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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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everything is different, but they are united by the fact that we have a humanitarian truck delivered to each settlement, water is delivered, including water, food, and even blankets are delivered to avdiivka, that is , everything we can , we deliver in our cars, what is it, we can threaten, but it is really very difficult for people to live now, well, i don't know, i will ask, maybe you have information, i read that in occupied mariupol, there is no zama for the occupation authorities came unexpectedly, and they heat houses so that they carry these mobile boiler houses and somehow, i don't know how it's done, but in general , is there any information about how people live in mariupol, maybe some other settlements are occupied, we can see the same in the mass media, what the people themselves tell us, is also conducted, of course, analysis , monitoring, how people live there, but in...
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to say, well, it is correct to receive information without checking it, well, you understand, well, i thank you very much for your work, first of all yours , and thank you for joining and commenting on oleksandr gavrylko, the head of the communication department of the main administration of the national police of donetsk region, and you know, i just now mentioned in a conversation with mrs. oleksandra about the provdeivka, this is the material of a ukrainian journalist, i just don't want to spoil it now, well, i got it. on youtube, i looked, a walk in avdiivka. in fact, this is a terrible story, i think that all of you are following, watching, who is interested in this and who wants to see what is happening, our colleague, a military journalist and tv presenter of the espres tv channel, who is now, by the way, at the front, he once visited avdiivka and made materials there, already there, well, it was last year, and then it was difficult, now it is much more difficult, that's why i condemn it. people
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who say that we live here and want to die here, it is not possible, this is probably a human choice, on the other hand, children, well, obviously they should be taken out and saved, especially since there are enough places in ukraine where people can live , to work and feel relatively safe, because in principle, there is probably no such point, such an area in ukraine, where it has not been flown in almost two years of this war, but this is very much again well, the situation is not easy, you know, before we add the next guest, we will talk with the next guest about the crooked corner, the thief... hey, let's not talk, they tell me, yes, in this city in the dnipropetrovsk region, there now serious problems, there were quite a few attacks, quite significant ones, both with missiles and warheads, and with aeroballistic missiles, which are very difficult to shoot down, the enemy is now actually using aeroballistic missiles, those that are produced in the dprk, what happened in kharkiv oblast, and x -22, those that he used at various points in ukraine, this is what you remember, the house in the dnipro, this and...
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kremenchuk trade center, this is actually kryvyi rih, i will be wrong now, but in my opinion we are talking about exactly this rocket, which is very it is difficult to shoot down, in my opinion, it was not shot down at all during the entire period of the war, because there are certain peculiarities, it is not, again , to shoot down a fly on the fly with a soldier , it is much more difficult, much more difficult, and we must always remember that all those missiles that go down are not just the advantages of western air defense systems like nasams, iriste, patriot, tzampti, and this is also the great skill of our specialists. who bring it all down, and it flies to kryvyi rih, and the problem there now is that heating, electricity, heating, and water supply, there are serious problems with this, but what i heard today is what the representatives of the city authorities say and the district military administration, the city -village administration, that the situation is now being tried to be corrected, but i will just say for the last time, look, rockets are flying at us, the enemy is hitting with shahedes, and is causing havoc substations, utility companies
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, infrastructure, profile, and yet our experts are restoring it, and there is a maximum of 24 hours, somewhere and people still receive, look at russia, i don’t know what the hell is going on there, fountains are beating in the middle cities, people without light, without heat, without water, and putin sits, says, i give the order to restore, as if you, you know, said, ingodium lavios and it was restored, it's just about the level of our specialists and our people who care, on they don't care about russia, well, another 100 russians will freeze there difference. there is no difference, for us there is a difference, that's why we talk about it. now i'm bringing serhii zgurets, director of the defense agency, the host of the military summaries of the day column, into the conversation. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about how the belarusian regiment named after kasusy kolinovsky defends ukraine as part of the armed forces. what a continuation of the statement about the production of a million drones for our defense forces and about a million shells. from
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of the european union, when they will finally be, about that in a moment. today , at a press conference in estonia, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said that ukraine needs artillery shells and pressure should be placed on western leaders who have pledged to provide them. by the way, let me remind you about 1 million shells of 155 mm caliber, which the eu countries promised to deliver to ukraine by the end of march. however, european commissioner for internal market and services thierry breteau. still believes that the eu defense industry can achieve a certain goal, even if it is there will be a delay, as he told the political publication, the delay will be only one or two months with the supply of these ammunitions, this news seems to be optimistic, but only
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time will test the truth of the words of the european official, because so far the eu countries have supplied ukraine with about 400 thousand shells as promised . at the same time, our military has said more than once that they are forced to save ammunition, the minimum need for limited parity for ukraine is, according to the estimates of experts of the british institute of russia, around 200,000 shells per month, and now this indicator is less than what is currently used by the russian federation, at the same time, according to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. our enemy, russia, in general reached production figures of 2 million ammunition per year in the large calibers of 122 and 152 mm. this was announced today by general vadym skibitskyi, deputy chief of the main intelligence department of the ministry
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of defense of ukraine. regarding the production of ammunition for ukraine, in this matter, according to the general, everything depends on our partners defense industry. european countries are building up their capabilities, but this is not happening immediately - said skibytskyi. also , deputy head gur reported that today the ground component of the russian federation, which is involved in the war against ukraine, is 462 people who are on the territory of ukraine and are conducting combat operations. another 35,000 must be added to this amount. of the national guard, which ensures the occupation regime in the rear. also , the main intelligence agency believes that at least before the election of putin in march 24, russia does not plan to intensify mobilization measures, because the current
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methods of mobilization allow the enemy to conduct rotations and form reserve units, which are introduced into ukraine as necessary, so in order to deprive the enemy of the advantage in the number of manpower, ukraine, of course, must to have the appropriate potential and artillery, and a sufficient amount of ammunition and other means of impression, in order to implement the strategy of war of attrition in active defense before creating the prerequisites for our formats of combat operations, including with preparation for counteroffensive and offensive actions. and now we know that the front line with the enemy is about 850 km long... active operations are maintained by the professionalism, strength and courage of our brigades and regiments of the armed forces of ukraine. together with them, this difficult mission is carried out by military units formed from volunteers,
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in particular from volunteers from the republic of belarus, who are also part of the armed forces as part of the kastus kalynovskyi regiment, and now a commander is joining us. regiment denis prokhorov, mr. denis, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening. your regiment was formed in march of the 22nd year from belarusian volunteers, the soldiers of the regiment take part in active actions from the very beginning of the large-scale war with the russian aggressor, and i would still like you to tell our viewers in more detail about your military unit, what battles did the soldiers of your regiment go through, because i know that the sites were all extraordinary. by them and what tasks does the regiment perform now? yes, indeed, our unit was formed two years ago, on at the very beginning, and at first it was the battles for the kyiv region, april butch, and in principle
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, our guys went on, so to speak. so to speak, the hot direction, it was the direction of bakhmut, the most difficult and the longest, probably, the direction, it was bakhmutsky where the guys from the volota battalion not only held. for defense there for about six months, if i am not mistaken, the zaporozhye region as well, the guys took part there, mykolaiv, our guys also took part in the assault actions, now it is more of a direction kharkiv region, i won't say where exactly, because i can't really reveal everything, but now i'm saying it's kharkiv region. are there any peculiarities in the training
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and equipment of your battalions in comparison with regular brigades or battalions of the armed forces of ukraine or the national guard of ukraine? we are trying, well, in principle , we have already come to the point that our educational process is organized and formed on the basis. nato of the so-called nato standards, ah, the point is that we have someone to compare ourselves to, this is also the school of the azov movement, we have experience in cooperation with instructors from the forces of special operations , who also help us, and in fact we now have our own training program, er, where everything is set up, in principle, i will say that according to... nato standards, the guys feel already in the educational process that where they
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end up, that certain qualities are already required of them, that is, it is not similar to something like, we take someone there, we can there, and we try to squeeze something out of there, we are already trying to educate the boys professionally before sending them forward send, sir, where is the equipment, i will add, in principle, the guys have the opportunity to get equipment through our volunteers, who provide us with all this, all this equipment, uh , that is, we do not have such a direct shortage, a shortage of some, i don’t know, there is a plinth carrier or some kind of equipment, and when we... talk about the recruiting model itself, on your website , on the website of the regiment, there is a list
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of specialties that the units there now need paramedics, sappers, signalmen, does this form of interaction with potential fighters really allow us to meet the need regiment in personnel, in principle yes, at the stage when everyone is already going through the educational process, they have the opportunity to choose n profession, for which they can continue to serve in combat units, but we also have our own, so to speak, wishes, whom we lacking, these are uav operators, now very much, let's put it this way. this direction is developed, so we also require certain knowledge from the boys in this direction and
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form lists of what we already need accordingly, and we also try to somehow send the boys to relevant professions on courses so that they are professional fighters, or only belarusians serve in kostoy kolinovsky's regiment? now we have a formed foreign group , the western battalion, which consists mainly of specialists, already specialist foreigners who took part in this so far in various, so to speak, armies, they already have experience, so they have a separate training program, that is, and they are in... in principle , part of the kostos klinovskyi regiment, and by the way, they have already shown themselves as professional
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professional fighters in the direction of the same in the kharkiv region, that is, in fact , the regiment will expand now, because you had two battalions, there was a volet and lytvyn battalion, and now we have another vesta group, which i also think will increase in number of personnel, yes, yes, there is a plan for this, and in principle, the guys. fill the ranks of our unit, but how to ensure the safety of families, those fighters who are now fighting in ukraine, but relatives who... remained in belarus, how do you do it? first of all, it is carried out, the minimum that should be done is to talk about what security is, what information security is, how to behave with parents, for example, communicate less, or communicate through separate additional devices
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that cannot reach hands, or some. and this is just a very safe and, unfortunately, rare communication with your in-laws. this is the minimum that we put in so that people do not disclose their personal data, we also do not take, in the first steps, in principle, we do not take any data there, so that it does not flow anywhere in principle, but oh well. it must be understood that the guys who are going here have already heard more than once of situations where the chekists are kgbeshniks, so to speak to say, uh, they don't give rest to the families of the boyars, kos kolinovsky's regiment, so they are already at the stage when they leave here, they have to close these issues and have to indicate that ah, well,
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that is, they themselves are already in a certain way.. . their brothers-in-law are being prepared for this, but how do ordinary people in belarus feel about russia's war against ukraine, because what is happening inside the belarusian people, because there is very little information about it, on the surface what belarus has transmitted there ammunition to russia, where it carried out repairs of russian equipment, there are training grounds on the territory of belarus, where the russian military is training, which are common belarusians. think about our war? in fact, the vast majority of belarusian society does not support what is happening on the part of russia, but it is necessary to understand the agenda of belarusians as well, because in fact belarus is an occupied country, it is such a hybrid occupation , which in principle few people talk about, and few people understand
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that it is like that, because in fact there is supposedly someone there, but someone... is in charge, but it is not clear who it is and how is it and in general, where is it all going, so belarusians in general feel that all this gives certain negative feedback from the actions of this lukashenko himself, because in principle the belarusian nation is beginning to be compared to lukashenko, but i want to say that far from everyone, mostly the majority of belarusians... do not support what lukashenka's government is doing, and here the question arises why no one is doing something there, the answer is that it is an occupied country that is controlled, unfortunately, lukashenka rules so harshly that for the words glory to ukraine or for a donation to the armed forces of ukraine, they can
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come home and put a person in prison for a long time. unfortunately, this is the truth. but at the same time, i would like to say that people are ready to start actions for the liberation of belarus as well, because in fact everyone understood the summons, and i think that the ukrainian side also understood the summons, that the dangerous north is not very relevant for ukraine and something will have to be done about it, well... we know that, in fact, that belarus is such a country with such a good historical experience of guerrilla warfare. ot should ukraine help the revival of such a partisan movement in belarus with such things as strikes on russian planes. do you remember the story when a russian k-50 aircraft was destroyed with the help of a drone there, which then disappeared from the territory
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of belarus. is it appropriate, or could this direction, in particular, take over... in particular, your regiment in addition to the functions it currently performs, or is it still a matter for other structures, other bodies? these are very appropriate things, in fact, but here you have to understand that people can be very self-inflicted by this to set her up and, so to speak, put herself behind bars before the time we need, definitely support ukraine. in the matter of the liberation of belarus, it will be very important for us, i have already said more than once, i will say it again, that the liberation of belarus, in our opinion, is not... it is exclusively a matter of kostos kolinovsky's regiment, it is a matter of veliky kolak, where is it, i that's how i see it, we see it that way, where there is,
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accordingly, the ukrainian side, without the help of ukraine, we actually, unfortunately, will not be able to achieve much, so yes, we hope for the help of the ukrainian side, but at the same time we understand that ukraine now... has many of its own issues that need to be resolved, and this is the slogan of our unit, that we, we liberate belarus through the liberation of ukraine. we are 100% aware of this as a unit. belarusians are also aware of this, and my message will always be such that people, er, before the right time, do not deceive themselves. and mr. this is an extreme question in our conversation, what is your forecast for the duration of the war between ukraine and the russian federation, and what
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does the format or image of the future victory look like for you personally? look, i really don't like it to talk about the war in the format of forecasts, because it is not, it is not the weather that can be... predicted, it is not a cyclone that is approaching, the war, it depends on many, many factors, and i, when it all started, i said such a phrase that it will last , in my opinion, at least 5 years, two years have already come, now we see a tendency of a little freezing of such, such and such ala the ato zone, something like that the front is already looming, but... the density and power of assault actions and losses, er, and in general and the amount of equipment and in general, the power of these actions, it
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is not at all the same as it was in the ato, so it is inappropriate, probably to compare here, but still i will say that in my opinion, from the ukrainian side, it is necessary to educate active youth already now and educate, you know, already for example... to which you don't have to travel very far, i mean, for example, not on some, i don't know, stories of the cossack movement, because not everyone in principle understands cossacks and so on, but we just have with you to remember what was basically yesterday, almost yesterday, it was 2 years ago that's why, and we have to somehow educate active youth based on these examples, that it was... it was two years ago, it was bucha, it was kyiv, it was mariupol, and it continues, and we have to put it together somehow
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the understanding in active youth that the war continues and continues permanently, unfortunately, and as long as you and i, ukraine and all those who stand in defense of ukraine, will not do it ourselves, it will not... end by itself , it must be realized, so, i think that it will last, i don't know how long, at least, probably three years, but we need, i will add once again, but we need you and i to remember this and to prepare, and to prepare active young people, this is my opinion, sir, thank you very much for including, for what you and your colleagues are doing on polyba for ukraine. for belarus, and let me remind you that it was the commander of the regiment named after kastus kolinovsky, denys prokhorov. this regiment, let me remind you, was formed in march of the 22nd year
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from belarusian volunteers , and the soldiers of the regiment take an active part in the battles for ukraine from the very beginning of this new full-scale war with the aggressor. and then we will move on to another topic, to the technological topic, because the battlefield now requires more than just supplies, which we talked about at the beginning, and of course we need drones, fp drones, everyone knows about this, we all remember that the leadership of the minister of technology and the president promised that this year the defense forces will receive at least 1 million fpv drones, how is the process going now, is there any acceleration, or are there any problems and what kind of drones are needed, because now the reality and requirements are on the battlefield, they dictate new conditions, today even what... what was yesterday is not needed, so that the enemy somehow adapts, and the enemy tries to somehow oppose our efforts, and then the question arises, how
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exactly should the ukrainian side act. and now we know that we really have about 200 companies that produce fpv drones for various purposes, mainly these are enterprises that are proactive, that assemble these drones from components that are currently purchased in china, now the question is what should create new combat units for these fp drones because usually the teams themselves military already arrange these explosive elements in positions to ensure the destruction of the enemy, there are a different number of these explosive devices of different types, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the fact that each device needs its own attention, its own preparation and so on, so that actually on the one hand there is a need to increase the number of production of drones, on the other hand, to ensure a certain unification of certain components that, on the one hand, speed up the production
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of these... semi-drones, and on the other hand , ensure their effective use, because in addition to the quantity, reliability is also important, we know various examples, in particular there i had a conversation with the military, they say that there are certain suppliers when, relatively speaking, the battery is weak, and this drone does not fly to the distance that it was previously there calculated , despite the fact that they did all the measurements of the battery capacity, it seems that everything should be ok, but, well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this drone does not justify itself, so now we will talk about it. and now we're joined by our guest, this vadym yunyk, this is the president of the association of drone manufacturers technological forces of ukraine, mr. vadym, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, so good evening, you are now in contact with various manufacturers, your association
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is, in principle, a structure that is really under... maintains contacts with various structures and companies, what is currently happening in the course of the implementation of this idea and the task of producing 1 million drones, is there any acceleration, are there any problems, what exactly is happening in this area? well, i think that lately, even since the moment we met talked to you, almost nothing has changed, that's not all, we just see. the situation that there is some kind of pause on the part of the state, maybe some changes are taking place there, where the state is trying to somehow improve its processes, but for the manufacturers, there is simply no clear understanding and clear task on the part of the state, what exactly needs to be done, so now i have a feeling some kind of pause that is idle in the state, well, actually my expectations were confirmed, because i also talked to several developers, they say that the plans have been announced, theoretically
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it is necessary to purchase now... it will be completed, but it is not known with whom to conclude contracts, who will hide the money, who will be in charge, whether the ministry of defense, or the number of figures, i think that this pause, well, in principle, it should be put, well, relatively speaking so that instead of a pause there would be some effective actions, but what do you say about what is happening now on the battlefield, because many reports that the enemy has eyes fp drones with night vision, then started.. .posts that there seem to be sample variants of machine vision , which allow the operator on the final flight path to actually rely on the capabilities of the semi-drone itself , and this allows, so to speak, to increase the efficiency of the drone despite the low quality of the same operator there, which in our direction is done in these areas, do we have night wait, are we moving in
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the direction of machine vision as well? well , we have been developing both in one and the other direction for a long time, and i know that there are a sufficient number of very successful tests, both for night drones and with artificial intelligence, yes machine vision, what do you say, the only thing is that all these directions are quite difficult to implement, and especially what concerns fp, you yourself understand that one of the tasks of vpv is to make it relatively inexpensive, all technological solutions they... they sometimes happen and significantly affect these drones, so the task here, it is so very difficult, to make it modern, if what corresponds to the front, and to make it relatively inexpensive, so that such a solution can be mass-produced, and then i will ask about simpler samples, in communication with the military sometimes heard about what they had to order.


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