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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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and in this way demonstrate that they can play a big political game for a long time, because it turns out that, well, they say again that we are a mono-power, a mono-majority, and again all the parliamentary forces simply crash against this wall, not misunderstanding, and then there is no mention of any compromise or any joint conversation, it simply cannot be discussed, well, first of all, let's look at the latest statements, just a few minutes ago there was information about... that a meeting of the servants of the people faction decided to send the law for revision on the draft law on mobilization, which means that it will not be considered tomorrow. therefore, the question arises, why remove bezula, if there is still a lag of time when it is possible to use her criticism and her position to inflict image losses on the ministry of defense or the general staff of the personally meritorious, right? that is, bezula still had to perform a certain
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amount of tasks on this ping-pong related to that short bill, this is the first, secondly, well, although now there is already information from orahamiya that he is proposing to the deputies of other factions not comment meeting of his faction, but he also says that personnel decisions will be made after the conciliation council, well , it is obvious that after this pin fund for... it is some kind of decision, what to do with this draft law, bring it to the floor consideration or send it to the author of the bill for revision, then to the cabinet of ministers, and after that a personnel decision will be made, most likely bezulu will indeed be removed as the deputy head of the committee, but let me remind you, she remains the head of the parliamentary subcommittee on security sector supervision and defense, this is firstly, and secondly, a member of the committee, of course, that it will not be the same tribune, moreover, i believe that parliamentary supervision is also important.
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the direction where she will certainly show herself with all her might and we will see it all. well, yes, as soon as the information appeared, you are correct in saying that the majority of servants are in favor of returning the law on mobilization for revision, well, let's see how the introduction of this bill will be tomorrow, because without a vote and return for revision, without introduction to the hall turn on it is impossible to finalize this draft law, that is, i understand what is presented. tomorrow will still be there, mr. taras , today you were not only mariana bezugla on the lips and in the information space, there was also lviv, such a bohdan lviv, a judge with a russian passport, who renewed his position in the supreme court, well, today he was appointed as the chairman of the accounting chamber of the former teapot of the antimonopoly committee olga pishchanska, who is an old one.
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volodymyr zelenskyi's wife, at one time she was in the antimonopoly committee, later wrote a statement about leaving there , the ambassadors of the big seven had previously publicly urged not to appoint members of the accounting chamber until the selection procedure was changed, that is, they tried to explain to the ukrainian authorities that it was still necessary to go through some kind of competitive procedure, and not just appoint a person, well, what does the government want? such a person was appointed to the position of the head of the accounting chamber, all this together, as it characterizes the current state and the current relationship between those who are in power and those who are those who oppose them, let's put it this way, not the opposition, those who oppose them, well, i would still separate the issues of lviv and the parliament, they are different branches of government, we don't know. in what way
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was there a violation or was the procedure violated , for example, his dismissal and so on, still it was restored by the court, yes, but of course we must understand that the presence of a russian passport is an unconditional, unconditional, reason for that a person simply leaves power, without any explanation, yes, because the very fact of existence. of this document, and when it was there was not issued in the russian federation, because there are different russian passports, there are still soviet passports that were issued in russia before 1996, and we often lose sight of this fact, and of course, people do not have rights, and of course they should find out through a special investigation, because when a person still has a russian passport in the... in the 10th
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year of the war with the russian federation, this position means that a person, well, definitely has, he has the influence of the russian federation is insane. it is obvious that this person is not loyal the ukrainian state, this is one of the foundations of such lustration, i would call it a factor that completely nullifies any justification of any people in any positions in ukraine, well, regarding the appointment, well, we do not know there that in actually happened because, well, requests , requests, you know, i, for example, often... well, recently we also had, at the request of j7 , the so-called edits of the vine were canceled, well , i, for example, believe that it was done very incorrectly , in fact, when we were asked to cancel these lazo edits,
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it seems that nabu isab does not have time to investigate cases, it was presented that it seems to be a big problem, in reality there is no such problem. because in factual cases, any investigator could extend the period of the investigation indefinitely, there is article 295 of the criminal procedure code, but in order to continue such cases, the investigator was forced to go to court and show his achievements and prove that he worked and that the case has a judicial perspective, and now, excuse me, please, now the investigators will tell you. to publish, as you know, in khadzhin's middle in the parables, either ishak will die, or patishak will die, when these cases are investigated, no, there is no judicial control and so on, so i, moreover, i recently saw already the second audit regarding
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anti-corruption bodies, where they carried out including our international partners, there are also a lot of questions regarding the effectiveness of the anti-corruption vertical, before this there was a hint, in the mirror of the week, i remember, it was published, only it was not named who conducted the audit, there are also many things, so we also have to look , what is happening and to understand what is in reality, and to carry out a critical revision of the fact that the reforms that have already been carried out are neither good nor bad, it is necessary to look at what works and what does not work, i am not a lawyer here, i want we looked at the facts, we don't know when there will be an appointment and an accounting chamber, if... based on this, do people close to the government appoint people in our country, that's how it was under all governments, this is the practice, including all over the world, what is also called democratic in our country, everyone wants to appoint those people whom you know, whom you trust,
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that's why i don't see anything strange here, the only complaint is that i didn't see much activity in the antimonopoly committee when i was in charge. this person, who will now be with us in the accounting chamber, and who will be responsible for the work of the accounting chamber, because it is such an audit body that is powerful enough, has a powerful apparatus, and has powerful functions, but in this case i think that here is interesting the situation is that we actually have a state audit service that actually duplicates the functions of the accounting chamber, which is...well, it actually is too conducts audits, she also has certain powers to verify financial assistance from our partners and so on, so let's see how it will work and how it
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will actually be built, and so i want to see effective bodies that work, well, wishes of course, our partners are very kind, but it has been a long time since we had to look at the revision, so that... what works, what doesn't work, because, well, questions about the recommendations, especially after the post after the so-called lazovoi amendments, when now at all no one nothing will be done, the investigation may last for 10 years, or the investigation may last for 20 years without any charges being brought, this is a return to practices, and this applies to all law enforcement agencies, these are practices, i'm sorry, that were still in place during kuchma's time, i remember when criminal cases were initiated, and then it is not known when... it ended, mr. taras, you say everything correctly, the only remark is that volodymyr zelenskyi, when he was running for the presidency of ukraine, he talked about the fact that brothers, in-laws, there will be no godfathers, acquaintances in power, but since she is a close, close friend
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of the zelenskyi family from kryvyi rih, in principle it looks a little strange when during the war relatives from... acquaintances, godfathers, in-laws, go to power, the government talks about it, listen, well there should be justice in everything to repeat this and to crush the citizens of ukraine. this justice and say: listen, well, this is fair, this is unfair, that is , there are a lot of questions about justice, but stefanchuk explained why, for example, mariana bezugla was not here today dismissed from the position of deputy head of the parliamentary committee, he said that there was no decision of the appropriate conciliation council of the parliamentary factions and groups, and that is why it happened, the only question is why stefanchuk closed the meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, well, that is another issue. well, they didn't want to torpedo it, but if tomorrow the verkhovna rada of ukraine votes to
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return the bill on mobilization to the government, what will it mean for society, for the army, first of all, and in general for this vertical that we call monopoly, since this is the government appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and the verkhovna rada is a monomajority. and the monomajority is the entire monovade that exists in the country, which means that someone has to be responsible for it, mr. viktor, well, let's start with the fact that, de facto, in our country , both the verkhovna rada and the government are managed from the president's office, managed from one cabinet, and zelensky himself very clearly stated at his press conference on december 19 that there are... only five or six people who sit down with him, who work out decisions that are then
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adopted, and in fact, the verkhovna rada and government is a facade, and now we have a situation where the left hand has quarreled with the right hand, yes , in fact, it is, in fact it means the following, the bill is not popular, but not in all, not in all parts of society, it is unpopular as... once in the main electoral groups, which currently support both zelenskyi and the servant of the people party, well, primarily zelenskyi, and therefore , in order to minimize electoral losses, they need to say that yes, we understand that mobilization, but first, second, the third, the tenth, let's return there, it's called to make a good mine with a bad game, and that's just trying. and why yes, by the way , here are my colleagues and i, i think that we all
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agree that this is why they have not been driven away without a corner yet, why, because for her it is a lag, to criticize further, from the military, yes the military and politicians are at loggerheads there, they want to transfer everything to the industrious, it is the industrious who wants mobilization, it is not zelenskyi, it is not the government, it is not the verkhovna rada, well, the government is fine, there the government is still being forced to do something, but the verkhovna rada... they are also white and fluffy, they are chicks, and they don't want it either, though they don't explain, but what exactly they don't like, which items and positions they don't like, and most importantly, whatever nuances there are, the most important positions there are, for example, lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years old, that's what we understand , that this is plus 400 thousand potential mobilized, even there is a little more, but it just hits the electorate, well, according to
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zelenskyi's ratings, and this, for example, is the postponement of those 110,000 who went to study on september 1, 2023, and that's 110,000 men over 23, we understand, yes, and the termination of them adjournment also strikes, so tell me whether you are for these positions or against, and there are nuances, we don't like something somewhere, or yulia... volodymyrivna, tymoshenko says that let's call the police first, because they are ready, and we don't have it ready. 90% of the people who signed up on february 24 at the military mats were also not ready, let's say so, so it's all a matter of decision. thank you, mr. victor. gentlemen, after a short break, we'll be back on the air, just a few minutes, and we'll resume our conversation. kratle contains natural
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video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you think that... north korea will go to war on the south 0800-211-381. no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have political experts viktor boberenko, vitaly kulyk and taras zahorodnii on the air. and since we have already started talking about the bill on mobilization, it is obvious that when the authorities say that mobilization should... be fair, then everyone contributes something to this fairness, that is, what is fair? well, we see what is a fair policy or a fair personnel policy, the appointment of zelenskyi's friend from kryvyi rih is a fair policy, the unfair resignation of the head of the parliamentary
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committee is unfair, and what is fair mobilization in the current conditions, mr. vitaly? well , let's start with the draft law, i consider it completely inadequate, and here it is not necessary to excuse the military, because it was the general staff and the ministry of defense that prepared the draft of this draft law and they introduced this resource the logic of treating people as a resource in the same way as ammunition, money and military equipment, in fact, people can be an asset if they are properly trained and involved in the defense as a whole, and not only used as mobilization arithmetic, then... and this responsibility also belongs to the general staff, to the ministry of defense , but there are two logics in this draft law, one logic is really this resourceful attitude of the tsk to citizens, arbitrariness, in fact, mistrust of state institutions, which arises as a result of this forceful coercion mobilization, it provokes a split in society, it provokes because we
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have even the previously announced 500,000 who are trying to mobilize, it will not be possible to find them ... it will not be possible to find them, because there are demographic indicators, there are statistics, but in fact the majority of citizens feel and no , let's put it this way, he feels this injustice in general, so volunteers are actually running out, so many people are already ready to go to the front, but their percentage would increase, recruiting would increase, if the authorities also showed the authenticity of their intentions and deeds... an opportunity would be guaranteed from the point of view of protecting the interests of servicemen, the rights of the soldier against the arbitrariness of the officer and general, the rights of people who are discharged from the army due to injuries, due to or payments to the families of servicemen, that is, this whole package, the logic of balance and justice is violated there, and it is obvious , which of course, and parliament and
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deputies of different factions, because alternative draft laws were submitted by representatives of different. and from european solidarity, and trust, and rozumkov's group, i.e. five draft laws, four of them alternatives, and this indicates that the trust in this bill, i think that there is no bill in ukraine possible without the entire history of ukraine, which was not discussed in every kitchen, as a bill on mobilization, and everyone, i repeat, everyone and the military on at the front, and a person in the rear, saw injustice there. in this draft law, so it will be natural if it is really revised, but as far as i am concerned, then we have two ways out of this situation, if it is necessary to introduce cabins again, or then. as supreme the commander-in-chief, the president of ukraine introduces his bill, where all the balances of justice will be maintained, and it will be supported
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by his monomajority in the parliament or by those political forces that are currently blocking him, or then it is really a national discussion with the participation and involvement of the authors and those developments , which were made in alternative bills, for example , i like the draft bill, i would, for example, if i was... i would vote for it, this is also worth considering, because it is a request of the whole society, you cannot to say that there are only a few, well, a third of society, it forms a record of justice, no, the whole society, that is, justice in the state is a consensus, a consensus that is worked out by different groups, and you should not blame everyone for the fact that these all they evade not at the front, but at the front in... there is a nerve of this justice, yes, there is a nerve of justice, but when we talk about a normal policy that will ensure high-quality mobilization, then this is
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taking into account all approaches, simple solutions in this it cannot be in this case. thank you sir vitaly, mr. taras, tell me, if this draft law is not voted on tomorrow and there is no decision, well, even an initial decision regarding mobilization, we are living in conditions of war. and it is clear that there is a certain procedure, there are certain rules, there is a certain logic of political actions, but we live in a war, and zaluzhny says that i need to change the guys who are at the front, mobilization is needed, and the verkhovna rada of ukraine will now consider how it will affect the ratings, how it will affect the perception of society, how it will affect the for some reason, where... this is the golden mean, when politicians should work in wartime conditions , and not think about ratings and not be measured
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by these ratings, because now the situation is such that there may not be a state at all, well, look, power should understand that the best way to increase their ratings is the number of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, destroyed enemies. and so on, this, by the way, you can see it, society's reaction to it, that is, here, here, it should be understood in such a logic, because in reality there is no time there to think about ratings and everything else, but look, here we must understand that mobilization must be looked at more broadly, right here the question is what is the strategy of the war, and we must understand that we have entered a completely different stage of the war, a war on attrition, a war of attrition in... a war of attrition is won by the one who can concentrate its resources as much as possible, has great advantages in terms of resources, the russians, unfortunately, have a much larger
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demographic resource, this is so clear, we can mobilize 4,000 people, they can and up to 2 million to mobilize, i think that after putin's election it will be, and we have to look at the situation more broadly, primarily related to where we can increase e. increase the necessary resources in order to level this advantage, which the nature of the war in ukraine will be effective, it is obvious that ukraine cannot wage a symmetric war with russia, we simply do not have the resources for this, an asymmetric war using new technologies, mobilization of the rear, first of all, so that, because a total war involves a total mobilization of the rear, and from here we proceed to the same parameters. how many people should be in the army, how many people should work in the military economy in order to transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation, and the cabinet of ministers should
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also deal with the organization of the military industry, i recently saw an absolutely such article on the censor, where it is said that in our country you can actually find any vvk enterprises, well , they are only publicly available on official websites. that's how you can find it, i'm not talking about the tax department, where you can find tax invoices calculate where the enterprise is located, its neighbors and so on, and further destroy them, i am already silent about the situation when the cabinet of ministers is not a body for the employers' federation , shmegal's cabinet again calls on shmegal's cabinet to solve the issue of taxation of the profits of enterprises that work in the military industry, that's what prevents the cabinet of ministers from doing this, this is a big question, because the more, for example, we have our own weapons... then accordingly, accordingly, the resources of people are less needed in the army, at least when we say that the military says that we
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need such a number of people. yes they are come from the resources that are available. unfortunately, the lack of drone production in our country is compensated by people, we must understand this. the lack of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, without disrupting their logistics and so on, is compensated by the fact that the russians can still enter, in fact, a war in ukraine. that's what we should pay attention to in this case. i, for example, believe that russian has weak points that are already obvious, for example, if you saw a message there that chicken and meat and pork disappeared in omsk, and what happened, and because the belgorod region is about 10-15% of the production of poultry meat for the russian federation, they broke the logistic routes, you see, the problems are starting, then they actually have problems now with the supply of equipment to the refineries, the destruction of the russian refineries
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in depth... leads to problems and in logistics with a reduction in the possibility of fuel supply and so on, and we should hope for this, and here first of all, again, the law is promulgated, here we need to look more broadly at the mobilization of the economy, so thank you mr. taras, mr. viktor, how you think, whether the diligent will be able to decide his questions, and let the politicians stick to theirs. no, someone has to give in, but i think the politicians will do everything to hang all the dead, cats on the poor, to be white and fluffy themselves, and the main thing is that i would like to add about this law on mobilization, that it should be humanely accept it in the first reading, then work it out, let's say, in committees and in the hall, and that's how we just drag it out.
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the necessary law is needed, and this, i will say once again, it is all the government's fault that everything is going wrong with us again in the new year. thank you sir viktor, i want to thank all our guests who were on the air today, these are viktor boberenko, vitaly kulyk and taras zagorodny. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please. that we continue to vote and we literally have a minute left before the end of voting on youtube and we are still voting on tv, you can see phone numbers by calling which you can vote in the poll, we're asking you if north korea will go to war on south korea, literally 30.
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we have left on the air, those of you who haven't voted yet can pick up your smartphone and vote if you think north korea will go to war on southern, 0800 211 381, no, 0800 218 please, show me the phone numbers again, please, no 0800 211 382, ​​now let's see the results of the voting on tv, show... please, what are our proportions? 62% believe that a war between north and south korea is possible, 38%, neither on tv, in our second broadcast, the ratio is yes, 44%, no 56%. i will put an end to this, friends, it was the verdict program, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your family, i will say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m.,
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