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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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rockets are much worse, so we need to talk about serious things, this is an expression of concern, you know, leave it to brussels, we need to talk about specifics, specifics, play it out, play it out in brussels, because you are one step behind putin, one step behind putin , i am not referring to nato, i am talking about nato countries that have real capabilities in the field of security that help us, okay, but here is a specific example, poland joint air defense system, romania, joint air defense system, we can further advance joint training points with nato countries on the territory of ukraine, why russia has bases in belarus, it is already talking about the transfer of nuclear warheads, but we still do not even have joint points, well , there were some training camps, yavoriv was held there, they were held near zhytomyr, why is there no such activity now, why are there no instructors?
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of nato, we don’t need them, give them, give them instructors, just in sufficient numbers , let them work here, it’s your security, not only ukrainian, i don’t hear the specifics, i don’t see the specifics, that is, air defense is not what nato supplies us, not nato supplies air defense, air defense is supplied by countries, grateful to them for this, nato, u they have opportunities, which, by the way, they have not yet used, we need new political solutions, a political signal about solutions, for example, washington. at which summit, by the way, the president of ukraine spoke about this , he spoke in vilnius, it was said that we need a signal that we have advanced further than vilnius in the direction of euro-atlantic integration. i believe that, well, this is not enough, that is, we need a decision, if you are not ready to accept us into the military structures of nato, which is today, then make a decision about the political structures of nato and the beginning of this procedures i mean, what's the problem?
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france was once in such conditions when it was politically a member of nato, but did not participate in the military in any specific structures, so we can perfectly use, well, not this experience, but this opportunity, which is not limited to legislative or other procedures by the same washington treaty, where are the specifics, where are some new signals, i'm already fed up with nato, russia is constantly pushing it, you said about an attack on a nato country, yes, russia is preparing it, nato is doing it for... less and well, i don't know what they it is necessary for this, what they need in order to understand that putin cannot be given the opportunity to be one step ahead of them and the other two. thank you, mr. valery, friends, those who are watching us now on social networks, do not forget, please like this video, because i am watching, many people are watching us now on youtube and on facebook, and you are stingy and do not like likes to our broadcast, please like so that this video... advances in youtube trends, and
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take part in our voting, we today you are asked about north korea and if north korea will go to war against south korea do you think yes no please if you have your opinion please comment below this video if you are sitting in front of the tv , please pick up the phone and vote, on the screen you see phone numbers if you think north korea will go to war against south korea - 0.800 211. 382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. sir valery john kirby, coordinator of the national security council of the white house, said that the united states of america has evidence that the russian army continued to strike ukraine last week with north korean-made ballistic missiles. and today this issue is being considered by the un security council. well. the fact that sooner or later these missiles
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will appear in russia, they will be used in the war against ukraine, this was said at the end of last year, when kimchenin traveled to the far east, participated in some exhibitions there and saw factories together with vladimir putin, sergei shoigu was also there at one time in north korea, as you have now defined the fate of north korea. not only in the russian-ukrainian war, but also in the formation of this axis of evil: iran, russia and north korea, because something similar happened in the 20s and 30s, when there was also the osizla triangle, when there was fascist germany, italy and japan, and then these were small wars that were going on in every part of the world, when italy was going to...
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albania, when japan was at war with china, germany was taking the sudetenland, they developed into world war 2 puzzle, is it not possible to do similar in this case well first of all i just voted and my vote was counted i will reveal a secret i said from your choice i said yes north korea will do it but it and now it is doing so, they have a war, well, if it is not stopped , they do not have a peace agreement, that is why they are still fighting, provocations have increased, it will continue, and it is obvious... that the center of this whole world geopolitical division and turbulence, he is different in idea the factors should be in this part of the world, there are a lot of such moments of collision, i.e.
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north-south korea, nuclear pakistan and india, china's ambitions, containment by japan, that is, a lot of them. it is, firstly, secondly, the countries that were oriented, in particular, north korea itself, it is a dictatorial, well, not even just an authoritarian country, it is a very strict regime, which is oriented towards the military self-survival of the top at the expense of even poverty and hunger, very it often happens to people in them, that is, yes, it is very dangerous... pressure in the combination of ambitions, and they already played with this story of threatening the world and it happened before. now look at what is happening, well you asked if they belong to this in the axis of evil, they belong, of course, they have been recognized as such a country in many countries for a long time, sanctions
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are imposed on them and so on, that is, north korea also now has a new push with russia. russia, having from them... receiving projectiles, receiving weapons that north korea was simply stockpiling, because it is preparing for war, they really live in preparation for war. now we are talking about missiles, russia is fueling them with technology, that is, this is a very serious concern, because in fact, now the un security council has just ended, and there the representative of south korea was saying everything... it is very clear what ukraine is now for north korea, this is the test site , the use and and the tests , of its ballistic missiles, which can carry nuclear warheads in order to then use them
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against south korea, and the distance between the test site, or north korea's launch centers, and a major port in... the south, just answers, well, according to him, the distance at which one of the missiles that aimed at kharkiv flew, which had a distance of more than 460 km . iskander, the south koreans have already said, i think these are intelligence data, and they used them for the un security council meeting. what such a missile is, they already see it as a threat to a real war against south korea, firstly, and secondly, north korea also launches, many launches over japan, so i think china is not happy, because
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china would like to control the situation, here it is, well, it is getting out of control, so it brings the situation into new. measurement ukraine is not only the object of the russian attack, not only the country that is the only one that has now entered, well, forced into defense against an attack on nato, the european union, closing this eastern flank, but ukraine, as well as for these countries, which are called sponsors of terrorism, but what kind of terrorism is this, it is no longer terrorism, it can be considered, i believe, that north korea entered the war on the side of russia against ukraine, that's clear, and it's clear that the us now has to look at its missile support for ukraine differently. earlier, they may have feared that north korea would take such a step and test
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its ballistic missiles at this test site through russia. why is it important, because, well, in real combat conditions, to get technical. parameters of use, it brings the possibility of using the attack closer, specialists, experts will tell you how important it is, and therefore the war to them is coming very fast, they understand it. in addition, there is iran, which is also testing its systems through supplies to russia and also threatens in the middle east, that is, the war has definitely gone beyond the territory of ukraine, until it is recognized, somehow they are telling all this, nothing like that, i claim that this conflict will only be world, it will gain momentum, to our great regret, the beginning took place in the european part, at first georgia was under attack. then it went on, they didn't react, then crimea couldn't fully react, then it went away
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a large-scale invasion, and then the war will definitely spill over and escalate even more, if, well, i think that it is still possible, it is still possible to stop it at the root here in ukraine, another year or two, and that's it, this war will take on a completely different character, at least a regional war. and where this regional war will unfold in south asia or in other places is difficult to say, but we can see before our eyes how the regional conflict unfolds in this part of the world. while inspecting north korean military factories, the leader north korea's kim jong-un made several threatening statements to south korea, in particular, assured that in the event of a confrontation , he would turn it into ashes, i quote kim jong-un. if south korea tries to use armed forces against our country, or
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threatens our sovereignty and security , if such a chance arises, then we will without doubt use the entire arsenal of means and forces to completely destroy south korea, we have the will, power and ability, in the future, we will certainly expand and strengthen them. mr. valery, we are not talking only about the south korea, we are also talking about... japan, because in the direction of japan, north korea also allowed itself to launch missiles during tests, which fell somewhere into the sea there, and the question is that, obviously, russia considers north korea, including another one of the countries regarding the destabilization of the regions, because there is the middle east, there is ukraine, there is north korea, there is south korea. japan, and obviously, it is obvious that russia is still considering china as an option there, and i wonder how
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relations with those territories that china wants to regain will develop in general. what do you think, you are talking about the fact that there is a year or two to stop it all, what needs to be done in order to... already this flywheel of a great war, because it is made up of small puzzles, to stop it , what the countries should do, the position of the un is clear, the insecurity of nato is clear, it is clear that there is an election campaign in the united states of america, it is clear that great britain and germany have a lot of weapons and a desire to help, first of all ukraine, who can still do their part. contribution to stop this axis that simply spins the flywheel
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of the third world? this requires a very radical decision, which, i don’t know in what framework it is taken, beard without the un, it is completely ineffective, and it is clear that there is russia and china, which has a veto, i am not sure that nato will be enough for this, even ... about what unites some countries in asia and even from africa, well, some format is needed in order to make a cardinal decision on joint actions. even in conditions when china and india do not want to do it, as countries that can to really guarantee such security, you need to act decisively, the concept of increasing the defense of air defense systems, there gradually, you know what the americans have deployed. control systems for north korean missile launches in south korea,
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well, this is one of the security options, but these are really real options when the americans know that the launches, well, they know right away that the launch is happening, because in fact the koreans, who want north korea to reach, the territory of the united states, that is, then they think that it is their well... such, uh, well, he is a dictator, but with great ambitions and he sees the story that democracies are afraid of threats, this is true until democracy begins. understand that failure to respond to threats endangers them even more, so if a radical amendment is made this year to the fact that , in addition to defensive ones, means should be prepared for offensive actions, or those that can show the possibilities of an offensive, then this can cool these heads, that putin, that apart from rank, they are the same, they operate in roughly
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the same paradigm, they consider the west weak and that they can dictate their terms, raise... having an escalation , but they differ from the countries of the west in a weak economy, yes, they have accumulated weapons now, but they understand perfectly well that in an economic confrontation they will lose, that is, he can strike , but he will not be able to win the war, he is also understands, that's why they play on such a line, we will threaten, provoke, attack, but no one will dare to oppose us, if the countries of the west, i mean the usa. and japan and south korea, that is, like australia, and actually nato countries, if they do not change their strategy, that is conditional deterrence for non-admission, then it will encourage such countries that are not controlled by the international system, absolutely, to encourage them to take joint actions and
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coordinate efforts, this must be understood, that is why they have already made so many mistakes that these... countries, why they this is how the situation escalates , they see what mistakes, that is , they give missiles, gradually give them to russia, and there are no reactions from the west, even for ukraine, which has every right to atakamso, several hundred german ones for taurus, and none, that’s all. that is, the only way out is to change the strategy in the war against russia, involving a completely different approach this year. offensive position , well, here ukraine will participate, we have the resources for this, strikes on the territory of the aggressor, strikes on logistics, close your eyes now to all this blah-blah-blah about the escalation, forget it, that is, everything has already happened , you have already missed everything, the consequences must be saved now,
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giving ukraine the opportunity to give putin a hand, then he will stop against it. south, there is no other way now, if only weakness is allowed here in europe, there will be a blow, and china, by the way, should have a mother from this its profit, a huge profit, that is why the us national position now should be in the next 2-3-4 months the maximum concentration of resources against russia's aggression in europe. time magazine made the top 10 global risks for 2024. year mr. valery, here are the ten risks they call: first: the united states of america against itself, second - events in the middle east, third - divided ukraine, fourth - uncontrolled artificial intelligence, fifth - the new news of evil, russia, north korea, iran, six - instability in china, seven - the struggle for resources, eight - the consequences of a global
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inflationary shock, nine - the return of the elnino climate phenomenon, and 10 - risks. for business, we see that they put a divided ukraine in the third position, and well, this topic about whether there should be any secret negotiations on a peace plan, as bloomberg wrote, zelenskyi said today that the allies deny that the allies are calling for the freezing of the situation in ukraine, that is, about these two divided ukraines, which is a topic that is constantly being pushed. they say it can be in korean there is a scenario, the president of ukraine said that there is no such thing in the talks, although let's listen to zelenskyi and accurately reproduce his quote, there is no pressure from partners,
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there is no pressure from partners regarding the termination, the termination of our support. i would not say the cessation of hostilities, after all, this is our protection, the cessation of our fair defense and the cessation of our struggle, there is no pressure on this matter, regarding the frozen conflict, there is not yet, there are different voices, i have heard and read them in the media and i know, but there are different voices and there are different discussions, i think that the partners are still that they are not officially ready to give us the appropriate signals from... well, at least i haven't heard them personally. mr. valery, what does this mean , officially, the partners do not tell us this, but someone is talking, someone is conducting such negotiations. the same story with a divided ukraine and with the korean version, it was discussed somewhere, isn't it just journalists sitting in some room and making up this story?
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well, first of all, such forecasts, if you will allow, in relation to this dozen, the magazine economist, who was presented in kyiv, a joint project there with the nv, that is, there are another dozen, and there this verified, people there are experts. who gave forecasts earlier, this is, you know , a generalized reaction for today's year, let's add with you, we already had a joint broadcast today with you, the five, and i think what we discussed, the conflict in south korea, north korea may escalate, after the elections in india there may be, if modi wins, the strengthening of indian nationalism and the re-establishment of pakistan with india, a contradiction, there may be... a more active position of russia, we talked about it, an attack by a nato country, i believe 24 th year this is an absolutely probable option, it is a three,
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a fourth, divided usa, i have reason to say that at the end of the year there is a huge threat to the territorial integrity of the usa, why, because the usa is a federally constituted country, it consists of different countries, states , states, what we call states, but these states are... countries that have united into a single federal country, if it is destroyed , the american one will go, but this situation is political, there is a risk of dividing the country, let's talk about it, why are we only talking about ukraine? we say, and fifthly, the biggest risk, which is a derivative of all these risks, is the weakness of the democratic world against an authoritarian populist armed attack, so we need to find an answer to this, and then there will be no all these origins, now regarding. conversations, conversations that can go anywhere, because war, which has little to do with you, is always tiring, so these countries, the further away the country, the more tiring it is, for example, lithuania,
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latvia, estonia are closer, they feel more, i said already germany, there is france, they are a little more involved, italy, spain feels less, and what do you want from india, which is over there, they don't know what 's going on here in the grand scheme of things, so they 're tired more than anything, and china is even more tired, so... we shouldn't look at it, we must look at one thing: the idea of ​​freezing the war is not realistic, both for external and internal reasons, because in ukraine there is no such thing in the legislation that anyone, even the president, can make a decision about giving up during negotiations territories, yes, this is impossible, in the parliament you see that too now the mood is such that... such a decision , well, even initiating a referendum , is impossible, according to polls, the ukrainian people will not take such a step, not because they do not want the end of the war, but because they
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understand that it will only delay even greater losses further on, so this is the first part, and the second part, you will not draw a reliable line on the front line, no freezing on the front line, on the borders, when to go to the borders, and... still in a state, well, it attacks us with missiles , but i can go to internationally recognized borders to say, here it is not a freezing of the war, after all , some kind of transfer to a different format, but before that i simply do not see the realism of these conversations, i will tell you more, you know, the first time such an idea was voiced by the american envoys in 2014 , i witnessed all this and i can even say i was a student. i told them, dear, go to your president, if the president of the united states says publicly that our country should surrender,
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then we will consider, and that's the end of it, that's it, so talk talk talk, it will go in waves, that's the measure problems at the front or some internal insecurities of ours, it will be more or less, the more success there is in ukraine, together with partners, the less there will be such conversations, as it is correct, i am not saying, i am simply saying that this scenario from my point of view , it is impossible to use, we , i will remind you of the period of the ato, when there was some demarcation line, even weapons were withdrawn, to some distances, as a result, well, it did not lead to the end of the war, putin found everything a moment and i probably understood a lot what is the story like? for russia, it cannot drag on for a long time, because they can drive away losing then, if they keep such a period for a long time, and it has already started with a large-scale invasion, therefore, from a pragmatic point of view, i
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do not... see no options for how to freeze the war, and therefore all these conversations, well, it's like poultices for the poor, all these conversations. the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron, said that britain is ready to support ukraine for years, this is not a subject of controversy, as in the united states of america, but german cdu leader friedrich merz advocated the provision of tauros cruise missiles to ukraine and urged olaf scholz not to delay further actions. curled rockets themselves. we, mr. valery, have been observing a change in germany's position regarding the russian-ukrainian war, as well as the supply of weapons and what is supplied to ukraine, for two years. what is the reason for such a change in the position of the germans? it is interesting. well, actually, i agree with everything that we really did a lot to speak german with our partners, well...
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frankly, you remember, and there was criticism quite so sharp from the side, and i also said that germany's position was an underestimation, well, a year or a half ago, now i can state that they have taken huge steps in understanding their security strategy, that is , germany has made a radical u-turn from building a strategy on the fact that russia will somehow change there and it is possible on the economic model. development of energy, to build security, it turned out completely wrong, it turned out differently, and now they are being reconsidered, a change, for example, in the supply of weapons - these are already the consequences of changing this strategy, you you know, it's no secret that one of the ministers , our minister there, said, well , they talked about it publicly, from the first days, that you have no chance, and russia will completely take over you there, and now they don't say that, they increase support , for which we are grateful
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to them, well... again, they haven't yet realized that the concentration of support, and not stretching, can give a greater effect than this, that is, this constant sluggishness, but now these tauras again, and suddenly they will be used somewhere there, something will fall on the territory of russia, well, listen, and forget it already, language it is about the security of europe, of germany, about your leadership, which germany will have to take together with france. for security, and britain , well, i am talking about continental europe, germany and france must understand that the states will not always be as they are now, and they must now, they understand this, they must increase european security at the expense of their assistance to ukraine , they are starting to think about it, these are already drastic changes, but i still say, there is no such thinking, they will play ahead of schedule, there is still some fear, i don't know why here already...
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you can be afraid, you need to take a step in advance, you need to give taurus now, and that's it, that's it, the stars have all aligned, well , what's there to talk about, thank you, mr. valery, i hope that taurus will hear us in berlin after all will be in ukraine, it was the politician and diplomat valery chaly, thank you for the interesting conversation, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, if you are now watching us on these platforms, do not be stingy, put please like in this video, this is very important for this video to be trending on youtube and facebook. throughout our program we have polled and polled and we ask you this: will north korea go to war against south korea. 63% of those who watch our telecasts say yes, 37% - no. after a 15- minute break, or rather, we will have bbc news, we will have political scientists in the studio, viktor boberenko, taras zagorodniy and vitaly
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kulyk, wait, don't switch. we will be with you mafia rebellion in ecuador, what is happening there, how can it affect ukraine? let's find out together in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polomaryuk. capture of the tv channel during the live broadcast: riots in prisons and chaos throughout the country. ecuador was covered by a wave of violence. the president declared a state of emergency. neighboring countries are preparing for provocation, what's next? a wave of riots has gripped ecuador, a latin american country with a thriving drug trade and a spike in crime in recent years.


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