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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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and those whom we do not know, let's honor them, and then andriy seichuk and i will return to the air. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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congratulations, it's news time in eteriso, kateryna works in the studio. marriage belt in poltava region, in the kremenchutsky district, a rocket fell on the yard of one of the private houses, said the head of the military administration , philip pronin. she did not break. those injured by rocket fragments were recorded in the chernihiv region. also about successful the shooting of the killer iron was also reported in kirovohrad region and rivne region. so far , no casualties have been reported. two people died as a result of russian shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers fired
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more than four hundred shells in the region, more than three dozen in the regional center, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, said. the invaders targeted the residential quarters of the settlements and the territory of the educational institution. also, according to the state emergency service , a residential building, a garage and a car caught fire in the suburbs of kherson. the fire was extinguished. a children's regional doctor was on fire in kharkiv. the event took place the previous evening, took place on the first floor of one of the buildings, the state emergency service reports: the fire engulfed the chamber premises, before the rescuers arrived, the staff of the medical facility evacuated 52 people, 23 women and 29 children. during the examination, the firefighters brought out another child and three adults from the smoky premises. the cause of the fire is currently being investigated. the explosion in
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the temporarily occupied berdyansk was loud in the center of the city near the military command local telegram channels write. photos showing thick smoke are being published on social networks, suggesting that there could have been a detonation or the arrival of a rocket. 89 combat clashes took place on the front last year. the enemy launched seven missile and 65 air strikes against the positions of our troops and population centers, the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine reports. the most difficult battles were in the mariyansk direction, where our defenders repelled 26 attacks by the invaders. the russians also tried several times to storm the bridgehead on the left bank kherson region, as well as the robotic sky in zaporizhzhia. the invaders unsuccessfully attacked our positions near kupyansk and staromayorsk. during the day , ukrainian aviation hit more than 20 cities.
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concentration of enemy personnel. the espresso tv channel calls on viewers to join the gathering of the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupinsky direction, a car is needed. our defenders need a pick-up truck to carry out combat-related transport of the wounded. its peculiarity is that it can move through swampy terrain. it costs uah 250,000. you and i have already collected more than 62 thousand. please join and donate any amount. remember, your hryvnia brings our victory closer. the supreme court issued a statement condemning the actions of the sbi investigators who conducted searches in the premises of the dnipro district court of kyiv the day before. in particular, the documents and computer of judge yulia ivanina were seized. the dnipro court also reports numerous violations during the search. and considers them as
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pressure on the judge for her administration of justice, because the searches were probably related to the consideration of a specific court case. the supreme court draws attention to what has been done. investigative actions in courts poses a significant threat to the independence of a judge, and cases of interference in a judge's activities in connection with the adoption of court decisions by him are inadmissible. at the same time, the sbi also confirmed the actions of its employees at the dnipro judge in the capital. the department's website states that law enforcement officers searched the judge's office and seized physical evidence. the supreme court demands a reaction from the high council of justice and has already turned to the director. dbr, if it is a judge, then there must be a sanction of either the prosecutor general or his deputy, that is, the petition is signed, signed, uh, how is it done according to the rules, according to the order, they
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turn to the prosecutor general or his deputy , that person signs the petition, and only on the basis of the petition, they turn to this court and receive a decision to hold olsu, this is the standard, they, in violation of this standard, said that there are some urgent circumstances confiscation of property, what kind of property , what to restore there, they believed and conducted a search, and it was not enough that they simply searched some specific property that they wanted there in mind, they searched there and... visitors and premises and so on the other thing is, if we say so, yes , this is such an arbitrary treatment of the law, it is so brazen, let’s say this, the behavior of this, in general, the dbr was never, let’s say this,
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soundly legal, so he always loved this bber force and always used it. large-scale fire in russian st. petersburg, where a warehouse with goods of the well-known vrf internet store is on fire. according to local sources, almost a thousand employees who were inside the building ran outside in a panic. the local ministry of emergency situations said that there were no victims. the area of ​​the fire is currently more than 50,000 square meters. canesterapy. noveta, a quite unusual word for ukrainians, which comes from latin, de kani. the dog points out. this is the name of the method of treatment or rehabilitation, when four-legged friends help to overcome fear, depression, anxiety and generally relieve the tension is emotional. our correspondent darya ruban visited several educational institutions of the white church and talked with those who benefit from this practice. children with
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special needs in inclusive resource center number two experienced one of the effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation for the first time. with the help of specially selected and trained dogs, these two corgis, yorkies and german boxers know how to make contact easily. dogs are specifically trained to work with such children, this causes children positive emotions, joy, they instill love for animals, to all living things, so that children understand that a dog can be hurt, just like a person and a child. canine therapy has long been known in the world, in ukraine it is only gaining momentum. when traveling to other cities , pets must be accompanied by dog ​​trainers, canine therapists. according to the director of the dog breeding club, mrs. iryna, there are very few breeds that are not suitable for this work at all. the only ones who are definitely not involved are puppies.
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you can start preparing four-legged friends for such a mission from three months, but you should not do it yourself, because this should only be done by specialists. before the start, each dog is selected. must be. very person-oriented, very eager to communicate with a person, with any stranger, and then there is training, then our dogs pass exams, canister therapy in general is psychological relief, rehabilitation and help in stressful situations, and it is needed now, unfortunately, not only children, but also adults, such interaction with animals normalizes work. of the nervous system reduces the level of physical and of psychological stress, blood pressure, helps to overcome anxiety and fear of dogs, and for children with special needs , it is not only one of the rehabilitation methods, but also learning, which is perceived in a playful way. the dog receives a very heavy load and
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a lot of stress from the work itself. the fact is that the dog must communicate and communicate in a playful way with... complete strangers with children, so the overload in dogs is really very big. also, dog handlers and dogs visited one of the bilotserk kindergartens kindergartens there was no joy here either. border in general , canisterapia is excellent for the adaptation of displaced persons, families of fallen defenders, children in orphanages and people who have experienced the horrors of war. this method of zootherapy has also proven itself during the rehabilitation of military personnel in hospitals. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. networks, join, put your preferences, my colleagues lesya
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vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, don't switch, see you later. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable to be. stroller style has a perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once, for yourself and your husband. tic zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest leg. ecofutro insulation perfectly retains heat and removes moisture, and the top is made of permeable and wear-resistant water. made of khaki fabric and reinforced with eco-suede, alaska style boots can be worn both in damp weather and in very
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of tailoring guarantees incredible strength and wear resistance of underwear, order the mirabela set with a discount of only uah 399, and if you want to save even more, then take three sets at once, for only uah 999. discounted mirabella kit, call. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in in ukraine, on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio. an espresso event with anton borkovsky. dear friends, we are returning to ether. this is our final half hour in the first part. andrii saichuk and lesya vakulyuk, we will spend this half hour with you. and let me remind you that later we will return to ether at 2 p.m. and continue with many more interesting topics and guests. does andriy want to share some good news from russia? i am very. i will briefly say that in moskal in st. petersburg , some of the largest warehouses that they have are on fire,
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25 cars, firefighters are trying to put it out, they are considering the arson version, and also that this migrants, because they recently fought among themselves there near that warehouse, and we have already decided to burn it to each other in order to take revenge on the entire russian supermarket, everything is on fire, in a word, on fire, and you know what i wanted to say, what i wanted to say, so briefly, sorry. the pure truth, listen, i forgot what i wanted to say, i will continue, dear friends, i did not forget what i wanted to say, so that st. petersburg would burn better, and even better, that moscow would burn, it is necessary that you... contribute with your donations to our collections, 1300 for this morning you and i collected, wrote viewer nadia olyshevko, olyshevko, mrs. lesya, thank you, i managed to write down the card number, today all the children and my father and i will transfer, thank you and thank you to all those who join our collection, you can see it on your screens now qr code, well, now on your screens you
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will see pavel kishkar, i just wanted to say, i remembered what i wanted to say, we just sat with you in this. everyone was in the shelter and there was an attack, the attack was quite insignificant, almost nothing remained for the russians, it did not end for the russians, it was repelled successfully, so some a moscow girl wrote in the chat that , what are you talking about, they are sitting in their, as they say , cellars, on mushrooms, they are sitting on mushrooms, so the presenter says that it is winter there and so on, and i tell them, listen, i say , i say, even though you are shelling us here, we are actually sitting in cozy shelters, warm, well, i say, but who looked at what... meanwhile , what is happening in russia, in russia without any ukrainian shelling, the heating is turned off in a bunch of regional centers and light, a bunch of some incomprehensible accidents, just so you understand, we have, for example, +2 now, well, we even have it in the basement so to speak, sitting normally and in shelter , even without heating, without any muscovites , there is such a city in the city of penza, so what am i not talking about siberia like novosibirsk or yakutsk, where it was -64
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recently in the city of penza, right now it is -23, and realfiel - and in the city's largest main hospital there is no heating at all, people in the intensive care unit lie in hats and gloves, doctors work in wellies and fur coats, there is a proposal to transport these people from the hospital in the city of penza to st. petersburg under that shopping center and let them be near that, they are right there they will warm up, well somehow they just have to mix it all together, myshely myshely, dear friends, pavlo kishkar, people's deputy of ukraine of the 8th convocation. joins us, and he is also the chief of staff of the battalion, and also the head of the project office of the accelerator of the ministry of defense of ukraine. mr. pavle, we are glad to see you. good morning, ukraine, we can warm up in kyiv too, let them come, we will cure them, why go so far, well, they think that we will reach
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donbas, so that it is so much closer to them to go there to warm up, for now. ask, friends, because time really does not matter, what is it, here i am i was just interested in your other position, head of the project office of the accelerator of the ministry of defense of ukraine, what is the accelerator of the ministry of defense of ukraine? the accelerator of the ministry of defense is such an auxiliary body of the minister that helps him solve complex processes, both inside the ministry of defense and externally in contacts with the general staff. and the govkom apparatus, and those problematic points that exist, we suggest, tell how they could be solved, in fact, we offer solutions immediately, and the accelerator has worked out quite a lot of such solutions, a large part of which has already implemented, the majority, it concerns the use of this or that latest technology in
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the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations, because the defense forces are not only the armed forces. robotics, communication, weapons , modern such as drones with electronics, cyber intelligence, it-solutions, ipso, these are the priority directions that are indicated on the accelerator page of the ministry of defense, here, please tell me what is not a military secret , which is about, there is no military secret without numbers, it is about the fact that there are three types. mobilization yes called, we are talking about the fact that there should be internal mobilization, and our proposals regarding , including the legislative regulation of mobilization, they are highlighted and handed over to people for decision-making, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to start with ourselves, and internal mobilization is the elimination of those
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military management bodies, which are not needed, which do not contribute to fundamental changes. on the front line in the fight against the enemy, everything is different, external, for example, mobilization, this is the mobilization of our partners, uh, unblocking borders, economic support, technological support, support with weapons, support, in particular by means of air defense, which worked quite successfully this morning, and technological mobilization, that is the third... the third direction of mobilization, i am actually not only responsible for it now in the accelerator, but i will also apply it as a chief headquarters, this is a decision of the military industrial. of the complex of ukraine, which are offered for use by the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations, in order to reduce the loss
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of people, in order to accelerate the victory of ukraine on the line of confrontation, in order to speed up the liberation of all our territories, the de-occupation of territories captured by the enemy. we are talking about robotic complexes, about turrets, in particular a unique one. the unique development of tandem-2, which is now offered for use by small groups, and with the scaling up of production, we will see concrete successes of this product in destroying the russians, there are already successes, we show them at closed meetings, how these turrets worked in the avdiiv direction, and the project saber, and tandem project. well, they can be already used on the front line quite successfully in defensive operations, regarding the use in the offensive, now we will finalize
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the issue and will offer the guys to use, this also applies to a whole series of solutions in unmanned aviation, such as ee fpv drones, drones that would fly at 10 -20 km, reconnaissance drones that would hit one or another substation, for example in moscow or st. petersburg, because belgorod will not really solve the problem, and two cities in russia should remain in moroz, and such technological solutions of unmanned aerial vehicles that overcome there are 1,500 km in ukraine, it is necessary to speed up the processes, this is what the accelerator should actually do, the processes of signing and concluding contracts. with ukrainian manufacturers, preferably not for one year, because it is difficult enough to assemble a team for scaled production, more, well
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, it is even more difficult to maintain it, and therefore scaling requires long-term contracts with the ministry of defense, and we will insist that these be at least three-year contracts with by manufacturers of rebu, with manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicles, with manufacturers robotic systems that can already tomorrow you'. stand up and significantly improve the situation at the front by reducing ukrainian losses, because the human resource on the russian side does not count, the human resource on the ukrainian side, every human life will count in the future, says yuriy botusov, about the fact that in total 800 km of the front, in fact, it is not necessary to keep assault troops along the entire line, but they can actually be replaced there by these... uh, these modular systems are robotic, is it really possible in your opinion, by the way, the same sabers have proven themselves, because viewers of espress, for example, also
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bought them for the ukrainian military, and we will try to coordinate one of the videos with counterintelligence now, i will give it to you exclusively in order to show how the saber is used in combat conditions , as far as this is a successful decision, i say once again, it is not a hoax. it's all about sabers, because there are other cool solutions, we need a lot of such products, and the projects of other manufacturers also have the right to be implemented and supported, it's another matter that in addition to these solutions, we need already today to concrete the second and third lines of defense, because the situation at the front is quite difficult, and in particular... modules for the placement of personnel, what the russians have done for a long time, we also have such solutions, unfortunately , for now in the troops, well a very limited
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number, and this would also help to change positions faster and make it more comfortable for our military to stay on the front line, which is why the practical support of not only robotic complexes is such a problem. but also people who work with these complexes, people who recharge them this weapon, the people who change and wait on the front line every day, it also needs attention, it needs concrete, it needs comfortable conditions, as comfortable as possible, and such solutions of ukrainian manufacturers already exist, i will say once again, the only question is speed decision-making by the people who sign the contracts. and mr. major, you were also a people's deputy, and this is an issue that i think you are competent to comment on, the situation
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surrounding the adoption. by the law on mobilization, from the outside it looks like some kind of lack of leadership, that is, the military requests are clear, they need fresh blood, but i mean replenishment in the ranks of the armed forces, but on the other hand , we see such a lack of leadership, that is , the president turns to the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers throws a series of draft laws for consideration by the deputies, the deputies try to football it back to the cabinet, how do you do it comment on how it is my, yes, my personal position as an officer of the armed forces is as follows: everything that is done in the information space is directed against the president, i do not know why such a game went, but this issue should be resolved in private, more or less closed mode, and already ready-made solutions should be presented in order to be implemented. my proposal is for the authorities to start with themselves, and it is very
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simple, and this... does not require any additional efforts, you can come out tomorrow as the authorities and say that first the authorities themselves are going to the front, the local self- government bodies of the temporarily occupied areas are going territories that receive salaries, there are military administration bodies that do not fulfill their function, which must be disbanded and sent to the front. we, for example, can allow ourselves, forbid appointment in the formation, rear units, in... parts of the cadres of military personnel, men, will remain, conditionally, with many children, people who are over 60 years old will remain, and women will remain, and this resource is enough to perform simple, technical work, not combat, we, as the government, can, for example, drastically reduce the management apparatus of state-owned enterprises, as well as replace them with those people who are not subject to
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mobilization. we can also drastically reduce management bodies, such as the sbi, the ministry of internal affairs, border guards, it is the governing bodies, not the combat units, and such a resource would now allow a small, but sufficiently voluminous rotation to be carried out so that the men who had been at the front for two years could rest, so i would... recommend, and people who will make decisions should listen to these tips, start with themselves, and then people will believe it. the offer regarding people who left illegally, including those who left the territory of ukraine, must be sufficiently open and cannot have any consequences for these people returned unless they agree to pass or sign a contract to pass.
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military service, i think that these are simple, clear solutions that do not require money, do not require any additional mobilization, these are people who, in fact, by their status, are obliged to protect the ukrainian state, they took its oath , whether they were civil servants, be it a military serviceman or an employee of a local self-government body, and they should join. to the security and defense forces in order to repel this russian attack, if we will not fight back, there will be no nabu, there will be no dbr , there will be no ministry of internal affairs, there will be no local self-government bodies, because all this will be called differently than ukraine, that is why the government starts with itself, mobilizes as much as possible those men who are in it at the disposal of the government itself, uses those willing to serve, who are among women, among those with many children, and among
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men. 60+ and i think that this resource is now in this way, yes, by showing an example to the whole society that we start with ourselves, we can achieve extraordinary results. in israel we see that on the one hand a government of national unity has been formed, where the entire opposition has entered, and on the other hand , in fact, if i understand correctly, there are almost no such members of the cabinet of ministers of this, in which children are not fighting now, in the gas sector, that is, children 18 plus years old, not there 35 , 40, 90, here too, that is, they have general mobilization, which means that from the age of 18 they are conscripted into the army, and again , the children of the powerful went to war in the first place, that is, they demonstrate such an example.


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