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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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he was in touch with us, well, you upset our speaker, you understand, such a heated discussion came out, but now there will be news from our press, so we will pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who has already prepared a new issue with the news editor, so we will pass the floor to you, anyo, well , tell us what will happen now, what we will find out now with our viewers. congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, we will tell you about the most important things, and i will start with the fact that lithuania has approved a new aid package for our country, what exactly are we receiving and what is being done next, a package of 200 million euros, lithuania approved long-term aid to ukraine, the country's president gitana snaoseda said during a press conference with volodymyr zelenskyi that they will send us
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ammunition, generators and demining systems in january, and m577 command and staff vehicles in february. i would like to note that previously lithuania had already handed over these german-made vehicles, they perform the function of a mobile command post at the battalion level. upgraded versions can control some german saws already in service with the armed forces. law enforcement officers identified the seven victims missile attack on the pokrovsky district of donetsk region. we are talking about four dead in rivne, a three-year-old girl, her parents and grandmother, and three in pokrovsk. the identification of the bodies of a 34-year-old man and two women, aged 37 and 39, is still ongoing. law enforcement officers are establishing the identities of four more victims. let me remind you that on january 6, the russian occupiers hit the pokrovsky district with s-300 missiles. the city and village of riv itself was at the epicenter of the attack. delay canada has still not
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delivered the samse to ukraine, which it talked about a year ago, writes the canadian agency ctv news the anti-aircraft missile defense system worth 406 million. ottawa promised to transfer it to our armed forces in january of last year, however , the american manufacturing company stated that... there is not even a corresponding contract, the publication writes. at the same time, the ministry of defense of canada said that they are coordinating the terms of deliveries with their partners from the usa. this is a necessary procedure when selling military technology abroad. i would like to note that the nasams complex is critically important for protecting the territory of ukraine from russian terror. and about the support of partners in german automobile company of flensburg. is building a center
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for the repair of armored vehicles in ukraine, in particular, they will restore leopard-1 tanks and other equipment supplied by germany, said markus faber, a member of the bundestag from the free democratic party and a member of the defense committee. according to fabor, for ukraine this means a huge increase in efficiency, since in the future there will be no need for expensive and long-term transportation abroad, and the armed forces will be able to train their mechanics to... the european union can still generate 1 million art shells for ukraine by the spring of the current year. such a statement was made by the european commissioner for internal market, thierry breton, politico reports. according to briton, achieving this goal will require a reduction in exports to countries outside the european union, and it is also necessary to ensure that the governments of the member countries put pressure on their own.
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swarm industry to increase production, and i urge you to join the collection of the espresso tv channel, this time the funds are needed for a car for tankers, offensive guards, who are on the eastern flank of our independence. vehicles on the front line help to fight and rescue in conditions of off-road conditions and constant shelling, the service life of front-line vehicles is short, so they need to be purchased and dispatched quickly. to our soldiers thanks to your donations, we already have uah 231,000 in our account. our goal is 250,000. join us, because every hryvnia of yours is important. the houthis launched one of the biggest attacks in the red sea in recent months. the united states navy shot down 24 missiles and drones of militants launched from the territory of yemen, according to the cnn channel . representatives of the pentagon, as a result of
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the massive launch of enemy targets, no ships and people were harmed. as noted, the incident occurred against the background of the visit of us secretary of state anthony blinken nearby. east, during which he discussed containing the war in the gaza strip and preventing regional escalation. returns to duties. the kyiv district administrative court partially satisfied the lawsuit of the ex-head of the commercial court of cassation, bohdan lviv. he will be reinstated as a judge and will be paid his salary for the period of forced absence. let me remind you, in 2022, he was found to have dewclaws. citizenship, this information was confirmed by the sbu. judge levo received a russian passport more than 20 years ago, and in 2012 he renewed it. he himself still denies russian citizenship. what you posted was what you posted based on
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the sources that were available to you. and i am still convincing, and i personally do not need to convince myself. i am from... that i am exclusively a citizen of ukraine, and i have the only passport is the passport of a citizen of ukraine, i have no other passport. the verkhovna rada appointed olga pishchanska as the head of the chamber of accounts. before that, she headed the antimonopoly committee. 252 people's representatives voted for this appointment. not a single vote was given to the voice and european solidarity faction, people's deputy yaroslav zhelezniak said. earlier ambassadors'. seven warned that the appointment of the new management of the accounting chamber should take place only after carrying out reforms in this area of ​​legislation. let me remind you that on september 5, 2023, the verkhovna rada dismissed olga pishchanska from the post of head of the antimonopoly committee based on her
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personal statement. more than uah 200 million. that's how much ukrainian businessmen laundered in vat schemes. law enforcement officers in... kidnapped the organizers of 15 enterprises that formally employed people with disabilities, did not involve these people in their work, only illegally used benefits guaranteed by the state, did not pay fines and received reimbursement of value added tax for two years from the budget uah 200 million was deposited into their accounts, in total, the attackers left an application for more than one billion, the national police said. as a result of non-payment of taxes to the state budget, the specified persons became rich by hundreds of millions of hryvnias, more than 20 searches were conducted at the places of residence of the persons involved, documents, money and computer equipment were seized, criminal proceedings were opened under
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the second part of article 364, abuse of power or official position, which caused serious consequences and the third part of article 209: legalization, laundering of property obtained from the crime. by the way committed organized group, or in a particularly large size. miraculous rescue border guards saved a 26-year-old evader from sumy oblast, who almost drowned in the tisza. molodyk paid the ferryman $5,000 for illegally crossing the border and was sure that he would cross the river in shallow water. instead , he not only ended up in the depths, but also slipped and began to sink. current. carried him to the shore, but due to severe cold and spasms, the man could not get out of the water on his own. fortunately for him, the ochilanta noticed the border outfit. currently operatives identify the persons involved in the organization of this dangerous journey. and in the lviv region
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, they announced the suspicion of the residents of the region, who was illegally transporting evaders abroad. he undertook to transport four potential conscripts to poland, for this... each of them had to pay 400 dollars. the state border service noted that the man previously had a criminal record for attempting to illegally smuggle two groups of foreigners abroad. and during the full-scale war, the attacker retrained from illegal to evasive, the border guards note. i want to find in a single search center for families of russian servicemen was launched in ukraine. with his help, relatives. will be able to find out about their loved ones who went missing, died or were captured in ukraine. andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department , noted that the idea of ​​the project arose because the aggressor country does not provide its citizens with information about what happened to their
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military. because of this, relatives turn to the ukrainian special services en masse. in addition to the bot, russians will be able to access the project site using a vpn, from now on. launch several thousand appeals from russians are expected, we have no threats here, because this project is being implemented, including in the interests of the ukrainian nation. danger and defense, because objective information of the society, the aggressor state, well, actually, this is what is lacking today in russia, in the conditions of the absence of freedom of speech, total propaganda, and in this way, on the contrary , the inhabitants of the aggressor state will know the truth about the fate of their own relatives, who ended up in the role of occupiers on the territory of ukraine. 45 children and nine adults from the kherson region left for... for the sake of security, monies report to the regional military administration. at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, they
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lived all the time in villages constantly under fire from the enemy. the trip is free for ukrainians, food and entertainment have been prepared for them, and a psychologist will also work with the children. at this moment, i have everything, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world. i will tell you about the most important thing at 4 p.m. and then my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii will work for you. thank you annievilnyk. well, watched with pleasure. the news arrived. therefore, at today's meeting of the verkhovna rada, people's deputies could not include the issue in the agenda of the parliament session. dismissal of maryana bezugla from the post of deputy head of the committee on national security and defense. according to
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people's deputy geleznyak, they tried to put a resolution on the dismissal of the deputy head of the security committee of the people's deputy from her position on the agenda of the meeting. people's deputy kryvosheev, servant of the people gerashchenko and gerasimov of the eu. razumkov non-factional, kabachenko batkivshchyna and ustinova - voice. the head of the servant of the people faction, davyd arahamia, spoke against it. after that, several people's deputies came to the presidium of the verkhovna rada and blocked the parliamentary tribune. as a result, the speaker of the council, ruslan stepanchuk, closed the meeting. well, you say that we don't need to restore online broadcasts. well, there's a lot of interesting stuff going on. so you can even recall, in relation to wartime, how actively deputies once worked to block the podium of the verkhovna rada. well and this is not the first time in the last two years that something like this has happened, well, as they say
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, and who would have thought that the reason for this would be a crazy person, yes, it is for sure, well, now let's talk about the economy, we understand that politics is it is important, the war is even more important, but without the economy we will not go far either. oleg penzan, economist, member of the economic discussion club, glory to ukraine, we congratulate you, heroes, and we also sincerely congratulate you, so what? from january 1 , our beautiful country entered a new legal regime, in particular, legal entities can buy for themselves calmly 10,000 hectares for one calloused labor and business hands, 10,000 hectares is a lot, we understand that in ukraine at one time there was a practice of actively using so-called pounds, false, legal, physical and so on persons, well, in order to ... to turn around and not such devices, but the news and the essence of the news is that yes, the minister
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of agrarian policy and food mykola solskyi said that they did not conclude any agreement with legal entities in a week, what is happening to that market of ours? no, well, look, uh, who was this idea actually aimed at, actually from 1 january launch yurosobs into the market , then, when this was done, there was no war and it was expected that their arrival on this market would provide a sufficiently large influx of funds to the budget and the opportunity to transfer this land to effective owners, well, because, i repeat once again, you and i today we have, well, it's no secret for anyone, huge agricultural holdings that work. on the land, which is currently registered for individuals, yes, which is registered, and which is registered through
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the transfer of shares, that is, in fact, people have long since ceased to be the owners of this land, but it is not legally fixed in any way, and it was actually planned and thought that such a thing, well, at least at least, would give an opportunity to re-design that land, that is, to legally legalize it. in the form in which they already use it today, but the security problems that exist today, and i understand... that the lack of real funds that are in the country today, problems with the grain corridor, problems with export are quite large grain, unequivocally, all this seriously slows down even this legalization of those actual transactions that currently exist, not to mention the fact that some foreign investors
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will come and buy ukrainian land through ukrainian representatives, so... for now , those forecasts are quite pessimistic, which i actually joined with about the fact that we should probably not wait for any serious developments in this direction at the moment, they are coming true, and i think that this situation, it will really continue until the end of the active phase of combat, until the end of the war, but we have an internal investor, i'm sorry, lord, i don't want to mention the customs officials, but the customs officials, one or the other, i don't know the entrepreneurs who may be involved in the tender of the ministry of defense and so on , well, we have an internal buyer, you understand where they are , where they will take their father 's cash mass, no, no, wait, you must be confusing, in all these places, it is necessary to confirm the origin of the money, and you are talking about customs officers, about corrupt people, they have
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illegal money, well, that is, you have understand that any land transactions in this situation, especially those... which exceed a certain amount of financial resources, must be carried out in a non-cash form, and in any case, the notary will demand the origin of the money when conducting the paperwork, well, that is, it is not so simple in reality, but according to any calculation of money there is financial monitoring, that is, it is actually not so simple, so i repeat once again, the very mechanism of re-registration by large agricultural holdings, which really have... powerful funds for carrying out their operational activities, it would look as much as possible realistic, but for now the agroholgins are not in a hurry, the legal entities that were created specifically for these things, for the purchase of land, they also do not exist yet, and in order to legalize the money that you are talking about now, this cash and all the latest, well it's not so easy at
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the moment, especially in a society where society is very electrified and extremely... aggressive towards any money that originates from, let's say, corrupt sources, so, well, let's be honest, and actually , this is the situation that we have it on today's moment, that to date there is no agreement on the process of re-registration into a legal entity, this just confirms what i am talking about. ugh. mr. oleg, we have a minute and a half, but i still want you to comment on the next maximum at the official rate of the nbu, and i would actually like you here. is this happening because it is a usual trend or is it happening because the macro-financial assistance from our allies has not yet been confirmed? second, that is, until we have the huge issue of macro-financial assistance, that is, you have to understand, there are two scenarios, the macrofinance scenario comes and everything remains as it is, it is more or less clear
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, foreign exchange reserves are not disappearing, we are sitting in the vicinity of the exchange rate of up to 40 hryvnias per dollar and... macrofinancial assistance does not come, and we have the 22nd with you year, i.e. the drop in the exchange rate , i won’t even indicate how much, and all the problems with foreign exchange reserves, there is hope that we will go on an optimistic path, oh so now it looks as if they will give the macrofin, that is, we will live for the 24th year, i have hope in those traditions that we saw in the 23rd year, the 25th is not visible at all, there is complete darkness. so that closer to the 25th year, especially after the elections in the united states of america in november of this year, everything will be clear for the 25th year as well. our planning horizon is 3 days, so mr. oleg, until the 25th year we don't even dare to look, we are waiting for a black swan from the kremlin, so to speak, or to the kremlin on the contrary, well , we'll figure it out later, we'll see. oleg penzyn
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, an economist and a member of the economic discussion club, was in touch with us. thanks to him for this blitz analysis. well, we are already adding. to our air oleksiy honcharenko, popular deputy of ukraine. actually, mr. oleksiy and i will now discuss the situation that took place in the verkhovna rada today, why the session was closed, what caused the people's deputies to quarrel? mr. oleksiy, welcome to tarispressa, and please inform our viewers and us, what became the stumbling block and why stepanchuk decided to close the meeting? so, excuse me, there's another call, can you hear me? yes, we can hear perfectly, not only hear, but also see. oh, great, sorry, but something went wrong here, look, so why, what was happening, the committee on national security and defense, at its meeting, made a decision to recommend to the verkhovna rada, to withdraw. from the post of deputy chairman of this committee, maryan bezuglu. i don't even want to go into details now, i think many people have heard about maryana bezugola, but that's not even the point, there is a decision of the committee, it
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has been adopted, it is effective, so it cannot be ignored, according to the regulations of the verkhovna rada, the verkhovna rada should consider this issue, the final decision rests with the verkhovna rada, but it is obliged to consider it, today in the agenda did not include it, we appealed to the presiding speaker stefanchuk several times. with the demand to put this issue to a vote, if it doesn't get votes, well , it won't, let's move on, almost all factions supported it, and stefanchuk looks at rahamia and then shakes his head no, that's all and he, so, well, man, well the chairman of the verkhovna rada is completely devoid of any subjectivity, and he simply violates the regulations, simply ignores it, it got to the point that when this question was raised once again, he says turn off the microphone, what is it anyway? well, of course, we already went to him and started indignant there that, well, follow the regulations, follow the law, well, you know, stefanchuk already knows a lot that he was in the kvn tritelstik team, but not everyone knows that
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the tritelstik team it was called the nkvd , i don’t know why they had such inclinations and why they were so interested in the nkvd and what kind of name it is, i wonder, you know, they somehow call their team the gistapo or the nkvd, well, it must be, well, a strange story, yes it may seem to him that he is in the nkvd, but he is not in the nkvd. where, he is in the ukrainian parliament, it has a regulation, it has a law, well, in the end they, so in order not to raise the question of inclusion in the agenda, the question of recalling the bezui, he then simply closed the session of the parliament in order to to fulfill , that is, how is it that the office is satisfied with the president, well, everything, well, well, well, it’s terrible, and in general, today’s meeting, look, the beginning of the meeting, we voted for the head of the accounting chamber, who is pischanska, who is that was the head of the antimonopoly committee and... who is the sister of the woman to whom the villa of the zelensky family in italy is registered, then just friends of the zelensky family, today she became the head of the accounting chamber, what is the head
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of the accounting chamber, it is control over budget money, that is, she is a person , which is supposed to be a cerberus and make sure that money is not stolen, they appoint their own person to the board, well, we understand with you why this is done, moreover, it is done in contradiction to the position of the great ambassadors of the big seven, here i am... not in because the ambassadors of the big seven said, we must run to fulfill, i am also for the subjectivity of the country and for our sovereignty, but let's not forget one thing: that our sub-budget is their money, it is the money of the american taxpayer, the british, the french , german, they are the ones who finance ukraine today, well, if they say, we want to control these funds, then we have to say, of course, look at everything, well, if only they have a question that everything here is not transparent, that is, you can imagine the consequences of this , but they... asked not to appoint new members of the accounting chamber, not to appoint the head of the accounting chamber, in spite of this, in spite of that, look, mr. oleksiy, despite the fact that you
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were appointed as the president of the committee on migration and refugees of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, well, we understand , who will sign your exit permit, stefanchuk, well , just kidding, i still wanted to, it's not a joke, it's a very, i'm sorry, it's a very serious question, because really, it means reception. decision in a couple and i am very grateful that i was before it vice-president of this committee , in order to make me president, this is the first time in history that a ukrainian will head the committee, but really , in order for me to be able to formally receive these powers, i must be included in this delegation, and stefanchuk is doing everything he can , then he throws out such and such tricks in order to try, so somehow he will lose me from the delegation, he does not succeed yet, but just imagine, instead of rejoicing, that ukraine will receive such a position, and ukraine will also receive a position in the bureau , and the president of the committee automatically becomes a member i am a permanent member of the bureau, and this is
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the governing body of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe in general, there are only a few people , instead they are trying to somehow knock it down because of what it means, so as not to allow it to be me, well, this is terrible and honestly to say a complete shame. what does the bill on mobilization look like? the procedure will give, mr. oleksiy, yes, because several bills have been introduced, but in fact tomorrow they will announce the adoption of one of them in the first reading? yes, well, look, literally 35 minutes later, a meeting of the committee on national security and defense will begin, at which i will be present as the author of an alternative draft law on mobilization, at which a decision should already be made. yesterday, the committee did not make any decision... a decision must have already been made, which could be one of, well, several options. the first option: the committee can reject everything, say, everything, we return, well,
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we don't tolerate anything. to the session hall, the second option, the committee can support one of them, well, i understand that it is unlikely to be mine, then, probably, if the government has any chance draft law, the third option, that the committee can determine certain things that must be taken into account, but as it stands, it seems to me that this third option is the most likely, well, we'll see, and so far , what was successful, it's important, so it was successful , what i managed to achieve, which items under my alternative draft law. for the time being, but already supported by the defense security committee , including the support of the ministry of defense, leave a deferment for all persons with disabilities, including the third group and husbands of persons with disabilities disability, of course, ah, it’s important to release conscripts sooner than 7 months, well, because it’s not clear why keep them for months, when they’ve already served for the fourth year and have served there a long time ago, it’s important, remove electronic summonses
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, this is important, because it is... a path to abuse, someone has a person, someone doesn’t, and they tell you that you are ignoring the subpoena, which means they are starting to lift anti-constitutional sanctions against people against you, you have to fight the scumbags, yes, but it is not necessary to give the opportunity to tsc to stop life altogether a person, simply because they allegedly sent him something by email, in fact, for example, they did not send anything at all, well, it’s easy, and then the person’s life simply stops, they are prohibited from driving a car , they are prohibited from owning property, for... receiving funds, managing bank accounts bills and so on, well, this, well, this is some kind of madness, these are some draconian norms that can lead to such colossal abuses that borisov will seem like flowers to us outside, so these things seem to have already been defended, i will continue to work, i will inform on their own on social networks, on the telegram channel , according to the results of the meeting of the national security committee , what decisions will be made there, but
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today they already... must be made, there is nowhere else to go, and can you say briefly about demobilization, or something like that now is there a clear picture of the demobilization of military personnel? so what is there, well , this is a key, in principle, one of the key differences of my draft law from the government, in general, i first raised the issue of demobilization a year ago, and then they said that it was it's impossible, finally the government has recognized that it 's needed and that's an achievement, but they 're talking about 36 months, in my opinion that's a long time, anyway... for those who are directly at zero, it's an unrealistic time frame, so it's like, but this decision has not yet been made, but in principle, in the discussions, there is an understanding from both the committee and the ministry of defense that there should be a different approach, well, one thing, if a person was in the rear for 36 months, well, you know somewhere, well, that one story, well then, and another story for 36 months at zero, well, it’s unreal, so it’s like, well, but here
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no solutions yet, but i'm working on it. so that for those who are directly fighting, for those who spent a large amount of time at zero fighting and risking themselves, and perform the most important work in the state, so that for them the term was still less than 3-6 months, and it was credited to them or a day or two later, but there is no solution yet, but i am fighting for it and will continue to do so. thank you, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us, now we will have a few minutes break and after that we will return, so be in a hurry there are 10% discounts on paracetamol darnytsia in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on the aristocratic. everyday life is now full of stress and
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