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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EET

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companies try not just to surprise with individual inventions or products, but also to show what they think the infrastructure of the future might look like. we are trying to create an infrastructure that is built on a combination of hydropower, artificial intelligence and robotics. the first chain is such smart self-driving mobile units that will work like taxis or more buses on water. when they serve their age, the parts can be used to make, say, charging stations from the case, greenhouses. the main goal is to reduce the amount of waste. significant attention at the exhibition to products in the field of medicine, and especially for people with disabilities. this is the cheapest bionic protest in the world, or so say representatives of unlimited tomorrow, the company that makes it. it costs $800, although analogues in the usa cost twice as much to...
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the manufacturing process is quite interesting and allows you to make the product cheaper, with the help of an application for a tablet or phone, you can scan the limb. the program will create a 3d model of the prosthesis, from which the actual product will be made. after receiving the prosthesis, it is required register on a special site, through which, with the help of machine learning elements, the bionic hand will adapt to the wearer. in the second half of 2020, this company sent several dozen prostheses to ukraine for free. this year, the organizers of ces honored the ukrainian company esperbionix, which manufactures bionic prostheses, with a special award for innovation. it is a self-learning hand prosthesis that automatically adjusts its functionality to the habits and lifestyle of each user. representatives from ukraine came to the exhibition 12 companies. these are mostly startups
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looking for investors or partners to enter the american market. roman bysko's merodot company based on magnetic resonance technology has created contactless charging of electric vehicles and has already concluded several contracts with american customers. there are several companies in the states, they are major, large corporations, such as vitrocity. eh, who raised 160 million dollars there, and our technology is on par with theirs, and if we talk about eh functionality and price, then we win in this, that is, technology, which was developed in ukraine, at the level of the technology on which millions of dollars were spent. another ukrainian company trying to conquer the western market is deus robotics. it manufactures smart... robots
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for warehouse automation, we have rms, this is a robot management system, this is the software that controls our robots, the brain of our robots, and when, for example, i or a warehouse worker calls, wants, i need, i need there, i don’t know, it’s such a book, and again calculates which robot will be closest, which shelf will bring, so that it would be as quickly as possible when a person works with a package. she needs to process one package, it takes 75 seconds, with our robot, it takes 15 seconds. for various reasons, some startup founders from ukraine, despite being invited , could not come to the exhibition in las vegas. but representatives of the dutch company holoconkonets say that their technology allows you to create the effect of the presence of a person at any point on the planet. holographic imaging is the future of telecommunications, says andre smith. with the help of a hologram
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, the effect of the presence of a person next to is created by you, we already use it in some hospitals when doctors cannot be present to examine patients. each exhibitor tries to surprise visitors. in the fight for the consumer's attention, manufacturers in the field of electronics are becoming more and more creative, and if the product does not have elements of artificial intelligence, it becomes increasingly difficult to do so. from las vegas, andriy borys, dmytro slavchuk, voices. that 's our goodbye, also watch our daily briefings at 18 on youtube and facebook, thank you for staying with us, have a good night and good morning, see you soon!
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we are looking for 13-year-old dianka prokopova from donetsk region. the official information about the girl's disappearance on... was received in june 2023, but unfortunately i do not know the exact date of the disappearance, because diana lived in the pokrovsky district in the village of verkhnotoretske, which was occupied at the beginning of the war. therefore, any information about the girl's possible whereabouts is important. if suddenly you have it, call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile phone the operator is safe. or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared in the donetsk region in the city of mariupol. his mother said that on the very first day of the war, life in the city became
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unbearable, and the situation worsened rapidly every hour. the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but shelling was far from the only problem for the residents of mariupol. there was no internet, light, or water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, after that, the whole family ate everything, he didn’t drink, he couldn’t eat , to be honest, it was very difficult for us to eat , the stores were all looted, there was no transport, nothing, we just sat there, that’s what we wanted, despite all the horrors, the most bothered the then 15-year-old...
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an area about 200 km from mariupol, and the boy's family did not dare to leave home, so serhiy left alone. it happened on march 6, at 4:00 p.m., my grandmother and i did not let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we were already quite there was nothing to eat or drink, it was very scary, he took a backpack with him, there was a computer in it, he dressed as young people dress.
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and is now in the territory under the control of ukraine, is doing everything possible to find serhiy, in particular, he turned to the office of the ombudsman. i understand that they want to contact that party, and find out if there is any information on that side, because many children were being transported to russian territory at that time, so now they will contact that party. maybe a boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to... the temporarily occupied territory, who may see this program on social networks. take a close look at the photo of the child, if anyone knows where serhiy might be now, don't delay. dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service 11630 from any mobile operator.
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calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service at telegram any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime. there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in psylvanic, bam and oskad pharmacies.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time, two hours. yours time, we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now there will be more details about what happened in the world. speak yuriy fizar, yuriy , good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the passing day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman. verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project
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for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine at the border. there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 47 minutes, let's talk about the main thing. today we will have the economic results of the week, well , we will also summarize
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the military results of the week again on the battlefield with serhiy zgurets. well, let's start with the announcement of the collection. espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since the 14th year in the hottest areas. this is the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region and kharkiv region. soledar and bakhmut on donetsk region, here too the heroic soldiers of the kholodny yar brigade distinguished themselves. currently, the defenders need kamikaze drones. in sufficient numbers, these birds will be able to stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, equipment, manpower of the enemy for a few minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost, so let's strengthen the wings of our warriors and clip the wings of the occupiers and aggressors. today, the enemy struck another blow at kherson, unfortunately, there were casualties.
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we will talk more about the situation in kherson oblast oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. well , well, good evening. the news that appeared today is that the enemy attacked kherson, two people died as a result. perhaps there is now more information about. please tell me more about this , well, yes, at 12 o’clock a projectile really arrived in one of the districts of kherson, this is the shipping district, on one of its streets, quite close to one of the streets, there is a transport company and a post office, and there are always a lot of people, and there were people and and right there the woman died, caught fire, the car caught fire
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, a man got into the car, he, unfortunately, also died, the woman was 80 years old, and as for the man, it is not known who he is, because there was a very big fire, there was a fire, and the law enforcement officers are now establishing... who it is, what kind of victim, and unfortunately, we have such a problem, other settlements were also under fire, but luckily there were no casualties. well, yes, i read that during the day the enemy fired 73 shots, almost 300 shells flew in, well, again, this is obvious if you say it all over the kherson region, right? well, yes, it is for the past day, yes, all over. i want some , now i have such a political question, i want to ask you, but it is important, especially in
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the period of a full-scale war, with the aggressor country, the representative of the banned opzh party, mrs. mazur, cannot be dismissed from the kherson military administration, well, maybe more you know why this is happening, and in general, certain people who are connected with the political force, whose politrad was headed by treason, still continue to work. a state official who is currently outside the country, well, not him one, he is there, he and a number of other politicians are there, please, i honestly don’t, well... to be honest, i haven’t heard about it, i can ask there, of course, well, the question is what to release people during martial law, unfortunately, in our country, the law does not allow it,
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but i think that this issue will be resolved if this is the case, yes. people can remain idle for the period of martial law, they are not paid wages, but there are cases when we cannot dismiss them. i want to ask about what, this is a military situation to a greater extent , again from what can be said, because it is clear that you hardly have a... breakdown of the situation on the bridgehead, which the armed forces of ukraine were able to win so easily, well, not with their teeth, but with shovels, bullets and mines on the left bank, we are talking about krynka, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 90% of the equipment in the krynka sector, which the enemy, as i understand it, sent there, maybe there is more information in general about the situation at the bridgehead, are they really telling the truth that it is possible, albeit
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with great efforts, to expand this one surgical bridgehead. yes , the situation is really difficult there, and our guys who are there now and have seen several videos, just today, how they destroy the equipment, and almost half of the equipment units together with the ubk are blown up there, our artillerymen are constantly working to cover our guys . there, well, drones are working with drones on the occupiers around the crowns in order to secure and allow our guys who are there to work, but really, especially in such a winter period, when it is getting colder, it is difficult an extension is given, but they do it, and
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perhaps there is again more information about the situation in the occupied territory of the kherson region, life continues there. yes , life under the rule of the occupier, somewhere people are forced to get passports only if they have passports, let's say, because i read in the occupation only those who have a russian passport, it's not even i don't want to call it a passport, this is a piece of paper in a cardboard box, let's say , fake, only they, let's say, are given firewood or brackets so that they can heat, now it's cold in ukraine, i think that in kherson oblast no less colder than in other regions. well, in novaya kakhovka, in particular, there are very serious problems with medical services, people are actually forced to either treat themselves, if they have any drugs, or hope to god and their immunity that they will recover, is there really information about what is difficult with this, well, and also the humanitarian situation in the occupation , do you have any information, well
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, there is a very big problem with medical care in almost the entire territory of kherson region, the occupiers cannot do it... because first of all, many doctors have left, to cooperate, they began to work for the occupiers, passporting is also underway, but in addition to passporting , the main collaborator saldo announced that by april 15 they must collect all data on people who can be... mobilized, these are people from 20 2007 inclusive, whom they plan to mobilize , and by april 15 they must collect all the information about all possible lists there, create territorial commissions, create medical commissions, that on the 15th he plans
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to start mobilization in the territory. and the occupied territory of the kherson region, there are also reports of, as they said, that restricting people in obtaining firewood, receiving services, but, first of all, i want to say that they cannot even provide for those people who received russian passports, even these people cannot provide this firewood, repair electricity. er, they can only have their own holidays, ugh, i will ask one more question, here are the people who died, well... after the enemy blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric station, a large number of people are considered missing, but let's say, the government of the naked pier writes about the fact that, well, the government
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ukrainian, and not the occupation one, that those who died from the detonation of hes can still lie under the rubble of houses, the occupiers do not look for them in any way, do not identify them, generally do not disassemble the rubble, people who are actually considered missing are actually dead, just that their no... it is possible to identify and confirm this fact, whether there really is such a fact, and again, how many people, unfortunately, have already died, can we talk about, tens, hundreds, or is it all, again, now some adequate statistics can be given impossible, on alas, it is impossible, it is one hundred percent more than a hundred, because there were many messages and with a bare pier, when the supporter was kokhovskaya os, and they were also reported. from kalanchak , when the russians brought the dead there and buried them there, then there were also reports,
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unfortunately not verified, that people were buried in mass graves, so it is 100% certain that there were more than a hundred dead people, but exactly how many, who exactly, unfortunately, no we can understand for now, only after the liberation of the left bank will we be able to conduct an investigation this thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments and for your work, first of all i am grateful. oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, was in touch with us. and now let's discuss such political and social political and social topics. we will be in touch with volodymyr omylyan, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, before that he was a people's deputy, minister of infrastructure, now he is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. well, of course, we will talk about several important topics here, well, first of all, ukraine the prime minister of great britain risha sunak came to visit, interestingly, this happened exactly after the american-british
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coalition carried out airstrikes on the territory of the territory of yemen, and with what risha sunak came to ukraine, what he promised and that will come as aid, and not only about that, volodymyr mylyan, i congratulate you, mr. volodymyr, well, actually, let's start with the visit of rish sunak, this is a very symbolic visit right now, and again it is important that, like his predecessor boris johnson, he came not only with words, but also with some help. evaluate this visit, please, and again, who was the initiator here, in your opinion, the british side, that this could have been a joint agreement and about the help that britain will provide to ukraine? visas are the key here. that the west once again emphasizes that ukraine is not alone in this struggle with russia, and we should appreciate it for the truth, if it was not difficult for us,
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no matter how small, sometimes there was depression, if it was not scary, this is our war, and the west is with us , the visit is actually very powerful, important documents are signed, we must remember that the documents can... be super important today, but not fully implemented tomorrow, but nevertheless it is extremely positive that not only the united states, but also great britain and dozens of other countries, uh, are on the side of ukraine in this war with russia. russia has allies, mostly terrorists, renegades and countries that are actually coming off the world stage. perhaps, except for china, which still cannot fully decide, it is a civilized world, or wants to stay a little longer with autocrats. well, tenak announced the support of ukraine for 2.5 billion pounds
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sterling is even more than dollars, i don't know what the current exchange rate is in relation to the euro, but actually the pound sterling has always been a little more expensive. everything should be a little better for the british, or a little different, at least, well, help with drones looks very optimistic here, and it is not a drone. and these are more powerful drones , more long-range, let's say this, why exactly , because to be honest, as far as i remember, well , we didn't receive any such announced earlier, or we didn't receive the help of drones from britain, well, in fact, we must remember that our most successful maritime drones, they were created jointly, in particular with british specialists, with the help of the government of great... britain, and, uh, this assistance that richie sunok announced today for 2024, it is a little bit more from the help you received in the previous two
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years. there were 2.3. so it is very important for us to stand in 2024 and it is possible to win in it, god willing, or in the following years, the goal of this victory is important, what will happen next after the victory, and here i would by all means dwell on the initial part of this agreement, that the decision of sunak and the british government clearly indicates the future of... ukraine in nato, and ukraine, as a future member of nato, will significantly strengthen the alliance. this must be our aim in this war. not even so much money, but the understanding that we are an integral part of western society, that we are the outpost of western civilization and must become a measure for the east in the future. and in addition to richie sunak, peni pritzker also arrived in ukraine with a group of colleagues
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. is responsible for the european economic recovery of ukraine, and again, this is a lady who has quite an important position and weight is in itself, as a specialist and as a figure, again, what can this be related to, or is it before the usa obviously still decides, regarding aid to ukraine, this visit should take place so that to discuss certain points and place emphasis, so that later, instead of demanding reports from someone, and making excuses to someone, so that everything is spelled out and clearly understood, what is the reason for the next aid from the usa? this is certainly the case because in a democracy , democratically elected leaders are accountable to their constituents, and with many stories of corruption in ukraine and at the highest, unfortunately, level and at the middle and lower levels, it is very
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important for americans to understand that... their taxpayers' money is not pickled in ukraine, but there is another purpose of this visit: americans, like everyone our other western allies want to see ukrainian society and the ukrainian state healthy, with strong institutions of power, with a powerful economy that is capable of restoring itself and increasing the rate of growth, and the foundations of this economy are laid... today together with our allies, i watched mr. kubrakov's press release following the meeting with pritzker and the american delegation and ukrainian business, it looks very positive, and i hope that despite all the difficulties we have with the ukrainian authorities, we will still be able to build the right strategy, as well as relations with our allies, and the reconstruction of ukraine in the future, because without an economically
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powerful ukraine, er... there will be no way to win this war and consolidate success after victory, i now want to ask about our internal political moments, first of all, the law on mobilization, you are a person who worked in the government, and you understand well, in principle, how documents go there, between whom, between cabinets, how they are then sent to the council, returned, what happens to them next, when to expect an agreed draft law, and in your opinion, as an active serviceman, as a former minister, what is... the main reason there, well , they refused to mobilize the third group of disabilities, refused, relatively speaking, to mobilize transport now, some moments, but where can this stumbling block be, who or what is someone afraid to take responsibility for, especially since the mobilization is ongoing, it is not that something so new will appear, suddenly completely unexpected, and everything in will change in a moment, well, you know , unfortunately, i have a very bad opinion about this situation, i am
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99... convinced that someone at the highest levels of power is deliberately torpedoing the mobilization of the armed forces of ukraine. at first it is created so by other people's hands through all kinds of botofers and everything else that, uh, let's say, the introduction to the armed forces of ukraine are a tragedy, that it is some other army that defends ukraine, and it is separate from the state and society. then it begins. was completely playing imitation, because if the government, the supreme commander-in-chief, in the parliament had a really strong desire to improve the current existing mobilization rules by means of a new law, it could be done quickly within a few days at most, and we see that this process is simply thrown out of the ...


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