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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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there is a struggle against autocracies , there is a struggle against injustice, there is a struggle against aggression and a struggle for the norms of international humanitarian law, the civilized world, but this is not documented anywhere on paper, that is, today, if you look at everything that is provided to ukraine, in principle it is provided by the decisions of governments , because they support ukraine, and you understand that this is why we often hear such statements, and what will happen if there are elections somewhere. the situation, the political conjuncture, will change, and someone will not want to support ukraine, the way they used to do it earlier, and therefore the agreement is at least the smallest safeguard, and the argument that ukraine must be supported in any case, and despite the fact that we have certain memories of the budapest memorandum, that's all, but, well, you see, this agreement is different, first of all, from the formulation memorandum itself, and i... think that
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this is the way to move, and that it is important to me that, in principle, from what was announced, first of all, there was immediately stated that it is not a replacement for nato, that is what i would like to hear, that is, that it is a mechanism, which should act before ukraine becomes a member of nato, whenever that is and whenever it happens. the following is what, in principle, if you look at the general parameters, at least from what was announced and from what i wrote a few weeks ago. and the daily telegraph is british, revealing to us some of the secrets of what should be signed, in principle, there is nothing that we did not know or that we do not see, that is, what i mean, the provision of aid to ukraine is fixed , joint projects in defense are fixed industry, and the status of the training of the ukrainian military, as well as supplies and so on, is fixed. that is, in principle, in general
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, it is the fact that the state that exists for now, that state is fixed somewhat with expansion, because , why expansion, because the defense-industrial complex, it involves increasing production, joint projects, and in any case, we are talking about the fact that production and supply should expand, but this is a fixation of the existing status quo, a signal to russia that... britain is not backing down and remains with ukraine, well after all, cooperation in those projects that have already been started. well, by the way, today was the reaction of dmitry medvedev, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, who said that if the british behave so brazenly, and they are our eternal enemies, meaning the russian federation, then the deployment of their official military. contingent in
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ukraine would mean a declaration of war against russia, i.e. moscow further concludes that if this agreement is signed and it is for ten years, then great britain can send here a military contingent that may be on the territory of the ukrainian state, and on the other hand, what prevents great britain from making such a decision outside of nato, that is, it as a state, our partner can make such a decision and no one. it won't hurt him, well, the thing is, you understand, somewhere in the enemy's camp they are thinking and considering various scenarios, they see where it is going, that britain's involvement, for example, in the operation in the black sea, well, it is , because the british missiles are transferred, those stormshadow, which, for example, was struck the headquarters of the black sea fleet, and russia in the occupied crimea, we know that britain will now help... with surface
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drones as well as aerial ones, the british are giving us quite serious help in cyber support, that is, there are many things that are aimed at today , please note that for some reason no one encouraged russia to do so, but it was building protective structures and dugouts and trenches in the yevpatoria area last year, which was then washed away by the elements, which was then destroyed by a storm in the black sea. well , for some reason they did it, although it would seem that they were there is a danger from yevpatoria, and i want to remind you that during the crimean war, the british and french landed right in the area of ​​yevpatoria, bypassing sevastopol, but then the fleet sank the black sea, and these are, let's say, phantoms that they still remember the historical ones, and i think that it is not for nothing that they talk about it all the time, because i would not rule out that at some stage of this war it could... it could happen that ukraine, well,
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how, when there was a battle for crimea , when we, let's simulate certain scenarios, would have reached this point, then we would have helped ukraine and... international legion, fighters of the international legion in greater numbers, in particular, the british, who acted under the banner of the international legion of ukraine. i would not rule it out, thus solving the question of aid to ukraine and then the next moment, and we should also think about the fact that western countries, in particular britain and the united states, in the future will give them permission to host their military missions, even now for that ... in order not to violate the constitution, this can be done by placing not stationary military bases, but military missions and contingents, and these are different things, but with the permission of the verkhovna rada and the decision signed by the president, so this is also the future, because i want to tell you that even membership in
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nato, which is important, but look at finland, for example, finland joined nato and immediately signed an agreement with the united states allowing deployment. planes at their own airfields and put ports in the baltic sea to use, in order to be able to insure themselves even more and guarantee their safety, i do not rule out that someday some a military mission is not a base, he emphasizes, it can appear, for example, in odesa britanska or in other places, we are a sovereign state and have the right to act and make such decisions with our partners, and no matter what medvedev does there and how it is his. heaven forbid, no matter how he says it. what is particularly interesting is that today's agreement between great britain and ukraine was signed by president zelensky after the visit of the baltic tour to lithuania, latvia, estonia, this is also an important sign and indicative sign, because
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these countries suffered in the 39th year from russian, from the soviet army, and they know absolutely exactly what it is... a soviet boot on their soil, and it is very important that president zelenskyi has secured the support of these three countries, because these three countries are part of the north atlantic alliance, they influence the decisions of the alliance , maybe they are not the main players, but at least they are members of the north atlantic alliance, and in latvia zelenskyi was asked about what he thinks about the war and whether the war will end in the 24th year, what did zelenskyi say? zelensky said that no one knows answers to this question, and mentioned the predictions that the russians made that they would capture kyiv in three days, these were also opinions, i want to be correct, said zelensky,
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war, victory, defeat, stagnation depends on many decisions, many risks , many directions, but mostly from us and with you, if we do not lose our stability, then we will end the war earlier, if not... lose our spirit, you can live with skepticism, but you can also talk about the country, and i am not ready for that, i know that there are millions like me, we are not ready to give our country, and zelensky called to finish with putin before putin finished with all of us, well, he said so, at least this is a direct quote, according to you, would the world already hear this and would heed what putin can do... finish with everyone, not only ukraine. first of all, mr. sergey, with your permission , i will say a few words about the baltic countries, because it is important, because, first of all, they really support us tremendously, and within the framework of the opportunities they have, well, they give a lot, it is not only states, but also people who
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either buy cars or donate them armed forces of ukraine, but the geopolitical aspect is just as important, i want to remind you that even earlier last year'. the president of ukraine visited the countries of northern europe, and there was a summit of the countries of northern europe, together with ukraine, where we were also given a rather significant aid package, and the countries of the north, they actually guaranteed their further support for ukraine, so it is very important, i would say that a certain geopolitical news is being built, where we see that the countries of northern europe, well, very powerfully support ukraine, it is... norway and sweden, denmark, finland, the baltic countries, of course, iceland. and during this visit to the baltic states, volodymyr zelenskyi mentioned belarus, which could eventually join. of course, this is impossible as long as lukashenka's regime is established there, it is unrealistic, but in
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the future we hope that belarus will change and change its course, from pro-russian, which currently dominates the government there, to pro-european. we can build relationships, and as for understanding the world, i think that everything closer, everyone, well, even those who somewhere else thought that it was possible... to agree on something with putin to the point that it would be difficult or almost impossible to agree on anything with him at all, and that russia would follow these agreements, but i i would ask a more global question: is it only putin himself, is he the only cause of this war and is he the only nature of this evil, aggression and violence, and unfortunately no, and unfortunately it must be said that it is... war, it is supported by a significant part, at least for now, of russian society, and as long as it is
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here is this support, as long as there is this course, until finally there is no other concept, you understand, russia can change when the concept of this state in one form or another, in today's borders, in other borders, on several state entities, on three, no i know, time will tell, and it will change its nature, in general, the concept of existence. and when he will focus on internal problems, and will not solve his internal problems externally. and here it is, it seems to me that on the one hand it can happen very quickly, well at least the situation with prigozheny demonstrated, let him not finish, but it was an example that something could happen and something started to collapse there, and in the process of this destruction and then something would come out on some road, or it might take... time, so that, unfortunately, for now this is the nature , it remains, that putin is on the throne, and
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a large part of the society there wants to see such a tsar, this is how i see the problem, mr. oleksandr, another statement was made by volodymyr zelenskyi from about the planes that were destroyed, or rather the planes and helicopters, the allies handed over. military long-range weapons, with the help of which the ukrainian military destroyed 38 units of enemy aircraft in just one day, president zelenskyi said during a meeting with representatives of the baltic mass media. let's listen to what zelensky said. the partners know that some of the weapons that they gave us, some, i won't say which ones now, but the partners, listening, understand some of the long-range weapons that they gave us, we destroyed two. 26 helicopters per day, 12
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planes that rose and struck later missiles, against which these systems worked , we destroyed 12 at a time, it was just something, mr. oleksandr, very briefly, maybe you understand what president zelensky said, the partners probably understood exactly, that is, obviously at the airfield. there were planes and helicopters and we hit these airfields, right, i understand? i think that we are talking about helicopters when we used atakams on 165 km, remember, and then helicopters were destroyed in the occupied territories of ukraine, and planes, and also, as i recall, was the case of the use of atakams, and i do not rule out , including that it... was a stormshadow missile, probably with a range of more than 300 km, and probably up to 450. i understand that
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volodymyr zelensky hinted to our partners that they should give us more of this weapons, perhaps in this way the situation will change, including at those airfields where it takes off there in the voronet region, in the rostov region, in the saratov region, where it can simply go, where these missiles can reach, why ... your west is so careful to give these long-range missiles? by the way, rishi sunak said today that the packages that the uk is promising will have long-range missiles, does that mean that the uk is considering the option that these missiles will actually go a long way? i would not rule out, especially since i am my own, let's say , this is my assumption, which is based on certain information, insiders and... politics, i would not rule out that a certain number of missiles could have already been used by ukraine with the range of
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the stormshadow version to 400 450 km along enemy military bases in occupied crimea, i.e. this is this maybe it already was, but here the question is that i think that they will be transferred and it is precisely these missiles that we are talking about, the fundamental question remains whether we will limit ourselves to them in our actions. is only on the territory of ukraine in the occupied part, will there be permission to strike on the territory of russia, but i will tell you that this is actually an important element, because now that is the case. for the west, because the countries that are the axis of this evil, and aggressive ones, for example, north korea , transfer ballistic missiles to russia, with which it has already hit the territory of ukraine and probably will will strike, then immediately this is a matter of serious escalation, and the other solution is the same, the issue of escalation is what the wall street
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journal writes about the deployment of nuclear weapons of russia in belarus, at least... serious reasons to which the west can respond , in particular, by allowing strikes with their weapons on the territory of russia, and this would, i think, be fair and justified, even in front of those who say that ukraine should not be allowed to do this, because it could be an unnecessary escalation, so russia has already led to north korea and can even if iran joins this, there are such risks as well, so the measure could have been applied here, apply this one... dare to say that it is not the west that is primarily playing for escalation, but russia, and the west is responding , helps ukraine defend itself. mr. oleksandr, the issue of future financing and assistance, financial assistance by the united states of america to ukraine remains unresolved for now. the united states of america
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has so far stopped supplying ukraine with weapons and military equipment due to the lack of deposits for such. budget programs of funds , the white house national security council coordinator john kirby said at a briefing, whether in this situation what great britain is doing, or whether it is the reinsurance of our partners, well, that is, the british insure the americans in this situation and help ukraine, or is it still a question , which are domestically political in the united states of america, they will be overcome for... time, and ukraine will still open, or rather, the united states of america will open this package of 61 billion dollars for ukraine. i hope that they will open, that is, well this situation, it cannot be undefined for a long time at all, after all, it is clear that, as it seems to me, an agreement will be reached
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, after all, that the pro-border is southern and accordingly. about aid for ukraine, because this situation cannot remain completely undefined, and the members of the republican party understand this, many of whom also supported and support ukraine, but regarding europe, i must say that yes, it is very important that europe i understood myself that the countries of the european union and in general, that they are so themselves have to play a certain role in ensuring... security in europe, because let's be honest, when some politicians in the west start talking about the fact that in 5 or 10 years russia will be at war with nato, will it be ready, or they use the wording, they will wage a war in europe, then i have a question, and where is russia now waging this war, is
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n't there a war in europe now, isn't it a powerful aggression, when rockets are flying, when there are such shellings, this is already happening now. crisis, and should not be postponed tomorrow what needs to be settled and decided today, and in this sense , german chancellor olaf scholz is absolutely correct when he addresses his fellow european leaders and says that by february 1, plans to increase support for assistance to ukraine must be provided, not simply, let's say, a statement of what is there, but to increase it, because it is really important, and in fact europe... it is very important to look into the internal potential and see that not everything is so bad and exhausted from the point of view of the defense industry, opportunities, it can all be restored, it just requires political will, funds, and factories and production of the same weapons must work, not in all european
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countries, but in germany, in france, in italy, in sweden there are, thank you, mr. oleksand. it was oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military legal studies. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like our video and vote as well in our survey. today we ask you about the following: does the office of the president exceed its powers? yes, no, please vote, it's pretty simple on youtube, choose either yes or no if you're on tv. pick up the phone and vote if yes then 0800 211 381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free please vote: at the end of the program we'll tally up this vote then we're in touch with glen grant, colonel retired british army military expert sir colonel i salute you thank you
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today with us, yeah, hello , thank you for inviting me, thank you for the invitation, mr. colonel, today president zelenskyy together with the prime minister of great britain rish sunak signed an agreement on military cooperation and on security, it will be valid until ukraine enters the nato. in the british government, this agreement is called historic. mr. colonel, explain what is the historicity of this agreement? yes, a historic deal, because usually the uk doesn't do that. and if we recall, before the second world war war, we had a similar agreement. for us , this is... unusual, because after leaving the european union, of course, yes, we
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are still members of nato, but we are talking now about an agreement with a country that is not a member of nato, and of course there are certain controversies in the uk that beg the question of what we're in for, but i know a lot of people i talk to. they welcomed such an agreement because they believed that great britain is not doing everything it can for ukraine, so this is a historic agreement? rishuna says that apart air defense systems and anti-tank missiles , the aid package promised by great britain to ukraine also includes long-range missiles, does that mean? is that very soon ukraine will receive the right to use these long-range missiles, and these long-range missiles will fly to
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military targets that are outside the borders of the ukrainian state. very good question. and i am sure that of course this was the lion's share of the discussion that took place between the prime minister and the president of ukraine. and i mean we don't know what's gonna happen and we should not know this, because if there are attempts to shoot these missiles outside ukraine, then it should be some kind of surprise, it should be a surprise, and of course, for ukraine, ukraine needs to destroy the crimean bridge, which is changing the course of the war, it will be a turning point for both sides. mr. colonel, there is another question that follows from today's reaction of dmitry medvedev, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, who reacted to
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the signing of the agreement between great britain and ukraine, he said that in the event placement of their official military contingent in ukraine, meaning great britain, this will mean an announcement. russia, could it literally happen that russia will perceive the presence of british troops on the territory of ukraine as a declaration of war against russia, or is medvedev simply bluffing in this situation and trying to threaten great britain once again, i repeat, once again? question, i think that russia has long been talking about the fact that it is waging war with the west, with nato members, including great britain, so
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these words, which we hear again, it has already happened, it is not some novelty, in my opinion, which, such rhetoric is directed at the internal audience, and especially. for those close to putin, and perhaps even for someone they see as a potential successor to putin. of course, if they want to declare war on us, they actually declare it, this war after every step we take, aimed at helping ukraine. that's a great answer, colonel, because the number of how many bears there are. already threatened great britain, i i can't count even on my fingers how much it is possible to accommodate the british
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contingent, limited or not? unlimited, maybe it will be some retired officers, but british on the territory of ukraine in order to help the ukrainian state in the struggle for its independence? first of all, i want to say that in the short-term perspective, great britain will not place. their troops, their soldiers on the territory of ukraine. yes, they may send certain advisors to assist the representatives defense sector of ukraine. a week ago, industrious when, speaking of mobilization. he said that i actually have it, he asked me if i would recommend someone who
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could help the ukrainian military. it's about soldiers who trained from , of course, i actually, when we talk about foreign ex-military or military analysts, and i answered that yes, our military, ukraine in principle should not make such a request to british officers, but of course we know what when we talk about fighters. f-16 about theirs, theirs technical support and eventually help in training, mastering new equipment and equipment, yes, such help would be very necessary, so it is important here whether there is a request from ukraine, no one hides from you. mr. colonel, on the night of january 12, the united states of america and great britain struck military facilities with tomahawk missiles.
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the iranian-backed houthis in yemen, in response to a series of attacks on merchant ships sailing through the red sea. according to the air force of the united states of america, more than 60 strikes were made on 16 targets from using more than 100 high-precision ammunition of various types. during his visit to kyiv, british prime minister rishi sunaak commented on the events in... yemen and commented on the consequences of this strike and the reasons for this strike. let's listen to what the british prime minister said. the great britain-usa alliance will be implemented. strikes against the houthis in yemen. this was aimed at destroying sites from which drones and missiles were launched. hussy we are against merchant
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ships in the red sea, it brought destruction and trouble, it led to a threat to maritime shipping, after repeated warnings about the need to stop these attacks, after the un spoke out, nothing happened, which is why britain today, in particular , has taken limited steps to ... self-defence, and in the face of this aggression we will always uphold the rule of law. colonel, how is it possible that the conflict with the houthis in yemen could turn into something more, with iran supporting the houthis, with turkey supporting the houthis, with the arab world treating this as a... strike on
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its entire territory, that is, whether the world has other safeguards in order to maintain the situation in yemen and in general in the region. yes , it's very interesting from many angles, because we know that from yemen there were missiles at american... and military bases, and again, the attacks and airstrikes that were carried out, again, it's not only that, it's touched merchant ships, actually in the region, this is a kind of declaration of war by iran and yemen against western countries.


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