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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EET

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johanna berntzel and peter stano. at the same time , mr. stano emphasized that the promise to supply ukraine with 1 million ammunitions was a political goal. and the countries, members of the european union, did everything they could for this, supplying the defense forces with 3,000 shells. turkey, bulgaria and romania agreed on a joint fight against sea mines in the black sea. accordingly , the representatives of the defense departments of these three countries signed the agreement today in istanbul. lamented that mines were a threat to shipping, and to a more efficient one their tracking and disposal requires closer coordination between the governments of turkey, bulgaria and romania. at the same time , the ministers emphasized that other countries may join the newly created tripartite group in the future. hungary will not link the cancellation of the veto to the allocation of macro-financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros from the budget of the european union and from freezing
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of financial aid to budapest, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, peter szijjártó, said during a press conference. by according to him, the european commission has no right to delay the allocation of these funds, and therefore the hungarian government expects to receive them in any case, regardless of ukraine, the position of the moon or mars. china and russia should strengthen strategic communication and cooperation in issues related to the future of humanity and the whole world. this is what the minister said. of china's affairs, vaani said during a telephone conversation with the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov. he called both countries responsible great powers and added to this that beijing is convinced that russia will be able to successfully implement its important domestic political agenda, preserve state stability and development.
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of our state, wait, that's all in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with energy. it just suffers from enemy blows every day. minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko stated. the threat of mass attacks, unfortunately, has not disappeared anywhere - adds the government official. now the difficulties have increased due to difficult weather. conditions, which is why efficiency is important and the speed of restoration of networks, the system is now working stably, the issue of strengthening the air defense system remains relevant for the industry - herman galushchenko added. well, here came the hot news, in fact, really in the literal sense, that the first thing they plan to disconnect is for the largest debts that have accumulated over a long period of time. we are talking about turning off the lights for debtors. who do not pay for storage,
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serhiy kovalenko, the director of the yasno electricity supplier company, announced this during the broadcast of the national marathon. and he announced that the first blackouts to debtors will begin sometime on january 29, the head of the company says that they will warn, send messages, make phone calls, but this is the decision we have as of now, vasyl, we just discussed with you that the government has canceled the ban on imposing fines , various fines, turning off the lights, it was in effect until the end of the year, but we have from 2024 and... the first story that the debts will be turned off and, well, the only positive thing here is that it will still be reviewed for a long period, not that that a person has not been there for six months paid for a year or so, if a person has been a chronic non-payer for a long time, well, then god himself probably wanted, as they say, to bring the person to his senses a little, if he can pay, again,
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the question is if he can, but i am sure that the suppliers do not they will ask whether she can or not, either you pay or we turn off the lights, well , such is the market for vasyl, even during the war, and ukraine plans to transform customs. the eastern customs of the european union, the relevant plans are fixed in the national revenue strategy developed by the government, the ministry of finance reported, the reform involves a series of initiatives, they are aimed at improving our customs system and include the transition to the implementation of customs formalities in accordance with the standards of the european union. in particular, one of the key elements is the introduction of a new customs code, it will be based on the eu customs code, and also: they will work on strengthening the legal field in the sphere of regulation of this industry, well, this is such an initiative from the cabinet of ministers. the ukrainian grain corridor reached its pre-war capacity, dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman for the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces, announced this.
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more than 500 ships have already passed through the black sea and transported more than 10 million tons of cargo. the vast majority of goods are grains that cover the needs of southern countries. let me remind you that in mid -july 2022, russia withdrew from the grain agreement. ukraine has opened temporary corridors for the passage of ships. well, we see, this grain corridor, it does work. well, we will continue to talk about the initiative that appeared in the administration of the president of the united states joe biden. he will support the bill that will allow the seizure of part of the 300 billion. dollars of frozen russian assets, then the funds must be returned to our state, well , bloomberg wrote about this, biden's support for this step appeared after republicans in congress blocked the allocation of more than $60 billion to us, partly due to fears that washington bears too
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much of a financial burden burden, say bloomberg analysts. the administration of the us president also wants to coordinate this move with the g7 allies, especially. in europe there about 200 billion dollars of frozen assets of erefia are stored, but it is in europe, according to the usa, that less support is given to seizing the finances of the aggressor country, we will talk about this in detail with ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, he joins our conversation, good evening, good evening , mr. alexander, greetings to all tv viewers, mr. ivan, here i am, when for the first time at the beginning of... 2022, in the first months of the great invasion, i heard the initiative that the assets of the russians are frozen, there are about 300 billion, and will be transferred to the benefit of ukraine, and we are seeing the second year of the war, and they should all be transferred, they are only frozen, why
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yes, it is necessary to create a certain legal context, create a legal legal basis for this, or is it just, well, certain political games, here we froze, but we will monitor. from the side of the eu, from the side of the usa, who will win, and then we will decide, no, i would not say about what, who will win, and in fact, this year 2024, it began with a very good article by the nobel laureate in economics mr. joseph joseph stiglis in syndicate project, where he quite often writes his articles, and this particular article is devoted to the fate of these 300, and according to other calculations, 340 billion dollars of the central bank of ukraine. russian assets, mainly of the russian central bank, and this is actually why he explains why there is such a slow decision on them, because both the united states of america and the european union, they are all very worried that the step by which these assets
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will be transferred to ukraine , will mean that the us and europe are not reliable places to keep their funds, that is, it... to other countries that it is better not to receive money in the usa or in the eu, and the actual fear that this trust will be undermined affects the decision-makers in the usa, that... in the eu, that is why in 2022 the central bank of the european union said that this is a dangerous step. mr. ivan, of course, step a has been taken, the assets have been frozen, but now, well, it seems to me that mainly in the european union there are greater fears than in the states, well , step b must also be taken. how can it be done, really, so that not to scare customers who keep their assets in the european union, and at the same time. fulfill promises, transfer finances for the needs of our state. in fact, in this article, joseph stiglitz, he
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just writes that this is a completely wrong approach to the matter, that he, as mr. stiglitz writes, you actually say in the governments of all countries of the world that you can break laws, you can create lawlessness, but keep money in the us or in the eu. and here he says, we need to move away from this model, we need to say that if you break the laws, then your... you will be taken away, if you don't like the usa and the east, then keep them in other places, but in the same one in the article, he writes that look at why everyone keeps money either in the usa or in the eu, because if you take a basic look at the currencies in which settlements are made in the world, then on average it is 43% of the us dollar, 32% of the euro, that is, 75%, 3/4 of all essential calculations are either the currency of the united states of america, or the currency of the european union, and the other options are a long way off. the yuan is either the japanese yen or the english von sterling or the swiss
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franc, that is, countries that are either part of the gse7, if we are talking about japan, great britain, or switzerland, which is close to, let's say, countries of europe, that is, countries that make up the same collective measure, so in fact he says that there are no special alternatives to europe and the usa, and if there are no such alternatives, then nothing is at risk. in the fact that there will be a loss of trust in the usa or the eu, in the event of such a step. at the same time, as he writes, politically, if you do not take this step, it will be almost a crime, because you will thereby show that the main thing for you is money, and not the principles that you want to implement and on which the u.s. is actually built , that the european union. i will briefly quote first, that the international monetary fund is assessing the possible impact of the confiscation of wealthy assets of the russian federation. that it can affect the balance of power in the world economy in one way or another, and he says that
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any decisions must be made at the level of each country separately, well, it will take a long time, if it will be so, and what, and what could be the impact , well, 300 billion is for 300 trills, well, there are not 3 trills, so not 10, please, of course, mr. vasyl, that is, it is actually a drop in the ocean, if we say that 300 billion is useful for the global economy, then take the situation in the babelmandam strait, through which the soviet channel does not... function, and as we remember, even from the time when the container got stuck there, one day of downtime of the soviet channel is a loss of 400 million dollars, it is only one day, if you multiply there by 10 days , you already have 4 billion, yes, that is, we understand that 300 million billion, well, it is not such a critical amount, nevertheless, there are really fears that it can... affect, however, again , we need to move away from this approach that the main thing
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is money, not principles, that's where i'm at quotes boris johnson, at that time, the prime minister of great britain, who even at the beginning of a full-scale war said that the european union should be defined by money or by principles, and similar statements by the imf, in my opinion, they should also revise their rhetoric and say that you know, after all, so do the imf and other structures. were created, by the way, at the end of the second world war, everything that was there in bretenbook was created, and they should all take care first of all, not about well-being, but about not having the following wars and to preserve the principle of punishing the country that pushes the world to the next world war, and we see that russia is actually doing this. thank you, thank you, ivan us was in touch, candidate of economic sciences, the analysis is excellent, in my opinion, we journalists can only follow the course of this story. and which of the countries or associations will dare to transfer money and
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assets of russia to our state for the first time? i will conclude the column with this, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, well, we continue, thanks to oleksandr morchivka, and now we will ask serhii rudenko what will be discussed in the verdict program, which will start at 20:00. sergey, good evening, please. good evening vasyl, at 8:00 p.m. our two-hour verdict program will start. the first part of our program will be people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhetskyi. journalist roman tsimbalyuk and military expert mykhailo samus. let's talk about mobilization. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine was supposed to consider the bill on mobilization, but the government withdrew this bill from consideration, simply put, withdrew it and will to be finalized the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov says that
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a new version of this draft law will be submitted to the parliament in the near future. what did not suit. people's deputies of ukraine in the draft law submitted by the government, and why mobilization again becomes a hostage to political clarification of political relations, why it was not possible to agree on the shore by the time this draft law reaches the verkhovna rada of ukraine. we will talk about all this during the first hour, we will remember today's statement of dmitry medvedev, deputy head of the security council. of russia, who again says that in ukraine , russia has practically tested all types of weapons, except for nuclear weapons, and so far, he says, so far, what does this mean, and russia is in the cold, cities remain without heat, without
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light, putin makes his tour to chukotka and the far east, and... the cities of siberia, moscow suburbs remain without heat, without light, in short, they invest billions to create weapons with which they will fire at ukraine, instead, the lives of ordinary russians are under a threat, because it is cold, very cold, there is no heat, there is no light, why is it so, i hope that roman tsimbalyuk will explain to us, and mykhailo samus will tell us about... the military weapons that we currently have and that we expect from our partners, and about our military-industrial complex, how it will work, how it will be restored in the 24th year. in the second part of our program, in one hour, there will be three people's deputies, maria ionova, yaroslav zheleznyak and elizaveta yasko. well, of course, let's talk about
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mobilization, about this law on mobilization, and about corruption in the ministry of defense. of ukraine there were a lot of corruption scandals during the last week, and today the contractors, the main contractors of the ministry of defense, the hrynkevich family from lviv, again came under the watchful eye of the sbi, arrested all their property, all their luxury cars, in short, we will have a big conversation , meaningful and constructive, i hope, vasyl zema's great broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word. well , we will be on the air in 12 minutes, wait. thank you very much serhiy, we will look forward to the start of the verdict program, but now we have it there are cultural news. ukrainian culture is again in danger, community representatives are actively talking about it now. the fact is that the elections to the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural foundation are currently underway. the previous composition of which was at least
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dubious, in the opinion of some even scandalous. art viewer lina chechenina will tell what is the matter and what insecurity are our artists talking about. lina, good evening, please tell me. vasyl, congratulations, congratulations to our viewers, well, the whole thing is partly about serving the people, and i'm not talking about party or faction, i'm talking about a tv series. i'll tell you why in a second. first. let me tell you about something good, even about something very good, because today the film lyapalisida by philip sotnichenko was released, and i and i think that almost all ukrainian cinematographers and people related to ukrainian cinema will join this call, please go to this tape, this is definitely a film that will go down in
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the history of ukrainian cinema, this tape is complex, but interesting at the same time in... and an extremely original film language, because philip sutnichenko is his first full-length feature film, he already in his short film, which is called , gave hope, and hopes are not just for talented something in the future, but i am not afraid of the word genius, and philip sotnichenko definitely has every chance to become ukrainian, well, a very, very outstanding director of auteur cinema, this film has definitely already received awards. at international film festivals, and he talks about the 90s and about the death penalty, about the abolition of the death penalty, i will not tell you about plot, i'll just say that it's really there, read a few recipes. before you watch this movie, film critics explain to you what is the meaning, what is the talent, now let's watch the excerpt, the turtle,
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aha-aha, sat in the water, ate, the turtle washed its legs, walked, heart - they snorted, sputtered, ali-ali, skulls, aka, scared, ali a, well, and more... a little bit of good kateryn denev voiced lyubov yakymchuk's poems from her famous collection apricots of donbass, in general, and this collection lyubov was published last year in france, published by les edison defem, i i apologize, dear french people, who may be watching us, but this collection was sold, and now, as lyubov yakymchuk writes on his facebook page, the french can buy this collection already. in any, well not in any bookstore, in bookstores in france and on any online platform in french, it’s extremely cool,
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we can remember catherine danyov in principle for such consistent support of ukraine, she read lesia’s poem at the cannes film festival ukrainian woman, then she read another poem, now on the air of one of the tv channels, if there is one excerpt, if we can listen to cathri... and love read the poems, we can listen to it if we have this excerpt. apricots of donbas, les abricots du donbas, là où cesse de pousser les abricottiers, commence la russie. how to construct a woman? how to compose a woman? to learn, they first bought me a pyramid and i put rings on the cone. red, yellow, green, red. well, you can listen on the publisher's website. catherine reads several poems in translation and in the original. and now, friends, shock content, scandal again the ukrainian cultural fund, more precisely, there may
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be a scandal, everyone is preparing, because voting for a new supervisory board is currently underway. the supervisory board of the ukrainian cultural fund resolves two such important issues, it first of all appoints, votes for the head of the ukrainian cultural fund or vice president, and also approves grants already there, which have a sufficiently high value, a large amount. what was wrong with the previous supervisory board, in general, what is wrong with the ukrainian cultural fund now? if you remember, a few years ago, when yulia fediv managed this foundation, it was one of the most dynamic ukrainian institutions in general, not only cultural, it was an institution that was literally created, i 've forgotten exactly in what year. during the tenure of petro poroshenko, in one word, and then this fund, it was founded in order to distribute grants to our ukrainian artists for various cool
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projects, and a lot of our musicians, actors, writers did various projects with the financing of the ukrainian cultural fund, but then yulia fedev, yulia fedev left this fund, elected a new supervisory board, and in the end... since then , for the past several years, i have been overseeing not only the supervisory board, but in general, the activity of the ukrainian cultural fund is more like some kind of stagnation, and now, finally, our cultural community has a chance again , to re-elect the supervisory board, and we, here i will simply say, why the last supervisory board was scandalous, for example, there was oleksiy kiryushchenko, whom i very often talk about on our broadcasts, he is the director of the tv series, and he has a russian passport, he he wanted to be the head of the state cinema, but he didn't make the calculation, because there you need ukrainian citizenship, and because of him, in principle
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, the competition for the position of the head of the state cinema was hacked , then another one was voted for, and then oleksiy made his way to other institutions, to the dim channel and now to the supervisory board, why he there, by the way, it was he , together with oleksandr tkachenko, who decided which projects and which serials would win the scandalous summer... serial competition from the ministry of culture, and now there are a lot of candidates, now that they are voting for this supervisory board, public association the institute of legislative ideas analyzed that , in fact, about fifty people who will vote for these candidates are related to another member of the ukrainian supervisory board of the ukf, oleksandr susleiskyi and... it is clear who they can vote for, so the cultural community calls to monitor this process, for example
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, bohdan logvinenko, our colleague, wants to be in the supervisory board now. and so the cultural community calls to vote, for example, for him, but let's see how this whole process will end and whether there will be scandalous members in this new supervisory board of the ukf, i think that we will not do without adventures, because that's the way our life is, but we will keep an eye on it, i will definitely keep you informed, stay with espress. and then the weather from natalka didenko, let's listen and watch. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers. before we talk about the weather expected in the coming days, let's talk about forecasts in general. very often such questions arise as to how accurate the forecasts are, for how long. it is possible
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to predict the weather for a certain period of time, and therefore i want to say right away that long-term weather forecasts are not forecasts that you can blindly trust and, well , take them too seriously, that is , you can take them seriously, of course, but this is mainly for those people who actually seriously deal with them, their development, and but still, in terms of consuming a direct weather forecast, i would recommend, well, first of all, to trust exclusively professional weather forecasts... the weather, and as a rule, it is for a day, for three days, these are the most accurate forecasts, and despite all the skepticism and frequent such mockery of forecasters, i want to say that according to statistics, which are inept and objective, dry, for example, the accuracy of daily forecasts for kyiv and the kyiv region reaches 90%, agree that this is very, very good, the trend of the weather forecast for 5-7 days also has right. for such
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a free life, and forecasters often recommend such forecasts, but of course their probability decreases, so i repeat once again, the most probable forecasts, the highest quality, so to speak, are for a day for three days, everything that follows is a big question, and of course the extra to remind you that i will repeat myself again, you should trust only professional weather forecasters, professional meteorologists, because it is no secret that a lot... a lot of people are talking now, especially in social networks, well, unscrupulous people, to put it mildly, that's why we move on to our favorite sub-heading, magnetic vortices, and we will talk about the weather for tomorrow a little later, of course , magnetic storms, a mostly calm situation with minor fluctuations is expected, it has been going on for such a long time, so let's not delay and we will actually move on to the weather forecast for the next day on the 12th. in
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no precipitation is expected in the western regions of ukraine, the maximum air temperature during the day will be -3 -9°, i.e. it will start to cool down again tomorrow. it will also be cold in the northern part of ukraine, at night somewhere up to 15° of frost, during the day -6 -12. precipitation is unlikely, because we will already be behind the atmospheric front. in the east of ukraine , there is also no precipitation and it is also frosty, cold, minus. 10-12° in the central part of ukraine , no precipitation is expected, cold frosty weather is also expected, the air temperature is expected to be between 5 and 10° of frost, in the southern part of ukraine is also colder , not as usual as, for example, in the north, but nevertheless it will be frosty at night and during the day 0, -3°, sleet and snow will fall here at night, precipitation will stop during the day and in the south.
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no precipitation is expected in kyiv in the coming days on january 12, cooling is expected, the minimum air temperature is around 10-12°, during the day the air temperature is expected to be within 6-8° of frost. in the coming days , january 13-14, the cold weather will hold in ukraine, the nearest warming is expected in ukraine in most regions from january 15. take care, have a good evening and stay away from espresso in a moment, the verdict program, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine.


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