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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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more than 12,000 disciplinary complaints against the actions of judges were registered. the main product of the activity of the supreme council of justice is disciplinary, well, the main function, probably, it is disciplinary, it is, accordingly, decisions in disciplinary cases, they still have not adopted them, despite the fact that they have been granted by law back while the service is being created disciplinary inspectors, they were given back the right to consider disciplinary cases, there are some very strange decisions which. and still show that the supreme council of justice acts to preserve the status quo, and not for cleaning, updating the judiciary. in june, after three years of non-functioning , the higher qualification commission of judges became operational, the competition for which was the largest in the entire history of the judicial system of ukraine. 19 people for one place, 16 selected through a tough competition, members of the supreme court of justice are responsible for forming the judicial corps, transferring judges from one court to another, and so on...
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as well as ensuring their proper level, in particular through qualification evaluation. currently, vkks has two priority tasks: to complete the qualification assessment and to appoint more than 2,500 judges, the shortage of which has currently caused a real crisis and overload of judges. about 200 vacancies must now be filled by the higher qualification commission of judges in one way or another, including the selection announced for about 100 judicial positions. and this is quite, quite significant both in the appellate instance and in the first instance , and it is quite a significant opportunity both to update the system and, well, let's say this, to preserve what we had before, how the vyshchakov commission treats the assessment of certain aspects integrity, fundamental importance has, both in order to finally remove from the judicial system those judges who are not worthy to be judges, and so in order to fill it with virtuous qualified personnel.
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an important part of the judicial reform last year was the reform of the constitutional court, one of the most important judges of the country. it was in danger of being disrupted due to efforts to re -politicize the process of appointing judges. the law on changing the process of selecting judges of the constitutional court, creating an advisory group of experts and greater public involvement was accompanied by scandals, because instead of changes, the proposed draft law increasingly politicized the procedure for selecting judges. in the end. the contradictions were overcome and the law was adopted taking into account most of the positive changes, but not without a fight. we still have a chance to choose normal judges of the constitutional court, but there is no guarantee, precisely because the venice commission, well, they took a very specific approach to this process, issued six different opinions, six different decisions of their own regarding the conclusions , regarding how what should happen in
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to the constitutional court, and they almost all contradict each other, they contain factual errors, everything led to what we have now, well, far from optimal law, the text of the law, it could be and should be much stronger. nevertheless, in general , the european commission noted good progress in the introduction of competitive selection, and this is very important, because the constitutional court right now depends on... the fate of several key reforms, in particular, the further implementation of the reform of the supreme council of justice, the reform of the land market, and others. after the end of the war, the constitutional court will consider the complex issues of reintegration of the occupied territories. based on the results of a survey of member companies, the european business association concluded that the effectiveness of the judicial reform in ukraine has improved over the past 23 years, but is still in the negative plane. so for this year. for the further movement of judicial reform
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and improvement of the judicial system of ukraine , there is a lot. we need, first of all, to introduce a mechanism that will remove these unscrupulous elements from the supreme court. second, hold a competition for positions that are already vacant in the supreme court. the next task in terms of complexity, probably and in terms of priority, is new administrative courts instead of the liquidated district administrative court. the third is legal education, reform of legal education. quite a long list, that is , we need to fundamentally change the way we train our lawyers so that they already at that level understand what integrity is, and act accordingly. we hope that all this will be implemented in 2024, and we will continue to carefully monitor the progress of the judicial reforms and implementation of changes. that's all for today, you watched judicial control, i'm tatyana.
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if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week.
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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, my name is khrystyna porubiy, and today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war, one of the largest exchanges took place at the beginning of january. during the entire full-scale invasion , 230 soldiers returned home as prisoners, including 225 men and five women, and today we have the opportunity to talk with the daughter of one of the prisoners of war from the lviv region, who returned during this exchange, natalia
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danylovych. natalia, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, thank you for agreeing to talk with us today, tell us about the first emotions, about the first impressions, when you found out that the father. is coming home, you know, at first i didn't believe it, but i 'm telling you honestly, when you're sitting at work and you get a call from the headquarters, that's how they call, straight up good morning, you are greeted by the coordination headquarters for issues related to the treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today, at first i did not believe it for the first few seconds, and i immediately began to ask when it would be possible to contact him , how, where he was, of course, at first they did not tell me anything, they said that later they would give my father a phone, and that means it would be possible to communicate with him, it was... shock and joy, i didn't believe it at first, two years had passed after all, it should have been almost in march, so somehow it was even more of a shock in the first seconds, then boundless happiness, joy, that it is true , that it is true, well, in principle, in this way, when it was possible to communicate with my father, on the same day,
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i called somewhere around 1:11 in the evening, they gave me the phone, and we basically talked for a few minutes literally, because they were just on the way to the rehabilitation center and then in... chatting, what the first ones said, the first conversation, my first phrase was that i can't believe that i will hear your voice in two years, and my father says, well, you you know, i couldn't leave you, and i literally spilled a few words, that is, how do you feel, where are you, where are you being taken, and already he said that they are being taken to a rehabilitation center, it was such a literally five-minute conversation, because there was a bad connection, and so we only managed to communicate a little on the first day, you have a daughter, who grew up with her father, how did she react? tell me during this time that you were in captivity with him, how was he, how did she react to it, how, what did she ask about her grandfather? er, you know, the daughter directly, that he is in captivity, she did not know, because i did not want to injure the child, but she knew that the grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when
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she asked why he didn't call for a long time, i said that he had no chance, since he was in such a territory where there was no communication, in the first seconds, it was so funny. she talks to him, talks, then hangs up the phone and starts crying with such passionate tears, i say, why are you crying? and she says: because i am so glad that my grandfather finally called, well, that is, the child was so comforted, you know, she must have felt a little intuitively somewhere, well, after all, not for a long time i saw it, i didn't hear it for a long time, i was comforted, i was very comforted, i reacted so emotionally, tell me about your father, when he went to war, why he finally decided to join the army, my father went... to the war when the anti-war began, well, this first operation, so in 2014 , he went to serve, i think, almost immediately , he went as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back to the country and still have to
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protect, he wanted to, i was very against it, i tell you honestly, i didn't want to, because, well, anyway it is dangerous, and i was against it, but in principle i accepted it. respected his choice, and he served, but he served for about a year and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well, he was demobilized, he was at home for a short time, and signed. tract for military service for three years, that is, it was still long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when the war began, in fact he still had to serve somewhere around six months, if i am not mistaken, during this time before the full-scale invasion, some main points , where he fought, in which brigade he fought, in which battles he participated, he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade, they were in many places, they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots. i don't remember the cities so directly, but i remember that there exactly where the hostilities took place, it was
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luhansk-donetsk, the main direction where they were, they were here and there in the hot spots, because well no one named these places themselves, because it was dangerous, but they were just there all the time, because it happened that there was no communication, that is, yes, well, in they were in such rather dangerous places, father because of this extensive experience of such combat operations, he predicted some kind of such a big war that russia... this full-scale russian invasion would begin, you know, my father always said that russia would never stop there , that she had achieved, that is to predict, the thought, i think it was, maybe he did not voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably including my father, that if they had already begun to conquer the territory, then in two parts of ukraine they won't stop, so rather yes, than no, tell me how the father on... during the full-scale invasion, he did not fight so much, did not fight for so long, already in march 2022, he
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was captured, the turnout found out about it , in general, where did it happen, he was in the zaporozhye direction , they were captured precisely in the zaporozhye direction. as i found out , you know the circumstances, in general, how the battle was, what kind of battle it was, i don't know in detail , i know that when my father was captured, this particular area was captured. already since march 2, that is, they were still there for some time there, and already without, well, later, i don’t know if they were calculated somehow, or how it happened, then he got to polon, it was in the pologiv district, zaporizhzhia region, in principle, he was in the zaporizhzhia direction for the entire period , basically, uh, they started, i think, somewhere in energodar, just like the first battles, when there was, and then they were somehow transferred there to this area, how did they find out that the father was in polonia? i first went out on the people who were with him, i
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don't even remember what kind of guys they were, who said that someone somewhere had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed somewhere in the month of july, on the 22nd directly, when they called, i contacted the services of the red cross and the coordination headquarters, where i just didn't contact, i was already called from the coordination headquarters, they responded and said that... the aggressor's side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity. in fact, all spring you were in such obscurity that what were you thinking at that time, that is, there was some information about who you were with contacted? there were a lot of them, you know , from the fact that starting with the fact that they were killed, ending with being captured, ending with the fact that he was missing, that is, in part he was considered missing in general, well, i tried, but march came to me , until there was no communication with him, because it was like that at the beginning of march. somehow, somehow , there was no contact with him for the first week, and then he contacted me, i think, well, maybe there was no
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contact, and that's why he can't go out with me, when i was already told in at the end of march at the beginning of april, that he was considered officially missing, well, then i started writing various appeals, searching, collecting some kind of package of documents, sending them to various services so that somehow they would start searching, i got in touch, we even have a whole group in viber 128 , where relatives are looking for their own, and we split up in different directions, because... during that period, many people went missing in those directions, and we split up in different directions and already helped each other search, contacted volunteers, and right from there with people from zaporozhye who could they helped. during these two years, you say that in july you already officially confirmed to you that during these two years, what work was done to get polona's father out of polona, ​​with whom did they communicate, with whom, how did they work, with whom did they work, they probably worked most of all with the coordination headquarters for issues related to the conduct of the military. captives, this is one of the organizations that gave clear instructions
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on how and what to do, to be honest, well in fact i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the keel over the course of several months, that is, after a month, i called all the authorities in full, which i applied to the part, and to the gur, and to the coordination headquarters, that is, to ask if there was any work going on, i don’t remember when they told me that he was included in the lists, well ... it seems to me that it was about a year after he was taken prisoner, about plus or minus a year later, then i was already told that he was already on the lists, that is, all that remained was to wait, that is, that. .. well , you can't do anything, everything, everything that you could, you have already done everything, in this time with my father managed to communicate somehow, there were some conversations, i don’t know, maybe correspondence, only correspondence, and it’s so paper-based, you know how you used to write on paper and send it to the coordination headquarters, they directly pack it and send it to them, that is, everything happened in russian
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, you had to write in such general phrases, because otherwise you wouldn't have missed it, well, as far as my father told me, two of my three... he already got the third, maybe he was moved somewhere at this moment, so he didn't get the last one, that is, that is how it was received, i do not know how this correspondence was established , but it was received like this, and it came from my father, and from my father, then it came from him first, and there were already clearly indicated instructions on how you can answer him, and without, and i already wrote to him and sent it to kyiv by new mail, and they are already there, well, there through the red cross, i understand that they sent these letters that my father wrote in a letter? so that in the end they allowed the russians to publish these general phrases, everything is fine, alive and well, i miss you, how you, that is, nothing extra, only such fra, each time, simply in different paraphrasing, and that's all, well, they answered that we were the same too, if even something was written, then it was so general, then everything was fine with us, it was told about family, well, nothing extra,
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there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is , only my name, his name and that's all. when there was hope for an exchange, you say, a year later, after polon got caught, got on the lists for exchange, and when there was really hope that the father could really be exchanged, the last few months, i already so on all social networks, everywhere, where possible , even the president himself said that they are preparing a big exchange, but there is no way they can solve all these formalities with the other side, i already hoped so in principle, i think, well, the arab.. . because the person who was in captivity with him, the three of them were caught together, then they were released last year, and i already think so, but i don’t know about him, under what circumstances they didn’t sit together, and i already think to myself i hoped so, i think, but suddenly, if some big exchange is really being prepared, because so it was announced that there should be about 300 people, so i was already hoping that maybe the father would finally be exchanged, because you
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were told something from the coordination center that maybe the fathers were only your guesses, these were my personal guesses, that is, some ... there is hope that my father will be at home, it was all so secret, that's why i was so, you know, in a state of shock, the first few seconds, because i didn't understand whether it was true or not, my relatives didn't believe it at all , says and well, until we hear on the phone, we don't believe what it is true, but these are purely my personal guesses, since some kind of work has been done for a long, long time, it was hoped that it would finally bear some fruit, how is my father feeling now, have they already talked about any plans, yes, what do you plan to do next? nothing, you know, he feels fine, while he said he wanted to rest, and then, of course, he needs to undergo another examination, to check his health, but in principle , he is fine, i will tell you that i talked to him, i i personally told him this myself, i have the impression that you are not with me i came back after two years of captivity, rested somewhere in a resort and was a little tired, well, that is , the voice is tired, of course, that at first
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it adapts a little, but well, in my opinion, well, of all the options, even the best one turned out great. basically feel great when can see you? well, the father says that they should be treated there for about a month plus or minus, if he doesn't go to the part, then he should come home, that is , they should be kept there for about a month, thank you natalya, that you were with us today, i i would like to remind our viewers that today we spoke with the daughter of one of the released prisoners of war, vasyl danylovych, natalia danylovych, i hope not soon... all our soldiers will be at home and we are waiting for them home, thank you for being here today with us, stay with espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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there are 15% discounts on aquamaris in pharmacies travel to you and save. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is. vasyl zzemai, let's start. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy
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zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in ulyu's company. thank you very much to lina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in espresso dinners.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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les me hoje.
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we are looking for a 16-year-old. anastasia pokhiluk from donetsk region. official information about the girl's disappearance came in the summer of 2023, but it is quite possible that the connection with nastya was broken much earlier, and this is not surprising, because the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where it has been too tense for more than a year in a row situation. if suddenly someone knows about the possible whereabouts of anastasia pokhylyuk, or someone has seen the girl before and knows something about her fate, call us immediately . the line of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls are free. if there is no connection and it is not possible to call, write to the chat-boot of the
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child tracing service. in a telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 2,000 appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of the children have already been found, but still fate many remain unknown. this especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave, and there are problems with communication. anyone can help find missing children. take a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. i also want to remind you that the search for 17-year-old nadia shishkina is still ongoing. the girl disappeared on the first day a day of full-scale war. and imagine, for all this time there was no news about her. i
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know that when everything... it started the child was in the kherson region in the city of nova kakhovka, which is still occupied. maybe that's why nadiya doesn't get in touch. therefore, i am asking everyone who sees me to look carefully at the photo of the girl. remember this face, if suddenly someone sees nadia shishkina, or someone already knows where she may be now, do not delay and call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from... any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. take a look at the photo: this is 12-year-old svyatoslav volchasty from the heniche district of the kherson region. this territory was occupied almost in the first days of the full-scale invasion, but communication with svyatoslav was cut off on february 23rd, and since then nothing is known about the fate of the child. i really hope that
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thanks to your concern. the boy will be found. look at the photo and try to remember his face. sviatoslav looks for his 12 years. he is of medium build and has blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen sviatoslav volchasty or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not hesitate and dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service from any mobile operator. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot... chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and i would like to ask for a moment of your attention: this is 16-year-old kostiantyn cherovov, who also disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war. the guy also lived in the kherson region, in the kakhov district in the city of tavriysk, and imagine that there was no news about him from february 24, 2022, but i hope that
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konstantin... everything is fine and i really hope that with your help the child will be found. pay attention to the boy's photo. he looks 15-17 years old. he has dark blond hair and gray-green eyes. if suddenly someone has seen kostya or knows where he might be now? do not delay and call us immediately on the magnolia children's helpline at the short number 11630. calls from of any ukrainian mobile operator are free. your. any information. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
7:00 am
greetings, it's news time on spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. secret weapon for the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian allies handed over long-range weapons to our military, which we cannot talk about yet president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said during a press conference with representatives of the baltic states. with its help, our defenders destroyed 26 enemy helicopters and 12 airplanes per day. the president did not announce the date of the successful attack by the armed forces.


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