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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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countering drones, and here i am talking about the fact that we have to make a hyper-leap in the field of creating the use of the latest technologies in war, this is where our biggest, so to speak , our opportunities, the biggest, our biggest challenge for the future, although of course then, when we talk about challenges, i would still like to return to your work, so that these five of you... challenges to convey to our viewers what areas are being discussed, what is the meaning of each area, and then we then maybe some directions more let's talk in detail, taking into account the needs and capabilities of ukraine and our partners, so there are five directions, five challenges , what are we talking about, well then, let's list them first, yes, and then we will work with them as we we will be able to, well, the first is the probability of western aid, i.e. either preservation or increase. we want and this is
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a challenge, that is, reducing it is a certain challenge. the second challenge is the ability of ukrainian society to mobilize, that is, to replenish the army with people, new boys and girls, who will be able to help those who are currently on the battlefield defending the country. the third challenge is, strictly speaking, military-technical capabilities. cooperation with foreign countries and the creation of the latest such weapons systems, the fourth challenge is actually the mobilization of the domestic defense-industrial complex and the transfer of the center of gravity to the domestic defense industry so that we produce weapons and cover at least 30% of the army's needs. independently and finally the fourth
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challenge is the latest technologies, this is what i was talking about now, what we need to do hyper jump and go to, if we are talking about pppo, then this is already the use of laser systems, if we are talking about damage, then the use of electromagnetic weapons, we were developing electromagnetic weapons before a large-scale invasion, and of course, weapons for this are weapons based on new physical principles, together with rebovsky's, let's say... modern systems, these five challenges are key for us in the 24th year, while the fifth challenge is, so to speak, directed into the future to ensure a successful confrontation with the enemy russia then, when the war starts, so to speak, or it will be in this form, when ukraine clears its territory of... the enemy at a level, well, at
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some level at which we can, or it will be frozen, it is also impossible, cannot be rejected, because we are now critically dependent on western partners, and in the end, the government will be forced, and ukrainian society will be forced to accept the position that will be dictated, because, because in fact we cannot... now to ensure a completely complete opposition to the enemy with our own forces, therefore in fact, the 24th year is becoming a key year for us, a year of technology and logistics competition and the ability of our society to survive this, let's, if we can go to i really have a question, there are actually five directions, yes... with of them, three directions
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relate to mobilization in one form or another, because it is mobilization of people, mobilization of industry, mobilization of science, these are actually three directions that are related to ukraine, and two directions are actually cooperation, interaction, guarantee from this international vector, i.e. actually two the components of international, three actually ukrainian mobilization in various manifestations, how would you arrange these weighting factors, that , relatively speaking, they are certainly not all equal in terms of priorities, which is of the greatest importance for, relatively speaking, the construction of our defense system, for development, which factors are secondary and which are primary, how could these five directions be distributed by weight categories, yes, i understand that this is an extremely important point, if we were to speak in general, and if now such... and danger was not deployed
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of the new offensive, i would, of course, say that the most important is the third challenge, they are actually placed according to this, according to their hierarchical weight. and the third challenge is the ability to mobilize one's own defense-industrial complex, why? because then we will not be so dependent on, for example, missile issues, we can provide more than 90%, and now even drone issues, well, more than 50, because there remain components, microelectronics and the like, what, but everything that more than 50 and is going to ukraine, it's already ukrainian, and it's not here... it might even be no doubt, because very few countries in the world today can, well, can achieve a situation when they will fully provide for themselves, and i put it in the first place, in the first place
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in this form, in the general form , i would put it in the first place... ukrainian, the ukrainian defense industry, because the experience of other countries, well, for example, turkey did not have, four, four decades ago it did not have any industry at all, but now, i mean the defense industry, but today is the day when houthis attacked, turkey announced the completion of tests of two air missiles. the air of the latest missiles , i think that it deliberately did this today to demonstrate that it is independent in the sense of weapons, although in fact it depends on many programs from the united states of america, there are programs of airplanes, helicopters and so on, but here are
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drones and certain missiles, it is able to produce independently and is able to present them independently. to supply to the army, but let's return to the weight, to the weight of these, let's say, categories to the weight, directly in these weapons and these points , we determined aid first by weight, and certainly that american aid, as of the end of the 23rd year, it accounted for about 45% of all aid of all western, and not only western, all partners, that's why 45% will not be able to be covered by europe together with japan, south korea, and australia,
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which also help us a little, and that's why we look at the prospects, the prospects today, well, i would. .. would say difficult, we hope that we will get such and such 61 billion dollars for the 24th year, or at least a part of this planned aid, but i am not sure that the situation will not change with the approach of the presidential election, of course, if trump is neutralized, now 44% are ready to vote for trump, but trump... his position is shaking while the pro-ukraine candidate nikki haley is gradually gaining points and opportunities, and of course we hope for that, and by the way, we also hope that the republicans in congress have already announced
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their program to win ukraine , and of ukraine, and there are three powerful points, one of which is to provide the weapons that are needed, the second is to take away its russian assets and use them to restore ukraine, and the third is to strengthen sanctions against russia, and strictly speaking, this is a very powerful the program , if it's going to work, because it's not clear, it's not clear right now, it's going to be clearer, it's going to be more powerful if indeed nicky haley is the first republican number one. block and further we will talk about how our defense should transform industry, in order to achieve some noticeable and qualitative changes this year in the defense industry itself and for equipping our armed
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forces, about this after the advertising and information block. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america. they also say, let's make better roads, we will have even better roads , a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond its borders, what the world dreams of, norman, you can... can you imagine it . all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. let's continue our program about war and weapons. my interlocutor, my colleague, is valentyn badrak, director of the army, conversion and armament research center, military analyst and writer. and mr. valentin, i would like us to continue to emphasize , first of all, what we can really do with... in one year, because in fact, when we talk about missile projects, there are drone
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projects, rebov directions, ammunition sphere, eh yes , she needs one concentration, and perhaps some progress can be made here, but all technological things, they are usually stretched in time, so what we are guaranteed to achieve from our power structures from our industry or have and what can be, let's say, equal there task of the second order, well, in order to move on to some numbers and to some very specific things, we need to indicate what the conditions for this should be: the first condition is the physical protection of enterprises, decentralization of production, i will not, we are all certain we know to a certain extent, yes, what happened on december 29 and january 2, and we know certain consequences of this, and this should be a certain... lesson for us from two sides: one, one is the physical protection
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of enterprises, there is a lot to hide underground or dispersed, it has already been partially done, but as we can see, not completely, and this is a problem, strictly speaking, the administration of the defense industry, and the second is to prevent the leakage of data, due to which the actual attack on the defense industry enterprises took place. actually on the 29th and the second yes, for this you need a sharp to reduce the number of people who can have access to information, and here i cannot help but mention that the missile companies, all, absolutely all, flagships, yes, not adjacent, but flagships, there are four of them, they appealed to the authorities in the summer with a request to help and, in particular , to get rid of the pressure from... the state audit service of ukraine, but, but until november, neither the government, nor the president's office, nor
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the security service, could help these enterprises, and that's why they were attacked, because there was a leak, a leak certain information, including from this dasa, there from others structures, so these things must be ensured so that this does not happen, and that the government's reaction to the protection of enterprises is good. and not during, say, almost six months , nothing was done, this is during, well, such a war, yes, when it is deployed, and now to the numbers, what is the potential, if you actually direct all efforts, all possible efforts, resource , and the willpower to provide, well , at least a huge number of drones can be provided, at least so that they ... in part, of course, performed the functions of artillery and allowed to hold, well, a certain
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time, this is the only way we can consider, we can consider the possibility of hitting enterprises and airfields, enemy control points, including not only in the occupied territories, including in the territory of russia, to transfer our weapons, our drones, and for... it is planned 10,000 medium-range drones and more than 1,000 drones with a range of 1,000 km are quite good, a good arsenal for constantly tickling the nerves, let's say to the enemy in their logistics centers and control points, and also at defense industry enterprises, well and finally, the main thing is the missile program. well, how much progress can be made with the missile program, it is difficult for me to say now, because
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i do not know the progress of this program itself, and maybe it is a good thing that i do not know the details, but the ukrainian experience is actually the experience of other countries, well, let's say, the missile complex neptune, a missile program was launched from this complex only at the beginning of the 16th year, yes, already in the 20's. was put into service in the summer, 3.5 years in fact a powerful missile complex was made, which means that its modification can be much faster. and we believe that it has already started since may of the 22nd , a new missile program has started, in fact, so we can predict that at the end of it somewhere or inside the 24th, we will already have several hundred of the latest missiles that can be used as surface-to-surface missiles
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, in the same way, i hope that there will be missile complexes, air, ground, cruise missiles, air-ground, besides , i personally have great hopes, joint work with turkey, that it will be possible to use akinshi, the newest drone that can carry a cruise missile with a range of 250 km, it's a much cheaper drone than the american one, but quite a powerful weapon, and things like that, well, of course, i would... i would say radical things in general, let's say a few days ago, pakistan's new missile was tested, yes, yes, a fairly powerful missile, and we could count on buying through third countries, of course, not direct import from pakistan, but through third countries to buy such missiles and everything else,
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like this, by the way, well, russia does it directly from... north korea, but for us the situation is a little more complicated, but not impossible, it can be carried out precisely in different ways, we know that there are three ways of getting weapons into ukraine, these are ukrainian weapons, this is military-technical cooperation, and this is procurement, so different, different ways, but since we have focused now on our own defense. complex, we can really count on the number of drones that will allow, well, actually to hold the battlefield without the maximum load of artillery, because we know that now russia has five times more artillery ammunition and can use more of them, but fpv
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drones can perform certain functions by about 30-40%. performing the functions of artillery is one point, the second point is ammunition , one can quite agree with general havrylyuk, who noted at the end of the 23rd year that ukraine is quite capable of producing ammunition in the difference, so to speak, between , well, let's say a million american ammunition, million european ammunition, and the difference is that somewhere... 400,000 or so ammunitions for artillery tanks were produced during the year actually, either by ukrainian enterprises or together with partners, well, this is a difficult but achievable goal, in principle an achievable goal, if , of course, we count not only the 155 millimeter,
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but also the soviet caliber, of course, here i am talking about all artillery. and tank ammunition , well, that’s what it looks like , these capabilities look like, and of course the capabilities, capabilities of the reb become a separate challenge, because the reb, radio-electronic warfare is becoming now, well , one of the key points and overcoming the radio-electronic warfare of the enemy’s radio-electronic means and actually saying increasing our means, well , these are approximately, this is approximately the view of the most important programs, of course, i am not talking here about the scaling of the production of self-propelled artillery installations, we even managed to reach the level of france, how the french increased production from two to six caesars, and in ukraine, from two to six
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bohdans, they have now increased production, and this also inspires hope. and not only that , that is, that different systems will be produced, by the way, these are systems that have never been produced in ukraine, i mean anti-aircraft missile complexes that the ministry of defense wants to purchase now of ukrainian production, and self-propelled artillery installations, and the same, drones and light armored vehicles, this has never been produced in ukraine, ukraine has created about... a dozen of the newest weapons armory schools, these are very large prospects are actually for the future. mr. valentin, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanations. what is happening with our defense, what are the risks, and the challenges for ukraine, they are laid out on the website of the center for the study of the army of conversion and disarmament, there will be one more, literally after
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our broadcast, one more work related to the challenges associated with hostilities in the middle east. mr. valentin, thank you very much for the inclusion, i would like to remind our audience that this was valentin badrak, the center director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, and the main takeaway from this conversation is that we are indeed entering the phase of a war of attrition. with the enemy, but this does not mean that it is such a certain stalemate variant of hostilities. now we will have some time for to strengthen its defense capabilities through cooperation with partners, through its own defense industry, but it is very important that there are more actions in this direction than words that describe these challenges. stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be more interesting things to come. feel
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free, you are real, and every touch will be tender when the world opens up to you, loving yourself is now very easy, feel free, pamper yourself every day. now bay feel free - the real you! every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how in... evaluates our successes, the international community and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world
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is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. that's about it many more in the release today. about important things. in plain language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reported about them, but it was not enough to know what. happens, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at
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1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio an espresso event with anton borkovsky.
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greetings, we need your help in finding this boy, his name is dmytro mazanov, he is 17 years old and he went missing in svitlodarsk, donetsk region. the guy was last contacted in june 2023, and since then nothing is known about him, so i ask you to look especially carefully into dmitry's face. if you recognize him or know where he may be, do not delay and report immediately. to the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the number 11630, you can also write to the chatbot of the service search for children in telegram. we really hope
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that dmitriy will be fine. mazanov is all right and it will be possible to find him. but unfortunately, it is possible that, like many children from the temporarily occupied territories, the boy could have been taken out or deported to russia. however , even in such difficult situations, we do not lose hope and do everything possible to find the child. in particular, we use the method of searching for information. in short, the essence of investigation is the search and analysis of information available in open sources. for example, in zmi, on forums, sites in messengers and, of course, in social networks. yes, it was with the help of oshin specialists at the children's search service that they managed to find out very important information about the missing sisters sasha and nastya liponovy. the girls disappeared in mariupol in the first days of the full-scale invasion, and for a long time nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia. and this version was confirmed during
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the autumn investigation. managed to find out that the girls are really in russia. before the war the sisters studied in one of the boarding schools in mariupol. after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, in which sasha and nastya are actually in the temporarily occupied donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer of 2022, they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, in the social network. there is a corresponding photo, and here the sisters are still together, but after that, joint photos of sasha and nastya did not appear again. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa, moscow region, and on september 1 in 2022, she even entered a local technical school. and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma for an award in a poetry contest, here the girl is reading poems in one of
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the city squares. there is also information that... sasha lives in a foster family or in a local hostel. as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search, we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted on may 30, 2023 on her page in the social network. and this photo was published earlier, namely on the 24th july 2022. of course, everything we learned about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until this information is officially confirmed, sasha and nastya are considered missing, and the most important thing is that the information received gives hope that the girls are alive. healthy and everything is fine with them. currently, we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunova ended up in russia and whether they became direct victims of deportation. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if
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you personally know about any ... crime against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our site stopcrimeua, you can do it even anonymously. and finally, please go to the website of the child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing, so if you recognize any of them, please inform us on the hotline by short number 11630. from all mobile operators in ukraine free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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greetings, it's news time on espresso. a large-scale air alert continues in ukraine. and explosions are heard in kropyvnytskyi - local journalists report. details are currently unknown. the air force announced the launch of six russian tu-95 missiles. missiles are already in our space. it is also known about the departure of tut-22 strategic bombers from the olennaya and shaykovka air bases. in addition recorded the takeoff of the mik-31 fighter from the sava-sleika airfield. and in the dnipro , several explosions rang out in the morning. it happened. the time
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of the air alert declared in the area.


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