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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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on the ratings, how it will affect the perception of society, how it will affect something else, where is that golden mean, when politicians should work in wartime conditions , and not think about ratings and not be measured by these ratings, because that is the situation now , that there may not be a state at all, well, look, the authorities must understand... that the best rating increase for them is the number of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, destroyed enemies, and so on, this, by the way, can be seen, the reaction of society to this, i.e. here here here should be understood in such logic, because in reality there is no time there to think about ratings and everything else, but look, here we must understand that mobilization must be looked at more broadly, right here the question is what is the strategy... of war and we
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must understand, that we have entered a completely different stage of the war, a war of attrition, a war of attrition, in such wars of attrition , the one who can concentrate his resources as much as possible and has great advantages in resources wins, the russians, unfortunately, have a much larger demographic resource, this and so clear, we can mobilize 400,000 people, they can mobilize up to 2 million, i think that will happen after putin's election. and we have to look more broadly at the situation, first of all, related to where we can build up, build up, ah, the necessary resources in order to level this advantage, what nature of the war in ukraine will be effective. it is obvious that ukraine cannot wage a symmetric war with russia, we simply do not have the resources for this, an asymmetric war using new technologies, mobilization of the rear in the first place.
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so that, because a total war involves a total mobilization of the rear, and from here we proceed to the same parameters: how many people should be in the army, how many people should work in the military economy in order to carry the war on the territory of the russian federation, and it is better for the cabinet of ministers to deal with the organization of the military industry, i recently saw such an article. on censor, where it is said that you can actually find any military-industrial complex enterprises, well, you can find them on public access, on official sites, i’m already silent about the tax office, where from tax invoices it is possible to calculate where the enterprise is located, its neighbors and so on and further destroy them, i am already silent about the situation when the cabinet of ministers is not a body for the employers' federation and again calls on shmegal's cabinet to solve the issue of taxation of the profits of enterprises that work for the military industry, that is... what
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prevents the cabinet of ministers from doing this is a big question, because the more, for example, we have our own weapons, the less human resources are needed in the army, at least when we say that the military they say that we need such a number of people, this is how they proceed from the resources that are available, the lack of drone production, unfortunately, is compensated by people, we... you don’t understand it, the lack of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, without violating their logistics and so on, this is compensated by the fact that russians can still enter ukraine virtually freely, that's what we should pay attention to, in this case, i, for example, believe that there are weak points in the russian economy that are already obvious, for example, if you saw a message there in omsk chicken and meat and pork are gone. what
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happened? and because the belgorod region accounts for about 10-15% of the production of poultry meat for the russian federation, the logistical routes have been disrupted, you see, problems are beginning. further, they actually have problems now with the supply of equipment to refineries, the destruction of russian oil refineries to a depth of 1000 km leads to problems in logistics as well, with a decrease in the possibility of supplies to... and so on, and we should hope for that, and here in first of all, again, here is the radiation law, here we need to look more broadly at the mobilization of the economy, thank you mr. taras, mr. viktor, what do you think, will the hard worker manage to solve his issue, and the politicians will stick to theirs? no , someone has to give in, but i think politicians will do everything to hang everyone up to... their guts on zaluzhnyi to be
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white, fluffy, and the main thing is that i would like to add about this law on mobilization, which would it was necessary to accept humanely. in the first reading, we will continue to work on it, let's say, in committees and in the hall, and so we simply delay the necessary necessary law, and i will say it again, that's all it is the government's fault that everything is going wrong with us again in the new year. thank you, mr. viktor, i want to thank all our guests who were on the air today, these are viktor boberenko, vitaly kulykta, taras zagorodnii. friends, we are... live on espresso tv and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please don't forget to like this video to promote it trending on youtube and facebook, and don't forget that we continue to vote, and literally
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we have a minute left before the voting ends on youtube and we're still voting on tv, you see phone numbers that you can call and you can... vote in a poll, we're asking you if north korea will go to war against south korea, literally we have 30 seconds left on the air, those of you who haven't voted yet can pick up your smartphone and vote if you think north korea will go to war with the south, 0800 211 381, no, 080218, sorry, show it again, numbers please phone no 0800 211 382 now let's look at the results of the voting on tv, please show us what proportions we have, 62% believe that a war between north and south korea may be 38%,
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no on tv, in our second broadcast, the ratio is yes, 44%, no 56%. i will put an end to this, friends, it was a verdict program. serhiy rudenko, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones, i say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m., goodbye, every day, every hour, every minute we receive a lot of information. the most anticipated event of the year, really what is happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on... the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries
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of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. today you have about this and much more. about important in plain language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. greetings, good evening. my name is myroslava barchuk and this is the "own names" program. a joint project of ukrainian foam and espresso tv channel. so, today the topic we want to talk about is ukrainian wartime humor and the post-colonial syndrome. what do i mean? for years and decades , the russian empire through its literature, art, later the soviet empire through
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its own show business, comedy shows, kvn and so on, portrayed ukrainians as such poor khokhls with oselets. with a mustache that chews lard and so on, it was from the time, it is not a decade, it is a century, because if we take ukrainians, heroes of classical russian literature, for example, ferdyshchenko in dostoevsky, if you do not know, read it, then it is this one the image of a ukrainian, if he is not an idiot, a jerk, then a traitor or some very unpleasant person, and here 33 years ago we we gain independence. but for some reason, further in our already mainstream humor, we continue to portray ourselves as these weak-minded people. what makes us, or who makes us behave like this, make such jokes about ourselves, and how is this related to the post-colonial syndrome?
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i am talking about this today with radomir mokryk, my guest. radomir is a historian, a cultural expert, and i read his book "rebellion against" with pleasure. and i highly advise you to read it, and today we are talking about humor. greetings radumyrs. congratulations. so, why are we talking about this, of course, society has been shaken and… a joke on new year's eve of the studio 95th quarter about a resettled woman from skadovsk, which is now an occupied territory, where a girl from skadovsk mutilates the ukrainian language very badly, as if she looks completely stupid in her attempt to speak ukrainian, and here are people who intuitively, who... it's absolutely logical, so they said that it's not just bad taste, but also self-deprecation. here you wrote about
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the ethos, self-deprecation, and image of this sloppy scumbag. let's start with this - with who created this image of this and when a stupid hohl? well, in principle, uh, the origins of this phenomenon can really be found in russian culture, russian literature, somewhere. well, at least since the 19th century, the 19th century in russia it was quite paradoxical, in fact somewhere in the first half it is still, well, in some, in some sense , ukrainophile, in a very peculiar sense, this is when gogol writes, yes, when others write, there is such an interest, intrigued by these ukrainians, those who are somewhere in the west of the empire. that's exactly
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gogol, well, you can't call him gogol a ukrainophobe, but gogol, as always , is paradoxical, and it is he who actually creates this idea of ​​a drinking and dancing tribe, it comes with notes of such, you know, interest in the aborigines, the fact is that later... the political situation changes, that is, they pass polish uprisings , the ukrainian national movement gains strength, and it is perceived as a threat, as separatism, that is , the ukrainian national movement for the russian empire is separatism, and that's when this trend changes, and it changes in a sharply negative sense, ukrainians become not with such an interesting element, ukrainians become a dangerous element and... and somewhere from the middle of the 19th century, a very typical image of this khokhlo is formed, which has
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some such national attributes, so that is , this national clothing and herringbone appear, and these are always very primitive such characters, they are not so much, well, there are some acutely negative ones, as you mentioned as in dostoyevsky, but it is rather such a mocking, weak, stupid man, and. er, not to be silent, actually, but it's always cool to cover up authority, i really like it, it is very important that already in the 20th century volodymyr vennychenko wrote an open letter to russian writers, and he writes it verbatim there, he writes what they say, colleagues, remember, you are not ukrainian, and then some fool, then some cunning, lazy, well simpleton, and that is, it is a trend. which in the course of the 19th century acquires, well , really such a discourse, so that is, this is
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some stereotypical image that is present in turgenev, this is how he writes about it, well, criticism of bilinsky, of course, yes, which ridicules the ukrainian language, there are people mocking shevchenko, or rather trying to mock, here, and that is, the core of all this comes from there, from russian culture, because it was important for the russians to show that... they are a dominant cultural force, i.e. to humiliate this one, this one is inferior , to show that he is worse, this is extremely important for the empire, and this is what russian culture was engaged in, and then and in the 20th century, and it migrated somewhere until today. you remember how mina mazayly says, i feel that ukrainianization is the way to do it i am a provincial, that is, a gutter, yes, that is, it was already then, right? mykola kulish records that this already exists, that is, we can say that in the middle
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of the 20s this phenomenon was already recorded, absolutely, because this tradition, it transfers to the soviet union according to the same logic, yes, that is, there is some such, well, the outbreak of ukrainization, okay, but the logic of the empire does not change, this is the assignment of roles , yes, who is the main one here, the best, who, on the contrary, is just some kind of funny appendage and some kind of branch from the great russian people, it remains in it is clear to the soviet union, yes, of course , that these best intellectuals record this, and here it is... the soviet union is already the pigeons of the soviet union, which my generation found, and i remember shtepsel and terapunka, this duet that was loved by millions of ukrainians, where shtepsel is a russian-speaking person, shown by an intellectual so soviet, yes, and terapunka is also weak, ukrainian
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-speaking, such a surzhekomian, well, such an irreproachable uncle, and i think that i would... i ask myself why millions of ukrainians did not notice that this mocking them, so why wasn't there actually such a rejection of such humor in soviet ukraine, and we have not yet reached independence, but how do you explain that this is so, and there are still people who love and admire the actor tymoshenko , i also think that he is a good actor, but this drama was his big one, so why did people not notice this humiliation? well, it seems to me that ukrainian culture in general in the soviet empire, so these slogans and there, is national in form, proletarian in content, and then socialist in content, that is, in general the cultural policy of the soviet union was reduced to the primitivization of national cultures, so when this culture had to be reduced there actually to vyshyvanka, to some
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purely ethnographic things, that's it, to be socialists. in terms of content, it is clear, that is, it is about the fact that the culture, it is already clamped down, it is largely based on the tradition of this inferiority, well, fictitious, but well, in the culture of the presented inferiority of ukrainians, and here there is a plug and a plug that works in the same way, although at the same time, well, i've been reminiscing a lot lately, purely in the academy. for the purposes of shtepsel and terapunka , well, these stereotypes are quite well hidden, yes, that is, if you don't think about it, if you just turn on the tv there before dinner and watch it, you may not notice it , you may not see that the roles are very clearly set here, well, now it is very visible, now it is visible, because our optics have changed, yes, that is, we are beginning
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to understand how culture worked as a tool of actual colonization back then. against the background of this culture, in principle, it was nailed down, it looked like well, okay, well, that's how it works, and i just think that people haven't thought about it, they've just, well, not seen it from that point of view, even though it's, well, it's there, of course it's there, uh, so already , that is, there was a mental trap of some sort, in which we had already fallen and fixed ourselves, yes, and i read your article where you talk about kvn, huh. and please tell me how you generally perceive the ethics of the kvn itself and the ethics and humor of the kvn itself, and do you share the opinion that this was also controlled by the kgb bodies, in particular, through the kvn, in soviet times, the necessary messages? well, you know, as a historian, i like
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to operate on some concrete facts, i don't have any documents. which confirm that it was controlled by the kgb, but it was possible and not necessary, for this there was enough , relatively speaking, the ideological and ideological departments of the central committee of the party, er, the fact that the kvn worked absolutely exactly like us, as a propaganda tool, er, well, there is practically no doubt about it, because when you look at the content of these numbers, well, everything is permeated with, well, different topics. there you can talk about the friendship of peoples and about the ideology as well of course, there is the construction of a bright communist future and so on and so on, and of course, again, here is this factor, well, some kind of self-humiliation of national minorities, this is a thing that was very popular, and what is important, well, for the sake
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of justice, it was not some, you know, purely ukrainian trick the problem is that it is generally kazakh. tajiks and come to moscow and there make fun of some of their national, well , real or imagined shortcomings, well , there was a lot of this, and it worked, well , logically, yes, because you come to this a big concert, there you are watched by such a bureau, the bureau of the central committee, relatively speaking, and you do what this soviet elite likes, because, well, the soviet... no matter how he talks about the friendship of peoples, well, we know , that one people there was more equal among equals, and accordingly, accordingly, this is how it worked, without a doubt, here you are talking about... what you and i are talking about, that not only we, but also other nations other soviet republics, they fell into this trap, well , in fact, you can talk about it as about
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the post-colonial syndrome and self-perception and self-presentation of those nations that were colonies for a long time, yes, and perceive themselves through the eyes of the metropolis, and want to please the metropolis, but here in the 91st year we are... ukraine will gain independence and long decades go by, so long a decade in which, in principle, we would have had time to reflect and look at ourselves in the light of this post-colonial one, and for some reason we did not do it, it seems to me what is the reason for this and whether we could, or is it possible, a completely natural evolutionary path such a post-colonial one after such well, centuries colonialism well, that is, really , this is this approach of some kind of mirroring, well, conditional and or regens to the metropolis, it really works like this, that is, when a person, when a community
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is in a colonized position for a long time, it automatically begins to somehow compare itself to these colonizers, to somehow try to look in their eyes, this is actually this trauma, and we already have it... maybe, thank god, not now, but it lasted for a very long time already during independence, i think that this problem, well, it is very broad, in my opinion deep beliefs, in principle, we had in 1991, well, mentally, there was no break with the empire, there were not many rethinkings, yes, that is, it is a kind of continuation, well, even the very fact that the soviet nomenclature remained in power there for a long time , yes, well, there was no space for a total reassessment of values , the simplest example, well, these are dissidents, yes , if we look at how, for example, with
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the dissident movement, society works in the czech republic or in poland, and in us, well, it huge difference yes you mean reading texts, recognition of their origins, awareness of their role in all this, yes, we, we just, just now. recent years somehow started to move in this direction, but in the same czechoslovakia, okay, i understand, václav havel came to power there, the situation is different, but it turned values ​​somewhere, yes, that is , the emphasis was placed on who was really right , who didn’t, but this did not happen in our country and it metastasized into the culture as such, and in particular regarding this self-presentation of mainstream humor and so on and so forth like that, and i... or when we talk about crazy comedy shows, not just quarter 95, but are there any diesels there are any
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other movies, shows, crazy wedding, anything that 's considered funny, now, yeah, is that , can we consider it ukrainian humor, is it correct to call it ukrainian humor, or is it just some kind of... segment of humor, or is it what, how do you evaluate it from the point of view of a cultural expert? well, it seems to me that this is actually to a large extent this post-colonial syndrome, yes, that is , it is humor that did not fail to reflect this trauma, which is based on the same things, relatively speaking, well, the quarter, yes, he continued the same, here lessons. in the studio quarter of 1995, or even now, the fact that they do the same diesel and so on, that is, when
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mockery or self-mockery becomes actually one of the main features, motives of their creativity, because of some national or linguistic features, that is, this, this , this, this, this very, very peculiar tradition of humor continues, well, this. also applies to big uncles and all these products, at the same time to me it seems that we are starting to move in spite of everything , well there are signs that we are coming out of this, well, if possible, we will talk about where we are going later, we will talk more later, i want to dwell on this part, if i i understand correctly that you do recognize that this is ukrainian humor, yes, no matter how post-colonial it is, it is equally yes, it is a part of our culture? what is the reason that it is so popular in society? well yeah i guess whether we like it or
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not it's part of our culture. in a wide in the sense of this word, yes, culture is a very, very broad field, and it is somewhere, somewhere , a manifestation of this post-colonial syndrome, i think that it is actually due to, well, due to a certain education over generations, yes, when uh, well here it was considered funny, in literature, in pop culture, then... then this is what was imposed, why, well, there was not much of an alternative, yes, that is, we are talking about, about the soviet totalitarian system, which actually shapes tastes , and it was considered funny, that is, it also seems to me that, in particular, in kvn, yes, the fact that these, these things migrated to a large extent already in the time of independence, it is not, you know, there
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conscious... when you say these things, you mean that low-grade not very intelligent humor, yes, what we call russian vulgarity in the word bullshit, so that is, it moved with the fact that i am convinced that these people, the authors of these humorous shows, they do not think about some post-colonial theories, they just know that it works, yes, that is, it worked and it still works , er... and they reproduce it, although, well, again, to me i had to watch a few of the last episodes of these shows, well, you can see that the idea ends there, that is, it’s actually like running around in circles, so are the same funny hutsuls, or are there some ugly mustachioed ukrainians as such, there’s nothing else there, this is actually running in circles, using the same stereotypes, well, but some segment.
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the ukrainian community, unfortunately, well, they obviously like it, and they obviously like it, but here, for example, we are now showing this diesel show, and it also speaks some hutsul, he speaks absolutely some language, well mockingly, this is how this hutsul is shown, well, in principle, it seems to me that no one is forcing us, so ukrainians, to identify ourselves with this person, so or to identify ourselves with these with... stereotypes about ukrainians, so with with this fat, with these , well, endless, endless, these slaughters, so entering on this on this on this is stupidity, and it is equally millions, millions of views, except for ukrainians, well, we don’t want it to be as if, well, we are smarter, but than this, we cooler, we have already shown that we are much cooler than that, yes, we saw ourselves with the eyes of the world.
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i think, i think without a doubt that it will change, it seems to me, in fact, that we , well, just at the cost of this great war, we have actually entered a phase into a phase of this decolonization in the broadest sense of the word, rethinking a lot of things, and decolonization not only at the level of which, you know , bubbles. topicals, really, as a community , yes, it's, it's not a quick process, it's, it 's going to go on and on, but it seems to me that even this commotion that's going on right now around what the quarter once again issued, it, it a very good signal, one of the signals, because it's, well, it's much bigger than it was before, yes, that is, it's already a kind of talking about the problems, and well... for me
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, it's a certain signal that we, we're more mature , that we don't like it anymore, wasn't it in the neighborhood, i forgot who owned it, i think it was in the neighborhood that there were ebonite sticks, signor holodomor, ukraine is a prostitute there, who is looking for money somewhere, and a burning pine was burning, what the hell at the house of gontarev, head of the national bank, didn't it happen, didn't it, but the reaction was not to that, actually it seems to me that this, that is the difference, then... there was outrage, yes, but it was not so large-scale, that is, because of that , according to the way the community reacts, but to me it seems that we are growing, well, or at least we want to believe, yes, but it seems, it seems that there is this progress, that is, already, already some things, society ceases to accommodate, and society is ready, well, to simply defend its dignity, because this pathetic, you know


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