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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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well , of course, the grave will heal the hunchbacked propagandist, and the europeans, apparently, somehow did not freeze, but instead the russians freeze , everything is logical, you know, but they talked even more that day, let's see, about elite restaurants specializing in on dishes made of human flesh, this is what these animals have come to, and this says... that we have no right to lose this war, because this war is a war for our existence, and not only for ours, everyone a normal german, every normal american, every englishman, every one is interested in russia winning this war. well, who needs you with your sick cannibalistic fantasies and frozen houses? you ask, what about putin? and putin ran away from this on january 10 to chukchi. you know, but something went
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wrong there too: he got from the airport to the capital of the anadyr region by snowmobile, there are no analogs from the series. this snowmobile, according to putin's press secretary, turned out like everything that russians try to make with their hands, a complete horror. you know, to be honest, not really, i would contact the manufacturers, well, i need a car certainly proves. mind you, they produce it, but our driver said that he improved it himself with a file, tightened it himself and so on, the steering wheel does not work well, the gearbox is bad, the engine works very well, but it turned out that the engine is imported, well, the engine is japanese, so it and works, well, during this trip to chukchi, putin was a bit embarrassed by conversations that he was not recognized. i rarely, but i meet
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my classmates, fellow students, they often look at me and say, i do not believe, it is you or not you, you know what it is, a person himself does not always understand how he will behave when he finds himself at a certain level of responsibility, well, that is, half of russia is freezing over there, and... and putin is like that , i am not me, something is not me, something is not recognized, well, that is , something is unclear , and of course , as you understand, a bunch of different people there, some who work for russian eyes, started to write propaganda, but not everything is so terrible, well, you think 30°, well , it’s okay, they’ll survive somehow, well, that is and they tell that... but nothing at all
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is happening, these are some separate, literally some, which are now being liquidated and everything will be fine, well, but as you can see, it has not been liquidated in any way, that is, it is still going on, and now, when we are even talking to you, it is continuing and this flash mob is beautiful, and these are all power outages, moreover, i will tell you, and the frosts continue, and they still have to intensify there now, so we are waiting for new ignitions literally from there.
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you know, in view of traditional values , the question arises: what about an old man who now officially does not have a wife and children he watches children's cartoons, and even foreign ones, with whom he watches these cartoons, is it with small children, and are there children, why are they with putin, is this sometimes a criminal offense, and in general, where do the fighters for the traditional family look, in relation to aware of the same state of totality. putin, you know, you can understand him, he had personal grief. the fact is that just a few days ago, putin's so-called gerontologist, that is , a person who is engaged in maintaining the health of old people, died. in the photo of the 17th year near of the russian dictator, there stood the scientist volodymyr khavinson, who in zma is called putin's personal gerontologist, and this khavinson in the 17th year promised putin another 20 years of active life, and in general his... that people
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can live up to 100 years, but these days hevinson died, he was 77 years old, let me remind you, putin is 70, so, i will tell you, not everyone will survive such a blow and... not only here you will talk about cartoons, children, so we sympathize with the old woman, and we will see each other again, congratulations you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda, here we are came to the snake itself, the following shots may shock you, live news from the scene, kamikaze drone attacks, flights... objective and meaningful analysis, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. we
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are looking for a 16-year-old girl. anastayu pokhylyuk from donetsk region. official information about the girl's disappearance came in the summer of 2023, but it is quite possible that the connection with nastya was broken much earlier. but it's not surprising after all, the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where the situation has been too tense for more than a year in a row. if suddenly someone knows about the possible whereabouts of anastasia pokhylyuk, or someone has seen the girl before and knows something about her fate, call us immediately on the hotline . when looking for children by short number 11630. calls are free. if there is no connection and it is not possible to call, write to the chat-boot of the child search service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war we
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received more than 200 requests for help in the search. fortunately, most of the children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this is especially true. temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication, everyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of the missing, who you know, maybe you will recognize someone in the end help to find i also want to remind you that the search is still ongoing. 17-year-old nadia shishkina. the girl disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. and imagine, for all this time there was no news about her. i know that when it all started, the child was in the kherson region in the city of nova kakhovka, which is still occupied. maybe that's why
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nadiya doesn't get in touch. therefore, i am asking everyone who sees me to look carefully at the girl's photo. remember this face, if suddenly someone sees on... shishkin, or someone already knows where she may be now, do not delay and call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram . look at the photo, this is 12-year-old sviatoslav volchasty from genichesky district, kherson region. this territory was occupied almost in... the days of the full-scale invasion, but the connection with svyatoslav was cut off in february 23rd, and since then about the fate nothing is known about the child. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. look at the photo and try to remember his face. sviatoslav looks
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about 12 years old, he is of medium build and has blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen svyatoslav volchasty or knows something about his possible whereabouts. do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service from any mobile operator, 1163 calls are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write the child tracing service to the chatbot in telegram. and i would like to ask for your attention for a moment, this is 16-year-old kostiantyn cherovov, who also disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. the guy also lived in a sunny place in the kakhov district in the city of tavriysk, and imagine that there was no news about him from february 24, 2022, but i hope that everything is okay with konstantin and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find the child. attention to the boy's photo: he looks 15-17
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years old, he has dark pink hair and gray-green eyes. if suddenly someone saw kostya or knows where he might be now, don't... heal and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, important. any information. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. 93 separate mechanized brigade the cold ravine has an urgent need for five drones
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to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. my name is khrystyna parubiy and today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war. at the beginning of january , one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war took place during the entire full-scale invasion , 230 soldiers returned home, among them 225 men and five women, and today we we have the opportunity to talk with the daughter of one of the prisoners of war from the lviv region. who returned during this exchange nataliya danylovych, nataliya, i congratulate you
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, i am glad to see you, thank you for agreeing to talk with us today, tell me about the first emotions, about the first impressions, when you found out that your father was coming home, you know, at first i didn't believe it, but i 'm telling you honestly, when you're sitting at work and you get a call from the headquarters, that's how they call, straight up, good afternoon, you're greeted by the coordination headquarters for issues with treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today. i didn't believe it for the first few seconds, and i immediately started asking when it would be possible to get in touch, how, where it was located, well, of course , they didn't tell me anything at first, they said that they would give my father a phone later, and that is, it would be possible to talk to him , this is both shock and joy , i didn’t believe it at first, two years have passed after all, it should have been almost in march, that’s why somehow there was more shock in the first seconds, then boundless happiness , joy that really, that it’s true , well in in principle, in this way... it was possible to communicate with my father on the same day, he called around 3 pm,
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they gave me the phone, and we basically talked, literally for a few minutes, because they were still on the way to the rehabilitation center, and then it was possible to chat , what the first ones said, the first conversation about my first phrase was that i don't believe that i will hear your voice in two years, and my father says: well, you know, i couldn't leave you, and literally spilled a few words, that is, how do you feel, where are you, where are you being taken? and he already said that they are being taken to the rehabilitation center, it was such a literally five-minute conversation, because there was a bad connection, and so we managed to communicate only a little on the first day. you have a daughter who grew up with her father, how did she react, tell us about this time with him, in captivity, how he was, how she reacted to it, how she asked about her grandfather? you know, my daughter directly, that he was in captivity, she did not know, because i did not want to injure the child, but... she knew that grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when my grandmother asked why he didn't call for a long time,
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i said that he had no chance, since he is in such a territory where there is no communication, in the first seconds, it was so funny, she talks to him, talks, then hangs up the phone and begins to cry such zealous tears, and i say, why are you crying? and she says: because i'm so glad that my grandfather finally called, well, that is, the child was so comforted, you know, he probably felt a little intuitively somewhere. well, after all , i haven't seen it for a long time, i haven't heard it for a long time, i was very comforted i was comforted, i reacted so emotionally , tell me about your father, when he went to war, why he finally decided to join the army, my father went to war even when the anti-terror began , well, this is the first operation, so in 2014 he went to serve, it seems to me almost immediately, he went as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back. i still have to protect the country, i wanted to, i was very against it, i
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’ll tell you honestly, i didn’t want to, because it’s still dangerous, and i was against it, but in principle accepted, respected his choice and he served , but he served somewhere for one and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time he was demobilized, he was at home for a short time and signed a contract for military service for three years, that is, this it was still... long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when the war began, in fact, he still had to serve about six months, if i am not mistaken, during this time of full-scale cars in some main points where he fought, in which brigade he fought in, in which battles he fought participation, he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade, they were in many places, they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots, i don't remember the cities directly, but i remember that right there hostilities were taking place, this is luhansk-donetsk , the main direction where they were, they were
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here and there in hot spots, because no one named these places themselves, because it was dangerous, but here they were... were constantly there, because it happened that there was no communication, that is, yes, well, they were in such rather dangerous points. father for this great experience, such combat operations, he predicted some kind of such a great war that russia would start this full-scale russian invasion. you know, my father always said that russia will never stop at what it has achieved, that is, to predict the thought , i think it was, maybe he didn't voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably my father too. including that if they have already begun to conquer the territory, then they will not stop at two parts of ukraine, so it is more likely than not. uh, tell me how a father really is during full blown there were not so many invasions, he did not fight for so long, he was captured already in march 2022, the turnout found out about it, in general, where did it
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happen? uh, he was in the direction of zaporizhzhia, in polon, they got to zaporizhzhia. direction, as i found out, do you know the circumstances in general, how, what was the battle, what kind of battle was it? i don’t know in detail, i know that when my father was captured, this particular area was captured already on march 2, that is , they were still there for some time, and already without, well, after that, i don’t know if they were counted out somehow, or how it happened, then he was captured, it was in pologiv district, zaporizhzhia region, in principle , he... the whole period was mainly in the zaporizhzhia direction, they started, it seems, somewhere with an energy donation, just like the first ones battles, when there was, and then they were somehow transferred there to this area. how did you find out that your father is in poland? i first came out to the people who were with him, i don't even remember what kind of guys they were, who said that
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someone somewhere had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed sometime in the month. in july of the 22nd directly, when they called, i applied to various services and to the red cross and to the coordination headquarters, where i did not apply, then i was already called from the coordination headquarters, they were the ones who responded and they said that the aggressor side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity, in fact you were in such obscurity all spring that what were you thinking at that time, i.e. there was some information, there were a lot of people you were in contact with, you you know, from the fact that, starting with... the fact that they were killed, ending with his capture, ending with the fact that he was missing, that is, in part, he was considered missing in general, well, i tried, i was coming to myself in march, until there was contact with him, because it happened that at the beginning of march, somehow, somehow , there was no contact with him for the first week, and then he got in touch, i think, well, maybe there was no contact and that's why he can't
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go out with me, when i was already told at the end of march, at the beginning of april, that he is being counted officially disappeared, well, that's when i started writing. various applications, to search , to collect some kind of package of documents, to send to various services, so that somehow they start searching , contact, we even have a whole group in viber 128, where relatives are looking for their relatives, and we are so divided in directions, so that during that period, many people went missing in those directions, and we thus divided into directions and already helped each other to search, contacted volunteers and directly from there with people from zaporizhzhia, we helped those who could, for these two years, you say that in july you already officially confirmed to you... that the father was in captivity during these two years, what work was done to get the father out of captivity, with whom did they communicate, with whom, how did they work, with whom did they work? worked probably the most with the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, this is one of the organizations that clearly provided instructions on how and what to do, to be honest, well, in
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fact, i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the keel during several months, that is, there in a month... all instances in full, which i applied to the unit, to the gur, and to the coordination headquarters, i.e. to ask if there was any work going on, i don't remember when they told me that he was included in the lists, well, i think it was somewhere a year after he was taken prisoner, about plus or minus a year later, they already told me that he is already on the lists, that is, all that remains is to wait, that is, you can't do anything, that's all, everything that you you could, you already did everything... you did it during this time , you managed to communicate with my father somehow there were some there were some conversations, i don't know, maybe correspondence is just correspondence and it's so paper-based, you know how you used to write on paper. and they send you to the coordination headquarters, they directly pack them and send about the family, well, nothing extra, there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is, only my name,
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his name and that's all. when there was hope for an exchange, you say, a year after polon got into the lists for exchange, and when there was really hope that the father could really be exchanged, the last few months, i have already... on all social networks , wherever possible, even the president himself has said that they are preparing a big exchange, but there is no way they can resolve all these formalities with the other party, i have already done so in principle i hoped, i think, but suddenly, because the person who was with him in polonia, the three of them were caught together, then they were released last year, and i already think so, but with him, i do not know under what circumstances they did not sat together, and i was already so hopeful, i think, well, suddenly, if it is really getting ready some big o... because it was announced that there should be about 300 people, then i was already hoping that maybe my father would finally be exchanged, because you were told something from the coordination center that it was possible, my father, or it
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was just your guesses, this my guesses were personal, that is, some hopes and expectations and that my father would be at home, it was all so secret, that's why i was so, you know, in a state of shock for the first few seconds, because i didn't understand whether it was true or not, my relatives did not believe at all, he says, but not yet we'll hear on the phone, we don't believe it's true, but it's just my guesses. personal, well, as some kind of work was being done for a long, long time, it was finally hoped that it would bear some fruit. how is the father feeling now, have they already talked about any plans, so what is he planning to do next? nothing, you know, he feels fine, while he said he wanted to rest, and then, of course, he needs to undergo another examination, to check his health, but in principle , he is fine, i will tell you that i talked to him, i to him, i already personally told him i said, i give this impression: that you came back not quite two years ago, rested somewhere in a resort and got a little tired, that is , your voice is tired, of course, that at first it adapts a little, but well, as for me, well, of
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all the options, even the best turned out , great, in principle he feels great, when you can see each other, well, father says that they should be treated there in about a month plus or minus, well, if he does not go to the part, then he should come home, that is, somewhere before they should still be kept there for a month. thank you natalya for being with us today, i will remind our viewers that today we spoke with the daughter of one of the released prisoners of war vasyl danylovych, nataliya danylovych, i hope that soon all our soldiers will be at home and we we welcome them home, thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia - 10% in
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travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts on strength detox - 15% in psyllium, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politclub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing
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to fight about, let's invent, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. on the air from washington, the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i'm maria prus, congratulations. in the usa, the presidential campaign is in full swing, the day before in the state of iowa. the debate between the two republican candidates, ex-president donald trump, who has the highest ratings among the possible candidates for participation in the debate
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took already on monday. republican caucuses will be held in iowa, when that party 's sole representative will be chosen for the presidency. my colleague yulia yarmulenko joins the broadcast, who will tell us all about the latest news regarding the us elections. yulia, hello, let's start with the debate, what were the main messages and what was said about ukraine. congratulations, maria, actually this debate was the last one before the first party elections, and really in ... they took only two candidates who qualified donald trump, certainly does not traditionally take part in such debates, but nikki haley and ron desantis - this was in fact the last opportunity for them to present themselves as an effective alternative to the current leader of the party race, donald trump, but despite the fact that they really had to somehow set themselves apart and distinguish themselves from donald trump, they did little to actually criticize the former president, instead
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focusing on it. on criticizing each other, one of the most heated issues and one of the most heated discussions, maria turned, precisely around the topic of supporting ukraine. nicky heli, who was once the us ambassador to the un and the governor of the former state of south carolina, once again emphasized why it is absolutely in the interests of the united states to help ukraine, and why this help is an investment in the us's own security. let's listen. russia said that when they take over ukraine, poland and the baltic states will be next. these are nato countries, and this is pushing america to war. therefore, it is about preventing war. if we support ukraine, it is only 3.5% of our defense budget. this is a pro-american, freedom-loving country, and we should don't forget to have a friend, you have to
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be a friend yourself. we have to convince. that we support the right friends, because if russia wins, china wins, there is a reason why the taiwanese want us to support the ukrainians, it is because they know that if ukraine wins, china will not invade taiwan, it is about preventing war. you know, maria, on the other hand , ron desanti reaffirmed that he 's taking the more skeptical version, the more skeptical version, he's saying that we need to... end the war as quickly as possible, so that too many lives have already been lost, but he says it must happen without the financial support of the united states. let's listen. i supported trump's policy towards russia and ukraine, it was successful, but biden's policy was not. and nikki haley is practically a copy of biden. this is an open-ended commitment. they want another $100 billion. they won't tell you when they've
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reached theirs. goal and in the future hundreds of billions more may be needed, many people have died, we need to find a way to put stop it, because our national security priorities are definitely the border, and people like nikki haley care more about ukraine's border than our own southern border, and that's wrong. and yuliu , the other candidate for the cross-seat announced the day before that he was withdrawing from the race, how could this even affect the... the dynamics of the election in general, that's a good question maria, actually chris christie, he has been called for more than one month to leave the campaign because he still, the gap between him and race leader donald trump is very wide. christie, we know, is very well known for his clear position and support for ukraine, but also for his very consistent criticism of donald trump, and on the eve of his announcement of the end of his campaign, he once again...


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