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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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in the united states and now ukrainian too, such a great assistant in makfall has already noticed it and is spreading it, i hope that it will somehow be in the center of attention, the attention of the world media, and in this way we will try to influence it, thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy danilov, the deputy director of the near eastern studies center was with us, and now anno eva melnyk will be with us, which means that we are watching a fresh selection of news, anno eva, you have a word, congratulations, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, team news works, you a little relax, and we will tell you about... most importantly. there will be support, the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of france, stéphane syjournay, assured his colleague dmytro koleba in kyiv. diplomats held bilateral negotiations at devoted to defense
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cooperation, as well as ukraine's accession to the european union and nato and bringing the russian federation to justice. according to the head of ukrainian diplomacy, the parties also discussed the supply of systems to protect the ukrainian sky. today we agreed that we will work on creation the most favorable conditions for the interaction of our defense companies. primarily in the legal sphere, so that the legal and financial conditions of interaction between them could be as favorable as possible and they could produce as many weapons as possible. i know you appreciate the french technology that is being supplied to you to protect your land. we are determined to jointly strengthen ukraine's ability to produce weapons on its own land and are ready to come to... to help in
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this area. in chernihiv, the consequences of the morning enemy attack due to falling debris are being eliminated russian rocket, 15 private and one apartment building and three shops were damaged. fortunately, people survived. a dog died in the yard closest to the epicenter of the explosion. this is one of the areas of the city that suffered at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. therefore, part of the houses were already destroyed and people did not live in them - said the acting official. of the city mayor oleksandr lomako. residents of chernihiv, whose homes are damaged, are promised help with film for windows, as well as roof repairs. airstrikes in kharkiv oblast. the enemy shelled the city of vovchansk at night the village of zolochiv, the prosecutor's office of the region informs. in vovchansk, aerial bombs damaged a communal enterprise, a lyceum, private homes and commercial buildings. in zolochiv , private houses were destroyed due to the attack.
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the law enforcement officers do not report on the victims. two people were injured as a result of enemy shelling in the kherson region. in the morning, the enemy covered dniprovske with fire. a 63-year-old woman was injured there, the regional military administration reports. at night in the village of sadove, a man was injured due to shelling. his house burned to the ground, as did the russian army from the temporarily occupied left bank attacked the dnieper. kherson district, houses were damaged, there were five flights in total, three flights, somewhere loud, somewhere close, and then the second flight was very loud, i was leaving the hall, it just crashed, then i sat down, my door had already opened, the glass was falling , and this house has already arrived. and a report on the losses of the occupiers on
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the left bank of the kherson region. the defense forces of ukraine continue to strike at locations of deployment, the enemy, firing positions and rears. according to intelligence data of the previous day, the occupiers lost 38 soldiers, one radio-electronic warfare station, three cars and a control point for drones. but putin's army is intensifying its actions. for this, the marines and the landing force are being brought up. troops in order to improve the effectiveness of assault operations, break through our defenses and take away the bridgehead, natalya gumenyuk, the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south, informed about this. i remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel. the 14th brigade of the 61st battalion in the kupyan direction needs a car. to perform combat tasks and our defenders need a pick-up truck to transport the wounded. its peculiarity. in that
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he can move through swampy terrain. it costs uah 250.00. you and i have already collected 109 thousand. please join and donate any amount. remember. that, every hryvnia of yours brings our victory closer. they ran away and lost a friend. in vinnytsia, border guards detained a group of men who wanted to illegally enter the transnistrian segment of the ukrainian- moldovan border. go through fields and forest strips. at first, the law enforcement officers detained him five violators. they admitted that there was another person with them, but he got lost. so the border guards continued their search and in a matter of minutes detained one more. husband, protocols were drawn up on all of them and handed over to the court. not for the first time, poland raised its aviation because of russian missile attacks on ukraine this morning, the operational command of the polish armed forces reported. the military also activated all necessary
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procedures to ensure the safety of polish airspace. for example, residents of the southeast were warned about the increased noise level. thanks to the successful ones. air defense operations of the armed forces of poland and the allies returned to standard operations. instant karma in russia a rocket fell in the krasnodar region. most likely, it is the kha-11 that the occupiers launched this morning to attack ukraine. the video was published in russian media. it shows an eruption and the rocket itself, which is smoking. there is no information about the victims and destruction. parts of the highway were closed in connection with the implementation of special measures by law enforcement officers. for the moment i have everything, i tell you see you already fr 17th, read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close.
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the president of ukraine bought an estate in germany that belonged to the nazis. the authenticity of this and other propaganda statements was checked by my colleagues from the french tv channel 24. next, the section is true or fake, let's see. and now our column is true or fake. i am joined by my colleague vedika bahl. congratulations vedi. i know that there are reports that president zelensky has bought himself another one house, this time it's a villa owned by a nazi in germany, tell us more. yes, tom, that's right, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky very often becomes the object
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of such statements, in particular accusations that he uses the event's funds to buy luxury real estate. in the last such statement, which became viral, it was said. that he spent 8 million euros on the purchase of this luxurious villa wogensee, a country house on the outskirts of berlin, on the shores of lake bogensee. it is resonant that the house used to belong joseph goebbels, one of hitler's ministers, thus became the owner of the house in berlin. the statement that zelensky bought this estate was spread by the russian embassy in the republic of south africa, indicating that it is for ukraine, namely that ukraine is a nazi state. impressive, because the post has received hundreds of thousands of views in ex.
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it looks like a little house, but, vedika, please tell me, do you know where such statements come from? in answering this question, i want to say that... everything points to the user named sabina mels. at the end of december, this girl posted a video on youtube in which she explains in german that while working at the berlin real estate agency, she saw documents in the hands of a colleague confirming the sale of the mentioned property. in this video, she also points out that berlin has been trying for more than 20 years to sell real estate, which under hitler was owned by one of... here on the screen is a copy of the sales contract concluded with one of zelenskyi's companies, the company that is going language, the film heritage incorporated, zelenskyi really knows. another name is mentioned in the document, dr. frederica schellenberg,
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acting as a notary, who allegedly witnessed this deed. however, i am clear. facts that indicate it's a fake. let's move on to the person of sabine mals. it is difficult to find it on the internet. here is the only account found on the ex social network, which is larger. less responded to our request, all her tweets are in german and they are related to the topic of ukraine, but if you scroll further, we see tweets in arabic. meanwhile, a bbc study also discovered that the photo attached to the account was actually a photo of another person, namely alice hudson. so different to... sabina's profile raised doubts, and what about
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it seems that something is wrong. that is, the purchase agreement itself, is there anything suspicious there? that's right, the real estate company confirmed that sabina mels never worked in their state, they also confirmed that the indicated... was not for sale, and regarding the notary, dr. frederica schellenberg, she stated that she has not been in business for 10 years notary activity, she is already 70 years old, according to german legislation, she can no longer work in this field, therefore she has been retired for a long time, according to her, the document was made extremely clumsily, so we can be sure that this is... another example of pro-russian propaganda regarding zelenskyi's financial assets, which only repeats kremlin
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narratives about nazism in ukraine. in view of the conducted research, we recognize that this is a fake. and even from here it is clear that they did not bother much about the document, they used a copy, and that was all. thank you very much vediko, for this edition of the "truth or fake" program. fyodor was a military man in the past, and now he is the owner of a family cafe in irpen. during the occupation of kyiv region, his establishment was damaged by the occupiers, and after their escape, the cafe was also robbed. the entrepreneur submitted an application for the grant competition. hoping to be able to resume his business. i won the project, i was doing
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my own, the curator, which is that i want to buy e granitor, this is such a machine for creating slush, i want to raise, raise the range, mainly for children, because i understand that mostly children will be happy to use it, so that you can use natural juice to make high-quality and... do your own thing, a competition for entrepreneurs in small towns and villages, this year it was scaled up and started in september together with brad curator to support entrepreneurs from the field of ferret, catering establishments, catering hotels. the competition received 84 applications from all over ukraine. the organizers selected 10 winners who received grant funds. this year , the focus was on initiatives related to... volunteering, or supporting the military, the main criterion was that we could
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help, first of all, the military, and secondly , internally displaced persons, that is, we, you know, it is always difficult to help, because it is necessary to determine, and who is the most difficult now, that is why we took those layers populations that are currently the most vulnerable or those that need help here and now. due to the hostilities, thousands of food establishments closed or suspended their work, the mhp gromadi charity fund decided to join in helping some of these businesses, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the fund systematically supports communities and people who need it. through this competition, we also develop services in communities, and contribute to the creation of jobs and, accordingly, the acquisition of the budget from the activities of these entrepreneurs. together with the curator, we created this competition to support and stimulate business in the field of
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ferret for small hotels, restaurants, businesses, coffee shops. the organizers hope that the winners of the competition will be able to restore and expand their businesses. such small enterprises will help develop the communities in which they are located will provide new vacancies on the ground. from 2020, the winners and participants of the competition. created dozens of new enterprises in the agricultural sector, light and food industry, green tourism and other areas. we are returning to our telethon, and just now let's talk a little about the very important law, the law on lobbying, which was already supported by the verkhovna rada at the request of the european union. we have said a lot about this, that actually in ukraine there is bribery of deputies, all kinds
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of different influences, lobbying, hidden and so on further, and they said that there should be... legal lobbying, so, for example, in the united states, when you can pay, there is a special, there is a market for services, and so on, that is , who is engaged in lobbying, a person who is not ashamed of the fact that she is a lobbyist, but at the same time there are a lot of restrictions for lobbyists, so this does not mean that you simply buy democracy for money, but what kind of draft law is passed in our country, to what extent does it solve the problems with political corruption, or is everything with it ok, now we will talk with viktor zeleznyuk, lawyer, manager practice ar in the ederhaber company. so, mr. viktor, have a good day. good day, good day. christ was born on your holidays. praise him. let's praise him. mr. viktor, have you read this law, which was supported by the verkhovna rada in the first reading. what are your thoughts on this? you know, i didn't just read it, i took a direct part in
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working out the texts of this draft law on the basis of various profiles. associations, public associations, well, actually this is what i do for a significant part of my professional life, i know the text of this well of the draft law, both the one that was being worked on and the one that the government has already introduced directly to the parliament, in the introductory part you absolutely clearly outlined the importance of this draft law that, in fact, it is an alternative to corruption, it is about white lobbying and that in the whole civilized world above all... the gray united states of america, this is not a miracle for a long time, still cannot be accepted by our society, and this is the step that will put everything on the rails of law, on the rails of transparency and white legal lobbying. ah, there are both successful and unsuccessful people in the world, actually examples when lobbying was legally tried
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to be squeezed into some legislative framework, that is , on the one hand, it seems that there is the usa, and where everything seems to be good and bad with... but for example, well, not everywhere it works so well, in your opinion, and are there any pitfalls in that text of the law, as of now? you know, in order to say and give an analysis of this text, i will once again briefly return to the story itself, how it developed, including my position at the stage of development, when it was still at the stage of discussion, to date this the draft law, let's put it this way... is simple in many respects, and this is a very wise position, this has always been my position and that of our company that today we are talking about establishing rules, this is new for us, if today we regulate or to walk, the reaction will be the opposite. today, this law that is to be adopted, the draft law that was adopted in the first reading,
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essentially sets some frameworks and only begins to shape the rules of the game. what you are saying is that there are different examples. of successful and unsuccessful examples of legalization of lobbying around the world, this is it precisely because there are at least some rules, when there are rules, only then can we say that a successful or unsuccessful person violates or does not violate something, i consider first of all in order to analyze this approach to this law itself, which should establish the rules at this stage, then we will improve it, refine it, add to it, and it will meet the needs of our society, but for today the question is... what is a lobbyist? it is essentially an intermediary between business, between the state, and between business and not it must be understood that this is some specific small issue, but usually it is an issue that concerns the umbrella organization of a whole, that is, it is an entire industry or a whole group of enterprises that represent a part of the economy, and here, let's say, the state
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is interested, if not to the extent maybe even more in the fact that there should be quality legislation for... in order for business to develop, and the state will never prescribe certain rules of the game from the cabinet, as a practitioner who in practice can recommend, fix something somewhere, and this will correspond to and for the interests of the state, society, and business, we need to get rid of these remnants of the scoop forever, when the state is some kind of outside player, when the state is some, you know, arbiter. no , we are talking about the fact that the state is equally interested in ensuring that the interests of business are qualitatively represented by a lobbyist, and the key thing that this law provides, if we characterize this law specifically, is precisely that transparency in... the introduction of the transparency register, because what can be more transparent and where there can be bias is just clear for of all procedures, when we say that a specific lobbyist or a specific lobbyist company
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represents this or that association, let's say, this or that business group and lobbies for this or that issue, everything is transparent, everything will be indicated and all the rules of the game must be spelled out. as far as i understand, there was also a question in both draft laws, i understand that this is a draft law on... зк exactly voted now from the national anti -corruption agency? yes, yes, yes, well, he, he is from nzk, but he is a compromiser, there, to his credit to say, the opinions of the public are taken into account, as well as those of us as lawyers, who worked there, who today work in the field of government relations, i.e. those who are lobbyists, de facto today, this is a government bill, yes, but it is on the basis of the fact that the final version was developed by the zk, whether it was possible to distinguish the issue itself. lobbying and advocacy for people who watch us will say that i, for example, engaged in advocacy to a certain extent myself, because when you, for example, as a journalist receive, for example, a grant from some international organization with
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support for some reform that you yourself believe in , and in fact it is done, for example, that is, advocacy takes place, it is not where big money is earned, it is informational support for changes, for example, of some kind, but sometimes it is difficult to carry it out, well, that is, relatively speaking , if you... make some product and distribute it for free, that's advocacy, and if it's lobbying, then how does it work, and will lobbying be the multi-billion dollar market that some people think it is? er, i will start with the first part of the order of chronology, back questions, regarding advocacy, i also heard and repeatedly heard in the public space and during the development of certain reservations, the ones you just voiced from civil society, other organizations, er, maybe they see some problem somewhere further down the line, which has a place for discussion, but i i will say my opinion that at this stage this problem has been removed,
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because today the law clearly distinguishes some things, it defines the definition of what advocacy is, in india the definition of what lobbying is, and advocacy is defined precisely by what you called, this is essentially social interests, this as social advertising, let's say, yes, as social advertising, it is when public. association, this is when certain interest groups achieve some goal not in the interests of business, in the interests of the public interest, and they also lobby for certain interests, but behind this there is some social goal, what you say, the main ones, well you see, these are all terms that we wax lyrical about, so there is a public purpose, there is not a public purpose, from the point of view of legal definition, legal delimitation, then this draft law the main criterion says that the lawyer. is carried out on a free basis, that is why it is delimited, moreover, the concept of advocacy is given a little more widely there for what gets there, who gets there and what kind of activity,
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well, in addition to advocacy, there are also highlighted issues that relate to, say, a referendum, issues related to public dialogue, social and so on and so on, well, for the sake of justice, we must say what we already see, there is a small flaw, well, not a flaw, a question that needs to be worked out a little, what is there in in previous editions, lobbying was clearly defined as paid work, in this edition , which was voted on in the first reading, it is not defined there, which may alarm that it is somehow approaching advocacy, but there the question is different, that lobbying can be carried out in the interests of the client, as well as in the own interests of, let's say, the lobbying company itself, then i assume that it was taken precisely because, well, because it would be ridiculous to say that a company that carries out lobbying in its own interests is for itself. you just need this part it will be refined a little, the revision in the first reading was adopted taking into account the decision of the committee, which allows for a fairly extensive
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revision before the second reading, the deadline for submitting amendments ends on january 24, and after that we proceed to the formation of the final revision before the second reading, well, and going to the editorial office the law as a whole. well, it's nice to hear that we are moving in such european civilized... norms, rules to normal rules, it remains a trifle to fix parliamentary democracy in ukraine and, in principle, let's get to work. thank you thank you for the conversation, viktor zaliznyuk was with us, a lawyer, head of the jr jr practice of the ader haber company, and now we are going to take a short, short break, pause, pause, and then we will come back and continue. there are 10% discounts on psyllium in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings. you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress,
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vasyl's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii. from now on, in a new two-hour format, studentcom will have even more analytics, even more important topics, and even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel
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espresso and ukrainian foam. present the project own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, special guests, own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we are dear friends. we are back on the air and will continue our marathon, now we will to talk about another such train, as the poles say, of international visits to ukraine, of all kinds of country leaders, evgeny magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics will join us, a beautiful poem, andriy read about rishi sunak, and this is yurii beley, a poet from transcarpathia and... he said
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that the rishi was a very good motorist, and the boy was a bit of a jerk. and ian dobronosov, the photographer, as evidence shows that he and the boy went to ukraine with a blue and yellow bracelet, and mr. zelensky also noticed it, immediately awarded her with an order, so well it's not that simple that he has a bracelet? billions of pounds sterling, and the cover of the actually security agreement that was signed, that this security... agreement actually means how much we need those 2 billion now, well, it is so clear that we need it, we will talk about it now yevgeny magdo, executive the director of the institute of world politics, is he already, is he already, mr. yevgeny, mr. yevheny, congratulations, glory to the heroes, mr. yevheny , actually, what does this security agreement, signed by ukraine and britain, mean, what it gives us.


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