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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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on the territory of ukraine, you can even make a strange decision, yes, when we promise not to fire missiles at russia there, well, this is generally some kind of delusion, because just now our partners have just started to change their position, why not, which one, well, what is this raising the question , if they are constantly hitting our territory with strategic bombers, and we do not have the opportunity to cover the same base, well, i am not talking about bombers, because they fly far away, but specifically they are hitting kharkiv with missiles, which are intended for anti-aircraft missiles, there are s-300s, they are hitting people in kharkov, we have the right during the war to cover them there, that is, what is here, and here is the source of supply, so i think that these games will end, this is settled, the escalation will finally end, or maybe, on the contrary, it will be a prolonged affair and actually it may be due to...
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connected with the reduction of the macro tire, i will tell you the key thing, which, what i told them with the facts, i will not reveal the details of our conversations, but i am sure , as soon as the situation in ukraine hangs like this, well, that is , dynamic, permanent trench warfare, but there is no movement, in this situation, because russia is in defense 460,000 stands on our territory, and it is closed. despite the fact that we do not have the means of de-occupation, and they are concentrating on striking a nato country, parallel, not that we are what they say, if, if ukraine loses, the next nato countries, no, the formula is different, ukraine will not lose , ukraine in history, it will stretch, then, but it will win, everything is equal, it will win, and a blow will be delivered to you, that's what they underestimate, putin can, during the war with ukraine, strike at... nato
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maybe because, look, i’m not claiming, but i simply don’t have any secret information there, but the first fact: there were plans of russia to attack estonia, operational plans, there were, this is a fact, i can confirm it, a fact, as an option, as the scenario, in 2013, and only by fate, by fate, it turned out that they went to us, and not to estonia. second, look at estonia narva and this piece, how long does it take to occupy narva, 89% of russians live in narva, that is, only 5% of estonians, how many agents of the kgb or fsb are there heap, so this piece is for well, i'm not talking about hours, like they are about weeks, two or two or three days, kyiv, i'm saying that it's absolutely.
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realistically, without having a huge manpower advantage there, to occupy and test how nato will react to this. well, there is that question of finland, yes. and this is in the direction, this is there. they are creating this district now. they transfer forces there very quickly. therefore, it is clear that their hands are itchy, they will hit there. it's just that ukraine is distracting now. but if you transfer ukraine. in defense mode, well, because of that you will not provide him with weapons, then putin will release part of his forces and carry out a provocation there in order to raise the stakes in order to trade at the expense of ukraine. this is the scenario, i think. i would also like to ask you about the powers of the presidential delegation, which will discuss the issue of security guarantees, so the powers and , in general, what are the parameters of what can be discussed? well, with regard to the form, when...
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there was last year in istanbul this document from our side, i publicly said then that it is absolutely wrong, there is neither a delegation nor the head, no presidential decree, no directives, now in this case everything went right, there are directives, they are secret delegations, well , the delegation is a bit strange, because there are few diplomats, well, as a rule, delegations for negotiations are formed... diplomats, there are either diplomats who have never been abroad, and have never participated in negotiations at all, or simply the heads of law enforcement agencies, so it is if i perceive it more as giving weight to this delegation, well if, it is clear that it will not in such a composition, there will be no going to negotiations, there will be no negotiations, that is, it will be just, well, there will be one in particular. two people who
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will conduct some kind of preparatory work on behalf of andrii yermak , and accordingly the head of the office will discuss it directly, what worries me here, what worries me is that... what is it called regarding security guarantees, our partners, the word guarantee categorically they do not accept all agreements from the draft, and they know it in the president's office. the president's office explained that they did not deny this in the president's office, because it is true, but they said, well, there will be no assurances, as it was in the budapest memorandum. listen, this is a stupid explanation, as zhovko said, it won't happen. ashura, so everything is fine , well, this is a delusion , there will be no guarantees, the guarantees have already been thrown out of the draft contract, this was publicly known, so there is no talk of any guarantees, as, for example, last year in istanbul the contract was called the neutrality of ukraine, yes, and the ukrainian side wanted
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them to be called about guarantees of some kind, it was called, as russia insisted, about the neutrality of ukraine, and everyone was fine, who was in the delegation, know this, and are afraid of it. say and so on, that's why it's a different story , why did i mention istanbul, it's just that the form itself is correct to issue now regarding an important issue for ukraine, to issue everything in accordance with the legislation, but really, well, there is an opportunity to take delegations additionally, to include in the composition, expert brothers, i think that in this plan they will work, that is , it will work as a parallel process, the so-called plan b, yes, bilateral agreements. but alas, if i had known that the us or britain would go for an agreement, now the british one is being seriously considered there, they will go to an alliance agreement , for example, joint defense, or for example, the location of nato bases on our territory, as sweden is currently signing the usa
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, even before nato membership, then i would say, yes, this is a guarantee , and what is being discussed there now is the same as what we have today, it will just provide us with... supply of weapons, joint production of weapons, exchange and intelligence, cyber security, this is also necessary, but i don't understand, why is it called the main track where will all our diplomatic , personnel, financial and all resources go now, in riyadh , what happened in december, i don't know, still secretly, still secretly, knowing what people from different countries told me, i don't want it to even comment, because i wasn't there and... i don't want to distort information about an important situation for ukraine, it is necessary to communicate more, now to those who are responsible for foreign policy, because the times are over when you could say something like this, in a video message: talked about nato, there are many successes, the vice prime minister, the head of the office, the minister,
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all constructive ideas, we are moving forward, what can i do with it, as the head of the organization and part of the advocacy network. what can i do in the direction of nato, i heard something from these video messages, not a word, let's move forward, everything will be fine, i am the leader, i will prove everyone, well, it worked before, now we need to communicate, we need to explain our position in washington, that we we will try to achieve a full invitation to nato or some new steps, that is, unfortunately, there is no such communication, not regarding the meeting you said, maybe there should be... secretly somehow, but our steps on the way to nato are certainly not secret. therefore, i would like to unite the resources of society this year to achieve important foreign policy goals. if there is no understanding that five or six managers will not make ukraine successful in foreign policy, then there will be failure. if
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the president and his closest advisers understand that you can attract your supporters, even if they are not in the same place as you. bunkers, then this will be the result, and our enemy is even doing this now, our enemy has understood this, and we still we want to achieve total war, victory, without using all the forces in the country that can be used. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important and interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that valery chalyi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19 worked for them on espresso . there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. kratal contains natural components that carefully care
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mechanized brigade of the cold ravine is in dire need of fv drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change
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the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be unpleasant. a project for those who care and think. political club, every sunday at 8 p.m. 10 for espresso. andriy piondkovskiy, a famous political scientist based in washington, will be on the air of the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, andriy andriovych, i congratulate you. hero, glory, good day. well, extremely powerful meetings are taking place with the leaders of the baltic states, lithuania, latvia, and estonia, and accordingly, semi-official statements are already beginning to appear. in particular, he flew from estonia. news, so to speak, that a certain process is underway, when certain countries, representatives of the west, are trying
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to enter or intensify the so-called process of a possible truce, and immediately emphasized, analyzing this situation, that it would be in putin's interests. pressure in favor of the capitulation of ukraine comes from one source, it has always come from there, it is the so -called left. the liberal wing of the democratic party, which controls all the so-called quality press. we 've been getting a stream of articles from the new york times, the washington post, the hill, news week, etc. for months now. allegedly, the counteroffensive failed, but what do you think, the ukrainians will never be able to do it anyway to defeat the russians, great sacrifices, all this must be stopped, well, talk about an armistice. there was no such thing, no...signals coming from the american administration, although there is much to blame for the lack of haste
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in deploying american aid. you mentioned zelensky's visit to the baltic countries. speaking together with the lithuanian president at a press conference, he for the first time quite harshly publicly reprimanded the insufficient aid. especially in a situation where russia is concentrating. an incredible amount of offensive means, trying to suppress the ukrainian defense system, to direct the hail of missiles they receive from iran. the statement of the three leaders of the republican party, the heads of the committees at the house of representatives, sounds very positive against this background, unfortunately still little known in ukraine. these are all famous friends of ukraine. foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul, armed services committee chairman mike
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rogers, and intelligence committee chairman mike turner. this document on 30 sheets is called the plan for victory in ukraine. he sharply criticizes insufficient, indecisive assistance of ukraine. american administration. and what is very interesting, this document. criticizes the narratives of trumpist republicans, who keep repeating that aid should be checked, regardless of where it goes, whether it is stolen or not. it is emphasized that 74 audits were conducted by the pentagon and not a single case of misuse of american military aid was found. the document calls on the biden administration to dramatically increase the supply of weapons. and first of all , to clearly formulate politically that the goal is victory.
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victory of ukraine. f-16 fighters, atakams. we now have accurate information about atakams. yes, they were provided. however, the range is 100 miles. and there is a qualification of 180. and the document requires them to be supplied, accordingly, to dramatically strengthen anti-missile defense. in addition, the requirement bloomberg reports today that president biden has spoken out in support of such a decision. now everything depends on the europeans, because most of these funds are located in europe.
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but i confirm again, from the official structures of the republican party. on the contrary, there is this very a powerful document of the republican party, which demands to concentrate on the victory in ukraine. what makes this document even more important is that with such attitudes in the republican party , it is impossible to assume that in the coming days, a small group of trumpists will be able to block financial aid to ukraine. how many times have i already gotten tired of predicting, but once again i affirm that, given the attitude of the republican party, it is impossible to block financial aid to ukraine. i think this issue will be resolved in the coming days. i do not rule out that the republicans are now tuned, very interesting and very positive for
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us. judging by this document from the pre-election speech. republican candidate nikki haley, the reagan wing of the republican party , is proposing to make the issue of insufficient aid, bordering on betrayal of ukraine by the biden administration , a centerpiece of the republican campaign, and in this climate , i just don't see how republicans can block this financial assistance. no one, of course, will put pressure on ukraine, because the pressure... and this is how it happens, starting from rocket tower, ending with aviation, i don't want to bring up some, you know, treason or conspiracy, but this is a step-by-step, you know, pipette support of ukraine, when it comes to important, heavy weapons and about its number, it is alarming in principle, yes, i cannot rule out that perhaps we would like to deploy some such
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scenarios that are not entirely pleasant for us, we understand that our budget is tied to a large extent... under american aid, we understand , what when they start talking about 300 billion frozen russian assets and their transfer to us, this can be a palliative moment, because in order to make such a decision, there must also be a whole series of procedures, here it is a matter of time. you are right, this is a procedural issue, starting with a political decision. by the way, such a detail was revealed. most of these funds - 210 billion in belgium, where the archive of eu securities is located. this cannot in any case be a substitute for the financial one, which is smaller than the aid of 61 billion given, because it will not happen today even under the most favorable conditions. and
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judging by the latest statements of zelenskyi and the military-political leadership of ukraine. every day we are talking about hours and days associated with air attacks on ukrainian infrastructure and simply on ukrainian civilians . it's a wonderful emotional rush. are you quoting verbatim the same phrases from this republican document? my advice to the ukrainian politicians and, above all, to the council. this document appeared on the website of the house of representatives a week ago. and for some reason there was no reaction in ukraine. i understand that president zelenskyi, the office of the president, may not be very comfortable, too positive about him. express himself, because he sharply criticizes the biden administration, and the president works with the president, but this is a document of the congress, there is the verkhovna rada, there are
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interparliamentary connections. i propose to make a maneuver immediately. the document was signed by three heads of leading committees of the house of representatives. republicans. this is defense, intelligence and foreign policy. there are three of the same heads in the verkhovna rada, the head of defense and intelligence, i would be in their place immediately flew to the united states, held a meeting with these colleagues, created such a working group of six committee heads, three of these excellent republicans, mccall, rogers and turner, and three heads of ukrainian committees, so that they would constantly discuss , discuss and implement the plan for the victory of ukraine. it, to put pressure on the congress and the council, on the relevant governmental implementation mechanisms. this is a very powerful ally of ours,
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which is being formed now. the reagan wing of the republican party is gaining ground over the trump wing. and it is fair. ours with with your words, he criticizes biden for not actively supporting ukraine. i also recommend immediately translating into ukrainian in all mass media. there is a wonderful selection of events from 2014, all those stages at which the biden administration constantly slowed down and slowed down the transfer of newer technological means of defense. you remember how painful the bidding was for first the hymers, then the patriots, then the abrams, and finally the atakams. this is a new trend. the republican party seems to forms his election campaign. as a criticism of biden for not fulfilling the role of the leader of the free world, and this is a positive trend, it must be supported as much as possible by ukraine. andrii andriyovych, well, i would like
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to ask you about the forecasts, it is about the big davos forum. we understand that the issue of russian aggression against ukraine will be very strongly on the agenda there. on the other hand, we understand that most likely the kremlin also works with certain environments. "we saw europe's reaction to ours the most difficult day in washington on december 12, when zelenskyi's visit failed, when he could not convince the american congress to sign this bill, and it caused a very strong reaction in europe, a number of important statements and steps, the adoption of aid packages for ukraine, i don't need to remind you about orban , we know very well that the project worth 50 billion was
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approved ." the scandinavian countries, and the acceleration of the process of the transfer of aircraft by the scandinavian countries, and criticism, serious criticism of the american hesitations and delays. for example, in a sharp statement , the minister. foreign affairs of france and great britain, these fears of europe. europe took the warning very seriously. the american administration, in trying to get this approval of the financial plan, warned very clearly that refusal would lead to war. i remember austin, god bless him, sitting at the table now after the operation and saying: "i have to now, i now considering". we will have to fight with the russians, do you know what this is coming to? he
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did not succeed in convincing the members of the chamber, who hesitated, but it made a huge impression on the europeans. europe has now dramatically increased its political support for ukraine. in my opinion, at the forum this trend will dominate. and the ukrainian delegation must definitely take advantage of this. once again, i call on ukrainians and politicians, first of all, the verkhovna rada, to immediately react to this document, to make it an interparliamentary document. once again, i repeat my position to create a permanent commission of three heads. the three heads i mentioned: turner, rogers and mccall and three heads from the ukrainian verkhovna rada. to make her a political ramstein, you know, there were hopes that ramstein would meet once a month and plan the victory of ukraine, but he did not fulfill this role.
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turned into a message about the arms deliveries that the americans have made so far, and there should be a body that plans the victory of ukraine every day, politically decides what is needed for this victory. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this one i would like to remind our viewers of an extremely important and relevant conversation that andriy pionkovskyi, a famous political scientist who is in washington, was currently working on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. nothing has worked out yet, not yet, zakrep. oh, normalect. honey, take a normalect. normalect
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the new. good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world dreaming pa norman can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. every day, every hour. every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? how the international community evaluates our successes, and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about
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behind the commander. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events , significant, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in the issue today, about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers, congratulations, in the studio of iryna koval , and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian. pen presents the project own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and commenting on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
2:00 pm
greetings to everyone from espresso, this is news, anna yevamelnik is with you and it's time to learn about the most current events at the moment. two people were injured as a result of enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning, the enemy covered the fires with fire from the dnipro. there he injured a 63-year-old woman, the regional military administration reports. at night in the village of sadove , a man was injured by shelling, his house burned to the ground. the russian army also attacked the dnipro district of kherson from the temporarily occupied left bank. damaged houses. there were five arrivals in total. three arrivals, somewhere loud.


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