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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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by and large, there are only two of them, this is either the work of, let’s say, moles, or this is not a very successful placement of certain data about our company in the public domain, well , you know, i will also assume that in fact this is such a public company in relation to the fact that the russians are producing, something like that, our economy did not switch to military rails was no accident and... as a result , what was shown was simply what should not have been shown, and it is better, perhaps, for the next time, just to talk less about the ukrainian military production is public, in general, that is, with good, with a good purpose, with bad, with any, you just have to understand that we are too sensitive, that's all, well, that's it, in short, you can say, you just don't have to give coordinates in the open access, not just names of enterprises, but also their coordinates in public access, then maybe. rockets
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, well, all that, well, yes, well, well, well, let's move on to the front line itself, and start right there further north, we know that commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi together with the chief of the general staff shaptala, with the minister, our troops actually arrived in the area , which, well, let's say this , are defending the direction of kupyansk, and here, well, from your point of view, it is connected with some special situation there, or is it a more routine story, so that on the other hand, we know that in principle , offensive actions there seem to have slowed down a bit, for a certain time, they are waiting for the solid ground to freeze at least 30 cm large, then you can carry out offensive actions using heavy equipment , now they can't do that, because there you can get bogged down in, well, it's not mud, but the soil is not yet hard, they... do it according
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to their calendar for the christian frosts, that is, somewhere in the second or third decade of january and somewhere in the first or second decade of february, that is exactly four weeks, when, well, usually according to natural conditions, according to weather conditions it is the most frosty, and then the ground freezes and you can take offensive actions, are they capable of doing it, they are capable, they have enough strength and resources there, they already know a lot. people, even the numbers that are there, how many tanks, how many things are there, in order not to repeat ourselves, this is a powerful grouping, it, they can take offensive actions, besides, there are relatively fresh forces there, they conducted rotaks, well, several months ago, but nevertheless they conducted, well, they are ready and will try to do it, i think that one for the reasons why our military leadership came there. the chief
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of staff, the commander-in-chief, the minister of defense, well , first of all, to see with his own eyes, well, it is mainly for the military, not so much for the minister, what is happening there, but for the minister , just to see how much provided and what exactly is lacking, to take a pencil, as they say, what is lacking in that direction in order to somehow speed up the logistics delivery there, well , you know, it is difficult to follow each unit, but when you come in person, it is possible. .. to speed up, because this is a place where powerful offensive actions are expected, it is necessary, well, if not in the first place, then at least not in the last place, to supply everything that is necessary on the battlefield. well, a guest, andriy babyche, a military man, joined us from another hot direction the 93rd brigade of the kholodny yar, this is exactly that brigade, i congratulate you, andriy, this is your brigade, for which we are also gathering for a drone, and i remind you once again to join this gathering of ours, that's it. .. to mr.
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andriy, of course, the questions are current , that is, in essence, now, if you look north from bakhmut, well, the russian troops absolutely clearly intend to attack in the direction of the temporal ravine, and well, they have certain successes, and can we say that already right now, the battles for hryhorivka are practically going on, mr. andrii, as you say, or? we have a guest, well, understand that the enemy is advancing not only from the northern side of bakhmut, but also from the southern, and he is very densely pressing precisely along the entire front line, the battles for hryhorivka are still going on, it is wrong to say that they are sheltering hryhorivka, they don’t have such advances there, you can say at all, they had advances on... bohdanovka, but
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now they have been on bohdanovka itself for a week, they can’t go any further, because we stopped their advance, stabilized the situation, and the people of bohdan can no longer advance further, if they are further south from bohdanivkas, we have a road that goes from chrome during the fiar, so they went very hard last week precisely during the fiar, and that week they were successful, but we also stabilized the situation, the enemy does not pass any further, we have to the south of this route we have ivanivskoe e.e., near ivanivskoe they have been standing close to the settlement itself for a long time, but they cannot enter the settlement itself in any way, because our artillery and infantry are covering them very tightly, but they are
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expanding the line there is already a small wedge of the front near ivanivskyi, which they from khromo to ivanivske , they passed about 200 meters in two days, but they can’t advance any further now, the fierce battles themselves are in the klishchiiv direction, i want to say right away that this is kurdyumivka-andriivka, there is no enemy advance there at all , they are keeping him there, there is no enemy advance south of klishchiivka either, but from the north. sides of the tick, the enemy is very strong, the past three days, he has an advance, he crossed the railway track, he has already reached the first streets of the tick itself, then in three days, when there were frosts, snow, when very
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it was difficult to observe from quadcopters, to work with kamikaze drones, the enemy is taking advantage of this bad weather and is still going, but although... i want to say that the section controlled by the 93rd brigade, during all this time, the enemy did not pass a single meter, i can to even tell, just yesterday morning they had such a dense attack, and their attacks always start somewhere at 12:00 at night, the second attack at 4-5 in the morning, then at 4:00 in the morning they started their attack approximately. they have 40 infantrymen and two armored personnel carriers left, then our artillery of the 93rd brigade fired a flurry of more than five 50 projectiles flew right into this pile, those who
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remained alive, they all ran away, even left behind whole bekhys, they climbed out of the body and ran away, that's how we every day... every day we shoot down these attacks and don't let the enemy pass exactly in the klichyiv direction , that which is controlled by the 93rd brigade. and tell me, mr. andriy, you already said a little bit that the change in weather there now, well, in principle, hindered working with drones, and this caused the russians to take advantage of it, but others, what are the weather conditions there now, like affect, well, there is an increase in their ability to attack the equipment there, or a decrease, well, how would you like it? we were afraid, due to the fact that we had severe frosts, we had -21 in the morning the day before yesterday, so everything here froze, the ground was frozen, and a month ago the enemy did not use heavy equipment in this direction at all, now we will
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to show her pictures from drones, how the field is strewn with tanks, tanks, broken ones, then they appeared. and they began to use it, but not a single vehicle entering this direction, it does not enter completely from the target, then they are simply given a one-way ticket , well, that's nice to hear, mr. oleksiy, look, well , now we are probably observing in this area what we could have observed even last year, if there was not such a fierce defense of bakhmut, because well, they are practically along... those lines that are already behind bakhmut leading an offensive at the time of the yar, here, of course, the question is 5 km somewhere to the temporary ravine, well, it sounds so threatening, but we, on the other hand , had at least a year to defend ourselves , which may
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be forecasts in this direction and in these opportunities for the russians to go there, let's go... first, mr. oleksiy will say a few words on this question, and then i would also like to hear from mr. andrii, i don't know how powerful the fortifications are built there, because i'm there... i was there for a couple of years, so it’s hard to say, but as for official sources, they say that everything seems to be well built, that i’ve been fortified for a while, well, it’s better to ask my brother, because he ’s the one, he saw it with his own eyes. eyes, and i can only say something, well, what is there from several years ago, i think it does not have meaning, from the official ones, which are certain, you know, very carefully, to put it mildly , one must treat them very carefully, at least not
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because someone is lying, but because there is also the fog of war, one cannot to tell very true information, it can help the enemy, so i think that the brothers will also be careful to tell about what is happening there and how, but it is still better to ask a person who is obviously, obviously this, well actually she saw it with her eyes and understands it, well, we will ask mr. andrii, actually, about this, because well yes, we delayed it for a year , i think, well, now we have it, well, what can i say, the defense is really standing firm by the time, it was dug up a year ago, and dugouts and trenches, and the places where the artillery will be located and everything, everything is there, everything is present, because we were preparing that in... after bakhmut, he would immediately go in a wave and at the time of fiar,
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but we held him there and he did not go, but if we do not have enough shells, enough fpv drones, enough infantry, you can say that the enemy can pass very quickly, and sometimes it will not end in a ravine, then you need a lot to... pay attention specifically to supplies, supplies of weapons, because if we collect the military ourselves , we collect for fpodrons, here is the collection for 200 fividrons, the ones that fly 16-20 km long-range, and when i talk to the manufacturer of these drones and i ask, does the ministry of defense order from you, yes it does, and what about the drones that fly at night with thermals. and so on, yes, he says, we have such drones, in
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sufficient quantity, they are expensive, they are 200 dollars each, but when they issue an invoice to the ministry of defense, they look at this figure and say, oh, it is so expensive, then i not i know that it is expensive, one fpv or 10 of our soldiers, the lives of our soldiers who protect, are standing here in the cold, frost, in the trenches and... and are waiting for the beplashnik units, they will shoot down the attack, so that there is no direct shooting battle, i believe that it is very important to ensure that there are as many purchases as possible from the ministry of defense and other services of such important things, because it is the fp drones that bring down the attack very closely, the artillery does not always hit, but the kamikaze drones do their job and... .that's how they bring our victory closer and preserve life to our soldiers, and that is exactly why
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we are gathering and calling once again our viewers, who help a lot, in fact, who help the army a lot and always join our gatherings, i remind you once again about this gathering of ours, which is just for 93rd brigade just for these drones, join in, you see, it is very necessary, and once again our guest confirmed it. thank you very much to andriy babichev for joining us, and we will continue our conversation with oleksiy hetman a little more, and you probably know that we will look a little at such a little to the south, further south, namely this week , there was also such an attack, already aimed in all probability at the woogerdar near novomykhaivka, it was an attempt to attack. with this technique, the ukrainian troops fired quite well near
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novomykhaivka there and even repelled the russian offensive, but what is interesting here is the extent to which this attack is some kind of distraction, an attempt, or after all, it can be considered as a separate direction, which is another direction of attack by the russians, which they will be now... in this winter period try to advance, what can mr. oleksiy tell us about this? the fact is that you have to look, some forces are concentrated in them, well, they pulled additional forces there. in the same matter , new forces appeared there, old ones were there, there was, well , look, there were by and large on this front there were two very powerful groups, the kupin-limansk and the uglodarsk, that is , they were there, well, at least for a while , well six months ago, well overwhelming or not overwhelming, a large number, there are more than 100 thousand russian servicemen, that is why these directions were
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a priority, but starting from bakhmut, they already had a plan to break through bokhmut and then move. to the north to the kubyan-limansky grouping and to the south to the ughledar grouping, thus making two rings, sharpening our troops, well there blah blah blah, everything they planned, that is why we do not use this conditional front from the north and from the south such a concept as the front, there is the first, the second front, well, this, although many already call it the eastern front, so if from kupinsk to ugled to be considered the eastern front, it was not reinforced any more. or from the rooster from the flank, that is why they had planned to attack ughledar before, there it was an unsuccessful attempt, because ughledar is at full height and there they burned a large amount of equipment, now they are trying from the north of ughledar, from the south from maryanka, they are trying to advance so that howl, well, as they say, from the side, to somehow capture the carbon, it is a very important city, it is logistical, new
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opportunities for them, and it is a commanding height, with which you can conduct observation and artillery fire. more successfully than from the lowlands, so whether they will attack there, of course, they will be everywhere, well, along the entire front line, 100 km of the front line, they will not be able to carry out offensive actions of the same power along the entire line, but somewhere or other, well it will be the kupyan direction, the nodal direction to kupyan, it will be the direction for the time being and well, i understand that they want to go to kostyantynivka, then of course it will be avdiyivka, there they will try to refine, then it will be maryanka, from maryanka on south to... to uglidar and the uglidar direction is along this front line, these will be the main directions where they will be, they will try to take offensive actions. that you will succeed, that you will not succeed, well, this is a separate question, it was not for nothing that our military leadership was in the north of this front, that is, in the kupinsky direction, and there , as it was announced, there will be certain surprises for the russians that are unpleasant for them, well, maybe that is why
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they came commander, chief of staff and minister of defense, well, let's wait for good news, well... and on the other hand, the arrival of the senior management to directly the unit that conducts combat operations, it still adds confidence to people, well, to say so somehow inspires there, well, this is already a common phrase, but it gives people confidence and especially you can directly ask questions, i think that there were meetings with soldiers, with middle-ranking officers, you can ask a direct question in the same place, well, without censorship. to get direct answers, well , actually, these are the four directions, well, let me also mention about avdiivsk, our troops there, by the way, managed to counterattack and move a little closer to the steppe russians, and they finally burned santsepok, the first this year near avdiivka, by the way, there were about 20 of them in total over the past two years, they seem to be sleeping and you see
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, the year started with the burning of fresh sentsepok, so no not like that there the situation is already good for the russians, and thank you, oleksii hetman, our time is running out, so thank you, and actually continue, stay with us, we will have news later, and we will meet with you, events, events that are happening just now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, this is a big ether on the espressu tv channel, my name is vasyl zema and i, colleagues, for the next hour and 42 minutes, we will talk with you about the most important thing is to ask the guests about what really... matters, we start with the announcement of the collection. we have an ambitious goal of collecting uah 5 million for our defenders. what exactly are these funds needed for? therefore, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of kamikaze drones for the heroic and legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. let me remind you that these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since the 14th year on the hottest fronts, including the battle for the donetsk resort, ilovaisk, the battles for sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, soledar and bakhmut in donetsk oblast. now defenders need kamikaze drones. in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, as well as
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the equipment and manpower of the enemy, in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let us strengthen the wings of our army and clip the wings of our enemies and invaders. now i will add our guest to the conversation, we will talk about the situation in... which has been suffering a lot in the last few days, well , in general, but in the last few days, very suffers greatly from enemy attacks , and we will discuss the consequences of enemy aggression and other issues with oleksandra gavrylko, head of the communication department of the main office of the national police of donetsk region. ms. oleksandra, i congratulate you, i congratulate you too, i am glad to see and hear, well , i read in the reports that 13 fire attacks took place in the region during the day, unfortunately, one person died. i read this a few hours ago, maybe something has changed, please elaborate on this information about the consequences of enemy attacks, well if is it possible to localize it where it can be said , please, yes indeed, in the past day there were
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13 shellings in donetsk region, there was one person who died, as always in our pokrovsk community , how is it suffering in recent days, it is also the turkish community, and how are we.. . we see that a lot of the civilian population is currently suffering from shelling, i want to give you the numbers, since the beginning of the year, and this is for 10 days on the 11th, today the 11th, we have recorded more than 160 shellings, in which more than 30 people were injured and died 19 people, these are very large numbers, we we have only lived 11 days of the new year, we already have such terrible numbers where the civilian
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population is dying, so i urge, as i always urge people, to think about staying in donetsk, about children staying in donetsk, and think about... to leave temporarily, until the aggravation situation? i also want to ask about the attack on mirnograd, what happened there, what were the consequences of the enemy attack, it was early morning , as far as i understand, there was an arrival, please, it happened at night, there were two arrivals, there were no casualties, so there only... the nation of houses, well , please tell me, overcoming the consequences of the terrible, powerful attack that took place on the city
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of pokrovsk, the situation there as of now, yes, the situation as of now, well, we have already spoken, you know what is there 11 dead people, 10 injured, there are also children, now we... the police are engaged in identification of the bodies of the dead, we have a very strong work now, the crime laboratory, forensic scientists who investigate directly on andy's device, these are mobile devices that investigate fragments human bodies, we already... we already reported that we removed from the scene with the help of the emergency services, police and rescue teams, we
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removed approx. well, the 100 fragments that we are currently investigating is a very large front of work for forensic scientists, because in a day it is not possible to chase away very many fragments, for example, for today, we conducted a review through this device and only, well, a little more than 10 fragments, and that's it.. . today our number remains the same, we have identified seven people among the 11, it is so scary hear when people are being collected piece by piece , trying to understand who it is, unfortunately, the terrible consequences of the enemy's terrorist activities, but there are cities where the war actually lives, well, it lives there, this is avdiyivka, and people continue to live there, fortunately, living people, and i really wanted them to be alive, 1,100 people remain in avdiivka, how to explain it, how
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to comment on it? is it possible to talk to people, i understand that avdiivka is not a place where you can hold coworking spaces, yes, they are expanded, it is very difficult there, but is it possible to talk to these people, what is the motivation now, why don't they go, yes indeed, 100 people, and we would really like that number to be less, we are doing everything possible to make it less, but there are people left, pensioners left, a lot of... grandparents who don't want to leave somewhere, and they are already tired of these shellings from the war, they even, you know, not to say that they are scared, but to say that they are just tired, and they say, as one all, if you listen, then we will stay here and we will die here, that's what old people
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say, but... here we are even today posted videos from our gou about the cameras, the guys are our white angels who are constantly driving , and the relatives of these people who live in peaceful areas, relatively peaceful, they call us all the time and seriously ask us to do something to get their relatives out, because they do not hear , they are even... er nomadic people, they don’t even want to, they don’t listen to their relatives, sons, daughters, and all these, all these relatives call us and ask us to do something, for example, the last time two grandmothers in there were us, they did everything they could, persuaded, convinced, one the grandmother has been taken away, the other one has not yet, but...
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the boys will go again, because their houses have already been destroyed there, it is very difficult to do this and experience it, we ourselves are experiencing all these emotions of all these people, eh- er, because there , as you already said, there is a war, it is in the air, it is everywhere, and it has been going on for a very long time, well, if we still have time, i will ask one question, by the way, just yesterday i was watching a journalist's material, who just walked around the avda, well, how can you say that conditionally. walked, there are constant explosions, some debris is flying somewhere house, well, that is, it’s hard to call it some kind of life, it’s not life, but the humanitarian situation in the frontline areas, i mean exactly how people keep warm, survive, food , humanitarian aid, because here please, yes, people exactly, as you said, they warm themselves and survive, now it is so cold, everything
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is different in each settlement near the front, but they are united... the fact that we have a humanitarian truck delivered to each settlement, water is delivered, and to avdiivka including water and food products, and they even carry blankets, that is, everything we can, we deliver in our cars, what is it, what can we threaten, but it is really very difficult for people to live now, well, i do not know, i will ask, maybe you have information, i am reading about the fact that in occupied mariupol , the zamas came unexpectedly for the occupation authorities, and they are heating the houses. yes, they drive these mobile boiler houses and somehow, i don’t know how it is done, but in general, is there any information about how people live there in, well, mariupol, maybe some other populated areas the points are occupied, we can also see in the mass media what the people themselves are saying, there is also an analysis, monitoring, of course, of how people live there, but...


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