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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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of the military, there is a guaranteed material supply, a material base for training new specialists and sufficient reserves of weapons, so that it does not happen that again, as in the 14th year, families, soldiers were bought and provided their soldiers with helmets, body armor, uniforms, and everything everything, because... when ukrainians now see stories about twisting this or that person on the streets, by people in military uniform, it is not about high-quality specialists for the armed forces. in fact , it is not about recruiting half a million people from with shovels and machine guns, which is actually called the militia, and it is about the fact that such a law on mobilization should ... create
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circumstances under which the armed forces will have a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists to destroy the enemy with high-tech weapons, and not to dig trenches with shovels and shoot back machine gun mr. volodymyr, when the commander-in-chief speaks about fair law and justice, it is obvious that we should talk about... fairness in the broad sense of this word, well, in particular, regarding the justice of society during the war, the justice of the government during the war , the justice of the way the ministry of defense of ukraine conducts tenders and who earns money from these tenders, it turns out in such a way that, in parallel with the rhetoric about a fair law on mobilization, it turns out not to be unfair, but corruption , she was never fair, but unfair. in
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the ministry of defense of ukraine, yesterday the dbr and arma seized property, all of it belonging to the grenkevychs, businessmen from lviv, what do you think about these constant corruption scandals that arise around the ministry of defense, it is clear that there is grenkevich, a businessman who, according to preliminary data, earned 1.5 billion hryvnias there. what has, or rather, who should be responsible for this corruption, because corruption is not only one-sided, that is , when a person corrupts, there is also a person who is being corrupted, if he earned this money and bought himself a luxury car, luxury real estate , abroad and in ukraine, it's obvious that he didn't do it himself, correct, huh? volodymyr,
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we lost contact with volodymyr tsibulek, now we will restore this connection, some problems in we were with the sound, well, you saw, friends, that it was about the hrenkevych family, who earned money from the armed forces of ukraine, and in fact they had companies that worked with the ministry of defense of ukraine, until a certain time before... before that time, until they had problems with the law enforcement officers. now you see how the father, the elder, the elder among this company is arrested by the fbi investigators, and it is the special forces of the fbi, and this happened after he offered the investigative state bureau of investigation 500 thousand dollars for them to solve everything. questions that were in
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hrynkevich with the law enforcement officers, and this happened literally in the last few weeks, this story is starting to unfold right before our eyes, and it is clear that in this situation there are a lot of questions, how could there be such large abuses, and the abuse runs into millions. hryvnias, and the question of what to do with these, with these abuses, and who should be responsible for it, hrenkevich decided to give a bribe of 500,000 to the investigator, he was detained, and now arma today, this agency for seizure, seized property, found in hrynkevich and their entourage elite cars, city weapons, what was found with
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hrynkevich? 17 residential real estate objects, including three apartments owned by igor hrynkevich's wife svitlana, one lviv apartment owned. hrenkevych, one lviv apartment owned by mariyan shved and two apartments owned by sofia morozyuk. seven objects of non-residential real estate. in particular, a non-residential building on saksagansky street in the center of the capital, 18 plots of land, in particular large plots in the vyshhorod district of the kyiv region, belonging to ihor grenkevich and his son roman grenkevich. nine premium-class cars, shares in the authorized capital of 14. almost uah 15 million, 12 weapons, three objects of intellectual property, accounts in eight banking institutions, and, as the agency reports, arma initiated measures to obtain information about the availability of funds and transactions on the accounts,
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the body sent the received data in an extremely short period of time and in full to the dbr for the seizure of assets and their future possible confiscation, the department noted, and again in touch: with us is volodymyr tsibulko, mr. volodymyr, i have already mentioned the full retrospective of the real estate of elite cars and what is in this hrynkevich family, but my question concerns not only the hrynkevichs, but also the party with which they worked, because corruption cannot be one-sided, obviously the one who receives makes certain kickbacks. or shared with someone, why is this story not being seen in a larger format, why are we seeing only a focus on this family, this family, and no high-profile resignations from the department of defense of ukraine? i have the feeling that this is also
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an attempt to make an example of these grankevich contracts, to make almost lviv or the whole of western ukraine so corrupt, because the corrupt... in the ministry with the ministry of defense work from odesa, from the dnipro, and from of other cities, and they are sitting in the same scheme as the grynkevichs, this is the first question, and the second, really, it is impossible for grynkevich without someone who makes a political decision on the distribution of such contracts, it is obvious that the majority of these contracts were obtained not only through tenders , and if they were acquired... through tenders, then the one who writes the technical conditions of the tenders, as a rule, writes them for the future winner, so i believe that this is the first step, if the next step is not taken before, that is, the mirror is
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appropriate in the ministry, i.e. the officials who signed the agreements with hrenkevychyma, and it is very easy to calculate them, even the anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense, which... now works quite actively, and dana yarovanovich has become an adviser to the minister, deputy minister, now, that is, opportunities there is a lot, if the investigating authorities do not reveal, well of this chain, then i think that the activists will do their job, well, that is, political responsibility should still be there, because if it was at the level of deputy ministers of defense , supervision took place, or at the level of heads of departments of the ministry. no , i believe that contracts with a volume of more than half a billion hryvnias definitely did not pass by the minister's pen, it is impossible, this, this, well, it would be strange if such a reznikov
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ran the ministry, hundreds of billions were walking behind him , and he didn't even feel a breath of wind like these bills rustling back and forth. the answer is clear. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for participating in the program. it was volodymyr tsybulko, a political expert. greetings, dear viewers. on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid. we will analyze the most important events of this week, there are quite a lot of them, and they are serious. on... today's guests are valery chaly and andriy pionkovskyi. now valery chaly will work on the espresso tv channel. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015-19. glory to ukraine, sir ambassador, i congratulate you. i congratulate you hero slava. well, there are two processes going on. on
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the one hand, ukraine is trying to get the appropriate amount of weapons and funding. on the other hand, the big forum in davos is coming up, you know? that our issue is at the top of the agenda. well, you mentioned the forum in davos, and let's start with that, it's still a forum, where it traditionally started with what is going to happen. business, and such large forces of an economic nature determine their actions, well, they say for the future, but at least for a year ahead, so for several months there has been an idea circulating among the business community that it would be desirable to predict whether it would happen that the hot phase of the war between russia and ukraine would end somewhere by the middle of summer, that is, they had such a reasoning, i tell you i will say, it was possible around the time when the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi
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, visited new york, he also had meetings with big business there, and after that, information appeared in the american media that the dates just appeared , well, i also confirm this with facts, because the international monetary fund planned the so-called financing plan until july 15 of this year, but now... it seems to me that it is precisely these forecasts that will be discussed, this correction in relation to the time frame of the war, that is, there will be an economy, but an economy that will be based on many forecasts of geopolitics , and i think that it will be difficult to do even for such influential shadow e-e business structures, large funds, hedge funds, there, because there is no complete certainty so far... in those countries that they cannot, but or not
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were able to control now whether to seriously influence them, therefore, in principle, the part that will concern the general davos, it will not be completed in terms of forecasts, well, plus there will be a ukrainian-initiated part, a meeting on the peace formula, yes, that is, also what was already mentioned at the un security council, their representative was hysterical. eh, what will be like this, such a format, without russia, what kind of meeting is it without russia, this shows that this is a step in the right direction, what will be the result, we will see, maybe not immediately after the delivery, as a result of decisions on the supply of weapons in support of ukraine, that is, in fact, this is a place where many influential people from various spheres will meet, and it is obvious that this is an opportunity to show ukraine's position more clearly. and our vision and our capabilities, there is a public side, it is very clearly declared, everything is clear to everyone, on the other
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hand, you rightly noted that there will be no russia, no one invites it to davos, in general it does not participate in the discussions of the peace formula, therefore that it is the direct culprit and aggressor, but the parameters of what will be discussed at davos in the context of the so-called peace formula, this is our ukrainian initiative, and this is how i understand the idea of... president volodymyr zelenskyi to give a new push so that more countries get involved, regions, well, people from all over the world come to davos. i think that it is unlikely that there will be any interruptions, because, based on the fact that in this formula the first position, not the first in terms of importance, but maybe also in terms of importance, is the de-occupation of the territory, and by the 91st year of the borders, well, that is, it is obvious that this is a position that must be fulfilled, then move on, i think it would be desirable to discuss the item
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that is so vaguely stated in the peace formula is what concerns security guarantees, well, i know that our government held a meeting regarding this position on nato, i hope that it will also be used to promote the very idea of ​​how to provide a security umbrella , not only for ukrainian citizens, but also for those international businesses that will invest in ukraine after... the occupation, that is, whose investments must be physically protected, including from any attempts at russian provocations in the future, they will not end with deoccupation of the territories, therefore, in principle, i do not put any expectations on it , to be honest, because many things are determined now that have definitely not succeeded, and our expectation that something will be resolved somewhere, there for us or behind the back of ukraine, is not an expectation, but someone's fears, someone's expectations, it
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's not really like that, that's not how decisions are made , and ukraine is subjective enough to talk about the fact that our fate is not decided in davos, well, that's for sure, it's not even decided in washington and not in brussels, it is solved in ukraine, first of all, and for now ukraine is a subject. it so happened, in a strange way, that ukraine received the maximum subjectivity during a full-scale war, when the factor of the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces and... the ability to stop a nuclear state, well , at least one of the two most powerful in the world, so to speak, nuclear states, shows the increase of ukrainian subjectivity, by the way, that is reflected even in the ratings of our military power, ukraine has risen several positions in the international ratings this year, that is, we will expect the next,
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i think we will be even higher, well, but in any case , we understand that our subjectivity needs help from... for ukraine, this is also an issue directly related to security assistance, in particular , supplies, ammunition, artillery systems, and so on and so forth. and the key story: a new factor has appeared, which is being discussed extremely powerfully in the united states, in particular, it is about the transfer to ukraine frozen russian assets. we understand that... this is a total war, total means that right now russia is trying to force it to capitulate, that is, they have a constant idea, they do not hide it in principle, precisely by putting pressure on the fact that ukraine cannot stand it, as a smaller country, as a country three times smaller in terms of population and territory,
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it cannot withstand such pressure, and in this version, in this situation, partner aid. in particular with regard to these critical payments in the social sphere, it is really very important, but you know, first of all, i don't think that even in the worst case scenario, if there is no american money there, package 61.4 is 11.7 billion, if i'm not mistaken, which the ukrainian government is counting on, in general according to their statements, the government needs somewhere up to 30.9 billion annual foreign income, so... i think that, of course, other mechanisms can be found, they may not be so pleasant, it is clear that this is inflation, this is a certain printing of the hryvnia, or , for example, some other means are economical, but this is not a disaster, moreover, i think that in despite the war, there is a way to rearrange priorities
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so that, for example, we don’t spend money on capital construction, i honestly don’t understand at all, in the 14th year a government decree was adopted that forbade carrying out any repair work or buying cars , let's say, yes, it was when, in principle, the war was not on such a scale as it is now, but this resolution, i remember perfectly how it was implemented, and now it has become easier, and we continue to build some, even about the metro declares to build... new buildings, cars to purchase, not those for the front, it is meant, but for internal use, even state institutions, and after that to convince the foreign republicans that we have no money, well, literally, at the debate of nikki haley with desantis last week, there were
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debate, and the paratrooper said with direct text that your american taxpayer money is going into your pocket. ukrainian bureaucrats, literally, and this, well, we, we understand in ukraine that we don't spend money on this, because everything goes to the front. by the way, i don't know by what decision and why it was decided that ukraine can't, why, that the west can't send aid money to the front. why is it prohibited? well, i understand that there are certain regulations for a certain type of grants, i understand that, but why is this... a general rule, that is , the front is a critical issue for us, and with regard to the rear, well, here we will have to close the holes in customs, finally, a huge cigarette smuggling, illegal production of tobacco products, we do not see this, what huge resources are being stolen from the country, taxation, well, not only
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take away from the people what you want the idea of ​​the government there, introduce more dragons... taxes for the people 18% in cash, it's just that the salary will drip there on the card, you will have 18%, they want that, well delusional, but where your decisions are effective so that you close the holes, that is, in fact, internal resources can be sought in ukraine during the war, if everything is oriented correctly, nevertheless, if there is help from the outside, then we will direct more to the defense of the country, and more funds and. .. and for de-occupation, so the issue is not closed yet with this package of american aid, when it will be, i said a long time ago that from january, the end of january to... the beginning of february, this will not be a decision, moreover, now it is tied to the dates of the primaries, well, everyone is expecting the primaries, these primaries are
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the kind of primaries where it will be determined, who will be the republican candidate, the main battle will be between natsik primaries at the end of the month, between donald trump and nikki haley, that is, most likely between them, and after withdrawing from the race, then most likely those votes will go away all- after all, nicky is a desantis, that's why they don't want to in new hampshire new hampshire still has to make some radical decisions, at the same time they are moving along the track of adopting the budget in general, on may 2 they have to adopt the third, in fact the entire budget of the united states, that's it, you see, sorry, not may, february, february, that is , somewhere. .. and march 5 is big tuesday, that ’s more than 800 votes of the voters in the usa are distributed in the primaries of many states and caucuses, that is, the republicans want to drag
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this story out until march, but the white house still wants to, well, i understand the supreme court session , which will decide the final admission of donald trump to the elections, and so on, everything is interwoven into this and all these facts. which should give us an answer somewhere in early february, now the answer is that if there is a 61.4 package, there will also be what you are asking about the financial track, which is called, not only budget funds, but also for energy , for the development of some projects, additional aid funds for reforms, well, there is not only military money, yes, not only for armaments, there is a large package, and this will then be a signal to others, well, to the kremlin, and, for example, to the germans, what can be said about the taurus missile, that there is a possibility of deoccupation and changing the course of the war , if this does not happen, then the disaster will not
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happen, because the usa will still help, moreover, 300 million have already been unlocked, as i understand it, because the nda, they voted, this is the defense budget for 204, that is, at least 300 million for two such current tranches. there will be more, well, you see, they are allocating around 150-250 at the moment, until the end of the year they were allocating, i.e. for another couple of months, well, they still did not supply weapons to all of ukraine, but you are right you ask a question, this is a financial signal , it will be bad, because our government speaks in a strange way, for example, i heard an official statement that then salaries will have to be postponed, there will be a payment in a month, delusional, i say again, delusional, the government is for that.. . was created to look for solutions, and not transfer problems to international partners, well, it’s not , you can’t, such a government can’t, another government, that is, these
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explanations are very strange, we can’t , salaries will not be paid, i’ve encountered such a situation, before things, being even working in the ambassador, when i was told that there were no salaries for january, i say that, that it is written where you have it, where it is written that you have no payments. diplomats for january , yes, mr. ambassador, it has always been like this every year, you just encountered it for the first time, i say it will not happen, i am the responsible person, i am writing you a statement and filing a lawsuit against you, that you do not pay employees' salaries , you know, you paid all the embassies, but in the usa they paid, and you know why, because we are used to this kind of injustice of a civil servant, that is, he constantly raised his hand, because you are in the civil service, so... you have by all nothing like that, there is work efficiency , there is no such option, look for another one, but they cannot be from this, firstly
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, people who are now giving results for the defense of the country will suffer, and secondly, well, you can’t, go and give it to others, that’s it everything, that's why i said this for so long, because our logic must change, we must not see the results of war. only whether the west will help us, it changes not just the results of the war, but how long it will last, it changes the course, it changes the intensity, it changes our ability to rapid de-occupation, but this does not affect the basic decision in ukraine, which has been officially announced, that ukraine will not surrender, we understand that now on the battlefield the ukrainian army is also, well... in the same situation that we were in about a year and a half ago years ago, in particular by the number of art projectiles and not only them, well and accordingly also, maybe this is a conspiracy,
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maybe not, but there is a feeling that it is possible... they want to influence the intensity of the war at our expense in this way, simply by not supplying . the debate about tausy is no longer ongoing one year. the story of the f-16s, which keep flying in and flying out, is not new either. we understand that all the graphs move a little. if we talk about the situation, i think it is obvious to everyone that our strategies of ukraine and, say, the usa, did not completely coincide from the very beginning. that is, the us strategy is designed to contain the war within the territory of ukraine , so that it does not spread to nato countries, let's say , yes, that is, it is a position, well understood, we are not allies, and there they are allies, and the second position, they do not know that to do with russia that is why they are very afraid, they were afraid of attacks on russia, yes, including their weapons, well , it is clear that these discussions were constantly going on behind closed doors between berlin-moscow, paris, moscow, and
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washington. moscow, that is, what they won’t tell us, but it all went on, and beijing, let’s say, washington, well, the meeting was in san francisco, i think that there is such an agreement behind the back, behind the back, to prevent a nuclear escalation, putin was clearly told by both the usa and china that this is a red line crossing there, in any case, it is impossible. and then there is such a constant positional struggle. roughly so, and it is said publicly. if you give taurus, we will start taking weapons from china or north korea, well , for example, i tell you yes, in theory, well, that's how they started, there are no taurus, and korean ballistic missiles are used, and that's another story , and this is a training ground for north korea, for these missiles, south korea knows very well that it is because the time to prepare these missiles and strike the south is reduced by times when you have the technical characteristics at
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the training ground. and here, unfortunately, in this way training ground for them. iran can also use it for ballistic missiles. that's why they understand it, start to think, change their position. there must be a correction of the strategy, and in principle, this is a political decision, no matter what they say to me, there are atakams, remember , they said, we don't have enough atakams, we just don't have enough of them, and now suddenly materials appeared, their written off, generally destroyed, well , what is this, what is this conversation, a very alarming signal, in fact, it is a bad conversation. with ukraine, first of all, you say that you don't have one, that's what they say honestly, well, at least germany began to act in a different way, after all, chancellor scholes first came up with reasons, whatever, now they say in plain text, well , a strange explanation, taurus will not help you, but after all, it is not what they say there, you have no experience , you don't have that, that, so it's called this war, regulation of escalation, or regulation.
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they did not succeed in this, moreover, this regulation did not help us much in our attempt to de-occupy last year, they did not help much, because they allocated so much weapons for a replacement, which was only enough in their understanding for an attack, yes, there is some in one direction, as they thought in the south, this will be enough, well , excuse me, this is not how soldiers conduct themselves, that is , they definitely do not conduct themselves like that, they understand it now, a lot critics p... what is this drop-by-drop dosing of 30 avrous tanks, what will 30 abraus tanks do, well, it was important to unblock the german supply, yes , i understand, but if you are betting on the result, you need to concentrate all supply, and several hundred missiles, these are short-range missiles, these are simply missiles that will allow us to hit on
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the territory of ukraine, even. well, you can make a strange decision, yes, when we promise not to shoot missiles at russia there, well, it’s generally some kind of delusion, because, well, just now our partners have just started to change their position, why not, which one, well, what kind of question is this, if they strategic bombers are constantly hitting our territory, and we do not have the opportunity to cover the same base, well, i am not talking about bombers, because they fly far away, but specifically they are hitting kharkov missiles, which are intended for anti-aircraft missiles, there are s300, they hit people in kharkov, we have the right during the war to cover them there, that is, what is here, and here is the source of supply, so i think that these games will end here settled escalation will finally end, or maybe, on the contrary, it will be a prolonged affair, and actually it may be ...


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