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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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in simple language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. greetings, news time. kateryna shiropoyas works on the air. there remains an air alert throughout the country, so we ask you to stay in shelters and we are also working with shelters. racists massively attack different regions of ukraine with rockets. it is known about a series of explosions in dnipro, chernihiv and kropyvnytskyi. local authorities urge to stay in shelter, in the air force reported about the launch of missiles from russian there. 95. it was also known about the departure
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of tu-22 strategic bombers from the olenya and shaykovka air bases. in addition , daggers from mig-31 fighters were recorded. meanwhile, even before this attack , several explosions were heard in the dnipro in the morning. this was reported by local media. the head of the region, serhii lysak , urged not to ignore air warning signals. the day before, around midnight, about the work of the air defense forces on the outskirts of kyiv... and mayor vitaliy klitschko. in the evening, the occupiers launched shahedis from the bryansk region. they for several hours they circled a number of regions of our country until they reached kyiv region. the consequences are currently not reported. and in kharkiv , a children's regional hospital was on fire. the event happened the previous evening, it took place on the first floor of one of the buildings, the state emergency service reports. the fire engulfed the premises of the pantry, even before arrival.
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rescuers, the staff of the medical facility evacuated 52 people, 23 women and 29 children. during the examination, the firefighters brought out another child and three adults from the smoky premises. the causes of the fire are currently being investigated. the first visit, the new head of the french ministry of foreign affairs, stéphane sejournay. it will arrive in kyiv today. he will meet with the president of ukraine volodyr zelenskyi. it was reported. zmi noted that sejourne wants to demonstrate support for ukraine, this is his first visit after personnel changes in the french government. volodymyr zelenskyi met with pena pritzker, the us special representative for the economic recovery of ukraine. he called her visit a powerful signal of support for our country from the outside of the united states. the head of state noted that last year was a record-breaking year. for
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the development of bilateral relations, and this significantly helps in the fight against the aggressor. the president thanked washington for its support and at the same time emphasized the importance of strengthening air defense to protect our cities. ways of using frozen russian assets for the reconstruction of ukraine were also discussed. they visited the military. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and prime minister of great britain rishi sunak met with the military. in the hospital the head doctor of the institution emphasized that they are making maximum efforts for the full recovery of the military, even in difficult cases. also, military personnel prepare for prosthetics and teach how to use prostheses. during communication , some defenders noted that they plan to return to the service after recovery. and the ukrainian diaspora calls on australia to hand over decommissioned helicopters to the armed forces of ukraine.
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the union of ukrainian organizations in australia is convinced that the machines could improve the military position in ukraine, and deliver them to us is cheaper than disposal. at a cost of 920 million, this would double the size of australia's support to ukraine, the diaspora insists. earlier, kyiv sent an official request to canberra to receive decommissioned helicopters, but the australian military plans to destroy them. they want to deprive hungary of the right to vote in the eu council. in the european parliament, the necessary number of votes has already been collected - said mp from finland petri sarvama. in his opinion, the proposals can be included in the resolution of the european parliament regarding hungary, for which will vote next week. they plan to suspend ukraine's right to vote in the eu council due to a violation of the values ​​of the european union. i will point out that the hungarian prime minister will not support it.
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european integration of ukraine, and last december blocked the provision of financial assistance to kyiv in the amount of eur 50 billion. khosyt mistakenly attacked a tanker with russian oil in the red sea - reuters reports. the missile was fired at the tanker 90 nautical miles from the yemeni port city of aden. she fell into the water 500 m from the ship. there were no casualties or damage. according to the british, this is the second tanker with russian oil that was fired upon by the houthis. the ship could have been mistakenly targeted, targeted due to outdated, publicly available information. which connects it with great britain. a development that helps destroy the enemy. ukrainian kamikaze drones are produced by volunteers from lviv, uavs are made depending on the requests and needs of our military.
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our correspondents will tell you how to create and what are the advantages of such self-made iron birds. that's it, by fpv drone from the charity fund april works for hostile purposes. the volunteers started. to make shock birds in september 2023, the prototype was developed by ourselves, says the initiator of the production yuriy tanasiychuk. we bought basic versions of drones, we disassembled them down to the smallest detail, we built an internal architecture for ourselves, which is called knowledge, how everything interacts, what materials it is made of. volunteer kamikaze drones equipped with powerful motors, a stable frame and ... quality controllers for control, so homemade devices are better serve our military than expensive factory-made drones, - explains yuriy tenasiychuk. that is, we have drones with a size of 8, 9, 10 inches under normal conditions, our drones will fly at least 10 km, they
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will take an average working weight of 1.5-2.5 kg, it can be three, we did tests and for 5 kg. in the cost of self-levelling. buckets from $500 to $700. ukrainians, entrepreneurs and territorial communities will willingly donate funds. complete parts, volunteers buy abroad, and some spare parts are printed in the workshop on 3d printers. the maximum that we we can do it ourselves, we try to do it ourselves, that is, we have the cutting of carbon frames, er, the creation of individual elements, printing on 3d printers, these are various tails, racks, elements. fastening engineer andrii assembles the drone in less than two hours, ready birds are always tested by volunteers. once a week , volunteers of the april charity fund teach those willing to assemble drones. first of all, there is a need
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to protect the country, the more people who can do it, the more people there are, the more maneuverable we are, and it is very important that in case... mobilization, the workshop or production did not stop, that is why many of our drones are made by girls, since november 2023 , benefactors have made more than a hundred drones, they say that this saved the ministry of defense at least 2 million hryvnias. kmikat drones will cause enemy losses along the entire front line, in kherson, zaporizhzhya, bakhmut, lumansk and other directions. if you want to multiply the number of good ones. russians and destroyed enemy equipment. join the collection for details, for ukrainian birds. you can see the details now on the screen. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. ukrainian figure skater
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ivan shmuradko performed with a symbolic blood stain on his shirt in the free program at the 2024 european championship in lithuania. in a public comment, the sportsman explained that he wanted to show the state of in-between life with his performance. and death, a shirt with a red spot symbolized the death of ukrainians from rockets. shmuradko got 12 result for this number. according to the results of two programs, our figure skater took 14th place. for now, that's all the news for this hour. more interesting and relevant information can be found on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. later , my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and others will be waiting for you on the air. andriy saichuk, i am asking you to stay in the shelters until the air raid ends, take care of yourself,
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the coffee shop works fedir was a military serviceman in the past, and now he is the owner of a family cafe. in irpen. during the occupation of kyiv oblast, his establishment was damaged by the occupiers. after their escape, the cafe was also robbed. the entrepreneur applied for the grant competition, hoping that... he could resume your business. i won the project , i was doing my own thing, from the curator, which is that i want to buy a granitor, it's a kind of equipment for creating slush, i want to raise, raise the range, mainly for children, because i understand, mainly children from it will be a pleasure to use it, that it was possible to make high-quality and useful, useful juice from natural juice. ice cream. do your own thing. competition for entrepreneurs in small towns and villages. this year
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it scaled. and in september, he started with the curator brand to support entrepreneurs from the ferret industry. institutions food, hotel catering. the competition received 84 applications from all over ukraine. the organizers selected 10 winners who received grant funds. this year, the focus was on initiatives related to volunteering. and... or with the support of the military, the main criterion was that we could help, first of all, the military, and secondly, internally displaced persons, that is, we, you know, always difficult to help, because it is necessary to define, and who has it most difficult now, so we took those segments of the population that are currently the most vulnerable, or those who need help here and now, because of hostilities. thousands of food establishments have closed or suspended their work, the mhp community charity fund has decided to join in
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helping some of these businesses, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the fund has been systematically supporting communities and people in need. through this competition, we also develop services in communities, and contribute to the creation of jobs and, accordingly, the acquisition of the budget from the activities of these entrepreneurs, together with. we created this competition to support and stimulate business in the field of ferret for small hotels, restaurants, businesses, cafes. the organizers hope that the winners of the competition will be able to restore and expand their businesses. such small businesses will help develop the communities in which they are located and provide new jobs locally. since 2020, the winners and participants of the competition have created dozens. new enterprises in the agricultural sector, light and food industry, green tourism and other
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areas. dear friends, we are back on the air and continue our marathon, we are marathoning from shelter, because still the aerial tribu continues, but as you can see on... the map of ukraine is turning white and it is the most pleasing to the eye that can be, some bot got lost here in the comments for our youtube broadcast, and everyone is wondering if we are receiving warm messages from the cellar, but don’t wait, look , even the repulses are already going on, and we still stay here, so it’s good and pleasant for us here , we talk with good people, we talk about bad muscovites, whatever, whatever they don’t tell us from the cellar and ... in warm good company to do it, moreover, we are now we are making a warm, wonderful announcement, dear
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friends, and we ask you to join it and make sure that the kamikaze drones end up in the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, which has been fighting since 2014, destroying those who take comfort in us and ask whether it's warm for us to sit in the cellars, while we collect 5 million hryvnias in order to buy these kamikaze drones and... give them to the guys on the front lines, so that these kamikata drones save their lives and take the lives of muscovites. 47 31 2196, 41 20, 61 35, this is the private card number and you also see the qr code, and 53 75 41 12 10 65 7560, this is the mono card number and you can also see the qr code, we have 68,655 hryvnias and 67 kopecks, just some money, there are three sixes,
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dear friends, we need to change something, and we need 5 million uah, join in, please , let's show all those kremlebots who mock us here that they won't laugh for long, i don't know, but what they're laughing at, i don't know, they say they're asking that we're sitting in cellars , well, we are sitting, we are sitting and, we are sitting in the kria. we are sitting in a hiding place, it's just that we now have hiding places of the 21st century, they they are well equipped with the internet, you see, they are warm , everything is fine, but here, well, what do you have in russia, where do you sit, what do you have, we do not fire at you, you have about half of the cities without eggs and in the cold is freezing, we do not understand this, oleg kalashnikov, the press officer of the 26th brigade named after general khorunzhovoy roman dashkevich, is already with us, we are adding him to our broadcast, mr. oleg, we congratulate you, good morning ukraine, mr. oleg, if ma-
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can you tell me where you are, tell me what your situation is, well i'm with with my... podrozdim this is the bakhmut direction, we have winter, such harsh winter weather, the enemy is trying to counterattack us, for the past day he tried to counterattack, it is a mite-andriivka, but these counterattacks were few, up to five, that is, we can say that now they have become somewhat smaller, that is, it can be said that the russian team has some idea about their further actions, but the artillery does not... considering the weather, it works around the clock, and the russians also have the same kamikaze drones that you already talked about. , and aviation works in the same way component, when the weather conditions allow it, they drop guided aerial bombs on us, how many kamikaze drones do the russians have, quite a lot, i say this
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very tolerantly. indeed , they have increased production somewhere, somewhere they buy chinese products, we can observe a lot of such chinese products, that is , today their number is quite significant on the line of combat directly, well, we can also observe the production of the russian defense industry, that is directly bpolar scouts, which can fly a little further than the first line, are the second line. our, our defense. sir, please tell me what is the situation with the russian rebs, to what extent have they become, have they really become so effective that they can even affect the excalibur precision projectiles? well, regarding rap technologies, there were such schools since the soviet times, a very cool school has remained,
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both in russia and here, indeed, their rap technologies are at a fairly high level, you have to admit it. first full-scale invasion, they try to adapt them to modern conditions of war, that is, to modern technologies that challenge them, they have various developments, they also try to influence such so-called smart projectiles, indeed, however, how skillfully they succeed in this, we can see the results of the destruction of their targets, and also a lot of... there was a message in all kinds of russian publications of the so-called russian military commanders that their gunners are very sorry for the quality of north korean shells, that if it flew out of the barrel, it is already considered their success, or do you also observe in principle the presence of this low-quality ammunition in your visavi, so to speak, the enemy? yes
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, even last fall they received these shells, they had a lot of propagandistic stuff like that... a wedding from the fact that they receive a million, then another 4,000, but so directly you can say that they have a problem with gunpowder, that's gunpowder, which they have been stored in warehouses for a very long time, they lose their properties, that is, they are no longer the same, the same projectile does not fly as accurately, the problem is really with themselves korean projectiles, they can either not fire, or explode directly in the barrel, but also ... not hit the target, that is, in this case , they really have these problems, they exist and damage from time to time even they are armed. well, at the very end, i will briefly ask, all westerners , in particular analysts, warn that the russians continue to accumulate their reserve parts now, with the fact that this year will be
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an attempt of russian russian, russian breakthroughs, the russians will try this year with... be some captured new ones territories, what are the tasks for the artillery, which will be our main card, so to speak, a countermeasure in not allowing them to repel their now strong offensive? taking into account the changes in military tactics, we can say that the task for us is to stop their counter-offensive, or even better not to let it start, we can see this last year when...... we express their mechanized offensive columns, that is we don't let them even deploy into combat formations and start direct actions, that is, we have to work as on prejudice, and on... the destruction of their potential, both weapons and, of course, the infantry unit. briefly then, i will add: with regard to mobilization, the topic that is now the most important, probably, the artillery needs
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refreshing forces and how much training the gunner needs to have, so that he is really powerful. of course, all branches of our troops need fresh strength, because we know that this is a human resource, and in terms of training. we can directly teach in combat positions, because the calculation does not change completely below zero, but somewhere there a person comes to the calculation number , let's say, and immediately he is trained in a combat environment and everything is told, he quickly grasps and everything turns out well, we have a lot of mobilized soldiers working directly, who came from civilian life, having no idea what it is cannon and... how to work with it, and today such representatives of the mobilized are already directly in command of the calculations of cannons, so everything in this case is fine, well,
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thank you very much for the conversation, oleg kalashnikov was with us, the press officer of the 26th artrigades of the name general horunzhuv roman deshkevych, we are going for a short break and will return from our studio, we will return from our studio, in the meantime we offer to your attention an interview with the daughter of defender vasyl. danylovych, who was a member of the 128th mountain assault brigade, who had been waiting for almost two years since his capture. he got there on march 22 and returned home only at the beginning of january this year. your attention eter espresso interview with daughter natalya. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mhogo. there are discounts on evcalor
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of 20% in the psaryznyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is. competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that happen simply. now they affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts
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soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about? from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether and what kind of weapons will be available for ukraine. and what are the russian occupiers whispering behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, significant, reliable events, this is analytics,
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fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more in today's issue: about important things, in simple language, available to everyone viewers greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 on... espresso channels and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment.
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the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, my name is khrystyna parubiy. today we are talking about the exchange of prisoners of war. at the beginning of january, one of the largest exchanges of prisoners of war took place. during the entire full-scale invasion , 230 soldiers returned home, including 225 men and five women. and today we have the opportunity to talk with the daughter of one of the prisoners of war from the lviv region, who returned during this exchange, natalia danylovych. natalia, i congratulate you, i am glad
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to see you, thank you. talk to us today, tell us about the first emotions, the first what kind of impressions did you have when you found out that your father was coming home, you know, at first i didn't believe it, but i'm telling you honestly, when you're sitting at work and you get a call from the headquarters, that's how they call, good afternoon, you're greeted by the coordination headquarters for issues about the treatment of prisoners, your father was exchanged today, at first i didn't believe it for the first few seconds, and i immediately started asking directly when it would be possible to contact you, and how? where is it located, well, of course, they didn't tell me anything at first, they said that later they would give the phone to my father, and that is, it would be possible with him to communicate, it's both shock and joy, i didn't believe it at first, two years have passed after all, it should have been almost in march, that's why there was somehow more shock, in the first seconds, then boundless happiness, joy, that really, that it's true, well, in principle, in this way, when i managed to communicate with my father on the same day, i called around 3 pm, they gave
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me the phone and... we basically talked for a few minutes literally, because they were still on their way to the rehabilitation center center, and then it was possible to communicate what the first ones were saying some, the first conversation about my first phrase was that i can't believe that i hear your voice in two years, and my father says, well, you know, i couldn't leave you, and literally exchanged a few words, that is, how do you feel , where are you, where are you being taken, and already he said that they are being taken to a rehabilitation center, it was such a literally five-minute conversation, because there was a bad connection. and so we only managed to communicate a little on the first day. you have a daughter who grew up with her father, how did she react, tell me during this time that together with him, in captivity, how was he, how did she react to it, how did she ask about her grandfather? you know, the daughter directly, that he is in captivity, she did not know, because i did not want to injure the child, but she knew that the grandfather was at war, that he went to defend his country, and that when she asked why he did not call for a long time ,
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i said that he doesn't have one. opportunities, since she is in such a territory where there is no communication, in the first seconds it was so funny, she talks to him, talks, then puts the phone down and starts crying like with jealous tears, and i say, why are you crying? and she says: because i'm so glad that my grandfather finally called, well, that is, the child was so comforted, you know, she probably felt a little intuitively somewhere, well, after all , she hadn't seen him for a long time, she hadn't heard him for a long time, she was comforted, very comforted, yes reacted emotionally. tell us about your father, when he went to war, why did he finally decide to join the army? my father went to war when the anti-terror began, well , this is the first operation, in 2014 he went to serve, it seems to me almost immediately, he he went as a volunteer, but he went as a volunteer at that time, he said that he had to give back to the country and still have to defend it, he wanted to, i was very against it, i'm
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telling you honestly. i didn't want to, because after all , it's dangerous, and i was against it, but in principle i accepted, respected his choice, and he served, and he served somewhere for one and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well, he was demobilized, he was at home for a short time, and signed a contract for military service for three years, that is, it was long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory, when the war began, in fact, he still had to...he still had to serve somewhere around six months, if i'm not mistaken, during this time before a full-scale invasion of some of the main points where he fought, in in which brigade he fought , in which battles he participated, he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade, they were in many places, they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots, i don't remember directly by city , but i remember that they were just watching the fighting there, this luhansk-donetsk, the main direction where they were -


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