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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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of our program, thank you for participating in the program, during our program we conducted a survey, you were asked the following: do you think the office of the president exceeds its powers? 89%, 89% think yes, 11% no, so these are the results of the survey, this was the verdict of the program serhiy rudenko, i wish you a nice, peaceful weekend, take care of yourself and your family, see you on monday at 8:00 p.m., goodbye! there are discounts on heparin of 10% in the pharmacies of psylszynyk, ban and oskad. vinyl agency presents taras on the stage of the lviv opera on january 22 at 7:30 p.m chubai and songs that all of ukraine sing along with, a special guest. concert of the lviv
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men's academic choral chapel dudaryk . tickets for karabakh live sound. there are 20% discounts on citrik in pharmacies. plantain for you and savings. greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. the verkhovna rada was supposed to begin its deliberations this week. bill on mobilization, but in the end it was sent back to the cabinet, from where it went to the parliament at the end of last year. if this draft law in its original form was brought before of the session hall, then he would have every chance to fail during the vote, suggested roman kostenko, the deputy of the voice, on our broadcast yesterday. presumably, they decided not to take risks, but they did not abandon the idea of ​​a draft law. as the leader of the servant of the people faction , david arahamya, said the day before, everyone politicized. understand and
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support the need for mobilization, now the government has to propose a new version of the bill on mobilization, moreover, according to defense minister rustem umerov, the new version is already ready. our soldiers need rotation and vacations. our warriors need a chance to recover. our soldiers have the right to know what awaits them and to plan their own lives. the bill on mobilization plans to establish a clear term of service on mobilization, and this is necessary for every soldier. our team already. prepared a new version of the draft law taking into account all the proposals agreed in the working order with the deputies at the meetings of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. the minister also wrote the day before that the document will be sent for approval in the near future the cabinet of ministers, and then, accordingly, it will again get to the verkhovna rada, where it will be discussed again in committees, and only then will it be voted on in the parliament, if of course it comes to that. it may take several weeks. out of the blue, the manager's advisor suggested. office of the president mykhailo podolyak.
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why sudden? because, in principle , the president's office distanced itself from the bill on mobilization and practically did not comment on it. he said that the document is a joint work of the government and the military, so let them explain. well later it turned out that the ministers , at least some of them, did not agree with the bill on mobilization, for which they themselves voted, they came to the committee to the deputies, asked to change the document and even, as the same minister once again said on our air . mp roman kostenko was rewritten or asked to be rewritten in whole pieces. well, now we will discuss this whole story in detail. our broadcast is joined by serhii rakhmanin, people's deputy, voice faction, member of the committee on national defense and security intelligence good evening. congratulations. you know, i will start our conversation by quoting the famous ukrainian journalist, editor-in-chief of public radio tetiana troshchynska. and here she is about the bill on mobilization.
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wrote this, turned the most important decision of 2023, let alone the 24th, into such a disgrace, you have to be able to do it, and they did it together. why do you think the bill on mobilization failed and what must happen for the second attempt to succeed, considering that now virtually all stakeholders in this story have discredited themselves? an absolutely relevant question and a very difficult one. question, let's try to answer briefly, well, it failed, i think it's too early to say, because it doesn't exist yet, there was a version that was withdrawn, which i hope the next version will be better, although there are a huge number risks, reservations, challenges and fears, secondly, why it failed, first of all, because of the lack of communication, it was absent as a class from those people who should have communicated this story. the next question: why was there no communication? very simply, this law
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necessary, no matter how someone treats him, but to him, let's say so, well, if not hostile, then let's say so. a restrained attitude, at least to this draft law, but it is necessary, why is it necessary, because it is impossible not only to win, even simply to enter a war, without having calculations regarding the mobilization resource, at the moment there are no such calculations, they are not there because a large number of people, a large number of people who should register for the military do not do so for various reasons, therefore this law is necessary, it is in my view, the basic task of this law is to introduce a... if it will be in a conditionally ideal
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format, it will still be a law that will be sensitive, that will not be liked by one or another category of citizens, let's put aside illusions, whatever it is, there will still be a large ... number of people whom this arrange the law for one reason or another, there will be no objective, subjective ones, therefore the persons, bodies, structures, environment that were involved, initiated, developed this draft law, of course, they did not want to take responsibility for this unpopular law, i emphasize once again, it will be unpopular , even if the absolute majority of completely reasonable proposals are taken into account, this is exactly why there was a lack of communication, and the lack of... communication, it does not just create, it multiplies fears, myths, apprehensions, aggression, hysteria, sorry for the frankness, panic, again excuse me for being frank, and also against the background of the fact that every new version of this bill, which before it was not even a bill,
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but drafts of this bill, if i'm not mistaken, there were six such drafts, that another one appeared , it was thrown into the public space, it began to be discussed, overgrown with additional myths, fears , then a new one appeared, and the public continued to discuss the old version, and against the background of the fact that all persons who were involved in its development, in no way neither the president nor the ministry commented of defense, not representatives of the government, let me remind you that the government is a key structure for us, responsible for the mob for mobilization, let me remind you, few people know this, in fact, it is the central body of executive power, it is entrusted with key obligations for... not for the military, not the president, not the verkhovna rada, or anyone. the central body of the executive, he also did not comment, although he was the initiator of this draft law. this is exactly what led to that and what led to the fact that the draft law is not yet, not being a draft law,
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already caused, let's say this, a huge number of fears, partly objective, partly not, in a significant part of society, and therefore it was the ideal option. which we proposed in the committee at the very beginning, when this bill finally reached us in a more or less established form, we began to go through it article by article, and immediately suggested to the government representatives: let's take into account at least some of the most sensitive comments, withdraw this bill , make the necessary changes, and i will remind, if someone does not know, the changes in this draft law only the person who created and submitted it, i.e. the cabinet of ministers, no deputies, the public, the president or anyone else can make changes to the first reading. uzlad, unfortunately, well, in the person of representatives of the ministry of defense, who represented, presented this draft law in the committee. they did not listen to us in time, as far as i understand, they insisted on the mandatory procedure of the first reading. after it became clear that votes in this
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form for this draft law are not being collected, well, what happened happened, after, how many 3.5, as far as i understand, an hour-long meeting of representatives of the group leaders. faction to the chairman of the verkhovna rada, after which the government was forced to do what it should have done before, withdrew this draft law, promised to take into account the comments, at least some of them, and promised to introduce a new text. well , in fact, yesterday, yesterday, the minister of defense umeru, he already announced that a new draft law has been developed and will soon be submitted to the government, and when, according to your forecasts, this is already his new the version can be registered, discussed and voted on, i am here... until you joined us, quoted the representative of the president's office mykhailo podoliak, well, he said a couple of weeks, but again , the president's office almost did not comment on this story, so no i know how correct it is, i have no idea, well, let's try , i don't want to fantasize and i won't, i can predict, regarding
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the office, when you said the office did not communicate, the office should not communicate, we have a change of concepts, the president should communicate again, the president, so sorry such, sorry the person in charge, which is called the office of the president, i am the president , who is the commander-in-chief, and the chairman of the national security council, the person who leads the pack, he should have communicated, why did he not communicate about the issue to him, i think it would be appropriate and appropriate , because mobilization and war is a general matter, it affects everyone. now, regarding the terms, look, there are several questions, i don't want to get too deep into the issues, because i will waste a lot of time. what is meant by the updated bill, i can only guess look, when we went through this bill item by item, how it looked, it was worked out by a working group, submitted on behalf of the cabinet of ministers and... arrived, was referred to the committee of the verkhovna rada, we passed it item by item, that is, we
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studied it, any norm, any article that caused us concern, questions, because some norms were simply not clear, what follows from them, how to apply them, what they mean, and all these issues we talked about, we asked questions to representatives of the ministry of defense and general staff, who participated in the working group, did they answer or not answer our question, and if there are any comments... i say once again, this was a working format, it was not a formalized document, because such a form and procedure do not exist, it was just a working dialogue, there were any questions or remarks expressed by the members of the committee, which i apologize for, which had the support of a larger, significant number of committee members, the majority, then these remarks, representatives of the ministry of defense, they noted them down and promised, in the event that this... document will be rejected or sent to frames, take them into account. as far as i understand,
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did they consider some of our suggestions, comments, clarifications? it seems to me that something has happened with our communication, but i am not mistaken, now we will redial, serhiy rakhmanin, representative, people's deputy of the voice faction and member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security and defense is in touch with us. intelligence, we are talking about the mobilization bill, which, i will remind you, was returned to the government the day before for revision, and shortly, just as we are discussing the timing, and shortly it is due again to be registered with the government, voted and come back, so to speak, for the second round, this is definitely the top topic of the week, if some of my colleagues say that it is even the top topic of the year, i would say, because mobilization is about a thousand, tens of thousands, maybe. hundreds of thousands of people who are already defending ukraine in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine or others
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or as volunteers, and the same, of course, applies to those people who can potentially be mobilized. they are talking about such a bill, about the need for such a bill a long time ago, and of course, even volodymyr zelenskyi, we remember that at a press conference in december, he said that the military allegedly... required him to mobilize 400-500 thousand people, he does not know the plan, although valery zaluzhnyi himself , when he presented this draft law , he did not name the figure, the only thing that, for the sake of justice , i will now quote volodymyr zelenskyi, today he had a press conference on the occasion of the visit of risha sunak to ukraine and the signing of the security agreement with britain, which we will talk about shortly. he was asked there about the bill on mobilization, this is what the president said regarding the bill on mobilization, i... know that the military worked with the deputies, i did not see the final version, for me the most important thing is that this law is
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fair, when i see all the details, then i will be able to say, period, i hope that we will still be able to involve serhiy rakhmanin, and we will not completely lose contact with him, but in the meantime, i suggest watching the material about how ukraine is actively building fortification barriers on the border with russia, belarus, as well as on the front line, one of these defense lines was visited by information journalists. what the military engineers say about the nuances of their work and the timeliness of such construction, see in the material. air transfer, shelter, here, if the troops are moving. if the troops move, are on the move in the fields, then somehow it is still
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possible to do without fortifications, but as soon as the troops stop, then you need to dig in immediately, this is simply to ensure security. after all, we no longer have explosive barriers, after all, this is our land, hers i would not like to litter it like that, that is, they are used only as duplicates, like what we showed you, concrete tetraders are duplicated by mine barriers, this is like a mark. for us, if anything, it will still have to be cleaned later. apparently, i believe that most of these barriers should have been built much earlier, probably in the spring, because it takes too much time, there are barriers that are built directly during active action, we can
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do it, we know how to do it, but not right nice and... taking a little longer now here, what we see, first the teeth of the dragon are exposed, so here the rider, then between them we stretch a steel cable, well, you see it, then we put a yagaza on this steel cable and only then, when it is already placed, we expose a mini mini barrier with the help of a kapa excavator. the soldiers dig the trenches, and the soldiers themselves do the decoration. the infantry occupying these positions are already arranging in their own way. this is the main task of engineers. the main task of engineers is to ensure the mobility of their troops and to make the movement of troops as difficult as possible the enemy barriers, explosive,
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non-explosive, fortified areas are our main work. well, how not to be cool yet. no matter how you look at it, the old school of the soviet union, which russia still adheres to, is one of the best in the world, in terms of fortification, let's be honest, we are not the only ones studying, when i was on training in europe, nato is also studying in full swing there, they are redrawing and look, they did not have the practice of creating such barriers, well, after the second world war. well, after the second world war. serhiy rakhmanin joined our broadcast again by phone. people's deputy, voice faction , member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, serhiy, we are glad that you have joined again, you said, we talked with you about the terms, you said that representatives of the ministry of defense came to the committee, recorded all comments , and now the question is when they will be ready to re-introduce this
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bill and, accordingly, vote for it already in the verkhovna rada, but there is a substantive side to the issue. that is, there were comments from committee members and perhaps, i hope, some part, i hope that is significant, will taken into account in the development of the new version, but this is my assumption, now , as for the timing, it is not clear, in fact, how it will happen, let's say, from a legal point of view, i will explain why, when any draft law on any topic is drafted , and it is provided that alternative bills can be submitted to it, and in this case... four of them were submitted, the main bill submitted by the cabinet of ministers was withdrawn by the cabinet, but the four alternative bills have not yet been withdrawn, no decision has been made on them, i.e. they must either be recalled by the authors, which they probably won't do, or they must be rejected in the hall by the verkhovna rada, but this
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can be done only after a certain number of days, when the next plenary meeting is announced, and further, if it is... a new bill with a new content and with a new number, then according to the regulations , the procedure for re-submission of alternative bills is applied, and this is another 14 days, and therefore it is possible that when they talk about the theoretical two weeks, it is about this, that is, in order to submit this bill again you have to recall the alternative, register a new one and wait two weeks for the alternative to be submitted, well, that's my guess, because i don't fully understand... the mechanics and the technique, unfortunately, our colleagues from the government do not explain how, as what they are going to do, we only know what happened, they withdrew the bill and promised to introduce a new one. please tell me for those who are fighting and who will be fighting, you said at the beginning that this bill affects a lot of people, but that the fact that he is gone and
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won't be for a few more weeks, how and who will be affected first of all. and what will actually happen if it will not be approved for a long time? let's face it, there is a lot of speculation, manipulation on the topic that this draft law complicates the current mobilization. in my deep conviction, no. for whom he makes life difficult. it makes life difficult for those, first of all, for the military leadership, which cannot calculate its mobilization resource, for a long time, what is called, because accounting will not be introduced yet. they will not know, on what real, i emphasize, real mobilization resource they can count on, secondly, who will it affect, there is a certain large enough number of military personnel... employees who are currently serving their services, including in the combat zone, who have a, let's say yes, there are legal grounds for demobilization, due to a whole series of reasons
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, but in the conditions of martial law, they do not have the right to demobilize, this law allows them to introduce such an opportunity, so it will affect them, that is, for them, it will be postponed for a very long time sorry, and that's it it's actually a huge problem, and that's one of the reasons why this bill... needs to become law as soon as possible, as far as the current mobilization is concerned, i strongly believe, you may disagree with me, on the current mobilization, it's not in any way on the current mobilization will not be affected in any way, no fundamentally new mobilization mechanisms are introduced there, responsibility is shifted a little, well, at least in the draft law that was from one body to another, but let's say... yes, on the mechanisms mobilization, on the broad foundation of the legislative framework of mobilization, this does not affect in any way, talking about the fact that if
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there is no such law, mobilization will fail, then frankly, this is a conviction of responsibility, i understood you, and the last question, you said at the beginning that communication was absent as a class from the people who were supposed to communicate this bill, and you said you didn't know why the president didn't communicate. this draft law, a number of experts and also your colleagues, deputies said on our broadcast that the president simply distanced himself from this bill, what do you still think, why, why did he do that, maybe there are some objective reasons? see why the president didn't do it, the president knows better than anyone, but why she didn't communicate in principle, i said at the beginning of our conversation, this law is not popular, this law is important, this... the law is necessary, but in any case, it will not be popular, and therefore all persons who are directly or indirectly, indirectly, tangential to it, to its development,
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implementation, implementation, they did not want to take responsibility for unpopular things that will be implemented to a greater or lesser extent, later, sooner, and in my opinion, this is my assumption, this silence, this lack of communication was due to excepted. the votes are very well, the easiest option was to overturn the verkhovna rada and then it was already raked or, pardon the pun, the verkhovna rada, not the drafters of this law. do you think it will be possible to enter the same water twice, do you think or when considering the number two bill on mobilization, will both the government and the president behave in the same way, or can we still expect some other behavior? i don't think anything will change, the only thing that can change is the... view, if some things are really taken into account, well, it's impossible to take everything into account really, but if some things, well, absolutely natural, normal things are
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taken into account, i think that some, let's say, politicians, will not lose the chance to take advantage of this and advertise that it is their merit, but in general, in general, not more problematic places this draft law will not be communicated , forgive me for not being on your side... on my own initiative, i will speak out if we have any more, yes, the shortcomings, defects, flaws of this draft law were discussed by everyone who is not lazy, in my opinion, the basic, key problem of this draft law, and it will be transferred to the next one, regardless of what changes in it, is that the largest number of problems will arise not from the letter of the law, but from the regulations that will be adopted. in the development of this law, i explained, for example, total military registration of men is being introduced
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, basic military training is being introduced, general military training, which will apply to all those who do not have military registration specialties, these and other things, and there is a defender's certificate, the introduction of an electronic cabinet, all these things that will cause the most questions , problems, difficulties, they are all regulated by... not the law, by-laws, which must be developed by the cabinet of ministers. we don't know what's going to happen in these bylaws, but that's going to be the biggest problem, that's it challenge, will cause the most problems, chaos, questions, and these are the things, in my opinion, in my deep conviction, because it will apply to everyone, practically, well, for example, there are, there are sore spots, for example, there are disabled people of the third group , sensitive there. sensitive , but it concerns some, well, let's be frank, not a very large number of people, or there is possible seizure of vehicles from fops,
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again, this is a large category, but in ... but accounting, liability for violations of the accounting rules will apply , i attract once again attention of all, all men and some women, all, i emphasize, from 18 to 60, regardless of whether they have health problems or not, whether they have a deferment or not, whether they have armor or not, they are on the territory of ukraine, or outside its borders, that is, they should indicate that they have, for example, things that allow them... and let's say there to avoid service on legal grounds, but everyone must be treated, but what will it look like in which order, in what form, for what exactly they will be punished, for what no, how it will be regulated, this is the most about, will cause the most problems, complications and indignation, and it is these things even before the law is adopted, and its developers must communicate, at least in general terms
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, explain to people what it is for. to prepare, they don't do that, thank you very much , that's the biggest problem, i'm sorry it happened, thank you very much for such a detailed comment, we are always glad to see and hear you on our broadcasts, serhiy rakhmanin, people's deputy, voice faction, member committee on national security of defense and intelligence, we talked about the bill on mobilization, which, i will remind you, was sent back to the government for finalization this week. the night of january 12 was the calmest in recent times, there were no drone and missile attacks from the russian side, this was announced by the air force, it was probably assumed that the weather helped there. on the other side of the planet, however, the night was loud, with the united states and great britain carrying out a massive strike on houthi targets in yemen overnight. the strikes on military targets were carried out in response to houthi attacks on merchant ships in the red sea, who were heading to israel.
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representatives of the houthis howled that they would respond, and russia demanded to convene an emergency meeting of the un security council due to strikes on yemen. radio svoboda's international editor, rostyslav khotyn, will tell you more about the night attack, as well as how this attack on the usit facilities in yemen may affect the situation in ukraine. the us and britain struck after the houthis began seizing, firing at or threatening maritime trade in the red sea. they declared war on israel and at first threatened to seize ships going to or from israel, but then switched to all others, especially when the ship's captains refused to radio. this harms world navigation, because the ships now had to bypass the soviet channel and go all the way to southern africa, covering additional thousands of kilometers of oceans. this raised prices for
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freight, insurance, and delivery. cargo, because 15% of the world's maritime traffic went through the red sea and the soet canal. the hussites are an ethnic-religious community in yemen. they are shiites, so he supports them shiite iran. they rose up in arms in 2014, seized sana'a, yemen's capital, and the sunni yemeni government moved to aden. saudi arabia has been waging a war with the houthis since 2015, and they... carried out shelling and terrorist attacks against its oil sector. now the houthis have decidedly sided with hamas in the war in the gaza strip. what is in ukraine from yemen and the hussites? first of all, the hussites are enemies of saudi arabia, which is very important for ukraine in its dialogue with the global south. the saudis were previously involved in the liberation of ukrainian soldiers from russian capture and meeting of jidi's advisers. organized
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in august regarding the ukrainian peace formula, in december the saudis held a secret meeting regarding peace negotiations in the ukrainian war. attacks on the houthis strengthen the position of saudi arabia and weaken iran. by the way, about iran. he is the one who supplies weapons to the husitsa militants. therefore, switching iran's attention to yemen and the hussites may be beneficial to ukraine, which is being bombarded by russia with iranian missiles and amid reports that iran may soon provide russia with missiles as well. when the middle east burns, and there there are direct iranian interests, maybe tehran will not care about missiles for russia. one more moment, you can now hear that the usa and britain refused to show determination when there is a threat to navigation in the red sea. they would act so decisively when russia threatens navigation in the black sea. there is logic here,
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but these are the realities. that the hussites are an armed fighting group.


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