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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, process analysis,
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that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. espresso.
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congratulations, the beginning of the year was so, you know, breakthrough in russia. and even apocalyptic places-events, well, there were tracks near rostov, well , the trans-siberian highway stood out there just the other day, when 14 wagons collided with the trans-baikal railway freight train derailed, and in general the movement of this train was blocked, in addition, four events happened at once in less than 11 days of the new year, the so-called broke down.
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the lastivka train is to lower novgorod, moscow, in which passengers froze and lost consciousness for 2.5 hours, the lowered conveyor belt broke under a gentle tug. uh, literally a week ago, which was like a fully imported finist electric train, five long-distance trains and an electric train were stuck in the cold for several hours in the chelyabinsk region and another swallow from nizhny novgorod did not fly to moscow, that is , it was all on the railways, well , it was not limited to that, something also exploded on the railway in tagil, and that was another story, and it was something in general that exploded were wagons that, well, even... they showed a little bit on the russian news, here are the wagons , here are the wagons that exploded, here it is all, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, a few pieces, these are the explosions
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that were, you see, vm went inside, and went further, all the way up. here she is! go crazy, that's how powerful the explosion was. but the most interesting there was a flash mob that first covered the suburbs of moscow, and then rolled across the russian federation from one end to the other. east side, we have been without heating since the very beginning of the heating season. excellent! look here, we're paying for everything, it 's not a mine, it's not a cave, it's just a porch, the fourth day without heating,
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the porch froze completely, the whole house froze, the whole house was without heating, all the batteries, heating broke. let me remind you, it was turned off on january 2, 2002, the temperature in my apartment is only 4°, for the third day we are sitting without heat and hot water, we are freezing, not the right word, we are freezing, we are not living, but existing, no one is helping us, we are freezing, freezing freezing.
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well, hundreds of thousands of residents of russia faced mass blackouts of heat and electricity due to severe cold, this happened in vladivostok, where it was completely flooded... heating line ruptured, yekaterinburg, there remained 320, 320 apartment buildings, five schools, two kindergartens , peenza, also 42 apartment buildings, and they spent the night, literally there, well under under -20, that’s krasnodar, well shorter throughout russia, karelia, a find is a completely different side. well, that is, it all happened in a circle, in a circle, and what do you know, it’s interesting in all this that it all started with the residents of such a city, which in general, near moscow, crawled outside, when on january 4
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, heat blackouts occurred in klimovsk, near moscow, that’s to the west from podulsk, there due to an accident at one of the three boiler houses that supply hot water to the houses, 200 multi-story buildings, where 150,000 people lived, froze, when the residents of klimovsk began to complain loudly, and others saw that somehow even there the government reacts to these complaints, then a flash mob with these laments rolled across russia, it has been rolling for almost the second week, and what is interesting is that, for example, they sat in the same electric steel mill without heating all winter and kept silent about it. if it weren't for the 30°c frost that 's happening in russia right now, and if it weren't for this climate itself, klimovsk. and i must say, elektrostal is 50 km from the center of moscow, 30 km from the moscow district, that is, there are no extraordinary conditions there, it is not beyond the arctic circle, and there are a bunch of such cities in russia that sit without water,
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heat, electricity, gas supply, the most comical thing in this whole story is that literally 10 days before all this, podolsk, which is nearby, which is alone. agglomeration with this klimovsk won the regional award breakthrough of the year, so, you know, the prophetic award came out, the breakthrough really happened, but what is called is a nuance. well, it probably wouldn’t be worth paying attention to all this at all, if the russians told for two years how they would freeze ukraine and europe, if they didn’t bomb, if it weren’t for propagandists, and even ordinary residents of the russian federation were not upset by the blackout after these bombings. and let's remember october 22nd . we have already disabled 30% of ukraine's energy system , we still need to disable approximately 40%, even. you don't need 100 for the reason that in the absence of power supply, everything will happen, even
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if you drive a steam locomotive, because the control system will not work either by the state or by the railways, and even if they try to start the backup power sources, they have them in such a state , as we had 10 years ago, i predict that the country will collapse, lack of electricity means lack of water, lack of refrigerators. lack of sewerage, the city of kyiv will be flooded with shit with the risk of an epidemic, the threat of an epidemic in a week after the electricity is cut off? well, the only thing is that, as he says, 10 years ago there was such a thing, well, you see, they didn’t even have to be bombed, and deputy gurulyov can now enjoy this collapse right near his own house, the so-called boomerang did fly, well, and the disaster turned out to be so... so large-scale that even the main the propagandists were forced to mention a little something about her, i'll be honest, not very much,
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much more, that day they talked about the new prime minister of france, the trained us defense minister lloyd austin, but about much closer to moskovye i had to say something on air for at least 5 minutes. due to the usual situation, an emergency situation was announced... at once in several districts, heat and electricity were cut off, without heating, without hot water , hundreds of residential buildings were left in the hospital and schools. in this connection, the head of the investigative committee, bystrykin, instructed to check all the facts of the limitation of the supply of light. inspections were carried out in solnichnogorsk, balashikha, lobna, khimki, lyubertsy, ramensky and narofominsky districts, as well as in podolsk. even in the administration there is no light. when the light they turned it off, it was 9° there, i was still watering the flowers like a fool, i thought i should turn
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on the electricity now, i came, i have ice on a saucer, what is the temperature now, at this moment the thermometer shows -3°, i have to visit guests, because here it's dangerous to sleep, everyone these mourning videos, literally dozens of videos, as you understand, had one beginning, and you can probably guess which one? dear volodymyr volodymyrovych, here the serfs are on their knees and rebelling, and they already know that they are rebelling, anyway, this is vladimir volodymyrovych, help me, well, putin took the situation in klimovsk under personal control, the result was simply magical, they decided to quickly turn on the heating, turned on, reported, but the pipes, which had already frozen, burst, and now the houses there not only freeze, they also and filled with water. but the most piquant thing was that the accident in klimovsky was also caused by
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the war and putin. the local cartridge factory, the director of the factory, fsb colonel kushnikov, is responsible for the heating. and before kushnik , the director of the plant was a bodyguard of putin named rudyka, that is, some people who were just rubbing shoulders with putin received military contracts for feeding, and you have to think that they made a good profit from them, and when they are... this activity led to an accident, then putin simply took the plant into state ownership and all expenses for overcoming the consequences of the accident this one was transferred to the state budget of the russian federation. such a beautiful story. well, the chief of the boiler house was appointed as the guilty party. and what is interesting? somewhere in there, putin's press secretary piskov came out with a comment that everything is very difficult, it takes 15 years to rebuild the heating networks. but putin has had all the power for 25 years. a quarter of a table. he did not have time to think about utility networks, i am not saying that one shelling of ukraine with missiles costs
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as much as the complete reconstruction of utility networks not only in this klimovska, but there will still be enough for electrosal, but the russians choose to sit without heat, without water and attack ukraine, so it is their choice to live in this hell. and literally 5 minutes after skabeyeva told how the moscow suburbs are freezing, the propagandists start an old song, and you know, if only they had adjusted their methods a little, it's a pity, a pity, the residents of omsk, where at this time ... turned off the lights, they will not be able to learn about the collapse of europe, just like wwii captain vladyslav shavashkevich, who froze to death in his own apartment, because in there was no light at all in the leningrad region for 10 days, the same france, the same france and germany will go to the bottom,
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they are completely rotten, they are falling, well, they have fallen, it is our job to bury them... will they tolerate it europeans, let's see how the action of german farmers will go, and there you look and the french will tighten up, italians, the winter is cold, everyone wants to eat, but when it comes down to it, you will be patient, we will tighten the belts, and we will supply weapons to ukraine, it looks strange .
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about elite restaurants specializing in dishes made of human flesh, this is what these animals have come to, and this suggests that we have no right to lose this war, because this war is a war for our existence, and not only for ours, every normal german, every a normal american, every englishman, everyone is interested in russia winning this war, well, who needs you with your sick fantasies about cannibalism and freezing. houses, you ask, but what about putin? and putin ran away from this on january 10 to chukchi. you know, but something went wrong there too. from the airport to the capital of the anadyr region, he reached by snowmobile. there is no analog series. this snowmobile, according to putin's press secretary, turned out to be like everything that russians
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try to do with their hands. complete horror. you know, if... to be honest, not really, i would contact the manufacturers, well , of course, you need to bring the car to your senses, they produce it, but our driver told us that he improved it with a file, tightened it himself and so on, the steering wheel works bad, the gearbox is bad, the engine works very well, but it turned out that the engine is imported, well, the engine is japanese, that's why he... works, well, during this trip to chukchi, putin was somewhat confused by conversations that old friends do not recognize him, i rarely, but i meet my classmates, fellow students, they often look at me and say, i don’t believe, is it you or not you , you know what the matter is, a person himself does not always
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understand how he will behave when he finds himself on... in general, there is something there, i am not me , something is not recognized, that is, something is unclear, and of course, how do you understand here as well a bunch of different people started there , some who work for russian eyes, that's all propaganda networks. writing isn't all that scary, well, you think 30° , well, it's okay, they'll survive somehow, well , that is, they say that nothing is happening at all, these are some separate, literally some, which are now being liquidated and everything will be fine, but as you can see, it was not liquidated in any way, that is, it all continues until now, and now, when we are even talking to you, it continues, and this flash mob is beautiful, and
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all these power outages, moreover, i will tell you, and the frosts continue, and they're still... supposed to be getting stronger there now, so what we are waiting for new incendiary videos about how they freeze, let's see, evaluate, well, putin, well, he talked about really important problems during this trip, let's find out. you watch these modern western-produced cartoons , everything is shooting, jumping, running, in half an hour your head will fall off from this film, how can children endure it, our soviet cartoons are of a completely different quality, you know, in view of traditional values, the question arises, what is the old ... who now officially does not have a wife and children, he watches children's cartoons, and even foreign ones, with whom he watches these cartoons, is it with small children, and whose children are these,
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why are they with putin, is this sometimes a criminal offense, and in general, where do the fighters for the traditional family look ? as for putin's gloomy state of mind, you know, you can understand him, he had a personal grief. the fact is that just a few days ago, putin's so-called gerontologist, that is , a person who is engaged in maintaining the health of old people, died. in the photo of the 17th year near of the russian dictator, there stood the scientist volodymyr khavinson, who in zma is called putin's personal gerontologist, and this khavinson in the 17th year promised putin another 20 years of active life, and generally said that people can live up to 100 years. but hevinson died the other day, he is... 77 years old, let me remind you that putin is 70, so i will tell you that not everyone will survive such a blow, and not only here you will talk about cartoons, children, so we sympathize
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with the old woman, and we will see each other again , 93 separate mechanized brigade, yar is in dire need of flow drones. for effective hitting the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova where there is a catastrophic shortage of personnel. half of the judges. there is a high probability that certain appellate judges will be suspended. but how did the judicial reform in ukraine progress last year. we have a chance to choose normal judges
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of the constitutional court. on thursday , january 11, at 5:45 p.m., watch the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. catastrophic lack of personnel, where to take. half of the judges. there is a high probability that certain appellate judges will be suspended. but how did judicial reform progress in ukraine last year? we have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court. greetings, this is court control and i am tatiana shustrova. we received the status of a candidate country for joining the eu, but on the condition of fulfilling the so-called seven steps, criteria defined by the european commission, among which anti-oligarchic reform, the fight against corruption, in the laws on national minorities and the media, and one of the key points is the implementation of judicial reform, and over the past year, ukraine has managed a lot. today we will tell you
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how far this reform has moved, but first to the news. in the appellate courts of ukraine, half of the judges are missing, 700 of the 1,350 positions are vacant. in the last 10 years , not a single judge has come there. this affects the terms of consideration of cases and their quality. there is a high probability that certain appellate courts will be suspended. yes, for now in the sumy court of appeal has only four judges. imagine, but this is both a criminal and a civil chamber. taking into account the fact that in appeal courts, cases are heard as part of a collegium, that is, by three judges. each chamber has two judges. in fact , it is impossible to create a collegium. and they involve the criminal chamber, civil, civil, criminal, that's how long they will last it, let's say, it's unknown, in this state and in this mode of operation. in
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kharkiv. only 13 judges work in the court of appeals out of 60 positions in the state. in the largest kyiv appellate court of 145 judges by state lacks 70. the higher qualification commission of judges plans to start interviews with candidates for vacant positions of judges in appellate courts in the fall of next year. the competition has already started for the occupation of 550 vacant positions of judges, more than 200 candidates are applying. the most willing to take the position in the appellate general. judges - 912, the smallest in the appellate commercial court - 183. the assembly of judges of the civil court of cassation of the supreme court was elected to the great chamber judges olga stupak and serhiy pogribny for a period of 3 years. according to the estimates of the foundation's experts, the appointed judges are dishonest. according to the conclusion of the public integrity council , the property of olga stupak's family does not correspond to income. also, the judge allegedly deliberately
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understated in the declaration. the cost of the purchased property. olha stupak assured that she purchased 10 acres of land in kyiv for 149,000 uah, and her svykrusa managed to buy a new house with an area of ​​380 m2 and 13 acres of land near kyiv for almost three times less than the market value. from the conclusion of the public council virtue in particular, unconfirmed sources of income for the acquisition by the candidate of a 380 m2 house and land. plots of 0.13 hectares under it, which are located in the village of stoyanka, kyiv-sviatoshyn district, kyiv region. according to data from real estate sites, the market value of such buildings is from uah 5 million. in the candidate's declaration , the value of the house was not indicated at all, and in her explanations she reported that the house and land were purchased for uah 1,862. the national anti-corruption bureau was investigating
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as a matter of fact declaration of false information by supreme court judge olga stupak and verified the compliance of the judge's income and assets. detectives found many violations, but the judge was lucky. the constitutional court of ukraine annulled the article for unreliable declaration. regarding serhii pogribnyi, who was elected to the position of judge of the grand chamber of the supreme court, there is also a negative conclusion of the public council of virtue. it, in particular, refers to his decision with signs of political influence on the illegal. construction on the odesa coast and about the transfer of the land of the kyiv zoo, which the judge allowed to be built in a very quick time in one sitting, 10 days after accepting the lawsuit, the judge also forbade filming in an open session, although the parties to the case did not object and thereby violated the principle of openness. last year, despite the large-scale war unleashed by russia, ukraine confidently continued its path to the european level.
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fulfilled two of the seven recommendations necessary to maintain candidate status for membership. in particular, on judicial reform in part conducting contests for judicial governance bodies. we spoke with the head of the dere foundation mykhailo jernakov and tried to sum up the results of the judicial reform in 2023. a lot was accepted, a lot was completed, i.e. those processes that started in the 21st year of the reboot of judicial governance bodies, the supreme commission of judges, the supreme council of justice were completed. that is, these two bodies were created, started working and already, thank god, show a different quality of work, at least, than the previous ones. in january last year, the updated supreme council of justice began its work, a key judicial body responsible for the integrity of the entire judicial body and the only one with the constitutional authority to dismiss judges and grant permission to bring them to justice, and currently there is a lot of work in the supreme judicial council, more than 12 are registered in the body to be
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after all, the main product of the activity of the supreme council of justice is disciplinary, well, the main function, it is probably disciplinary, is , accordingly, decisions in disciplinary cases, they still have not passed them, despite what they were given back by law, while the service of disciplinary inspectors is being created, they were given back the right to conduct disciplinary cases, to consider, there are some very strange decisions that show , after all, that... the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, and not to clean up the renewal of the judiciary. in june, after three years of non-functioning, the higher qualification commission of judges became operational, the competition for which was the largest in the entire history of the judicial system of ukraine. 19 people per seat. 16 selected through hard competition of members of the ccc are responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as


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