there about south america, resources that either belong indirectly to the russians or to the finns are actually working there. refers to russia, about the foreign language, i don't think that we can even just physically and and and well, these are large financial resources and time resources to make our own english-language version of the bbc there. we have, by the way, a foreign language, it is also in english, there is on youtube, there is a spanish version, there is an arabic version, can it fully meet our needs in the same way as
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the states. absolutely not, i think that one of the options could be the cooperation of ukrainian content producers, ukrainian media with already known resources that have an audience on in the west, this is, for example, a good example of a public, which shares its materials throughout the ebu network, yes, the european union of broadcasters, and there are very good indicators, it is , in my opinion, a good investment of the state. which invests money and finances the public broadcaster , which further spreads this information, and of course, it is necessary to work in the countries themselves and our diplomats, by the way, just today in the italian city of modena , the permit for this exhibition there, which the russians, is another example of our tight military cooperation. we must also for...
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ensure continuity of long-term support from allies and partners to help ukraine, the european defense industry as a whole must step up its game, accelerate and adequately respond to the complex security situation. lithuania is forming a demining coalition to mobilize military support for ukraine as efficiently and quickly as possible. the western world must understand that this is not about... just the struggle of only ukraine, it is the struggle of the whole of europe and the democratic world for peace and freedom. last july , important decisions were made in vilnius regarding the rapprochement between nato and ukraine. the question is no longer if ukraine will become a nato member, but when ukraine will become a nato member. lithuania
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will continue to be active. to support ukraine on the way to membership in the alliance. the next moment, another key decision for ukraine and europe as a whole is the start of negotiations on membership in the european union. the decision made by the european council in december turned a new page in history. despite the brutal war on the part of russia, ukrainians have made impressive progress in implementing reforms and demonstrate their determination to continue on the path of european integration. lithuania will strongly support. ukraine is europe, and ukraine belongs to the european union. my dear friend volodymyr, thank you for your visit today, thank you all, thank you to the entire ukrainian people for your courage and unwavering fortitude, for your willingness to defend yourself and all of europe. i am sure that ukraine can and will win. i believe that like-minded people mobilize everyone.
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its resources to help her in this, and now we invite mr. volodymyr zelenskyi, president of ukraine, to speak. thank you very much, gines, and dear mr. president, dear friend, and dear attendees, dear journalists, dear lithuanian people, today is my first foreign visit in the 24th year, and it is a visit specifically to lithuania, myself... to our baltic friends , the baltic states, and this is not only a visit of gratitude, it is a visit of our confidence, the common confidence of the peoples bordering russia. today we have discussed various topics that are important for security and development of our countries, our people, our relations with other states of the free world, the main thing.


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