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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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the american isw ​​institute for the study of war says that there are suspicions that russia can use transnistria for provocations, in particular to disrupt the work of the grain corridor, by the way, it is working very successfully, if i am not mistaken in the numbers now since then, about 500 ships have passed through this corridor. since russia announced that it was terminating the grain agreement, nevertheless it could not stop the movement of these large ships, they are working, they have already transported many millions of cargoes, including ukrainian grain. so, what can transnistria use, have you heard anything about transnistria, it is very close, very close, it is on the border of the region, what about it, what is said about it, if, look, about the situation with the use transnistria, russians. they have been trying to throw
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this pisot at us since the very beginning of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, but we in odesa are quite calm about it, we understand the forces that are in transnistria, we understand their approximate combat capability, and we understand that their capabilities are limited, so to speak, somehow there is no tangible anxiety, everyone understands that we have our armed forces. of ukraine, there is the national guard of ukraine, there are other security units that are also, let's say, monitoring the situation in transnistria, and we are sure that if the situation escalates, our security forces will be able to take the countermeasures that will be necessary to so that, let's say, the situation defused and ordinary citizens of ukraine did not feel any threat from transnistria. and let's get back to the news that we started discussing yesterday
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the fact that in france for the second time in the history of france a prime minister who is directly related to odessa, the first was a man with a very long name, but everyone knows him as duke, not duke ellington, by the way, and , in fact, it was armand emanuel sophia septimani de vignero, duplissy, rav de chinonon, duke-dion, duke de fronsag, fifth duke. we mean, of course, the duke of odesa, whose monument stands on the embankment. so, now we are telling the truth about another character, namely gabriel atal, the new prime minister, it is claimed that in his direct, direct descent from the natives of odesa, ukraine, his mother, in particular, marie atal, born maria kuris or de kuris, representative. a representative of a famous
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ukrainian family who left a lot, left a lot of estates, in fact, and estates in odesa region, fleeing from the soviet authorities in the 17th year, they left for france and settled in paris, his great-grandfather, it seems, was a general in the tsarist army , that's how the whole of odesa is talking about it, at the moment it's... let's say it's such good news, it's very nice when our people achieve some kind of success abroad, and because we believe that this is our person, or let's say, those are the architectural monuments that remained in the odesa region, and let's say that, those are the remains that left behind a cultural heritage , which these people left behind. we can see
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even today, so we are very happy about this , we hope that, let's say, the pro -ukrainian rhetoric of the honorable prime minister will be such, let's say strong, that he will not forget his roots, and his politics will also be focused on supporting of ukraine and opposition russian aggression, for which we really hope, well, we hope, there will somehow be a manor, after all, a beautiful manor. these kuris kuris have their estate restored, maybe it should be somehow returned to the owner by the restitution law so that they can restore it, a very nice building. well , mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, we wish all odessans a nice and peaceful day, and i think the children have already become snowballs, maybe a little bit warmer days, they started their classroom training from today, so they have already finished playing with snow . well or not
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during the break, why not leave snowballs, the main thing is that muscovites do not send their shahedis and rockets, this is the most important thing. yes, viktor dudukalov, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council already. in touch with us, we will continue our roll call and now we will ask him what news he has from occupied berdyansk and which he is ready to share with us. mr. viktor, we welcome you. congratulations, congratulations. how is the occupied berdyansk doing now, what is the number one topic of discussion there? number one on the discussion, how to survive in general in these, in those conditions, in conditions. lack of services, lack of medicine, infrastructure, and in the conditions of the fact that the russians are crawling through all the cracks with their propaganda and trying to tell people that everything is fine, they think that they came there to us and
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were met there by russians, too, who do not look out the window, and they look at the tv, so you know, nowadays people get passports in order to... then get medical services, car numbers so that the car is not taken away, and other documents so that housing is not taken away, and housing is maybe today this is the most painful issue number one, because people physically live in housing and own it, but it can still be taken away, maybe i would define housing, you know, as the problem is the most acute and most relevant for local residents today, and so am i. .. i really wanted to ask about the weather there, we know that, for example, almost the entire occupied part of the kherson region was left without electricity, that is, the situation there is very difficult, that in berdyansk, well, it’s about the same, it snowed very suddenly in the winter in berdyanska, it was incredible,
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an incredible challenge for the occupiers, and it turns out that it was necessary to sprinkle it , it was necessary to clean it, no one did it accordingly, and in a chaotic... regime in a chaotic order, then in one area, then in another, there is no light, no water, tomorrow the light appeared there, in another area it disappeared, the same with water, the same with the internet, that is, we understand that today the infrastructure there works simply on some remnants of what would be left, respectively, from the ukrainian authorities, and nothing repaired, nothing was diagnosed, well, it's just on it is fortunate that it is still working, the kherson region may not have survived, ours may also... today's consumption is less than all this, but we understand that there is no infrastructure at all, and in a year there will really be all this on schedule, as in some other i don't know, in the 60s or 80s, we understand that infrastructure is simple, well , no one pays attention to it, well
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, infrastructure is not at war with ukraine, so they do not pay attention to it, it is not so important for them war is important, the military has everything there, they have light, they have fuel, they have internet, they have a connection. everything is fine with them , fine, who cares about civilians there , civilians are not needed by the occupiers, so yes, we have such a situation, but what about the garbage in beredyansk, because i read that now it seems that it will be taken out only once a week, and beredyansk is a bit of a mess they are surprised at everything, because they say that this happened in the days before the russians came, much more often, and of course, moreover... you know, the private sector suffers here separately, and because we always had a problem with the private sector in bernyansk, i'll be honest, with garbage collection, that's it well, this was a pressing issue for the city, it was always a pressing issue, but for two or three days,
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please take out the garbage, whoever is the contractor, whoever has contractual terms with the city, and so on, today they have everything there communal, everything so soviet, what in... this is what the city is doing, well, supposedly the government, but it can’t organize anything, they don’t have a rivet, they don’t have staff, they don’t have equipment, they don’t have any understanding and feedback at all connection, that's why today they really increase the tariff, mainly this concerns, i repeat, the private sector, which in general, well, there is no alternative where to put the garbage, ah, then they talk about what they took out today, for example , or yesterday, january 10, the next time... they come on the 17th th or the 18th, this is even in the off-season, when there are no tourists, for us it was a serious, serious problem at the time in berdyansk, because the garbage was collected so much that it turned into natural landfills, in addition to this, that is, today we understand that it will be landfills once, twice, what will it be
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more expensive and three, that sooner or later it will lead to other problems, which are caused by the fact that there is garbage, well, this is the theory of broken windows, you know, that's where it starts... a little bit there it will be worse and worse, so, well this is another example of that infrastructure, another example of the approach that the occupiers apply to the local population, it just doesn't bother them at all, today the occupiers have other issues on their agenda, such as how to mobilize, how to inventory the local population, how to passport him and so on and the like, repression, torture - these are theirs is interested, they are not interested in garbage removal at all, this is already clear to everyone. there are also reports that in the zaporizhia region in the occupied territories, they want to create and restore an analogue of smerzh, such an organization that existed in the soviet union during the second world war to fight against spies and
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collaborators, death by a spy, this is what the russians write the project is vitally necessary for the fight against the so-called zhduns, who not only hand over the coordinates of our military facilities, the movement of convoys, but engage in outright vandalism, sell alcohol, despite the ban on herbs, i eat them for the military. alcohol - it's like bees opposed honey, so what concerns , what concerns such and such a question, well, unfortunately, the 37th year is already outside there in the occupation, in the occupation, because stokachestvo and this is the approach of the locals, who will be more now a russian is present, and this is connected with later more serious repressions in the prisoner. we, that is, there are people who simply have their pro-ukrainian position, and especially they do not
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express it anywhere, there are people who do not take any active actions, but there are neighbors who know about these about this position, and they go to the commandant's office, knock on them, and that is why today the occupiers need the help of specially trained dogs, which, in the form of that smersh, who can detain these people and simply give them nightmares, and just the presence of such a unit can already affect ... the local population, but on the other side of the coin, this is, well, still, in my opinion, a serious recognition by the occupiers of the fact that there are indeed ukrainians there, and they are afraid of these ukrainians , and they cannot give way to those ukrainians, they do not control them , and the locals say that sometimes the representatives of these so-called commanders there laugh, they say, well, this is of course a separate joke, that we just smoke in packs. your letters, which you write to each other , these denunciations, we look at them little by little and then
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burn them, because there are a lot of them, well, we understand that this is such a small pro-russian community that used to be, it has become very active today, it wants money today, wants posat and so on, and she surrenders, drains everyone, so the russians are trying to organize some such unit, which will simply be at its mention, everyone will be afraid and everyone will understand, today there is such a thing as a basement, everyone knows that for something you can go to the basement, even those who have not been there know that there is no need to go there, and those who they were there, they are living witnesses, and it is clear from their faces, it is clear that it is better not to get into the basement, but smersh will probably be such a scarecrow for the local population, but i am sure that even this will not defeat ukrainians and ukrainianism, at least in to our berdyansk, i believe in it, but what about the sale in the end? alcohol in berdyansk, because before people were afraid that they were running a dry law again and ran there
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for all kinds of necessary ingredients in order to have a product with a degree at home, but the moonshiners did not hide anything in their covers in their devices, i will tell you this, because they understand , that sooner or later the nuts will tighten there again, but the occupiers here too have done everything very nicely, very russian-style. and we had a weekend in the occupied territory, it seems until january 9 , a holiday, like new year's, and it is clear that there is no one new did not celebrate the year, many people did not even get christmas trees, or did not buy or put them up, well , there is no mood there, and along with this, the occupiers allowed, or rather partially canceled this dry law, which spread to the territory of the occupied region. zaporizhzhia, well , people supposedly had the opportunity to buy alcohol before the new year holidays, but
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the first problem was that the requirements for the sellers of that alcohol were simply incredible, and to fulfill them quickly, well , some small private entrepreneurs could not, these were only chain supermarkets, some of theirs russian, like the one called the mayor or the package, which were warned in advance, they were preparing, the next stage... from january 1, when it was a weekend and supposedly just people were celebrating the new year, the occupiers started total checks, total checks of everyone, all private points, all... their little shops are small, small, it is simply chaotic to check them for the sale of alcohol, allegedly without these license documents, license documents, and what happened next, then what happened is that you pay a fine, he is fat there 1400 wooden rubles, or give us 200 thousand plus or minus so simply in cash
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as a bribe, well, that is, for them, the cancellation of this dry dry law, it was another... and another attempt to make money in general, in general, they are trying to make money today on everything there - which queue is paid , bypassing it is paid to get somewhere faster for some service , well, it’s bribery, that is, they have this system of impeccable bribery in place today . it was even selected on a dry law , it was reflected in me... that the moonshiners are not relaxing there, i think that they will continue to work hard and may god give them health, because thanks to them, this territory survived for almost one and a half years. mr. viktor , finally, briefly, we don’t have much time to ask, i see that in social networks they are discussing the opening of a humanitarian hub for berdyans who have now moved, there are many in western ukraine, there are many in lviv, and
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an open-literary hub in truskavets, this is lviv region, and it will seem far away... to get there and i do not understand why it was not possible to open this hub in lviv, where the majority is, well, this is the moment, and here is a greeting to the soviet district military administration, which is headed by comrade regional bakai, who in general just opened it to post something on facebook, the dude seems to have been in the party of regions since 2010 or something, well, he was in the party of regions for a normal year, today he is an anti-bloc and today... and we asked him at one time on the berdyansk maidan when he was the mayor of berdyansk, this is ukraine or not in the 14th and 15th years, he did not answer that, today he is doing something there and the population has more questions than answers, what is going on in general, we understand that in truskavets, well, no, it is not that, not that point, where are the most displaced people who need
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help today, well, that is, we understand that truskavets appeared because there was simply a memorandum there. it is more difficult to negotiate with the local administration, with lviv, and it may be more difficult to check some schemes there, accordingly, so as soon as they were able to, they posted it on facebook, this is what we have today, unfortunately, with our district administration, well, the versions are that just truskavets, it is a resort town, where maybe mr. bakaid likes to relax, and because he is so far from the hotel, so to speak , he does not go to his spa, that's how it was opened right away, well, this version is put forward by berdyansk residents who now live in... lviv oblast, well, thank you very much for this conversation, viktor dudukal, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, was in touch with us, well , now let's take a short break and then talk about what's happening in kharkiv oblast, it is recovering after the night shelling of the night before last, here and there is also interesting news that they are building
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a fully underground protected school in full swing, ugh, well, let's ask oleksandr skoryk, a deputy, about it. the kharkiv regional council is waiting for its appearance on our air, in a few minutes, stay with us. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and recovery force melamach b6. full sleep and recovery from. hahz there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. nothing has happened yet. not yet, zakrep. oh, normolact. honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation. normalizes intestinal function, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. everything worked out. normolact and everything will work out. tired
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two o'clock. to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso . verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analysts, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. espresso. so, dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our roll call, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of kharkiv oblast. please , mr. oleksandr is already in touch with us now, congratulations, mr. oleksandr, let's ask how kharkiv is, whether this night and this morning were calm, mr. oleksandr? greetings, it was another difficult night in kharkiv, because at 22:30 there were two flights at one of the hotels in the city of kharkiv, 11 victims, one person... in a state of disrepair, a completely civilian object, absolutely no military personnel , never settled there, it
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's such a cozy place in kharkiv, where the people of kharkiv always received our guests, by the way , foreign delegations, mayors of other cities and so on, always settled there, because it is so a cozy little hotel, which two flew past yesterday. ts300 from belgorod at 10:30 p.m., by the way, i want to note that this is the time when people are already sleeping, and the goal was deliberately, deliberately to destroy people in this hotel, there was a car dealership nearby, absolutely all the cars in it were damaged, some were burned , part of the damaged, there are still residential buildings nearby, they were also damaged, two power transmission lines on 110 were disconnected. the water supply was damaged, and this is in the middle of the city of kharkiv, practically the central central, central part
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kyiv district, you know, it was a very nice place, by the way, the occupiers , after justifying the attack on the kharkiv palace, they talked in their social networks about the fact that they would visit the hotels again, because in their opinion instructors from other countries live in the hotels, and their goal is to destroy the instructors themselves, by the way, turkish journalists were injured there, one person , unfortunately, is in a serious condition, and the question of whether the person will survive, well, they are now dealing with it, this is our medical workers, which alone is difficult an attack that... makes you wonder how, how, how to be the largest city of ukraine after kyiv, which constantly interrupts such and
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such. in such shelling, you know, it is very difficult, because, well, the end of the 23rd year and the beginning of the 24th year, well, he is shelled almost every day, this is the first, and the second, today every citizen of kharkiv clearly understands and the resident regions that hit without aiming, basically hit chaotically in order to intimidate the local population and hit civilians. object, well, you understand, the hotel in which there were 30 people, seven of them were hotel employees, and 203 were guests of the city, civilians who lived in the hotel, and the hit, the hit was precisely in the central part of the hotel, well, they aimed just to destroy the building itself, it's simple , which miraculously
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happened. that the rocket hit in front of the central entrance, and did not hit the premises, if it had hit the premises, then you understand that the number of people would have been injured and killed, it would have been large, that is why the people of kharkiv, they really are today, we everyone is under stress because we don't know when will fly and where it will fly to, there are no safe places, there are no shares there today, yesterday, for example, it flew by di'. why the camp, the day before yesterday it flew over the city center , last week it flew over the hotel, over restaurants, over the city center, over civilian buildings, and you understand that we are really afraid, because, well, man, a person does not have people who, who do not have a sense of fear, we are afraid for
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our children, we are afraid for our... grandchildren, we are afraid for our families, because in love it can fly to any place at any moment, but the russians, the terrorists, are trying to do this in order to psychologically break the people of kharkiv and simply ukrainians, all ukrainians, because in parallel with this , informational and psychological attacks regarding the attack on kharkiv are taking place , regarding the fact that they need a buffer zone between belgorod and kharkiv in order to... if there were no shelling from kharkiv, but you understand, we also need a buffer zone, and we also understand that if kharkiv, kharkiv were further from belgorod, for example, is not 70 there km, as we now have from center to center, 74 km, from the center of kharkiv to the center of bilhorod, or 150 km, then the s-300 missile does not fly at such a range, we also need a buffer zone, because living in under such
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conditions... well, well, it is extremely difficult for kyivans. and this is jevyu, when in the 22nd year we had at least 5-6 rockets out of 300 arriving almost every day. it was at such and such a time that they flew from 23 to 24 hours, and we already just knew that at 23 o'clock there will be an air alarm, and 5-6 flights will arrive. now that's all repeats, and, but repeats in a tougher form, because they hit the civ'. object, they beat, terrorist acts happen every day, every day, and it is difficult to live, psychologically, in fact, but i would like everyone to calm down and everyone to understand that we are at war, and we do not have, there is no other option, how to win, there is no other option, how to fight terrorists, for me this story about the fact that even underground protected schools are being built is very symbolic, this
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in particular is... a signal to the aggressor that kharkiv is not going to surrender and we are ready for a long, grueling struggle, and to live in such conditions the way we lived, it is really cool, i think that the kremlin also understands this signal. oleksandr skorak, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us, he talked about the situation in kharkiv, and now kateryna shirkopoyas will talk about what is happening in ukraine and the world, we are watching the news, katya, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, it's time. i will talk about loud statements at the un security council meeting and new explosions in russia. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 11 people.
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suffered as a result of a missile attack on...


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