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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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they have deep penetration and russia invests a lot of money in disinformation, so do not allow the conflict to freeze, do not give russia the opportunity to prepare for a powerful counteroffensive, in a year, in two, in three, in five, do not allow them to do this, end the war before that, don't give them the opportunity... and increase their production, don't give the opportunity to freeze the conflict in this corner, so that their military will start preparing, start powerful training, so that young people who today don't know why they come to our land and dying so that they do not turn into the same army through information policy and through additional years and training. which at the beginning of the war
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came to us and killed us, and this all answers the question of what not to give, to prevent russia from becoming powerful again, there are a lot of them, they do not spare people, they abandon them, and that is all their power in the mass of people , and we see in their attitude, it is not a mass of people, but a mass of meat, sorry that it sounds like that. but this is a fact, their relationship and their actions, this is the answer, and sanctions, over time, if there is a frozen conflict, also country by country, business by business will begin to loosen, everyone will start rhetoric, and what is the purpose of a new sanctions package , if there are no hostilities, and what is the purpose of imposing any sanctions, let's somehow agree, and moreover, there are three... the same
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three, and why use a tribunal for them? still finished, still frozen, but it will not be a finished war. it's one thing when you look at it that the war is over, and another thing - it's a frozen conflict, for ukraine, this is russia's preparation for revenge, that's what it will be, so the plans to prevent all this, to consolidate societies are different. states, so that our plans coincide with the goals and the capabilities of our partners, because to fulfill our plans is to be powerful for us, to have help, and to count on the capabilities of our partners, our goals, they are ukrainian, but the plans must also coincide with the capabilities of our partners , that's why i told you, sorry for taking so long to answer. that this is such
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a discussion is not a simple question, but which ones plans and goals on the battlefield, i just don't have the right to tell you, i think that, unfortunately, we have one very one very unpleasant experience in 2014 at the end of february in... in march, the russian federation illegally occupied and annexed crimea , and it also began, a special special operation began, an attack on donbas, and we, as the european union , accepted, of course, a lot of condemning statements, sanctions, mainly only in relation to crimea, but very precisely, as mr. president zelensky did not say, during years, everyone is getting used to it... and economical
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activity weakened, a lot of people said that crimea no longer exists, well, in fact, it is supposedly ukrainian, so we will shout a lot here then, we already made a lot of decisions, and in fact this is the scenario that mr. zelenskyi just mentioned , because this scenario actually happened once, and the minsk agreements were just signed. there was a lot, they talked about how they are implemented, whether they are not implemented, which points are observed, some adjustments were made, and so on, until february 24, 2022 a full-scale invasion has begun , which no one could have dared to believe even a day before this invasion began, when the russian military convoys went to ukrainian cities, and this is the message that i want to give that... to our
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society, when there are also some different discussions, and europe, and the west as a whole, and very many leaders need to say that we have experience, and that. experience, if we cannot now provide ukraine with everything it needs, this is military and economic assistance, if we do not we will be able to achieve that, accordingly, very clear, clear compliance with sanctions and the spread, by increasing these sanctions, so this scenario will be able to develop in exactly the direction that mr. president has just indicated, and we will all be losers, and to stop russian aggression not only in ukraine, and... europe, i would say, even in the world, because these interests also apply to africa, that is, to all continents in the whole world, it will be more and more difficult and much more expensive, and it is absolutely clear that for us at the national level, as well as in european level should continue to work to ensure
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that a lot of economic ties, not only with russia, but also with belarus, ended, and that's exactly what it is. what we are talking about with the european leaders, i am also talking with our prime minister about the concrete steps that still need to be taken, but this is to a greater extent not only our interest and work, but also the responsibility of government organizations, but also this is also the responsibility of our society, this is our understanding, that is , there is a lot of work, a lot needs to be done to prevent understanding, but i think... relevant conclusions and will also act accordingly both at the national level and at the broader level in order for these economic ties to end, arrested,
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hanna khomaney, tv channel rada ukraine, mr. rinkevich, today bloomberg published an article that the administration of the president... of the usa, joe biden, supported the withdrawal of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. how does latvia feel about such an initiative and questions to both presidents, what effective mechanisms do you see today for to hold russia accountable for the war. thank you. thank you for the question. i have actually already indicated that latvia is one of those active ones. countries in the european union, and i would even say, in general, in the un, which, together with ukraine, together with poland, is working to ensure that the idea of ​​an international tribunal and the conviction and investigation of war crimes, as well as
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prosecution, should in no case be somehow smeared so that or, but for some more specific move, more concretely, we believe that... what is necessary, it is necessary to carry out such a thing at the un level tribunal, and also to see what other solutions might be effective that would prevent russian officials from being able to get some kind of immunity, and at the same time we will also work, we continue to work on that, but i have to say that i will tell you that it is not so easy to convince a number of countries. that is why we are actively working on this, i already mentioned today the law adopted by our sejm, which i think is a very good step in order to appropriate, take over the latvian property of the building of moscow, which is located in riga, and then we will see
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how we can work with this house, whether through sale, how we can transfer these funds to ukraine or in some other way, but this is the first step. which has already been done, and at the same time when we are talking about the acceptance of russian assets that are under sanctions, then i think that this is a very broad work that has been going on here for some time, but usually we do not have such good achievements at the level of the european union, we we believe that it should still be in the general decision of the european level, because these are assets of the european union at the level of the european union, as well as this... then allowed these funds to be transferred to the reconstruction of ukraine or to other measures to support ukraine, in any case, we are also working regionally together with our colleagues in estonia and lithuania, looking for possible solutions, and here i see that
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there are a lot of legal things in different countries, of course, that the purpose for these assets is unambiguous. and that of course these assets should be transferred to us, and then these assets should be transferred to the actions of ukraine. add that a tangible result from use there were no frozen assets of russian terrorists in ukraine yet, and the first tangible step that i saw, because the total amount is quite serious, is 1.7 billion, it was from belgium, because they ... found a way to give us the possibility of using
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interest tax on frozen assets. we discussed this with a colleague from belgium, with the prime minister, we are interested in using the interest, then it will be 15-18 billion, it will help ukraine, but if we are honest and fair, then we need strong legislative steps, which he said now president, at the level of the european union. ukraine receives those 250-300 billion that will help us so much, it will be a powerful result, and a powerful result will be first of all for those people who lost everything, it will be at least something for them, the last question, ostaņe zapitanja, very, very nice to welcome you in person. after watching hundreds of your videos, i learned a little ukrainian
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. but of course, my question will be in latvian. mr. president, in december, estonia published a clear strategy on how ukraine can defeat russia by 2026. what you think about this plan, and do you really expect that... that also the great western leaders and washington and berlin can clearly formulate the goal of the victory of ukraine, do you even think that it is realistic this year, and our president, you have already guessed this, and i fully agree that we have heard a lot about the need to stand by ukraine as long as necessary, but it will also be necessary to exchange it for victory goals, but what do you think, why our na.. could not formulate such a formula, and what can latvia, what can you personally
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will you do to help ukraine achieve this goal? part of the proposals of our friends from estonia, we agree with it, so a percentage of gdp or a percentage of the defense budget can help us, different countries are different. gdp and a different decision can beat, but some constant, which is based on the constant support of ukraine, during the war, it definitely helped a lot, it is not because it is a very brave decision, it gives us the opportunity to focus on the war, on the result, but not to think where we should get money for shots, or where should we get the money, sorry, retired, because these are all people, and people are at the front. they protect those who are in the rear, in the rear there are children, pensioners, all citizens of ukraine, we must
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protect them, and this protection has very specific things, a very specific price, so there will be, let's be pragmatic in some directions, and such measures from estonian colleagues, i think they are effective if they are supported by colleagues, because the initiative, it is always... effective and beautiful when it is completed, the result is very important, from the idea to the result, you have to go through this path, and it's always challenging, it's not easy, that 's what it's about, and by the way , the answer to your second part of your question, whether the war might end this year, or when it will end, it really depends on a lot of things, that not in, not in... ukrainian strength, for that this strength and morale must be supported, and this
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is very important, it is supported not only by weapons, not only by finances, it is also supported politically, if we are fighting for such political decisions, as the opening of a dialogue regarding joining the eu, or fighting for candidacy for honestly, and this is a historic decision, a historic result, but also... well, to be honest, we shouldn't have given so much strength and energy, we should have focused exclusively. on the battlefield, because this is the battlefield of the entire european union, and i believe that we protect everyone, no matter what, we are grateful for both one and political help, sometimes we do not pay attention to the details, one of the leaders of the european union, several our colleagues were told, well, what are you doing, everything
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is fine, well, negotiations will not be open now, but in a year or two, and my the answer was very simple: yes , yes, so is the war, so is the morale of the people, that’s how everything ends, and for another year, two more, three more, you will stand there, make an election, and then we will decide, then we will help, then support, we are all one family, one european family, or, you know, or only publicly one family, and therefore the end of this war. the restoration of our territories , a just peace, all this depends on the unity of all of us, thank you, there are discounts on deflu, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bamb and oskad, hello, hello, woman, what to do when there will be a liver, alohol
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of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. natural power for your heart. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espressu tv channel. my name is vasyl zema and i am therefore colleagues for the next hour and 42 minutes. we will talk with you about the most important things. and ask guests about what really matters. we begin with an announcement about a crash. we have an ambitious goal of collecting uah 5 million for our defenders. what exactly are these funds needed for? therefore, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of kamikaze drones for the heroic and legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. let me remind you that these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since the 14th year on the hottest fronts, including the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast,
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solidar and bakhmut in donetsk oblast. currently , the defenders need kamikaze drones. in enough number, they can in a matter of minutes stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, as well as the equipment and manpower of the enemy. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let us strengthen the wings of our army and clip the wings of our enemies and invaders. now i will add our guest to the conversation, we will talk about the situation in donetsk region, which has suffered a lot in the last few days, well... in general, but in the last few days it has suffered a lot from enemies, from enemy attacks and about the consequences of enemy aggression and other issues will be discussed with oleksandra gavrylko, head of the communication department of the main office of the national police of donetsk region. mrs. oleksandra, i congratulate you, i congratulate you too, i am glad to see and hear, well, i read in the reports that during the day
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there were 13 fire attacks in the region, unfortunately, one person died, i read this a few hours ago, maybe something has changed child? please, this information about the consequences of enemy attacks, well, if possible , localization where it can be said, please please, yes indeed, over the past day there were 13 shellings in donetsk region, one person was killed, as always our pokrov community has been suffering in recent days, this is also the turkish community, and as we can see, there are a lot of... now it is the civilian population suffer from shelling, i want to give the numbers from the beginning of the year , and this is 10 days ago... 11 today is the 11th, we have recorded more than 160 shellings, in which more than 30 people were injured
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and 19 people died, these are very large numbers, we have only lived 11 days of the new year, already us we have such terrible numbers where the civilian population is dying, so... i urge, as i always urge people, to think about staying in donetsk, about children staying in donetsk, and think about leaving temporarily until the situation escalates? i also want to ask about the attack on mirnohrad, what happened there, what were the consequences of the enemy attack, it was a raid, how, as far as i understand, it happened. arrival, please, it was at night, there were two arrivals, there are no victims, so there is only the destruction
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of houses, and please tell me, dolanya the general consequences of that terrible, powerful attack that took place on the city of pokrovsk, the situation there as of now, yes. yes, the situation is as of now , well, we have already spoken, you know that there are 11 dead people, 10 wounded, there are also children, now we, the police, are engaged in identifying the bodies of the dead, now we have a crime laboratory, a criminologist working very powerfully. which are researching directly behind andy's device, these are mobile devices that explore fragments of human bodies. we have already,
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we have already reported on what we removed from the scene with the help of the emergency services, police, and rescue teams, we removed approximately 100 fragments, which. now we are investigating a very large front of work for criminologists, because in a day it is not possible to drive away very many fragments, for example, for today we conducted, well, we conducted an inspection through this device and only a little more than 10 fragments, and today we still have a number left which is the same as seven people. we identified among 11, it's so scary to hear when people are being pieced together, trying to understand who it is, unfortunately the terrible consequences of the terrorist activities
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of the enemy, but there are cities where the war is in fact, well , it lives there, this is avdiivka, and people continue to live there, fortunately, alive people, and i really wanted them to be alive, 1100 people remain in avdiivka, as is to explain, how to comment on it, is it possible to talk to people, i understand that the audiobook is not a place where you can talk about... what is the motivation now, why don't they go? yes indeed 1100 people and we really wish it was less, we are doing our best to keep it less but there are people left, pensioners left , a lot, grandparents, who have no... nowhere to leave, and they are already tired of these shellings, of the war, they even, you know, not to say that they are scared, but to say that they are
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just tired and they say, as one all, if we listen, then we will stay here and we will die here, these are old people who say that, but here we are even today. guys , our white angels who are constantly traveling, and relatives of these people who live in peaceful areas, relatively peaceful, they call we are constantly and earnestly asked to do something to get their relatives out, because they don't hear, they are even, they are elderly people, they don't even want to... they don't listen to their own sons and daughters there, and all these, all these relatives
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call ... they are asking to do at least something , for example, the last time we had two grandmothers, they did everything they could, persuaded, persuaded, one grandmother was taken out, the other not yet, but the boys will go again, because there their houses have already been destroyed, it is very difficult to do this and experience it, we ourselves experience all these emotions of all these people, because there, as you have already said, the war is in the air, it is everywhere, and it has been going on for a very long time, well, if there is still time, i will ask one question, by the way, just yesterday i watched a journalist's material, who was just walking along the road, well, how can it be said conditionally, he was walking, there were constant explosions, there was some debris flying around the house, well, that is , it is difficult to call it some kind of life, it is not life, but the humanitarian situation in the front-line areas, i mean precisely on pay attention to how people keep warm,
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survive, food is humanitarian. help because here, please, er, yes, people, just as you said, they warm themselves and survive, now it’s so cold, in each settlement near the front , everything is different, but what unites them is that in each settlement we have a humanitarian truck delivered, water is delivered, and water, food and even blankets are delivered to avdiivka, that is, everything we can, we bring in our... everything we can threaten, but people really it's very hard to live now, well, i don't know, i'll ask, maybe you have information, i read about that in the occupied mariupol, the times have become unexpected for the occupation authorities and they heat the houses in such a way that they carry these mobile boilers and somehow i do not know how it is done, but in general, is there any information about how people live there in mariupol , maybe some other settlements are occupied, we can see the same from
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the tool. of mass information, which is given by the people themselves, is also carried out, of course , analysis, monitoring, how people live there, er, but to say, well, it is correct to get information without checking it, well, you understand, well, i thank you very much for your work , first of all yours, and thank you for joining and commenting oleksandra gavrylko, head of the communication department of the main office of the national police of donetsk region, and you know, i oh... just now i mentioned in a conversation with ms. oleksandra about avdiivka, this is the material of a ukrainian journalist, i just don’t want to save it now, well, i came across the material on youtube, i watched a walk on avdiivka, in fact it is a terrible story, i think that all of you track, see who is interested in it and who wants to see what is happening there, our colleague, a military journalist and tv presenter
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of the spresa tv channel, who is now, by the way, at the front. he once visited avdiivka and made materials there, he was already there, well, it was last year, and then it was difficult, now it is much more difficult, so it is impossible to condemn people who say that we live here and want to die here, this probably a person's choice, on the other hand, children, well, obviously they should be taken out and saved, especially since in ukraine there are enough places where people can live, work and feel relatively safe, because in principle, there is probably no such point, such an area in ukraine, where... have flown in for almost two years of this war, but again, this is a very difficult situation , you know, before we add the next guest, we will talk with the next guest about kryvyi rih, the enemy is attacking, let's not talk, they tell me, yes, in this city in dnipropetrovsk region, there are serious problems there now, there were several attacks there enough, enough of such essential, and rockets, and warheads, and aeroballistic missiles, which are very difficult to shoot down, the enemy is now actually
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using aero. ballistic missiles, those produced in the dprk, what happened in kharkiv oblast, and x-22, those he used at various points in ukraine, you remember this, the house in dnipro, this is also kremenchuk krai, the trade center, this is actually kryvyi rih, i will be wrong now, but in my opinion we are talking about exactly this missile, which is very difficult to shoot down, in my opinion, it was not shot down at all during the entire period of the war, because it has certain peculiarities, it again no to shoot down a fly in flight with a fighter is much more difficult, much more difficult, and we must always remember that all those ... that are shot down are not only the advantages of western air defense systems, such as nasams, iriste, petri, or sumpti, and this is also the great skill of our specialists, who bring it all down, and then it flies to kryvyi rih, and the problem there now is that heating, electricity, heating, and water supply, there are serious problems with this, but the fact that i today i heard what the representatives of the city government and the district military administration, the city administration, say
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of the military administration, that the situation is now... trying to be corrected.


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