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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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the shift in the export of goods, what is being said, what exactly preceded this, how did the blockade of the polish, well actually slovak borders affect ukrainian exporters? vasyl, thank you, in fact, these are very important, and such issues are today 's issues, because this is our economy, these are our jobs, these are our taxes, which we collect today in ukraine, and we understand that ukrainian taxes go to the armed forces of ukraine, that is, we have money to support our military. to purchase the equipment we so need military equipment, all the materials that we use on a daily basis in order to deter, firstly, some kind of enemy aggression, and secondly, to advance ourselves, to win back our territories, which are currently temporarily occupied, so of course, as i said many times even before previous broadcasts , when i was invited to comment on such economic events, that is, 2/3 of our gross domestic product, they are
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exports, that is, we produce products that are then exported to world markets, and we receive freely convertible currency, different, euros, dollars, pounds, we are all other currencies that are freely convertible to our economy, and thanks to this we pay all the expenditure parts of production, and directly wages, taxes and the rest of everything that is in the economy, thanks to this, in fact , everyone survives budgets, which are local and state and regional, which receive all this money, and the main thing is the manufacturer... able to produce competitive products, support their workers, support science, research and development, etc., that is, everything that is necessary for development of any modern developed state, so when ukraine last year, most importantly , developed the capabilities of logistics, export logistics through large ports, this is the greatest achievement of our ukrainian and government and armed forces, i would definitely like it to happen... much earlier, than
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the second half of the year 23, but at least it happened in the year 23, in the second half, and it is very good, because we understand the military tasks, which, believe me, were very difficult to do with the island of change in 2022 year and after this with the grain corridor and after that , definitely thanks to the heroic efforts of the armed forces of ukraine, we were still able to... open the logistics corridors in 2023, the second half. i certainly wanted it to happen earlier, like all ukrainians, but it happened the way it happened, and god forbid that it happened that way, because without these open logical logistics corridors it would be much worse, much more difficult for our economy to survive and in the second half of the 23rd year, and most importantly in the 24th year, when we see today and the delay in funding from our partners, due to various problems there, i don't want
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to address that now, because we all know what problems are domestically political today in the united states, what domestic political problems are in the european community. that is, vasyl, the opening of the corridor is very important for us, and promoting the development of exports is the most important thing we could do. i say that i would definitely like the government to behave as competently as possible, because unfortunately there are not many competent people remained in the government, but or at least those who remained, although... they were listened to, because we as entrepreneurs, we as associations, we as industry, we turn to the government, we turn to those competent, remaining government officials , which we would like them to hear us and for them to develop, to develop logistics and all the rest of the auxiliary functions of the state in order for production to work and for exports to be as large as possible, well, you said that in one sentence about the blocking of borders , of course that there are certain political... moments in
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poland, slovakia, where these blockades took place, in poland to a greater extent, but how does it significantly affect, well, if we talk about the business that you know and that you are familiar with, well but conventionally speaking, we ship, or something has to come in, it didn't come in, how does it hit, i understand that there is a large business, and there is a smaller business that may not survive as a result of this, or there may be a smaller business that affiliated with a big somewhere there some connections, to the extent that it destroys these connections and destroys the export itself. capacity and business structure? vasyl, in fact, everyone is suffering, and how when we say that supposedly small businesses can suffer, or medium and large ones do not suffer, this is not true, because when there is no large business, excuse me, there is some equipment, there are no consumables that are in such cars, in trucks , they are brought across the border, and we have some technological napkins there, some technological engines, some technological e, that is... consumables that
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are used up all the time, consumables of everyone month, every week, every day, and in this situation, believe me, everyone suffers, i will give you an example, once... there was a situation in taiwan with chips, then all factories in germany and japan almost stopped, because they had to produce for 99.99% of all cars, but without a chip that raises the glass or without a chip that controls, let's say, any electronic equipment in the car, and this car could not be handed over to the final warehouse and that is , shipped to the consumer, and in the entire economy of ukraine is in the same situation today, and this not just small businesses. only medium-sized enterprises, large enterprises suffer even more, because neither the suppliers across the border, say, from western europe, nor those small or medium-sized suppliers who cannot get something there themselves and cannot make their products can supply them with anything. to supply them to larger businesses, that is, these are all
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supply chains, and we know today that as deglobalization takes place in the world, when we say there are many people leaving the chinese market, not wants to produce there, because... these deliveries and these supply chains are long, politically involved, the rest of everything, that's what we have today on a smaller scale right on the border with poland, because we have a lot of products that are imported, exported in the european community, specifically to the czech republic, slovakia, hungary, poland , germany, france, any other countries, and today we can neither send there nor receive from there, so everyone suffers, as soon as possible it will be solved, as soon as possible our government . will take his legs in his hands and go to poland and will solve it with the new polish government, the better. in fact, it will be better for the polish government as well, because it's all economic activity, economic activity is gdp, gross domestic product, gross domestic product, its development, it's jobs, it's development, it's welfare, it's wealth, it's
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taxes and river logistics, do you see the development potential of these routes, what other alternative logistics routes could ukraine develop, and what am i saying. in the government, well, either there is, or there are any appeals to government regarding the expansion of our danube ports, perhaps increasing their throughput? vasyl, in fact, we should develop the most efficient, as cheap as possible logistics routes, because all logistics costs a lot of money, and this is all the cost price and competitiveness of our products, so if we can first of all develop the railway, secondly develop ports, thirdly - develop large ports, deep, deep ours, which can accept... huge ocean boats, ocean vessels, that is, we must first of all develop everything this is what the government is for, it was elected by the people, and it is precisely for this that the government receives a salary from the taxpayers of the people of ukraine, so that it pays attention to this.
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unfortunately, as i told you, there are very few specialists left in the government, unfortunately, many people there are incompetent, and today, in the last two years, they do not pay attention to this at all, because we... to have a competitive there were tariffs in our huge ports, they are uncompetitive today, this means that today the cost of services in the ports of velika odesa is two times higher than in the ports of turkey, canada, one and a half times higher than in the ports of the united states of america, or three times higher than in china. well, how can we compete in this situation, how can we say that we can, we will export more, which is what we and our economy need, when our economy is not competitive. logistics or payments, and i only gave you an example of the port, and the same situation in the railway, where we have a lot of things, maybe for 15 years we have been talking about the need to liberalize the railway, we have already in the 17th year, when we signed the association with the european community, until the 23rd year we
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had an obligation to liberalize the railway and allow private owners to transport products with their locomotives on the ukrzaliznytsia network. that is, as today we, as entrepreneurs from all countries of the world, can do in germany, we can do in poland, we can do in slovakia and we can also do in the czech republic, in hungary, in bulgaria, because this is all the european community, in ukraine we can't, because we even made a commitment in the 17th year, but until the last, until the 23rd year, we didn't do it, because the railroad resisted, it wanted and remains with the monopoly, and after that, when the war began, it said war, that is, they said, it's not in time, well, it's in your understanding is out of date. and we all tell you, as entrepreneurs, economists , that it kills exports, it kills our competitiveness, it kills jobs in ukraine, it kills taxes, and therefore we would like the government to look at these things, to look at ports, at energy , on the railway, on rolling stock, on what
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can actually increase the export of our country, and when we talk about rivers, rivers are less competitive, we can develop them, but i say, we can... also carry our goods and cargo on a hot air balloon, as in the old days on a hot air balloon a zeppelin was transporting people from germany to the united states of america, but it would be very expensive. you can transport goods on spaceships, but no one will buy them, that's why they will be at the price of gold , all these goods, so we need the government to look at what is done in the world, it should be to do, we have since elected him since '19, he should be doing it in '19 thanks to a prime minister who rode a scooter around the cabinet, he should be doing it now today with another prime minister a minister who does not ride a scooter, but unfortunately, this also does not... does not make the economy competitive and does not make it liberalized, that is, exactly what we
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expect from the government and from the state today, because we understand that except for ourselves, and this is now proven by history, no one can feed us, maybe some small one there period of time, but all the same, we must build a situation where we will feed ourselves and our people, and our army and all our needs all the time. for protection, for development and for the future of ukraine. well, the changes are really not that they are overdue, the changes are overdue, but what changes should be made to the current legislation, what world practices, perhaps, ukraine could adopt to increase the share of exports and a more efficient process of exporting domestic goods. vasyl, as always, i say all the time, you don't have to invent a forester, you just have to to take and fulfill the ukrainian obligations that we signed during the association in 2017, when we signed the association with the european community, we just need to fulfill all this,
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and everything else will be straightened out, that is, if logistics is liberalized, it will become competitive capable, if energy is liberalized, then it will become competitive, affordable, and one that can then be developed, and so on in all spheres of life, we just need to do everything that brussels requires of us, everything that we are required by the european union and what he says today is necessary for ukraine in order to... not only get a ticket to the european community, but also to fulfill all the conditions and after that to be accepted, it will be in the 27th year, the 37th year or 30, it will depend on us and it will depend on our leadership, on those people that we elect, on those people that we form a majority in the parliament to form a government and that government is competent, and if we say what laws should be adopted, yes, there are actually a lot of them, it is simply necessary to implement those laws which we have already adopted, after that... just to adopt all the laws that the european
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community, the european union, and definitely our partners, the united states of america, together with the international monetary fund, are asking us, and now are demanding from us, because they want, and this is what we see today, it is obvious, these people have already given us more than 100 billion dollars of aid, but they want us not to bend, so that we do not die like ukraine, they want us to develop and build our welfare, they want us to become just a part of the civilized... world, their world, a part of the european community and lived in the same way as the european union, great britain, the united states, japan, australia live, so we just have to do everything they want from us, everything that they are asking, asking us and saying, please, you don't need to invent nonsense and say that ukrainians are somehow different from south koreans, or different from australians, or different from americans, we are the same. and we have the same successes and all ours inspiration and the same diseases, and we
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just need to be treated from these diseases with the inspiration to work on the development and welfare of our country. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your professional comments. konstantin dzhevago was in touch with us, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist. and now in the review about the main events that happened outside ukraine. yuriy fizar will tell in detail. the white house administration supports the adoption of a law that would allow ukraine to transfer frozen russian assets worth $300 billion. it was reported journalists of the bloomberg agency with reference to their own sources and documents of the us national security council. according to published information, such a law would allow the american government to first legally confiscate frozen russian assets, and then just as legally transfer them to... the benefit of ukraine, while the white house intends to coordinate this bill with its european allies and
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partners. estonia opposes the ban on giving ukraine weapons that are necessary for shelling military targets on the territory of russia. the country's president, alar karis, said this during a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi in tallinn. according to him, by shelling russian territory, the defense forces of ukraine can slow down or weaken the enemy's or defense forces. to protect the ukrainian people, and therefore, says the estonian leader, there simply cannot be any restrictions on the supply of weapons to the west, which ukraine needs for self-defense. defense-industrial complex. from the member states of the european union intends to produce 1 million projectiles for ukraine per year, but it is unlikely that it will be able to hand over to the forces defense as much ammunition by march 1 as previously planned? european commission representatives johanna berntzel and peter stanu said this during the press conference. at the same time, mr. stanu emphasized that the promise to supply ukraine with one million
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ammunitions was a political goal, and the countries, members of the european union, did it for this. everything they could, supplying the defense forces with 300,000 shells. turkey, bulgaria and romania agreed on a joint fight against sea mines in the black sea. the corresponding agreement was concluded today in istanbul by the representatives defense departments of these three countries. they emphasized that the mines pose a threat to shipping and for more effective tracking and disposal, closer coordination between the governments of turkey, bulgaria and romania is needed. with. emphasized that other countries may join the newly created tripartite group in the future. hungary will not link the cancellation of the veto on the allocation of macro-financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros from the european union budget with the unfreezing of financial aid to budapest. this was stated by the minister of foreign
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affairs of the country, peter sijarto, during the press conference. according to him , the european commission has no right to delay the allocation of these funds. and therefore the hungarian government expects to receive them in any case, regardless of ukraine, the position of the moon or the martians. china and russia should strengthen strategic communication and cooperation in issues related to the future of humanity and the whole world. chinese foreign minister wang yi said this during a telephone conversation with the head of the russian federation sergei lavrov of the ministry of foreign affairs. he called both countries responsible great powers and at the same time added. that beijing is convinced that russia will be able to successfully implement its important domestic political agenda, preserve state stability and development.
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let's go back to the conversation and now oleksandr morshevka will talk about money, and money during the war. please, alexander, good evening. greetings viewers, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will talk about what debts can turn off the lights, as well as about i will tell you about the grain corridor and you will find out why the frozen russian assets do not work for the benefit of our state. wait, that's all in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with energy, it just suffers from enemy blows every day. minister of energy
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of ukraine herman galushchenko stated. the threat of mass attacks, unfortunately, has not disappeared anywhere, - adds the government official. now the difficulties have increased due to difficult weather conditions. that is why the efficiency and speed of network recovery is important, the system is now stable. it remains relevant for the industry. the issue of strengthening the air defense system - herman galushchenko added. well , here came the hot news, in the truest sense of the word, that the first thing they plan to do is disconnect for the biggest debts that have accumulated over a long period of time. it's about turning off the lights for debtors who don't pay their bills. this was announced by the director of the electricity supplier company during the broadcast of the national marathon. serhiy kovalenko is clear of energy. and he announced that the first blackouts for debtors would begin somewhere on january 29, the head of the company says that
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they will warn, send messages, call, but this is the decision we have as of now. vasyl, we just discussed with you that the government canceled the ban on imposing fines, various fines, and turning off the lights. it was active until the end of the year. but from 2024 we have such a first story that debts will be turned off, but the only positive here is that it will still be reviewed for a long period, not that a person has not paid there for six months or a year, if a person has been there for a long time increased non-payer, well, then god himself wanted, as they say, to bring a person to his senses a little, if he can pay, again, the question is if he can, but i am sure that the suppliers will not ask if he can or cannot, either you pay, or we turn off the lights, well , that's the market, vasyl, even during the war. well, ukraine plans to transform the customs office into the eastern customs office of the european union, the relevant plans are enshrined in the national revenue strategy developed by the government,
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the ministry of finance reported. the reform provides a series of initiatives, they are aimed at improving our customs system and include the transition to the implementation of customs formalities in accordance with the standards of the european union. in particular, one of the key elements is the introduction of the new customs code. will be based on the eu customs code, and they will also work on strengthening the legal field in the sphere of regulation of this industry, well, here is such an initiative from the cabinet of ministers: the ukrainian grain corridor has reached its pre-war capacity, said the spokesman of the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces dmytro pletenchuk more than 500 ships have already passed through the black sea and transported more than 10 million tons of cargo. the vast majority of goods are grain. which covers the needs of southern countries. let me remind you that in mid-july 2022, russia withdrew from the grain agreement, ukraine opened
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temporary corridors for the passage of ships. well , we see, this grain corridor, it does work. well, we will continue to talk about the initiative that appeared in the administration of the president of the united states, joe biden. he supports the bill that allows'. seize a part of 300 billion dollars frozen russian assets, then the funds must be returned to our state. well , the bloomberg agency wrote about it. biden's support for this step appeared after republicans in congress blocked the allocation of more than 60 billion dollars to us. partly because of concerns that washington is carrying too much of a financial burden, bloomberg analysts say. the administration of the us president also wants to coordinate this move with the allied one. we are on the g7, especially in europe, there are about 200 billion dollars of frozen assets of erefia, but it is in
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in europe, in the opinion... in the usa , the seizure of the finances of the aggressor country is less supported, we will talk about this in detail with ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, he joins our conversation, good evening, good evening, mr. alexander, greetings to all tv viewers, mr. ivan, well, when i heard the initiative for the first time at the beginning of 2022, in the first months of the great invasion , that the assets of the russians were frozen, there was talk of 300 billion, and there will be more. transferred to the benefit of ukraine, and we see the second year of the war, and they should all be transferred, they only frozen, why yes, it is necessary to create a certain legal context, create a legal legal basis for this, or is it just certain political games, here we are frozen, but we will monitor from the eu side, from the us side, who will win, and then we will decide no, i wouldn't say who will win, and in fact, this
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year 2024... it started with a very good article by the nobel laureate in economics, mr. joseph joseph stiglis, in synddykat project, where he writes his articles quite often, and this article is about fate these 300, and according to other calculations 340 billion dollars, these are sovereign russian assets, mainly of the russian central bank, and here he actually explains why this is such a slow decision. according to them, because both the united states of america and the european union, they are all very worried that the step by which these assets will be transferred to ukraine will mean that the united states and europe are not reliable places to keep their funds, that is, it will send a signal to other countries that it is better not to receive money in the usa or in the eu, and the actual fear that this trust will be undermined,
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it and... that in the usa, that in the eu, that is precisely why the central bank of the european union said that this was a dangerous step back in 2022. mr. ivan, of course, step a has been taken, the assets have been frozen, but now, well, it seems to me that mainly in the european union there are more fears than in the states, well , step b must also be taken. how can it really be done so as not to frighten customers who hold. their assets in the european union and at the same time fulfill their promises, transfer finances to the needs of our state. in fact, in in this article, joseph stiglitz, he just writes that this is a completely wrong approach to the matter, that he, as mr. stiglitz writes, you actually say in the governments of all countries of the world that you can break laws, you can create lawlessness, but keep the money in the usa or the eu. and so he says, we need to move away from this
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model, we need to say: if you break the law, your assets will be taken away, if you don't like the usa and the eu, then keep them in other places, but in the same article he writes that look , why everyone keeps money or in the usa, or in the eu, because if you take a simple look at the currencies in which settlements are made in the world, then on average it is 43% of the us dollar, 32% of the euro, i.e. 75%, 3/4 of all substantive settlements, or the currency of the united states of america, or european currency. union and other options are far from the yuan, it is either the japanese yen, or the british pound sterling or the swiss franc, that is, countries that are either part of the g7, if we are talking about japan, great britain, or switzerland, which is close to, let's say, european countries, i.e. countries which make up the same collective measure, so in fact he says, there are no particular alternatives to europe and the united states, and if there are no such
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alternatives. then there is no danger that there will be a loss of trust in the usa or the eu in the event of such a step. at the same time, as he writes, politically, if you do not take this step, it will be almost a crime, because you will thereby show that the main thing for you is money, and not the principles that you want to implement and on which the u.s. is actually built that the european union? i will briefly quote, first of all, that an international monetary fund is possible at this time the impact of the confiscation of wealthy assets of the russian federation, that this may affect the balance of power in the world economy in one way or another, and he says that any decisions should be made at the level of each country separately, well, it will take a very long time, if that is the case, and what, and what could be the impact, well, 300 billion is for 300 trills, well, it’s not 3 trills, so not 10, please, of course, mr. vasyl, that is, it is actually a drop in the ocean, if we are talking about these 300 billion for global...


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