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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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which is being investigated and concerns, in particular, the supply of clothing for the armed forces of ukraine , at the moment his status is still being determined, he does not have a status, it turns out, it turns out that he does not have a status, well, for now, he can at all, we are saying here, we state, you state the fact that he is some kind of equipment he worked there, but he does not have a status, what is important in this story is that he is currently in a pre-trial detention center, he has the right to post bail, but he is in a pre-trial detention center. the pre-trial detention center is not for wrappings during the supply . it is possible in this story that he is in products for the armed forces, but for trying to give a bribe. to me, i'm just focusing on this , because in the media the story unfolds in such a way that some dirty supplier of products and body armor and clothes for the armed forces was detained and accused of such and such, but it turns out that the status he is not there for these cases. you said at the beginning that... many cases are being investigated regarding
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suppliers for the armed forces, can you now give a figure on how many such cases there are? and specifically, i cannot, because we do not keep such statistics in criminal proceedings, but two high-profile criminal proceedings, which concerns the procurement of the ministry of defense, you remember, last year a criminal proceeding was opened, which already concerned the ex-deputy minister of defense and also two suspicions of obstruction at the moment. activities of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as in the embezzlement of property. currently, the first suspicion was about almost a billion hryvnias, and the next two suspicions, which related specifically to low-quality bulletproof vests, pre -paid purchases for 250 million, and later at the beginning of this year we already reported about 950 million hryvnias, these are two additional suspicions , for now one, one of those criminal. and by the end
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of january , the materials of the case in preventing the illegal activities of the armed forces of ukraine will be opened to the defense for perusal, and after that the indictment will go to court. i think you understand who we are talking about. and i would also like to draw attention to the fact that when i and the sbi, including in my face, say that there is currently no status, it does not mean that you and i will not hear about it. suspect status in the next hours or days, i want to understand what to say and write so that you understand that writing on social networks is much easier than legally proving that a person is suspected of one or another crime, but this is what the sbi writes on its social networks, just like sorry, well, according to my beliefs, ideas, i really thought that if you write about it, then at least there is some status, we write and state the fact that there is an ongoing...
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pre-trial investigation and criminal proceedings based on the fact, in particular, the supply of poor-quality clothing for the armed forces of ukraine. ok, i heard you. see hrenkevich was actually engaged in the construction business all his life, and you yourself indicate that in your press releases that his companies did not have any proper facilities for storing goods for the needs of the ministry of defense. i will also add here that according to our colleagues, journalists, investigators, grenkevich is already there. has been on the radar of journalists for a long time, he has been engaged in construction for the ministry of defense since 2016, and even then questions arose, estimates were inflated and so on, and here, that is, he never supplied food or clothing for the ministry of defense there, only construction, and here a full-scale war begins and he comes in as a supplier of food, body armor and clothing for the ministry of defense, it was almost, it was in march of 202, and only now... uh, the sbi
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noticed that something was wrong here yes, why so long, why did it take almost two years for the law enforcement agency to notice that it turns out that something is not right there, actually, the answer to this question, and i think that the important thing here is that there are convictions, and how much it is it was investigated how much was monitored, by the way, this will all be clarified, because we you and i understand very well that in addition to the suspicion of the lviv businessman, who had quite powerful contracts with the ministry of defense of ukraine, everyone in the ministry of defense of ukraine, both former and current employees, who directly made such orders through this lviv businessman, is also being checked, and who received already finished goods from this contractor.
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let's say this, all this will be clarified in the process of the pre-trial investigation, the answers to the question why not yesterday, i think that the best from... the answer will be the verdict of the guilty in the courts, however, how much, please clarify, how long has this lviv businessman, his activities are under the close supervision of the sbi, i will say as we reported that the criminal proceedings for as a matter of fact, once again there were low-quality clothes and attempts at fraud and fraud with the help of orders for the armed forces of ukraine. a few months ago a few two three actually a few months ago it's just well no we don't understand when it's possible it's two months ago good look, i spoke with my colleagues , journalists and investigators, in particular yuriy nikolov, a well-known investigative journalist, and he
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shared his observations with me. he says that it is possible that grenkevich's arrest could be a cover for even greater corruption in the ministry of defense and that he was, so to speak , simply sacrificed for salvation big corrupt people, well, because it is hardly believed that the sbi has cleaned itself up so much that it is starting to catch unscrupulous suppliers of the ministry of defense, what would you say to that? actually, i would answer that it seems that you just threw a stone into the garden of the state bureau of investigation, i quoted my colleague yuriy nikolov, yes, yes, this is a quote, i understood, but in fact, both journalists and society thank you very much for what you keep . on the control of the investigation of all criminal proceedings and on the fact of dealings with the procurement of clothes and underwear for the armed forces of ukraine and other criminal proceedings, because at least the state bureau of investigation continues to be in good shape, and i want to remind you once again
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that the work of the bureau is still as much as possible intended to show that there are no chosen ones under martial law, and if a person commits a crime, he will be punished. just to prove it legally, you need evidence, you need witnesses, you need facts and you need a court to decide. actually, i have to thank you today, i have one more broadcast, i thank you for your attention and i look forward to the next meetings, and you, you are already saying goodbye to us, yes, yes, yes, thank you, tetyana sapyan, communications advisor of the state bureau of investigation, we talked about the case, we talked about the lvivskyi case. businessman ihor grynkevich, and as we have just found out during a conversation with a representative of the state security bureau, that the actual procedural status of a lviv businessman himself, his entourage, his company, as far as i understand, he himself is not, does not have this status,
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and he is in a pre-trial detention center, i will remind you, because of an attempt to bribe employees of the security intelligence service , we will certainly follow this story, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page on the internet, like this broadcast, and in this way support our work, further we will tell you the story of a military woman who was a violinist before the full-scale war, her name is olga rukavishnikova, the winner of a number of music competitions, now she is a grenade launcher of the 112th brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine and for almost two years at the front took part in a number of battles, lost an eye and even stayed in a coma for several days. taras levchenko will tell her story. karate and violin, how does it all combine in your life, violin, in general, i have been doing music for a very long time, that is, since i was four years old, from that moment music is my whole life is practical, but karate, i have been practicing officially since i was 13 years old,
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i have completed my bachelor's and master's degrees like skripal, the conservatory, the national academy of music of ukraine, and now i am finishing my second bachelor's degree in symphonic orchestration. how old were you when the full-scale russian attack on ukraine began? 22 , i had the feeling that, how could it be that someone came and tried to take something of mine, i just thought that guys, no, it’s not possible, if, if you came here, that’s all, you're done, i'm going to shoot you but you didn't have any military training at all, how much, actually, i was always interested... shoot, for example, with the same pneumatic weapon, we started a counteroffensive, we also had a settlement recaptured , one of the first, i had one incident just under the flint, all the ruzons went in , that is, there was no position, nothing, they just somehow arranged themselves in front of the glasses, a few hours later
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a shell hit one of our trenches, the group commander pulled one of his comrades in immediately, i have so little then muffled, but not much. "when it turned out to be normal to open up, i understand that the comrade who was with me in the trench, he was a little, let's say, not in the right shape to do something there, that is, he - he had not been in such situations before, he was soft saying, in shock at what is happening there, i tell him: "sanok, you are the main thing, don't get out of the trench anywhere, i don't raise my head, that's all, as long as you are in the trench everything is fine, well, i'll get out of there and try to reach that trench to reach, to which it flew, there was a brother there, at that time there were still 300, here i am i'm trying to somehow dig it out there, because it was very heavily sprinkled, it turns out, well, with sand, earth, everything that was there, it was obvious that the skull was damaged, it was obvious. even a little brain, the neck was pierced , nevertheless, you got out of your hole, ran
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to save these people, alive, at that moment we even, well, you can say, even somehow managed to talk a little, at one point it became clear that well it's 200, it's not 300 anymore, i remember this moment very well, well, it's probably, probably these moments, it will sound very bad if i i will say that at the moment it’s somehow a bit usual , i only had one situation when i was... a little thrown off the track, a fairly close friend got into two hundred, then i also felt that the mood had completely disappeared, i don’t know, there were different opinions , after that somehow it came back to its own, these thoughts, this bitterness towards those who came to fight with us, i also had an interesting story, i had to take my car from the hundred, i had to leave with my fart to slavyansk on that day and precisely at the time when it is normal for him arrived, so that there were about 10 arrivals. in less than half an hour, and i understand that it was just the neighboring house, the landing
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, that is, such a good funnel, you and your brother climbed to the fifth floor, well, to the roof, to what was left of it, you became a rescuer completely by chance civilians, like yes, they pulled out, it turns out, it was very lucky that the 300-year-old girl, maybe she was 14 or 13 years old, so somewhere, well, her father found her, 200, in short, a couple of floors were dismantled, you were in a coma for several days, partially lost memory, now you have instead of an eye , an implant, no, it looks normal, in principle, i can get it, so i can show it, the eye was already removed by the doctors, it was just badly damaged, well , it was pierced by a fragment, i basically have enough fragments in my head, my brother told me that i it turns out it was rejected, it was rejected normally, and he caught me, well, it turned out that in his... it was rejected and what else, they told me that when i was evacuated, i still had some consciousness at that time, and i only had
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two phrases, damn, there's a bit of a checkmate, really. zabekaye, eh, eh, well, the phrases were somewhere in my mind, i’ve got everything, and i’m all hu, everything, and then you lost consciousness and woke up in kyiv, eh, yes, then i was also told by chance that i had a neck broken, well , the doctor told me that when he saw me on the horizontal bar, that i was already working out. says: it’s not too early , if, i say, but no, everything is normal, in fact , there is something in the fact that when you leave the front line, you can somehow, i don’t know, at least live a normal life for a little bit, feel that at least somewhere is not right loud as it is, but yes, there are some nuances, when people start to forget a little, to forget at all that the war is going on, well, that 's wrong, of course, it's exaggerating a bit, with gender discrimination in the armed forces? i know it's there somewhere, but i'm not, it just often happened to me that
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i was in better physical shape than some of the guys who are, and i can easily take a backpack or something from him, help, well , it happened that way, if there had not been a full-scale war between russia and ukraine, what would have been your career, a symphonic conductor for sure, a violinist most likely too, as soon as the war ends and i will have everything as before, the latest news regarding the draft law on mobilization is at the end , the ministry of defense has announced that it is ready to introduce a new version of the draft law on improving mobilization, the minister of defense rustem umeru reported this on his facebook page, i will quote: our team, he writes, has already prepared a new version of the draft law , taking into account all the proposals agreed in the working order with the deputies at the meetings of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, we are ready... submit it for the approval of the government and we will do it in the near future, the previous version
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of the bill was withdrawn, umyerov admitted, and he also added that this law is needed by the defense of ukraine and every soldier who is currently at the front, and that it is needed as soon as possible, i.e. already from this we understand that the ukrainian government does not give up the idea of ​​re-introducing the bill to the verkhovna rada, and because, for example, i will remind you, roman kostenko said on our air that it is possible... maybe they will decide not to re-introduce the bill, but the minister defense says that will be introduced, and he also told rustem umyerov that the ministry of defense heard and... considered all the warnings, and he also cited the messages that were heard, which they want to enshrine in the new law, but he does not specify them and does not detail them, as it will be done, the only thing he emphasizes is that the soldiers should be given the opportunity to rest and that it will be fair, i will only add that we
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will certainly monitor how the events surrounding the mobilization bill will develop and... certainly we will repeatedly to return to this topic and discuss it on our broadcasts, in the end i urge you to like this broadcast, you can leave your remarks, remarks, comments, questions in the chat under the broadcast, and svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. neoby filfrey is real. and every touch will be tender when the world suddenly opens up to you. loving yourself is now very simple. pamper yourself every day. now bay feel free - the real you. it is a good tradition during the christmas
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holidays to carol together with the picardy. congratulations, the beginning of the step was marked in russia such, you know, breakthrough and even apocalyptic events in places, well, there were highways near rostov, well , the trans-siberian highway was particularly notable just the other day, when they collided with the trans-baikal railways, 14 wagons
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of a freight train derailed, and in general the traffic was... .sibum was blocked, in addition, four events happened at once in less than 11 days of the new year, the so-called swallow train broke down, this is to lower novgorod moscow, in which passengers froze and lost consciousness for 2.5 hours. under a gentle breeze a lowered conveyor broke down, literally a week ago, which was like a fully imported finist electric train, five long-distance trains and... trichka were stuck in the cold for several hours in the chelyabinsk region, and one more swallow from nizhny novgorod did not fly to moscow, i.e. all this was on the railways, well , it was not limited to that, something also exploded on the railway in tagil, and that was another story, and it was something in general that exploded, it was wagons, which were even shown a little on the russian news. well, there are wagons, yes
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here are the wagons that broke away. but the most interesting was the flash mob, which first covered the suburbs of moscow, and then rolled across the russian federation from one end to the other. we have been without heating since the beginning of the heating season. and for that,
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for everything. this is not a mine. it's not a cave , it's just a porch, the fourth day without heating, the porch froze completely, the whole house froze, the whole house without heating, all the batteries broke, the heating, let me remind you, was turned off on january 2, 20024, the temperature in my apartment is 4 degrees. we have been sitting without heat and hot water for just the third day, we are freezing word, we freeze, we don't live, we exist, no one helps us, we... we freeze freeze, freeze, freeze,
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freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze, boomerang everything will come back and we will not deliver anything at all, cold- it's cold, wolf's tail, well, hundreds of thousands of russian residents faced mass. of heat and electricity due to severe cold, this happened in vladivostok, where the rupture of the heating line completely spilled there, yekaterinburg, there remained 320, 320 apartment buildings, five schools, two kindergartens, penza, also 42 apartment buildings, and they spent the night literally there, well, under minus 20, so that 's it. krasnodar, well, in short, well, throughout russia , karelia, the find is already a completely different side, well, that is, it all happened in a circle, in a circle, and
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what do you know, it is interesting in all this that it all started with the inhabitants of such a city, which is generally under moscow crawled out when, on january 4, heat blackouts occurred in the moscow suburbs. klimovska, it is west of podulsk. there, due to an accident at one of the three boiler houses that supply hot water to houses, 200 high-rise buildings, where 150,000 people lived, began to freeze. when the residents of klimovsk began to complain loudly, and others saw that the authorities somehow reacted to these complaints even there, then a flash mob with these complaints rolled across russia and has been rolling for almost the second week. and what is interesting is that , for example, in this... the electric steel mills themselves sat without heating all winter and were silent about it further, if it were not for the 30° frost that has happened there in russia now, and if this
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climate itself, klimovsk, had not happened. and it must be said elektrostal is 50 km from the center of moscow, 30 km from the moscow district, that is, there are no extraordinary conditions there, it is not beyond the arctic circle, and there are a lot of such cities in russia that are without water, heat, electricity, gas supply. the most comical thing in this whole story is that literally 10 days before all this, podolsk, which is next to this agglomeration klimoks, klimovsk, won the regional award breakthrough of the year, so, you know, the prophetic award came out, the breakthrough really happened, but what is called, there is a nuance. well, probably, you shouldn't apply at all all this attention, if the russians had not been talking about how they would freeze ukraine and europe for two years, if they had not bombed, if... propagandists and even ordinary residents of the russian federation had not been offended by the power outage after these bombings. and let's remember october 22nd. we have already
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disabled 30% of ukraine's energy system. it is still necessary to withdraw approximately 40, not even 100, for the reason that in the absence of energy supply, everything will happen. even if you ride a steam locomotive, because the control system. neither the state nor the railways will work, and even despite the backup power sources that will try to start, they have them in the same condition as we had 10 years ago, i predict that the country will collapse, the lack of electricity, this is the lack of water, the lack of refrigerators, the lack of sewage, the city of kyiv a week after the power outage will be full of shit with the risk of an epidemic. well, only this , as he tells us, 10 years ago there was such a thing, well, you see, they didn’t even have to be bombed, and deputy gurulyov can now
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enjoy this collapse right nearby from my own house, what is called a boomerang did fly, and the catastrophe turned out to be so, so large-scale that even the main propagandists were forced to mention something about it, i'll be honest, not very much, much more that day they talked about... the prime minister of france, the learned us defense minister lloyd austin, but about the much closer moscow region, i had to say something on the air for at least 5 minutes. due to the usual situation, an emergency situation was declared in the suburbs of moscow, on new year's eve holidays, heating and electricity were cut off in several districts , hundreds of residential buildings, hospitals, schools were left without heating, without hot water, the head of the investigator. in this connection, bystrykin instructed the committee to check all the facts of the limitation of the supply of light. inspections were carried out in sonichnoris, balashikha, lobna, khimki, lyubertsy, and
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ramenskyi. i was foolishly watering the flowers, i thought i should turn on the electricity, i came, i have ice on a saucer, what is the temperature now, at this moment the thermometer shows -3°, i have to drive naked, because it's dangerous to sleep here, well, all these videos. unfortunately, literally dozens of videos , as you understand, had one beginning, and you can probably already guess which one, dear vladimir vladimirovych, the guys got on their knees and rebelled, and they already know that they are rebelling, anyway, this is vladimir vladimirovych, help , well, putin took the situation in klimovsk under personal control, the result was simply enchanting, they decided to quickly turn on the heating,
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turned it on, reported. but the pipes, which had already managed to freeze, burst, and now the houses there not only freeze, they also and flooded with water, but the most piquant thing was that the accident in klimovsk was caused by the war and putin, the local cartridge factory responsible for heating, the director of the factory, fsb colonel kushnikov, and before kushnik , the director of the plant was putin's bodyguard named rudyka, that is, some people who just rubbed nearby. putin was fed military contracts, and one must think that they made a good profit from them, and when their activity led to an accident, putin simply took the plant into state ownership and all the costs of overcoming the consequences of the accident this very thing was transferred to the state budget of the russian federation. such a beautiful story. well, the chief of the boiler house was appointed as the guilty party. and what is interesting, somewhere
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there, putin's press secretary piskov slipped out with a comment that everything is... already difficult, it takes 15 years to rebuild the heating networks, but putin has had all the power for 25 years, a quarter of a century, he has not had time to think about utility networks, i'm not saying that one shelling of ukraine with missiles costs as much as the complete reconstruction of utility networks not only in this klimovska, but there will still be enough for electrosal, but the russians choose to sit without heat, without water and attack ukraine, yes. that it is their choice to live in this hell. and literally 5 minutes after skabeeva told how the moscow suburbs are freezing, the propagandists start the old song, and you know, at least they adjusted their methods a little. it's a pity, it's a pity that the residents of omsk, where the lights were turned off at that time, will not be able to learn about the collapse of europe, as well as navy captain vladyslav shavashkevich, who froze to death in his own
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apartment. to death, because in for 10 days, there was no light at all in the leningrad region. the same france, the same france and germany will go to the bottom, they are completely rotten, they are falling, well, they have fallen, our job is to bury them? now the aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, as they call it there, rests entirely on the neck of europe, an unliftable yoke. will the europeans tolerate this, let's see how the german farmers' action will go, and there you look, and the french will pull themselves together, the italians, the winter is cold, everyone wants to eat, and when it comes down to it, you will be patient, we will tighten our belts and we will to supply weapons to ukraine, it looks strange, the europeans probably haven't frozen enough to go out on the streets yet, well gorbato
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propaganda. the europeans, apparently , somehow did not freeze, but the russians freeze instead, everything is logical, you know, but they were telling an even bigger story there on this day, let 's see, about elite restaurants specializing in human meat dishes, here what these animals have reached, and this suggests that we must not lose this war. rights, because this war is a war for our existence, and not only for ours, everyone a normal german, every normal american, every englishman, everyone is interested in russia winning this war. well, who needs you with your sick cannibalistic fantasies and frozen houses? you ask, what about putin? and putin ran away from this to chukchi on january 10?


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