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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

6:30 am
yes, we continue the chronicles of the war. we were joined by oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. i congratulate you, mr. oleksii. good day. we have already spoken with the previous guest, ivan kyrychevsky, regarding missile attacks. literally one question for you to end this conversation. well, it can be seen that things have changed. the goals of russian missile strikes, they are now more focused on the destruction of our military capabilities, primarily on some military industries or around military industries, do you see that that it has already become some kind of trend, or , well, you evaluate it somehow differently, and how can you see it, if we don’t want to talk about it so very loudly, but you know, you can not say it on the air, but... everyone
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know very well that our objects related to military production were attacked, and this hit was quite successful, they managed to do a lot, well, they managed to damage something, and the question arises, how did this happen and where did they come from it's great to know what and where we are in order to do exactly that targeted offensive actions, well, we can talk a lot about it here, but there are several options why... this happened, well, by and large, there are only two of them, it is either the work of, let's say, moles, or it is not a very successful placement in the open access to certain data about our enterprises, well , you know, i will also assume that in fact this is such a public public company in relation to the fact that the russians produce something like that, our economy has not switched to... military rails
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was not accidental, and as a result it was shown simply that , which should not have happened it is shown, and it is better, perhaps, for the next time, just to talk less about ukrainian military production in public, in general, with good, with a good purpose, with bad, with any, you just have to understand that we are too vulnerable, that is that's all, well, that's it , in short, it can be said, it's just not necessary to give the coordinates in public access, not just the names of the enterprises, but also their coordinates. okay, let's go to the front line itself and start right there further north, we know that commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi together with the chief of the general staff shaptala, with the minister, our troops actually came to the area, which , let's say, are defending the direction of kupyansk and here... well, from your point of view, this is connected with
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some special situation there, or is it this is a more routine story, because on the other hand, we know that, in principle, offensive actions there seem to have slowed down a little, for a certain time, they are waiting for the ground to be solid, so that it freezes at least 30 cm big, then you can do offensive actions using heavy equipment, now this they can't do it, because there you can get stuck in, well, it's not mud, but the soil... is not hard, they plan to do it on their calendar for the christian frosts, that is, somewhere in the second, third decade of january and somewhere in the first or second decade of february, that's exactly four weeks, when, well, usually according to natural conditions, according to weather conditions, there is the most frost, and then the ground freezes, you can carry out offensive actions, are they capable of doing it, they are capable, they have enough strength and resources there. already
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know a lot of people, even the numbers that are there how many tanks, how many things are there, in order not to repeat ourselves, this is a powerful grouping, it , they can take offensive actions, besides , there are relatively fresh forces, they carried out a rotation, well, several months ago, but nevertheless they carried out, well and they are ready and will try to do it, which i think is one of the reasons why the arrival was coming. leadership, the chief of staff, the commander-in-chief, the minister of defense, well, first of all, see with your own eyes, well, it is mainly for the military, not so much for the minister, what is happening there, but for the minister, it's just a matter of looking at how well-equipped it is and what exactly is lacking, taking a pencil, as they say, of what is lacking in exactly that direction in order to somehow speed up the logistical supply there, well, you know, it's difficult to follow each unit, but. .. if you come
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in person, then it is possible to speed up, because this is a place where powerful offensive actions are expected , it is necessary, well, if not in the first place, then at least not in the last place, to supply everything that is necessary on the battlefield, well, join us . andriy babichev is a guest from another hot direction a serviceman of the 93rd kholodny yar brigade , this is exactly that brigade, i congratulate you, andriy, this is your brigade, for which we are also now gathering on a drone, and i remind you once again to join our gathering, well and behold to mr. andrii, of course, there are questions, well, they are current, that is, in fact now, if you look north from bakhmut. russian troops absolutely clearly intend to attack in the direction of the abyss of time, and they are having some success, and can we say that already now, well, the battles for hryhorivka are practically underway, mr. andriy, how about you
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tell me if we have a guest, well, understand that the enemy is advancing not only from the northern side of bakhmut, but also from the southern, and he is very. in fact, along the entire front line , the fighting is still going on for hryhorivka, it is wrong to say that they are sheltering in hryhorivka, they have no such advances there, you can say at all, they had advances on bohdanivka, but now for a week they have the people of bohdan themselves, they cannot go any further, because we stopped their advance and stabilized. the situation and along bohdanivka, they will not advance any further maybe, if it is south of bohdanivka, we have a road that goes from chromovo at the time of the fiar, then they went very hard last week precisely at the time of the fiar, and that week they were
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successful, but we also stabilized the situation, the enemy is further it does not pass, it is further south of this route. we have ivanovske, near ivanovske they have been standing close to the settlement itself for a long time, but they cannot enter the settlement itself in any way, because our artillery and infantry are covering them very tightly, but they they are expanding the front line right near ivanivskoe, there is already a small wedge that they have taken from chrom to... vske, about 2,200 meters there, they passed it in two days, but they can’t advance any further now, the battles themselves are so fierce, this is klischiivskoe direction, i want to say right away, this is kurdyumivka-andriivka
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, there is no enemy advance there at all, he is being held there, south of klishchiivka there is also no enemy advance, but... but on the north side of klishivka, the enemy is very strong, the past three days, he has an advance , he crossed the railway track, he has already arrived to the first streets of the very mite, then for three days, when there were frosts, snow, when it was very difficult to observe the squadron helicopters, to work with kamikaze drones, the enemy took advantage of this weather. and still goes, but i want to say that it is precisely the segment controlled by the 93rd brigade, during all this time the enemy has not passed a single meter, i can even tell literally, yesterday morning they had
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such a dense attack, and their attacks always start sometime at 12:00 in the night, the second attack at 4:5 in the morning, then at 4:00 in the morning they... started their attack about 40 infantry they had and left two armored personnel carriers, then our artillery of the 93rd brigade fired a flurry of more than five 50 shells into this pile, then whoever remained alive, they all ran away, even leaving behind their entire bodies, they climbed out of the body and... ran away, then that's how we are every day, every day we repel these attacks and do not allow the enemy to pass precisely in the klyuchyiv direction, which is controlled by the 93rd brigade. and tell me, mr. andrii, you already said a little bit that the change in the weather there now, well, in principle, interfered with working
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with drones, and this, well, caused opportunities for russians take advantage of this, but others, what are the weather conditions there now, how do they affect, well, there is an increase in their ability to attack there, etc. what is a decrease, well, how would you describe it? due to the fact that we had severe frosts, the day before yesterday it was -21 in the morning, so everything here froze, the ground was frozen and... even a month ago, the enemy did not use heavy equipment in this direction at all, now we we will already show her pictures from drones, how the field is strewn with tanks, tanks, broken ones, then they appeared and they began to use it, but not a single vehicle that enters this direction, it does not enter completely from the target , so this... they are simply given a one-way ticket, well, that's nice to hear, mr. oleksiy, look,
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well, now we are probably watching in this area what we could have observed even last year, if there was not such a fierce defense of bakhmut, because, well, they are practically on the lines that are already behind bakhmut leading an offensive at the time of iv, here of course the question is there 5 km somewhere before the yaru, well... it sounds so threatening, but we on the other hand had at least a year to protect yourself, what are the forecasts in this direction and in these possibilities, well, the russians will go there, go there, let's go, first mr. oleksiy will say a few words on this question, and then i would also like to hear from mr. andrii , i don't know how many fortifications are built there. because i haven't been there for a couple of years, so it's hard to say, and as for official sources,
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they say that everything seems to be well built, that i've been fortified for a while, well, it's better to ask my brother, because he is he saw it with my own eyes, eyes, and i can only say something, well, the fact that there are several years ago, i think it does not matter, from the official ... which have certain, you know, very carefully, let's say m' yagko, you have to be very careful with them, at least not because someone is posting something, but because there is also the fog of war, you can't say, uh, very true information, it can help the enemy, so, well, i i think that the brothers will also be careful to tell about what is happening there, but it is better to ask a person who obviously obviously this, well... well, we will ask mr.
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andrii, actually, about this, because , well, yes, we delayed it for a year, i think, well, now we have it, well, what can i say, the defense is really close the garrison is standing strong, it was dug up a year ago and dugouts and trenches and places where artillery will be located and everything, everything is there, everything is present, because... we were preparing that the enemy after bakhmut, he would leave in a wave immediately and in time fiar, but we contained him there and he didn't leave, but if we don't have enough shells, enough fpi drones, enough infantry, you can say, the enemy can pass very quickly, and sometimes it will not end in a ravine, so it is necessary to... pay a lot of attention specifically to supplies, supplies of weapons, because if we
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are gathering the military ourselves, we are gathering for 200 drones, those long-range drones that fly 16-20 km, and when i talk to the manufacturer of these drones and ask, does the ministry of defense order from you, they do, but what about drones? which fly at night with a thermal imager and so on, so he says, we have such drones, in sufficient quantity, they're expensive, they're $2 each, but when they write the bill at the ministry of defense, they look at that number and say, oh, it's so expensive, i don't know what's more expensive, one fp or 10 of our soldiers, the lives of our military who are defending, standing here in the cold, frost in the trenches, and waiting for the non-fighting units
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to shoot down the attack, so that there is no direct shooting battle, then i think that it is very tight, well , we have to see to it that there are as many purchases from the ministry of defense as possible and other services of such important things, because precisely ephidrones bring down the attack very tightly, not always artillery hits, but kamikad drones. they are doing their job, and with that they are bringing our victory closer and saving the lives of our soldiers, well, that is why we are gathering for this and calling once again our... dachas who help a lot, in fact, who help the army a lot and always join in of our meetings, i remind you once again about this meeting of ours, which is just for the 93rd brigade, just for these drones, join in, you see, it is very necessary, and once again our guest is confirmed, thank you very much to andriy babichev
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for joining us, and we will continue our conversation with oleksiy hetman a little more, and... you probably know that we will look a little at such a little to the south, further south, and this week also happened the attack, already directed in all probability at the vugeldar near novomykhaivka, it was an attempt to attack the equipment, the ukrainian troops set fire to this equipment quite well near novomykhaivka and even repelled it back. russian offensives, but what is more interesting here is the extent to which this attack is of any kind a distraction, an attempt, or can it still be considered a separate direction, which is another direction of attack by the russians, who will try to advance now in this winter period, what
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can mr. oleksiy tell us about this ? well, the fact is that you need to see where and what forces are concentrated in them. they pulled additional forces there, in the same matter, new forces appeared there, old ones were there, there were, well, look, there were by and large two very powerful groups on this front, these okupensko-limanska and ugledarska, that is, there were, well, at least a summer, well, half a year ago, well, the overwhelming or not overwhelmingly large number of more than 100,000 russian servicemen there, that is why these directions were a priority, well, starting from bakhmut, they already had a plan, what about... through bakhmut and then move north to the kubyan-limansky grouping and south to the ughledar grouping in this way to make two rings sharpen our troops well there blah blah blah everything they planned because of from the north and from the south of this conditional front, we do not use such a concept as the front there , the first second front, well, it is a lot
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, it is already called the eastern front, but if from kupinsk to ugledar is considered the eastern front , then... it was reinforced from the north and from the south no more from the flank, so they had planned to attack ugledar there before, it was an unsuccessful attempt, because ugledar is at full height and a large amount of equipment was burned there . like that they say from the side, to somehow capture ugladar, it is a very important place for them, it is a new logistical opportunity for them, and it is a dominant height from which you can... conduct observations and artillery fire is more successful than from the lowlands, so will they be there they will attack, of course, where exactly, well, along the entire front line, 1,000 km into the front line, they will not be able to take offensive actions of the same power along the entire line, but somewhere or other, they will, well, it will be the kupyan direction, the nodal direction to the kupyan, it will be the direction of the times and well, i understand that they want to fight to
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konstantinovka, then of course it will be avdiyivka, there they will try to focus, then it will be maryenka from... cloudy to the south to uglidar and the uglidar direction along this front line, these will be the main directions where they will try to do planning actions, what they will succeed in, what they will not succeed in, well, this is a separate issue, our military leadership in the north of this front, that is, in the kupinsky direction, was not in vain, and there, as was announced, there will be certain surprises for the russians, well, maybe that's why the commander, the chief of staff and the minister of defense came, well, let's wait for good news, and on the other hand, the arrival of the top management directly to the unit that is conducting combat operations, it still gives people confidence, well, no to say so somehow inspires there, well, it's not a common phrase, but it gives people confidence and especially you can directly ask questions, i think there were meetings with
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soldiers, with the middle officers, you can ask a direct question in the same place. .. well without censorship to get direct answers , well, actually, these are the four directions, well , let me also mention about avdiivka, our troops there, by the way, managed to counterattack and advance a little near the steppe russians, and finally burned stantsepok, the first this year near avdiivka, by the way, also , in total there were about 20 of them over the past two years, it seems like sleeping and you see, the year began with burnt fresh sentsypik. so it's not like that, the situation is already good for the russians, and thank you oleksiy hetman, our time is running out, so thank you, and actually about... go on, stay with us, we will have news later, and we will meet you, new york
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of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues, the golden age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian. plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening,
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please give me the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations , please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenii for information about cultural news, presenters who have become many like... natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. catastrophic. lack of personnel, where to get half of the judges? there is a high probability that certain appellate judges will be suspended. however , the judicial reform in ukraine has been progressing for a year. we have a chance
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to choose normal constitutional judges court on thursday, january 11, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel.
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es soy hoy
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we are looking for 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk from donetsk region. official information about the disappearance of the girl came in the summer of 2023, but it is quite possible that the connection with nastya was chosen much earlier. but this is not surprising, because the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where the situation has been too tense for more than a year in a row. if suddenly someone knows about the possible whereabouts of anastasia pokhylyuk or someone has seen it. the girl before and at least knows something about her fate, immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630, the calls are free, if
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there is no connection with... and it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 200 requests for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where impossible to leave and there are communication problems , anyone can help find missing children , take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. i also want to remind you that the search for 17-year-old nadia shishkina is still ongoing. the girl disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war
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and... imagine, for all this time there was no news about her. i know when it all started the child was in the kherson region in the city of nova kakhovka, which is still occupied. maybe that's why nadiya doesn't get in touch. therefore, i am asking everyone who sees me to look carefully at the photo of the girl. remember this face, if suddenly someone sees nadia chishkina, or someone already knows where she might be now, don't delay and call us on the hotline. to the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630, calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free of charge, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. look at the photo. this is 12-year-old sviatoslav volchasty from the heniche district of the kherson region. this area was occupied almost in the first days of the full-scale invasion. but the connection with svyatoslav was cut off on february 23rd. and since then.
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nothing is known about the fate of the child, i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. look at the photo and try to remember his face. svyatoslav looks 12 years old, he has an average build brown hair. if suddenly someone has seen sviatoslav volchasty or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnoi children's search service from any mobile operator. 1163 calls are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chat bot, child tracing services in telegram. and i would like to ask for your attention for a moment, this is 16-year-old kostiantyn cherovov, who also disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. the guy also lived in kherson oblast, in kakhovsky district in the city of tavriysk, and imagine, as of
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february 24, 2022, there was no news about him, but i hope that everything is okay with konstantin and i really hope that with your help the child will be found. attention to the boy's photo: he looks 15-17 years old, has dark blond hair and gray-green eyes. if suddenly someone has seen kostya or knows where he may be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116. 3.0. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator free, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 11 people were injured as a result of the rocket attack on kharkiv. nine victims were hospitalized. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. the russians hit with missiles c-300 to the hotel in the kyiv district. as a result of shelling, the building of the hotel complex was destroyed.


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