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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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now we have to think about victory. at the very end of our conversation, mr. mykola, a few words, please, about the situation in ukrainian-polish relations, because as of january 11 , 1,900 trucks are already standing in queues at the border with poland, and the directions of three checkpoints are being blocked . you were in poland, you spoke with polish politicians, how they explain this long-term blockade even during the war. when the only window to europe, or one of the main windows of europe, is the window through poland? well, that's it the short-sightedness of the polish government, it was the short-sightedness of the previous government, which turned a blind eye to this, i had hopes for this cabinet of ministers, unfortunately, there are also forces here that cannot and do not intend to solve this quickly, and that is understandable, they the coalition government, there is also a peasant party , without which donald tusk will not have power, who actually has an openly pro-ukrainian position, he has always... taken such a position, but he
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cannot quarrel with his coalition partners, and it seems to me that here would have to be a more active position of the ukrainian authorities, we should turn to our other partners, to the european union, to nato, because this is a direct threat to our security, we are not talking only about the economy here, if the poles cannot cope with the fact that 50 people are and create a threat to ukrainian security and take steps that are beneficial to the russian federation, contrary even to the interests of poland itself, then nato and... partners should intervene, the fact that the romanians are building their own autobahn, i only welcome it, the poles are losing on this, it is absolutely unwise and irresponsible position, but i believe that the democratic coalition that came to power will find a way to correct this situation. thank you, mr. mykola, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction. friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please put in... stop
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vote. next, we have journalist roman tsambelyuk in touch. roman, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. unfortunately, roman tsymbalyuk broke off. now we will redial. let's talk with roman tsimbalyuk about the situation in russia and the statements made by the aggressors in the country. because roman tsimbalyuk worked for a very long time in the russian federation. as an in-house correspondent of the unian news agency, he can accurately diagnose and tell what these or other statements of russian officials, those officials who oppose ukraine, who call for the destruction of the ukrainian state, who threaten us with new strikes of nuclear weapons, are connected with dmytro medvedev, the deputy chairman of the council, did it today. security of the russian
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federation, he said that, in principle, we have already used all the weapons that we had and tested in ukraine, only one weapon remained, which we have not yet used in ukraine. let's hear what dmitry medvedev said? a series of recent, a series of recent intensive and effective strikes on enemy military facilities in ukraine, which were carried out by the armed forces of russia, confirm the successful and efficient operation of our defense-industrial complex during 2023, in addition, as you know, various carriers with different filling, except for the nuclear one, so far he has made such a statement medvedev and we already have roman tsimbalyuk in contact, roman, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, congratulations to serhiy. who
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are not subscribed to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, do it immediately and subscribe to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, operational analytics and operational comments that he makes. roman sybalyuk is already watched by more than 1 million viewers. subscribe to roman tsymbaryuk's youtube channel. it's nice and useful. roman, we started with dmitry alkagolevich, medvedev, as you say, and here he speaks that they had already used all the weapons they had in ukraine or in ukraine, and only one weapon was left. it is nuclear, but he did not say why, talking about the military-industrial complex of russia in this way, how widely he does it, he did not explain, and how is it that they have so many weapons, and ballistic missiles, they are forced to hire kimchinin in in
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this small rogue state of the world , north korea. well, actually, i don't think we have to be ironic about it here. it is clear that russia is at war with us in full force, it uses all the means that they have, and indeed they have used every means of destruction possible, and indeed they want to destroy everyone here. perhaps we should ask the question in a different way. be that as it may, comrade kim, who is not our friend at all, has no problem handing over 300 km missiles to the russians, while our allies have such problems. and the impression is that we have not yet received such and such weapons, and probably all these words of medvedev and, accordingly, the international schedule should be used precisely in order for the position that the minister recorded, which
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the president of estonia noted that no restrictions should be imposed in terms of the nomenclature and in terms of damage. whole on russian territory, because the russians actually don't feel that bad in this context, because because they have weapons, they work and they have to answer to all this, so i would understand here that it sounds a little strange, that the so-called second army of the world takes away missiles. in the dprk, but it doesn't make it any easier for us. by the way, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine announced that they had received preliminary evidence that russia had struck over ukraine by north korean missiles, because before that there was information from the american and
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british special services that precisely ballistic missiles that were produced in north korea were used against the ukrainian state. the use of these missiles by kim chin-un, does this mean that kim chin-un and north korea are becoming co-aggressors, accomplices of russia's war against ukraine. apparently, it is possible to phrase the words differently here and there, it doesn't change anything, but let's do it again, without emotions, we don't need another worry, we need the actions and counteractions of our authorities of our defense-industrial complex and allies, and it seems to me that it is necessary to proceed from this, there is no, well, there is simply no point in fighting north korea, well, there is such a state, a very strange state, no one wants to live there, and the people who live there something, when
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they see their enemy, they start applauding and crying, so that's it, you see, here it seems to me that these... facts, which were also made public by american intelligence, should be used in order to somehow transfer this situation to our side, well i don't know, now the president, too he is on an international tour here, and many people are busy negotiating with our international allies, they need to be told, well, really, really , kim has more political will than all of nato put together, well, i guess there are some... arguments that can be transformed both in airplanes and in weapons, but i think the emphasis should be on this, and not on how disgusting they are, and who they are, and this north korea, well, we are looking at them, well, in principle, this is the future
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of russian federation, they almost behave like that already, but it doesn't change anything in part what they want us to do together, so less emotions, more practical. steps, you already mentioned the baltic tour, volodymyr zelenskyi's big baltic tour, he already managed to visit lithuania, latvia, estonia, today in estonia. it was announced that tali will provide assistance to ukraine in the amount of 1 billion 200 million euros until 2027, this was stated by the president of estonia karis, and today , zelenskyi said at a meeting with the prime minister that it is necessary to put pressure on the leaders of the european union estonia by kaija kalas and put pressure on those who promised ukraine alone. artillery shells, zelenskyy noted that the ukrainian army has not yet received the full
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package of the promised aid, that today estonia can politically promote this initiative. let's listen to what zelensky said. serious leaders, if their word is worth anything, and i am sure of it, then the decisions that they themselves have made must be implemented, and i would very much like to see contracts, because... sometimes yes, a projectile , we are used to it, we are in this war, and we know that deadlines sometimes fail our military , but if we have before our eyes contracts, this already gives hope that even with a delay, a delay, but a delay with a delay, but nevertheless it will come to the battlefield roman, and why the baltic countries understand faster. well, although i understand the answer, they understand the threats from russia more quickly, because at one time the soviet union
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entered the baltic countries, at the end of the 30s, and we know this whole history, but other countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance are not in a hurry, like you say, with a decision on long-range missiles that could solve the issue of military facilities, airfields, military logistics. on the territory of the russian federation, they still hope that russia will stop somewhere on the border with poland, having tested its weapons there in the same, in the same baltic countries, or in moldova after ukraine? well, you see, this is such a complicated big geopolitical solitaire, and the big players, they are trying to twist it in their own interest, precisely from the point of view of geopolitics, however it may be. well, as far as i'm concerned, nothing threatens the nato states at the moment, including the
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baltic countries, well, that's a fact, the russians might want would like to capture these states, return them to their sphere of influence, but they simply do not have the opportunity, and when you mentioned the amount of money that the estonian government is trying to spend on support. so that we understand, the population of estonia is less than the population of kyiv, and this used to be more than one billion euros, well, this is a serious thing, this is serious help, because estonia, well, it is a small country, they invest very, very coolly, which means that as for ammunition, there is such an interesting thing here, well, first of all, there is a statement. of the eu commissioner on the matter of the internal market and services, there is such
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an official european thierry, preton, he says, in principle, that by march, and they promised to deliver 1 million 155-caliber ammunition by march, that they can almost cope with it for with this task, and again, it all goes very smoothly. decision-making, the problem is not, in my opinion, not in weapons, let's just talk once again, nato has everything, there for some reason we all focused on the 155 caliber, which really became possible to some extent in short supply, but there are other there are means of defeat, there are enough of them, and it is necessary to talk about it, so it seems to me that at the moment we are simply at such a stage of uncertainty, europe ... thinks what will happen in the states, and they are watching when
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the appropriate decisions will be made there, that is, hope just that everything will be the way we need it, she is absolutely alive, and everything is actually leading to this , the only problem is that there the people are just conducting political debates, and here we have a war with the fact that dozens of citizens of ukraine , who die every day in this war, both military and not only military. so, like, again still, if we measure by military capabilities, we don't have everything, we don't have the worst allies in the world on the whole planet, on the contrary, the most powerful... bloc, but this is the situation, you see, there the americans have been approving money for us, it seems, since october month, and everyone says, yes, yes, this is very important, and so on, and so on, but against this background, what is happening, in the month of october comrade kim has not yet behaved like this, he has not threatened war so much , to the same united
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states, south korea, and the states are the guarantor of security and... have their army in the south korea, that is, the more the western world delays the decision, in fact , which the military has long calculated, and this is a military-technical decision, it exists, and it is not necessary to say that it is only a matter of missiles, maybe, i don’t know, pilots of f - 16 will be sent on vacation, they will gladly go, and we will... even grant citizenship, i think that zelensky will willingly sign the relevant decrees, that is, there are options, and we need to work with this, work, explain, i think, in fact, this a visit to the baltic states, it is very useful, precisely because estonia and latvia and lithuania, after all, they are sitting at this nato table, yes, they may not
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be the most influential in terms of the military potential of the state, but they have... the ability to convey our position, and this should be appreciated, and others in other words, you have to work, not whine and not give up, because whoever gives up, that's why their head will be cut off, this applies to all citizens of ukraine. roman, this indecision that you are talking about, the world, the united states of america and the members of the north atlantic alliance, how it affects the kimchi, and we see how it affects it, is... absolutely it is obvious how it affects putin, i.e., does it mean that putin, without seriously receiving weapons from the north atlantic alliance that may be in ukraine, that he believes that he can continue to destroy ukraine, that he can continue kill ukrainians and go further to the western border, and from there take some positions regarding the negotiations with nato and
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threaten them already on the western border. of ukraine and already reach some point of negotiation? well, sergey, this is the second time you are talking about what they will reach the western border and will go to the border with nato, they will not go out, they will not go out, because ukrainians live here, this is the ukrainian state, we are armed, we have the question of what the problem is , the problem is that we do not have enough weapons, to throw them out of the territory of ukraine, that is. to hold these lines, if we start there a little more ourselves, well, somehow plan a little, manage the situation , use the resources we have, make the fortifications there correct, we can, we will hold these lines, they are not going anywhere won't get through, it's just a question of what this war is going to, so you know, i don't think that
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anyone, by the way, in russia, i don't feel such sentiments. that they have the ability to get somewhere there, they don't have the ability, they don't have the strength , and in fact they don't have the desire, well, what about vladimir putin, well, he, well, he objectively plays soldiers, he doesn't care how much people will die, he does not count russians or ukrainians, and you know, my colleague, with whom we worked for many years in moscow, he is a german journalist, he called me tonight... he is now in kharkiv is located and says that this thing struck me today, hit me in the hotel, which is 700 m from mine. here, and on emotions, he says that what is good for a german and a ukrainian is death for a russian, what is meant by that moment, until there is this guarantee that they will
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fly to belgorod, rostov and other cities, they will beat kharkov for many years and will laugh at us. you understand, and it is necessary to convey to the military-industrial complex of ukraine that there must be an answer, an answer, because they will not understand in any other way, they are not in danger, well, they killed their at the end of the year, there were 20 air defense forces with a tail of people , they killed their own children in belgorod, they kill more of our children and adult children, and this does not change anything, they should be afraid, they should be in pain, this is the only way to... this problem, that's why i proceed from the fact that ukraine will not go anywhere, the question is in the borders and in the price of how to stop them, this price. it is necessary to minimize the mini for us, the opposite for them. thank you, roman, for your work and for your inclusion on the espresso tv channel. we
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are working further, and friends, we are working in a straight line on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those of you watching us out there right now, please be sure to like this video, subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages, and give us a shout. in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you choose two options, yes or no, and also write your comment about what you think under this video, we are interested to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone and vote if you trust the lower leadership of the verkhovna rada 0800 211 381, no 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, it is important for us to know your opinion. next, we will be in touch with military expert mykhailo samus. mr. mykhailo, i
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congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. let's start with the situation that we have on the eastern border with the kharkiv region, because british and american analysts say that russia... is going to go there in offensive, today there was a message that the offensive actions of the enemy in the northern direction may resume, said the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to sirskyi, for this , the enemy is moving storm units and forming assault companies. syrsky made his post public after he met with the minister in the kupyansk direction. of defense rustem umyerov and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. what can you say about the current situation on the fronts of ukraine, because
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there is a lot of talk now about how this situation can change, what do you see now? well, the fact is that indeed, some publications in the western press have created such an illusion that indeed. the russians seem to be preparing for some kind of big offensive, especially when journalists confuse the direction of kharkiv and the direction of kupyan, then it turns out that reports begin, which grow like a snowball, that the russians are trying to advance on kharkiv and tomorrow, it seems , their columns will be pulling out just in time in the direction of the city of millionaire. in fact, on at the moment, the group that is located near kharkov on the russian side, they... are more worried about the security of belgorod and that is why they are creating a defensive group there, that is, even if there is some movement of troops and a concentration of troops there, then there is
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still more of a defensive group is being formed, and they can be understood, because really, why wouldn't ukraine now take, for example, bilhorod, if such a conversation has already started, and from the point of view of the fact that the russians can... become more active on kupyansk direction, in avdiyivsk, in er, bakhmutsk, and even in the south, this is partly due to the political development of the situation, since after the beginning of october, when they intensified and actually started their so-called big offensive, and now we already we are almost in the middle of january of the 24th year, the achievements in them are small, that is, look at the achievement map. minimal, the losses are huge, and soon the elections, the so-called elections of putin, and he has to demonstrate something, it is obvious that this time, from today until march, when these elections will be held,
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or the so-called elections, the russians will throw everything they have in order to show at least some results, that is, there will be attempts both in the kupyan direction, and in the siversky, and in the bakhmudsky, and of course in the avdiivka, because avdiivka they consider it the easiest, let's say, from the point of view of... achieving some visible result and demonstrating their achievements at the front, so i think that the russians will really try to break through in all directions now, i wouldn't call it a big offensive, because strategicness in this there is still no offensive, they are simply trying to test the ukrainian defense in different directions and still achieve some tactical successes, which will be presented. in the information space as something so big for some strategic or even operational results, i think they don't calculate themselves, well, that is, this whole
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story that began in... the year that we will enter the administrative borders of luhansk and donetsk regions, it just got bogged down somewhere under avdiivka, got bogged down, including at the hottest points that now there is, that is, no matter how much they want to do it, they cannot do it now and there are objective reasons for this, both people and resources, and the fact that they are starting to use missiles, ballistic... missiles of north korea testify to the fact that they obviously have serious problems with the military-industrial complex, because today medvedev spoke about the fact that we tested absolutely all types of weapons in ukraine, only nuclear weapons remained, but considering the latest reports about north korea, about ballistic missiles, not russia are these missiles enough, or is north korea just
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trying... now to use ukraine as a training ground to shoot down these missiles, in order to then fight there with south korea or with japan or with other countries? well, in fact, of course, north korea is not the leader of this process, it is used here as one of the elements, i call it the military-industrial alliance of the axis of evil, that is, this alliance already obviously includes russia, iran, north korea and... the systemic player here is china, which is also using, of course covertly, of course it is is in the shadows, but look at the scheme that comes out, the russians pay in yuan in north korea, because there are a lot of yuan in russia now, let me remind you that 90% of the oil sold by russia now is india and china, and it is obvious that the chinese and it's not all happening in dollars, that is, russia has a lot of rupees and a lot of yuan, so they invest in north
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korea in yuan. with this money, north korea can purchase raw materials for munitions of missiles in china, and these components can also be raw materials, of course, this cannot be called a military purpose, but simply as civilian products, china sells all this calmly, north korea is turning into a kind of workshop, where projects that could be implemented in russia are beginning to scale, but they lack workers, engineers, industrial... capacities in north korea this everything is there, and with certain investments, as well as the provision of components and raw materials, they can now become such a workshop that will produce ammunition and missiles for russia, and these missile technologies, they are transferred from russia to north korea, of course they can turn into a global problem, because north korea can release these missiles not only for russia, but also for its own
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use, including for threats. of course to south korea, actually to change the balance on the korean peninsula, and including for the threat to the united states, this is already in the interests of china, of course it is done, because china, we know china's strategic goal is to reduce the influence, reduce the influence of the united states, including in east asia, well, in principle, globally, and that is why it is now emerging any points of tension , especially a conflict, for example, on the korean peninsula, it will be in the interests of china and ... absolutely not in the interests of the united states, and therefore it seems very strange the misunderstanding, unfortunately, of the political forces in the united states, which now are engaged in some kind of internal election games, there they look more at the mexican border than at the fact that a military-industrial alliance, the axis of evil, and direct military threats, including direct threats to the united states, are being created alongside them, because
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north korea has recently already... tested an intercontinental ballistic missile, which means that russia has transferred these technologies to it due to the corresponding russian investments, these missiles can eventually fly over the united states itself, which, in principle, russia only needs. three committees of the united states house of representatives, led by republicans, released a proposed plan for victory in ukraine, criticizing president biden for not providing enough aid to ukraine and proposing a plan of action that includes as soon as possible providing ukraine with the necessary weapons, strengthening sanctions against putin and his allies, transferring frozen assets of the russian federation to ukraine. mr. mykhailo, why are our western partners delaying to provide ukraine with those weapons, which, in principle, could not only stop the russian federation, but push the russian federation's troops away from the territory.


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