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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, in the next hour we will discuss the bill on mobilization, which is planned to be submitted to the parliament tomorrow, we will talk with the representative of the ministry of defense regarding igor's case hrynkevich, a supplier of the ministry of defense, who is currently in a pre-trial detention center. well, let's talk about the situation at the front. and already, the winter offensive of the russian army in the kharkiv and donetsk regions failed. so, at least, the military observer, a german, thinks so. in addition to the deaths of thousands of their own soldiers and the loss of more than 400 armored vehicles, they have not achieved anything, the journalist states in the publication under the title, thousands of soldiers are dead, putin's winter offensive has failed. according to ryobka, who analyzes the latest videos from the battlefield, russia is practically the same, russia is practically the same far from its strategic goals, the capture of the city of kupyansk in the kharkiv region and avdiivka in the donetsk region, as well as... at
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the beginning of the winter campaign in october last year. to the north of kupyansk, russian troops got bogged down near the small village of synkivka. one by one, the kremlin's tank unit enters the same minefield, losing up to 100% of vehicles and many soldiers, the publication said. north of avdiyivka, the journalist writes, the russian military cannot cross the railway near the village of stepove. ukrainian drones destroy them every day kamikaze and infantry fighting vehicles. bradley, according to the publication. despite the thousands of dead and hundreds of lost armored vehicles, the russian military did not advance even a kilometer in order to fulfill its task of encircling and capturing avdiyivka. röbke believes that russian mass attacks have stopped for now. if in october, november and december thousands of soldiers and hundreds of pieces of equipment took part in the offensive, then for about a week only small clashes have been taking place on the battlefield. presumably, russia needs to
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accumulate reserves before it can rebuild offensive, the journalist notes, and at the same time he says that it remains unclear how long ukraine will be able to maintain such active defensive actions and how much ammunition will be enough. well, the journalist also reminds that the united states recently made it clear that in the future the level of their support will decrease significantly, and we also talk about this very often on the air. yuriy joins our broadcast. the commander of the company of attack drones of the aviation complexes of the 92nd separate mechanized brigade named after koshovo ataman ivan sirk. good evening. glory ukraine. glory to heroes. you will tell our audience that you are in the bakhmud direction. do you agree, or more precisely, do you observe the lulls written by western military analysts of the lulls at the front. and if not, what is the situation there? actually, i
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can't be objective in assessing the entire front, because she knows better those guys who are fighting in the other direction, in particular maryanka, avdiyivka and the kupin direction, i can say for bakhmudsky that it was a small one, if that's possible name, easing of hostilities, somewhere one week before the new year, a month before the new year, the enemy carried out very, very active shock assault operations, and even had tactical success in some areas. but during the execution of these measures caused significant losses in manpower, as well as equipment. accordingly, a week before the new year , the enemy regrouped, it only had an improvement over the previous border, that is , small groups carried out shock-assault actions on separate sections. a week before the new year, the enemy intensified sufficiently active shock assault actions, trying to find a weak point in the defense of the defense forces, and additionally pushing in those cities, places where he had partial success. this is, in particular
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, the hottest point, according to my belief, the road from chasy yar to bakhnut, where intense fighting is going on, and at the moment when we are talking to you, the defense forces have managed to fully occupy themselves. and starting with the new year, all the positions held by the defense forces are behind us, in some cases it was possible to restore the state, the position, that is, to knock the enemy out of his advanced positions, and now , you know, there is such a swinging pendulum, and i think whatever the defense will be able to stabilize it and still shift it to the side when we will fully take the tactical advantage initiative of our age, but it all seems very, very difficult. by the new joint work of the defense forces, that is, if i understood you correctly, there is no respite at least in the direction of bakhmut? no. here, again, i will turn to the publication that i quoted at the beginning, the german publication biel, notes that it is still
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unclear how long ukraine will be able to maintain active defensive actions, and how much longer enough ammunition, what do you say to that, maybe the situation looks clearer to you. the situation is really not easy as far as ammunition is concerned, but at the same time we understand that there is still a united europe, and somehow the influence of the united states of america, it is high enough, so we are looking now for alternative sources to supply the ammunition that we need, the united states of america one way or another, they will continue to help, plus, additionally, our state has also set up certain ammunition production lines, which in 2024 should have and you must... be scaled in your production, it is also very important that the ground strike means, in particular, night bombers and many other means, in particular reconnaissance in action, successful examples of production, within our country, they are also scaled, if you compare the beginning of 23 -th year and the end of the 23rd
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year, objectively means, in particular, as you can see on the screens now, night boomers, they became many times more in the defense forces, just like intelligence. as for ammunition, a conditional market was opened with munitions, specifically for uavs, which are fairly high-precision weapons, at the current moment, of course, in the defense forces, they are critically challenged, because the companies, they have just passed the stage of export samples, operational samples, and a number of munitions, which have now passed state tests, must be concluded contracts, they will necessarily be substituted for the defense force, that is, a significant improvement in ammunition to the means. we will already observe the bulls in the summer of this year, i sincerely count on it, there is a full perspective, therefore, according to my conviction with the current political situation, the support of western countries, the unification of europe, as well as the dynamics of production and scaling in the middle of the state, we will manage to maintain
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a positive dynamic in terms of defensive actions , as for counter-offensive actions, here the situation looks somewhat different, here it is very, very a lot depends on what kind of... support there will be, particularly from the united states of america, because an offensive is always more ammunition, an offensive is always more equipment, and a successful offensive in front of it involves then holding those territories that we de-occupy, and when holding the territories that the enemy is trying to recapture, the amount of ammunition also increases many times compared to simply prohibitive actions, yes, so let's see how the political ones will turn out, so you will put three dots, swing, let's call it that, you, you they said that you and... are hoping for western support, american, european, and it will depend on how active the counteroffensive will be, but if we talk at least about defensive actions, is it possible to hold them, well, at least in this form, in which they are now, if it wasn't, we wouldn't
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be talking to you now, i'll let you know that seborone will definitely be able to continue to gain momentum at the current moment and in the near future, in the coming months. the enemy, for this there is enough power and means. then, let me start another topic with you, this is mobilization, this is now the main topic, which, i think, is discussed both in cities, where there is no war, and in places where there is war. ah, are you following the fate of the bill, or do you support it as it stands now? when i say you, i mean you personally, and maybe your military comrades at the front, or do you discuss it among yourselves, what is your attitude to this? draft law that you categorically do not like, for example, or on the contrary like it, because according to the latest information, it will be submitted to the verkhovna rada for consideration tomorrow? the key thesis: there are no cities in our country in which there is no war, if there is such a city
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that thinks so, then it is necessary to consider the authorities that lead that city, as well as its residents, because in our country the whole country is in full-scale war, thanks to the... defense forces, the line of demarcation now and the battle, the battle, properly speaking, is in the east where it is, and it's all thanks to the force that powerfully supports. very strongly supports, i thank every ukrainian, as well as the work of the defense forces, every representative who gives his all and gives the most valuable thing, his life and health, in the fight for the state. as for mobilization, i believe that this is my opinion, as a citizen of ukraine yuriy fedorenko, that everyone in the state should have a military obligations, both men and women, and for the future, all categories. who are of legal age , must generally pass, generally must pass a course of basic military
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military training according to the principle, as it happens in israel, because the russian federation will not go anywhere, so i would predict, starting from the current year, 2024, 5- and, 2026 , within three years, for the entire population of ukraine to one way or another undergo general military training and specialized, i.e. receive military professions, this is not... it means that everyone should send at once, no, it means that we have prepared the nation for the fact that if needed, they must have and will have the necessary phage for the effective protection of their state, this is the first, now the second, which concerns the mobilization of that resource manpower, which is necessary to replenish the forces that are in the defense force, and most importantly, the operators of those technical means that we receive at the expense of, including our international partners. when we get armored vehicles, we need them bellows, crews are needed for them.
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when we get the means of radio-electronic intelligence , we need specialist people who will operate them with means of radio-electronic warfare, high-precision weapons, means and many other things, that is, the means are there, we need a human resource that could service it, that is, additional military personnel, plus we need to replace those , who in two years of war, not even in connection with a serious injury, but literally the loss of health in the war, because both... active, unfortunately, the war has a very negative effect on health, even if a person is not injured, but something else is enough, well, you can imagine, when you go to a position, you have to go 5 km in one direction, and you carry up to 50 kg, will the body withstand such a load for two full years. moving forward, as far as mobilization processes are concerned in general, i think we have to remember that the country is... uh , free as we love it, yes, it's not only about the rights that we're fighting for, including ,
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this is also about the duty, to protect the homeland is one's duty, and when discussing with the military, i was given such an example, which i very much share, i support, let's imagine a situation where a thief came to your house, broke down the door, steps in, pushes you away and does everything he deems necessary in your apartment or house, beats your family. rapes a wife or a child, then kills everyone, kills you, sets the house on fire and leaves it. would you like such a fate for your family? i am sure that no citizen of ukraine would want such a fate for his family? now let's imagine that the same thief comes to your house, knocks on the door, and you are prepared, physically, you know how to use a weapon, and you have this weapon. what happens next? the thief will die on the doorstep of your house, your family will remain alive, healthy and safe. so, the country begins with our family, with our home, and today the door of this home
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is in the east of our country, on the battle line of conflict, so the protection of your family begins with the battle lines, and in order to stay alive, fulfill your duty and cover of its counterpart, the nation must be ready, and this is through general mobilization, where the general military provides training and specialized, so the measures should be serious regarding mobilization. i thank you for your comment. next, we will precisely discuss the bill on mobilization. yuriy fedorenko, achilles, commander of the company of unmanned attack aircraft systems of the 92nd separate mechanized brigade named after the kosh otaman ivan sirk , was on the air from the bahamian direction. thank you very much. well, now the mobilization. the verkhovna rada plans to start considering the bill on mobilization tomorrow, january 11. come on. this was announced by the head of the verkhovna rada today fractions of the servant of the people david erahamiya.
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let me remind you that this is a government bill that caused a lot of indignation and discussion at the time, in particular because it provided for a number of restrictions for the so-called evaders. all previous week, the special committee of national security , defense and intelligence discussed this draft law, made proposals to it, expressed comments on possible risks. well, tomorrow they probably intend to take it to the verkhovna rada for consideration. how long can the review last? document in the parliament, which can be a bill on mobilization in its final version, so to speak, a compromise option, and for which the deputies are categorically not ready to vote. roman joins our broadcast. lozynskyi, people's deputy, holos faction, and also a former serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. good evening. good evening. roman, what is the latest news about the draft law? this is the latest information, surely it can be put to a vote or discussion tomorrow? previously yes. the law on mobilization should be
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considered by the verkhovna rada on january 11, i.e thursday is tomorrow, but... to say that there are many debatable issues is an understatement, and it greatly affects the quality and degree of discussion in the parliament, because tomorrow a conciliation council, a meeting of all heads of factions and parliamentary groups to discuss the order is specially planned afternoon, the final decision will be made tomorrow morning, but you know, well , i would like to see an absolute consensus in the parliament regarding the issues of... mobilization during a full-scale war in the 10th year of the war with the russian federation, but unfortunately, there is no such thing, and it all started with who and how introduced the bill, that it did not happen due to the introduction by the president, but it is his constitutional powers, and he is the subject of the legislative initiative, too, and it was
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done a little formally in this way , that the parliament now has more... questions than answers regarding this text of the draft law, the draft was introduced by the government, and then it turned out that government officials came to the specialized committee and asked not to adopt the law in its current form, the draft, and honestly admitted that they are for it was voted on at the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, but whether they didn't see it or didn't read it, they voted it, because they said it had to be done that way. roman, one more procedural, so to speak, question, and how , do you know, do you have any idea how it will be voted on in the first reading, and then amendments will be made to... the second, is it possible for it to go to the first reading will come in some modified form, taking into account all these comments that have already been voiced at the committee? well, i don't want to go into too many technicalities, but yes, the draft law exists, it is registered, it was submitted by the government, indeed, starting from
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the commissioner for human rights, ending with law enforcement officers from the police, security services of ukraine. and apparently by representatives of other ministries , they came to the committee meeting, which lasted for 3 days, and simply began to rewrite it piecemeal, whether it will affect the quality of the consideration in the first reading, it will not affect in any way, because the draft law exists, it is registered, i will not to score political points, ratings, i will not now wave my hands and start very loud political slogans, because i personally took part in hostilities for more than a year, at first a full-scale invasion, i know and see the eyes of my brothers who fortunately remained alive and, unfortunately, who gave their lives, and i perfectly understand that ukraine on the 10th year of the war with the russian federation, on the soon, unfortunately, third year
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of the full-scale invasion, she must make unpopular decisions, we must go to the parliament... vote, strict norms, we must restart mobilization, but not you can do it in such a way that the president tries to pass, you know, this is the ball in the government's court, the government puts the ball in the parliament's court and try to point the finger: the military asked us for it, the government brought it, the parliament voted for it, the president in general not aware , he just wants everyone to be happy, that 's not how... it's done and, accordingly, it will definitely affect the debate in the parliament, it will definitely affect the position of many people's deputies, i 'm sure, who are absolutely in favor of what needs to be settled mobilization, but may not to vote in the first reading , because of the way the question was raised, because of the way the draft law still does not correspond to the quality, to the level that it
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should be considered in the parliament, but most likely there will be a review, most likely a review will be in the first reading. above all, any amendments, any changes, any improvements can be submitted only before the second reading. but you said that now this draft law is being tossed around like a ball, the president to the government, the government to the parliament and so on in a circle, and you have an answer as to why so, well everyone is well aware that there is a war in the country, and that this is such an unpopular decision, but important? i spoke with representatives of our sector. security and defense by the leaders, and my opinion is very simple: in matters such as the bill on mobilization, the representatives should come together. authorities , representatives of the opposition, and together tell people: this project is necessary for our country to survive, we don't like these norms,
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nobody likes them and they can't like them, because war by its nature cannot, it's horror, it's fear, it's, it's just the worst thing imaginable, it's directly involved in combat, and there 's no justice when a mortar mine or an artillery shell or a missile comes into the... volley fire systems, they don't choose, they're unfair, but it happens , and now , instead of all together discussing the text before its registration , let all representatives of all political colors and to say: this is our common cause, this is ours... without this we will not be able to continue to stay and fight for our independence, instead , unfortunately, we have started a traditional political
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kolomiyka, where they are trying to make someone extreme for some decisions, and this it won't work like that, so unfortunately, i expect that there will be a lot of political manipulation, political speculation, political slogans in the parliament, and unfortunately, this... all of this is preceded by the introduction of a draft law that has not been sufficiently discussed even with the ministries, although it governmental, but we will need to work on its improvement, we have no other options, we, as a country, continue to face one of the largest armies in the world, we cannot afford it, i can only say one more remark, in your opinion, a politician cannot to come out and say 30... 6 months is too much, let's give 24 or 18, who will give less, let 's just honestly say, 24 months for the lion 's share of combat units will come
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on february 24, because it was those who volunteered in the first months who left the most able-bodied, those who carry out combat operations at zero, of course it is unfair that they are fighting and others have not yet replaced them, of course it is unfair, and there are many shortcomings, in particular politicians, that we do not have a ... rotation system, but to say that 24 months is to sign that our units stand up from the trenches, come out of the dugouts, in february-march of this year, leave them, the newly formed units do not have time to take their place, and we simply surrender these positions, this is what i want, this is how i appeal to politicians, this is how i appeal to my colleagues in the parliament, so that this there was less political speculation, so the bill is great, there is none. quality and so there are a lot of points for underdevelopment, but probably i will say one more unpopular thing, for which no one will pat me on the head, we are obliged to consider it in some way,
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we are obliged to complete it together, we obliged to vote it in the end in another form, where there will be a lot of changed norms, some added, some taken away, i understand that i will not be able to tell 300 pages of text in 5 minutes, what is there need to change? but believe me, people 's deputies, at least a few dozen people's deputies from completely different political teams, now with their sleeves rolled up, are trying to do everything so that in the end this draft law will do more good in the country than, than, than evil, than evil, you, you , i understood your opinion, the bill is very necessary, it is vital, but at the same time it is of poor quality and there is work to be done. i just want to mention that the biggest outrage, well, at least in social networks, in society, is discussed, the idea in the draft law to create the so-called, when
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the so-called registers of debtors will be created from the submission of the tsc for those people who evade mobilization, whether you personally support this idea, and actually what will happen to it in the final version, because to what extent i understand, this is exactly what dmytro dmytro lubinets was talking about, that it violates people's rights. although it is possible not only about this, you understand, i do not know how pathetic or general it will be said, but all these processes are a two-way street, it is simply impossible it is impossible to drive people into restrictions, debt obligations, stop them from registering all over the world and at the same time not change the approach to recruiting, it is impossible if the approach to recruiting does not change, if strong competencies... recruits will not be taken into account, and they simply will plug holes because someone on the staff lacks a gunner, and they hire a development engineer who can
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be a key engineer in production. drones and bring ten times more results to our country for victory, if this is not taken into account by the tsc, then no restrictions, no registration, no issuing of passports, nothing will be changed, and this is an insufficient process. we talk about mobilization first of all in the context of people, that we lack people, that we need recruits to replace those who have been fighting for two years, wounded, killed, those who are constantly... at ground zero and in order to further our front line was held, and the territories were liberated, but very little is said about the mobilization of resources, why, since august 2023, for more than six months, there has been a bill in the parliament that gives the legal right to the local self-government body, communities, regional councils, to finance the security and defense forces in order to buy a drone, this is still
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not you... this is a potential responsibility in the future, that law enforcement agencies will come to you, like a deputy of the local council, like a city mayor, and say, on what grounds did you spend the community's funds on security and defense, if it is an illegal mandate of local self-government bodies, everyone shouts no to brokovits, everyone shouts no to stadiums, starting with the president, but for some reason the president's team in the parliament, the servant of the people faction is still blocking this bill, if we're talking about... mobilizing people, why aren't we talking about mobilizing resources, why aren't we talking about legalizing funds, channeling funds from local governments to drones that will save people's lives, that will reduce injuries, that will reduce the death toll, why is this law being blocked, this is the question i asked in parliament today, because i am the responsibility after returning to the war zone to work in parliament, it is something that is just... a duty and they
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look with such icy eyes and will such manipulations begin to arrange individual cities will have their own private armies? are you crazy are you crazy? the fact that the lviv city council, kyiv or dnipro city council will purchase drones for the military, and not paving stones and repairs to public squares for the 15th time this year. what a private army is, it's just nonsense, and it's worth talking about, about the mobilization of resources that will allow us to preserve life. which will allow us to counter an army that does not value human life with technological means and to value each of our lives, but for some reason, the government here says, with one hand forward mobilization, with the other hand it says: but the local self-government bodies should not support, because somewhere, god forbid, they will make a photo report and it will turn out that someone supports the armed forces besides the government, it just needs to be finally put to shame, yes,
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even such caveats exist. that's right and it's absurd, that is, it's absurd , it's surrealism, it's some kind of parallel reality, and when you approach people, you say, you see that in their eyes there's just some kind of complete fatality and they don't understand what's happening, my position, mobilization is necessary, and it must be carried out qualitatively not only by forcing people into some restrictions, but by creating and changing approaches, using people's skills, but we also need to move so that our... army is equipped with everything necessary, in our there is a resource for this, there is in local budgets, even after the personal income tax was taken away, large communities are still ready to allocate billions of funds, small communities are ready to allocate smaller funds, but the state of ukraine, the servants of the people, for some reason do not give them the right to this, what is the logic? roman, i have one last question. today, in addition to mobilization issues, some strange things also
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happened in the verkhovna rada when... they refused to put on the agenda the resolution on the dismissal of maryana bezugla from the post of deputy head of the national security, defense and intelligence committee, after that the tribune was blocked, the speaker closed the meeting , you can briefly, what was it in general, what is happening, this is a very good question, what is happening in general, and what was it, this seems to me to be a rhetorical question, which is always related to events in the parliament , unfortunately, but i will explain as much as possible in short, each people's deputy... has the right, in accordance with the law of ukraine on the rules of procedure of the verkhovna rada, to propose and vote to include this or that issue on the agenda. today, a number of people's deputies proposed to include in the agenda the issue of dismissal from the post of deputy chairman of the defense committee, marina bozugla. the chairman of the verkhovna rada is obliged, in accordance with the law, to address this issue.


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