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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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greetings, it's news time at ater espresso. a large-scale air alert continues in ukraine, explosions are heard in kropyvnytskyi, it is reported. local journalists. details are currently unknown. the air force announced the launch of six russian tu-95 missiles. missiles are already in our space. it is also known about the departure of tu-22 strategic bombers from the olenia and shaykovka air bases. in addition , they recorded the takeoff of a mig-31 fighter from the savaslake airfield. and in the dnipro , several explosions rang out in the morning. this happened during the air alert declared in the region. about
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this is reported by local media. the head of the region, serhiy lysak, then urged not to ignore the alarm signals. the day before , at around midnight , the mayor of the capital , vitaliy klitschko, announced the work of the anti-aircraft defense in the vicinity of kyiv. in the evening, the occupiers launched shahedis from the bryansk region. they circled a number of regions of our country for several hours until they reached kyiv region. the consequences are currently not reported. the first visit of the new chapter. minister of state for france stephane séjournay will arrive in kyiv today. he will meet with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. this was reported by the french publication le figaro. zmi noted that sejourne wants to demonstrate support for ukraine. this is his first visit after personnel changes in the french government. and volodymyr zelensky met with the us special representative for the economic recovery of ukraine, pena pritzker.
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he called his visit a powerful signal of support for our country from the united states. the head of state noted that last year was a record-breaking year for the development of bilateral relations. and this significantly helps in the fight against the aggressor. the president thanked washington for support and at the same time emphasized the importance of strengthening air defense to protect our cities. ways of using frozen russian assets for the reconstruction of ukraine were also discussed. about the surrender of the military, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak met with the military in the hospital. the head doctor of the institution emphasized that the doctors are making maximum efforts for the full recovery of the soldiers, even in difficult cases. military personnel also prepare for prosthetics and teach how to use them prostheses during communication , some defenders noted that they plan to return to the service after recovery. 200 million
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pounds from the aid of great britain will be directed to the production of combat drones. defense minister rustem umyerov wrote about this on his facebook page. funds are allocated for reconnaissance, long-range and maritime drones. this will be the largest supply of uavs for ukraine among all countries - the minister noted. the day before, during the visit of british prime minister rishi sunak to kyiv, he said that his country. will select the largest one for zis since the beginning of the war, the aid package is 2.5 billion pounds. a development that helps destroy the enemy. ukrainian kamikaze drones are produced by volunteers from lviv, uavs are made depending on the requests and needs of our military. our correspondents will tell you how to create and what are the advantages of such self-made iron birds. that's how it works for hostile purposes. a drone from
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the aipril charitable foundation, volunteers started making shock birds in september 2023. we developed the prototype ourselves - says yuriy tenasiychuk, the initiator of the production. we, the basic versions of the drones we bought them, we disassembled them just to the cog. we were building for ourselves, an internal architecture called knowledge. how everything interacts, what materials it is made of. kamikaze volunteer drones. equipped with powerful engines, a stable frame and high-quality controllers for control, therefore homemade devices serve our military better than expensive factory-made drones, - explains yuriy tanasiychuk. that is, we have drones with a size of 8, 9, 10 inches under normal conditions, our drones will fly at least 10 km, they will take in the average working weight is 1, 2.5 kg, it can be three, we also did tests on... 5 kg.
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the cost of a home-made fpv drone is from 500 to 700 dollars. ukrainians, entrepreneurs and territorial communities will willingly donate funds. volunteers buy components for border, and some spare parts are printed in the workshop on 3d printers. the maximum that we can do ourselves, we try to do ourselves, that is, we have the cutting of carbon frames, the creation of individual elements, printing on 3d printers, these are various tails, racks, fastening elements, engineer andrii assembles the drone in less than two hours, ready birds are always tested by volunteers. once a week, volunteers of the april charitable foundation teach those who want to assemble drones. first of all, there is a need to protect the country, the more people can do it, the more people assemble, the more maneuverable we are, and it is very important that in case of
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mobilization, the workshop or production does not stop, that is why we assemble many drones. since november 2023 , benefactors have made more than a hundred drones, they say that by themselves saved the ministry of defense at least 2 million hryvnias. kmikat drones will cause enemy losses along the entire front line, in the kherson, zaporizhzhya, bakhmut, lumansk and other directions. if you want to increase the number of good russians and destroyed enemy equipment, join the collection of parts for ukrainian birds. you can now see the details on the screen. kateryna oliynyk olekpa. espresso tv channel. they want to deprive hungary of the right to vote in the eu council. the european parliament has already collected the necessary number of votes for this - said mp from finland petri sarvaama. in his opinion, the proposals can be included in the resolution of the european parliament
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regarding hungary, which will be voted on next week. they plan to suspend the country's right to vote in the eu council due to a violation of the values ​​of the european union. i would like to point out that the hungarian prime minister does not support ukraine's european integration, and in december of last year he blocked the provision of financial aid to kyiv in the amount of eur 50 billion. ukrainian figure skater ivan shmuradko made a symbolic blood stain on the shirt. in the free program at the 2024 european championship in lithuania. in a comment to the public , the athlete explained that with his performance... he wanted to show the state between life and death, the shirt with a red spot symbolized the death of ukrainians from russian missiles. for this number , shmuradko received the 12th result, based on the results of two programs, our figure skater took 14th place. for now, that's all the news for this
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hour, i urge you to stay in shelters until the air raid is over and don't ignore the air raid signals. take care, see you later. the cafe is open, fedir was a military man in the past, and now he is the owner of a family cafe in irpen. during the occupation of kyiv region , his institution was damaged. occupiers, after their escape the coffee shop was also robbed, the entrepreneur applied for a grant competition, hoping that he would be able to resume his business. i won the project, i was doing my own, from the curator , which is that i want to buy
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a granitor, this is such and such equipment for creating slush, i want to raise, raise the range, mainly for children, because i understand, mainly children. .. with pleasure will use it so that it is possible to make high-quality and useful, useful ice cream from natural juice, do your own thing, a competition for entrepreneurs in small towns and villages, this year it was scaled up, and in september it was launched together with the curator brand to support entrepreneurs from the field of horika, institutions food, hotel catering, the competition received 84 applications from all over ukraine, the organizers chose. the 10 winners who received grant funds this year focused on initiatives related to volunteering or supporting the military. this was the main criterion for us to be able to help, first of all, the military, and secondly
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, internally displaced persons, that is, we, you know, it is always difficult to help, because it is necessary to determine, and who is the most difficult now, that is why we took those layers on... which are now the most vulnerable, or those who need help here and now. due to hostilities, thousands of food establishments have closed or suspended their work. the mhp community fund decided to join in helping some of these businesses, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the fund systematically supports communities and people who need it. through this competition, we also develop services in communities, and contribute to the creation of jobs and, accordingly , the acquisition of the budget from the activities of these entrepreneurs. together with the curator, we created this competition to support and stimulate business. in the field of horik for small hotels, restaurants, businesses, cafes. the organizers
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hope that the winners of the competition will be able to restore and expand their businesses. such small businesses will help develop the communities in which they are located and provide new jobs locally. with in 2020, the winners and participants of the competition created dozens of new enterprises in the agricultural, light and food industries. green tourism and other areas, you are watching an informational marathon on a tv channel, ukraine is just now experiencing a new wave of missile attacks... on the entire territory of ukraine, the entire territory of ukraine is now colored the red color of the air alert,
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it is reported about the takeoff of the next batch of strategic boarders from russian lithuania, this means , that this attack will continue for a long time, some hours at least, so we we are all preparing to survive this attack and are saving our lives in the shelters, we are now also broadcasting from the shelters and now with... we are in touch with dmytro bychkov, chairman of the nikopol district council, this city , where in fact air alarms are an absolute, absolute commonplace. mr. dmitry, good morning, good morning, how are things now in nikopol, what is the situation? the situation remains the same, the enemy continued shelling nikopol and the nikopol district, and during yesterday the enemy from... day and night, and
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at any time of residents of the city of nikopol and the nikopol district. we know that explosions have already been heard along the dnipro since the very morning, the first explosions actually sounded even before the announcement, as reported. air alarm, there is already a report that there are repeated explosions at 7 in the morning, that is, literally a few minutes ago, mr. dmytro, what can be heard from the dnipro, well, for now, we are also getting all the information from various mass media , telegram channels for to get relevant information, because of course you, when there are such shellings, you understand what in every... city of ukraine there are your loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, friends, just ukrainians,
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of course, you keep, well, such information in order to get that everything is good there for all people, so of course this terror continues, and of course we must say that stopping all terror means only the victory of our state, that is why we always call and every day we must think about the fighters, soldiers from... the armed forces of ukraine, who need help and support, so we all must not get tired , we must, of course it is difficult for us, sometimes all this to unite some gatherings there, to support , but it is much more difficult for them, let's always not forget that they also need support and help, to join all these gatherings and support, it is very important, actually you are talking about remembering that militarily is much more difficult, the same can be said about the inhabitants of nikopol. community of the city of nikopol, that this is also a certain example for many other cities that it
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is much more difficult for someone. well, we can say that nikopol and the nikopol district were already one and a half years old yesterday, when daily shelling nikopol and the nikopol region, and on the map of air alarms, our region is a place where it is clear that the alarm is almost constant here. the threat of shelling, artillery, drones , which they now very often use on our territory, it is always present, and the shelling in our region does not leave people and... even a chance to hide, because the shelling can arrive in up to 10 seconds and of course very little time to react to people when a person walks down the street with a child, very little time to hide, respectively, that's why our region is like this, well, i think, and kherson and the territories that are close to
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the war zone are very naturally so difficult to constantly live in these air alarms. it was reported that the russians were also testing their new drones with night cameras in nikopol, does this mean that now there is no peace at night? well, before that , they worked very actively, you can say, because in nikopol, the nikopol region, they are always shelling both day and night, so to say that something is possible new species well, thank you very much, mr. dmytro , for this information, for this conversation, dmytro bychkov was with us volovy of the nikopol district council, they talked about what is happening in the city of nikopol itself, in nikopol there was shelling yesterday from heavy
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artillery, also just now in the region air alarm, as in all regions. ukraine, in fact, all the way to transcarpathia, in the dnipro itself, unfortunately, it is reported that there have already been two rocket hits, a massive rocket attack, we are still assessing its volume and scale, but we can already say that it is a powerful, a powerful air attack, two waves of ee strategic bombers have already launched their missiles, and already some are hitting some... cities, we will now, we will keep our finger on the pulse, we will include representatives of the army, we will talk about, we will include the cities where now we are shelling, and we will also remain in shelters, we urge everyone to do this, this is not a joke, that is , the russians are obviously trying to use their missiles now in order to
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try to hurt ukraine as much as possible in the cold season, now when it is cooling down. ukrainian infrastructure, as well as production, so we understand all this, we keep it in our heads and prepare to survive this attack, we will also talk today about the fact that, by the way, i will definitely remind you that this is this reminder from the russians, it is always a good incentive for us to remember that we can also always help the army and are collecting. relief funds and the spresso tv channel are calling to join the collection, you know, it's great that we are collecting now on kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade, and this brigade has been fighting on the fronts against the russian federation since the 14th year, and accordingly
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, the battle for the donetsk airport is behind them, which, oh my god, is so far in fact, so is ilovaisk and... and soledar, bakhmud , the main battles of these almost ten years of war, in all 93 brigades took part in one way or another and took part and was very important in these battles, and of course they need these drones, we collect them for them, and you know that 5 million hryvnias it's not a small amount, but judging by the way we're moving, i i think we will close this collection sufficiently, quickly and thanks to your help, in particular , thank you for helping the army, well, gentlemen, we will now go on a short break, we will be back, i hope aliza sisoeva, a journalist from zaporizhzhya will be with us deputy of the district council, we will also talk about what is available in zaporizhzhya now, there are discounts on
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citrik, 20% in podoro pharmacies. fam and the saver. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let us have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of cold yar is in dire need of a drone. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most
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current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society, the drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news
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feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. zahid studio. with anton borkovsky on espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own project names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. dear friends, well, our ether continues, despite
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the fact that we are ether from the reserve studio in ukritt, but our marathon will not be interrupted in moscow. we inform you about what is happening now in ukraine, there is an air alert in ukraine right now, and we hope you ignore the announcement. on the air alert that you are now in a safe city, in shelter, or at least using the two wall rule, and while you are in shelter and watching espresso, i will also remind you that you must join, must, absolutely must join our build for our military , kamikaze drones we're collecting, so while we talk to our guests, join in please see on your screens now we need 5 hryvnias for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, we have 617,805 hryvnias, 67 kopecks. for yesterday, you and i collected 27 00, this is a lot, but
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also not a lot, because i know that you can do more. so let's give our anger now, for the moskals stealing another morning from us, we will accumulate and turn them into donats. well , now alisa sysoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, is in touch with us, we will ask. is it quiet and peaceful in zaporizhia this morning, ms. alisa, we welcome you, how does zaporizhzhia wake up, to which sounds? greetings, ms. lesya, ms. andria, fortunately so far it is quiet in zaporizhzhia, and for several days, in principle, the people of zaporizhzhia do not wake up from explosions, let's hope that the situation will not change, because we know that it is not enough presumably, and also not yet. official information about the zaporizhzhia region, but in advance they say that the number of shellings in general has decreased, but this is probably connected with
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the deterioration of weather conditions. today i read that the general staff reported that there are about 20, but we are waiting for the details zaporizhzhia region, but let's really hope that there will be no victims and the day , the morning will be quiet in our country, we also want to hope what the weather will be like in zaporizhzhia in the zaporizhzhia region, because we understand that the russians are not doing these shellings just like that, but in order for us to sit and freeze now, well , at least in lviv, the snow melted again overnight, how about you? and in general, in zaporizhzhia , they are usually quite warm in winter without snow, but this week we had the first frosts and immediately the russians started shelling, you know that this week we had strikes and zaporozhye, so the weather is not very good at the moment, there is snow, ice , the condition has worsened, and therefore, in principle, it is quite likely that
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the enemy will use this opportunity to... deliver another blow to our infrastructure, to our critical important objects, and of course on living people, because for them there is no reason to shoot at them, here, for example, this week we were targeted again right in a residential area, people were injured, left without homes, there were also victims , unfortunately. what is the situation on temporarily occupied territories, what news from there? the situation there, it does not change much, everything is as it was, they will partisanize, such pressure continues on people in the medical field as well, there are more and more frequent cases when people cannot receive medical care because they do not have a russian passport , and now it's winter, people are getting sick, and there are basically no normal medicines there for the second year, that's why it's
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so widespread... now it's an option when a person goes for medical help and, unfortunately, is forced to take a russian passport. also to us it is reported that preparations for mobilization have intensified there, and the russians are now joining such actions, they even organized raids on clubs, on sports sections where teenagers train, well, they are probably preparing future soldiers from our children, this is exactly what they plan to do, probably , but i read that in berdyansk. they stop cars with ukrainian license plates and immediately send the drivers to the military police, and in addition to all that, they set up teenagers to testify against each other, to pass your classmates, or have you heard something about it too? you know, it's really strange that there are still cars with ukrainian ones left there, it started from
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the very beginning of the full-scale... invasion, i think that these are not such cars, there are units, because, well, now it can be said, because the pressure is increasing very, very much , as for teenagers and children, well, it’s a normal story, they’ve been trying to trick children for two years, and in principle, and they come to school, they force children to write letters to russian soldiers, and they force them to take russian... textbooks with incomprehensible information, even this year, at the beginning of the school year, what did they do, they distributed diaries to high school students, which contained the oath of a russian soldier, and because they want to teach them to report on their neighbors, well , this is, in principle, a normal story for temporarily occupied territories , unfortunately, and we understand that the majority of people there usually support and wait for the armed
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forces of ukraine, but... there were several , of course, dozens of cases when people collaborated, and to harass a neighbor, you know, that's fine was one of, well, for example, there may be housing or property that you might like there, a typical russian story, and also about how russians fight for the cities of ukrainian youth, this is for those ukrainians who say culture is unimportant. either culture is not at the right time , or you can't spread culture on bread, then the russians understand very well the role of culture in raising russians from ukrainians, and here in berdyansk they are planning to open a children's center of ethnographic enlightenment, they are going to do it in the first quarter of 2024 year


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