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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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strong ice sticking of this very wet ice on the wet wet snow, then rain, then summer again, on the wires, and uh, that's why there were breaks on the line, and the substations burned down, because they were small, because they couldn't withstand the tension, therefore... well, of course , where the light is coming back in some places , repairs are being made somewhere, where, of course, the situation is more complicated, work is still being done, local authorities are reporting that work is being done, and people are being given light a little at a time, but of course, in such cold weather, it is very difficult to do, to work, and to live, you know the actual scandal with... the family of lviv
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businessmen grynkevich, who are suspected of having received a lot of contracts for the army, and not fulfilling all of them, is gaining momentum or not, and also in the actual excess of those funds, and you can see on this pictures, this is roman hrynkevich in a skinny yellow suit by the hand, greetings, with whom, tell me, this is the head of the dnipropetrovsk ovas sergey lysak, yes... what kind of business do you think they might have, and you know, i also thought, what yuriy nikolov, a famous investigative journalist, who you actually remember, writes about it all those eggs for 17 hryvnias, it was from him that the first investigation into the embezzlement of the defense company began, and he believes that the hrynkevichs have become so-so, such scapegoats, who are simply drained in order to make a ritual sacrifice, so as not to move their own, others of all, that is, it is probably the least of them.
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of all those who steal money, in the opinion of nicolo on the defense team, i also mentioned the keys in this, by the way, and what about the scandal, with the billion-dollar tenders that went through the fitness trainer, the former head of uva dniprovska, what is there, how? well there is an ongoing investigation, ugh, everything, and everything, you know, there is, there is this, there are our colleagues from the investigation of information, and this is just such an investigation without information. well, yes, yes, that’s it, everything is classified, closed cases , er, someone there, after a while, asks something, but there is an examination, the examination also has its own deadlines, and the investigation is ongoing, no one is wrong, so that the briefings is it possible to open information, from time to time the mass media write that... as for this, the investigation is ongoing, the official
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position is, let's say, this is exactly about what you have with the mobilization, how is it going mobilization, just in a crooked corner, there it turns out, they will sprinkle the roads with some kind of salt, which is terribly expensive, i don't know, it will be delivered by bullocks, himalayan salt, chumat salt, it's just that they allocated it. well, i don’t believe it, it’s something wrong, it’s salt , it’s the grain of the earth, so to speak, i understand, in principle, i don’t really understand why in principle i still use the target, because it’s very, let’s say, not great, both for the cars and for the earth, er, then when it goes down. together
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with the snow, it ee into the ground from the ground it is salted, and in principle, in the cities too, not much grows, er, we see the european practice when er, well, it is probably very difficult for us to understand, but they use very small pebbles, and then they collect them, they are stored, put together , they... are stored in special warehouses and then the same pebbles are also used, or even ordinary sand is used for this, we know about it there, of course, yes, sand, sand, it just gives dust, when eh when it snows, and this sand collects near the curbs, and it gives a lot of dust , but the stones do not, well, of course, they are there... they fly into the windshield and it is more difficult
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, of course, to collect them, but it is very, very difficult situation, it is necessary to take these pebbles back somewhere later. that is, they scattered , then they all returned, for example, there was a shortage of pebbles, and where the pebbles were, what happened , to list, of course, salt was sprinkled here , and salt was sprinkled there, and it spread, and it is clear, the old, old ukrainian tradition of sprinkling everything with salt, and then you look, the heads and roads, and then you look, especially the main, painful roads , you need to sprinkle salt, europeans just don’t know that you can use the salt of the tasha for... to allocate such money, if they knew, they would go to the courses, well, in the end mastering salt, after all, we still have a lot of our own sugar, we can try to sprinkle sugar on the roads, why not, if this is the case, well, ms. krystyna, thank you very much for this conversation, krystyna kalyushik, coat, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional
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council, was with us, we even talked a little about how serhiy lysak was shaking hands with the now-appointed head of corruption , hrenkevich. so to speak, yes, the grynkevichs really claim that it is all on them, so to speak, slander, that the hands did not steal anything, these hands did not steal anything, we are monitoring the situation, and the hands, and the hands, vitaly is already with us barabash, head of the avdiivka city military administration, mr. vitaly, good morning to you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, vitaliy, what news do you have, what is happening in avdiivka, well, let's say, there is no good news, although it is already a new year , i would like something new, something, let's say , good, well, unfortunately, the situation with karin is unchanged, as it remains very hot in our direction, in principle, despite the frosts that the last few days and a lot of snow has poured, this is exactly what the enemy was waiting for,
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the frosts, so that the rocks would freeze, so that then they could use the equipment, well, in principle, that's how it happened, yesterday they drove a lot, let's say, a lot of equipment, and tanks and bmps, to thank the guys who were basically ready before that, they were waiting for this, certain , let’s say, stabilization measures were taken before that, they attacked the tanks, and the bmps were attacked, and the personnel were nominated, yes, let’s say that, quite a lot, about some number, i think, later the general staff already there will clearly say, well, in general, in principle, probably from a positive point of view. the fact that the driver holds on and breaks all, let's say, their plans, all deadlines, they go, as they say, under the tail, and this is very good, and of course, that the enemy does not stop trying to surround the city, of course, that he does not stop attempts to enter the city head-on, and this happens, well, let's say this, constantly,
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dozens of assaults per day, ah, what they do not succeed, they try to compensate with the number of shellings, they increased, definitely both in terms of positions and by. .. the territory of the community, well, now there are less than 40 shellings, but we are looking at the last ones there, probably a week, maybe a little more, less than 40 never happens, if before the new year there were somewhere around 30 massive shellings per day, now there are not less than 40 it happens, 45, 47 to 50, for the past day almost a little more than 50 there, it was 52, well there were also a lot of aerial bombardments, we even counted them for... 23rd year , 146 kabibs flew into the city, there were almost 150, they used them, they used them there since august , it was kaby, before that there were fabas, nurses , well, there are some other missiles there, uh , well, let’s say this, from january 1 to january 8, there were already
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132 of them, and as of today in the morning there are already 152 missiles, this is only on the territory of avdiyivka, we are not talking about the positions around . the city, but purely along avdiivka, well, that is, they destroy the city very much, they erase it very much he, well, of course, what ah, but we can see that this has a little effect on the evacuation, because there was such a certain calm, it was during the evacuation that people almost did not go, for several days there were no people who wanted to go at all, then now they went little by little, yesterday four hours managed to get out of the city, evacuation is planned today, there is one for tomorrow, depending on the situation in terms of quantity. as of this morning, 1,148 people still remain in the place, of course, this is a very large number of people, but yesterday i spoke with the head of the region, at least the fact that they are not returning is pleasing, because there are some communities and also frontline ones, like ours
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, that there are cases of people returning, we currently do not have such a situation, mr. vitaly, but they do return, how do these people return, they also ask for volunteers to take them back? and one of my colleagues yesterday, too, on this topic, after talking with the head of the region with vadim filashkin, well, they talked among themselves , they recruited guys, and one of my colleagues says: you won’t believe it, he says, they find such different options, how to get in, and i need to stop by, pick up some documents there, something i have there i forgot, they are asking for volunteers, well, that is, they deceive the volunteers, the volunteers bring them in, they run away from them all the way to the city, well, that is, they themselves somewhere, who do not have private carriers of some kind in their personal transport, many options, and the fact that, well, the police knows where who returned it. when he returned, what did he do, well, but,
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unfortunately, there is no option, let's say , not to let them in there or to take them out. mr. vitaly, in fact, you said that the main, probably positive news, is that the audio store is holding, let us remind you that putin gave direct orders to take avdiivka by the end of the year, and there were a lot of forecasts, including from abroad, that they said that avdiivka would not fail to be held, avdiivka is holding on, as many russians as a whole. concentrated the troops in the fall in order to capture avdiivka, remind us, and how many of them are left, according to your estimates, from those groups, different numbers are called, in general, in the donetsk direction , 70-80 000 were concentrated there, and this is the donetsk direction, this no, not purely avdiivka, because there is also marinka here, there is also ugledar, ah, well, in the average was somewhere around 45-50,000, it was precisely avdiivka that they tried. let's say to throw forces, currently about 20
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thousand are still in our direction, well , they are constantly brought up, they are brought up like a storm ztormv, like chmobikes are brought up, of course, there are also spitsura, there are also exercises, there are also airborne troops, not without that, but well, most of them are prisoners, they are still former prisoners, the storm is coming. well , we see, well, even there, i personally saw several already different international and military institutions of some military institutes there, they say that ae the losses of russians and russian kotsaps in the direction of vdiiv, they are definitely greater than in bakhmut, well , it is difficult for me to say about it there, let those who are supposed to deal with this count, yes, but the thing is that even prisoners, who and... in positions that week, one of the most extreme of such prisoners, who was zeke, the former, then he told that they were dropped off and
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about 5-6 km, they were going to the position, and while they were going, he saw thousands of dead people there, yes there these orcs on all the landings, on the fields, and at him, until he reached the position, at him there was already a well-formed opinion that he would turn himself in as a prisoner, because he does not want to finish, because he says there are really thousands of them there, and the fact that... there are thousands, then we do not feel sorry for them, we feel sorry for our people, sir vitaliy , i know that you are currently collecting signatures for a petition to grant the title of hero to your friend, can you tell me a little about this person and what kind of petition this is, it really is tsolon valera, well, very much so, you know, well, a worthy person, a man, who found himself, let's say, surrounded by mariupol, he was a civilian, he never was engaged in military affairs, he was
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a lawyer, he is the father of three children, engaged in business, then, when mariupol was surrounded, he succeeded there, well, these are very serious stories, not for the air, how they left, how he left, after that , a military officer came and said, i want to serve, he left, he had an army... the chair, a lieutenant went to the presidential brigade, led a special forces platoon, and during our contour offensive in the summer near velika novosilka , he died, even his comrades still they come to us, of course we know that they helped valery personally and his friends, many guys from mariupol, by the way, went to fight with him, some of them have also died, there are wounded guys in... there are wounded, i am trying to maintain contact with all of them, those guys who they are still fighting, well, valera is no longer there, and the guys
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are still driving, helping, and every time we meet, ah, well, it all starts with how things are, how the family of partos is doing, yes, his call sign was partos , even for the task he went on when he died, he said to the young man there, rest there, i i myself will go to... this task and even such things, they characterize a person, so i am very much asking you to support this petition to sign, er, the problem is that very often, you know,... information about such people does not come yes , to those people who are engaged in such things there, i am sure that the presidential brigade, it is in very hot directions, they are also in our direction, they are fighting very, very, let's say so, zealously, despite the fact that that valera, well, he was
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49 years old, but he was a good fighter, and they talk about it... valery tsolan, you can find petition on the president's website, i think that the people of mariupol should definitely vote for their own signature under this petition, eh, to honor their countryman, well, ukrainians as well, because, because of the feat of this man, it should be. valuable to each and every one of us. mr. vitaliy, we sympathize with your loss, we sympathize with all of ukraine in this, for these losses, which ukraine bears, because we understand that these are people who had three children, in principle, could sit quietly somewhere, lost everything in mariupol, infinitely grateful in fact, all the people of avdiivka and the defenders who
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are holding the front in avdiivka and are actually crushing the russian army, actually challenging the russian offensive, this winter offensive , about what the western media are already writing about. thank you very much, vitaly barabash was with us, the head of the avdiivka city military administration, with news from avdiivka, and the main news is that avdiivka is holding on and grinding the russian army further in this huge meat grinder under the half-ruined city, depriving them of the ability to move on . we are going to take a short break. we we're going for a short break, then we'll come back and... we'll continue our roll call, we'll hear what happened there in kherson, how the night passed, stay with us. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamamah b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and
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have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics. more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. well, dear friends, we 're back at it. and now the kherson region will be in touch with us, we will ask how the next night passed, and whether the russians allowed the residents of kherson to sleep, as
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are being shelled, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council is already in touch with us, mr. yuriy , we congratulate you, tell us about the night and this morning in kherson and the kherson region, i congratulate you, well, unfortunately, it is still difficult security situation, the enemy continues shelling us. communities , it can now be said that the number of shellings has slightly decreased, but relatively speaking, we have already had such periods when there were 100-125 shellings per day, and there were about 70-7 such periods, like yesterday, so it is too early to say that is improving security situation, in the past day , unfortunately, one person died in our country, three others were injured, these are people... who were in their buildings or near them during the shelling, that is, the enemy continues to shell residential buildings and humanitarian
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infrastructure, medical institutions, educational institutions, that is, terrorist tactics, it is the same as it was. and what is the humanitarian situation in the city, what is there now with heating and lights, how is the city living now? well, objectively it is satisfactory. given the number of shelling given that the shelling continues and including critical infrastructure for objects, most subscribers are connected to the electricity network, water supply, gas supply, there are problem areas, there are problem objects, as well as in individual communities, there are somewhere more, somewhere less such subscribers, yes, which unfortunately do not have access, but have been restored. works are carried out constantly, despite the shelling, employees of the relevant utility companies and state and private energy companies, they are working
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to connect to the networks as quickly and efficiently as possible is happening in the occupied territories, i see reports that the occupying authorities have announced that all men who have received a russian passport must now register for the military, while promising that no one will be mobilized. this work has been going on with them for more than six months, they are forcing men to register for military service, they really declare so far that there will be no mobilization, no conscription, but this is actually not true, we understand very well that such mass activities on compulsion to register for military registration, well, there is a corresponding goal, and it’s only a matter of time when they will... start these mobilization measures, the compulsion is very strong, now it is actually impossible for men of a certain age
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to get a job, even if they have a russian passport, if they don’t have one entered the military register, they send everyone to them , to the military commanders, who created a system so that such a person would do such actions, as well as the balance of... the self-proclaimed governor of the so-called kherson region of the occupied territories writes that in the occupied territories launched a russian television package, called русский мир, and said that they have now installed a new tower in kakhovka, which allows you to receive a proper signal in the occupied territories, how is it now with the internet, how is it now with how ukrainian news can reach. to the residents of the occupied kherson region, they really, they work very hard to ensure that there is maximum propaganda, well
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, it is everywhere in their telegram channel. a lot of them are created by radio broadcasting, television, they replace and install eyes free of charge antennas for receiving packets of russian tv channels, well, regarding the last one , what did you say, well, we'll see how long it will be idle, i 'm not sure how long, regarding access to information of our people, mostly it's the same through telegram channels, people get information. or via the internet, if appropriate programs are installed that allow you to bypass the blocking of the ukrainian segment of the internet, because , unfortunately, it is impossible to join this way. well, i hope the geolocations of these tv towers are already known, so i think that the ukrainian beavers are already flying out in order to slightly adjust the frequency of
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signal reception there, so to speak. and one more thing, you know, in order not to end on a sad note, a sad note in kherson, despite the fact that the city is constantly under fire, the streets and squares were also renamed, mr. yury, tell me in a little more detail what this is streets, which names are old and which were changed to new ones, and whether there was any opposition, i don't know among the locals, maybe not to change anything, to leave it as it is, well, a discussion. there are always and always different opinions, that's why the urban one the administration of kherson , which deals with this, it held discussions of these issues on the network as much as possible, of course, it is impossible to create any gathering now, therefore there were no physical gatherings, decommunization is ongoing, this is a necessary process, in fact, in order to to
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get rid of taxes from the budget for these processes are not provided for, the plates will be changed already after our victory, for now they will remain in order not to spend the budget on everything, and people do not need to change their documents, in that include the address of registration only on request , that is, it will be renamed, but let's say this, as much as possible, so that it is... strong for our people, you say that there were discussions, what kind of discussions were these, well , you know, there is always someone more we like it, but we want this street to be named like this, but someone suggests another name, but it was civilized, let's put it this way, i have not seen such open conflicts, when any renaming would cause indignation among people, there was
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only, you know, competition for names, by preferences, let's say so, well, i mean, weren't there those who said, let's not, please leave it, let there be ostrovsky street, ostrovsky lane, sirova street, perov street, moskvina street, kachalov street, and so on, because we got used to it, no, no, no, no, no , unanimously, in fact, that kherson does not need it, these old names, the fact that those that remained there from the soviet union, well... 100% opinion that it is necessary to get rid of of this, the discussions were only about new names, and these are wonderful discussions, may there be more such discussions, mr. yuriy, thank you, yuriy sobolevskyi , the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was in touch with us, we talked about what is happening in kherson and the kherson region, and now kateryna shirokopoi will appear on your screens, and this means that we will watch a selection of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, katerina, you have
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a word, congratulations. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the details of the massive strikes on yeman and the updated draft law on mobilization. greetings, it's news time on espresso. in the studio. kateryna shirokopoyas works. early in the morning , explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol. this was reported by the mayor's advisor petro andryushchenko. they were heard in different areas of the city. according to preliminary information , the livoberezhny district was the epicenter of the attack. the details are still being worked out. one person died, three others were injured due to enemy attacks in the kherson region. by.


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