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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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the point is on this vote, but in general i support the appointment decision, yes , that is, the appointment, because this is our position of the faction, the position of the faction, yes, that is, you accept that one hundred percent person, not independent, that is , there should be an independent person, you work in the foreign affairs committee, you heard the statement of the g7 that there should be an independent head of this state institution, but the faction made a decision that one hundred percent zelenskyi should still have one. i support the decision of the servants of the people faction in this yes, thank you for answer, mr. yaroslav, what do you say about all these corruption scandals, who is responsible for them, or those who appointed these people, or those people who were supposed to control these abuses, well, it's not 3 kopecks they steal, but there 1 billion, 2 billion, that is , in general, crazy money, and for our viewers...
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who are watching us now, well, obviously all the government looks like one that steals, well, all of them, all of them without exception, do you understand? let 's start with basic things, and the budget of our entire country before the start of the war was 1.6 three hryvnias, now spending last year only on defense, hryvnias, well, that is, i named these figures so that you understand that now the defense budget is 300 billion more than the entire budget of the country before that, and that is why there are such large amounts, and that's why there is so much corruption, now, as for corruption, specifically mine defense. let's look at a few
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examples, and this will be the answer to the question of who is to blame and what has been done to prevent this from happening again. example number one: the corruption scandal with the eggs of p-17 was obvious information about corruption, which for a long time no one saw as a basis for a response. and the previous minister stayed in his post for 8 months after this scandal, unpunished evil always returns, that's why there was another investigation, in which i was personally involved, because it was investigated, including thanks to the materials of our tska. this is a winter uniform, and the appropriate deputies came, some of them were already in the pre-trial detention center there. and others, who had not yet been sent there,
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came and told me and all the members of the anti-corruption committee and our tsk that everything was fine there, even personally, then the minister showed such jackets. thank god that then the partners pressed and the leadership of the ministry of defense was dismissed, and just a few months later we learned from the case files that the theft was on the... who is to blame, i think it is no secret that the previous minister did not appoint himself deputies, both by law, and de facto, this was handled by the office of the president, and i think that, as in many problems that exist, especially corruption.
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then our problems are and have not only facts, they have specific names, surnames and positions, usually there is a prefix, the office of the president, but did the law enforcement agencies respond to this? in most cases no, including on specific examples of the form, not yet, mr. yaroslav, i'm sorry, the time of our program is just running out, so we have to finish. very briefly, what i see from the tenders now is much better than it was six months ago, so thank god, is there any positive trend there? thank you, yaroslav zheleznyak, maria ionova and elizaveta esko were guests of our program today. during the program, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada. now let's look at the screen, the results of the survey: 8% yes, 92%.
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no, on youtube we have about the same ratio 8% yes, 92% no, i put a full stop on this, it was the verdict program of prergii rudenko, i say goodbye to you, i wish you all the best, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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greetings, i'm olga ley, this is the chronicles of combat operations,
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first of all i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection for kumikadze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade cold. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since 2014 in the hottest areas, this is the battle for the donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region, kharkiv region, soledar, bakhmud. currently, they are also, well, literally at the front, the hottest direction of the battles, and in sufficient numbers, kmekadze drones can stop almost any offensive in any direction in a matter of minutes, so be sure to join this collection, he is on. .. of course it is necessary, it is for very, very necessary people, here is all our data, there are qr codes, you will also see links during the broadcast, please, definitely, this is a very important such direction, and now
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let's take a quick look at what has been going on at the front in recent days and then move on to discussing all of these cards. hostilities for the period from january 3 to 10, the three-month offensive on russia's eastern front failed. our military did not allow the occupiers to complete any of the tasks assigned to them regarding the breakthrough to kupyansk, lyman and kurakhove, the encirclement of avdiivka or ugledar. an attempt to surround avdiivka. three months of offensive in place. this week, the enemy managed to break through a hundred meters along the road from the sands to pervomaiske, as well as approximately the same amount on the northern outskirts of avdiivka. in return. all attempts to pass our defensive redoubts in stepovoy, berdychy, novobakhmutivka and novokalynovy have failed, a similar stalemate situation on the southern front of the city. currently, the russians carry out attacks mostly by infantry without the use of armored vehicles. this means that in the near future
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the occupiers will regroup and probably change their tactics to find the key to avdiivka. instead, they now plan to make greater efforts in the kupyan and ugledar areas. if in kharkiv oblast the threat is small, then the situation near the coal mine can become extremely acute. ugledar is waiting for a new influx of russians. the invaders reinforced their southern group, which is concentrated to the south and east of ugledar, with armored vehicles and personnel . they are preparing for another offensive to push our troops as far as possible from the railway connecting donetsk with ugledar and melitopol. for... now the armed forces are less than 10 km from the railway, which prevents the enemy from using it while the enemy is preparing. defense forces conducted a successful counteroffensive near novomykhaivka, where the russians had made significant advances in previous weeks. our soldiers actually managed
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to recapture almost all of the previously lost territory. the bakhmut hell unfolds with new force. bohdanivka, khromove, ivanivske and klishchiivka were during the week. the hottest locations on the front. the rashists are trying with all their might to break through our defenses and get behind the military, who control the commanding heights north of klishchiivka. on the other hand, they want to get as close to the time chasm as possible and start it as soon as possible the siege during the last days, the occupiers managed to push our defense several hundred meters south of khromovoy and also between klishchiivka and ivanivskyi. the task in this zone is the same as in the avdiiv region - to achieve at least some result by march. the maximum they can aim for now is a return to the sub. and controlling the commanding heights near klishchiivka and conducting a review of the results of our summer
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counteroffensive in this sector. despite the fact that the russians have so far failed in the offensive in the east, this does not mean that they are not will continue until putin's march elections, make attempts to achieve success in at least one of the above-mentioned areas. deoccupation of crimea and bridgestones in kherson oblast. on january 4, the armed forces of ukraine launched a comprehensive attack on military facilities. in the crimea. at least 13 high-ranking occupiers were eliminated in the command post in yukhareniya balka of sevastopol. at the same time, other rockets successfully destroyed a large ammunition depot near the village of hryshyne. in the end, a double strike on the airfield in novofedorivka knocked out several radar stations and one more the newly built radio station in uyutny. thus, we blinded the enemy in this part of the peninsula for a certain time. in kherson oblast, the armed forces continue to defend their bridgehead near krynkiv. after the recent destruction of su-24,
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su-30 and su-34 , the number of cabs used in this sector has significantly decreased. yes, there were only two airstrikes in the past week. ukraine is gradually returning the airspace over the left bank kherson region under its control. rocket terrorism. during the last, third, most recent massive shelling. rashists launched 24 cruise missiles kh101, 555, 59 and another 27 ballistic missiles. 18 cruise missiles that were aimed at objects in the central and western regions were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense, except for those that hit objects in khmelnytskyi. instead, ballistic missiles aimed at kryvyi rih, dnipro, zaporizhzhia and kharkiv fell on ukrainian cities that are currently not covered by the patriot system. as a result of this strike , we can conclude that the russian terrorists have changed the strategy of missile strikes.
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the main reason is the lack of missiles. yes, they have about 40 kha-101-555-59 missiles left, and calibres of rashy are not launched further for some reason. therefore, the next attacks will obviously be combined with the use of 30-40 missiles, most of which will be ballistic and will fly mainly to the frontline cities. instead, pauses between. blows will become larger each time so that the enemy can replenish his supplies. we defeat death to our enemies every day. ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert from defense express, is on the phone with us, and we'll start with him, talking directly from the last of the missile strikes, er, because this topic is so, you know, hot and in principles are of interest to all of us, because we are all like her. or else we meet, please , congratulations ivan, good evening, well, you heard
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the conclusion of our analysts, i think that we should at least supplement these conclusions, because if we look at the statistics of the hits themselves, then we really see such an interesting thing , first, during december 29, 2, 29, january 2, january 8. a break of 4-6 days, and during these, well , attacks against ukraine, which is typical, fewer missiles were used, much, much more missiles were used, that is, for comparison, on december 29, there were 158 different, well, these objects that were launched, of which 27 were shahed, but as many as 87 different missiles of different calibers. there are different variations. on january 2, it was 35 kamikaze drones and as many as 99
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missiles. now we see on january 8, it was 59 different means, and of them 51 missiles were also different. what does all this tell us? such is the predominant use of missiles. how do we understand that this is happening? well, let's start by establishing that shaheds, due to their specific aerodynamic structure, well, they cannot fly when the wind speed is high, we can remember that in the winter of last winter... there was also a period when the russians almost did not use shaheds at all and this was explained by the same thing, because there is a triangular shape of the wing, a large area, and let's put it this way, this does not mean that shaheds are so bad or not so or weak, well, for example, i remember that the mig-21, such a legendary soviet fighter, well , it also had problems with the fact that when flying there in conditions of high wind speed, it was slightly blown along the course, that
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roughly speaking, it is explained by the weather, for some reason it was also logical to expect that the russians would begin to activate. its strikes on our infrastructure with missiles in such a massive format closer to winter precisely and not only because there is weather, the load on the power system, and some other factors, but also because it will be more difficult to use shahedy, the wind, some other weather factors, but not more, plus one more thing that can play a role, well, rather a secondary one, well , in order to plan an attack, you need to agree on a schedule, let's call it that, of approaching the objects of certain aircraft attack there may still be a certain complication for the russians, how would it be coordinated so that at the same time the shaheds are at a speed of 200 km/h, and these hasto1 calibers, which there are at a speed of 800-900 km/h, and these ballistic supersonic gyroballistic missiles that can fly several thousand km/h there, well, it is necessary for the impact to be massive and large-scale, it is necessary for it to fly
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at the same time, obviously there are some weather factors that determine the wind speed there, and accordingly the flight speed. .. exactly shahedov, well, maybe it became more difficult, that is to combine rockets and missiles , that is why there is such an emphasis on missile weapons, well , at least we see that it is probably not worth saying that the russians have some kind of lack of missiles, they absolutely do not lack missiles, rather, if you are limited by something, these missile attacks , they are not the number of missiles, but rather the number of launchers the russians have for these missiles of various types, and here i would like your expert opinion on what the restrictions may be on this, that is, what exactly they can shoot and what can be the maximum volley of all of them in this case funds? well, first of all, if we are talking about missiles, i do not agree with the assessment that the russians have only 40 pieces of x101 on x555, they should be estimated at least to a hundred there, plus, if we talk about some unaccounted for stocks, well, let's go
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- the first caliber is limited, but it was still used, at least during one recent attack there, three calibers were recorded, which was released, it seems the second... in january, plus they also have iskander cruise missiles, which are medium-range cruise missiles, well there they lie in them, it is obvious that they are this the company is led, led, having a supply of missiles , excuse me, some dayworm, again for two or three shots at least, and having a certain intact supply, i think that another nuance may be not only in how many carriers they can simultaneously lift into the air or to apply, but also to lay out routes in general, to attach software there , to enter all these codes, they are not like that. there are obviously many capabilities of people who know how to program rockets, we can recall, let's say, the investigation that was in the media, it seems, there in the fall of 2022, that's one thing the department of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, which deals with this, has 14 people there, even if they have multiplied it, for example, to 140 people, the department that is supposed to program the on-board computers of cruise missiles for flights, well
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, obviously there are certain, let's say, deadlines in which you can squeeze in and have time to program only so much. no more missiles than i have had so far, well, there really is such a thesis that the tu-95 ms bombers, which would act as the main carriers of russian decoy missiles, well, first of all, they are not young, let’s call it that, 40 years at least served, and indeed they cannot take on board purely for technical reasons, a full load of missiles, there according to the 8x101 or 6x555 passport, but we must understand this, this does not mean that if this tu-9 served there for 40 years, that the trossians can’t effectively use in us , they were just here in the last campaign, including even from the official speakers who took, reduced the number of released bombers that took off, multiplied by eight and let’s go heal the citizens, my god, my god, it’s flying at us 120 rockets in one volley at once, i am now alluding to one person, for example, a figure who
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likes to tweet a lot, i think you guessed about the king, well, roughly speaking, to remind you that 190.5ms is such a specific nuance, it is worth it so that various actors do not write later that, my god, my god, there are 120 rockets flying at us at once , we are all nuts, we are hiding, we need to understand this, if it is necessary again, by the way, we need to detail each 195 ms one more thing, why don't the newer 160 rise here, well, they are there it is only 30, 35, 40 years old, well, here it is 95 , on the other hand, there the on-board equipment is more reliable, well, that is, it breaks down less than that... 10th , this bomber is easier to lift into the air, so somehow the distribution of relays works out that way to bombard us in such a retinal regime, the russians raise us to the 95th ms, the poles, nato, raise it. 160, as for the ships, there, too, the nuance is specific, i don’t think that it is necessary to push back so much from official reports that the russians seem to be unable to load the calibers of novorossiysk,
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because, forgive me, how then were they able to shoot three calibers during the attack on the second of january from a submarine, because the loading procedure for a submarine is even more complicated than for a surface ship, roughly speaking, it looks like this, the screen floats under if the ship is just a vertically loaded pipe... with a loaded missile, and when going to the submarine, there should even be a special tray, which, you know, almost roll this caliber submarine into the torpedo tube with your hands, i.e. there more difficult, more time-consuming, if they were able to charge the novorossian submarine like that, well, maybe the russians have some other strategic logic and it is, for example, calculated for the west, in the west for some reason you still know, well, if it is inadequate with the piety.
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but rather to frighten the west, because justice degrades, we still need to record such a thing that if our air defense capabilities have clearly increased this year, well, because this blow, which we experienced on december 29, 2023, its can be compared with only one, as russia... attacked ukraine on february 24, 2022, this is exactly how the intensity of the strikes was, it turns out , it seems to me that in principle ours and our people who are working there now in the west should understand that it is necessary to orientate, apparently, our western partners, that here are 100 missiles - this is already something that our air defense should count on, and accordingly , we should talk about this, about these capabilities of our air defense, no... but i would just like to add just one moment, with your permission, here, poland comes out against such a background, it would seem that she managed to invest a lot air defense money, well, against the background
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of the fact that a missile flew at it there and flew away, well, there are analysts, you know, found a thousand and one reasons why they could not shoot it down, sorry, the translation from the expert’s office is not correct there, you know, in our country quotes, yes, yes, i agree, this is an absolutely unexplained fact, why she was able to fly out of there at all, ivan and... this is the question, well, when we talk about the capabilities of defense against missile strikes, well, it is clear there the capabilities of air defense - this is one thing, but in principle everything also rests on the fact that the ability to reach the places from where all this is flying at us, and here there are certain problems, as far as i understand, not only in the fact that the west would not want to give us something there, as far as i understand, they have the very capability of such long-range weapons. .. well, weapons that could deliver 1000 km there and so on, well , they are limited to a certain extent, perhaps we should focus our production on this? absolutely, you
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say absolutely everything correctly and rationally, i would even start with such a question, how much have we talked about the production of a copy of shahed, and why not they talked about the production of a copy of the 241 strij, well , a good aircraft was made at the kharkiv aviation plant, the russians bit their elbows. that they cannot repeat it, although they wanted 2000 to 2010s. a good thing that you can screw in a 150-kilogram bomb and repeat those beautiful strikes there on shaykovka, this engels one was an effective weapon, for some reason they did not repeat that as far as western capabilities are concerned, then here we must outline such a paradox, for some reason they forced us surrender nuclear weapons, your long-range conventional weapons, well, where are the missiles under ordinary warheads, they cut, but nuclear weapons to transform the same... nuclear ash they left for some reason, well , for example, the americans have long-range stealth missiles and gms68 with nuclear equipment, even the russians are training them there, what is it, if
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something like this immediately flies to moscow, bomb them with a nuclear bomb, well , for some reason they sawed off the usual version of this missile, as much as you can say, sell us tomahawks, but if the americans themselves do not have tomahawks for ground-based basing, well, that’s just the way it is will shake up the air in social networks, about how great britain and france got rid of, let's call it... arsenals of conventional long-range weapons in the 90s, you can also talk long and bitterly there, unfortunately, they did it. germany taurus, well, it's okay, they have taurus, the long-range one hits 500 km, well, it won't reach england, it won't reach shaykovka either. well, that is, it turns out that now the task this year is to restore this production, well, i don't see any other way, well, and probably, at one time, zaluzhny wrote about it, actually. we have literally one now just a minute, i want to ask you, now there is a un meeting regarding north korean missiles, how dangerous are these north korean missiles, actually for us,
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just a minute. mass production, because they are clearly simpler than the russian ones, they are possible, as i understand it, the russians even want them to outsource the kimskanders to them instead of these, because there is a nuance, the russians have somewhere at least 200 ballistic iskanders, this looks like a lot, but they can remember that in 2022 they shot down about a thousand iskanders in a year, and they clearly want to go to repetition of this result by north korean iranian ballistic missiles, well, once again, north korean missiles are dangerous in their own way. 690 km, that is, we can say that north korea makes russian missiles better than russia itself, another danger, of course , thank you, now we have to go on a break, thanks to ivan kyrychevsky, well, after the break, we will talk about the situation on the battlefield , about the situation on the front line, wait, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live.
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radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point snake the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. conclusions in...
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yes, we continue the chronicles of the war. we were joined by oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. i congratulate you, mr. oleksii. good day. we have already talked with the previous guest, ivan kyryachevsky, about missile attacks. literally one question for you to end this conversation. well, it is clear that the goals of russian missile strikes have changed. they are now
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more focused on destruction. of our military capabilities, primarily at some military industries or around military industries, do you see it as something that has already become a trend, or do you assess it in a different way, and how can we see it if we do not we want to talk about it so very loudly, but you know, you can't say it on the air, but everyone is great know that our objects were attacked, which are related to the military. and this hit was quite successful, they managed to do a lot, well, they managed to damage something, and the question arises, how did this happen and how could they know so well about what and where it is in us, to make just such targeted attacks actions, well, you can talk a lot about it here, but there are several options why this happened, well, by
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and large, there are only two of them, it’s either... works, let’s say, moles, or it’s not a very successful placement in the public domain certain data about our enterprise, well , you know, i will also assume that in fact such a public public company in relation to the fact that the russians produce something like that, our economy did not switch to military rails, was not accidental, and as a result it was shown simply that ... it shouldn't have been shown, and it's probably better next time to just talk less about ukrainian military production in public in general, but with good ones with a good purpose with a bad one with any one just has to understand that we are too expressive and that's all, well, that's if in short, you can say that it is not necessary to give the coordinates in the open access, not just the names of the companies, but also their coordinators in the open access, then it is possible.


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