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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings, time of news on aspres air. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyi spoke by phone with the new president of switzerland, viola amgerd. the ukrainian head of state congratulated the interlocutor on the start of the presidential term. he also thanked switzerland for its support of the ukrainian formula we. which will be discussed during the world economic forum in davos. at the very end , the parties coordinated a plan for bilateral activities in the near future. the prime minister of great britain will come today to kyiv. he will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyi. this is reported by the press service of the british government. during the visit, the prime minister will announce a new package of military aid. britain.
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military aid to ukraine within the next two years. this package will include long-range missiles, anti-aircraft and artillery shells. around £200m will go towards long-range reconnaissance, attack and maritime drones. sunak will also sign a new agreement on bilateral guarantees in kyiv security of ukraine. helped the occupiers illegally take away children. the former head of the regional emergency medical care center was taken into custody in kherson, the regional prosecutor's office reports. during the occupation of the city , she agreed to work with the enemy. with her assistance , the russians took 11 minor children to the territory of the occupied crimea. the child was in the hospital at that time. for the move, the traitor provided ambulances, and for the escort - involved paramedics.
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the suspect was detained while trying to flee abroad. under the pressure of the evidence, the court agreed on the validity of the risks that were indicated in the petition, which were proven by the prosecutor's office and the indicative preventive measure was approved. the first part of the 111th regulation-2, under which the woman is suspected, provides for punishment from 10 to 12 years of... deprivation of liberty, with deprivation of the right to hold positions. the court of appeal of kyiv made such a decision to keep the ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi in custody. the judges upheld the decision of the shevchenkiv district court, which was issued without the presence of the military's lawyers. defenders think so violation of their client's rights to a fair trial and plan to file a complaint with the supreme council of justice. the next
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meeting in this case will be held on january 25. let me remind you, chervinskyi is accused of self-government and the failed operation to recruit a russian pilot, which allegedly led to the shelling of the kanetove airfield. however, the ex-intelligencer considers the case to be political persecution because of his involvement in wagnergate. in kalusha in prykarpattia , firefighters saved an entire family together during a fire. pim is a favorite. apartment caught fire in the five-story house of two children. together with the dog, the rescuers evacuated through the balcony with the help of a car ladder. parents were helped down the stairs. fortunately, no one was hurt. the cause of ignition is initially called a short circuit. after all our salvation. i hugged the firefighters. thank you.
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for help, they saved the property, the main thing is that they were alive, the main thing is that my children were thrown out, they also took the dog, thank you, uncle, the law enforcement officers in the capital... is there international drug trafficking with an annual profit of 100 million uah, the kyiv police said. the group consisted of nine men, aged 27 to 52. the organizer was a 35-year-old from kyiv. it was he who arranged the supply of prohibited substances from the border to the capital. but a foreigner was responsible for their storage and packaging. dealers offered drugs and psychotropic substances through the telegram channel. but they gave only from hand to hand. the estimated value of the seized goods at black market prices is more than 20 million hryvnias. all those involved were notified of the suspicion under the second part of article 307
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of the criminal code of ukraine. this is the illegal possession and sale of drugs. they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. in order to carry out all the necessary examinations, it is possible to reclassify this crime to a more serious one. uah 50,000 for a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. in lviv, everyone who decided to go serve in the airborne assault troops or marines will be paid. such a decision was made by the executive committee of the city council, mayor andriy sadovy reported. in his opinion, this should be additional motivation and support for our boys girls who decided to defend ukraine. earlier , kyiv mayor vitaly klitschko said that the budget will allocate 30,000 to all defenders from the capital who will join the army. more than 70,000 debtors, that's how many were counted by the company yasno,
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which is one of the suppliers of light in ukraine. those in debt will be the first in line for power cuts. consumers owe companies, a total of 600. the majority of debtors from kyiv and dnipropetrovsk region will turn off the lights not all at once, taking into account the criteria of general the amount of the debt and how long it has been unpaid. in kyiv, they are saying goodbye to the legend of ukrainian pop, vitaly bilonozkh, people's artist of ukraine. our correspondent, kateryna galko, is also at the funeral. katya, congratulations, you have the floor. i congratulate katya, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, the farewell is held in the national philharmonic hall, the townspeople, relatives and friends of vitaliy come here, bring flowers, remember him, his songs are also heard here. let me remind you that vitaly died on january 9 in
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the hospital, the cause was cardiac arrest. the people's artist was 70 years old, this one he received honorary status in 1995. he was a popular performer, his songs were known and sung by many ukrainians and not only ukrainians, he was also a laureate of many all-ukrainian and even international song contests, and in 1999 he and his wife became the organizers and founders of the international festival of family creativity melody of two hearts about this festival you've definitely heard and probably definitely heard the songs from that festival, he released quite a few songs. and for his creativity, for the fact that he promoted ukrainian song, he was also honored the owner of many orders, so today a lot of townspeople have gathered at the national philharmonic, who all bring flowers here, there is also a book of memories where they write down
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how they remembered him, that's all the information, let's stop for now, katya, you have my word, thank you, katya, let me remind you, it was our correspondent kateryna galko, she and... said goodbye to people's artist of ukraine vitaly bilonozkh. and north korea denied information about the supply of ballistic missiles to russia. kimson, the representative of the dprk at the un, said that his country does not feel it the need to comment on each unfounded accusation of the united states. moreover, he said, the united states is allegedly the cause of russia's war against ukraine. meanwhile, the united states of america has imposed sanctions against three russian companies involved in the supply of north korean missiles to the russian defense force. this is stated on the website of the us state department. in particular, joint-stock company 224, the flight division of state-owned
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airlines, came under restrictions. two of their planes were carrying north korean missiles and related cargo in late november 2023. also in the list. the vta company, it provided its boards for the delivery of killer iron in december, under sanctions and a complex of advanced weapons and research in volodymyrivka. the object belongs to it. airfields and missile sites that were involved in russia's testing of north korean ballistic missiles. russia demands an urgent gathering of the un security council due to the strikes on usite bases in yemen by the us and great britain. this was stated in the permanent representation of the russian federation at the organization. i will remind you, the united states of america and great britain tonight jointly attacked the goals of the alliance. with houthi rebels in yemen, these are the first strikes against the group since it began
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attacking international shipping in the red sea late last year. for now, that's all the news for this hour, see you tomorrow. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory. today in the program. violates human rights. the draft law on mobilization will be finalized by the government taking into account the deputies. a knife in the back, after a meeting of deputies from the servant of the people, maryana
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bezugla announced her withdrawal from the faction. ukraine's victory plan. in the us congress, they offer biden to provide ukraine with more weapons and strengthen sanctions against russia. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and military expert mykhailo. samusem in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be people's deputies of ukraine, maria ionova, yaroslav zheleznyak and elizaveta yasko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how an fpv drone finishes off a russian tank near avdiivka. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, and yes... also subscribe to our pages on these platforms, in addition, we are conducting a survey on youtube and on telefer, we are today we ask you about this, do you trust it? are you the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose one or the other option, please write comments to this survey and to what you heard and saw during the broadcast. if you sit and watch tv at home, we are on the air, then... you can vote by phone or smartphone, if you trust the current
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leadership of the verkhovna rada, you can vote by phone 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, call, all calls are free for you , well, today we will have a big conversation about the law on mobilization, because today the parliament was supposed to consider a draft law on...mobilization today it became known that the cabinet of ministers withdrew draft law number 10378 on mobilization, now its status in the system of the rada, which registers draft bills, has been withdrawn from consideration, already rustam umyerov, the minister of defense of ukraine stated the fact that our team, i quote, has already prepared a new version of the draft law, taking into account all the proposals agreed in the working order with the deputies, at the meetings of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, ready to introduce
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upon the approval of the government , the previous version of the draft law was withdrawn in the near future, rustem umyerov said. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. hello, thank you for the invitation. let's, mr. mykola, explain to our tv viewers what actually happened with... the bill on mobilization, since the announcement was made during christmas, on the christmas holiday, that is, two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, and everyone was waiting january 11. consideration of this draft law, it suddenly turned out that even without bringing it to the session hall, the government decided to withdraw this draft law, why? well, the worst that could happen happened, because if we ask whether additional people are needed in the ukrainian armed forces, it is definitely yes, and the commander-in-chief, general zaluzhnyi, and other leaders of the ukrainian army
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spoke about it more than once, and defense minister rustam omarov also he said, the second question is, what is the way to attract those people to the armed forces of ukraine? and there are many different ones ways to effectively make people want to join the army. we see how , for example, the recruitment of the third assault unit is going, we see their billboards, and they have people, people go there to serve, that is, there must definitely be a high-quality recruiting company, so definitely a law is needed, but who should submit this law? this is not an easy story, because the law provides more than just an opportunity. to take additional people, but also the opportunity to pledge funds to pay these people wages, our military earns quite a bit less than the army of the aggressor and occupier, but in in principle, this is a lot of money, who should provide them with ammunition, weapons, at what cost to do it, in the end, what to do with armor, how many domestic
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enterprises need their people not to be called up? which of these people should it be, what to do with the police, where to get the people we want to attract, how to deal with young people, well, the law was voted on lowering the conscription age to 25, but at the same time , we perfectly understand that this the next generation, which may suffer irreparable losses, we have our future generations somehow defend, in a word, there are a lot of questions, and these questions must be answered firstly by the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of ukraine, members of the supreme commander -in-chief's staff, thirdly, the entire cabinet of ministers, all this was not done, there was a law that it is not clear who wrote it, it was submitted by the cabinet of ministers, but it was written in such a way that we can see that some of the ministries did not participate in it, in particular the ministry of finance , the ministry of economy, the ministry of justice, the ombudsman says that this law does not comply
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ensuring human rights, this law does not promote mobilization, on the contrary, it discourages the mobilization of the public. people to leave the border urgently, especially women, because the women thought to themselves that now they will be drafted into the army, obviously there was terrible communication from the government, the prime minister, the president, no one explained this, and why the president himself did not organize this process because there was a desire, i think many people in the president's office , to transfer responsibility for this to the military, to the general staff. even us today they said that the general has to... report it in the hall, although he is not here at all, but obviously he is suffering, because in the army you need people, and without people it is difficult to win, that is, he needs these people, but to ensure that has the whole state, because the whole state is at war, not only the military, and since this is not always a popular step, then obviously there are politicians who are afraid to take responsibility and want to politically frame others, and here is a very big mistake,
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because we should not think about politics now, now there is no politics, there is a war, it is important to us the country in... we don't know what our country will be like tomorrow and what the aggressor is preparing for us, and we think about what is popular or not popular to introduce? unpopular steps must be taken , but it is reasonable, if there was not this artificial, imposed discussion over a senseless law, and the supreme commander gathered the stake, developed a professional, high-quality law that would encourage serving in the army, that would correspond to the current legislation, then it is obvious everything would be different, and this is what really needs to be done, can mr. mykolo? be so that the verkhovna rada will discuss this issue for a very long time, that is, there will be a first reading, then there will be amendments, then there will be procedural certain things regarding the second reading, then it is unclear whether these changes will be made there or not , then there may be a repeated second reading, then it will come this law to
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the president, the president will say: listen, this is not what we are, this is not the kind of mobilization we wanted during the first edition. and the final version, these are completely different draft laws, we are not satisfied with this, and the national security and defense council will make direct decisions regarding mobilization, and the president will implement these decisions by presidential decrees. in principle, in the conditions of war, this is a much shorter way, or can such a way be, or are you still sure that in the current composition of the verkhovna rada, everyone clearly understands and will vote for... regulations on mobilization, because you're right, there's a war going on, and there's no time to play some political games, or to throw these potatoes, chips, which just... cares for all the politicians' hands, and you just have to make decisions. well, our faction is european solidarity will vote for any law that will be submitted by the president of ukraine as the subject of
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a legislative initiative. we've done it before, we're ready to do it now. and we believe that such a law can be made professional and high-quality, that it will not be a shame to vote for it. obviously, mobilization is actually going on in our country even now, this is a law on additional opportunities to call up a larger number of people to the armed forces of ukraine, because mobilization. goes all the time, we see how short it goes when representatives of the tsc catch someone on the street, and very often this such situations are still artificially created in order to spread disdain for the ukrainian army or dislike for the ukrainian army, or to strengthen capitulation sentiments, all this, unfortunately, unfortunately, has become part of the information war against ukraine, which is being waged by russia, that is why it is very responsible to submit a strong, high-quality the law and vote it without all these delays and discussions, because there is no one to fight, we understand very well that the volunteers were the first to go. these were patriots, this was the ukrainian elite, and we lost a significant part of these young patriots, and this it is extremely unfortunate and painful, today in kyiv there was a funeral of a famous ukrainian poet who
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died, and people of culture and many other famous, young, extremely talented people die every day, then people left who may not have wanted to be volunteers, but are responsible , law-abiding, and when they received summonses or phone calls, they understood that it was necessary and they went, and... and these people are also fighting, this is not enough, because the mobilization resource of russia is huge, it is much larger, and because of that, we need to adopt an effective, high-quality law, but to strengthen recruiting , there are many places in the army, they pay well, what if we do not scare people, but explain to them that they will not necessarily be on the front line, but can work as professionals there it specialists , like professional engineers, people would leave, and we can see on the example of those units that independently conduct recruiting and deal with it professionally, they do not have a shortage of people, they have an oversupply of people. today, during his visit to estonia, volodymyr zelenskyi also mentioned about mobilization, about men of mobilization age and called on them
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to return to ukraine from abroad in order to support the economy of their country and protect it. let's listen to what the president said. if we want to save ukraine, if we want to save europe, then all of us must understand: or we help. ukraine, or not, either we are citizens who are at the front, or we are citizens who work and pay taxes, because there will be no money for the military, and there will be no money for the military, there will be no military, there will be no one to defend ukraine. these are the rules life. mr. mykola, a question. as for those who are abroad, some left under current legislation, some in violation of this legislation, but this issue
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will in any case be evident in the new draft law on mobilization in ukraine, and it is obvious that european solidarity has a position on this, i.e. zelensky says: listen, go home, you must either defend going to the army, or be... a reserve of this army, or pay taxes here, it is enough for you to be in europe, is this convincing enough now it sounds like it is possible in some other way, like with the recruiting system, before you mentioned a separate assault brigade for the third brigade, maybe in this way it is necessary to talk to people who have already left and live in europe, but may return, and they are afraid of something, they are afraid , that they will be persecuted, they are afraid that they... ran away from retribution, they are afraid that they bought themselves white tickets. of course, we are interested in returning all ukrainians who are abroad, er, but first of all, i do not know
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how many of these men of draft age are there, because mostly women and children left. mostly young people left, our conscription age is still from 27 years old. this means that a lot of young people, they are simply by law, they cannot be drafted, even if they are abroad, they are still not of an age where they can serve. uh and there are also many young people, there is of course some group of dodgers, runaways or disabled people, but how many of these people it is difficult for me to say, i do not think that this is a solution to this issue, and i do not think that, by the way, all will definitely go to the army, everyone will serve, this is a choice, an individual choice of each person, and in order for people to go, they must believe in their country, the country must be democratic, what is happening in our parliament hall must happen, when eh... the deputy chairman of the committee without an angle , the speaker refuses to put to a vote the question of removing her from the post of deputy chairman of the defense committee, where she incited expressions between
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political parties. management, which means that it is covered when the democratic ones are prohibited processes in the country limit freedom of speech , people will return when they see that the country is democratic, because then they will realize that their lives will be taken care of in the army as well, not only by the army leadership, but also by the political leadership, so that people were returning, it is necessary to make a better country, and this is completely the responsibility of the authorities , but it is another matter that i agree with this call of the president himself, because whether it is good in us... or bad from a political point of view, i believe that it is very imperfect, take it, it our country, and the enemy, putin, the aggressor, wants to destroy everyone, both those in power and those in the opposition, and those who fight and those who sit at home, we are all at risk, so our task is to stop him and to win, and this is actually everyone's task. you mentioned maryana bezoglu, yesterday ruslan stefanchuk refused to put to a vote the question of dismissal from the position of the head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, and
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this morning she wrote: la post, pathetic post that she is leaving the faction, leaving the party , but remains to the majority deputies from the obolon district of kyiv, i will quote mariana bezuglu, because she writes a lot and really writes a lot about the military-political leadership of the country, here she writes about the parliamentary faction that represents president zelensky in the verkhovna rada, a weak faction. i don't need the war party, i will continue to support the president's initiatives, but i don't want to have joint obligations with the people's deputies of the factions that turn their backs on me, i don't need your quota as the deputy chairman of the supreme committee this is what happened yesterday in the session hall of the council of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence, when stefanchuk did not want to bring the issue of bezoku to the consideration
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of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. regarding the dismissal from the position of the deputy head of the parliamentary committee, the fact that he closed the session so quickly, does it generally contribute to consolidation within the walls of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, well, especially before such a vote on such important draft laws as on mobilization, or is this arrogance, it was and remains a sign of power, of the unified power and of the unified party, which is now up to... in absolutely all authorities, well, i think the situation is improving now, and there is no longer such a strong confrontation between the president and the commander-in-chief, which all the media wrote about, we we don't know what it was like and how much it was, but at least what was written about it, we saw it, and the very activity of maryana, which testified, she was the personification of this confrontation and the initiator of this confrontation, and everyone was just waiting for what
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now the servant of the people party will say that... her condemns, thus testifying that she is for unity between the political and military leadership, the faction did not say this, did not say this, and then suddenly they voted, and their majority in this committee, as well as in the regulatory one, to remove her from this position , and it was positive for unity, and then some other forces intervened, someone called speaker stefanchuk and forbade him to put it to a vote in violation of the law, although he could have put it, not the fact that there would be votes in the hall, but it would show , that a significant number of factions... the servant of the people is not supports the positions of mariyana bezlugoloi, because there is also a responsible citizen there, he did not do this and thus took responsibility for all her, for all the damage she brought to ukraine, you see, and they themselves exposed that it was she their tool, which for some reason fought with the commander-in-chief, probably because someone thought that he could compete with the president in terms of ratings, and this is complete nonsense, because thinking about ratings now is complete nonsense, now
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you have to think about victory, alone. the end of our conversation, mr. mykola, a few words , please, about the situation in ukrainian-polish relations, because as of january 11 , 1,900 trucks are already standing in queues at the border with poland, and the directions of three checkpoints are being blocked. you were in poland, you spoke with polish politicians, how they explain this long-term blockade and during the war, when the only window is to europe. is one of the main windows of europe still a window through poland? well, this is the short-sightedness of the polish authorities, it was short-sighted of the previous government, which turned a blind eye to this , i had hopes for this cabinet of ministers, unfortunately, there are also forces here that cannot and are not going to solve it quickly, and that is understandable, they have a coalition government, there is a peasant party , without which there will be no power for donald tusk, who actually has an openly pro-ukrainian position, he always...


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