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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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and, of course, as a political decision-making tool, but in our country , decisions were never made only by the votes of the majority coalition or mona of the majority, the mechanism of the situational majority always worked first of all, once, let's say, many decisions were made only by the votes of the majority, especially in times of peace , during the war. well, all of this has completely faded into the background, now we need to distinguish the legal mechanism of the majority, while they have 226 votes, there is no sense or legal need to create a new coalition of the majority, and the political system works in the current regime, but de facto decision-making very often required additional votes both before the russian invasion and after the russian invasion, so... the number
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of votes is still decreasing, with which political forces in the future the servant of the people will seek greater contact for to actually make the necessary decisions? well, look, people are leaving, but if you look, unfortunately, the website of the verkhovna rada is not working very well, let's say, to track the current the situation with voting , well, thanks to god, it is already possible to track the voting, so very often... those who left also vote, but there is, for example, the internal opposition of the rozumkovs of their group, now they have again shown their internal positionality, in in the issues of european integration, in most issues of ensuring the country's defense, there is no need to look for any additional votes, well , the normal state interest, the state position works, and the majority of deputies vote for, now there is a reserve of votes, as it was at one time. in the 14th year after the revolution of dignity
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or after the orange revolution in 2005 , former regionalists, or now former representatives of opzh, who are afraid for their future, they show absolute loyalty, and also vote together with the pro-government majority, so the problem may be with votes, but this problem may arise situationally, first of all, when personnel issues are voted on. or questions that are controversial, such as the issue of the draft law on mobilization, you are being picked up here, please stay in touch, vadym ivchenko, just in these joins us in a minute, this is a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, a representative of the motherland, mr. vadim, i welcome you, good morning to everyone, please tell me whether the meeting of the conciliation council has already started and what your feelings are, maybe insiders, what decision will be made on the mobilization bill at this meeting? look, i
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don't think that the decision will be made at the conciliation council, after all, the official decision will be made at the committee, now the heads of the parliamentary factions of the groups they meet with the head, who was also on the national security committee, and with the minister of defense, that is, they meet to talk about mobilization figures, i also talk about how the tsc works, and so on and so forth. the national security committee will meet at 10 o'clock and there will be two developments. first, ah, the law will be adopted in the first reading with the recommendations of the committee. and we worked on the recommendations since thursday, working for eight 10-12 hour shifts. ah, and sometimes ministers came, who are simply not in the government they listened, but they gave suggestions and the committee acted as a lawyer, well, of the relevant ministries there. the ministry of education, the minister
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of the cabinet of ministers, and i don't know, the national police and so on, or the bill will be, for example , well, such that we will propose that it be withdrawn by the government, if the government withdraws, it actually has a new text, and i think that by friday they will introduce a new already agreed text, which we have worked on all week, and i think that next week there may be a committee and... another session, that is, the development i directly predict such events. mr. vadim, i have another question, but if we are talking about this government bill, which from your point of view, you said about it in your previous broadcasts and constantly emphasize, in fact it was not written correctly by the ukrainian government, there are very many questions, and you yourself said about it in previous broadcasts on radio liberty, in particular, that in fact the deputies were given it and worked it out as such: should the ukrainian government bear any political responsibility, for example, and who should it be for that law. the project that
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actually went to the parliamentary committee, which from your point of view is written so poorly, and well, i want to add to you once again that the minister of education was sitting behind me. to whom i asked a question, and you gave your suggestions about educators, he says yes and even in writing, i say, and you voted for the government, he says yes, i say, why did you come here, if you could not stand up for the government , why do you think that the deputies want you to advocate and support, what does this mean, this means that the government did not work on this law, it was simply introduced by the stakeholders, they automatically voted and sent it to the hall of the verkhovna rada. i have said for a long time that we have, well, the government is a pocket one, it does not make decisions, decisions are made in the office of the president, i will give you more insight by talking with congressmen, with some who are quite close to the special services in the united states of america , they
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say that, for example, they receive messages that the country is governed by five or six people, i.e. the president together with five or six, how to say it correctly, that is, as they say, managers, the president together with five or six managers, this is the direct language of congressmen who are related to special services and so on , what does this mean, it means whether or not these managers were sneaked in or not, it seems to me that the way the law was passed, it is simply entered into a button that is pressed when necessary and so on, and i... they are sitting in the president's office, these are zami, the first zami and so on, these are the people who actually manage many sectors, both of the economy and of the law enforcement system , so here is the answer for you, should punishment be imposed, well
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, there should definitely not be a militant pocket government in ukraine, then there should be a strong government that can add to the president and to those managers who are being talked about, you understand, they should add , they have to increase something, they have to... give their, let's say, arguments, show how the economy can grow, who should be worked with, who should be involved, how to lobby ukrainian interests for increased funding in congress and many others , sir vadim, we don’t have much time , i have to catch you up, i still have an important question for you, but i would like to point out that during this broadcast and yesterday, we turned to the representatives of the people’s servants, in particular, to hear their position on the government bill and are ready to provide on our broadcast, it is time for the representatives of the president's office to respond to the things that were heard, mr. vadim, i have a question for you and for mr. volodymyr, one more question so that we can finish this broadcast about maryana bezuglai, she wrote on her facebook that will come out from the faction, from the servant of the people party , what will be her fate in the committee, if, for example , a decision is taken to recall her from the post of deputy, she will remain
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a member of the national security committee, according to the law of ukraine, if the parliament votes to remove her and from the deputy chairman of the committee, she remains the chairman. subcommittee and a member of the committee, then the committee can recall her from the chair of the subcommittee, that is, she will remain just a member of the committee, then the parliament, if another time votes on a new quantitative and qualitative composition of the committee, i.e. nominal quantitative composition and nominal composition, then maryana bezula may be outside the committee, may be a member of another committee, but this will already be the second decision of the parliament, now we are only talking about the removal from the post of the deputy... and in the committee i i know that they are insisting that she be removed from the post of subcommittee chairman, so she will be a simple ordinary member of the committee, as your humble servant, vadym ivchenko. thank you for tuning in, for sharing the situation. vadym ivchenko, a member of the verkhovna rada committee issues of national security, representative of the motherland.
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mr. volodymyr, i have a question for you, you actually listened to some things with a smile, as i understand it, it is about exactly what american politicians are saying today, actually. what do you think about what you heard, is everything really rushing to one center there, about five or six managers, i will remind you, zelensky himself said, and what special services are there, and there are congressmen who have insiders, well, this is what zelensky himself said, respectively this is the interpretation first of the congressmen, then of mr. ivchenko himself, regarding what is key decisions are made by the president's office, well , it's not a secret for anyone. it's been a long time, i'll say more, we have a long-standing tradition since the time of kuchma, the presidential administration itself acts as a political government. the cabinet of ministers is the government, the executive, the economic government, sometimes, when the phenomenon
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of the parliamentary-presidential republic appeared , sometimes when there was a powerful prime minister, the same yulia tymoshenko, or yanukovych during yushchenko's time, yes, then... ... the government could become an alternative, the cabinet of ministers, could become an alternative to the presidential administration, but what's the point led? to confrontation but in the conditions of war, i think this is not the best option. current. if he should be responsible or not, if our government was responsible for each of its low-quality draft laws, we would change the bill every month or every quarter, so yes, the draft bill was prepared in a hurry, unfortunately, but what must be understood, a large part proposals, i would say, maybe even the lion's share of proposals in the current draft law from the military. the other part and those who erected are the ministry of defense,
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the main reason why the draft law turned out to be of poor quality is really that it was prepared in a hurry, and i think that here is a question for the executors, who sometimes copied and pasted even from the relevant russian laws, this is a serious lesson that needs to be worked on, regarding bezugle last, for bezugle, i don't see any problem, what she comes out with is... a reaction to the fact that even in the faction she is not supported, in her own faction she is not supported, that's why she decided to make such a gesture, i i think that this can improve the situation a little in the servant of the people faction smona's majority status will not be affected in any way. i thank you for your inclusion, for the fact that you analyzed the situation from a political point of view, volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, a guest of our broadcast, we also asked maryana bezugla for a comment, she wrote: to our editors, that not in order to cameras to speak, made her statement, this is actually a direct quote from her, you
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are watching the project freedom of the mornings, i thank you for being with us and don't miss it. ukrainian scouts presented the project "i want, i want to find for the families of prisoners in ukraine, the military of the russian federation". special chatbots will be created for this purpose. the main intelligence agency says that they expect several thousand requests every week, what is the basis of such forecasts. nato member countries are currently buying up to a thousand anti-aircraft missiles. patriot , in order to continue strengthening ukraine's air defense, this was announced during the urgent meeting of the ukraine-nato council at the level of ambassadors, which was convened by kyiv in connection with the mass missile attacks, see more about the results of the meeting below. likes and comments are important, don't forget it, they help this video become popular on the net and not get lost among others. while moscow is intensifying its strikes, the allies are strengthening ukraine's air defense, this is a quote from nato secretary general jens stohl. at an emergency meeting of the ukraine-nato council, which was convened by the ukrainian side after increased
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shelling by the russian federation. representatives of the air force command of ukraine and the ministry of internal affairs were also present at the meeting. they told the nato ambassadors about the types of missiles that used by russia for attacks on ukraine on december 29, 2023 and already in the new year. our correspondent in brussels, zoryana stepanenko, will tell you all the details about the results of this meeting. nor representatives. neither nato nor ukraine planned to meet immediately after the winter holidays. the meeting of the council of the alliance of ukraine, which took place the day before, was an emergency. secretary general stoltenberg convened it at kyiv's request. this is a mechanism of crisis consultations, which was now preceded by massive airstrikes against ukraine, which russia intensified during the holiday period. what happened before the new year was unprecedented, judging by the combination of weapons used by russia, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and drones, the commander of the ukrainian air force told about this at a meeting held at the level of ambassadors via video link. informed the partners about
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the consequences of the attack, changes in russian tactics and the resulting needs of ukraine, it is important, the ukrainian side stressed, to strengthen ukraine's ability to repel such russian attacks. both new systems and missiles are needed to add to the existing ones keep them charged. allies confirmed their readiness to invest in the protection of ukraine's airspace in the future. some were spoken. announcements from some countries already about new military aid packages, i think this is good news at the beginning of the new year, there were also announcements from certain countries that their contributions to the comprehensive nato aid package will be increased. of course, all nato member states, without any exceptions , supported and confirmed that they will continue to support ukraine, that they and the leadership of their governments do not feel. within nato, the countries of the alliance. are buying up to a thousand missiles for patriot systems to replenish their own reserves, because they
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continue to share them with ukraine. new anti-aircraft defense systems and missiles for them have recently been delivered, in particular, by germany. about 200 more missiles are provided by britain. many allies outlined plans to strengthen ukraine this year with billions of euros of additional potential, according to the alliance's statement following the meeting. russia's air escalation was strongly condemned by allies, as was its use of iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles. rocket, meanwhile, to continue to help ukraine against the background of the strengthening of the russian military potential with ballistics from north korea , fifty countries have pledged the other day. in a joint statement of the eurosociety countries, the united kingdom, the united states, canada, and australia also expressed deep concern about this cooperation and its consequences for the security of europe. the transfer of these weapons increases the suffering of the ukrainian people, supports russia's aggressive war, and undermines the global non-proliferation regime. we will demand the involvement of russia in responsibility for yet another violation
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of the international obligations it has signed, and we will also continue to introduce sanctions against those who engage. another launch of north korean missiles over ukraine, the american side reported in the white house , was recorded on january 6. the kremlin did not comment on their use by russia. dmytro piskov only accused ukraine of using western weapons. on february 1, eu leaders are gathering for an extraordinary summit where they plan to agree on macro-financial assistance to ukraine, but the german chancellor, his country's largest donor of military supplies to ukraine on the european continent. she wants to use this opportunity and call on her partners to send her more weapons, politico reported. at the same meeting , trying to approve the updated eu budget, part of which they want to make macrofinance for ukraine, the leaders will also discuss increasing investments in their own defense industry. to meet these needs, the relevant european commissioner proposes to create a defense fund of the european union in the amount of
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100 billion euros, and according to his estimates, the eu will be able to match russia in the production of weapons in one and a half or two years. from brussels, zoryan stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. denis popovych, a military analyst, is currently joining the svoboda ranok broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning. thank you for finding the opportunity and time. denis, taking into account the last shelling, when the air defense forces of ukraine, they managed to shoot down less whole than it was all the previous times. what is the need now for the ukrainian air defense system to perform its work at the previous level, for example? let's. we will analyze with you which goals were shot down and which were not. 24 cruise missiles were fired during the last attack, 18 were shot down, this is a good result, that is, two/thirds were actually shot down, i emphasize, these are cruise missiles that were fired over the territory of ukraine, ukraine, where there were almost zero results, let's say this these are kh-22 missiles, these are kh32 missiles, these
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are ballistics that flew over those areas that were not covered by the appropriate air defense means, which are capable of... high-speed targets, but if you look at where these missiles fell, you will see for yourself , and that is why it is explained such a general result that fewer missiles were shot down than you and i were accustomed to hope for, given the excellent work of our air defense system. now i will answer your question, what are the needs, the needs of those anti-aircraft missile systems that are capable of hitting high-speed targets in general terms, these are x22 missiles, again. i emphasize, it 's ballistics, it's the kh32 missile, which is a further development of the kh22 anti-ship missile, which has already caused us so many problems, uh, that is, what complexes are these, are they sampti, are they patriot, well, in fact, those sams that shoot down ballistic and air-ballistic missiles. how do you
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assess, taking into account, in particular, the recent statements of nato's general secretary that ukraine's support will be, what will it be? of ukraine and the discussion in general, to improve the situation on the battlefield from a technical point of view. there were these deliveries at all, because we see a conversation, it is good if there is a conversation, it is good if there is a discussion, it is good if there is, but this discussion should lead to concrete results, because, as we can see, in particular the northern one. she does not discuss, they do not bring this issue to the international level, therefore, it does not create a coalition, although the ramstein coalition is very cool, it helped us very, very seriously, but the situation is changing and we need quick, quick reaction, quick decision-making. north korea does not create a debate, it simply transfers ballistic missiles to the russian federation, which were not ballistic missiles in terms of their quality,
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but they are ballistic missiles according to the corresponding, let's say, properties that can be shot down only by those complexes. which just named, it's patriot, sumpty, well, whatever anti-aircraft missile complex, which is capable of shooting down ballistic air targets, yesterday , respectively, yes, yes, yes, uh, respectively, and this assistance should be such, that is, as the most air defense systems, which are able to cover those regions when they fell, where these ballistic missiles fell air targets that suffered from the latter, we still have about a minute and a half, and yesterday in the main intelligence office they announced that the total ground group... of russian troops currently fighting in ukraine itself is 462 thousand, about this said the deputy chief vadym skibitsky of the chief intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, how much is this figure, let's say... threatening or difficult to counter it and whether there is a need today in russia to additionally mobilize the military for the war in ukraine in larger volumes, well, it depends on from the tasks
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that you are now setting before yourself, this number is large, but it is stretched across the entire front line, and you need to look at where these people are the most, that is, now the greatest concentration of forces is in the east, well, in a broad sense, in the east, this is the glomano-kupin direction, this is ... this is bakhmud, this is the donetsk direction, i mean, i mean marinka, to pull their force of the order of 70 thousand people to the kherson region and the south, that is, they are stretched, and you have to watch , where they are currently conducting the main combat operations, that is, everything will depend on whether there will be a need for , for example, an additional offensive of russian forces, this will already rest on the mobilization or non-mobilization on the russian side additionally in larger volumes. well , of course, if they, let's say, want to to advance on kyiv, i say conditionally, that is, there is no such threat directly, but suppose they want to advance on kyiv and kharkiv, then, accordingly, in order not
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to stop the offensive actions that they are already conducting, they need there will be a concentration of additional forces in order to form a new front. mr. denis, i thank you for your analysis, denis popovych, military analyst, guest of our broadcast, i want to find a project with this name. worked in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. it was created for relatives of captives in ukraine, russian soldiers who are wanted by their relatives. the site and chat-boot are already working, there you can find out whether a specific russian soldier is in captivity, whether he did not die, or whether he is considered missing. as ukrainian intelligence explains, the project was created because many russian citizens began to turn to the channel of the khachuzhit project, which was founded for the surrender of the military of the russian federation in polon, but not for surrender, in order to learn about our fate. russian military prisoners. according to information about of their relative from the website or chatbot, people can contact their authorities and demand exchanges or return of the remains.
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russian citizen iryna krynina, who recently came to ukraine in search of her husband, a prisoner of war, will help implement the project in ukraine. the central intelligence agency expects to receive several thousand calls each week. it is said that this will also facilitate the exchange of ukrainian prisoners. andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, is currently joining svoboda ranok broadcasts. congratulations. tell me, please, how many appeals there are now from the russian side, from those relatives of russian military prisoners who are in russia, that they want to find their relatives, learn about their fate, and actually, like these appeals, they somehow agree with the russian by the authorities, they do not agree, they call and write directly, how does this happen? of course, they are not agreed, now i want to live only on the channels of the project, there are several of them. thousands of similar appeals, separately and directly to the main intelligence department, directly to the coordination headquarters, to the security service of the ministry of internal affairs, and the actual idea of ​​this
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project is to create a single information center where the relatives of the russian occupiers can contact in order to find out their fate, whether they are in captivity, whether the fact of death has been confirmed, and such there have already been several cases when the bodies of the liquidated occupiers were handed over. identified bodies were handed over to russia, but the russian government did not notify their relatives of the fact of death by suicide, or the actual confirmation of the fact of missing persons, and this project is not only the main intelligence agency, actually the entire coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, is an interagency body that includes representatives of all forces of the security and defense sector, as well as government structures, the president's office, and the coordination headquarters was responsible. for the treatment not only of ukrainian prisoners and the protection of their rights and their return home, but also for the treatment of russian, russian prisoners who ended up in ukrainian captivity as a result of
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russian aggression, so yes, it is humanitarian an initiative that will allow the residents of the russian federation to learn more about what is really happening to their relatives in the ranks of the occupation army. mr. andriy, could you tell me, please, is there a russian region where the phone is most often from? and how will the russian relatives of those captured military personnel who are currently in ukraine find out that there is a new project for this, that is, will they somehow redirect the already existing project, how will the information be conveyed specifically to the russian audience? the target audience of the resources of the khachuzhit project of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war is, in particular , the russian federation itself, russian servicemen and their relatives, and all the digital tools that are available are already being launched now and within the framework of the khachuzhit project, that is, this telegram bot, and all pages in social networks and sites that
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will definitely block russian ones. the russian government and the russian regime, but in modern conditions it is possible to bypass these blockages, and the experience of the khachuzhit project has demonstrated this. actually, in terms of number, there are different bursts of activity in different regions, but traditionally, due to the spread of modern technologies and access to networks, including the capital region and the leningrad region, they are extremely active in terms of applications, despite the fact that there are not... .a larger number of mobilized, let's say, including contract workers, i.e. moscow oblast and leningrad leaders actually on the issues of these appeals, yes, but here it is literally explained by access to the same modern communication tools. and very important moment, we mentioned in the material that we read before that one of the relatives of the actual prisoners, mrs. iryna, came to the territory of ukraine and will help this, as i understand it, project to come to life, how did she manage to get to the territory of ukraine, by what means did this happen and were there other cases when, for example, relatives from russia
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sat down. they once went there, i don't know, to the territories neighboring ukraine to ukraine itself in order to find out the fate of their military. yes, there were other cases more than once, but not all of them are covered, the coverage takes place exclusively by mutual consent, we understand that we are talking about the safety of people, and we emphasize once again that, unlike the aggressor state, ukraine is a democratic state and adheres to the geneva conventions , including the krynin convention, so yes this is... her own initiative, and of course, a separate operation was carried out so that she could get to ukraine and get the opportunity not only to communicate with her civilian husband, but actually to stay here, it was her desire, and not just to stay, oh well let's say, continue to engage in educational and human rights activities, it is not the only one, and it is actually a public initiative, our way out
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is... wives, women, relatives of russian ex-servicemen, prisoners of war, as well as those russians who fight on the side of ukraine against the russian regime , these are the people who created such a public initiative in order to popularize the truth about the criminal war that is taking place in ukraine, but at the same time they turned to the ukrainian authorities, to the coordination headquarters for the treatment of captives, so that ukraine, since russia did not fulfill... such a function to its citizens, provided verified information regarding the disappearance of the missing, dead, as well as captured russian occupiers in ukraine, and the coordination headquarters responded to such a proposal, the result is the launch i want to find a project. mr. andriy, we literally have 30 seconds left, i understand correctly, if these wives, for example , russian prisoners of war, get into the territory of ukraine with the help of a special operation that you conduct, are they given the opportunity to see their husbands? yes, of course, including,
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this... what provides ukraine. i thank you for this inclusion, for the analysis , for what was said, in fact, what this project will do, how it will function, and most importantly, how should russia learn that this project has worked? andriy yusov, representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a guest of our broadcast. and, in the comments, in our chat , a lively discussion broke out, you discuss various topics, write about those topics that interest you are most interested in what you would like to see in our broadcasts, we are sure to contact you. pay attention to this and maybe the topics you suggested will become the topics of our broadcast. the bill on mobilization remains a hot topic in our field of vision, in particular, we are watching how everything will happen, we invite representatives of the people's servants to the discussion on this broadcast in order to tell their position, and tomorrow , as usual, at 9:01 a.m. on radio svoboda, youtube channel, as well as from the press, we will meet. keep yourselves!
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congratulations, it's news time on espresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning, the president of ukraine. arrived in estonia together with the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, this was reported to the head, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of estonia, topics of discussion at meetings with local authorities: security, integration of ukraine into the eu and nato. i will note that zelensky also plans to visit latvia. 13 people were injured as a result of a rocket attack on kharkiv.


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