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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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the possibility of at least bringing it to the first reading. thank you iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security , defense and intelligence. we had very little time actually to talk with mrs. irina , but there was a press conference of the president and the prime minister of britain, we had to listen, and now we will go for a short break, after that we will return to our studio and continue discussing important topics, so stay tuned espresso everyday. life is full of stress and anxiety right now, deal with it melamamah b6 will help with challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recovery to melamah b6, full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are 10% discounts on paracetamol darnytsia in psaryznyk, bam and ozhdno pharmacies. kratau contains natural components that take good care of your heart. kratov improves
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defense and intelligence, well, we cannot but address this question, which we directed to her and to you. so we understand, maybe this is not your profile to the end, but the topic is extremely interesting for our ukrainian society. so, one draft law, so to speak, on mobilization, was crossed out, yes, well, commenting on the inconsistency of certain provisions, both with the current legislation and with the constitution, and accordingly, it will now be prepared. or more precisely, another draft law has been prepared, although we understand that there are several more additional non-governmental versions , thank you, well, first of all, this is not only my profile, because i am a father of many boys, you know, young people, and today it is not only mine, it is the profile of everyone, without the exception of ukrainians, because one way or another the law on mobilization chips away at almost every family, so the public outcry is understandable. that
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we are talking about the national security of the state and about the participation of the state on the one hand, and therefore it should be very balanced, reasonable, justified. fair bill now secondly, unfortunately , we really have to state that the first version of this government bill, i emphasize, the government bill, was not sufficiently thought out, not sufficiently substantiated, and the government was convinced, well, the deputies convinced the government, that it is better to withdraw it in this situation, because it has no chance for passage due to corruption risks, due to the inconsistency of the constitution, about which, by the way, the specialized committees have determined their position, and the government withdrew this draft law, as far as i understand yesterday, and now, by agreement, it in the near future, the government must submit a new draft law, which
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, let's hope, will be much more justified, well, let's be realistic in this situation simply... details and the verkhovna rada gave the government the opportunity to save face, in fact, and enter with a new draft law . to be honest, in my opinion, for the successful passage of this very complex, unpopular draft law, perhaps it would be better if it was submitted by another subject of the legislative initiative, namely the president of ukraine, aka the chairman of the council of national security of ukraine. because i will remind you that our president also has legislative powers, but we decided that it should be done by the government, well, maybe that's why we are waiting very quickly for a corresponding new version, or rather a new
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draft law, which will take into account all the comments that were previously discussed. as far as i know, with the participation of all faction leaders and management. the main block of the government, including the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the chief of the general staff, the parameters of this future draft law were discussed, that is, the following key points, they should be taken into account, but all parties have confirmed that they are objective and fair, i guarantee that the verkhovna rada, given the situation, will do everything possible to very quickly... professional passage of this bill through the committees and through the verkhovna rada, through hall of the verkhovna rada. mr. oleksiy, i would like to clarify with you, mariana bezugla has already shared some of the basic provisions that must be taken into account, and
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actually we are talking about certain categories that will be granted a postponement, or actually will to recognize not that they are unfit, well , to give a postponement, well, it is at least about disabled people of the third group, who... they should keep a postponement, and what other categories will be, or in your opinion, may be , which will be granted a postponement, this and it concerns, in particular, people who are getting an education, including, if you know , please share, thank you, in our country ms. maryana bezugla is already becoming such a very powerful factor of national security, it seems to me too powerful, yes, then with maryana bezugla it is necessary to figure it out in the hall, because if the committee does not trust her on the behalf of the deputy, then it is high time to consider this issue in the hall as well. i do not fully understand why the chairman of the verkhovna rada did not put this issue to a vote at the request of all factions. therefore, with your permission, i cannot and do not dare to comment, this is really not my profile. i
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hope for the professional position of the members of the specialized committee on national security. but in any case, certainly the other committees will be looking at the... others, i'm sorry, yes, yes, yes, you're in touch, and the other committees can hear you, so great, yes, something has disappeared, again, the connection is glitching, oleksiy kucharenko is in touch with us, the people's deputy of ukraine, yes, yes, mr. oleksia, and other committees will consider it, and i hope what, but in the hall all the votes should be counted, so we'll see. how, exactly, does the government see this dream of the justice of this law, it will be a difficult law, a bill, and it is clear that not everyone will be satisfied, that is absolutely clear, but we must find a way out, we are not in such a situation that we, sorry ,
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postponed consideration of such issues , allow me to ask a question on your profile, recently the government canceled the moratorium on disconnection from communal services due to debts, and we understand... that soon they will start disconnecting ukrainians from communal services for debts, how did you take this decision in general, in your opinion, why did the state decide to take such a step, because we understand that the economic situation in ukraine... is not too good, and the state also understands that there is a lack of money, in fact, we understand that this is what caused the deficit in the budget, no where to get money well, excuse me, the situation is a little more complicated, when the government took such a decision on march 5, 22 , well, at that time it may have been a reasonable decision, because i will remind you of the situation, the occupied part of the kyiv region, sumy, chernihiv, kharkiv and so on further. migration is total, yes, at that time it was justified, but in my opinion
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, in the summer of 22, it was necessary to immediately adjust this resolution in order to individually determine to whom we give this deferment, who has the opportunity to pay, because as a result, the government allowed essentially the whole country does not have to pay, and on unfortunately, part of the population absolutely with incomes , absolutely took it as an opportunity simply not... you for electricity, as a result , insane debts began to accumulate, which were reflected in non-payment and non -payment of funds to miners, for gas, and i will remind you that oil and gas is the main the payer of the budget, the armed forces and the entire social system depend on the budget. indeed , electricity must be paid for the product, in my case there is no doubt, we all see what
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is happening with the prices of food and fuel, but no one gives out credit there, even in stores, so in this regard , you definitely have to pay for the goods, on the one hand, but on the other hand, as a consumer, i must be convinced that the price of this product is justified, that it is transparent, that they are not making money there... it is on the same schemes as it is called today in the ministry of defense, you understand that everything there is transparent, justified for me as a consumer , that i have the opportunity to check the account, that i will not be charged extra incomprehensible money, that i am not fined somehow there for the meter not authorized and so on and so on, and the government did not do this part, because it is not professionally capable of doing it, well, sorry, there is no one there to do it, i... applied officially to the cabinet of ministers with a proposal simultaneously with this resolution
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to settle these consumer protection letters, about which i just told you, i received a reply in response, that is why right now i am corresponding with my profile committee, we will consider this in the near future the question to balance and so that we really encourage to pay... who can pay and is obliged to pay, but so that we do not touch the poor, so that we do not touch people who have really lost their housing today and have no opportunity, here is the key question, i understand, thank you, thank you, oleksiy kocherenko , people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing, was in touch with us, now we will take a short break and after it we will return to the espresso studio, so stay tuned by us oh and they got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad
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normalact and everything will work out. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00. on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first in ukraine. a platform for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together
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we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family, with the support of the national assembly of people with disability of ukraine, enable me ukraine. well, in the meantime, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and rishi sunok of great britain signed a bilateral security agreement today. this was reported by the european pravda correspondent. the document is entitled the agreement on security cooperation between ukraine and the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. it was signed by the leader of the two countries after negotiations at the mariinsky palace in kyiv. this contract is placed in the field of security agreements on the implementation
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of agreements agreed upon during of the vilnius nato summit between ukraine, a member of the group of seven, and the states that have joined them. well, today in ukraine they celebrate the day of political prisoners, and in fact, this is the day when we remember those who are still going on, ah, and are experiencing all the horror of torture, and we know this firsthand, especially understanding , when ukrainian political prisoners return, when they are returned home, and actually about the fate of ukrainian political prisoners who survived in the 21st century. torture and the fear of what the enemy can do to them, we will see further in our material of our colleagues, let's watch together on january 12, 1972, the soviet authorities began the largest repressive action against ukrainian dissidents. already in january 2024 , the russian authorities continue the shameful tradition and
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illegally detain hundreds of ukrainians. in the temporarily occupied territories of moscow. forcibly hand out their passports, and later condemn our citizens according to their own laws, neither ukrainian human rights defenders, nor diplomats, nor representatives of international missions are admitted to the enlightened ones. russia considers citizens of ukraine to be its citizens, because russia committed such a war crime as forcible passporting, it concerns residents of occupied crimea, it concerns residents of donetsk, luhansk regions, and yes... also newly occupied territories, and russia pretends that these are its citizens, and it judges them as its citizens, and a political prisoner - a person in whose case there is a clear political component, for example, opposition to the current government. however, for our citizens, the occupying power is precisely the occupying power, as well as one that does not comply with
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the norms of international law, so ukrainian political prisoners are rather political prisoners. but for oleg sentsov, putin is not his president, therefore oleg sentsov is not politically connected, he was a hostage, just like akhtem cheygos, just like elmil merov , just like other citizens of ukraine who in these imitation courts, in these blasphemous courts, they declare that we are ukrainian citizens, for them putin is not their regime. russian prisons are partly becoming programs of slow death, a condition. the health of political prisoners is not taken care of there, because of this, in particular last year in places of imprisonment two crimean prisoners, dzhemil gafarov and kostiantyn shiring, died. in addition, the right to defense... and the hope for advocacy are also de facto absent, this is done by russian lawyers who do not defend justice, but only persuade to plead guilty, and it is necessary, you see, in order
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for the lawyer to be able to influence something, there should be a justice system, it's not there, so the lawyer is there more so that the person who was imprisoned for political reasons is under the supervision of, let's say, a savvy lawyer who... can observe, can intervene, may prevent torture, for example. the annexed crimea became the center of kremlin justice over ukrainians. the majority of prisoners are kept on the peninsula, people from the newly occupied territories are transported there, they are arrested there not only for their political views, but also for their religious beliefs. however, in general, the range of articles proposed to our citizens is limited. mostly it is extremist activity and terrorism, because even in russia. it is difficult to condemn ukrainians simply because they are ukrainians. the crimean tatars use the terrorist method articles or articles of prosecution for the participation
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of the chilibijahan battalion. as for the ukrainians, sabotage of espionage and storage of weapons. the issue of the return of political prisoners is even more complicated than the return of our military, because if there are exchange mechanisms for the latter, there are none for the arrested. since 2014, the number of those who managed to return home, unfortunately, is limited to dozens, the lawyer cannot do anything after the verdict is announced, because there is no justice in russia, that is, there is no point in trying to change something, these people can to leave only as a result of political agreements between ukraine and russia, only if ukraine will work very hard, a lot for their release. according to the representation of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, as of september 2023, russia is illegally detaining 186 citizens of ukraine. however, such numbers are incomplete. the kremlin continues to arrest
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civilians on absolutely ridiculous charges, just as the soviet union did half a century ago. olga skrypnyk, head of the board of the crimean rights group, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mrs. olga. welcome to the espresso studio. good day. the davos forum is approaching us. there are many different negotiations going on, both open and behind the scenes, but sometimes there is a feeling that the topic of crimea is heard, heard somewhat more quietly. maybe it's a mistake, maybe we're hearing it wrong, but how active is it now, in your opinion, what is called the return of crimea to the big sanctions and the rest of the negotiations, yes, because it has started. the war against ukraine precisely because of the occupation of crimea? well, there are also certain objective reasons, because i understood that it is important now to focus attention on what is happening on
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the front line, directly on weapons and on military events. as for crimea, on the one hand, it is really not always in the top, because there are other problems that are connected now with the war, but at the same time, all the processes that related to crimea continue, in particular in the fall, in october. the second summit of the parliamentary crimean platform was held in prague, and in fact more than 60 countries confirmed their will and desire to work with ukraine regarding the de-occupation of crimea. i also i think that the decisive change that finally took place is very important, it is the understanding that crimea can and must be returned by military means, accordingly, this also applies to weapons and certain operations carried out by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to the crimean peninsula, but... . it seems to me that there is definitely not enough attention, and sometimes in general, it is precisely our imprisoned civilian hostages in general, this applies both to the occupied
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territories after the 22nd year, and to those territories that were occupied even earlier, in particular this is our crimea, because the number the number of prisoners there is increasing, but we currently do not have the mechanisms to release civilian hostages, civilian prisoners, including political prisoners of crimea, and this is my conviction. that the attention is definitely not enough at the international level. mrs. olga, we know that today is the day of the ukrainian political prisoner, and this happens every year, they honor and remember those who were arrested because of their political beliefs, and i would like to emphasize more in order to remind to our viewers and above all, to remind myself of those people who are now in captivity from... in particular , these are the crimean tatars, who are also in captivity. how many now, if you know, how many of these individuals are there now, what is their fate, and if there are any such, you know, egregious cases
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in... in the context of the term of imprisonment, what is the longest term now? today we have a lot of people playing, at least 180 people, that is, more than 180 people, but it is clear that no one can say the exact number until we have access to occupied territories, and not only to the occupied ones, the problem is that some of our prisoners are in the russian federation, but there are at least 180 people there, which are confirmed... all the materials of criminal cases and other evidence that these people are imprisoned illegally, for political reasons, and so on. therefore, as far as the number is concerned, in addition to this, we also have prisoners who are abducted by the russian federation in the south, in the kherson and zaporizhia regions, and transported to the occupied crimea, and these are hundreds of people, and they are constantly moving because often after being held in crimea, they are taken to the russian federation, so
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the number is constant. is growing, and this confirms even the fact that the occupation authorities have already opened only three silos. let me remind you that until the 22nd year, before the full-scale invasion , there was only one prison in simferopol where political prisoners were kept, it is prison number one. then russia opened sizo number two and more recently it opened sizo number eight, that is , today there are already three sezos in force only on the territory of simferopol, for our prisoners, yes, for people who have not committed any crimes, except of what was done before. their condition is really terrible, most of the people who, in political affairs, usually become victims of torture, because russia literally knocks out evidence against itself, and often likes to record it in its propaganda videos and then spread it in russia in the russian media, more these people do not receive medical care, and in fact, in your story, it was about two political prisoners who had already died, but now
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more than 20 prisoners are at risk of... that the most terrible consequences may occur, i.e. these are people who have very serious heart or other illnesses, they are mostly held in russian federation colonies, they need not just medical care, but immediate care, otherwise they can really die, and we know this has already happened, so the issues are only getting worse , usually all of them are taken very far from the crimea, these are very northern regions, where the cold is added to all other problems. because the temperature is sometimes even 30° lower there, and it is clear that these colonies are not heated normally there, and a separate trend that concerns in fact, citizens of ukraine who are taken to russian colonies, many of them are then still in shizo, these are penal isolation cells, when they are immediately placed, this is basically, you know, this practice is just additional abuse, these are solitary cells, where at all during the day you can't even sit down anywhere, because everything is raised, that is, there
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is not even a couch for this person, correspondence, any communication with relatives is prohibited while they are in shizo. and, for example, one of the first political prisoners, this is valentin vegipskyi, he was imprisoned back in the 14th year, this a fabricated case for espionage, supposedly for photos of some abandoned airfield there, which was not working, so he was constantly simply, in fact, put in shizo for years, that is , in such a way that he simply lost touch with reality. that is, in addition to physical torture, this is also a constant psychological abuse of our citizens. and this is only gaining momentum, because to this is added the extremely negative attitude of the criminal, the real criminal, who sits in the colonies, and we can imagine with you what kind of people these are, because this, if we we know that russians are the worst people there are, then he will imagine that this is also a crime among russians, yes, unfortunately, unfortunately, ms. olga, we have to end our conversation with you today, but we will return to it in the near future. olga skrypnyk, the head of the board of the crimean
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rights group, worked with... now live, well, antin and i say goodbye to you, we will see you on monday in this studio, and now we pass the word to our colleagues who continue their work, so be with espresso . greetings to everyone who is with us, i am nayova melnyk and time to find out about the most relevant events at the moment, i will start with the situation in the regions, in the regions: a 28-year-old man was killed as a result of an airstrike on avdiivka, the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city, targeting residential buildings, vadim, the head of the donetsk regional military administration, said.


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