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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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i was very against it, i'll tell you honestly , i didn't want to, because it's still dangerous, and i was against it, but in principle i accepted, respected his choice, and he served, and he served for about an hour and a half, maybe even two years, and later after some time, well , he was demobilized, he was at home for a short time, and signed a contract for military service for three years, that is, it was still long before the invasion of russia directly into our territory... it began war, in fact he still had to serve somewhere nearby half a year, if i am not mistaken, during this time of the full-scale invasion, in some main points, where he fought, in which brigade he fought, in which battles he participated, he served in the 128th mountain assault brigade, they were many where, they they were also in luhansk region, they were in the same hot spots, i don't remember the cities directly, but i remember that that's exactly where the hostilities took place, that's luhansk-donetsk, the main direction where they were. they were here and there in hot
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spots, because no one named them themselves places, because it was dangerous, but they were constantly there, because it happened that there was no communication, that is, yes, well, they were in such rather dangerous places, father for this great experience, so combat operations , he was predicting some war so big that russia would start this full-scale russian invasion, you know, my father always said that russia would never rest on what it had achieved, so... predict thought, i think it was, maybe he didn't voice it so directly, but we all understood, probably father including that if they have already set out to conquer the territory, then they will not stop at two parts of ukraine, so it is more likely than not, uh, tell me how father actually during a full-scale invasion , not so much, not so long fought, already in march 2022 he was captured, the report about this... did they even know where it happened? he was
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on the zaporizhzhia direction, they were captured precisely on the zaporizhzhia direction. how did you find out, do you know the circumstances, in general, how, what was the battle, what kind of battle was it? not in detail i know, i know, that when my father was captured, this particular area was captured already on march 2, that is, they were still there for some time, and already later, i don't know if they were counted out. somehow or in some way it happened, then he got to polon, it was in the pologiv district, zaporizhzhia region, in principle, he was mostly in the zaporizhzhia direction for the whole period, they started , it seems, somewhere in energodar, just like those first battles, when there was , and then they were somehow transferred there to this area. as did you find out that your father is in poland? i first went out on the people who were with him, i don't even remember what kind of guys they were.
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well, they said that somewhere someone had seen that they had been taken away, well, but it was officially confirmed somewhere in july, already on the 22nd directly, when they called, i contacted various services and the red cross and the coordination headquarters , where i did not contact, i was already called from the coordination headquarters, they responded and said that the aggressor side officially confirmed that your father is in captivity, in fact, all spring you were in such obscurity that... at that time you thought, that is, there was some information, with whom you were in contact, there were a lot of them, you know, from the fact that starting from the fact that they were killed , ending with a prisoner, ending with the fact that he is missing, that is, in part, he was considered missing in general, well, i tried, i came to myself in march, until there was no contact with him, because it happened that at the beginning of march somehow somehow the first week there was no contact with him, and he then got in touch, i think, well, maybe there was little contact and that's why he didn't... can
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go out with me, when i was already told at the end of march, at the beginning of april that he was considered officially missing, well then i started writing various appeals, searching, collecting some kind of package of documents, sending to various services so that somehow they would start searching, contacting each other, we even have a whole group in viber 128th, where relatives are looking for their relatives, and we were so divided by directions, because in that period many people disappeared in those directions, and we shared that in directions and already helped each other to search, contacted volunteers and directly from there with... people from zaporizhzhia, those who could helped. during these two years, you say that in july you officially confirmed to you that my father was in polonia, what work was done to get my father out of polonia, who did they communicate with, who, how did they work, who did they work with , worked probably the most with the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, this is one of the organizations that clearly provided instructions on how and what should be done, i... but speaking, well
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, in fact, i repeatedly tried to make myself known through the keel over the course of several months, that is, after a month, i called all the authorities in full, which i applied to both in part and in... gur and to the coordination headquarters , that is, to ask if there is any work going on, i do n't remember when i was told that he was included in the lists, i think it was somewhere a year after he was captured , somewhere plus or minus a year later, they already told me that he is already on the lists, that is all that remains is to wait, that is, you can't do anything, you've already done everything you could, did you manage to communicate with your father during this time? there were some , there were some conversations, i don’t know , maybe correspondence, only correspondence, and it’s so paper-based, you know how you used to write on paper and send it to the coordination headquarters, they directly package it and send it to them, that is, everything happened in russian, you had to write in such general phrases,
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because otherwise you wouldn't have missed it, well, to what extent my father told me that he received two of my three letters, the third one may have been moved somewhere at this moment, so he didn’t receive the last one, that is, they arrived like this, i don’t know how... this correspondence was fixed, but it arrived like this, and it came from my father, and it came to me from my father , then it came from him first, and the instructions were clearly indicated there, how you can answer him, and without and i already wrote to him and sent it to kyiv by new mail, and they are already there to them well, there through the red cross, as i understand it , these letters that my father wrote in were transferred letters that in the end allowed the russians to publish these general phrases, everything is fine, alive and well, i miss you, how are you? i.e. , nothing extra, just such phrases every time , just in different paraphrases and that's all, well , he was also answered in the same way, if even something was written, then it was so general, then everything was fine with us, we talked about the family, well, nothing extra , there were no addresses, there was nothing, that is, only my name, his name and that's all,
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when there was hope for an exchange, you say, a year after he was captured, got into the lists. for an exchange, and when there was a real hope that the father could really be exchanged, in the last few months, i was already on all social networks, everywhere, wherever possible, and even the president himself said that they were preparing a big exchange, but there is no way they can solve all these formalities with the other party, i already hoped so in principle, i think, but suddenly, because the person who was with him in polonia, the three of them were caught together, then they were released last year, and i already think so to myself, well, but he has... i don't know under what circumstances they are not sat together, and i was already so hopeful , i think, well, suddenly, if some big exchange is really being prepared, because it was announced that there should be about 300 people, then i was already hoping that maybe my father would finally be exchanged, because you something was said from the coordination center, that it was possible, father, or
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it was only your guesses, these were my personal guesses, that is, some hope and expectation that my father would be at home, it was all so secret, that's why i was like that you know, in shock for the first few seconds, because i didn't understand. true or false, my relatives didn't believe it at all, they say, well, until we hear on the phone, we don't believe that it 's true, but these are purely my personal guesses, well, since after all, some kind of work was being done for a long, long time, it was already hoped that it would finally bear some fruit , how is father feeling now, have they already talked about any plans, yes, what he plans to do next, nothing, you know, he is feeling well, while he said that he wants to rest, and then, well, it is necessary of course, go through another examination, see. according to the state of health, but in in principle, it’s great, i’ll tell you that i talked to him, i told him, i told him personally, i have the impression that you didn’t return from captivity for two years, you rested somewhere in a resort and were a little tired, well that is, the voice is tired, of course, that at first it adapts a little, but in my opinion
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, even the best of all the options turned out, great, in principle, i feel great, when you can see each other, well, my father says that somewhere plus or minus up to a month their time should still... be treated there, well, if he doesn't go to part, then he would have to come home, that is, they would have to be kept there for about a month. thank you natalya for being with us today, i will remind our viewers that today we spoke with the daughter of one of the released prisoners of war vasyl danylovych, natalia danylovych, i hope that soon all our soldiers will be at home and we are waiting for them home. thanks for being with us today, stay with espresso. there are discounts on lactial of 10% in the psyllanyk
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pam and oskad pharmacies. every day, every hour, every minute we we get a lot of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses in... personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this. and much more today in the issue about important things in plain language available to all
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viewers, welcome to the studio of iryna koval and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. 93 separate mechanized. kholotny yar is in dire need of aftiv drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espress tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east,
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the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right. start negotiations on joining the eu vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and forecast future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world,
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the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are actually working in this studio today. throughout today, it's our final hour of the first part , and then at 14 we'll be back on the air again and you 'll spend the day in our company, we hope you enjoy it, if you do, please put your favorites under our youtube broadcast, and if you like what we're saying, then donate your funds for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade. i think that the following information will definitely be pleasant to you. but now you see the necessary details on your screens, you now see
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those people for whom these funds must be transferred, this is the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, which has been fighting since 2014 and has been in all the hottest spots, and it remains to be defended ukraine still needs kamikaze drones, for these kamikaze drones we need 5 million hryvnias. today it is somehow difficult, i understand, friends, that everyone is in... washed, what is it already saturday, i want to rest somehow, but you see, the muscovites don’t let us rest , they arranged an air raid on us on the day off, a little panic, uah 621,305 67 kopecks , we currently have uah 5 million in our account, let me remind you that we need uah 5 million, so we are stretching there is no time for this pleasure, because kamikaze drones are what help our military defend their lives and help destroy the lives of moscow. and as oleg kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th
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general khrundzhy roman dashkevich brigade, said on our air today, in russian of these kamikaze drones , no matter how bad they are, so we need to help our military, please transfer the funds, well, transfer the funds, you know, i will tell you such good and pleasant news right now, the funeral of the gerontologist putin, you can also transfer it, he is a man, and he cared about longevity vladimir putin, his name is vladimir khavinson or khavinson, i don't know which is the correct accent, but he himself rested in peace. on andrii, what year do you think he was, judging by the list, he was around 47, 48, 77 years old, he rested in god, i i just thought that if he cared about putin's longevity, and putin is 71 now, yes, then in principle it is unlikely that putin will live longer, well, although, although this gerontologist said that
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putin will live until 2037, that is, somewhere around 85- this year should already be rearranged, well, but... with a posthumous note to himself, he said that literally an hour before his death , he invented the formula for almost immortality, but he did not have time to do it yet, or on the contrary , he experimented with it, he wrote : to report to the armed forces, it prolongs life, that's all, and this was the end of it, and shortens the lifespan. and longevity, what is longevity and preserving youth, then this man made good use of some beauty injections, because you can see
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that such a little boy is a little as stretched as putin's with... pricked, pricked, in a word, the golics did not work well, but they work well, well not very well, but these beauty injections, something, did have some effect, well , as it is called, we finished the face shaming and face lifting, well, and now we have andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy, the armed forces of ukraine, static expert of the senate company, deputy chief of staff at aim zsu in the fourth-twenties, mr. andriy, good morning to you, good morning. actually, let's try to summarize a little the consequences of this morning's attack by the russians , what do we know, what tactics did they use, what did they want to achieve and what did they achieve in the end, this is the first information, we see that the tactics are stationary,
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the basis of the attack there were tu-95 and tu-22 strategic aircraft. which had just been hit by missiles, and i understand what it is standard missiles, subsonic kha-101, kh555, there was a threat of thrusting daggers from mig-31s, they were also in the air, but from geography we see that, well, well, that’s what i understand, now they are also looking on military facilities on airfields on... which are related to aviation, but, well, i will not make a connection there, maybe in the future, well, i see it, but at least in open telegram channels it is there is, and i understand that again, well, at least i have not yet seen information on the marine component, there, then there is, again, the naval forces,
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although the russians took them out to sea. they are not, but there is information that there are indeed such serious problems in terms of calibers, in connection with the sanctions, in terms of the production of new such missiles, so now, in principle, what can be said now is that it there was such an airstrike, which means that, again, it was mainly based on strategic aviation planes. well, there is nothing more in general yet, well, in principle, this is a standard such set, we see that somewhere once a week they the attack is being carried out, by the way , i don’t know, i draw attention to the fact that every time they try to attack staro konstantinov, that is, it is obvious that they aim at military airfields, they try
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to slow down the transmission to the m16 in this way, well , i say that there is... konstantinov, mirgorod is also there, there are our airfields there, and i think that they are aimed at exactly that, in order to have infrastructure, we had some problems in preparing the infrastructure. mr. andriy, we heard information that ariad, that is, saudi arabia is going to buy 48 more typhoons from the germans, eurofighters, planes. and this is happening against the background of the fact that we cannot even borrow taurus from the germans, this, this, how would you comment on this? by the way, four typhoons took part in this attack against the houthis. it has four british planes and all four worked perfectly for their purposes, that is, this means that the plane is very capable of everything, well, even a small number, because
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it would certainly help us a lot. well, look, we've now, i understand, identified our main platform, the f16 aircraft, and the implementation of that project, it will cost our state, our partners, i think, several tens of billions of dollars. these are the planes themselves, this is the training of pilots, this is logistical support, this is exactly the infrastructure, spare parts, modernization, weapons, that is why i think that this is a serious project, we have been working towards it for a long, long time, and i think that well, for the near future, this should be our main plane, and then, and then, which one will be a replacement, we will look at, because again, well... a new plane is, again, that tens of billions of dollars for the country , as far as the taurus missile is concerned, it is normal, good, it has very necessary
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characteristics for us, especially the flight range, here, but here it must be understood that it is always made according to the podnativ standard of technical fastening on planes, well, if we... i think that there will be an opportunity to connect it to the f-16 plane as well, well, i 'm not talking about the fact that even the su-24 plane means adapted to launch stormshadow and scalp, and yesterday i looked, already there are, well, there are already such conversations about the fact that the su-24 can even be adapted for the taurus missile, as if the representative of the company said that it would take six months, but he was told that, well, in theory, yes, well, for example, the same british and french , they made these technical, well, such
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small modernizations much faster, so i think that now, in principle, we need to concentrate our efforts on one platform, but it is possible to solve such very specific capabilities, very specific, well, it is possible with... other aircraft, expenses, and this is a very different system and preparation , but again, this is very, very serious and logistically, you have to be very careful, because, well, a large number of different platforms, it significantly increases costs, this is the situation, mr. andriy, i will also ask about mobilization, the law on mobilization, which is being pushed back somewhere again, the military, botusov wrote about it well ... he wrote, it seems, about what he says, that in the end, it all boils down to what the military says, give us people, we need to replenish the losses, in units, of politics
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they say, we don't want to take responsibility because it's not popular among people, and there's a kind of lack of leadership, it's felt now, there's also a lack of understanding of what mobilization is, it seems to me, mobilization is not just about how to find and ... a certain number of poor people, who were caught by people on the street in uniform, but about something else, about the whole country, every person, from a pensioner to i don't know, a schoolboy, were mobilized in what way to fight, to support the country in the confrontation with the enemy, true, that's it actually them, do you also feel that there is a lack of this leadership, and it's very... maybe it should be filled by who, how, i don't know, well, for example, says that, well, go to the people, explain that, because so far we have just
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some raw document that the cabinet of ministers threw to the council, the council back from football to the cabinet, what's next, well , look, i can say, in my opinion, we should really consider mobilization as a measure of a state nature, it's not just a recruitment people, this is and... the transfer of the economy to the maximum military rails, this is also the provision of weapons, material and technical means, that is, this is such a very serious comprehensive measure that actually requires the rejuvenation of all areas of state, state life, state existence, and now we have mobilization itself at the macro level, it exists, well, let's say, on the remnants of soviet approaches, when... everything these, well, all these resources are human and economic, they were actually forcibly taken, well, from the state, in general, you go to
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the front, or... you, so, you are there, i don’t know, they put you on the pillbox, or there they shoot or something, they are very forced, very, to things, in russia such forms are now being continued, well, it really takes time, you need people who know this, a very good practice in this, just in the scandinavian countries, there is such a social contract between every citizen and the state that, well a citizen, if, well, he... lives in the country, uses all the benefits, these are economic, and the state, in turn, asks the citizen that he, the citizen, that he come to its defense, that he economically support some and so on , that is, it is such a social contract, it is a macro level, it completely covers both the population and the economy, everything absolutely, and because of this, there is a small one, for example in finland, out of 5 million
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population, there is one... 2 million reserve people in the armed forces, but they are all prepared, they, they have a constant uniform clothes, they know where to go, and this reserve allows them to complete their armed forces four times, but i will also note that, for example, in the united states, as far as i understand, all the reserve companies that are held, there are so, there there is already this record of citizens, men. and accordingly he already exists, and he exists, and this is done by an independent company, which is then engaged in an equally independent campaign of mobilizing people, the government does not do this, that is, they call up people in a rather rented manner, but what i paid attention to is that this age is called up for mobilization, that is, this age is mobilized it's 18-26 years old, it's in the case of general mobilization in the united states, it's the way
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they had... during vietnam, it's the way they had it in world war ii, so they still took grind for obvious reasons because young people are just physically better prepared for the burden of war, we have more than 40 years of conscription age, we see it, we know it, our comrades, after all, fight, this is a problem, how mobilization should solve this... well, absolutely, well, for this, again, , what you said earlier, it is necessary for people with experience to determine the policy of mobilization, because, well, to organize mobilization only in order to somehow change the work of the tsc or vlk, well, it is not enough, and the most important thing is that, well, so that population, and it had little desire to protect. your country
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you see, we, we, well, you remember, at the beginning of the large-scale aggression, we had an operational reserve, uh, it was about 200 thousand soldiers, former soldiers who served during this operation of the united forces, they were demobilized, but they were in the reserve, they were very motivated, they had uniforms, they knew where to go, and in fact within a few days they were already in the units, but this resource he... we need, we need to think about creating such a reserve, mr. andrii, thank you very much for the conversation, unfortunately, a moment of silence is approaching, we have to say goodbye, thank you very much for this conversation, andriy razenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company and deputy chief of staff of the navy, armed forces in 2004-2020 was from we are in touch at 9:00 in the morning, which means that we will all now remember
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those ukrainians whose lives she took. the russian aggression of those we know and those we don't know, let's honor them, and then andriy seichuk and i will come back. we will honor a minute of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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