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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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when turkey supports the houthis, when the arab world treats this as an attack on its entire territory, that is, whether the world has other safeguards in order to maintain the situation in yemen and in general in the region. so. it is very interesting from many angles, because we know that from yemen there were missiles against american military bases, and again, the attacks and airstrikes that were carried out, again, not only this, it affected merchant ships in the region itself, this is a kind of declaration of war by iran and yemen against western countries. it
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everything can happen because these countries, iran and yemen, they think that the western countries are weak, they think that the usa is a weak country, maybe because of the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, maybe, but for several years they, because of the influence of other countries, in they got the impression: so yes, it was a powerful attack last night, in my opinion. as soon as people lose a certain fear, it is very sometimes even difficult for them to regain this fear, so you mentioned iran, you mentioned turkey, so after such a blow, i think these countries will be quite careful not to make the situation worse, because they have been hit back, especially turkey should be careful, because it is in... oh, and it doesn't want
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to upset either great britain or the united states, and iran will think very well now over what next steps they will take, because if there is a us war, they will lose it. just a few days ago, mr. colonel, the american magazine tai identified the top 10 risks for 2024. these are global risks. among them are creation of the axis of evil, russia, iran and north korea. in fact, we now see how regional wars are being played out in different parts of the world, that is, russia is waging a war against ukraine, although it is not a regional war, but a european war, a continental war. we see how iran is involved indirectly through its proxies in... in the east, north
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korea has joined russia's war against ukraine and is submerging south korea, can we say that this risk, prescribed by our colleagues at time, is high enough to create this axis of evil , perhaps the design of this axis evil by some treaty, as it was before the second world war between germany. italy and japan, first of all, this axis of evil that you talked about, i would also add china, and others, and the arab emirates, and switzerland, again, they have money, they have technology, thanks their... russia
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is replenishing its reserves, so yes, they are already de facto at war with ukraine and with russia, they are the news of evil, they want to instill fear, they want to make it so that the usa cannot focus on something very important, they do all the time so that the usa is distracted by some conflicts, whether they are conflicts in africa or it is a threat to attack taiwan or others. now the top priority is ukraine, because if russia seizes ukraine, it will become much stronger. it will capture technology, people, people, other resources. and you know what they are currently doing in donbas, for example, yes, they are mobilizing ukrainians to fight in the ranks of the russian army. and that is why it is very important not to be distracted now.
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mr. colonel, the leaders of the european countries are talking loudly about a possible war against russia of the north atlantic alliance, more precisely against the countries of western europe, is it possible to prevent this war and in what way can it be done? when we talk about prejudice or security, yes. is to make it so that russia does not replenish its reserves, its power, and if we do not do this, then we will eventually lose, if we have to make it so that russia cannot fight, respectively, then korea and
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iran, they just shut yourself up in your hole and there they will be, because they will not feel any such powerful support from the outside partners, they will not move and advance. will not talk about any wars with such giants as the usa, so now it is very important to help ukraine by all possible means. thank you, colonel, for speaking with you, this is retired british army colonel, military expert glen grant. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please vote in our poll. today we ask you about everything. weighing of the office of the president of ukraine, and the survey reads as follows: in your opinion, does the office of the president exceed its powers? yes, no, or please write your comment under this video. during the telecast, we also conduct this survey. if you are sitting in front of
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the tv, pick up your phone and vote. if you think that the office of the president of ukraine exceeds its powers 0800. 211381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next in ours political expert volodymyr tsibulko on the air. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. today, the uk is saying, the uk government is saying that they have signed up. a historic security agreement with ukraine, this is a top topic, i think it will be in today's world news after yemen, of course, and tomorrow's first pages of the british press, what can you say about
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how the british actively support ukraine during this war, and and why do they do it, in spite of... all in spite of threats moscow, to start a war, despite the fact that putin hinted to boris johnson that one minute and you will have missiles, that is, what is for britain, ukraine and what is britain for ukraine? well, in fact, we, in recent days, lived under the pressure of the transfer of nuclear ammunition to belarus, which meant. in fact, the burial is final and irreversible of the budapest memorandum, therefore this very timely and very strong gesture of great britain is, in fact, the beginning of the process that was
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announced at the vilnius summit, about the signing of bilateral guarantees with the countries of the big seven, for the period until ukraine became a full member of nato. and it was rishi sonak who spoke in kyiv about the fact that britain is putting a shoulder, and if ukraine finds itself in nato as soon as possible, then this agreement will exhaust itself. actually, it seems to me that it was great britain with this act that began such a broader process of preparing ukraine for nato. there are high hopes for the summit, the nato anniversary summit in ... tony, but this is the first of a series of these bilateral security agreements, the first such agreement, and we can say that in the next couple of months, we will probably formalize even with the g7 countries, these
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security agreements, which in fact will be such a very strong gesture to other countries, let's say, junior nato partners. to be ready to accept ukraine, while rishi sunak was in kyiv, shmyhal's government was rewriting the bill on mobilization. zelenskyi says that after taking into account all proposals, the bill on mobilization should look in such a way that it answers the main questions, well, first of all, about justice, let's hear what volodymyr zelenskyi said, which is related to your question. regarding the law on mobilization, i know that the military worked with the deputies,
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i did not see the final version, for me the most important thing is that this law is fair, when i see all the details, i can then say, since this law was quite actively discussed during the last three weeks, starting from christmas, what do you think, mr. volodymyr, is fair in law and should be fair? mobilization laws? well, first of all, these are guarantees, social guarantees, wage guarantees, and the honest position of the state in relations with its warriors unfortunately, during the two incomplete years of the war, the authorities repeatedly changed the rules for payment of labor, and completely strange stories with these medical commissions, with a completely dekun story, sometimes with... with the granting of the status of a participant in hostilities, when people for a year at war and do not have certificates
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of participation in hostilities, and most importantly, it is important for the state to build honest and very long-lasting relations, so as not to plug holes during the war, when everything is on fire, and then retroactively dismiss a large number of military personnel, i want to remind that after the election of zelenskyi from... approximately 4,000 highly qualified employees were dismissed, and then it is also about, so to speak, more serious things, that is, the economy of war, it is very important here, because the question is to take a fighter, take a person, a civilian labor specialist and make him of the military, this is a no no no... let's say, a defining event, a defining event when the military has a guaranteed
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material support, a material base for training new specialists and sufficient reserves of weapons, so that it does not happen that again like in 14 year of the family, soldiers bought up and provided their soldiers with... helmets, body armor, uniforms, and everything else, because now when ukrainians see these crazy stories with one or another person being twisted on the streets, people in military uniform, it is not about high-quality specialists for the armed forces. in fact , it is not about recruiting half a million people with shovels and machine guns, which... is actually called a militia, but about the fact that such a mobilization law should create
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the circumstances under which the armed forces will have a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists in order to destroy the enemy with high-tech weapons, and not to dig trenches with shovels and shoot back with automatic weapons. mr. volodymyr, when the commander-in-chief speaks: about a fair law and about justice, it is obvious that we should talk about justice in the broadest sense of the word, well, in particular, about the justice of society during war, the justice of the authorities during war, the justice of how the ministry of defense of ukraine conducts tenders and who earns money from these tenders, it turns out in this way, parallel to the rhetoric about a fair law on mobilization, it turns out... not unfair, well, corruption, it was never fair, but unfair
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corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, but yesterday the dbr and arma seized property, all of it belonging to the grenkevychs, businessmen from lviv, what do you think about these constant corruption scandals that arise around the ministry of defense, it is clear that... there is grenkevich, a businessman who, according to preliminary data, earned 1.5 billion hryvnias there, what should he, or rather, who should be responsible for this corruption, because corruption... is not only one-sided , that is, when a person corrupts, there is also someone who is being corrupted, if he earned this money and bought himself a luxury car, luxury real estate, abroad and in ukraine, then obviously he has already done it not by myself, that's right, mr. volodymyr
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, we lost contact with volodymyr tsibulek, now we will restore this connection and... we had some problems with the sound, well, you saw, friends, that it was about the grenkevich family, who earned money from the armed forces of ukraine, and in fact they had companies that worked with the ministry of defense of ukraine, and until a certain time, until they had problems with the law enforcement officers, now you see how er... the father, the elder, the elder among this company, is arrested by the sbi investigators, is it the special forces of the sbi, and it happened after how he offered the investigator of the state bureau of investigation $500,000 for them to solve all the issues
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that hrynkevich had with the law enforcement officers, and that's what happened. but over the past few weeks, this story has been unfolding right in front of our eyes, and it is clear that there is a very many questions, how could there be such big abuses, and the abuse goes to millions, billions of hryvnias, and the question, what to do with these abuses? and who should be responsible for this, hrynkevich decided to pay a bribe of 500 00 to the investigator, he was detained, and now arma today, this agency for the seizure of seized property, found the hrynkevichs and their entourage luxury cars, real estate, weapons that were found on
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hrynkevich, 17 objects of residential real estate, in particular. three apartments owned by igor hrynkevich's wife svitlana, one in lviv an apartment owned by yarina hrynkevich, one lviv apartment owned by mariyan shved and two apartments owned by sofia morozyuk. seven objects of non-residential real estate, including non-residential premises on saksagansky street in the center of the capital, 18 plots of land, including large plots in the vyshhorod district of the kyiv region, belonging to ihor grenkevich and his son roman grenkevich. nine. premium-class mobiles, shares in the authorized capital of 14, almost uah 15 million, 12 weapons, three objects of intellectual property, accounts in eight banking institutions, and , according to the department, arma initiated measures to obtain information about the availability of funds and transactions on the accounts, the body
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sent the received data in an extremely short period of time and in full to the dbr for the remaining assets and their future possible confiscation, the department noted, and volodymyr tsybulko is in touch with us again, mr. volodymyr, i have already mentioned the full retrospective of the real estate of elite cars and what is in this hrynkevich family , but my question concerns not only hrenkevich, and the party with which they worked, because corruption cannot be one-sided, obviously. the one who receives makes certain returns or shares with someone. why is this story not considered in a wider format, why do we see only a focus on this family, on this family, and there are no high-profile resignations from the ministry of defense of ukraine? i have the feeling that this is also an attempt to expose
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the grankevichs as an example of this, these contracts, to expose almost lviv or the whole of western ukraine as so corrupt, because the corrupt in the ministry with the ministry of defense, they work from odesa, dnipro, and other cities, and they sit in the same scheme as the hrenkevychs sat, this is the first question, and the second, indeed, the hrenkevychs are impossible without someone who makes a political decision on during the allocation of such contracts, it is obvious that... not through tenders, most of these contracts were won, and if they were won through tenders, then the one who writes the technical terms of the tenders, as a rule, also writes... them for the future winner, so i think this is the first step, unless the next step is taken a step, i.e. the corresponding mirror in
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the ministry, i.e. the officials who signed the agreements with the hrenkevychs, and they are very easy to calculate, even the anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, which now works quite actively, and dana yarovanovych became an adviser to the minister, deputy minister, i.e. there are opportunities a lot, if the investigative bodies do not reveal, well, this chain, then i think that the activists will do their job, well, that is , there should still be political responsibility, because if it was at the level of the deputy ministers of defense, supervision took place, or at the level heads of departments of the ministry of defense, no, i believe that the contracts amount to more than half a billion hryvnias. certainly did not pass by the minister’s pen, it’s impossible, this, this, well, it would be strange if such
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a reznikov was in charge of the ministry, hundreds of billions were walking behind his back, and he didn’t even feel the breath of the wind, how these bills were rustling there - here, the answer is clear, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for participating in the program, this was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, hello, this is svoboda ranok, information radio liberty project, top guests every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, the connection is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00.
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the verdict program continues live on the espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the second part of our program, see. strengthening mobilization, a step forward. and two back. the cabinet of ministers withdrew its bill after the devastating evaluations of the deputies. body armor, clothes and food at inflated prices. during the week of the ministry of defense are shaken by corruption scandals. the passion is endless. a torpedo exploded in the verkhovna rada. how does the office of the president affect other branches of government? friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, be sure to like this video and follow our pages on those platforms and take our
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survey. today we ask you this question: does the office of the president exceed its powers? yes, no, please vote on youtube with the appropriate buttons, and if you are sitting and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. yes, 0800 211 381, no - 0800-211 300. 82, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of today's program, they are my colleagues, journalists, olga musafirova, tetyana vysotska and oleksiy mustafin. ladies and gentlemen, i'm glad to see you on the air and thank you for joining our broadcast. well, since we ask our viewers about excess of authority, or about... that the office of the president is overstepping or exceeding its authority, let's share your impressions in a blitz format, because we
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're going to push back from a survey, this is a sociological survey, we'll talk about that later, about what people think about the excess of authority the office of the president of ukraine, what do you say about whether the president's office exceeds its powers, olya, let's start with you. good evening, sincerely, sergey, i don't think about it, and i will now explain why i don't think about it, and for some reason i it seems that most fellow citizens don't think about it as much as i do, you know why, because we have something to think about, here i have a son at zero, he has to go out tonight, tell me, i will think, does the office exceed the president the whole minute of his powers, or will i think about... something else, that is , my answer is that this question is very far away, beyond those daily... decisions
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and thoughts that burden me. thank you, ulyu, 200 people have already voted in our television poll, that is, people are still reflecting and give answers to our survey. oleksiy, what do you think about this? well, in order to exceed or underestimate the powers, you need to have them. tell me, on the basis of which document we can... determine whether the office of the president has these powers or not, it is an auxiliary body created by the president, that is , the constitution does not define its powers in any way, the powers can be foreshadowed by the president himself or there is a cabinet of ministers or the parliament or others authorities, the office of the president is not an authority defined by the constitution, so it seems to me that that this question, i'm sorry, is already devoid of
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serious meaning. thank you, a great start to our conversation, tatyana, and i can say from the point of view of international politics that when we look at the results, for example, of the first weeks of the new year, from the point of view of the work of the president's office and the ministry of foreign affairs, sometimes questions arise where it is where the center of decision-making in foreign policy is located, because in reality the president's office conducts many separate negotiations. without involving at least a public foreign minister or diplomats and therefore, if it weren't for me, i wouldn't say that the president's office exceeds its powers, because obviously, the president may delegate some powers on foreign policy matters to him, but the fact that the president's office has partially replaced the ministry of foreign affairs in some matters is visible from europe, i i think everyone. oleksiy, please, once again, i say
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that the constitution prohibits the transfer of the powers of the president to anyone, he can delegate powers, but according to the constitution he is a person who deals with foreign policy, no, he cannot to delegate his powers, his authority, but he can delegate, give, give instructions, including to the office of the president, god be with him. that office of the president of ukraine, i absolutely agree with olga musafirova that there are much more serious questions and issues in general in society, including, today the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak came and signed a security agreement, and a security agreement and a contract , which is designed for 10 years, but it will be valid until ukraine joins nato, and this is the first agreement that
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a similar agreement, which was signed after... the nato summit in vilnius, that it is very important that this agreement with great britain. tatyana , you are in strasbourg and you are monitoring the reaction , including the western media, whether this is the subject of any discussion, or the situation in yemen with the houthis, in principle, overshadowed everything and simply the west is now watching what is happening in... in krasnoye the sea near yemen, are they even talking about this agreement, because for us it is historic, and as rishi sunaki said, for great britain it is historic, or is it historic for the whole europe. in fact, yes, this is a historic agreement, primarily because it is the first such agreement that ukraine signed after the beginning of the war, and actually even after 1991, after...
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the budapest memorandum, so it is a really important document, and its discussion on at the expert level and at the level of journalists, of course, they are conducted, despite the fact that the near east overshadows ukrainian news, it is true, it is true, it must be stated, but of course the agreement is being discussed, and already now, for example, i see it in the english-speaking segment of twitter discussions began about whether it is a security agreement or whether it is security guarantees. or is it just an assurance of safe in safe, so to speak, interaction, because the agreement is called an agreement on cooperation in the field of security, which means that the discussion continues on the basis of the words guranties and assurances, that is, if the agreement gives security guarantees, it is a 100% guarantee that if ukraine is, for example, in
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a difficult situation, great britain will help it, and


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