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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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in its pure form, and when people produce, for example, drones, and this drone costs $1,500, but $1,600, we see corruption in that, well, it’s a matter of hitting your head against the wall, or find professionals, well, somehow yes, it's hard to hold back emotions too, you know, we, we're digging out, we're digging out, you know, come on, you don't want to talk about some unpleasant things, but what can you do? the fact is that there is such a well-known phrase that each and every nation deserves the power it has, well, because when we, many, many, many of us believed that it was possible to mechanically replace people who may not have been liked by others, but without a profession, without knowledge, without experience, but they are new faces, and then, if new faces come, then immediately everything will be fine. and we got in power, unfortunately
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, in the executive authorities, a lot of people who are not specialists, and what they do is just, it's something scary, so we, well, you know, let's go, all these people who, about whom we have, about whom we have many complaints, all these unprofessional actions, from people, who are there, well, in different branches of government, it's because we allowed these... people to be there, we didn't set certain barriers, we didn't make it so that in order to get into a certain position, you have to not to be familiar with some manager there or a friend there or someone 's brother there, we match you so that you are a professional, so that you can get a position by passing the appropriate tests, accordingly, even the tests are possible without human intervention, so that there is no personal factor , you know, i don't know how true this is, i hear it from my relatives acquaintances, like people who worked for us.
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they come to the united states , they try to get a job , they are asked to take a knowledge test, there are 700 or so many questions, two mistakes, that’s it, the next one is in six months or a year, and yes, and now you can even work there for some, in you have a lot of diplomas, scientific degrees, you did n’t pass the test, stay healthy, go and continue training, and while you can work, you can wash the floors, if they take you, you still know english, that is, in our country... these formal ee correspondence higher education diplomas, i.e. a person who does not know how correspondence education works in our country, came, brought a couple of suitcases with gifts for every six months and everyone received a score and so on, therefore and then in order to get into some serious structure, a person must to be related to someone there or to have loyalty to something there.
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there we are offered in the verkhovna rada, including , to count not on patriotism, not on professionalism , but on loyalty, well, this is not acceptable at all, therefore we ourselves are to blame for this, if, if we are, well, at least we will realize and not be anymore stepping on such a rake, then there is a chance that we will fix everything and everything will be fine, well, if we continue, you know, to believe that, as volodymyr ilyich lenin said, that every cook can run the state, if we believe in it , well, we will get what we have. "thank god that we have specialists in all branches of government, executive, legislative, judicial, military, we are fortunate enough to have specialists, well, where the hands of nepotism have not yet reached, and these people are on the shoulders of these people, our defense, and our military industry, everything, everything, everything, that there is a state is to hold on to those people whom, whom, we do not hear on the big airwaves,
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whom we do not constantly see on some screens, who are not great and not unsurpassed from their point of view, as some mass media tell about them information, these are invisible people , they pull on this shoulder, and you already know, these people, these people are getting tired, and their replacement, unfortunately, is not very active yet, because specialists, real specialists, whatever engineers, it doesn't matter, we are now... i don't touch politics, even what is related to production is used for this, there are few specialists, unfortunately, and a lot of people transfer, come to the management, to certain management positions, because he or some other person is a leader, this is the cronyism that was promised to be overcome, but it has only blossomed , well, maybe it wasn’t watered with that, maybe it wasn’t a good poison, well, it’s like that, so you know, we believe that everything will be fine, but you know, everything depends on us, on our viewers, on the people, it’s not necessary ... go to
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rallies, make some movements, you just need to , even in the kitchen, or even just for himself, for himself to conclude that simple things so that they become a system. worldview, that in order for everything to be good, it should be done by people who have a certain reputation, who have a certain profession, everything else is blah blah blah, good pretty girl, there is a beautiful girl or a handsome guy there or something else something, it all doesn't work, let him stay there, let him go into the advertising business or somewhere else or star in films, we will go to all the films, applaud, pay them money, but in political matters, economic, military should be engaged in class. exclusively experts who have already proven that they are experts who can show, not talk about their future victories, but talk about their victories in the past, what they have already done, then we have to forgive that it is so emotional, just you know
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, i'm tired of looking at otaku, you know the kind and you know what offends most of all, that unprofessionalism becomes fashionable, it becomes mainstream, but you don't understand anything, you know, i once encountered a person about 10 years ago who did not know multiplication table, and it seemed to me that it was like, well, a person came there from somewhere, he is there . what is impossible, i think that it is impossible, now, well, you will understand me, mr. oleksiy, but sometimes in our country it is so that what is better in you, i don't know, education, what, the more you learn in some field, the more... you have a desire to do something, then this is precisely an obstacle to being hired for some position, because you, because they are afraid of that , that you are a professional, and against your background, this person who will hire you will look stupid, stupid, he
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that's how you can lose your position, that's why it's necessary that there should be such an opinion in society, so that people understand that in order to achieve success in any business, you need to study a lot. to get rid of this stupidity, to get rid of these hallucinations, as professor pryranskyi said , to get rid of the fact that it is possible to become a specialist in three classes, it is already counted, in my opinion i said on your air that our friends with from the united states, that a person with an average iq, not a high one, in order to become a young specialist, that is, to enter the first level of professionalism, he must spend 10,000 hours on training, again not 10 hours, not 10, not 10 days, 10. 1000 hours is 5 years, and after 5 years a person who, well, if a person there 130 is there 160 credits, it can be done in three, four years, but it cannot be done in three classes, you see, it has become a menstruum in our country, it has become fashionable, now there is an advertisement there, come to the courses, three
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days, you will become an itishnik there, three days you , well, and people believe in it, but why then these people who believe in it, they want to go to a doctor, who also became a doctor, a surgeon in three days, so that he would cut out what you don't need? what do you not want, you are looking for specialists, and why, when this happened, in order to manage, the economy, in order to be a politician, diplomat, industry, what a person can do in three or four days, in general did not study anywhere, and he can come, and he is young, handsome, and he will start to lead, everything will be good, it will not be good, it will be like this, it will be bad, it will be even worse, well, these are almost philosophical questions, but there are lazy people kostenko, very much the well-known phrase that on... nations do not die of a heart attack, we first take away their language, but there is another saying, i won't remember who it belongs to, about the fact that nations die when people stop recognizing good rulers and bad ones, who good and bad, yes, and this
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, this is also a very important moment, this truth was especially remembered today, we live in such a time when populists are really rising, we are anxiously watching the situation with the pooch. states, which can be reflected, it is not only in our country, unfortunately, we see it in other countries as well, we see that populists, you know, it seems to me that this is a problem, you know, we are completely different, i understand, we wanted to talk, but you see how the conversation switches, it seems to me that populism works where it is not, the less educated people in general, the lower the level of education of general knowledge, not special, but just general knowledge, the easier it is to work there, for populists, because they are people with a not very high level of self-awareness, in fact, it is very easy for them to hang a lekshin in their ear, and if a person, you know, at least asks himself the question, it is not necessary that there is a higher education, or those who are simply engaged in self-education, self-improvement, then
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you do not hang it in his ear so easily, he will immediately ask, wait, wait, what are you telling, and why, why are you deciding what exactly yes, but in order for people not to ask such questions, well, we can... recall the well-known phrase that people need bread and food, which was said by juvenal, if i'm not mistaken, there in general. until the christmas of christ, and this is exactly what i am, what if people are fed simply with bread and simply and he, it was he who said about people , it was his phrase, here is khlibo davydovych, it is not for this that the system is not normal, it was he who said that people who lose their citizenship position, that they transform, turn into something incomprehensible, then they are enough to manage them, you can laugh at something and eat something. it's simple, well, and then , and then we, and then we start, what about us, why can't we
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win the war, and where is our missile, why do north korea have missiles, that it is a very technological country, and there is ballistic missiles, that iran is a very ballistic country, a very professional country, they have ballistic missiles, we don't, although we have yumz, although we can launch missiles into space, although we made engines for missiles, which the russian federation is currently using to treat the whole world, that is , we have a base. why don't we have rockets? because we have a cook who can run the state , we believe that cooks should be corrected, look, we have what we have, unfortunately, but it can still be fixed, not everything is so bad, this war is very sobering for everyone and will make them grow up whether they want to or not , it just depends on us how much blood it is growing up and losing dinners, it's still true, because i have one more slogan, i'll just finally remember the one with which people sometimes went to the elections, that it won't get worse. it could always be worse, and dear viewers, it could be a lot worse than the
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conditions we live in now, well, unless of course you're watching us right now, i don't know in what way, thank you very much sir oleksiy, oleksiy, hetman was with us, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, my reserve from the ssu, a little went into some such important social worldview things, without which in fact also, there is no victory, dear friends, let 's take a break, then we'll come back and talk about what's happening in yemen and does it... has anything to do with ukraine, does it flow into the war that russia is waging against ukraine? stay with us. there are discounts on hepargin of 10% in the pharmacies of psylansky, ban and oskad. vinyl agency presents on january 22 at 19:30 on the stage of the lviv opera. taras chubai and the songs that... all ukraine sings! special guest of the concert - lviv men's academic choral chapel dudaryk!
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tickets for karabas. live sound. new york 19 century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mygogo. 93rd separate mechanized brigade holotny yar has an urgent need for crows to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier for the approach of victory, which is waiting for the whole of ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what
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is actually happening at the front, what are the losses personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about. news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna is in the studio koval, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. the war created many
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the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable mecrain. so, dear friends, now we will talk about yemen and why the united states is attacking britain , we will talk about it with serhii danilov, deputy director of the center of middle eastern studies, predicts that there will already be some viewers who will say, why do we care about yemen, we are more interested in our war, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, for example, to such viewers in which you are not... this is the thought that comes up, it definitely arises, because i remember when we talked about the war in israel, there were immediately among the comments under our youtube broadcast many such indignant people, saying, is this war in israel more important to you, why are you talking about it tell such spectators to answer that these are two theaters, one war, and that all events
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interconnected, and that we need to follow the dynamics. how our adversaries, and iran , is clearly not related to our friendly states, but to the states that are part of this russian union, how they feel, how they spend their resources, what their status is, and what prospects they have victories and defeats, therefore, if we want to win our war, we must sincerely look at the world, we must understand what is happening and react accordingly, take... some actions that will improve our position, by the way, the american president, i mean obama's two terms and the first half of biden's term, they were accused of excessive, excessive pacifism and focus on domestic problems, that they surrendered, so to speak, syria, that they backed down, withdrew from afghanistan, in a rather shameful way,
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and this is what is happening now in yemen, this is the return of the united states, britain to such, i don't know, world police behavior, how serious is what is now there, well, if syria did not directly threaten the united states, or something like that an important principle for them, such as the freedom of navigation, then surely there would be other actions, other measures to syria, to assad, here we are dealing with the fact that... 12-15% of the world's commercial shipping is endangered, this is very significantly, and it hits the interests of the united states directly, but even under these conditions, there were doubts that these strikes would take place and that the united states would finally respond, and so it was
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received in the world, in some places with relief, in some places with surprise, in some places with joy, somewhere... well , with completely different opposite feelings, this one night strike, night bombardment of military facilities of the houthis from thursday to friday, how is this for these houthis and where did they get these missiles to terrorize the entire shipping industry like that, they hit yemin, and you are talking about iran, what is the point here iran, just for people who, for example, do not understand this, do not understand what is happening there, explain? why was it important for the united states and britain to strike this blow? well , why is it important, i have already said, because it is due to global shipping, global logistics, and it also promotes inflation in europe, and not at all only in europe, in the world, and here iran and yemen, well, look, to bite is
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a military and political movement, parts. part of the swedish population in yemen, it got its name in the late 1990s, there in the 1990s, on behalf of the person who founded it, hussein al-hussi. so this hussein alhousi, during the period when he was in conflict with the government of yemen, he was in iran in general, and even his yemeni theologians. the shytskyi accused him of being too pro-iranian, of rejecting their heritage, so how did this alhousi lay the foundations. so his movement pusytskyi is very much subordinate to iran, where did they get weapons from iran, what did they attack, try to attack israel and
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try to attack ships? shakhet 136, well known to us ukrainians, ballistic, anti-ship missiles, these are the ones that russia is trying to get from iran, fully military equipment of the houthi movement. who control most of the territory of yemen, it is all iranian, as well as the instructors, as well as the resources, money and everything else. if we talk about how it is, how events will develop now, there are many countries and regimes have said in the middle east that they will give a strong response, which may be a response to these attacks on yemen. i apologize, maybe i missed who there made a strong response, i just there were,
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there were exactly these statements, there were, i think, they were talking about it, at least all these different islamic groups, well, they said , iranian allies, iranian partners could say and iranian proxies, who could speak, well... and erdogan. hustys are generally not perceived as closely as these, for example. no one expects that after the hussite bombings military facilities in egypt or jordan , there will be protests against american intervention. definitely yes, of course, iran activates its proxies, its friends, there in one iraq, you know, one and a half dozen different ones. they activate in order to strike at the pylats and everything else, they are at their american bases in iraq, make loud
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statements, beat everything in the chest there, jump and make all kinds of other big noise so that everyone is scared of them and runs away, well, this is this everyone knows the game in advance, bloomberg wrote about the fact that such secret or unannounced victories apparently took place. is saudi arabia now trying to be such a mediator, i mean the negotiations between moscow, kiev and the mediators, how saudi, what is saudi arabia's interest here, how serious can they be, how to put it, mediators in diplomatic efforts to end this war . well, they are saudi arabia and in general the countries of this south, it is called the south, the name is wrong, but okay, let's use it, they are looking
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for their place in the world, they understand that after the end of the war, no matter how it ends, there will be a change in the world order in order to bargain for a bigger place, a more important place than them. now we have to be in the process, and it is rather not about mediation between kyiv and moscow, but rather about finding our place, what we can offer, what we can, what we can claim, for example, the security council of the end of the war will be updated, will enter there saudi arabia or not, they have the same ambition as in turkey, for example, yes, as in india, as in... as permanent members, how will the voting mechanisms change, in because what will remain after, what will happen after the un, these are all issues that will be decided,
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of course, by the winners, but in order not to forget about you, you need to show activity now, which is what saudi arabia is trying to do, and the trial has begun in gas the south the african republic accuses israel of the genocide of the palestinians, and here the south african republic has nothing to do with israel? well, this is again an attempt to play a role, so it's interesting that erdogan didn't fall for it, right? he made such noises, he threatened israel so much, by the way, now he is one of the few leaders of the countries of the middle east, well, from... this turkish to the middle east, which also condemned the american strikes on the houthis, and so it is interesting, more interesting is not what the pair submitted, but
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what turkey, despite all... investments in the palestinian cause they did not do this, because against the background of loud statements that the trade turnover with israel only increased, this year, i suspect that for the last six months as well, the south african republic does not have any contacts with israel now, moreover, there is a hereditary one, the anc , the african national congress that rules there. without continues to rule after the end of the apartheid regime, had historical ties with palestinian organizations, this topic is very popular with the top, the ruling top, they are also trying to act as some kind of leader, and attracting
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attention to themselves... well, in general, i read more skeptical assessments of how this process could end, frankly skeptical, but well, all the same, a couple of them finished their work, one act after another, so that the proceedings could begin, they are already enough in principle, another topic that i briefly wanted would like to touch on, this is a topic that relates directly to the sanctions against the russians of the russian federation, i am subscribed to twitter, in particular to this robin brooks, he is a senior economist of the international monetary fund, and he researches actual exports, articles of export, export indicators from european countries in particular, and he drew attention to the fact that that since the beginning of the russian invasion since february 22, countries such as kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, armenia, especially kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan are
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very. once you can look at this graph, they have simply, simply, increased many times over exports from the countries of the european union, and for the most part these are exports, for example, this is the export of electric machines, well , different electro electro electromechanisms to kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan from latvia, from latvia it increased by 300%, the same poland 1900% increased various indicators, e. 1000 supplies from the czech republic have increased by 300%, and so on, i understand that it is about a way to simply bypass sanctions, how can you influence this? yes, all the countries that did not join the sanctions directly surrounding russia, they are all beneficiaries, they won a lot, there in armenia there is a fantastic economic growth is now gdp, as well as
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in georgia, azerbaijan, and kazakhstan. pakistan, kyrgyzstan, they are all countries, jurisdictions, as they say, through which gray exports go, uh, just like at one time, last year, around this time, the americans hit turkey in the arm when it came a fairly large delegation from the ministry of finance, where there is this one, the department that deals with sanctions, conducted very detailed negotiations, showed the consequences for the state and for business, but this must be dealt with, this must be done. you have to follow this, you have to deal with it and beat your hands, the absolute majority of those who are engaged in this do not want, first of all, to shine, secondly, to get their hands on it, and where did they see that at least the ex-consul in the united states and now the ukrainian are also
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like that. the great assistant at mcfall has already noticed it and is spreading it too, i hope that it will somehow be in the center of attention of the world media, and in this way we will try to influence it. thank you, mr. sergey, serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, was with us, well annoeva melnyka will be with us now, which means that we are watching a fresh selection of news. anna eva, i congratulate you. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working, you rest a little, and we will tell you about the most important things. there will be support, the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of france, stéphane syjournay, assured his colleague dmytro koleba of this in kyiv, diplomats held bilateral negotiations with.


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