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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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they say that this saved the ministry of defense at least 2 million hryvnias. kmikat drones will cause enemy losses along the entire front line, in the kherson, zaporizhzhya, bakhmut, lyman and other directions. if you want to increase the number of good russians and destroyed enemy equipment. join the collection for details, for ukrainian birds. you can now see the details on the screen. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. and we continue the big ether, the second hour is ahead, a lot interesting things await you, the economic results of the week with oleksandr morshchivka, also yuriy fizer will tell in more detail what happened there on the arabian peninsula in the yemen region, the weather from natalka didenko, what it will be like this weekend, a lot of interesting things, a lot of important things, but we will start with news, i will briefly tell you about the most important thing in detail now. a 28-year-old man died as a result of an air strike on avdiivka. the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city. settled in a residential building -
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reported the head of donetsk oblast of the military administration vadim filashkin. new york was also shelled by enemies from hailstones, a private house and three high-rise buildings were damaged. and the russians killed two people in kherson, terrorists hit the city with artillery. a woman who was on the street died, and a charred body was found in the ponivechnaya car. the person's identity is being established - reported the head of the region oleksandr proku. fires started as a result of the shelling, they were promptly extinguished. i'm sitting, i'm making variniky, and then there was such a shake that dust fell from the ceiling, and the house shook, but you what, it, it was the first time, and then the second time, and so it was even stronger the second time, it was very scary, there was an arrival and we quickly in...
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remains under the ruins of their own homes, those who died due to the russians blowing up the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, are still lying under the rubble of buildings in the temporary the occupied bare pier on the left bank of the kherson region. the russians do not eliminate the consequences and do not get the bodies - said the local head. of the military administration svitlana linnyk. people are considered missing, their relatives are looking for them, according to official data that is known according to the ukrainian authorities , ten people died in the bare pier, but the real number of victims may be much higher. let me remind you that last year on june 6, the russians blew up the dam of the kakhovka hydroelectric power station. deported the children, the security service of ukraine detained a collaborator from kherson who served the russians during the occupation of the city. was
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the deputy head of the kherson emergency medical aid center and gave the russians a fleet of ambulances, with which the invaders took ukrainian children to russia. she came after the deoccupation of the city to lviv. the traitor managed to be detained at the krakow border checkpoint when she tried to leave for the european union. at present, she was informed about the suspicion and taken into custody. during the occupation of the regional center, the official joined... the management team of the captured medical facility and handed over 24 ambulances to the invaders. she personally signed the relevant order for the appearance of legality of this procedure. in addition, the defendant helped the fascists in the mass deportation of ukrainian children. they were taken away in ambulances aid from the kherson region to the crimea, and then to russia. in this way, they disguised the illegal removal of minors under the guise of moving special medical vehicles.
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the special representative of the united states of america for the reconstruction of ukraine, peni pritzker , visited kyiv, along with the heads of several american private companies. ambassador of the united states of america to ukraine bridget brink informed about this. the delegation led by pritzker has already held a meeting with vice prime minister oleksandr kubrakov. during it discussed, i cite practical steps to increase ukrainian exports and restore the viability of its economy. yesterday, 17 men were detained in transcarpathia who tried to illegally cross the border to hungary, 12 of them wanted to get to romania, and five, all from transcarpathia, lviv region, mykolaiv, poltava, dnipro, donetsk and zaporizhia, reported in state border service of ukraine. in relation to them , protocols on... offenses were drawn up,
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the cases were sent to court. the harvest of victory: the project of the agribusiness development center united 20 entrepreneurs from to ukraine , they talked about business development scenarios, farming trends and attracting grant funding in lviv at a master class. according to expert ivan kolchytskyi, it often happens that there is a good idea, but there is absolutely no plan and systematic way to turn it into a real success, especially in the conditions of war. each participant of the event formed an action plan that will help achieve the desired results. a great deal of attention was paid to rural areas. capital, attraction of grant funding, ability to calculate financial aspects of business, the next stage is to talk about trends, that is, we talked about what trends await us in the 24th year in order to prepare for them and be able to form a scenario. there was very little theory, there was more practice, and this is communication with
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colleagues, you learn in the process what kind of people they are, they are also engaged, interested in their fields, they tell us in general terms, but you in everyone... is already building a strategy plan in his head , how he will build, or at least start building his business. from january 12 in 1975, on the initiative of vyacheslav chornovol , the day of the ukrainian political prisoner began to be celebrated in the camps of mordovia. day of those who remained faithful to principles and ideals, despite physical torture and arrests. nowadays, this holiday has acquired a new meaning, because russia, with new strength, is a prisoner of ukrainians, yes... crimean tatars. we look at the fate of ukrainian political prisoners in the 21st century in our material. on january 12, 1972, the soviet authorities began the largest repressive action against ukrainian dissidents. already in january 2024
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, the russian authorities continue the shameful tradition and hundreds of ukrainians are kept illegally in prisons. in temporarily occupied territories. drinkers forcibly hand out their passports, and later condemn our citizens according to their own laws, neither ukrainian human rights defenders, nor diplomats, nor representatives of international missions are admitted to the enlightened ones. russia considers the citizens of ukraine to be its own citizens, because russia has committed such a war crime as forced passporting, this applies to the residents of the occupied crimea, this applies to the residents of the donetsk and luhansk regions, and... also newly occupied territories, and russia pretends that these are its citizens, and it judges them as its citizens, and a political prisoner is a person in whose case there is a clear political component, for example, opposition to the current government. however, for our citizens,
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the occupying power is precisely the occupying power, as well as one that does not comply with the norms of international law, so ukrainian political prisoners are rather political prisoners. but for oleg sentsov , putin is not his president, therefore oleg sentsov is not politically connected, he was a hostage, as well as well as akhtem cheygos, as well as ilmirov , as well as other citizens of ukraine who declare at these mock courts, at these blasphemous courts: "we are ukrainian citizens." for them, putin is not their regime. russian prisons are partly becoming programs of slow death. they do not care about the health of political prisoners there, because of this, in particular, two crimean prisoners, dzhemil gafarov and kostiantyn shiring, died in places of detention last year. in addition , there is no de facto right to defense and hope for advocacy. this is done by russian lawyers who are not
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stand for justice, but persuade them to admit guilt. you see, in order for a lawyer to be able to influence something, there has to be a justice system, there is none. therefore, the lawyer is there more so that the person who was imprisoned for political reasons is under the supervision of, let's say, a seasoned lawyer who can observe, can intervene, can prevent torture, for example, the annexed crimea became the center of kremlin justice against ukrainians, the majority of prisoners are kept on the peninsula and transported there persons from the newly occupied territories are arrested there... not only for their political views, but also for their religious beliefs. however, in general, the range of articles proposed to our citizens is limited. mostly it is extremist activities and terrorism, because even in russia it is difficult to condemn ukrainians simply because they are ukrainians. the crimean tatars
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are subject to terrorist articles or articles of persecution for the participation of the chilijahan battalion. and with regard to ukrainians - espionage diversion and weapons storage. there is even a question of returning political prisoners more difficult than the return of our soldiers, because if there are exchange mechanisms for the latter, then there are none for the arrested. since 2014, the number of those who managed to return home, unfortunately, is limited to dozens. after the announcement of the verdict, the lawyer cannot do anything, because there is no justice in russia, that is, there is no point in trying to blame something. these people can leave only as a result of political agreements between ukraine and russia, only if ukraine will work very hard for their release. according to the representative office of the president of ukraine in autonomous. as of september 2023, russia is illegally
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detaining 186 citizens of ukraine in the republic of crimea. however, such numbers are incomplete. the kremlin continues to arrest civilians on absolutely ridiculous charges, just as the soviet union did half a century ago. we will continue to talk and continue our broadcast. yuriy fizar, the world about ukraine. good evening, yuriy, please. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening. to everyone who joined our broadcast today, so today in the section about the world ukraine about what is happening there in yemen, aid to ukraine, what is wrong with it, and what sociology says about the next year, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. but i will start with another military, military conflict, this time in yemen under... in general, this country on the arabian peninsula ended up under. the armed forces of the united states of america and great britain
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launched a massive missile attack on the positions of the houthis in yemen. tonight , radars of the air defense system, as well as warehouses and launch sites for drones and missiles. a total of 60 objects in 16 locations. these locations were in the cities of sana'a, saada, hoddeidah, tais and damara. at the same time, i want to note that sana'a is 100. and hodeidah is a large, very large seaport . the united states reported that about a hundred rockets were fired, while the houthis claimed 73. it is not yet known whether all the rockets hit their targets. the wall street journal reported with reference to its own sources that the houthis knew about the possible shelling in advance, and therefore could hide the equipment and ammunition. and the hussites have already threatened to continue striking in response. i will remind you that the usa decided to strike this blow after. a series of attacks by the houthis on merchant ships sailing from the gulf of aden through
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the babelmandeb strait to the red sea, as well as after shelling their military bases and ships. well, as you can see, the shelling was serious, very few video materials appeared on the network, which would show the damage caused by these shellings, i wish all the missiles hit the target, because they hit those... strategically important facilities of the houthis, from which they fire at simple merchant ships. well , the west generally supported the actions of the americans and the british in yemen. in many countries of the world, their actions were called such that they do not contradict the charter of the united nations. so they said, for example, in the united states of america. and nato generally declared that the massive missile strike was carried out in self-defense. the actions of washington and london were also supported in the netherlands, bahrain and canada, and a whole number of countries did not take any
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participation in this operation, but representatives of their governments emphasized that they fully support such actions, since the objective of the night attack was to unblock shipping in the region. i really hope that this will be unblocked, but we must understand that it will not be some kind of one-time operation that will solve everything. unfortunately, the khossites do not have many weapons, and it may be necessary to inflict such blows. well, but nevertheless, traditionally, if, for example, representatives of western countries spoke in support of the actions of the united states of america and great britain, then traditionally, the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdoğan, stood up for his co-religionists in yemen. he accused the united states and great britain of using disproportionate force. moreover , he called the night shelling an attempt by washington and london to turn the red sea, further his
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quote: into a sea of ​​blood. at the same time , he emphasized that he receives information from other sources and according to it, the houthis will successfully respond to the strikes. well, whether they respond successfully, i can't say anything about to say this, but the fact that, as i have already told you, they have a lot of weapons, well, this is a fact with which ... one must reckon, and which must be taken into account by both the british and the americans, when they think of preparing any further operations, well, i was not impressed at all. the originality of the position and comments that were heard today from russia and directly from the kremlin. during a briefing at the russian foreign ministry, its spokeswoman, who likes to call herself an official representative, masha zakharova, accused washington and london of violating the principles of the un charter, and even said that the kremlin has called a meeting of
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the united nations security council for today. but here is dmitry medvedev, putin's deputy in the russian security council. stated that the united states' strike on houthi targets in yemen was, in particular, aimed at diverting attention from its troubled kyiv wards. well, but do we pay attention to what medvedev says? very often not, but you still need to pay attention, because whatever he drinks there, whatever he uses there, but still he articulates the position that sounds with the kremlin, which he is allowed to articulate and which is constantly... in those circles, it is so, well, i have to say two words about why what is happening in yemen is extremely important for the world in general and for ukraine, in particular , - first, i personally really hope that all the missiles, well, okay, most of the missiles that were, i hope that they were tomahawks, most of the missiles that were launched towards
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military targets in yemen, that they got there, where you need to... get to and have done a lot of damage to the houthis, the houthis, in particular, this shia, but they are an offshoot of the shia branch - this is zadin, and even though they don't seem to get along very well with the main branch that comes from iran, they are still shia, and that's why iran just supports them very much, iran itself allowed them in 2014 to stage, start a civil war in yemen and overthrow the then leadership led by president... abd rabu mansour hadi, and this abd rabu mansour hadi, even had to flee the country, he found refuge in saudi arabia, well there last year he transferred all the powers of the government national unity, but as we can see, there is still no national unity in yemen, and the houthis, no matter what they do there, no matter how
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many weapons they have, they themselves are a hole from bagel, if there were no weapons from iran, a. .. and these are drones, and these are rockets, they wouldn't be able to do anything, and since they are doing enough of these attacks on even warships, as well as rocket attacks, the territories of israel, which were after what happened there at the beginning october, shows that they have these missiles, well, that's the main thing the purpose of the shelling, of course today 's night shelling, of course is to weaken the houthis militarily and to... brush civilian shipping, sea transportation, well , it may be for us indirectly, well, i wouldn't say that well, i would just say about how it will be beneficial for us that, after all, iran gives a lot of weapons, if american and british missiles hit warehouses with weapons, then the kushites will not have these weapons, so
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they need more weapons, so the question is how many there will be to give rockets and drone niks of russia, well, everything is very closely tied here, i will monitor this situation, and you will be the first to learn all the updated information, but again, i say, do not think that it is somewhere far away, somewhere on the arvian peninsula , it is all in our modern globalized world, everything somehow concerns every country, every person who lives in our country, now we are moving from the arabian peninsula closer to us. well, to our questions. the united states of america, unfortunately, cannot do more send us military and financial aid. this was said by the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby, during the briefing. according to him , the administration of the current president of the united states of america spent everything it had
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in stock and for which there was funding. now, according to him, according to the words of the admiral the plague. aid has ended and now it is necessary for the us congress to vote in both houses to continue providing kyiv with all the necessary financial military aid. well , congress is somehow in no hurry to solve this question. i again looked at the agenda of both houses of the highest legislative body of the united states of america and could not find any information there about when or if they will meet. sometimes put this question to a vote, although not last year, it was already at the beginning of this week, the speaker of the lower house, the house of representatives mike johnson said that there are certain questions about ukraine, in particular about how to criticize, even not about ukraine, and to the president of the united states of america, how will these weapons be used,
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which is provided to ukraine, and in yesterday 's briefing, admiral john kirby also said that they will listen to the republicans and will monitor more actively where american weapons go, okay, moni...cakes, just quickly vote to give us this weapon to be honest, we are asking you a lot, after all, you yourself understand. the united states of america has introduced new anti-russian sanctions, us secretary of state anthony blinken announced. according to him, the new restrictions apply to three legal entities and one physical entity. all of them involved in the transfer of ballistic missiles from the dprk to russia. in washington, they claim that the missiles transferred to moscow were you. parted with her during a military operation in ukraine, followed by a quote from mr. blinken. russia's transfer of ballistic missiles to north korea supports
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russia's war of aggression, increases the suffering of the ukrainian people, and undermines the global regime of misunderstanding. it's a bit surreal, you agree: north korea gives a bunch of missiles, well, i don't know if it's a bunch, but it gives a bunch of shells to russia in order for russia to ... continue this aggressive war, and the united states the united states still can't decide whether to give ukraine or europe enough of those missiles that can hit at a longer range so that ukraine can adequately defend itself against the influx that has just come to us. even more interesting is the reaction of the same masha zakharova, the official representative , well, that's what she calls herself, i just call her spokeswoman masha zakharova, to this information she... said that you are what, god forbid, we are not all of you, all these rumors about north korea giving us missiles, just someone wants to to see what he wants to see, it's nonsense, that
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on the territory of ukraine these missiles fell on the territory of ukraine, on which the markings were rubbed off, but it was quite clear that they were from north korea, well , i think that first of all the russians want to look like a country that is now actually begging missiles from, are they selling them for money or in exchange for some technology or? the western mass media wrote that the united states, sorry, russia, in exchange for these missiles, undertook to supply north korea with information about new, how to make these rockets. how to make them better, well, that is, they decided, apparently, to first teach north korea to do better, and then north korea will do it better for them, probably yes, uh, yes, and the european
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commission can make concessions to hungary so that the government of this country unblocked the provision of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. this was reported by the financial times with reference to its sources in brussels. according to the information received by the publication, prime minister viktor orban can get permission to annually review the conditions for providing this assistance, in particular, regarding whether ukraine fulfills its obligations and whether it is necessary to continue providing this assistance. the european commission is also not against annual inspections of this aid and the addition of a clause on the so-called emergency braking, according to which any country. may express serious concerns about the provision of payments in ukraine. well, in one word, no matter how
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hard you try, viktor orban, this cunning letter did intrude on something in the european union, as we see that such an invader. but we really hope that all this that the european commission offers in exchange, that this will not happen and that the help from the european union will continue to go to us, we really hope. well. and finally, 39% of the inhabitants of the country believe that the year 2024 will be even more turbulent than the 23rd. this is evidenced by the data of a sociological survey conducted by the galap international agency in 40 countries of the world. by the way, it was also held in russia, but some other company conducted it on behalf of galap international. according to according to the answers of the respondents, only 20.6% of earthlings think that this year will be more peaceful than the previous one, but 39 respondents believe that nothing will change and everything
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will remain as it was. sociologists commented on the results of the research as follows: direct speech. thus, fears clearly prevail, in contrast to the period two years ago, when the global peace index revealed almost equal shares of optimists and pessimists. at that time, there were equal parts optimists and pessimists, but it occurred to one person sitting in the kremlin, attack your neighbor, and this equality has already changed. well, we really hope that with the help of our partners and with the support of our guys on the front lines, we will change these statistics again, we really hope, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today and this week i will meet with you already on monday, but don't switch, because there is still a lot of interesting stuff on the air.
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we thank yuri fizer for what he told about. events outside of ukraine, but now here is what the material will bring to your attention: canister therapy - noveta is a quite unusual word for ukrainians, which comes from latin, where canis means dog. this is the name of the method of treatment or rehabilitation, when four-legged friends help to overcome fear, depression, anxiety and generally relieve psycho-emotional stress. our correspondent darya ruban visited several educational institutions in bila tserkva and spoke with those who benefit from this practice. children from due to their own needs, in the inclusive resource center number two, for the first time , they experienced one of the effective methods treatment and rehabilitation with the help of specially selected and trained dogs. these two corgis, a yorkie and a german boxer know how easy it is to make contact. dogs are specifically trained to work with such children, it causes positive emotions and joy in children, they instill love for animals, for all living things,
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so that children understand that... during trips to other cities, pets must be accompanied by dog ​​handlers, canis- therapists according to the director of the dog breeding club, mrs. iryna, there are very few breeds that are not suitable for this work at all. the only ones who are definitely not attract - these are puppies. you can start preparing four-legged friends for such a mission from three months of age, but you shouldn't do it... on your own, because this should only be done by specialists. before the start, each dog is selected. it is necessary to be very person-oriented, to be very eager to communicate with a person, with any stranger, and then training takes place, then our dogs pass exams. in general, canister therapy is psychological relief, rehabilitation and
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help in stressful situations. and it is now needed, unfortunately, not only by children, but also for adults, such interaction with animals normalizes the work of the nervous system, reduces the level of physical and psychological stress, blood pressure, helps overcome anxiety and fear of dogs, and for children with special needs, it is not only one of the methods of rehabilitation, but also learning that is perceived in a playful way, the dog receives a very large load and a lot of stress from itself... my work, the point is that the dog must communicate and communicate in a playful way with complete strangers, with children, therefore the overload in dogs, yes, really very big, also dog handlers with dogs visited one of the kindergartens in bylotserk, joy knew no bounds, in general, canisterapia is excellent for the adaptation of displaced persons, families of fallen defenders, children in
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orphanages and people. who experienced the horrors of war, this method of zootherapy showed itself well during the rehabilitation of military personnel in hospitals. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. there are discounts on lactial of 10% in the psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. pain can become an obstacle. on foot with moves, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. you can even walk with dolgita cream. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. with muscle spasms, tablets are long.
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