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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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below this video, we are interested to know your opinion. if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone and vote. if you trust the lower leadership of the verkhovna rada 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, it is important for us to know your opinion. next, we will be in touch with military expert mykhailo samus. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. let's start with the situation that we have on the eastern border with the kharkiv region, because british and american analysts say that russia is going to go on the offensive there, today there was a message that the offensive actions of the enemy in the northern direction may resume, this was announced by the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrskyi, according to syrskyi, for this...
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the enemy is moving units storm and carries out the formation of assault troops, syrskyi made his post public after meeting with the minister of defense rustem umyerov and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny in the kupyansk direction. what you can you tell us about the current situation on the fronts of ukraine, because there is a lot of talk about... about how this situation can change, what do you see now? well, the fact is that indeed, some publications in the western press have created such an illusion that the russians are really preparing for some kind of big offensive, especially when journalists confuse the kharkiv direction and the kupyan direction, then it turns out that the message begins, which are growing like a snowball, that the russians are trying to...
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enter kharkiv and tomorrow, as it were will extend their columns precisely in the direction of the city of millionaire. in fact, at the moment, the group that is located near kharkov on the russian side, they are more worried about the security of belgorod, and that is why they are creating a defensive group there, that is, even if there is some movement of troops and a concentration of troops there, then there is still a more defensive group character is formed. they can be understood, because really, why shouldn't ukraine now take, for example, belgorod, if such a conversation has already started, and from the point of view of the fact that the russians can become more active in the kupyan direction, in avdiiv, in bakhmut , and even in the south, this is partly due to the political development of the situation, since after the beginning of october, when they...
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actually started their so-called big offensive, and now we are almost in the middle of january of the 24th year, the achievements in them are small, that is, look at the map, the achievements are minimal, the losses are huge, and soon the elections, the so-called elections of putin, and he needs to demonstrate something, it is obvious that this time, from today until march, when there will be these elections, or so-called elections, the russians will throw everything they have. in order to show at least some results, that is, there will be attempts both in the kupyan direction, and in siversky, and in bakhmutsky, and of course in avdiivka, because they consider avdiivka to be the easiest, let's say, from the point of view of achieving some visible result and demonstrations of their achievements at the front, so i think that really now the russians will try to break through in all directions, i wouldn't call it big offensive, because...
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there is no eternity in this offensive, they are just trying to test the ukrainian defense in different directions and still achieve some tactical successes, which will be presented in the information space as something so big for some strategic or even operational results, i think, they do not calculate themselves, well, that is, this whole story that began in 22, that we will go to the administrative borders of luhansk. and donetsk regions, it simply got bogged down somewhere near avdiivka, got bogged down as well at the hottest points that are now , that is, no matter how much they want to, they can't do it now, and there are objective reasons for this, and people, and resources, and what they are starting to use , missiles, north korea's ballistic missiles, state the obvious. they have
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serious problems with the military-industrial complex, because today medvedev spoke about the fact that we tested absolutely all types of weapons in ukraine. only nuclear weapons remained, given the latest reports about north korea, about ballistic missiles, russia does not have enough of these missiles, or is north korea just trying to use ukraine now as a training ground in order to shoot down these missiles, in order to then fight there with south korea or, with japan or with other countries, well, actually of course the northern one. korea is not the leader of this process, it is used here as one of the elements , i call it the military-industrial alliance of the axis of evil, that is, this alliance already obviously includes russia, iran, north korea, and the system player here is china, which is also uses, of course, covertly, of course, he
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is in the shadows, but look at the scheme that comes out, the russians pay in yuan in north korea, because there are a lot of yuan in russia now, i will remind you. that 90% of the oil currently sold by russia is india and china. and it is obvious that everything happens in chinese dollars and not in dollars, that is, russia has a lot of rupees and a lot of yuan, but they invest north korea in yuan, north korea can buy raw materials for missile ammunition in china with this money, and these components can also raw materials, of course it is not military purpose can be called, but simply as civilian products. china is selling all this calmly, north korea is turning into a kind of workshop, where projects that could be implemented in russia begin to scale, but they lack workers, engineers, industrial capacity, north korea has all this, and
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with certain investments , as well as provided with components and raw materials, they can now become such a workshop that will produce ammunition and missiles for russia, and these missiles... they are transferred from russia to north korea, of course, they can turn into a global problem, because north korea can release these missiles not only for russia, but also for its own use, including for a threat, of course, to south korea, actually to change the balance on the korean peninsula, and in including for the threat to the united states, this is already in the interests of china, of course it is done, because china, we know china's strategic goal is to... reduce the influence, reduce the influence of the united states, including in east asia, and in principles globally, and therefore now the emergence of any points of tension , especially a conflict, for example, on the korean peninsula, it will be in the interests of china and absolutely not in the interests of the united states, and therefore it seems very strange that the misunderstanding,
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unfortunately, of the political forces in the united states, which are now engaged in their by some kind of internal electoral games there. they look more at the mexican border than at the fact that a military-industrial alliance is being created alongside them, the axis of evil, and direct military threats, including direct threats to the united states, because north korea has already recently tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, which means that russia has transferred these technologies to it, due to the corresponding russian investments, these missiles can eventually fly over the united states itself, which, in principle, russia only needs. trick. the republican-led committees of the house of representatives of the united states of america have released a proposed plan for victory in ukraine, which criticized president biden for not providing enough aid to ukraine and proposed an action plan that included providing ukraine with the necessary weapons as soon as possible,
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strengthening sanctions against putin and his allies, transferring frozen assets of the russian federation to ukraine. mr. mykhailo, why our western partners. are delaying providing ukraine with those weapons that, in principle , could not just stop the russian federation, repel the troops of the russian federation from the territory of ukraine and break this logistics, which is on the territory of the russian federation, military airfields that are within flight distance of a good cruise missile, and in general what they are afraid of, that is, they the third world war , well, it is already in separate components, this third world war is being born in ukraine, in the middle east, the houthis, north korea, that is, in fact , what happened in the 30s in europe , in japan, and in italy, well i mean
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germany, italy, japan, this triangle is now also the same triangle, but this triangle can still be nipped in the bud there, but for now our western partners are holding back and trying to fight russia with the hands of ukrainians, so... that is, not even his own weapons, and by the hands of ukrainians, in the literal sense of the word, their analysts do not calculate the next steps, their politicians do not see how it will end, their politicians do not know the history that happened 100 years ago , why this is happening, well, it is absolutely true, this is what i just said about east asia and the fact that this global axis of evil is being formed, the impression is that really western politicians behind... analysts do not see the picture of the world and consider each puzzle separately, in fact they form a single
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picture, and it is clear that the current aggression of russia against ukraine is not only some kind of conflict, it is not only a war, it is a reflection of that trend in world politics, geopolitics, when it is really worth it for the western bloc to mobilize its defense industry or change. its military policy, and we need to actually start fighting against this axis of evil, and here we have a problem, because if you look at the official statements of the biden administration, they are in principle from the beginning of large-scale aggression were that, i do not mean there in relation to supporting ukraine, but in relation to , for example, russia, the main essence of these statements is that we do not want a direct conflict between the united states and russia, it is very difficult to understand these statements, the only explanation is that part , a large part of the elite, the administration , or part of the biden administration, they still live in the world
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of the cold war, they still have this matrix of the gentlemen's club of the cold war in their heads, when the soviet union and the united states, they played by some rules, they did not allow direct statements, really not there was a direct war between the united states and russia, and this is the soviet union, excuse me, and this was the main thing, if this... but the value base in general of this geopolitics is completely different now, they do not understand that or refuse to understand that russia is not soviet union , they do not play by the rules, they look at it in a completely different way and can calmly carry out and provoke hot conflicts in europe, they can attack nato countries, expecting that nato will not respond, because including the nato secretary general, he talks all the time that the main task is to prevent direct confrontation between nato and russia. and that is why our western partners really fall into this trap when they realize that if now in
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ukraine, for example, they transfer a thousand atakams at once, and god forbid even tomahawks, which have a range of 2,500 km there, that in principle will simply bring us to parity with russia, because tomahawks are the same calibers, they are not some terrible weapon there, because when you say tomahawks to some western expert or politician, his hair just stands on end. i say, listen, in russia, russia has already used hundreds of calibers against us, nothing terrible happened, so let's use a few hundred tomogavti against russia and see how it will be, and that's why it's really a problem, a mental problem, a real problem , just understanding that russia is not the soviet union, maybe it needs some kind of transformation of the elites in the united states and in europe, because, well, for example, in germany, i am pleasantly surprised by the local flights ... the elites who really did just a quantum leap in understanding the fact that this is russia, this is not the soviet
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union, this is not a country with which you can talk about anything at all, this is a country that must be defeated, in any case , the political mood in germany prevails now, which a few years ago was not at all i couldn’t even think about it in the german political community, that is, in principle, maybe now during the election campaign in the united states, these metamorphoses will take place and... there will be an understanding, or it should be pel harbor, here in fact, maybe it is arranged like this american politics, not yet there will be pearl harbor, there will be no reaction and no entry , the real entry of the united states into the war, unfortunately, they cannot go back, just read what happened several decades ago and draw the correct conclusions that it is necessary to enter earlier before any disasters occur or global tragedies. but mr. mykhailo, the european countries and the new members of the north atlantic alliance
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, the baltic countries, understand exactly what russia is and know what the boot of a soviet soldier is, and finland knows it, and other countries, as well as poland, but further there the countries of spain and portugal, perhaps they do not perceive this whole story that is unfolding in the same way now. on the territory of the ukrainian state, do they also need a repetition of the 39th redistribution there. of europe and new spheres of influence, whether in the 24th year, in spite of everything, the north atlantic alliance will make the right accents and the right choices, i mean from the point of view of strengthening the power of ukraine and the perception of ukraine as the eastern outpost of the north atlantic alliance, therefore that president zelensky is correct today
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said while in estonia that our armed forces of ukraine. are powerful, they are fighting with nato weapons, they are the most trained, they are the resources of the nato that are holding back the russians, or is it possible that nato will take such actions or make such decisions that will allow us to win in the short term. well, i have no illusions about nato, that is, in fact , the alliance is still a structure that deals with the defense of its members, that is, the members of this organization, they count common defense, and this is the main essence of the alliance, they are very, i mean , the organization itself is very, very skeptical
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of any functions that go beyond this fifth article, well, that is, for example, to restore order.. outside nato, or to take responsibility for the development of the situation in some neighboring region. for example, the best example in this regard is the black sea. as much as we have told the united states individually, but also nato as an organization, please take more part in development of the situation in the black sea, take responsibility for the development of the situation in this small sea, but which is now completely under the control of russia. we said it. immediately after the occupation and annexation of crimea, we said that with crimea they occupied and annexed not only crimea, but also the black sea peninsula, in fact, and they establish their force rules there, completely ignoring maritime international law and international law in general. what nato did, in principle nato expressed deep concerns, but despite the fact that there are in principle three nato countries in the black sea, there were no
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concrete efforts that would, for example, practically strengthen nato's presence in... the black sea, for example, to create a nato black sea fleet, to create a permanent command in constanta, the same. there is no nato command in the black sea and so on. the same in other regions. therefore, in principle, nato considers any external threat as a challenge to the alliance. and that's why , to be honest, i'm very skeptical about nato . thank you. thank you, mr. mykhailo, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert. friends, we are live and we also conduct surveys. we ask you about this, do you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada, let's see what the results of the poll are on tv 9% yes, 91 - no, on youtube 6% yes, 94% no. hello, this is svoboda ranok,
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an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests. every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, we continue our broadcast in the second part of our program, watch. improvement of mobilization, all pros and cons, prospects of adoption of the revised draft law. corruption in the ministry of defense, arrested. the property of the family of the lviv businessman hrynkevich, how they earn money from the armed forces, the economy of the protracted war, what to do in the conditions of
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a decrease in foreign aid? we are live on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our vote, today we ask you about... such as: do you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own, separate opinion, you can leave it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you trust the current leadership of the verkhovna rada 0800-211 381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, please, at the end of the program we will pick you up. summaries of this vote, i want to introduce the guests of today's program, this is yaroslav zheleznyak, a representative of the voice faction , i congratulate you, mr. yaroslav, good evening,
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elizaveta yasko from the servant of the people faction, ms. elizaveta, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, and we should also be joined by maria ionova from the european solidarity faction, i hope it will happen soon. so, mr. yaroslav. and ms. elizaveta, today the verkhovna rada of ukraine was supposed to consider the bill on mobilization, until the last it was not clear, what will actually happen with this bill, as a result the government withdrew this bill, rustemuirov, the minister of defense of ukraine already wrote on his facebook page that the ministry of defense, the government and the ministry of defense are preparing a new bill, updated taking it into account. remarks that were made at the meeting with people's deputies of ukraine, i understand that today the meeting of the military leadership of the state with
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the conciliatory council of the verkhovna rada of ukraine was closed, if so, confirm or deny, either please, mr. yaroslav, yes, to be very brief, to be more detailed, today from 9 in the morning there were a number of meetings. i would definitely call it conciliation councils, banal, because the regulations are a little different, but they included representatives of factions, some of them included representatives of committee heads, and representatives of various departments related to the field of defense security were also present, in particular this and of the general staff and the ministry of defense and... and others, ah, then there were already formats of the discussion in the speaker's office, some of the information was
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closed with the vulture classified, but one way or another, the military briefed the people's deputies about the situation concerning the front and the response to the request for additional ee resources , including. and personnel, and after that the decision on mobilization that you announced was made, namely that the government independently withdrew the draft law , that is, we as people's deputies did not make any decisions either at the level of committees or at the level of the parliament, it was a decision of the government, which was at an extraordinary meeting of the government, and accordingly now the bill with no. 10378, this is precisely the bill on mobilization. in the withdrawn status, that is , they listened to the claims or, let's say, comments to this draft law and decided to withdraw it, or what is the reason? well, i
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certainly wouldn't say that it was their independent decision to the end, but it looked like the risk of submitting this bill to the first reading with the recommendations of the committee allowed it to work until the second reading, but it was. was so large that it would not gain votes and would receive, including a sufficiently negative perception by society, that the only way out it was either to pass a decision on failure, that is, yes, so that the parliament would accept it, or the government, as the subject of the legislative initiative, could withdraw it, since the draft law was included in the order of the parliament session, accordingly, the government chose this option of withdrawal, which was announced to all the people ... thank you, ms. elizaveta, your faction, like others, also had comments on this bill, there are
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four alternative bills. which should be considered, well, in case, if this procedure started today, you formulated the comments that are the most fundamental for your faction, to the bill that is from the government, what is extra or what needs to be changed in order for this bill to be supported by your faction? the fact is that this draft law is mostly considered in the committee on national defense, and all hearings of a closed nature take place for the members of this committee, and not all deputies have the opportunity to join it, only those who are part of this committee. our factions and members of our factions have completely different feelings about this draft law.
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but an even bigger problem is that we actually do not fully understand what the norms will be in this, because there are so many questions, and the risk is too high to accept something that, as my colleague said, will be poorly received by society, it's not just going to be poorly received by society, it's just going to be a huge, scary step if we get it wrong, so... all the issues that are about mobilization, which is very necessary, but which has to be very wise, very strategic, it has to be done right approach to the question of criteria, how we mobilize, who we mobilize, how the rotation happens, what happens to people who have certain degrees of disability, regarding the conscription age, all this should be discussed with the military, with the ministry of defense, with all departments
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that... directly manage and shape this policy, our role, the role of deputies, is actually historical here in that we cannot make mistakes and we have to vote those norms, that draft law, which will be necessary for our national security, and will also protect as much as possible our society, but this means that many people will have to fight, but it must be done wisely. to make sure that there really isn't that very bad, possible perception of society that we all don't want, because we are at war now and we don't need to have more internal and serious problems, so it's better to return it for revision, it's better to revise than to to vote something that will be very painful, well, i understand that you agree
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with... the statement that the authorities did not properly communicate with society and did not explain, what kind of bill is this, but society just started discussing this bill, some ukrainians started buying tickets abroad and standing in queues to the western border, that is, it was not possible to somehow make this bill explained to ukrainians, well... .there will be another project here and maybe there is a problem with that too. look, i say honestly that of course communication could be much better, but today there are so many different problematic issues in this draft law and not only that, unfortunately, it is impossible to idealize and give simple answers i also want to emphasize that there is a very strong information war against ukraine on the part of russia to split our
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society. therefore, what you said that ukrainians are panicking, a lot of this information appears from social networks, telegram channels that spread panic among society, in fact, as we see that the parliament, when it feels, including that there is very difficult decisions that need to be made, they need to be made wisely, we can transfer the solutions to these issues to improve, finalize. therefore we are also all people and we have a lot of worries every minute and we know what the real situation is at the front, so everything needs to be worked out here, and as for communication, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is as it is, but we could not perceive it any other way , except painfully...


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