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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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lost the backbone of their wagnerites, and now they want to build up wagnerites, now they want to mobilize the prisoners and build new brigades of wagnerites from them, but you see, they want, why do you always want it, because there is a shortage, the pause will benefit them. sturensky, how about... who are trying to test me and mr. president zelenskyi in terms of the ceasefire and in terms of justifying the war, but let's look at history, we had cease-fires, we there was, there was an agreement on a cease-fire after the peace, but after four or five years there was, there was again a desire... to move our country, after
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, after, after, after the second world war, we also had a peace agreement and an agreement that there should be peace, but this led to the fact that the west was then simply not ready for a new, new war, which has now broken out, and the aggressor's desire and readiness to attack has not disappeared, and it still remains there, and that is why we need to be ready for to the attack constantly, we need to prepare for the fact that for... tv channel rada ukraine. i have a question for mr. president of the republic of estonia. mr. karis, thanks to the initiative of your country estonia, the european union made a very important decision for ukraine to provide our country with 1 million shells. and a year later, we got less than half. in your opinion, why is this process moving slowly and what should be done to speed it up? thank you.
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the job of the president is to emphasize that we need this equipment, we need this equipment, i already spoke about it at my meeting today. mr. president, in the news today, there's news today about what italy, italy is pushing for possible peace talks, how much pressure are you feeling from your allies. about
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changing something in the war and moving on to peace negotiations, my, my question to president karis, to what extent do the allies who support ukraine have the right to put pressure on kyiv, to force it to do something, to some kind of peace? thank you so much, i'm sorry, maybe because of translation you ask about pushing from from our partners, italy or united states, united states from one side wants clarifications, the war plan, italy. the united states, on the one hand , the united states, on the one hand, wants to clarify the peace plan, and italy is already talking about peace talks, i have not had any such talks with italy at the level of leaders , at any level, this is the first, so i it is difficult to comment on certain battle plans, i want to tell you that while everything is being decided in the offices of ukraine, and our struggle will be on...
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the mood of the people, but our answer is the same as president zelenskyi has already announced, there will be peace then, and you will sit at the negotiating table when ukraine wins the war, and when ukraine wins, they, they, they will say, but, what, what, what, this pressure, he, he, he, he can be, yes, but as long as we remain stable, confident in europe, not only in europe, as long as we follow.
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according to the plan that is on the table, this pressure means nothing, but we have to take into account that there will be people who will try to pressure. and here our unity is this, this, this, this is what... this is what should, this is what should count, because one or two countries, they cannot influence so much, we need to be united, thank you very much, this is the end of the press conference, now there will be certain, certain questions. good morning, a question for both presidents, does ukraine deserve an invitation to nato at the summit in washington? does it deserve, i am sure that ukraine deserves it, like no one else, first of all, ukraine has a strong army that will definitely strengthen, especially eastern europe, nato countries, an army with
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military experience, with not theory, but in practice, already an army that used nato. .. weapons in wartime on the battlefield, not only in military training, and we know all the pros of these weapons, and all the cons, we know the difficulties of the battlefield at any time of the year, unfortunately, this experience is people's lives, and yet , this is a fact, so when we talk about... about the level of our army or compatibility with nato standards, i see that we are absolutely ready, as far as our institutions, our people are concerned, they, not only that all the necessary reforms are being implemented for
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this, and even in wartime, and we are all this have already shown in practice, and as for people, first of all, do they want it, you know that we have... a very high percentage, 90% of ukrainians, who support membership in nato, and it will be, to be honest, the best security guarantees for ukraine, that there will be no return of russian aggression, the best security guarantees for the baltic countries, the best security guarantees for poland, and i think, and the opportunity to think about a different future for belarus, this is a member.
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this is a very long process and it is clear that ukraine will not join nato. next day, after the war is over, it will take a little bit longer, but, but history shows us that buffer zones don't work, it means that these countries that, that have decided to become democratic and want to protect themselves, for there is no alternative to them than nato. thank you very much, thank you very much to all participants, thank you very much to all colleagues. there are 10% discounts on psyllium in pharmacies , plantain for you and savings. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try
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now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. daily. from 20 to 22 for espresso. well, dear friends, we return to the aether. our last 20 minutes for today, and we will now talk with pavel kazarin, a journalist, blogger, host and fighter of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine, who joins our ether. mr. pavle, we congratulate you. congratulations. actually. mr. paul, if if you had the opportunity to ask
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a question now at this briefing that we just watched, for example, to president zelensky, what would you ask about? i don't know, i didn't watch the briefing, so it's hard for me to join the conversation on that particular note. there was a question from hanna gomanai, who asked the prime minister of estonia about ukraine's prospects. not joining nato, something seems like that. i was surprised, because i was hoping that she would ask president zelensky how the holidays were, because that would be a very good continuation of what she asked at the briefing in the past. there is a certain sarcasm in my words, but you know what i mean, just today, for example, we have a situation in the parliament that is supposed to consider the mobilization law, we do not have journalists in the parliament, we do not have broadcasts from the parliament from sources, on which... the mirror of the week is sent
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. republic, on the other hand it the most important question, friends, let's focus our conversation on one thing, for example, if you propose to discuss mobilization, i am ready to discuss mobilization. what, what should this discussion be? it seems to me that the 24th year is a year when the country will go through a certain trial, because mobilization in the country can turn into a kind of test of solidarity, mutual respect, and responsibility. because i remember the unity that was in the country in the first months of the war, the first
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months of the full-scale invasion, and it is clear that then this unity, it was explained by the sense of danger that everyone felt due to a full-scale russian invasion. then, in the next two years, it seems to me that many people who live in the ukrainian rear, they convinced themselves that it is possible to live in the country without... fighting the war, without being involved in the defense forces, and therefore, when today, well, the realities of the front, they require from society a large new mobilization and the involvement of approximately half a million in the ranks of the armed forces in 2024, we see such very strange discussions in social networks at the level comments when people say that... that they don't want to fight, that only volunteers should fight, that someone needs to hold
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the economic front and so on and so on and so on. i am now, for example, on leave until january 13, and then i will return to the battalion, but i completely understand the feelings of my brothers who have been in the ranks of the armed forces for two years in a row, and who cannot , for example, return to civilian life, and the only possibility for them to return to civilian life will be if the mobilization in the 24th year will take place within the a... proposed, that is, within the same 500,000 people, and let's be honest, in order for all this to happen, the mobilization bill, it must be quite tough and in particular provide for a level of responsibility for those people who evade the draft, who ignore subpoenas, who think
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they have a right not to do theirs. constitutional duty, and that is why i would like the verkhovna rada, in particular, not to play populism, and not to throw out of the bill on mobilization, in particular those norms that provide for increased responsibility for neglecting a draft, for neglecting summons, for neglecting a constitutional duty on the part of citizens. mr. pavle, we, as journalists, of course, are not compared to the people who are at the front, because we are sitting in a warm studio, nothing is exploding around here, but if we talk about some of my acquaintances who are not related to journalism , which are far from the front line, to which the rockets do not reach, they bypass them
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fortunately, then i also have the feeling that they moved away from the war and we... speak with them as if in ukrainian, but our ukrainian is different, they, they don't understand me, and i don't fully understand them, how can we bring back this unity that you talk about, which was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, how, for example, to shout at those people who said, well, they didn't say it to themselves, because the marathon constantly repeated that we believe in the armed forces, that there are some armed forces there, they are fighting there, we believe in them, somewhere there... we donated, now the donations are worse, we we also see how our meetings are moving, and they will decide something there, but don’t touch us , we recently talked, on the eve of the new year, with a military man, who was often included on the air, and before people, i saw how in the comments under people wrote on the youtube broadcast: thank you, mr. nazar, we are with you, we support you, and when it came to
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mobilization, there was a flurry of comments directed at the same person. and they were completely ungrateful, they were angry comments, and i even said to the audience, how come, you thanked this person not long ago, and now when she says: friends, i need to be replaced in the trench, because i have been in that trench for two years, someone from 2014, how are we, how can we now to unite society, which for a long time was reassured by the fact that there would be two or three weeks, or some mythical zsu, our cats, to whom we thank. who we support will do it all. well, unfortunately, there are two aspects that we have to consider. first, no war, it does not gain popularity over time, that is, a situation where at the beginning of the war there are queues from volunteers to soldiers, and then these queues disappear, this is a typical situation for any war.
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secondly, one must understand that , unfortunately, only the feeling of so... such an immediate threat to one's own life is something that can mobilize a person, i would not want, i don't know, a defeat at the front or the loss of some of the settlement was the factor that mobilizes society, but sometimes it seems that this is the case, that this is the only possible scenario. it seems to me that it is worth explaining to society several important aspects and in order to destroy certain myths that exist in... people , for example, from what i see in the comments, many people, they are sure that the alternative to mobilization is some kind of conditional peace talks with the aggressor, that is, in order not to lose people at the front, let's sit down at the negotiating table, listen to the demands of the aggressor, maybe recognize the sovereignty of the aggressor in
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some occupied territories, after that freeze the conflict and... continue to exist in the format as we existed there from the 16th to the 21st years. it must be understood that no one left the table will sit on the russian side. vladimir putin is quite sure that russian tanks can stand near lviv and uzhhorod. and he will not agree to any scenario, so intermediate. because he believes that such scenarios steal his victory. and there is no. alternatives like we fight, or we negotiate, the only scenario is either we fight, or the number of new butches goes to dozens. either we fight, or the fate of mariupol, it will befall kharkiv, kyiv and, conditionally, odesa. it is necessary to understand that
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there is no alternative to the defense of the country, there is no option of negotiations, this firstly, and secondly, ukrainians must understand that the fate of the occupied territories, it dawns on us, that the only alternative that a ukrainian now has is to choose in some... exactly the army he wants to fight, he can fight in the ukrainian army, defending ukraine, or he can wait for the occupation, his home, and then he will be drafted into the occupation army, as is happening now in the occupied kherson region, in the occupied part of the zaporizhia region , in the occupied east, in the occupied crimea, and this is exactly the choice, which one he has, and in which one he is the army. wants to fight and whose orders will he want to obey? if we talk about mobilization
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, the question that you actually started with is also the sense of injustice that you feel, or your friends who are fighting with you, when you, for example, return to the peaceful cities of safety, the feeling precisely of this gap between those people who are fighting and those people who sometimes in... can pretend that the war is somewhere very, very far away, that's how mobilization should be to solve the same question of justice, what is fair mobilization, well, we first heard from representatives of the authorities that if the mobilization will take place according to plan, and if the operational operational situation at the front allows, then maybe after 36 months, people will be released into the reserve. for two years, and those who, for example, in the 22nd year joined the ranks of the defense forces, in the 25th year will be able
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to become civilians again for two years and hold, relatively speaking, the economic front instead of those people who in the 24th will join the armed forces of ukraine this year, and this will definitely happen such an embodiment of this justice, and secondly, it seems to me that it is not necessary... to make the mistakes that other countries made before us, when, for example, they propose to make such a property tax, if you earn there, let's say 40 00 hryvnias per month and pay taxes from them, they say you receive a year 's reservation from the army, well, first of all, you need to understand that there are already many people in the ranks of the armed forces who, before the war, earned much more than uah 40,000 per month, this is the first and secondly, in our country there is a huge demand for justice, and if this bill
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will assume that, say, the poor are fighting , ugh, and conditionally people who belong to the middle class and above are able to get reservations, then this will only lead to a social explosion, which, by the way, has already happened in history during the civil war in... in the united states, the northern army, congress passed a draft law for three years, and there was an option to buy off the draft for $300 a year, and eventually it led to a social explosion in 1863, there were riots in new york , by the way, if you've seen martin's gangs of new york scorsese, there is an episode where it is about these riots, so it seems to me that... to lay down in the norm, in the law on mobilization , a norm that can lead to a social explosion, it is extremely dangerous in our country. mr. pavle, thank you for the conversation, pavlo
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kazarin, journalist, blogger, presenter and fighter of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine was in touch with us. thank you, friends, for being with us today, lesya vakulyuk andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, thank you for those +50 00 that during our ether you dropped on the drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, this. a good result for this morning, for every hryvnia, to each of you who donated, we are extremely grateful, you showed that you think about our army today. see you tomorrow at 7:10, but eteresu continues, stay with us. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost.
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