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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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child tracing services in telegram, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are discounts on fkalkalor of 20% in the psaryznyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on zipel - 10% in podorozhnyk pharmacies, you taschat. big. broadcast
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by vasyl zima. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two o'clock air time two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now, yuriy fizar, yuriy good evening, will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events from natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade
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kholotny yar is in dire need of fp drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory glory hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. my name is vasyl zema and i am therefore colleagues, for the next hour and 42 minutes we will talk with you about the most important things and ask guests about what really matters. we will start with the announcement of the collection. we have an ambitious goal to collect 5 million for our defenders, what exactly are these funds needed for? therefore, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of kamikaze drones for the heroic legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. let me remind you that these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since the 14th year, in the hottest directions. this is the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region, kharkiv region, soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently , the defenders need kamikaze drones. in sufficient numbers, they can stop in a matter of minutes. almost any attack
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and any enemy assault actions, as well as enemy equipment and manpower. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let's strengthen our wings. troops and we will clip the wings of our enemies and invaders. now i will add our guest to the conversation, we will talk about the situation in donetsk region, which has suffered a lot in the last few days, well, in general, but in the last few days it has suffered a lot from the enemy, from enemy attacks, and about the consequences of enemy aggression, and we will discuss other issues with oleksandra havrylko, head of the communications department of the main directorate of the donetsk national police. mrs. i also congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, well, i read in the reports that 13 fire attacks took place in the region during the day, unfortunately, one person died, i read this a few hours ago, maybe something has changed, please elaborate on this information about the consequences of enemy attacks, well, if possible, localization where it
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can be said, please, yes indeed, in the past day there were 13 shellings in donetsk region, there was one dead, as usual. we the pokrov community has been suffering for the last few days, this is also the turkish community, and as we can see that a lot of the civilian population is currently suffering from shelling, i want to give the numbers, at the beginning of the year, and this is in 10 days, the 11th, today is the 11th in... we have recorded more than 160 shellings, in which more than 30 people were injured and 19 people died, these are very large numbers, we have only lived 11 days
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of the new year, we already have such terrible numbers where the civilian population dies, so i am calling, as always. .. i urge people to think about stay in donetsk region, regarding children's stay in donetsk region, and think about leaving temporarily until the situation worsens. i also want to ask about the attack on mirnograd, what happened there, what were the consequences of the enemy attack, it was in the morning, how, as far as i understand, it happened, the landing happened, please, yes, it was at night. there were, there were two flights , there were no casualties, so there was only the destruction of houses, well, please tell me, in general, how to overcome the consequences of that terrible,
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powerful attack that took place on the city of pokrovsk, the situation there as of now, yes, the situation as of now. well, we already talked about it, you know that there are 11 dead people, 10 wounded, there are also children, now we, the police, are engaged in identifying the bodies of the dead, now we have a crime laboratory, forensic scientists who are investigating are working very hard. directly behind andy's device, these are mobile devices that examine fragments of human bodies, we have already, we have already reported that we removed from the scene, with the help of the emergency services, and
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the police, and rescue teams, we removed approximately 100 fragments , which are now we are investigating a very large front of work for criminologists, because it is not possible to chase away very many fragments in a day, for example, today we conducted one, well, we conducted an inspection through this device only er, well, a little more than 10 fragments, and today we still have a number left so far it is the same , we have identified seven people among 11. it is so scary to hear when people are gathered piece by piece, trying to understand who it is, unfortunately, the terrible consequences of the terrorist activities of the enemy, but there are cities where there is actually war, well , it lives there , this is avdiivka, and they continue there people live, fortunately, alive people, and
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i really wanted them to be alive, 1100 people remain in avdiivka, how to explain it, how to comment on it, is it possible to talk to people, i understand that avdiivka is not a place where you can to hold co-working spaces, yes, to expand. it is very difficult there, but will it be possible to talk with these people, what is their motivation now, why are they not going, yes indeed, 1100 people and a lot. i wanted this number to be smaller, we are doing everything possible to make it smaller, but there are people left, pensioners left, very many, grandparents, who do not want to leave anywhere, and they are already tired of these shellings, of the war, they even, you know, not to say that they are scared, but to say that they are just tired and they uh... they say, as one everyone, if you listen, then we will stay
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here and we will die here, this is what old people say, but even today we published from the video from our go about the cameras, the guys are our white angels who are constantly driving, and relatives of these people who live in peaceful territories, relatively peaceful in... they they call us all the time and seriously ask us to do something to get their relatives out, because they don't listen, even they, peasant people, they don't even want to, they don't listen to their relatives there, sons, daughters, and all these, all these relatives call us and they ask us to do something, for example, the last time we had two grandmothers, they did everything they could,
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persuaded, persuaded, one grandmother was taken out, the other not yet, but the boys will go again, because they also have houses there , have already been destroyed, it is very difficult to do it and experience it, we ourselves experience all of this the emotions of all these people, because there, as you already said, there is a war, it is in the story. she is everywhere , and this has been going on for a very long time, well, if there is still time in nask, i will ask one question, by the way, just yesterday i watched the material of a journalist who was just walking around avda, well, how can you say that conditionally, he walked, there constant explosions, somewhere a piece of debris is flying around the house, well , that is, it is difficult to call it some kind of life, it is not life, but a humanitarian situation in the front-line areas, i mean exactly how people keep warm, survive, food, humanitarian help, because here, please, that’s how people warm themselves and survive, as you said
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, now it’s so cold, everything is different in each settlement near the front, but what unites them is that in each settlement in a humanitarian truck is brought to us, water is also brought to avdiivka, including water, food, and even blankets are brought, that is, everything we can, we bring in our cars, everything we can sink, but... but people really have a hard time living now, well i don't know, i'll ask, maybe do you have information, i read that in occupied mariupol winter came unexpectedly for the occupation authorities and they heat the houses so that they carry these mobile boilers and somehow, i don't know how it is done, but in general, is there any information about how people live there in mariupol, maybe some other settlements are occupied, we can see the same in the mass media, which are taught by themselves... people are also analyzed and monitored, of course, how people live there, but to say, well
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exactly, it is correct to receive information without checking it, well, you understand, well , i thank you very much for your work, first of all yours and thank you for joining and commenting oleksandra havrylko, head of the communication department of the main office of the national police of donetsk region, and you know, i just remembered. in a conversation with mrs. oleksandra about avdiivka, this is a material of a ukrainian journalist, i just don’t want to lie now, well, i came across the material on youtube, i watched a walk on avdiivka, in fact it a terrible story, i think that all of you are following, looking at who is interested in it and who wants to see what is happening there, our colleague, a military journalist and tv presenter of the espres tv channel, who is currently at the front, by the way, he once visited avdiivka and did. the materials are already there, well, it was last year, and then it was difficult, now it is much more difficult, so you
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can’t condemn people who say that we live here and want to die here, it is definitely a human choice, on the other hand, children, well, obviously they should be taken out and saved, especially since they are in ukraine there are enough places where people can live, work and feel relatively safe, because in principle, there is probably no such point, such an area in ukraine, where no flights have arrived in almost two years. of this war, but it is very, again, the situation is not easy, you know, before we add the next guest, we will talk with the next guest about kryvyi rih, the enemy is hitting us, we will not talk. they say, that's how it is in this city in dnipropetrovsk oblast, there are serious problems there now, there were several attacks there , quite a few such significant ones with rockets, and warheads, and aeroballistic missiles, which are very difficult to shoot down, the enemy is now actually using aeroballistic missiles, those produced in the dprk, what happened in the kharkiv region, and x-22, those that he used at various points in ukraine, this
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and remember, the house in dnipro, that's kremenchuk krai, the shopping center, that's it. and kryvyi rih, i will be wrong now, but in my opinion we are talking about this particular missile, which is very difficult to shoot down, in my opinion, it was not shot down at all during the entire period of the war, because it has certain peculiarities, this is again still not to shoot down a fly in flight with a fighter is much more difficult, much more difficult, and we must always remember that all those missiles that are shot down are not only the advantages of western air defense systems, such as nasams, iriste, patriot, sumpti, but this also the great skill of our specialists, who knock all this down, and this flies into the corners of the horn. there are now problems with heating, electricity, heating, and thus water supply, there are serious problems with this, but what i heard today is what the representatives of the city government are saying about the district military administration, the city of the viskov administration that they are trying to correct the situation now, but i will just say for the last time, look, rockets are flying at us, the enemy is hitting with mortars, bringing destruction
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to stations, utility companies, infrastructure, and profile enterprises. and yet our experts are restoring it, and people still get a maximum of 24 hours there, look at russia, i don’t know what the hell is going on in them, fountains are beating in the middle of the city, people are without light, without heat, without water , and putin sits and says: i give the command to restore, as it were you know, he said, ingodium lavios, and it was seen, it’s just about the level of our specialists and our people who care, they don’t care about russia, well, another 100 russians will freeze there , what’s the difference, there is no difference, for us there is a difference, so ... we are talking about it, now i am bringing serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency, the leader of the military summaries of the day column, into the conversation. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today in our water column we will talk about how in as part of the armed forces, ukraine is defended by the belarusian regiment named after kastus kolinovsky, which is a continuation of the statement about the production of a million drones for our defense forces, and about
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a million shells from the european union, when they will finally be. more on that in a moment. today , at a press conference in estonia , ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said that ukraine needs artillery shells and pressure should be placed on western leaders who have pledged to provide them. let me remind you about the 1 million 155-mm projectiles that the eu countries... promised to put in ukraine until the end of march, however, the european commissioner for the internal market and services , thierry breton, still believes that the eu defense industry can achieve a certain goal, even if it becomes a delay, as he told the political publication, the delay will be only one or two months with the supply of these
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ammunitions. this news seems to be optimistic, but only time will tell the truth. according to the words of a european official, because so far eu countries have supplied ukraine with about 400,000 shells as promised. at the same time, our military has repeatedly said that they forced to save ammunition, the minimum need for limited parity for ukraine is, according to the experts of the british institute of russia, about 200,000 shells per month, and now this indicator is... less than what the russian federation is currently using. at the same time, according to the data of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, our enemy, russia, in general reached production indicators of 2 million ammunition per year in large calibers of 122 and 152 mm. this was announced today by general vadimskibitsky,
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deputy head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. as for the production of ammunition for ukraine, in this matter, according to the general, everything depends on our partners. the defense industry of european countries is increasing its capabilities, but this is not happening immediately - said skibytskyi. also, deputy head gur reported that today the ground component of the russian federation, which is involved in the war against ukraine, is 462 people who... are on the territory of ukraine and are conducting combat operations, until to this number, another 35,000 rotsgvard must be added, which provides occupation. regime in the rear. also, the main intelligence agency believes that at least until putin's election in march 24, russia does not
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plan to intensify mobilization measures, because the current methods of mobilization allow the enemy to conduct rotations and form reserve units, which are introduced into ukraine if necessary. so in order to deprive the enemy of an advantage in the number of manpower. of course, ukraine must have the appropriate potential of both artillery and a sufficient amount of ammunition and other means, impressions, in order to implement the strategy of war of attrition in active defense to create prerequisites for our formats of combat operations, including preparation for counteroffensive and offensive actions. and now we know that the front line with the enemy is about 850 km long. is maintained by the professionalism, strength and courage of the personnel of our brigades and regiments of the armed forces of ukraine. together with them, this difficult mission is carried out by military
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units, which are formed from volunteers, in particular from volunteers from the republic of belarus, which are also part of the armed forces as part of the kastus kolinovskyi regiment, and now the commander of this regiment , denis prokhorov, is joining us. mr. denis, i congratulate you. to see and hear, good evening, your regiment was formed in march of the 22nd year from belarusian volunteers, the soldiers of the regiment have been participating in active actions since the very beginning of the large-scale war with the russian aggressor, and i would still like you to tell me in more detail to our viewers about your military unit, what battles did the soldiers of your regiment go through, because i know that the areas all were extremely difficult and what are the tasks of the regiment now? indeed, our unit joined two years ago at the very beginning, and at first it was the battles for the kyiv
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oblast, irpen bucha, and in principle, our guys went to every tak ska, so to speak, hot direction, it was the direction of bakhmut. the most difficult and the longest , probably the direction, it was bakhmudsky, where the guys from the volota battalion not only held the defense there for about six months, if i am not mistaken, the zaporozhye region the same, er, the guys took part there, mykolaiv also took part in the assault actions of our guys, now it's more of a direction. kharkiv region, i won't say where exactly, because i can't really reveal everything, but now i 'm saying, it's kharkiv region, tell me
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, guys, yes, yes, they say, are there any peculiarities in the preparation, equipment, use of your battalions in compared there with full-time brigades or battalions of the armed forces of ukraine or the national guard of ukraine. we are trying, well, in principle , we have already come to the point that... that our educational process, it is organized and formed on the nato basis of the so-called nato standards, the fact is that we have someone to compare ourselves to, this is the azov ruff school, we have experience working with instructors of the special operations forces, who also help us, and now we are ... we have our own training program where everything is set up, in principle, i would say that according to nato standards, the boys already feel in
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the educational process that where they are going, that certain qualities are already required of them, that is, it is not it looks like something like there we take someone, there we can there and something there we try squeeze out, we are already trying to educate the boys professionally, before sending them to the front line, mr. denis, equipment, i will add, equipment in principle , the boys have the opportunity to receive through our and volunteers, who provide us with all this all this equipment, that is, in we don't have such a direct that... a shortage, a shortage of some, i don't know, platoons or some equipment, and when we talk about the recruiting model itself, on
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your website at... on the website of the regiment there is a list of professional specialties that there do the units there now need paramedics, sappers, signalmen, does this form of interaction with potential fighters really allow the regiment to meet its personnel needs , in principle yes, at the stage when the fighters are already undergoing training. they have the opportunity to choose a profession by which they can continue to serve in combat units, but we also have our own, so to speak, wishes, because what we lack are uav operators, now very much, let's say, this direction is developed, so we also
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require certain knowledge in this from the guys direction and make lists of what we already need, and we try to somehow send boys to the appropriate professions for courses so that they become professional fighters. and do only belarusians serve in the sialinovsky regiment? now we have a formed ground. the western battalion group , which consists mainly of specialists, already specialist foreigners, who participated in various, so to speak, armies before that, they already have experience, so they have a separate program, er, training, here and they are, in principle, part of the composition of... stasya klinovskyi and
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by the way, they have already shown themselves as professional professional fighters in the direction of the same kharkiv region. that is, actually now the regiment will expand, because you had two battalions, there was a volet and lytvyn battalion, and now we have another vesta group, which i also think will increase in the number of personnel. yes, yes, there is a plan for this, and in principle, the boys are filling the ranks. of our unit, but how to ensure the safety of the families of those fighters who are currently fighting in ukraine, but whose relatives remained in belarus, as you do you first of all, it is carried out, the minimum that should be done is to talk about what security is, what information security is, how to behave with parents, for example,
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communicate less or... forge through separate additional devices that cannot to get into the hands of chekists, but this is simply very safe and, unfortunately, rare communication with their own kind, this is the minimum we invest so that people do not disclose their personal data, we also do not take the first steps not... separately in principle no data there that they did not go anywhere in principle , but you also have to understand that the guys who are going here, they have already heard more than once of situations where the kgb officers there, so to speak, do not give rest to the families of the boyars of the kostac kolinovskyi regiment, so they are already at the stage, when they leave
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here... they have to close these issues and say that ah, well, that is, they themselves are already in a certain way preparing their in-laws for this, but how do ordinary people in belarus feel about russia's war against ukraine, because what is happening inside the belarusian people, because there is very little about it information, on the surface, what belarus has transferred ammunition to russia has carried out. repair of russian equipment, there are training grounds on the territory of belarus, where the russian military is trained, what do ordinary belarusians think about our war? in fact , the vast majority of belarusian society does not support what is happening on the part of russia, er, but it should be understood as the agenda of the belarusians as well, because in fact belarus is an occupied country.


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