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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EET

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gather the parliament, vote and , you know, not look for any reasons that this draft law will worsen someone's ratings there, now the question is really about responsibility and unpopular decisions, and not introducing some illegal, some anti-constitutional draft laws, that is, it means that the government itself is sabotaging the mobilization, and what has now been done in terms of information. this is demotivation, because the law is about mobilization, it should also answer questions about demobilization, and to be honest, it is very important to shorten the chain of these actions, yes, when there is a speaker, a leader, a servant of the people, the government, the ministry of defense, the general staff, that is, you know, let's not make our military hostages of some such personal fears in the hierarchy of power. thank you. thank you, mrs. maria.
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mr. yaroslav, ms. maria, says the right things in principle, and that the mobilization concerns the entire country, and it does not only concern the supreme commander-in-chief, political responsibility, but it is the political responsibility of all authorities, both legislative, executive, and military. this question our future. of the state, this is the question of those people who are currently at the front, i understand that this draft law is new now, the verkhovna rada will return in february, do i understand it correctly, not very correctly, now i emphasize one of the scenarios, it is not ultimately information, as you saw, not only congress.
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of the united states works very unpredictably, but the verkhovna rada, too, that next week, previously sounded tuesday, i think that a little later there will still be an additional meeting at which the final a decision on another draft law on the military register, and accordingly, perhaps some revised version of the law on mobilization will be introduced by this moment, there are separate questions on... the regulation in general, how it will be introduced, because the government also withdrew its draft law, and four alternative bills, they still remain, but there is a certain probability that in january, even before the opening of the new session of the parliament, as in february, the bill on changes and mobilization will be considered in the first reading, but... that's why i would not did until
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predictions about specific dates , but there is definitely such a possibility, well, i agree , i agree that the war is not waiting, that is, everyone said correctly here, i can only repeat that everyone is present on the air, and like the constitutional majority of ukrainian the parliament has already made a decision on mobilization eight times, as well as many. times made a decision to extend martial law, the first of which was made on february 24, 2022, so we have mobilization, we have certain government resolutions and other normative acts that regulate it, and no one unfortunately, it does not stop, well, because the war has not yet ended with our negotiated victory, so i would not... i would not make any
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apocalyptic predictions here or there, or state that postponing the consideration for a couple of weeks, which would be so, let's be frank , finished only in february, somehow changed the course of mobilization, but i have a colleague, he is your ex- colleague, a journalist, now a member of the defense committee, serhiy rokhman, he has a very... in addition to that phrases that haste and speed - these are different things, well, i think that there is no need to explain what is in the law, which is the most important in the entire history of our tenure, and one of the most painful, including that it affects everyone, and poor quality, and sometimes quite outrageous, including legal mistakes, can have quite ...
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catastrophic consequences for specific uh dozens thousands, if not millions of people , so, once again, the situation that came out in the parliament, it is... shameful from the point of view of communication, well, i don't even want to tell now just how it was and, well, it was painful to watch, especially as they initially tried to transfer this one certain responsibility lies with our politicians, but the fact that the parliament defended both subjectivity and the right to make a normal text, with a normal legal grant, taking into account. the positions of the human rights ombudsman, taking into account some proposals of other ministries, at least take the time to calculate how much we need for this money, because there are no such calculations, at least not as of now, so i think that this is the only
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correct way out , it is very unfortunate that what the surer spoke about was not done right away many guests of your broadcast, since christmas, when the text was entered. well, unfortunately, such a process was proposed to us by the authorities, and unfortunately, i only received some normal logical continuation today. thank you, mr. yaroslav. yes please. yes, let me add, because yaroslav correctly says that, in principle, the parliament defended and, er, and did not allow, let's say, to introduce anti-constitutional norms into the draft law. but the parliament is already a consequence, and when we talk about mobilization, there really is an active law, and we you, too, have been talking for a long time about what it is, what norms need to be changed, how it needs to be improved, because the country is not only in a state of war now, but in a state of very combative, active actions, and it is also important for us, when you
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asked me, mr. serhiy about the importance of those norms that were changed, it is about training, training of military personnel, because it will help not only to provide for... replenishment of the army, but also to really make normal rotations, vacations for defenders, that is, who have already been fighting for almost two years , and if we also have to honestly talk about losses, and the society must also understand that this is not a fairy tale and active hostilities are taking place every day, but really this is difficult communication and , well, let's say this, the lack of any such adequate explanation regarding the future norms and draft laws that took place and there are temporary restrictions, that's it caused this... panic and this informational chaos, and therefore it is important to draw conclusions, indeed, this draft law was withdrawn, put a logical full stop where it concerns the four alternatives, and the document will return, where there will already be indeed the norms have been changed, all unconstitutional ones have been cleared, that is, especially if
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, because it will definitely be adopted, and it is very important that it be adopted, be effective, and people will be motivated, and... thank you, ms. maria, ms. elizaveta, and why the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy did not personally present this bill, do you have an answer to this question or not? i think that this is the responsibility of all branches of government, not just an oversight. and present this bill, and decide what will be in it, i think that president zelensky, as well as our chief general zaluzhnyi, have said recently, more than once, that mobilization is very important and we have to fight a lot
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. president zelensky, who is currently abroad on important foreign trips to in his press conferences , he also answered... questions about those people who are currently outside ukraine, men, what will happen to them, what will happen to the mobilization of those who are currently abroad? i think that the communication is going, and regarding the presentation, this bill, this is a question very much, which concerns everyone, and i am worried that the ministry of defense, the government and ... the parliament will still finalize the version of the law that we very much need, at the moment, as my colleagues have already said, well , it happened, it happened , probably, we were not sure that the law is in the form
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in which it should be adopted now, so i hope that in the coming days there will be revisions, we will know what will happen to alternative draft laws, what norms with... will be taken and used in the future law, that's all we will be about know in the near future, this is 100%, the war is not waiting, as you said, because... we simply do not have the opportunity to sit and wait, when there is, i don't know, in the spring to adopt this law, it should happen in the near future. thank you ladies and gentlemen, we have to take a short break, we'll be back in our studio in a few minutes, stay tuned. there are discounts on citric, 20% in pharmacies, plantain for you and oschadnik, hello, hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken, but what for bile? alohol, it
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the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oshkad. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go. the best roads will be even better with us, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can do it imagine, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. stay foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback,
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vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to remind you that today we have people's deputies of ukraine yaroslav zheleznyak, maria ionova and elizaveta yasko on the air. we are not only talking about mobilization, because today the government withdrew its draft on mobilization and promises to introduce a new version for. of the project for consideration by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this was stated, in particular, by the minister of defense rustam umyerov, and it will be the closest at times, as he said, and taking into account the criticism and comments that have been made so far, against the background of how the verkhovna rada of ukraine tried to approach the consideration of the law on the draft law on mobilization, in the ministry of defense itself there is a struggle with... those officials or contractors or subcontractors who provide the armed
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forces of ukraine with various services. today , the state bureau of investigation announced the seizure of the property of one of the largest suppliers of the ministry of defense, who tried to bribe an investigator. it is about of the lviv businessman ihor grynkevich, actually about the whole family, the whole family that worked with the ministry of defense, several are meant. companies that supplied various products to the armed forces of ukraine, but the ministry of defense of ukraine and from the end of the 23rd. 2018, the sbi is investigating the dealings of a lviv businessman with purchases of clothes and underwear for the armed forces of ukraine for 15 billion hryvnias, more than half of his 23 contracts with the ministry of defense were not fulfilled. hrenkevych wanted to give the investigator a bribe of 500,000 dollars for assistance in the return of property seized under
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during the investigation, the ministry has already terminated all contracts with companies that were with the hrenkiewicz family, today the real estate, premium vehicles owned by the businessman's family and the accounts of the companies controlled by him were seized today, ladies and gentlemen, i wanted to ask you, the ministry of defense for the past two years simply shaking from corruption scandals, then eggs are bought for 17 hryvnias, then some companies earn just me. it is not known for sure what you will say about why this is happening in the first place, and who is responsible for this, because it is clear that the hrenkevich family did not earn these billions alone, ms. maria,
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please, mr. sergey, i also have the same question, number... one, who will be responsible for this? well, because we can already see that, for example, in the western mass media, we are no longer concerned with war, but with the fight against corruption, yes, what kind of corruption is there in ukraine? and sorry, this is a question, well, not only of domestic politics, because, well, without the continuation of such systemic reforms, well, there will be no substantive discussions, nor about nato, nor about the eu, and all, if only, the promises of partners that we have today, indeed, this is an advance. and this advance was obtained for us by the armed forces of ukraine. and what concerns candidacy and the beginning of negotiations. yes, some part was done by some state institutions, but in fact it is more of a heroic feat of the security and defense sector. but when we talk at the same time about corruption in the ministry of defense, especially in the
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procurement sector, of course, that takes us away from the critical issue. the necessary membership in nato, the eu, and simply, in principle, it is very shameful in its own way in essence, because all scandals, they destroy the image of the country, and first of all, the president, the government, and the parliament, and therefore, if, in principle, such scandals endanger international, military and economic aid, and we already with you, we see that what concerns the united states and the eu is, well, not only... domestic politics, but it is also used a lot, let's say this, what happens in our country, such scandals, skeptics use against us, so partners, taxpayers, in other countries, they really don't understand why they have to give money to projectiles there, when ukrainians,
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ukrainian officials, well, how else do they steal in absolutely huge... headquarters, you just heard that in the report, and i'm sorry, but to fight corruption completely, we understand , no country in the world has succeeded, but we have created an anti-corruption infrastructure, but this, unfortunately, since 2019, it has been completely controlled by the president's office and there are no independent leaders, so the government's struggle now with corruption is more like, you know, such sport fishing, when his they catch, photograph, and then release , because... excuse me, when you say 17 eggs, there is a poor-quality uniform, unfulfilled contracts for ammunition, drones, and there are guilty verdicts, well, that is, i would like to, after all, in some corruption case was put to an end, and people were not released, so zelensky has all the power, and we have to
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understand that, for example, there are such appointments as the accounting chamber, the person who owns the villa there. zelenskyi, well, this is simply unacceptable, we still have a parliament will be forced to change this decision, but why expose the country, it's just some kind of constant internal sabotage from the authorities. thank you, thank you, ms. maria, ms. elizaveta, do you perceive these stories that are happening as part of your responsibility, because monopower implies monoresponsibility, if there is a monomajority, there is a government appointed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, a monomajority, and all power , in fact, in the country belongs to the representatives of the party, the servant of the people, that is, you, when you hear about these scandals, you? do you feel co-responsible for this? i will tell you, when i listen to such and such scandals, when i find out, i feel very
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scared and embarrassed, first of all, as a person, for moral and ethical reasons, i simply cannot imagine how it is possible that when there is so much tragedy in the country that someone is making money from it, well, i don't understand, i... it's even possible, i can't, i don't know, maybe i'm just such a person, but now i want to say it emotionally in a human way , i well it's just a shame, it's a real shame, about your question, i don't agree with the fact that, firstly, all the power belongs to the monomajority, we know that unfortunately, as much as we all want to control everything, unfortunately, what is happening now is that there are those people who abuse in different places, they don't always occupy positions, managers
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, it can be different officials, it can be different representatives of different bodies, who are quietly engaged in corruption , huge or small, we know such stories, and here i am talking about the fact that we know these stories, i want to... protect the government, moreover, the power of all of us, all of us , is that the anti-corruption structures that we created, they began to act, i am not saying this for the first time on your broadcasts, because i believe that we have not heard about these stories before, and so it pains us to hear these stories now, but without them we will not be able to see that investigations are being carried out, that those responsible for the crimes are held accountable. i know 100% that the number of cases open about corruption, and that the real work that
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is being done by anti-corruption bodies, it is not commensurate in size than it was before, now a lot of work is going on so that everyone who is somehow related to corruption is responsible for it and sat, and you know, a few weeks ago... i, for example, visited our lukyanivske sizo as part of a meeting with our ministry justice, and some of these very serious impressions , which i learned that, for example, those who are currently sitting for treason, there are not enough cameras, we are doing a lot of such and such work now, so in fact we can talk about the results no can't but simple of course, i would like to see that there were no such people, such a shame, you can't steal in war, you have to constantly, every ukrainian tries
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to help everyone in whatever way he can, someone is making money from this, it's not just disgrace, you know that, the judicial system must, of course, this person , which steals, brought to responsibility, but also some higher powers, because it is simple, and the higher powers are not the lord god now, but people who are in the highest echelons of power, you meant, no, i i meant precisely that the higher powers in the sky see everything, mr. serhiy, you can a question, ms. ali? yes, yes, if you remember, lisa, the scumbag from the accounting chamber was fired precisely because he found these abuses in the ministry of defense, and he was then removed from the head of the accounting chamber. now you have appointed one hundred percent your person zelenskyi, tell me, please, did you vote for mrs. pishchanska? no, i did not specifically vote because i was not present at
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that vote, but in general i support the appointment decision, yes, that is, the appointment, because that is our faction's position, the position factions, yes, that is, one hundred percent person , not independent, that is, there should be an independent person, you work in the committee for... affairs, you heard the g7 statement that there should be an independent head of this state institution, but the faction made a decision that one hundred percent the person of zelenskiy still has, and i support the decision of the servant of the people faction in this regard, yes , thank you for your answer, mr. yaroslav, what do you say about all these corruption scandals , who is responsible for them, or those who appointed these people, or those people which control had b these abuses, well, it’s not 3 kopecks they steal, but 1 billion, 2 billion, that is , in general, crazy money, and for our viewers
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who are watching us now, well, obviously, the entire government looks like one that steals, well, all of them, all of them without exception, do you understand? let 's start with the basic things, and the budget of our entire country before the war was 1.63 hryvnias, now spending last year only on defense was one of these... hryvnias, well, that is, i named these figures so that you understand that now the defense budget is 300 billion more than before that, there was the entire budget of the country, and that is why there are such large sums, and that is why there is so much corruption, now, as for corruption,
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specifically the ministry of defense. let's look at a few examples, and this will be the answer to the question of who is to blame and what has been done to prevent this from happening again. example number one: the pi-17 egg corruption scandal. there was obvious information about corruption, which no one saw for a long time, as a basis for a response. and the previous minister stayed in his position after this scandal for eight months, unpunished evil, it always returns, that's why there was another investigation, in which i was personally involved, because it was investigated, including thanks to the materials of our tska, this is a winter uniform, and the appropriate deputies came, some of them were already in the pre-trial detention center there, and... who else
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sent there, they came and told me and all the members of the anti-corruption committee, our tsk, that everything was fine there, even in person, some jackets were shown to the minister in person. thank god that the partners were pressed then and the leadership of the ministry of defense was dismissed, literally through a few months later, we learned from the case file that the theft there was even hundreds of millions. as we thought, in my opinion, 1.5 billion or something, it is that, well, conditionally on the surface, who is to blame, i think it is no secret that the previous minister did not appoint his deputies, both by law and and de facto, this was handled by the office of the president, and i think that as in many problems that exist,
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especially corruption... our problems are and have not only facts, they have specific names, surnames and positions, usually further there prefix, the president's office, and did the law enforcement agencies react to it in most cases, no, including on specific examples on the form, until it happened there, sorry, the time of our program is just coming to an end, so we have to finish, i am very. in short, what i see in terms of tenders is much better now than it was six months ago, so thank god, is there a positive trend there ? thank you, yaroslav zheleznyak, maria ionova and elizaveta yasko were guests of our program today. during the program we conducted surveys, we you asked about whether you trust the leadership of the verkhovna rada. now let's look at the screen, the results of the survey: 8% yes, 92% - no,
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on... on youtube, we have approximately the same ratio 8% yes, 92% no, i put a full stop there, it was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you and wish you all the best! greetings to all viewers, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment, the news team will tell you everything, i'll start with this, i'm in ukraine to convey a simple message, our support cannot and will not be weaker.


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