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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyi met with the country's president alar karis in estonia. this was announced by the estonian leader on the x social network. karis also wrote: "the strong friendship between the two countries is based on common values. the ideals we strive for are always democracy and freedom." 13 people were injured as a result of
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the rocket attack on kharkiv, including two foreigners, journalists from turkey and georgia. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. the russians hit s-300 missiles at kyiv district. one of the shells hit the hotel, the other fell in front of the building. as a result of the shelling, the hotel complex was destroyed, residential buildings and an enterprise were also damaged. this hotel was used by media workers, that is, your colleagues, this was also a fairly common fact. at the time of the impact, there were journalists in it, including ground journalists, in particular journalists from the republic of turkey, at the time of the explosion, i did not hear that there was an air alarm, and i was in the bathroom, and it saved me, i fell, hit my head, then lay down on the floor
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in the second explosion the door flew out, good, good that i was on the floor. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. russian troops targeted the residential quarters of several settlements, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. in general, during the past day, the occupiers carried out 108 shellings in the kherson region. and now the world celebrates the day. thank you, so thank those who do good, and especially our defense forces, because in just one day our soldiers cleared the ukrainian land of 830 occupiers, and in general from the beginning a full-scale russian invasion has already eliminated 367,620 soldiers, and with them their equipment. only yesterday, the defense forces burned 12 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles, 15 artists, 21 vehicles, and one more
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rocket launcher and one unit of special equipment. our soldiers also destroyed two mozkovite air defense systems and one cruise missile. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. she traveled 100 km by public transport every day in order to surrender the positions of defenders. the security service kidnapped another kremlin agent in donetsk region. the woman has been cooperating with by russian soldiers, records and sends them data on the locations of armed forces in the avdiiv and marin directions. the law enforcement officers kidnapped the agent thanks to her anti-ukrainian posts on social networks. now the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. drones attacked russia at night. in kaluga , the building of the pumping station was damaged as a result of shelling. this was announced by the governor of the region. at the same time
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, the russian ministry of defense announced the alleged downing of three drones over rostov, tula and kalusa regions. and in novosibirsk there was a large-scale accident on the heating network. 237 objects remained without heating and hot water. the nearest streets and tram tracks of the city were flooded with water, the propaganda media said. more than 20 schools in novosibirsk switched to distance learning. or cut short lessons due to an accident. the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. the white house supported the confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine. this is stated in the memorandum of the national security council to the senate committee on foreign affairs. it will allow president joe biden's administration to seize part of the frozen $300 billion and transfer it to ukraine. biden will support. such a decision against
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the background of republicans in congress blocking the allocation of support for more than 60 billion dollars, i will note that according to the estimates of the world bank, the restoration of our state may cost about 411 billion dollars. insufficient aid to ukraine. republicans published a document in which they criticized the biden administration for indecisive actions and described a detailed plan for the victory of ukraine. the document also talks about the goals of the russian federation to weaken the us economy and, together with partners from china, iran and north korea, to establish global totalitarianism. the plan consists of five sections. according to republicans, the path to victory for ukraine includes the provision of critical weapons, increased sanctions against the putin regime and the transfer to ukraine of 300 billion in frozen russian assets. every tenth school was destroyed by russia during
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two years of full-scale war. the ex-head of the ministry of education said this anna novosad. in december, the russians targeted three lviv schools at once. our colleagues found out what destruction the educational institutions suffered and whether classes would start there on time. at the same time, all the ventilation was completely knocked out, all the ventilation shafts were thrown out. polyethylene instead of windows, collapsed putty and broken desks. this is now the office of the third a class. lyceum of oriana, the most damaged by rockets. attack on lviv on december 29. fortunately, the children were on vacation, says director iryna koropetska. the school is big - it is almost 10,000 m2 and a lot of things were damaged, i say again, about 350 windows, more than 120 internal doors, external
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evacuation exits, a lot was damaged, we have metal doors that were twisted, completely, torn and knocked out at the place of impact, two wings in the high school... the wall and windows , doors, walls, furniture, appliances, a lot of destruction, the roof, the ceiling, and problems with the ceiling will have to be pulled down. by the beginning of the semester, the building of the elementary school will not have time to be restored, so students will study in another wing. fully everyone returns to school from january 22, we are planning, we, the primary 10 grades, which... this is where they were, we are moving them to the upper school building, we are consolidating, we had free classrooms there, from the first to the eighth grade we we plan that everyone will go out every week, and the 9th and 11th will be in a mixed format of studying to study, a week face-to-face and a week online.
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the neighboring building, the sykhivskyi lyceum, was also hit by fragments of a russian rocket, the school's doors were torn off and 32 windows were broken, the city council has already replaced them, says director ivan ognitskyi the same one. that day, we shouted and teachers , parents, high school students gathered, we did everything we could, we immediately closed all the windows so that there would be no drafts, all the windows that were broken have already been completely replaced, we are waiting for more we need to build 16 windows where the glass units are not completely damaged, and i hope to complete it this week. work will be done on the replacement of double-glazed windows, secondary school number 86 was destroyed for the second time, the russians first damaged the building in march 2022, and now the educational institution the labor training office and corridor were damaged. only seven windows, two
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doors and the roof were partially damaged. in fact, if it happened on the 29th, we already had contractors on the same day. which windows were measured, who took measurements of what was needed, and the next day by the evening we had already installed the windows. for students of the sykhiv lyceum and secondary school number 86, the second semester will begin as planned on january 15. after the calculation of all losses , funds will be allocated from the reserve fund of the city for the restoration of educational institutions. we will remind on december 29 , master of sports of international class viktor kobzisty died as a result of enemy shelling. 30 people were injured, the russians also destroyed 18 residential buildings and one kindergarten. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. we announce a new collection. on the kupinsky direction, the military needs a car. we invite you to join
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the collection for a pickup truck for the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion, which defends us in the kharkiv region. at the moment, there are ongoing battles, our defenders for... combat missions and removal wounded from the battlefield, we really need a pickup truck that can move through swampy terrain, in general, our goal is uah 250,000. helping the armed forces of ukraine, we are together bringing the day when victory will come. for now, this is all the news for this hour , to know more, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch.
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dear friends, here we are, and this is our final note today is the hour with andrii saichuk and leseya vakulyuk, and in this hour we already have myroslav cech, a polish politician, we are adding him to our broadcast and we are glad to see you, mr. myroslav, good day, former polish... i have not been for a long time in politics, more a journalist, but there are ex-journalists in politics , there are, there are, well, we know that there are former journalists, there is serhiy leshchenko, for example, we have a colleague who was such a bunker , yes, to a lesser extent, mr. myroslav, in bunkers, by the way, it's in a book that's about to come out, a book by simon schuster, a journalist, and who communicated with many people close to... power and the president himself, and a lot of this is all told in his new
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book, it is just being published, reviews are already being written about it, as soon as a ukrainian journalist appears nina kuryata will write a review of this book, we are not waiting for the details, she is actually finishing reading it now, and there are already some interesting points about all this, and this is one of the points that is in the box. , as simon shuster writes, serhiy leshchenko was in the bunker at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, less than that serhiy leshchenko, mr. miroslava, let 's get back to our business after all with poland and ukraine, in particular with the blockade on the border, everyone really hoped that tusk's victory, i don't know if everyone, but a lot of people, seems to be in ukraine believed that the situation would change dramatically, especially since tusk was very critical of moravetskii's already limping government for its inaction, but something was not quite right. yes, and the latest statements of the minister of agrarian policy and the new government
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show that everything is not so simple. well, let's figure it out one by one. of course, what the blockade continues, it is an unjustified action against the ukrainian economy, against the polish economy. all arguments are on the table. i recently read the statement of the deputy minister of infrastructure. of ukraine , who finally made public the data that the number of transports by polish carriers from ukraine and to ukraine decreased by only 5% compared to 2021, well, this speaks volumes about the fact that there is no collapse of polish carriers, we can interrupt the conversation with you, because now is volodymyr zelensky's press conference. is visiting estonia and bring to your attention the actual broadcast
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of this press conference about the awarding of the order of the eagle cross of the first degree as a symbol of awarding a ukrainian soldier on his way to the war for freedom after the war with russia. we are in this war, all allies with each other on this brutal battlefield. we stand together in the fight for freedom, because attacking ukraine. well, ukraine, russia is attacking all democratic countries in general, and therefore this war is not something you can get used to, it will not be resolved by itself either. the solution should be to be the aggressor left, and this will require the efforts of the entire democratic world, all the options of the russians are, are that the efforts... of the west, they will fall apart, they will break up, but
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this will not happen, i assure you of this, this war must end with the victory of ukraine , and working together we will win, the outcome of this war, which started by russia, will show the strength of democratic countries and also the fate of allies, the outcome of this war depends on our ability to stand in solidarity with each other and guarantee. to ukraine, we must together work in our efforts to weaken the aggressor with sanctions, and we need to make sure that sanctions cannot be circumvented. this aggressor must also be isolated politically, within the framework of the european union, we have already provided support to ukraine of around 85 billion euros and this support must be continued, estonia's long-term contribution from the start of this full-scale war to 2027 will be 1.2 billion euros . ukraine
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needs more and needs better weapons. we must increase military production production within the european union, so that ukraine gets everything it should get, not tomorrow, but today. our, our actions should be aimed at preventing any aggressive wars in europe and in the future. ukraine will be supported by estonia as long as the war lasts. we joined the initiative of the great countries. seven, to make sure that bilateral aid is provided to ukraine, we, we, we also support ukraine and for the period from 2024 to 20207 we will every year provide 0.25% of our defense budget to
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ukraine, and we encourage everyone else to provide that much to ukraine as well. as much as they can, until russia stops its war by providing our support, we cannot prevent that in order to destroy facilities on the territory of the aggressor, in order to slow down the advance of russian troops, and therefore there should be no restrictions on those weapons that are transferred to ukraine, as far as the reconstruction of ukraine is concerned, we have concrete plans for the coming years. would be honestly use the frozen assets of the russian aggressor in this way, we are currently discussing proposals with our allies on how this can be done, we are sure that the aggressor must pay this check for the reconstruction of ukraine. our goal is to welcome ukraine as a full member of nato and the european
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union, and we will go together on this path. for estonia, the ukrainian peace formula is there. the only, only way to achieve peace in accordance with the un charter, and we are actively working to achieve this, we are not we will rest until the moment when the children deported to russia return to ukraine and until everyone involved in this is brought to justice. our call to all european countries remains the same, we need, we need to invest much more in defense. while russia and other authoritarian regimes, ladies and gentlemen, journalists are present, first of all i want to thank you for your constant attention to ukraine, to the needs of our people, the needs of our defense, and for your support of ukraine, what is felt, is constantly felt and today, during my visit, and throughout this war. ukraine greatly appreciates
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that estonia supports us, shows its leadership in many ways. estonia has already provided our state, our soldiers with 17 packages of defense support, you have shown your leadership by offering the whole of europe cooperation in providing our artillery, a coalition of shells. we also appreciate the fact that you have chosen a very thorough, long-term approach to the financial support of ukraine and determined a four-fold amount of aid for our state, and... estonian is absolutely fundamental position on the european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine. i am grateful for estonia's strong, tangible support of our country in the matter of opening negotiations on joining the european union, as well as our further cooperation with nato. thank you very much, mr. president, and the obvious prospect of ukraine
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becoming a full member of the alliance. today we spoke with the president. in particular, about interactions at the level of european institutions, about our opportunities in europe. estonia is with us also in the issue of justice - this is one of the key issues now and not only for of ukraine, and for every state that values ​​international law and believes that it is international law, and not the law of force, that should determine the character of life in the world. today we already talked about it with mr. presidents and we will also talk with the prime minister, it is fundamental for us that russia bears full responsibility for all manifestations of its terror, for every crime committed, for everyone. the destruction brought about by its aggression, this also applies to the legal responsibility of criminals, all
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russian murderers and terrorists must bear responsibility, bear responsibility, this also applies to the full responsibility of the aggressor state , including that russia must pay the full price for this aggression, its assets and the assets of all persons associated with the state... the aggressor must be found, frozen and eventually confiscated for the benefit of protection against russian aggression and assistance to all those in ukraine who suffered from the war. when russia is responsible for its war, both politically, and legally, and necessarily financially, it will be an important contribution to the global protection of peace and an instructive, instructive lesson for others. potential aggressors, i want to note, mr. president, your personal efforts in this case, in the case of protecting justice and the idea of ​​full responsibility of the russian
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federation. i know that a law on russian assets is currently being prepared in estonia, and ukraine will be grateful for the effectiveness of this law. one of our most important political goals for this year is the implementation of the peace formula. we have already come a long way from the proposal of the formula to the unification, today more than 80 states are working on the implementation of the points formulas of peace. estonia was one of the first to join this initiative of ours in our joint global work, for which i am very grateful. one more thing: i want to single out estonian assistance in the treatment and medical rehabilitation of ukrainian soldiers. today we... talked in detail about the situation on the battlefield, and about our military prospects, mr. president, and all of you are well aware
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of the complexity and brutality of this war, and it is really very important that estonia supports us in all elements of defense, in all elements of our ukrainian stability, v everything we can and will definitely defeat the enemy. thank you again. glory to ukraine! good afternoon, mr. president, it is very nice to see you somewhere in estonia, please tell me, i heard that yesterday at a joint press conference with mr. nauseda in lithuania, you were asked a question about the possibility of a pause in hostilities, and you answered that you heard such ideas from the mass media? that such ideas really exist, but you haven't heard anything like that from your western partners yet, i have such a question: why are we all
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we have to, we have to think that this pause or truce can be exclusively for the benefit of russia, why can't we get some kind of benefit from it, that is, we also have to deploy ours. ukraine, too, because we could collect whether it would give russia an advantage, or whether it would be time to mobilize resources, so this
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pause in the war could be to our advantage. thank you very much for your question regarding the pause, a pause on the battlefield on the territory of ukraine is not a pause in the war. this does not mean that this is the end of the war. and it does not lead to a political dialogue with the russian federation or anyone else. this pause will only help the russian federation. why? because we understand the volumes, how much they produce today. we know how many drones and artillery they produce per day. we see what they lack, and that they have a big deficit with drones, with artillery, a big deficit, not you. it is no accident that large purchases of drones, shahedis are taking place early, and they are also negotiating about missiles, but
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they have not reached an agreement yet, and they also... received several already over a million artillery shells from north korea, and also, well, we've seen examples of some of the missiles, why do they do that, because they don't have time, because their warehouses were empty after the start of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, then they came in full force. from the large amount of everything they had accumulated. now this pause, and i say again, it's not just a frozen conflict, it's just a pause that will help them. they don't have time. yes, you are right, the world also does not have time to fill the warehouses of ukraine, also but nevertheless, today the world is helping ukraine, and russia has a deficit. us, we see
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how this deficit affects their stability on the battlefield: give a pause, take a risk, give two or three years to the russian federation, but then it can move us, and we would not take such a risk, and thank god that all this is decided in ukraine, and therefore there will definitely be no pauses in favor of russia. next, if you look, regarding the support of this war by the population of the russian federation itself. support is not growing. no matter how we feel, we believe that they are all guilty of because of what is happening. and our deaths , and in torture, but nevertheless, they began to feel, to feel this war and on themselves, sanctions, their economy is falling, it is not growing, the shortage of weapons, that is... all this
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is falling, not growing , i do not want to say that it is happening very quickly, but nevertheless all this is happening, i am not saying that a long war is in favor of ukraine, yes, the war is not in favor of ukraine, any war, we are against this war from the first day, and we will be against it until the last, but today this pause is it an opportunity to regroup... for russia , too, what is regrouping? at the very beginning of the war, in the first year, russia lost its combat units, combat officers, personnel officers, people with experience in many wars, including chechnya, including afghanistan, syrian hostilities, etc., because african, they fought everywhere, they lost the backbone
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of their the wagnerians and now they want to build up the vagdarites, now they want to mobilize the prisoners and build new brigades of the wagnerites from them, but you see, they want, why do you always want this, because there is deficit, pause will benefit them. seda, mida president zerenski said, me vahemades ja me vahemades, et on. i'm trying to answer briefly, and we talked about the ceasefire, there are, there are certain people who are trying to test me and mr. president zelensky in terms of the truce and in terms of justifying the war, but let 's look at history, we had cease -fires, we had, we had, there was a cease-fire agreement after the peace was broken, but after four or five years it was, it was again desire...


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